Relative of Naina Yeltsina. Jewish Russia. Yeltsin-Putin. Nadezhda Gorskaya, Jewish

You can’t say for sure about this couple - Boris and Naina Yeltsin, whether she chose him or he chose her, because fate itself connected them, endowing them with a feeling that millions only dream of ...

The love biography of Boris Yeltsin and Naina Girina is unique. After all, they decided to get married after six years of friendship. And they even managed to do without the obligatory candy-bouquet period for many.

Bringing young people together student years held in Sverdlovsk, within the walls of the Ural Polytechnic Institute.

Boris was the first guy on the course! - proudly recalls the history of the biography of those years Naina Iosifovna. - Tall, broad-shouldered, smiling, cheerful, the ringleader in any company! And what a well-read, just horror! He knew by heart all domestic and even foreign literature. He was the first to read novelties, it was simply impossible to surprise him with a new novel. Needless to say, all the girls were in love with him!

To the signs of attention, no matter how many there were, Boris treated with great respect, without cynicism and swagger. I wouldn't let myself break girls' hearts.

Yes, he has the manners of a real aristocrat! - more than once, Yeltsin's classmates admired him with a smile. - Oh, Borka, you are not a hero of our time! Would you like to last century, in Pushkin's time!

But the girl Naina, on the contrary, was his complete opposite. Small in stature, modest, inconspicuous appearance. She was afraid to raise her eyes to Boris! Parental upbringing played a role in her shyness - after all, Girina was born and raised in a family of Old Believers, where she was the eldest daughter responsible for the rest. However, she still managed to find a way to the heart of an enviable bachelor...

Paying attention to a quiet classmate Boris made ... an excellent student appetite.

From her room across the street it always smelled delicious! Boris Nikolaevich once admitted. - She knew a lot about homemade borscht and pies! So we became friends - solely on the basis of cooking.

In relation to Naina, Yeltsin behaved rather strangely. He was not going to take care of her, he called her “just a girlfriend” in front of everyone, kissed her on the cheek when they met, but at the same time ... he was terribly jealous of all the suitors!

There were not many of them, Naina Iosifovna smiles. - But, having noticed me with someone, he always arranged an interrogation for me: “Who is this? Are you dating him? You like him? Have you already kissed?

The timid girl was amused and frightened at the same time. And once Boris was even jealous of Naina for photography.

It was a friend of my childhood, - says Naina Iosifovna. - The picture hung above my dorm bed as a memento of home. So Boris, every time he came to me, with irritation tore it off the wall and threw it into the far corner of the room.

The first beauties of the faculty also ran to Tikhona Girina, but with other questions: “Naya, tell me how to attract Borya’s attention? You know him very well! I like it and that's it!" Help unfortunate fans good advice the girl could not, but always agreed to "put in a good word in front of Borey." Yeltsin in such cases only invariably laughed it off: “She is good, but still not you!”

But one day Yeltsin... kissed Naina after a long walk in the park at night. It was in the second year, after the holiday on the occasion of November 7th. The girl's heart skipped a beat. The rest of the night she was tormented by disturbingly sweet thoughts: “What now? Will we meet? Love? Marriage? Is he my destiny?

However, in the morning of the next day, Yeltsin pretended that nothing "such" had happened yesterday. "Hello Friend!" - only casually he threw to her at a meeting. The girl could not figure out the behavior of the guy. The third, fourth and fifth years flew by without any "romantic inclinations" from Yeltsin to Girina.

Naina herself did not show any initiative, despite the fact that she had feelings for Yeltsin. Why? Firstly, strict upbringing did not allow, and secondly, she always believed that a man should make serious decisions himself.

And now it's time to part.

He got a job in Sverdlovsk, and I was sent to Orenburg, - recalls Naina Iosifovna. “Then I thought I would never see him again.”

However, a year later, former classmates met again to stay together forever.

Boris and Naina Yeltsin - biography of personal life

Of course, after graduation, Boris and Naina wrote letters to each other. But how could they replace live student communication? And suddenly - a telegram: “Naina, come urgently! Boris is sick! Heart!" Signature below:

Serezha Palgov is a common acquaintance from the university.

I rushed to Borya with the most terrible thoughts in my head, and he ... met me ruddy, cheerful, healthy, and even with a smile! - exclaims Naina Iosifovna. - And all because the telegram turned out to be a hoax!

Otherwise you wouldn't have come! - with such a slightly strange argument, the “joker” Yeltsin justified his behavior. And immediately invited Naina to get married. - After all, the heart really hurts, only from love! - added a handsome romantic. It turned out that he just needed time to sort out his feelings.

We decided not to delay with the wedding celebration. Naina herself invented the style of the wedding dress, sewed by a familiar craftswoman. They didn’t even bother with the rings - the Komsomol members didn’t recognize such things, and Yeltsin didn’t like jewelry at all.

The festivities took place in the restaurant of the Peasant's House, because it was there that the hall could accommodate ... one hundred guests! Like normal Soviet people, all the guests arrived at the banquet by trams and trolleybuses. They paid for the food themselves. They gave the newlyweds a refrigerator "Saratov" - a real luxury at that time. The celebration ended, as expected, in the hostel, where until recently Boris and Naina lived in neighboring rooms.

We ate everything there - both glasses and plates! - the Yeltsins laughed more than once years later. - For luck, of course! Perhaps that is why they lived together for 51 years.

The honeymoon for the young both took place and did not take place at the same time. It did not take place because yesterday's students simply could not afford at least some travel. Well, it took place because the first weeks after the marriage, the newlyweds lived "as if in a dream."

At five o'clock in the evening, Boris was already at home, waiting for me! - recalls Naina Iosifovna. - He counted minutes at work before meeting me, he loved and missed me so much! I never thought that I would have so much happiness in my life. Immediately and in one hand!

It remains only to add that the newlyweds were not limited to one wedding. Very soon they had to play two more: one for the groom's relatives, and the other for the bride's relatives.

Of course, the Yeltsins' personal life was not always cloudless. The couple got used to each other for a long time and in domestic plan, and in worldview.

Boris was a real Siberian, - says Naina Iosifovna. - Loved the cold! Even in winter he slept with the window open, and swam for a long time and with pleasure in the hole. I was always cold everywhere.

Only in marriage did Girina understand what real female jealousy is. And there were reasons, and almost throughout their lives. After all, Boris Nikolayevich was a prominent man, with intelligence and ambition, in leadership positions. Of course, women did not miss the opportunity to flirt with him.

Why are you always so gallant with them? - Naina Iosifovna repeatedly expressed claims to her husband. - Don't you see that they are just brazenly glued to you?

Do I have the right to be discourteous with people? - retorted Boris Nikolaevich. - After all, I am a public person, many take an example from me! And then you just have to trust me.

And Naina Iosifovna really tried to believe Yeltsin. Sometimes it was very difficult, especially when rumors reached her that he was "very partial" to his doctor, a pretty and well-groomed woman. Of course, she did not write statements against her husband to the party committee or the Politburo. But in a company car, on the way home from a country buffet table, she could make a remark to her husband, “that he obviously went over and danced with a stranger too indecently.” Yeltsin, a man of an explosive nature, reacted to criticism of his wife in his own way: he asked the driver to immediately stop the Volga and drop Naina Iosifovna ... in the middle of an open field! “You will get to Sverdlovsk by yourself!” - Yeltsin threw his wife and disappeared in the dust of the road.

And to this day, it remains a mystery to many, like a small and weak woman had enough patience for the noisy giant Yeltsin. Probably like this real love, boundless and unreserved.

She carried her husband through life like a crystal vase! - one friend once said about Naina Iosifovna. The expression is more than accurate.

Boris Yeltsin - a small weakness of a big man

Despite all the political and economic merits of Yeltsin to the country, many remember him exclusively as a politician who loves to drink hard. He really had such a weakness, and if Naina Iosifovna had not controlled it, it is still unknown whether Boris Nikolaevich would have made such a dizzying career.

“Love for a glass” was in Yeltsin a kind of hereditary, one might even say, genetic. After all, he is a simple village guy from the outback, with a broken nose, without two fingers, torn off during careless handling of a grenade. The family is poor, with many children, worries are above the roof, and there is only one joy - vodka and accordion. A cheerful rural reveler was the father of the first Russian President Nikolai, his eldest son Boris grew up like that.

Over the years, Yeltsin's problems have not diminished. After all, he wanted to make a career, and in order to earn the right to occupy prestigious places, “shock indicators in social construction projects” were required. For the first 13 years of his work experience, Boris Nikolayevich worked for everything: foreman, senior foreman, chief engineer in the construction department, and then the head of the Sverdlovsk house-building plant. And everywhere the same problems awaited him - sometimes there was not enough cement, then there was not enough brick. I had to knock them out by hook or by crook.

Boris Nikolaevich removed the accumulated stress according to an old youthful habit - he drank a glass of "bitter", in wide sips, like compote.

After such a "doping" I could easily go to play volleyball! - Naina Iosifovna admits with a smile. - And when his second daughter was born, he went into a binge! From grief. I really wanted boys...

Boris Nikolayevich also had a hard time in the “dashing nineties”.

I remember how one day he came home and said that the flour reserves in the country would last only three days, Naina Iosifovna continues the story. - For him it was a shock! Salvation, as before, was looking for in a glass of vodka...

For decades, a wise woman did not allow her husband's "alcoholic hobby" to turn into a terrible disease. For example, she strictly followed the family tradition of large family dinners on Sundays. In the circle of daughters, and then grandchildren, Yeltsin forgot about problems at work. Of course, he drank, but only for the mood, only a little.

Boris Yeltsin - biography of the last years of his life

Yeltsin's departure from life in 2007 was a heavy blow for Naina Iosifovna. More than half a century life together- I'm not kidding. And all these years the meaning of the life of a little woman would be her husband.

Every morning she matched the tie to his shirts and suits, and then tied them herself; for his return every day prepared a delicious dinner.

Borya never liked to eat out, - Yeltsin recalls. - In party canteens, for example, no matter how privileged they may be. So it was, and when we lived in Sverdlovsk, and when we moved to Moscow.

And once the first president of Russia almost died in a plane crash. In 1990, the plane in which he was flying made a hard landing in Spain. Fortunately, none of the passengers died, but when the liner hit the ground, Boris Nikolayevich severely injured his spine. Foreign doctors performed a complex operation, but still failed to return Yeltsin to absolute health.

The last seventeen years in the biography of Boris Yeltsin's life were difficult: he could not sit in a chair for a long time, his back was very numb, it began to hurt, - explains Naina Iosifovna. - Only my massages helped him to lead an active lifestyle. I made them for him every day.

The wife helped the first president of Russia to heal not only physical, but also mental wounds. Yeltsin experienced the most terrible depression when in 1987 he was literally thrown out of all party posts. He even tried to cut himself with scissors in one of the hospitals, where he ended up with a nervous breakdown. Everyone knows the result of the quiet feat of Naina Iosifovna - dizzying career takeoff husband. First in 1991, and then in 1993 and 1996.

Boris dreamed of living to be a hundred years old, of seeing the revival of Russia, sighs the widow Naina Yeltsina. - Alas, it did not come true. Sometimes people ask me: “And how did you live with him? After all, he was so strange!” This is an absurd question. After all, we were connected by true love, for which I was always grateful to fate! It's hard for me without him...

Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin is a very famous, bright and extraordinary person, whose behavior, of course, caused laughter or admiration.

Boris Nikolaevich was the first President Russian Federation who carried out tough reforms during the collapse of the USSR.

Many people still hate him for this, considering him guilty of the crisis, hungry and crazy nineties. The rest give a standing ovation, because they understand that it was impossible to do otherwise at that moment. One way or another, there are no and will not be indifferent to this personality.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Boris Yeltsin

The people of the Russian Federation had the right to know what their beloved President's height, weight, age. The years of Boris Yeltsin's life are also known to every person in the world, since they are included in the course of Russian history.

Yeltsin Boris Nikolaevich was born in 1931, so at the time of his death in 2007, he was seventy-six years old. According to the sign of the Zodiac, he belongs to the fickle, creative, intelligent and creative jokers Aquarius.

According to Eastern horoscope Yeltsin received all the character traits inherent in Goats, including complaisance, wisdom, modesty, artistry, and instability.

The nationality of Boris Nikolaevich is in doubt, since his grandfather is considered a Jew. However, when the family moved to the Urals, there were no Jews in the information about the settlers, Boris was written everywhere in Russian.

Height famous politician was a meter and eighty-seven centimeters, and the weight reached ninety-six kilograms.

Biography of Boris Yeltsin. First President of Russia

The biography of Boris Yeltsin began from the moment when he was born in 1931 in the distant and cold Urals in the small village of Butka.

As a child, Borka was injured, due to which he lost two fingers on his hand. A German grenade exploded in his hands, depriving him of the opportunity to serve in Soviet army.

The boy was a ringleader and an activist, he not only studied well, but was also a headman. The boy was not afraid to defend his point of view and even raised a rebellion against his teacher, who beat schoolchildren and demanded to work in her garden. Because of this incident, seventh grader Boris was expelled from school with a wolf ticket, however, he did not give up. The guy went to the city committee of the Komsomol and did everything to be acquitted.

After graduation high school Borya went to enter the Ural Polytechnic University. He played in the volleyball team of the institute and the national team of Yekaterinburg, even passed the standards for the Master of Sports in this sport.

Boris worked in Uraltyazhtrubstroy as an ordinary worker, although he could well become the head of some enterprise. Yeltsin worked as a bricklayer and concrete worker, carpenter and joiner, plasterer and glazier, crane operator and painter.

Two years later, Boris already became a foreman, and in the sixties he became the head of a house-building plant in the city of Sverdlovsk. He was an active member of the Communist Party of the city of Sverdlovsk, and in 1975 became the secretary of the regional branch of the CPSU.

He brought perfect order to the region and opened new jobs, so he became the first secretary of the CPSU MGK. In 1989, the politician became a deputy from the Moscow District, and already in 1991, during a coup d'état, he became the first President of Russia.

Yeltsin's reign lasted for eight years and six days, and at the end of his term, he handed over the reins to Vladimir Putin in late 1999. He clarified that he was not ready to continue to rule the state for health reasons, since he had to undergo heart surgery.

It is worth noting that the drunkenness of Boris Nikolayevich was a big problem and attracted the attention of politicians and ordinary people. When Yeltsin became President, he often behaved inappropriately under the influence of alcohol, for example, conducting a military band in 1994, when Russian troops were withdrawn from Germany. Boris Nikolayevich and his relatives claimed that alcohol helped him relieve stress.

The Boris Yeltsin Museum appeared after his death in Yekaterinburg, it contains various expositions that related to his life. The daughter, son-in-law and wife of the President were engaged in filling these halls.

Personal life of Boris Yeltsin

Boris Yeltsin's personal life was crystal clear, he married early and lived all his life with his beloved and only woman. Many people admired the tender and sincere relationship of this beautiful couple.

It is known that the birthplace of Boris Yeltsin is the distant village of Butka, and the guy studied in Sverdlovsk. There he met his first love and wife, who bore him two daughters.

Recently it turned out that a man is far from being as simple as it seems. Boris Nikolayevich met for a long time with Elena Stepanova, from whom he allegedly was born illegitimate son- Stepan. The Russians found out about this only after the death of the President of Russia, by the way, the boy's relatives do not recognize him.

Boris and Elena met at his friend's dacha, where the girl worked as a housewife. Stepan graduated from the Fire College of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.

Boris Yeltsin's family

The family of Boris Yeltsin was unusual, since the boy's father was repressed as an enemy of the people and a fist.

Father - Nikolai Yeltsin- was exiled to the Volga-Don, and then returned to his native village. Nicholas returned as he was amnestied but not rehabilitated. All his life he worked as a builder and even rose to the rank of head of the construction plant.

Mother - Claudia Vasilievna- raised children and worked as a dressmaker, she also sewed at home illegally.

Brother - Mikhail Yeltsin– was born in 1937, he was a builder and worked in the advanced team at the construction site, retired early. IN last years he was very ill, was married three times, but had no children. Yeltsin's brother died in 2009.

Children of Boris Yeltsin

The children of Boris Yeltsin are already accustomed to living in the shadow of their famous father, they are self-sufficient and arranged in life. Boris Nikolayevich has two beautiful daughters, each of whom successfully married and gave her father grandchildren.

Yeltsin was a happy grandfather as he had seven grandchildren. Youngest daughter gave Yeltsin Boris Jr., Gleb, Maria, and also her adopted granddaughter Polinka.

The eldest girl made the famous father happy with her granddaughters Catherine and Maria, grandson Ivan.

All grandchildren received an excellent education, graduating from prestigious universities. Yeltsin has three great-grandchildren.

The special joy and pain of Boris Nikolaevich is his grandson Gleb. The boy was born not an ordinary, but a sunny child in 1995. However, Down syndrome did not prevent the guy from becoming famous and successful. Now Gleb Dyachenko is the European champion in swimming for people with intellectual disabilities, he plays chess very well and loves to read.

Daughter of Boris Yeltsin - Elena Yeltsin

Boris Yeltsin's daughter, Elena Yeltsina, was born in 1956, according to family legend, her father wanted a son and was not at all happy, but sobbed when his daughter was born. The girl received an excellent education.

Her husband was Valery Okulov, who served as Deputy Minister of Transport. For a long time Valery worked as a director of the Aeroflot company, and even a general director. He graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy civil aviation, remarkably versed in aircraft and could be a navigator.

In marriage, the couple had three children who achieved everything on their own. Elena almost never appears at parties of various kinds, her face cannot be found on the Internet. She is far from politics.

Daughter of Boris Yeltsin - Tatiana Yeltsin

Boris Yeltsin's daughter, Tatyana Yeltsina, was born in 1960, although her father was again expecting a boy. The girl studied well at school, graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics of Moscow State University.

She worked in a design bureau and a branch of the Zarya Urala bank, for four years she was an adviser to the President of the Russian Federation, that is, to her father. Tatyana is a member of the ORT Board of Directors.

In recent years, he has been the head of the Yeltsin Foundation, and also maintains his own blog on LiveJournal.

She has been married three times and has four children. Several times she was at the center of major financial scandals, but she came out dry from the water.

Boris Yeltsin's wife - Naina Yeltsin

Boris Yeltsin's wife, Naina Yeltsin, was given the name Tatyana at birth. She appeared in the life of Boris Nikolaevich when he was still studying at the Polytechnic Institute. The girl was modest and friendly, so Boris liked it. The guy immediately fell in love with Naina, however, he did not show it.

As soon as Yeltsin graduated educational institution The couple entered into legal marriage. Naina Iosifovna worked at the Vodokanal design bureau, where she was the project manager.

Naina Yeltsina gave birth to two daughters, she is a caring grandmother and great-grandmother.

Funeral and cause of death of Boris Yeltsin

The funeral and cause of death of Boris Yeltsin took place in 2007. The fact was that the politician suffered from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Boris Nikolayevich's health was undermined by alcoholism and a viral infection, which he had had in 2007. Doctors claimed that nothing threatened the politician, however, he died.

On April 23, 2007, Boris Yeltsin's heart stopped; the cause of death was a malfunction of almost all internal organs.

The funeral took place on Novodevichy cemetery, their broadcast took place in live. A monument is erected on the grave, which looks like a boulder, painted in red-blue-white colors.

Instagram and Wikipedia Boris Yeltsin

Instagram and Wikipedia Boris Yeltsin are available, but half. Dedicated to Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin Official page on Wikipedia. It contains all the most reliable facts about family and personal life, children and parents of the politician. Particular attention is given career growth and political life, as well as how he ended up as President of Russia.

Boris Nikolayevich never had an official Instagram page. However, there are pages on the Internet dedicated to his life and political views.

Naina (Anastasia) Iosifovna Yeltsina(before marriage Girin), (born March 14, 1932, the village of Titovka, the Middle Volga Territory (now the Orenburg Region)) - the widow of the first President of Russia Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin.


Born March 14, 1932 in the family of Joseph Alekseevich (1910-1966) and Maria Fedorovna (1910-1994) Girin. The Girin family had six children. Her parents were wealthy Old Believers, in their family not only drinking, but also a strong word was considered a sin. At birth, she was recorded as Anastasia, but everyone called her Naya or Naina. The address Anastasia was not usually used. When she started working, everyone began to call her by her first name and patronymic. At the age of 25, she officially changed her name to Naina in the passport office, because she could not get used to the official address in the service of "Anastasia Iosifovna".

In 1955 she graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. S. M. Kirov (Sverdlovsk) with a degree in civil engineering. 1955-1956 - civil engineer, Orenburg.

1956-1987 - chief project engineer, then - head of the group at the Vodokanalproekt Institute, Sverdlovsk, retired at 55.

Since 1987 he has been living in Moscow.


  • Father: Iosif Alekseevich Girin (1910, Titovka, Orenburg province - 1966, Orenburg, RSFSR, USSR, hit by a drunk motorcyclist)
  • Mother: Maria Fedorovna Girina (1910-1994, Yekaterinburg, Russia)
  • Brothers: Leonid Girin (died as a teenager, hit by a train); Anatoly Girin (hit by a car, he was 30 years old); Vladimir Girin; Vitaly Girin
  • Sister: Rose

In 1956 she married Boris Yeltsin, got engaged in the house of a collective farmer in the Upper Iset.

Mikhail Poltoranin claimed that Yeltsin's wife influenced personnel policy in the leadership of the country.


  • Elena Okulova (b. August 21, 1957), husband Valery Okulov
  • Tatyana Yumasheva (b. January 17, 1960), husband Valentin Borisovich Yumashev


  • Elena's children: Ekaterina Okulova (October 10, 1979) and Maria Zhilenkova-Okulova (March 31, 1983), Ivan Okulov (October 28, 1997)
  • Tatyana's children: Boris Yeltsin (February 19, 1981); Gleb Dyachenko (August 30, 1995); Maria Yumasheva (2002)


  • Alexander Okulov (July 22, 1999) (son of Ekaterina Okulova's granddaughter)
  • Mikhail (2005) and Fedor (2006) (children of the granddaughter of Maria Zhilenkova-Okulova and her husband, businessman Mikhail Zhilenkov)


  • Order of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine (March 14, 2017) - for a great contribution to the implementation of socially significant humanitarian programs and Active participation in charitable activities.
  • In 1999 she was awarded the international award "Oliver" - "For the humanism of the heart." The award is given by the Foundation international assistance baby Frank.
  • She was awarded the National Prize "Olympia" in the nomination "Honor and Dignity" in 2005. This is the only award in Russia that recognizes the achievements of outstanding contemporaries in politics, business, science, art and culture.

B. N. Yeltsin about his wife

In his book The Presidential Marathon, Boris Yeltsin devoted many pages to his wife:

Movie incarnations

  • Elena Valyushkina in feature film Yeltsin. Three days in August” (Russia, 2011).

It is absurd and ridiculous to read and listen to the so-called "patriots of Russia" who curse the traitor Yeltsin and praise his successor, Putin. After all, these two "persons" are of the same anti-people and anti-Russian spirit, who betrayed Russia and the Fatherland.

It was on Putin's orders that the Yeltsin Center was built in Yekaterinburg, which conducts absolutely subversive activities, crippling the younger generation. And huge amounts of money from the country's budget are spent on its maintenance. And now in Moscow, Putin gave instructions to build the Yeltsin Center for 13 billion! And this is in Russia, where there are tens of millions of impoverished citizens who were brought to such a life by Yeltsin, and then by his successor, Putin.

Therefore, there is no need to separate Yeltsin and his betrayal of Russia and Putin. They are one and serve one master, the world Zionist government. Therefore, the wife lives, the man destroying Russia and its people, better than the Queen of England. And it is Putin who provides her with such a life at our expense. By what right is this asked? Putin is not a tsar, but a servant of the people, well, at least according to the Constitution, he should be. And no one allowed Putin to spend the people's millions on the maintenance of Yeltsin's relatives, who elevated the petty St. Petersburg official who carried Sobchak's suitcase to the level of the ruler of Russia.

Naina Iosifovna lives on the territory of more than three hectares alone. Apart from three housekeepers, a caretaker, a cook, four guards, a doctor, a gardener and two janitors. The widow of the first president of Russia receives a pension of 195 thousand rubles, but her seniority did not affect this in any way - Naina Iosifovna worked at Vodokanalproekt, where she served for more than 25 years and retired at 55.

Naina Yeltsina, the widow of Russia's first president, is now 86 years old and was recently appointed to the organizing committee for holding celebrations for the 300th anniversary of Yekaterinburg. Now a woman lives in a house left by her husband and receives a pension hundreds of times higher than the national average, Komsomolskaya Pravda writes.

Palace Museum

According to the former chief of the presidential protocol, Vladimir Shevchenko, Naina Yeltsin is vigorous in her years and still bakes pies with cabbage. She does this at the dacha of Maxim Gorky, which went to Boris Nikolaevich back in 1995. Oleg Mitvol, a former Rosprirodnadzor official, suggested that this site, along with another - in Gorki-9 - which also belongs to the Yeltsin family, could be removed from the State Forest Fund by a special order of the then Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin.

Initially, Gorky's dacha was summer, but it was rebuilt. In particular, the dome of the building was destroyed. Even 40 years ago, there was a museum exposition in this place, the fate of which is now unknown to anyone. Naina Iosifovna lives on the territory of more than three hectares alone. Apart from three housekeepers, a caretaker, a cook, four guards, a doctor, a gardener and two janitors.

By Putin's order

The widow of the first president of Russia receives a pension of 195 thousand rubles, but her seniority did not affect this in any way - Naina Iosifovna worked at Vodokanalproekt, where she served for more than 25 years and retired at 55.

In 2007, a month after the death of Boris Yeltsin, by decree No. 683 of May 31, 2007, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin appointed Naina Yeltsina a monthly allowance in the amount of one hundred times the basic part of the labor pension with mandatory indexation.

The “Decree on the material support of the widow of B. N. Yeltsin”, which can be found on the Kremlin website, says that payments to Naina Yeltsina will be maintained “until changes are made to the federal law dated February 12, 2001 No. 12-FZ "On Guarantees to the President of the Russian Federation, who has terminated the exercise of his powers, and to members of his family."

Yeltsin's daughters Tatyana and Elena live separately. Elena Okulova, according to the media, owns four plots of land with her husband, a house with an area of ​​​​430 square meters. m, an apartment of 193.8 sq. m and two cottages. Tatyana is officially the head of the Yeltsin Foundation in Yekaterinburg, but at the same time she has Austrian citizenship. She and her husband Valentin Yumashev and daughter Maria have real estate in the suburbs of Vienna.


Just a few days before the collapse of the USSR, Gorbachev met with Yeltsin and agreed that after the liquidation of the Union, he would have official guarantees. What guarantees in question? That personal assistants, state dachas and transport are assigned to him. And, of course, a huge pension.

It was then that the norm was established that Gorbachev would receive at least 40 minimum wages every month. Now he has a pension of 740 thousand rubles.

This, of course, also applied to Yeltsin, and in the future the same applies to Medvedev and Putin. True, Putin has not yet issued a pension for himself. It is possible that he will not do this at all as long as he is involved in politics.

March 14, 1932 in the village of Titovka, Orenburg region, Anastasia Girina was born, who was destined to become the first lady of the Russian Federation. In the biography of Naina Iosifovna, the Second World War, and becoming new Russia and the death of loved ones.

Childhood and youth

A couple of namesakes Joseph and Maria Girin Nastya became the firstborn. The father was sure that eldest daughter will become a teacher - Anastasia Iosifovna. Since it would be difficult for students to pronounce such a name and patronymic, the father called his daughter Naya, Naina. By nationality, Naina Yeltsina is Russian. Nia helped her mother raise younger brothers and sister Rose.

Eighteen-year-old Naya went to Sverdlovsk to enter the construction department of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. . Here the freshman met a tall, athletic future husband. Romantic feelings flared up in the second year, but the girl did not immediately become Yeltsin.

The future president was jokingly interested in other fans of Nai and offered to marry, but things did not go beyond words.

Personal life

Boris and Naina did not see each other for a year, since after graduating from the university in 1955, both worked by distribution. Boris worked in Sverdlovsk, Naina - in the Orenburg region. At that time, lovers exchanged touching letters.

The young people met in the city of Kuibyshev (now Samara), from where a mutual friend sent a comic telegram to Naina, which reported on the critical state of Boris's heart. The frightened girl took time off from work, the telegram turned out to be an occasion to meet. That evening, Boris and Naina decided not to part.

In the summer of 1956, Boris asked the girl's parents for the hand of Naina, and in September the couple got married. One hundred people came to the celebration in the Upper Iset. The young family settled in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), in 1957 Elena was born, and in 1960 their second daughter Tatyana. The children followed in the footsteps of their parents technical education.

She worked as an engineer at the Soyuzvodokanalproekt Institute, where filtering and treatment plants were developed, for more than twenty-five years. Anastasia was not accustomed to the formal address by name and patronymic in the service and, at the suggestion of her friends, changed her name to “Naina” in an official manner.

At this time, Boris Yeltsin was rapidly climbing the career ladder, first in a house-building plant, then elected to administrative positions in the Sverdlovsk regional committee of the CPSU.

In 1985, Boris Nikolayevich became the first secretary of the Moscow city committee. communist party and the family moved. In the capital, Naina Yeltsin did not make a career, providing a strong rear for her husband at home. Finally, in the summer of 1991, Boris Nikolayevich was elected president of the RSFSR, and then the Russian Federation. Thus, Naina gained the status of “first lady”.

First lady

The wife of the first Russian president traveled to schools, orphanages and hospitals, providing charitable assistance. According to the protocol, the first lady accompanies her husband on official trips abroad. In 1999, the Frank Foundation for International Aid to the Child awarded Yeltsin with the Oliver Prize in the nomination "For the Humanism of the Heart".

The president's wife rarely gave interviews in the 90s, remaining in the shadow of Boris Nikolayevich. Lies, intrigues and Yeltsin's accusations of worsening the economic situation Naina perceived sharply. In the family circle, the rule was not to discuss politics.

On December 31, 1999, the head of state congratulated the people on the holiday in last time. The resignation delighted Naina Yeltsin, because it meant the end of a hectic, fussy life that affected the health of her beloved spouse.

In 2000, the former president became a pensioner. At this time, the couple often traveled around the guests, meeting with the families of the ex-heads of state, with whom they managed to make friends. With Madame Chirac, for example, Naina Yeltsina keeps in touch to this day.

In 2006 wife former president awarded the national award "Olympia" in the nomination "Honor and Dignity".

Death of Boris Yeltsin

April 23, 2007 Naina Iosifovna was widowed. Boris Nikolayevich died at the age of 77 due to cardiac arrest. The funeral took place at the Novodevichy cemetery. The heads of foreign states also came to say goodbye to their comrade-in-arms. Together they lived a little more than fifty years.

Naina Yeltsina now

In May of the same year, Yeltsin's successor Vladimir Putin signed a decree on a monthly pension for Naina Yeltsina, which amounted to 195 thousand rubles a month. In 2008, the former first lady joined the Board of Trustees of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Center. Today, the widow of the ex-president participates in events dedicated to the memory of her husband.

In the fall of 2015, the Yeltsin Presidential Center opened in Yekaterinburg, where a museum with personal belongings former president of Russia. For example, a statement about leaving the party, a pen with which he signed decrees, and a diploma of graduation from the institute.

According to the widow of the former president, the activities of the Yeltsin Center will help the younger generation get reliable information about that difficult time for Russia.

In the children's cafes and restaurants of the Yeltsin center, he periodically arranges culinary master classes. The famous husband did not like to eat out, they did not have servants, so Naina Yeltsina has a lot of recipes in her piggy bank.

In May 2018, Naina Iosifovna received an invitation to.

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