Make a geographical image of any natural zone of Eurasia. Natural zones of Eurasia. Overview lecture. What have we learned


In Eurasia, more fully than on other continents, the planetary law is manifested geographic zoning land landscapes. All geographical zones of the northern hemisphere are expressed here, and great length mainland from west to east determines the differences in nature between the oceanic and continental sectors.

The widest part of Eurasia is located in the subtropical and temperate zones. NATURAL AREAS HERE are extended not only in the latitudinal direction, but also HAVE THE FORM OF CONCENTRIC CIRCLES.

IN tropical latitudes On the mainland, the monsoon type of climate and the meridional location of mountain ranges contribute to the change of natural zones not from north to south, but from west to east.

In areas of mountainous relief, latitudinal zonality is combined with vertical zonality. As a rule, each zone has its own structure of altitudinal zonation. The range of altitudinal zones increases from high to low latitudes.

Geographical zones and zones of foreign Europe

Features of nature geographical areas in foreign Europe are determined by its position in the oceanic sector of the mainland of the arctic, subarctic, temperate and subtropical zones.

The ARCTIC BELT occupies the island margin. Low radiation balance values ​​(less than 10 kcal/cm2 per year), negative mean annual temperatures, the formation of a stable ice cover over a large area. Svalbard is located in the Western European sector of the belt.

Its climate is moderated by the warm West Spitsbergen Current. A relatively large amount of precipitation (300-350 mm) and low annual temperatures contribute to the accumulation of thick layers of snow and ice. ZONE OF ICE DESERT prevails. Only a narrow strip on the western and southern coasts is occupied by arctic rocky deserts (about 10% of the area of ​​Svalbard). Saxifrage, snow ranunculus, polar poppies, Svalbard carnations grow in places where fine earth accumulates. But lichens (scale) and mosses predominate. The fauna is poor in terms of species: polar bears, arctic foxes, lemmings, the musk ox has been introduced. In summer, there are extensive bird markets: guillemots, loons, gulls.

The SUBARCTIC BELT covers the extreme north of Fennoscandia and Iceland. Radiation balance reaches 20 kcal/cm2 per year, average temperatures summer months do not exceed 10C. Woody vegetation is absent. The TUNDRA ZONE is dominant. There are northern - typical and southern tundra. The northern one does not have a closed vegetation cover, areas with vegetation alternate with patches of bare soil. Mosses and lichens (moss reindeer moss) dominate, shrubs and grasses rise above them. Plants can't keep up short summer go through the entire development cycle from germination to seed maturation. Therefore, biennials and perennials predominate among higher plants. Physiological dryness due to low temperatures. Deer moss (Yagel tundra), buttercups, saxifrage, poppies, partridge grass (drias), some sedges and grasses dominate on dry uplands. Shrubs - blueberries, lingonberries, cloudberries.

The southern (shrub) tundra is characterized by a predominance of shrubs and shrubs: dwarf birch, polar willow, wild rosemary, bearberry, lingonberry, crowberry. In depressions (weak winds) - thickets of dwarf birch (dwarf birch) 1.0 - 1.5 m high.

Soils develop in waterlogged conditions. They are characterized by the accumulation of coarse-humus organic matter, the development of gley processes, and an acidic reaction. Peat-gley soils predominate.

In Iceland, on the coastal lowlands and valleys, oceanic grass-forb meadows with anemones and forget-me-nots are common, under which meadow-soddy soils are formed. In some places, clumps of low-growing trees: birch, mountain ash, willow, aspen, juniper.

The animal world is poor. Typical: Norwegian lemming, arctic fox, ermine, wolf, snowy owl, white partridge, from marsh - goose, geese, ducks.

Reindeer breeding, in Iceland - sheep breeding.

The temperate zone occupies most of the northern and entire Central Europe. The radiation balance is from 20 kcal/cm 2 per year in the north to 50 kcal/cm 2 per year in the south. Western transport and cyclonic activity contribute to the flow of moisture from the ocean to the mainland. Average January temperatures range from -15° in the northeast to +6° in the west. Average July temperatures are from +10° in the north to +26° in the south. Forests dominate. In the Atlantic sector, when moving from north to south, zones of coniferous, mixed and deciduous forests. In the southeastern part, the zone of broad-leaved forests wedges out and is replaced by forest-steppe and steppe zones.

The CONIFEROUS FOREST ZONE occupies most of Fennoscandia (southern border at 60°N) and northern Great Britain. The main species are European spruce and Scotch pine. On the plains of Sweden, swampy spruce forests on heavy loams dominate. A significant part of Fennoscandia is occupied by pines on dry stony or sandy soils. Forest cover exceeds 60%, reaching 80% in places, up to 35% in Norway. In the west of the Scandinavian Peninsula, meadows and heaths are common in the place of reduced forests.

developed in the mountains altitudinal zonality. Coniferous forests on slopes up to 800-900 m in the south and 300 m in the north. Further birch sparse forests up to 1100 m. The upper parts of the mountains are occupied by mountain-tundra vegetation.

In the zone coniferous forests thin acidic podzolic soils, poor in humus, predominate. In the depressions there are peat-bog and gley-podzolic soils with low fertility.

The animal world is diverse: moose, wolves, lynxes, brown bears, foxes. From birds: hazel grouses, partridges, capercaillie, owls, woodpeckers.

The Scandinavian countries are the most forested in Foreign Europe. Forest plantations are widely developed on drained peatlands. Animal husbandry of the meat and dairy direction is developed. The structure of crops of cultivated lands is subordinated to it. Agriculture is developed in a limited area. In the north of the zone - reindeer breeding, in the mountains - sheep breeding.

THE ZONE OF MIXED FORESTS occupies small spaces in the south-west of Finland, partly in the Central Swedish Lowland and north-east of the Central European Plain. Among the species appear pedunculate oak, ash, elm, Norway maple, heart-shaped linden. The undergrowth has abundant herbaceous cover. Zonal soils - soddy-podzolic - up to 5% humus.

The fauna is richer than in coniferous forests: elk, bear, European roe deer, wolf, fox, hare. From birds: woodpeckers, siskins, tits, black grouse.

Forest cover up to 20%, the largest massifs are preserved in the Masurian Lake District. Agricultural production.

THE ZONE OF BROAD-LEAVED FORESTS occupies the southern part temperate zone. Warm summers, mild climate, a favorable ratio of heat and moisture contribute to the spread of predominantly beech and oak forests. The richest forests in terms of species are confined to the Atlantic part. Here the forest-forming species is the sowing chestnut. In the undergrowth there is a holly oak, a yew berry. Beech forests are usually monodominant, dark, and the undergrowth is poorly developed. Under conditions of transitional climate, beech is replaced by hornbeam and oak. Oak forests are light, hazel, bird cherry, mountain ash, barberry, buckthorn grow in the undergrowth.

Along with forest vegetation in the zone of deciduous forests, there are formations of shrubs - VERESCHATNIKI in the place of cut down forests (European heather, juniper, gorse, bearberry, blueberry, bilberry). Moorlands are characteristic of northwestern Great Britain, northern France, and the west of the Jutland peninsula. On the coast of the Baltic and the North Sea, large areas are occupied by pine and pine-oak forests on the dunes.

Vertical zonality is most represented in the Alps and the Carpathians. The lower slopes of the mountains up to 600-800 m are occupied by oak-beech forests, which are replaced by mixed ones, and from 1000-1200 m - by spruce-fir. Upper bound forest rises to 1600-1800 m, above the belt of subalpine meadows. With a height of 2000-2100 m grow alpine meadows with bright flowering herbs.

The main type of soils of broad-leaved forests - forest burozems (up to 6-7% of humus), have high fertility. In more humid places, podzolic-brown soils are common, and on limestone - humus-carbonate (RENDZINS).

Red deer, roe deer, wild boar, bear. From small ones - squirrel, hare, badger, mink, ferret. Of the birds - woodpeckers, tits, orioles.

Forests in the zone make up 25% of the area. Indigenous oak and beech forests have not been preserved. They were replaced by secondary plantations, coniferous forests, wasteland, arable land. Reforestation work.

FOREST-STEPPE AND STEPPE ZONE have a limited distribution and occupy the Danube plains. Almost no natural vegetation has been preserved. In the past, on the Middle Danube Plain, areas of broad-leaved forests alternated with steppes (pushts), now the plain is plowed up. Chernozem soils, favorable climatic conditions contribute to the development of agriculture, horticulture, viticulture.

On the Lower Danube Plain, where there is less moisture, the landscapes are close to the Ukrainian and South Russian steppes. The zonal soil type is leached chernozems. In the eastern parts, they are replaced by dark chestnut soils, also plowed.

SUBTROPIC BELT on the territory is somewhat less than moderate. The radiation balance is 55-70 kcal/cm2 per year. In winter, polar masses predominate in the belt, and tropical masses in summer. Precipitation decreases from coastal areas inland. The result is a change in natural zones not in the latitudinal, but in the meridional direction. Horizontal zonality is complicated in the mountains by vertical zonality.

The southern part of Foreign Europe is located in the Atlantic sector of the belt, where the climate is seasonally humid, Mediterranean. Minimum rainfall in summer. In conditions of a long summer drought, plants acquire xerophytic traits. The Mediterranean is characterized by the ZONE OF EVERGREEN HARD-LEAVED FORESTS AND SHRUBS. Oak dominates in the forest formations: in the western part cork and stone, in the eastern - Macedonian and Walloon. They are mixed with Mediterranean pine (Italian, Aleppo, seaside) and horizontal cypress. In the undergrowth, noble laurel, boxwood, myrtle, cistus, pistachio, arbutus. Forests have been destroyed and have not been restored due to grazing, soil erosion, and fires. Shrub thickets have spread everywhere, the composition of which depends on the amount of precipitation, topography, and soils.

In a maritime climate, MAKVIS is widespread, which includes shrubs and low (up to 4 m) trees: tree heather, wild olive, laurel, pistachio, strawberry tree, juniper. Shrubs are intertwined with climbing plants: multi-colored blackberries, mustachioed clematis.

In the districts continental climate In the western Mediterranean, on rocky mountain slopes with intermittent soil cover, GARRIGA is common - rarely growing low shrubs, semi-shrubs and xerophytic grasses. Low-growing thickets of garrigue are widely found on the mountain slopes of southern France and the east of the Iberian and Apennine peninsulas, where shrubby kermes oak, prickly gorse, rosemary, and derzhiderevo predominate.

The Balearic Islands, Sicily and the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula are characterized by PALMITO thickets, formed by a single wild-growing hamerops palm with a short trunk and large fan leaves.

In internal parts On the Iberian Peninsula, the TOMILLARA formation is developed from aromatic subshrubs: lavender, rosemary, sage, thyme, combined with herbs.

In the eastern part of the Mediterranean, FRIGANA is found on dry rocky slopes. It includes astragalus, euphorbia, gorse, thyme, acantholimon.

In the east of the Balkan Peninsula, in hot summer conditions and quite cold winter SHIBLYAK dominates, formed mainly by deciduous shrubs: barberry, hawthorn, blackthorn, jasmine, dog rose. They are mixed with southern ones: derzhiderevo, skumpia, wild almond, pomegranate.

Evergreen subtropical vegetation is confined to the plains and lower parts of the mountains up to a height of 300 m in the north of the zone and 900 m in the south. Deciduous broad-leaved forests grow up to a height of 1200 m: from fluffy oak, sycamore, chestnut, silver linden, ash, walnut. Quite often, pine grows in the middle mountains: black, Dalmatian, seaside, armored. Higher, with increasing humidity, dominance passes to beech-fir forests, which from 2000 m give way to coniferous ones - European spruce, white fir, and Scotch pine. The upper belt is occupied by shrubs and herbaceous vegetation - juniper, barberry, grasslands (bluegrass, bonfire, white-bearded).

In the zone of evergreen hardwood forests and shrubs, brown and gray-brown soils (up to 4-7% of humus) with high productivity are formed. On the weathering crust of limestones, red-colored soils develop - TERRA-ROSSA. Mountain-brown leached soils are common in the mountains. There are podzols suitable only for pastures. The animal world is severely exterminated. Of the mammals, the viverra genet, porcupine, mouflon ram, fallow deer, and local species of red deer stand out. Reptiles and amphibians predominate: lizards (gecko), chameleons, snakes, snakes, vipers. A rich world of birds: griffon vulture, Spanish and stone sparrow, blue magpie, mountain partridge, flamingo, stone thrush. High population density. Plowed lands are confined to coastal plains and intermountain basins. Main crops: olives, Walnut, pomegranate, tobacco, grapes, citrus fruits, wheat.

On the territory of big mainland Eurasia is located all the natural zones of the world. Therefore, vegetable and animal world its very varied. It should be noted that it is this continent that is the most populated and it was here that industry began to develop first of all, requiring the development of new territories, new mineral deposits, as well as new transport routes. All this had a negative impact on the species composition of animals and plants of Eurasia. Many of them have disappeared from the face of the Earth, many are listed in the Red Book and taken under protection. Nowadays most plant communities and animal species of Eurasia can be found within the protected areas.

Among the animals of Eurasia there are many representatives of invertebrates, insects, reptiles and mammals. Since the largest area on the mainland is within the taiga zone, representatives of the fauna of this natural zone occupy large areas of Eurasia. Among the inhabitants of the taiga, the most common wolverine and brown bear, fox and wolf, hare and squirrel, many rodents and birds. Among them are black grouse, hazel grouse, capercaillie, crossbills, crows and tits. This list is very incomplete. In fact, the species diversity of taiga animals is quite an impressive list.

A very rich and diverse fauna of Eurasian reservoirs. This is a whole range of waterfowl, amphibians, fish of valuable commercial species.

Despite difficult conditions habitats of the tundra and desert zones, which occupy significant areas in Eurasia, the animals living there have adapted both to the arid conditions of the desert and to low temperatures in the tundra.

Flora of Eurasia

The flora of Eurasia is also diverse. A significant territory of the mainland is occupied by coniferous, broad-leaved, equatorial and variable wet forests. Trees, shrubs and herbaceous vegetation grow here in open areas. Among typical representatives flora Eurasia Siberian cedar, oak, beech, banyan, bamboo, tulip tree and the largest and most fetid flower in the world - rafflesia.

Vast steppe spaces are covered with cereal grasses and feather grass. It should be noted that most of the steppes of Eurasia are under crops and natural vegetation preserved in a rather limited space of the steppes.

The interior of the mainland is occupied by deserts. Here the most common are wormwood, kurai, camel thorn and saxaul, a plant that does not give shade. In deserts, as well as in the steppes, there are many ephemera, plants with a short growing season. During the spring period, the desert is filled with flowering plants different species, and with the onset of a summer drought, all this flowering splendor quickly disappears without a trace.


Peculiarities of latitudinal zonality. On the mainland of Eurasia is located 7 geographical zones, from north to south in sequence(except tropical) replacing each other. The belts include numerous natural zones, changing both from north to south and from west to east. There are especially many natural zones in the temperate and subtropical zones. Relief plays an important role in the distribution of natural zones: the distribution of its forms often contributes to a rapid change in climatic conditions within the belts, and, consequently, to a larger number of natural zones in the belt.

Arctic and subarctic belts. The Arctic North is included in the zone Arctic deserts . In the west - on the islands - powerful glaciation is developed. In the east - on the continent - it is much drier and there are fewer glaciers. There is almost no vegetation. In summer, the rocks are covered with lichens, rare forbs appear in the depressions. The animal world is also poor: only on the coasts there are bird rookeries .

Extends south tundra . In cold arctic tundra areas of bare ground alternate with lichens and mosses. In the subarctic tundra, quite warm summer allows shrubs to grow: blueberries, lingonberries, cloudberries and herbs. To the south, dwarf birches, willows, wild rosemary appear.

Rice. 50. Tundra and its inhabitants: 1 - lemming; 2 - arctic fox

Permafrost is developed in the arctic and subarctic zones. The surface that thaws in summer becomes waterlogged, and under these conditions, tundra-gley or peat-gley soils are formed - waterlogged, low-humus and thin.

Lemmings constantly live in the tundra, arctic foxes (Fig. 50), polar owls, wolves migrate for the summer, reindeer; many birds fly. Fishing in the coastal zone polar bear live walruses and seals. Gradually, to the south, trees appear in the tundra - birch, spruce, larch, and it turns into forest-tundra .

temperate geographical zone - the longest in Eurasia and the most extensive of all geographic belts of the planet's land.

Most of the belt, provided with moisture, is occupied by forests. In the north it taiga . Its species composition changes from west to east - following the climate. In Europe, where it is about -10 °C in winter, spruce and pine grow. Among the swamps of Western Siberia (up to -25 ° C) - spruce, fir and cedar. In Eastern Siberia, where winters are especially cold (down to –50 °C) and permafrost is widespread, Daurian larch dominates, shedding needles during a severe winter (Fig. 51). Spruce, fir and cedar reappear in the taiga of the eastern monsoon coast. Gray forest and podzolic soils form under the taiga in Europe, peat-bog soils in Western Siberia, and permafrost-taiga soils in Eastern Siberia. All of them are poor in humus (about 1%). The eastern taiga is richer in animal species than the western one. Typical inhabitants of taiga forests are lynx, brown bear. Lots of moose, wolves, foxes, martens, ferrets. In the Far East, there are black Ussuri bear, raccoon dog, Ussuri tiger.

Rice. 51. Daurian larch

South, in mixed forests , coniferous trees coexist - on the outskirts of the mainland - with broad-leaved oak, elm, maple, and inside the continent - with small-leaved birch and aspen. Soddy-podzolic soils are formed. The animal world is becoming even more diverse: roe deer appear, wild boars. Coniferous-deciduous forests are common on the monsoon Pacific coast. They are distinguished by a special richness of flora: taiga and subtropical species coexist peacefully here.

Rice. 52. Wolverine of the Far East

broadleaf forests grow only in the west of the forest zone - in Europe, where winters are mild (not lower than -5 ° C), and moisture is uniform throughout the year. On the Atlantic coast, chestnuts dominate, and to the east - beeches and oaks. The forests have a rich undergrowth of hazel, euonymus, bird cherry. Brown forest soils containing up to 7% humus are highly fertile.

To the south, the amount of precipitation decreases, the forest stand becomes sparse and alternates with rich forbs. This forest-steppe - transition zone. In the eastern part of the zone, trees practically disappear, and only in the hollows of aspen and birch do they form insular groves - pegs (Fig. 53). Soils of the forest-steppe - chernozems - the most fertile, the content of humus in them reaches 16%. The zone of distribution of chernozems in Eurasia is the most extensive on the planet.

Peculiarities of the vegetation cover steppes - complete absence of trees (Fig. 54). There is little precipitation here - about 300 mm. Summer is hot (+24 °С). Winters in the west are warm (0 ... -2 °С), and in the east they are cold, as in the taiga (up to -30 °С). Before plowing, forbs and grasses dominated in these territories - feather grass, fescue, bluegrass, and in the south - wormwood. Chernozems are formed under the grasses, and in the south - chestnut soils with a humus content of 4-8%.

The transitional zone - semi-desert - is formed by sparse vegetation of feather grass and wormwood. The soils under it are light chestnut, with a low content of humus (2-3%). In deserts, plants are rare, and, depending on how the surface is composed, they are different. In the sandy deserts among the dunes and dunes grow saxaul, which can extract moisture from great depths with its powerful roots, and hold the tree, which has turned the leaves into scales so as not to evaporate moisture. In the salt marshes kevirah- saltworts grow, extracting water from brines and storing it in thick stems and glossy leaves. In rocky deserts - gammads - the rocks are covered with lichens that feed on night dew. Wormwood is common in clay deserts. In the south of the zone there are many annual ephemerals - poppies, tulips.

Desert soils are also varied. Formed on clay soils takyrs(Fig. 57), on solonetzes and solonchaks - solonchak, on sands - sandy desert, on hard rocks - gray-brown soils.

Desert dwellers are adapted to living conditions - daytime heat, night cold, lack of water, food, shelters. Animals move quickly, lead an underground and nocturnal lifestyle. These are reptiles: snakes (efa, cobra), lizards (lizard); ungulates: bactrian camel, kulan, goitered antelope; predators: jackal, hyena, corsac fox; rodents: ground squirrels, gerbils, jerboas; arthropods: scorpions, tarantulas, mosquitoes.

Rice. 57. Takyr


1. Geography grade 9 / Textbook for grade 9 institutions of general secondary education with the Russian language of instruction / Edited by N. V. Naumenko/ Minsk "People's Asveta" 2011

Russia is located on the most interesting and diverse continent of the planet, which has collected a little bit of almost everything.

So what place does the Eurasian continent occupy in the world?

Characteristics of the largest continent on Earth

There are 6 continents in total on the planet. Eurasia (in English it says Eurasia) is the largest.


  1. Area - 55,000,000 km².
  2. There was no such researcher who discovered Eurasia in its entirety. Different peoples discovered it bit by bit, and in different periods great ancient civilizations were formed. The term "Eurasia" was introduced in 1880 by Eduard Suess.
  3. The mainland is so large that on the map it can be seen immediately in 3 hemispheres: northern, eastern and western.
  4. The population density is about 94 people per sq. km.
  5. Eurasia is the continent with the largest population. For 2015, the number is 5 billion 132 million.

Extreme points on the mainland Eurasia with coordinates

List of Eurasian countries with capitals

Countries on the mainland are usually divided into countries of Europe and Asia.

European countries with capitals:

Asian countries with capitals:

What oceans border Eurasia

main feature geographical location Eurasia lies in the fact that the mainland is washed by almost all oceans. And since in some countries the 5th Ocean (Southern) has not yet been recognized, it can be partly argued that Eurasia is washed by all existing oceans.

What parts of the mainland are washed by the oceans:

  • Arctic - northern;
  • Indian - southern;
  • Pacific Ocean - east;
  • Atlantic - western.

Natural zones of Eurasia

There are all existing types of natural zones on the territory. They stretch from west to east and from north to south.

How are they geographically located?

  • Arctic- islands in the very north;
  • and forest-tundra- in the north of the Arctic Circle. In the eastern part, an expansion of the zone is observed;
  • taiga- located a little to the south;
  • mixed forests - located in the Baltic States and in the eastern part of Russia;
  • broadleaf forests- zones in the western and eastern parts of the mainland;
  • hardwood forests- located in the Mediterranean region;
  • forest-steppes and steppes- located in the central part south of the taiga;
  • deserts and semi-deserts- are located south of the previous zone, as well as in the eastern part in China;
  • savannas– coast indian ocean;
  • variable wet forests- the most southeastern and southwestern regions, as well as the Pacific coast;
  • rainforests are islands in the Indian Ocean.


Due to the geographical position of the mainland, the climatic conditions on its territory are quite diverse. IN different regions everyone is different climate indicators: temperature, precipitation, air masses.

Most southern regions are the hottest. To the north, the climate is gradually changing. The central part is already characterized by moderate climatic conditions. A northern part of the mainland is in the realm of ice and cold.

Also important role plays proximity to the oceans. The winds of the Indian Ocean bring a large number of precipitation. But the closer to the center, the less they are.

In what climatic zones is Eurasia located:

  • arctic and subarctic;
  • tropical and subtropical;
  • equatorial and subequatorial.


On other continents, a certain type of relief is common. Mountains are usually located on the coast. The relief of Eurasia is different in that the mountainous regions are located in the center of the mainland.

There are two mountain belts: the Pacific and the Himalayan. These mountains have different age and formed at different times.

To the north of them are several plains:

  • Great Chinese;
  • West Siberian;
  • European;
  • Turan.

Also in the central part are the Kazakh hills and the Central Siberian plateau.

The highest mountains

One of the main features of Eurasia is that on the mainland there is the highest mountain in the world - Everest (8848 m).

Mount Everest

But there are several other highest mountain peaks:

  • Chogori (8611 m);
  • Ulugmuztag (7723 m);
  • Tirichmir (7690 m);
  • peak of Communism (7495 m);
  • Peak Pobeda (7439 m);
  • Elbrus (5648).


The highest active volcano in Eurasia is Klyuchevaya Sopka. It is located near the eastern coast of the mainland in Kamchatka.

Volcano Klyuchevaya Sopka

Other active volcanoes:

  • Kerinchi (Sumatra Island, Indonesia);
  • Fujiyama (Honshu Island, Japan);
  • Vesuvius (Italy);
  • Etna (Sicily, Italy).

Volcano Erciyes

The highest extinct volcano is Erciyes (Türkiye).

The largest island

Kalimantan is the largest island in Eurasia.

Parts of the island belong to 3 different countries: Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. It is the 3rd largest island in the world.

Peninsulas of Eurasia

The biggest river

In China, the most big river Eurasia - Yangtze.

Its length is approximately 6,300 km, and the basin area is 1,808,500 km².

The largest lake

Lake Baikal is the largest in Eurasia and in the world.

Its area is 31,722 km². The lake is located in the eastern part of Siberia. It is truly unique, because it is not only the largest, but also the deepest in the world. The maximum depth of Baikal is 1,642 m.

  1. Iceland's capital, Reykjavik, is the northernmost in the world.
  2. One plant of interest is bamboo. It is able to grow up to 90 cm per day.
  3. "Altai" in translation from the Mongolian language means "Golden Mountains".

Tundra and forest tundra

Tundra and forest tundra are located in the subarctic and temperate marine climate zone. They begin as a narrow coastal strip in Europe, gradually expanding in the Asian part of the continent.

The average temperature in winter in the tundra is -8 ºС, in summer +16 ºС, in the forest-tundra - 0 ºС and +16 ºС, respectively. The average annual rainfall in the tundra is up to 500 mm, in the forest tundra - 1000 mm.

Typical plants of the tundra and forest-tundra are: mosses and lichens, islets of shrub forms of small birches, mountain ash, willow, alder.

Characteristic soils:

  • mountain arctic;
  • mountain tundra;
  • tundra-gley permafrost;
  • illuvial-humus podzols.

To harsh northern conditions adapted: reindeer, lemmings, arctic foxes, hares and many waterfowl.

forest zones

On the territory of Eurasia there are zones of various forests:

  1. Coniferous forest (taiga). It is located on the territory of a temperate, temperate continental, temperate monsoon climate. The main representatives of the plant world are Scotch pine and European spruce (up to the Urals), fir, Far Eastern yew, cedar pine, alder, small-leaved birch, willow, aspen, larch (Eastern Siberia). The soils are subgolden and brown forest. The maximum temperature in January is -8 ºС, in July - +16 ºС- +24 ºС. The average annual rainfall is 1000 mm. The animal world is diverse and rich species composition rodents predominate, many fur-bearing animals: beavers, sables, ermines, squirrels, foxes, martens, hares. Of the large animals, there are brown bears, elks, wolverines, lynxes. There are many birds: hazel grouses, wood grouses, nutcrackers, crossbills, finches, woodpeckers, owls.
  2. Mixed forest. Located on the territory of the temperate and temperate continental belt, in Europe and East Asia to the south of the taiga zone. The main representatives of the plant world are aspen, birch, pine, beech, oak. The soils are sod-podgolden. The maximum temperature in January is -8 ºС, in July - +24 ºС. The average annual rainfall is up to 1000 mm.
  3. Broad-leaved forest. Located in a temperate maritime climate. The main representatives of the plant world - beech ( Western Europe), oak and linden (Eastern Europe), heath, elm, hornbeam, elm (in the west), ash, maple (in the east). The grass cover is represented by broad herbs: initial letter, gout, hoof, lungwort, lily of the valley, ferns. In most areas, primary broad-leaved forests have been replaced by aspen and birch forests. The soils are brown forest. The maximum temperature in January is +8 ºС, in July - +24 ºС. The average annual rainfall is 1000 mm. In the Asian part of the continent, broad-leaved forests have survived only in the mountainous regions in the east. In mixed and broad-leaved forests, many species of different animals live: foxes, hares, squirrels, roe deer, red deer; wild boars, a small population of tigers has been preserved in the Amur River basin.
  4. Evergreen subtropical forests. Located in the subtropical zone. The main representatives of the plant world are Masson's pine, Japanese cryptomeria, sad cypress, creepers, evergreen oaks, noble laurel, wild olive, southern pine - pine. The soils are fertile brown, zheltozem and red soil. The maximum temperature in January is -8 ºС, in July - +24 ºС. The average annual rainfall is 1500 mm. There are few wild animals. Meet a wild rabbit mountain sheep, goats, genet. Lots of reptiles: lizards, snakes, chameleons. The avifauna is represented by the vulture, eagles, some rare species- blue magpie, Spanish sparrow.
  5. Wet tropical forests. Are situated in subequatorial belt in the extreme south of South and Southeast Asia. Here grow lychee, palm trees, bamboo, ficus, magnolias, camphor laurel, camellias, tung tree, oak, hornbeam, beech, pines, cypresses. The soils are ferralitic and red-yellow. Soils are almost completely plowed up. Average annual temperature+16 ºС in winter, +24 ºС in summer. Precipitation falls 2000 mm. Wild animals are preserved only in the mountains. These are the black Himalayan bear, panda - bamboo bear, leopards, gibbons and macaques. Among the birds there are many large and bright species: pheasants, parrots, ducks.

Forest-steppes, steppes and deserts

Forest-steppes and steppes are located in the temperate climate zone, south of the forest zone in the continental part of the mainland. The average temperature of the cold period is -8 ºС, warm - +16 ºС. Precipitation falls up to 500 mm per year.

The herbaceous vegetation of the forest-steppe is combined with areas of broad-leaved forests stretching to the Urals or small-leaved forests located in Siberia.

The most typical representatives of the flora of the steppes are cereals: fescue, feather grass, bluegrass, thin-legged, sheep. Chernozems are ubiquitous, the thick humus horizon of which is formed due to the conservation of organic matter in arid summer period. Everywhere the territories are plowed up and used for human needs.

Remark 1

The natural flora and fauna of the steppes has been preserved only in the territories of reserves. Numerous rodents have adapted well to the new conditions: marmots, ground squirrels and field mice.

Dry steppes with poor vegetation and chestnut soils prevail in inland regions with a continental and sharply continental climate.

Desert territories are found in the temperate, subtropical and tropical zones in internal basins. central regions Eurasia. Average temperatures in winter are -8 ºС, and in summer they range from +24 ºС to +32 ºС. There is very little precipitation - less than 100 mm. Of the plants, you can most often find wormwood, saxaul, saltpeter, tamarix, dzhuzgun, saltwort. The soils are brown and gray-brown soils, desert sandy and stony, often highly saline.

Ungulates of semi-deserts and deserts - wild donkeys, kulans, camels, wild Przhevalsky horses are almost completely exterminated. Among the animals, rodents predominate, which mostly hibernate in winter, as well as reptiles.

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