The most dangerous criminal in England. Charles Bronson is a prisoner forever. "Fitness in solitary confinement"

Charles Bronson is a great actor known for such films as Rain Passenger, Red Sun, The Magnificent Seven and many more.

Charles Bronson has played more than 120 roles, entering the history of world cinema as one of the outstanding actors. In this article we will take a closer look at this wonderful and talented person.

Short biography of Charles Bronson

The real name of Charles Bronson, born in 1921, is Charles Dennis Buchinsky. He began to call himself Charles Bronson in connection with the exacerbation of anti-communist views in the United States of America.

It's just that his real name was similar to the Slavic, so he decided to take a pseudonym for himself.

Family and childhood

The boy grew up in large family Polish-Lithuanian emigrants. He was the 11th child of his parents. His childhood was difficult and brought him little joy.

When Charles was 10 years old, his father died, leaving the family without a breadwinner. Because of this, the future actor had to start working very early.

The formation of personality

Initially, Charles Bronson did not dream that he would one day become famous actor. In his youth, he had to participate in the Second World War.

Charles Bronson

He was an air gunner in the Pacific Fleet.

During his service, Bronson repeatedly showed courage and courage, for which he was awarded the Purple Star.

After the end of the war, Charles for a long time could not decide on his future profession. At first he worked in different places, but did not stay anywhere for a long time.

Once he tried himself in the role theater actor in a troupe from Philadelphia. In this field, he managed to achieve great success.

Soon he gained recognition from the audience who came to the performances, as a result of which Bronson studied at the theater school and started looking for serious roles.

The beginning of a film career

For the first time, Charles Bronson made his debut on the set in 1951 in the military film You're in the Navy, playing the role of a sailor.

After that, he starred in films such as "Museum wax figures”, “Miss Sadie Thompson” and “Stagecoach Guard”.

And although all these roles were not the main ones, they helped the actor gain invaluable experience. Only in the 50s of the 20th century, Bronson managed to attract the attention of the public, playing in several famous films and serials.

star roles

In 1960, the actor starred in one of the most famous westerns, The Magnificent Seven. This motion picture made him truly popular all over the world.

For his performance in the film, Charles Bronson received at that time a fabulous fee of $50,000.

After this tape was shown in, he called Bronson his favorite actor.

After 2 years, another successful film "The Great Escape" was released, with the participation of Charles Bronson, in which he played a Polish prisoner. He masterfully embodied the image of a person suffering from claustrophobia.

His acting was so alive and true that it seemed like he was actually facing this problem in real life.

In the 60s, the demand for Charles Bronson was extremely high. Films with his participation came out one after another. The drama The Dirty Dozen received several Oscars, and the western Once Upon a Time in the West became a true cult in society.

Films by Charles Bronson 70-80s

In the 70s, Bronson continues to be among the most sought-after actors. One after another, the following films with his participation are released:

  • "Cold-blooded killer"
  • "White Bison"
  • "The Last Bullet"
  • "Enemy at the Door"
  • "Death Wish"
  • "Horses of Valdez"
  • "Rain Passenger"
  • "The escape"
  • "Red sun"

In the 80s, due to health problems, Charles began to appear less frequently in films. However, during this period of time he managed to star in one of the famous paintings "Ten Minutes Before Midnight".

Bronson's personal life

1962 Bronson met on the set with Jill Ireland, who at that time was married. This girl won his heart at first sight, so the actor decided to win her at all costs.

After 6 years, Jill became his wife. Together they lived more than 20 joyful and happy years. In marriage, they had two children.

However, their happiness was overshadowed by the fact that Jill Ireland fell ill with cancer. For several years she struggled with this disease, but it was not possible to defeat her. In 1990, at the age of 54, Jill died.

Last years

After the death of his wife, the health of the actor deteriorated even more. He starred in just a few films, and then completely pulled away from public life.

However, Charles Bronson lived to be 81 years old and died on August 30, 2003 from pneumonia at the Cedars Sinai Medical Center, where he had been treated for several weeks.

Outlaw Charles Bronson

The famous criminal Michael Gordon Peterson, who is considered the most cruel prisoner in the UK, had Charles Bronson as his favorite actor.

Michael Gordon Peterson

He liked his game so much that he even took the pseudonym of his idol.

IN total this gangster spent more than 30 years behind bars, having managed to change more than 120 prisons. One of his most notorious atrocities was the post office robbery in 1974.

Peterson made history different reasons. He constantly violated the prison routine, fought with guards and with cellmates.

However, along with all this, his interest in art did not weaken.

No matter how surprising it sounds, he is also known as an artist and poet. Amazingly, Bronson-Peterson managed to repeatedly sell his work, getting a very good profit for them.

In 2013, the film "Bronson" was filmed, which showed the story of Charles Michael. main role Tom Hardy played in this picture. This actor even visited the criminal in prison, making good impressions about him.

"Fitness in solitary confinement"

Despite the fact that Michael spent most of his life behind bars, he was constantly in excellent physical shape. By the way, this is clearly seen in his photographs.

Prisoner Charles Bronson was able to show his talent in the writing field. He wrote a book called Fitness in Solitary Confinement. In this work, the author tells readers about how to make your body muscular without spending money on purchasing different simulators.

The book presents detailed diagram daily workouts. The author claims that such a system is suitable for any person, regardless of his physical fitness. "Fitness in solitary confinement" became a very popular and best-selling book in England.

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A cult American actor of the mid-twentieth century, he became famous for his roles in the films The Great Escape, The Magnificent Seven and Once Upon a Time in the Wild West. His real name is Charles Dennis Buchinsky. But the audience and the millionth army of fans know him under the stage name Charles Bronson.

Childhood and youth

He was born in Pennsylvania in 1921. The childhood of Charles Dennis, the eleventh child of 15 children of Polish-Lithuanian emigrants, was not carefree. Charles was the first of all Buchinsky to complete his education in high school. English language he learned on his own, communicating with local yard boys.

The childhood of young Charlie Buchinsky ended at the age of 10. father died big family so the boy had to go to work. At first he worked in the office of a coal mine, and soon in the mine itself. Later famous actor he recalled that the poverty in their house was such that once he even had to put on his sister's dress to go to school.

Second World War did not pass the young man. Buchinsky went to the war zone. He ended up in the Pacific Fleet and served as an air gunner. For his valor and bravery, he was awarded the Purple Star.

After the end of the war, the young man long years looking for myself in different areas life until he joined a theater troupe in Philadelphia. It was only when he stepped onto the stage that he realized that acting was his true calling.

Buchinsky understood that without acting education he can not break into the movie Olympus. Therefore, he entered and successfully graduated from Pasadena Playhouse, a theater school in the California city of Pasadena.


A cinematic biography of Charles Bronson, the future legend of world cinema, began in 1950, when he was preparing to celebrate his 30th birthday. The first 12 films in which he starred, the actor was listed in the credits under his real name. But during the time of the McCarthy "witch hunt", he decided to change his too "Slavic" surname to an Anglo-Saxon one.

Bronson's debut film was the military picture "Now you're in the Navy", where he got the role of a sailor. The film was released on the big screens in 1951. 2 years later, the films "Wax Museum", "Miss Sadie Thompson" and "Stagecoach Guard" followed. Everywhere the artist got supporting roles, which did not bring much popularity, but played an invaluable role in acquiring acting skills.

In the late 1950s, Bronson was entrusted with a number of leading roles in films that proved to be very successful at the box office. The brightest of them are the crime drama Kelly the Machine Gun and the TV series The Man with the Camera.

The breakthrough in his career came with the release of the brilliant Western The Magnificent Seven in 1960. The role of the shooter in this film brought the artist the first - at that time fabulous - fee: 50 thousand dollars. It is noteworthy that this film received the greatest popularity in the Soviet Union. Bronson has become a favorite actor.

After 2 years, Charles pleased his fans with a new painting - "The Great Escape". Interestingly, the role of a Polish prisoner suffering from claustrophobia turned out to be quite close to Bronson: he himself suffered from this disease.

The peak of the fame of this actor falls on the 1960-70s of the twentieth century. The most striking and beloved by the audience pictures with his participation can be called the films "The Dirty Dozen" and "Once Upon a Time in the Wild West".

The drama The Dirty Dozen won several Oscars at once, and the cult western Once Upon a Time in the West by the famous Italian director Sergio Leone brought the actor to a new level of popularity. The director himself called Bronson "the greatest actor with whom he had the opportunity to work."

Of the artist's works of the 1970s, it should be noted the paintings "Rain Passenger", "Red Sun" and "Enemy Behind the Door". This is the time when Charles Bronson already has the status of a world movie star. His fees were called crazy: for each of his roles, he received within the boundaries of a million dollars.

Most often, the artist is filmed in westerns and action films. Audiences and critics are crazy about the films "Cold-Blooded Killer", "Half-Breed Valdez" and "Death Wish". The action movie "Death Wish" was so successful that the directors decided to make a sequel. It came out in 1994.

In the 1980s, the star was removed less and less. One of the most notable films of this period is Ten Minutes Before Midnight. old age takes his.

The actor has his own star on Hollywood Alley glory.

Personal life

The Hollywood star, for whom millions of fans sighed, was monogamous. When the beautiful Jill Ireland, whom he adored, agreed to marry him, it seemed that Bronson was flying in the clouds. Their marriage was long and strong. Love and understanding of this beautiful couple envied by many colleagues. It was an atypical Hollywood marriage.

The personal life of Charles Bronson with Jill was surprisingly happy: his beloved wife bore him wonderful children. But the light went out for the star when he found out that his wife had cancer.

For her life, Bronson fought for a long 6 years. He was ready to give up everything he had and throw all his money to save his beloved, just to bring her back to life. In that difficult period he refused to shoot and did not leave his sick wife. Dying, the woman whispered that she would remain with him, like a guardian angel, forever. But Jill asked her husband to find a life partner and try to be happy.

For several years after the death of his wife, Bronson led a reclusive lifestyle. When he finally began to go out, Kim Wicks, Jill's former personal secretary, was seen next to him. It seemed that a smile began to flicker on the face of the gloomy Charles, and in December 1998, Charles and Kim got married.

He soon discovered mental disorder. Bronson told his attending physician that he was in constant contact with dead wife. According to him, once she even saved his life. The man dreamed that Jill asked him to take a taxi without fail. The next morning, he did so, instructing the driver to check the car. It turned out that in the car, in which the actor went to the shooting every morning, there was a serious malfunction.


IN last years the life of the famous artist suffered from. After the death of his wife in 1990, his health deteriorated significantly.

He lived another 13 years and died in August 2003 at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. He came here with pneumonia, which he was unsuccessfully treated for several weeks.


  • 1958 - "Automatic Kelly"
  • 1960 - The Magnificent Seven
  • 1963 - "The Great Escape"
  • 1967 - "The Dirty Dozen"
  • 1968 - "Once Upon a Time in the West"
  • 1970 - "Rain Passenger"
  • 1971 - "Red Sun"
  • 1974 - "Death Wish"
  • 1983 - "Ten Minutes to Midnight"
  • 1987 - Murder
  • 1993 - "Under the threat of death"
  • 1995-1999 - "The Family of Policemen"

Charles Bronson- a cult American actor of the mid-20th century; known for his roles in the films Goodbye Friend, The Great Escape, The Magnificent Seven and Once Upon a Time in the Wild West.

Biography of Charles Bronson / Charles Bronson

The real name of the actor is Charles Dennis Buchinsky. He was born in 1921 in Pennsylvania, he was one of fifteen children in a family of Polish-Lithuanian immigrants. Charles changed his surname during the activities of Senator McCarthy in the 50s - "Buchinsky" sounded "too Russian", which did not contribute to his future career.

Charles Bronson became the first member of his family to complete his high school education. Although as a child he did not even know how to speak English and learned the language in the yard while communicating with local boys. When the boy was ten years old, his father died, so he had to start working - Charles went to work in a coal mine; first to the office, and therefore already to the mine itself. His family was so poor that once he even had to wear his sister's dress to school - there was simply nothing else to wear.

During World War II Charles Bronson went to the war zone - he served as an air gunner on the Pacific front and even received a Purple Star for his services.

After the war, Bronson worked in many fields until he joined a theater company in Philadelphia. In the 50s, he moved to Los Angeles and began taking acting classes; from the time he was trusted with small roles in various films. His first film was Now you're in the Navy(1951), where Charles played one of the sailors. Then there was the tape The Wax Museum"(1953)," Miss Sadie Thompson" (1953) and " stagecoach guard"- all supporting roles that did not bring much fame to the artist. In addition, at that time Charles Bronson periodically starred in serials.

By the end of the 50s Charles Bronson already managed to star in several films in the lead roles. For example, in the crime drama Heavy Kelly"(1958) and in the TV series" Man with a camera on the ABC channel.

The turning point in the career of the actor was the western " The Magnificent Seven"(1960), where Bronson played the role of one of the shooters. For this image, he received a large fee for those times of $ 50,000. The picture gained particular popularity in the Soviet Union - both the film and Charles Bronson Vladimir Vysotsky.

Two years later, another successful tape with Bronson came out - “ big escape»; there he played a Polish prisoner who suffered from claustrophobia (the actor himself suffered from this psychological illness).

In the 60s Charles Bronson played a lot on television, and in 1967 the film " Dirty Dozen", a successful military drama, awarded several Oscars. Well, a year later the premiere of the cult film " Once Upon a Time in the Wild West» Sergio Leone; the famous Italian director later called Bronson "one of the greatest actors with whom he had the opportunity to work."

Of the significant works of Bronson of that time, it is worth noting " The passenger of the rain"(1969)," Red sun" (1971) and " Enemy at the door» (1971). Since the 70s, the actor has already acquired the status of a world celebrity and began to receive crazy fees for his roles - about a million dollars. He continued to act out characters in westerns and action crime films - for example, in the films " Cold-blooded killer"(1973)," Valdez half-breed" (1973) and " Death Wish"(1974). The latter film received four sequels, the last of which was released in 1994.

One of the most famous work Charles Bronson in the 80s became the film " Ten minutes to midnight» (1983). By this time, the age of the actor had already relatively affected, so the number of roles began to decrease over time. In the 90s, nothing particularly remarkable with Bronson was released, and in 1998, at the age of 81, the outstanding actor died. In his later years, he suffered from Alzheimer's disease.

Filmography of Charles Bronson / Charles Bronson
  • 1995 - Family of Cops 3 / Family of Cops III
  • 1995 - Family of Cops 2: Treachery / Family of Cops II: Breach of Faith
  • 1995 - Family Of Cops / Family Of Cops
  • 1994 - Death Wish 5: The Face of Death Death Wish V: The Face of Death
  • 1993 - Under the threat of death / Donato And Daughter
  • 1993 - sea ​​wolf/ The Sea Wolf
  • 1991 Yes Virginia, There Is Santa Claus
  • 1991 - The Indian Runner / The Indian Runner
  • 1989 - Forbidden Subject / Kinjite - Forbidden Subjects
  • 1988 - Messenger Of Death / Messenger Of Death
  • 1987 - Assassination / Assassination
  • 1987 - Death Wish 4: Defeat / Death Wish 4: The Crackdown
  • 1986 - Murphy's Law / Murphy's Law
  • 1985 - Death Wish 3 / Death Wish 3
  • 1985 - Act of revenge / Act Of Vengeance
  • 1984 - Evil done by people / The Evil That Men Do
  • 1983 - 10 minutes before midnight / 10 To Midnight
  • 1982 - Death wish 2 / Death Wish II
  • 1981 - death hunt/Death Hunt
  • 1980 - Borderline / Borderline
  • 1979 - Love and Bullets / Love And Bullets
  • 1977 - Telephone / Telefon
  • 1977 - Raid on Entebbe / Raid On Entebbe
  • 1977 - The White Buffalo / The White Buffalo
  • 1976 - St. Ives / St. Ives
  • 1975 - Hard times/ Hard Times
  • 1975 - Escape / Breakout
  • 1975 - Pass of Broken Hearts / Breakheart Pass
  • 1974 - Mr. Majestic / Mr. Majestyk
  • 1974 - Death wish / Death Wish
  • 1973 - Horses of Valdez / Valdez, il mezzosangue
  • 1973 - Stone killer / The Stone Killer
  • 1972 - Mechanic / The Mechanic
  • 1972 - Chato's Land / Chato's Land
  • 1972 - Valachi Papers / Joe Valachi: I Secreti Di Cosa Nostra
  • 1971 - Someone outside the door / Quelqu "Un Derriere La Porte
  • 1971 - Red Sun / Red Sun
  • 1970 - Cold sweat / Cold Sweat
  • 1970 - Family / The Family
  • 1970 - Passenger of the rain / Passager de la pluie, Le
  • 1970 - Violence City / Violence City
  • 1970 - You can't win everyone / You Can "t Win" Em All
  • 1969 - Lola / Lola
  • 1968 - Goodbye friend / Adieu l "ami / Honor Among Thieves
  • 1968 - Once Upon a Time in the West / Once Upon a Time in the West
  • 1968 - Villa Rides
  • 1967 - Dirty Dozen / The Dirty Dozen
  • 1966 - This Property Is Condemned
  • 1965 - Battle of the Bulge / Battle of the Bulge
  • 1964 - Devil's arrows / Guns of Diablo
  • 1963 - Four from Texas / 4 for Texas - Matson
  • 1963 - The Great Escape / The Great Escape
  • 1962 - Kid Galahad / Kid Galahad
  • 1961 - Master of the World / Master of the World
  • 1961 - X-15 / X-15
  • 1960 - The Magnificent Seven / The Magnificent Seven
  • 1956 - Jubal / Jubal
  • 1954 - The wave of crime / City in the dark / The City Is Dark / Crime Wave
  • 1954 - Vera Cruz Vera Cruz
  • 1954 - Apache / Apache
  • 1953 - House of Wax
  • 1952 - Pat and Mike / Pat and Mike
  • 1952 - My six prisoners / My Six Convicts
  • 1952 - The Marrying Kind
  • 1952 - Battle Zone
  • 1951 - Mob / The Mob
  • 1951 - People against O`Hara / The People Against O "Hara
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