How to feed stags at home. What do reindeer eat? What do they eat? Expert advice “Forest House. Deer feeding norms by months of the year

In the northern mountains of the Urals, on Far East and in Siberian taiga real beauties live - reindeer. One of the largest animals, they constantly migrate in search of scarce food supplies, in summer - closer to the north, in winter - to the south. Deer are very strong animals, and easily overcome rivers, mountains, and other obstacles that they encounter on their way.

  • Deer are very large animals, the body length of an adult male reaches two meters.
  • Venison is the main food of the peoples of the North.
  • Reindeer milk is considered the most nutritious and valuable, in addition, it is very tasty.

Even though the food is high northern latitudes not much, feed reindeer quite varied. In summer, deer eat grass, berries and plant leaves. It is plants that make up the main part of the reindeer's pasture food and provide it with everything necessary for life.

Willow and dwarf birch leaves are very valuable and nutritious. It is interesting that deer are quite picky in the choice of food: they do not eat damaged branches and rumpled plants, and while eating they like to bite off individual, younger and fresher leaves.

A real deer delicacy is mushrooms. Deer are very fond of cap mushrooms growing in the tundra: russula, boletus and aspen mushrooms, as well as mossiness mushrooms, which ripen in late summer and autumn, and can remain under snow until early winter.

In winter (and winter is more than half of the year), the diet of the reindeer is more monotonous and consists almost entirely of reindeer moss, which he eats up to ten kilograms per day. Yagel, although called northern moss, is actually a lichen that grows under the snow. Deer get their food by tearing the snow with their hooves.

In addition to reindeer moss, deer also eat other types of lichens that grow on tree trunks and branches. Such poor food leads to the fact that deer lack mineral salts, so reindeer herders must give them table salt, as well as bone meal and other types of food. Wild reindeer do their best to make up for the lack of useful microelements in their own way: they gnaw their antlers, even drink salt licks. sea ​​water. Yagel grows very slowly (only a few millimeters per year), so the deer have to constantly move in search of food.

Yagel - the main food for reindeer - contains a lot of starch. But there is practically no salt and protein in the moss, so the herbivorous deer, on occasion, regales itself with small animals, bird eggs, and even chicks, mushrooms (which it especially loves).

Reindeer eat a rather monotonous diet, a meager set of lichens, plants and fungi, moving along the same routes from year to year, but it is this kind of food that has allowed them to become the animals that we admire: graceful, graceful and unique.

Reindeer food in natural conditions exclusively seasonal. In summer, the deer willingly eats - eats and eats trefoil (watch), reed shoots, iris rhizomes, reed, meadowsweet, heather, rosemary, Ivan-tea and cotton grass. In autumn and early winter, grass and reed shoots become very tough and deer begin to feed on willow and aspen shoots, branches of oak, pine, and mountain ash.
He does not deny himself a forest delicacy and eats a lot of shoots of raspberries, blackberries, in autumn deer eat fallen acorns, beech nuts, wild apples and mushrooms. If they come across, the deer does not disdain and branches of birch, maple, linden, ash, eats horsetail and wild sorrel, cloudberry leaves and berries.

In winter, almost the only food for reindeer is moss, called moss reindeer moss. In order to exist normally, the reindeer has to get at least ten kilograms of reindeer moss under the frozen, hard snow cover. This type of moss is considered the main food of reindeer in the harsh winter time of the year. Moss reindeer moss in winter does not allow the deer to get sick, as it contains a huge amount of anti-inflammatory minerals.

In spring, the reindeer moves back to the branches and green shoots of trees. Birch buds, young willow bark and green shoots of poplar, aspen, oak and bird cherry make up the main diet of the reindeer. But in the spring, deer also do not forget to eat reindeer moss - Icelandic moss.

The reindeer spends a lot of time searching for shale emissions from the ground. Necessary to maintain the mineral balance in the body of a deer, salt is the main delicacy for the reindeer. Many kilometers of marches, the reindeer has to overcome in search of salt.

Reindeer are kept in captivity in large herds of several hundred head. In this case, the main food for the reindeer is moss moss, which grows in the tundra. Dozens and hundreds of kilometers pass such herds on pastures. If reindeer are kept in small paddocks, the main diet is cereals. Wheat, oats, barley, straw, black bread and bran. This menu, of course, is different from the natural one. But, in last years, meadow grass becomes a great delicacy for captive reindeer. Because it is very expensive to buy, and many owners of small farms and zoos try to buy food of lower quality, but also at a lower cost.

The reindeer population in recent years, due to commercial slaughter, in wild nature, decreased sharply. Deforestation, Forest fires, large precipitation, create very difficult conditions for subsistence. The reindeer, as one of the most beautiful and noble creatures of nature, is always admired for its appearance.
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Article: what do reindeer eat (eat)? Expert advice "Forest House" - author's, and can not be copied without the written consent of the site owner.

The most important thing in reindeer farming is feeding. I have already written repeatedly that the red deer is less demanding on the variety of food than the cow, but very demanding on quality and quantity.
The biggest mistake I have seen with other farmers is dividing into small paddocks. In a small space, animals, they say, are better controlled and driven from paddock to paddock, but here we are faced with another problem - a trampled field. On the project in Smolenskaya, my boss was of a mathematical mindset, and how could he (maybe good) gave me his perspective on things. I decided to digitize the reindeer, digitize their livelihoods, this is useful for me and was familiar to the management.
Here's what I got: In a large paddock, the grass left much more slowly than in a small one. Pure proportion - X sq. m area per 1 deer for 1 day, it was not possible to display. For 7.5 ha it was 17.4, and for 2 ha it was 25. All because the deer trampled down part of the field. After all, there is a concept - the living and total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment, for a small paddock, the percentage of area under the beds and trails was noticeably higher. And hence the lack of feed and poor condition for the breeding period. If you do not feed, then our animals will approach the autumn mating thin and emaciated, and this is a minus for reproduction, and if you feed, then we get into another problem. Deer are wild animals and will eat as long as there is food, especially such a good one as compound feed. I calculated the dose incorrectly, and females will come to mating with obesity, and this is also minutes for reproduction. Therefore, every reindeer breeder should strive to keep his livestock on natural feeding as long as possible, this is physiologically correct and economically feasible. The area of ​​feeding pens must be calculated taking into account the amount and value of the grass cover, the amount of precipitation, soil structure, geography, and many other factors. After talking with other reindeer herders, I came to the conclusion that for a normal meadow Middle lane, paddocks should be 6-8ha. You don't need more, you don't need less. Have 4 pieces of small paddocks of 1.5-2 hectares for various zootechnical purposes.

That is why every respectful reindeer breeder must determine externally, I would even say - from afar, the condition of their animals and correct it in time so that it comes up in perfect condition by September, otherwise we will lose in calves.

I give you a sign from the site, maybe someone will come in handy. Notice how thin the line is between Good and Very Good Condition.
So, autumn came, we coped and the second stage of feeding began.
We need to deceive the deer, they, like any females, including the human race, will never become pregnant if they do not have a guarantee of a good apartment and the opportunity to feed a deer child. We need to deceive the females, to do this, make them think that everything will be fine. Avoid crowding and abundant feeding. In autumn, the grass is not the same, so we add silage / haylage and grain to the diet. Here you don’t have to worry too much that you overfeed - you won’t get particularly fat in the fall, especially with such physical activity experienced by the male (I will not show porn videos a second time) but don't overdo it anyway. After all, a deer is a herbivore and an excessive amount of concentrated feed causes acidosis and death of the animal. The normal dose is considered to be 1-1.5 kg per adult deer and 0.5-0.75 kg per calf, depending on the quality of the feed and the ambient temperature.
We put a family of deer (20-25 females per male) on an area of ​​​​2 hectares, so small paddocks came in handy. For industrial breeding, where the accuracy of whose calf and from whom is no longer important, then we put one hundred females and 4-5 males on 8 hectares, naturally without horns.

Deer. Deer do not leave their offspring. Often they hide the young, so if you happen to meet a deer in the field, do not try to help him until you are sure that his mother is dead. If you still had to take care of a deer for the first time, then it will be useful to learn the following initial recommendations. If your yard is not fenced, put up a fence with a perimeter of about 15 m. This area will be enough for the baby. It is better to use metal poles, which are easy to mount and dismantle, and use a metal mesh for fencing.

It is desirable that there are trees and shrubs inside the fenced area. As the fawn grows up, it will gradually be able to reach the lower branches and soon begin to feast on green leaves.

A dwelling can be built from plywood, enclosing three sides with it. Another sheet of plywood should be put on the roof, and covered with roofing paper on top so that water does not penetrate. The case remains for a small front door- and here's the finished corral for the deer. There should always be fresh water and a small piece of lick salt in the paddock.

Feeding a deer is not difficult. Basically, this is any kind of milk with the addition of its substitutes and various nutritional mixtures. It is best to feed with a half-liter bottle. Pre-prepared formula is stored in the refrigerator and must be refrigerated before use. hot water for heating. At first, the five daily feedings must be strictly adhered to, then gradually reduced as the fawn begins to nibble on grass and leaves, and also shows interest in the offered grain food. By this time, the nutrient mixture can be given in the feeder, pouring it on top of a slice of wheat bread. The fawn will start by sucking the milk mixture out of the bread and then get used to taking any food in this way.

From a flock of flies the best protection are bamboo curtains that darken a certain place where deer hide from annoying insects. You can lubricate the animal with a special protective solution, but you must first consult a specialist. Deer are unusually attached to people and will follow you around like dogs. They love treats - carrots, apples, peanuts, marshmallow root. Further fate the animal will do well if it is brought up in the area where it was picked up and where its relatives are found. Then, by the time of release, the deer will be sufficiently acclimatized. If there are other deer in the area, he will definitely find them. Sometimes young deer have diarrhea - a consequence of a violation of the diet. "¦ Do not try to treat animals on your own with home-grown remedies, do not give drugs at random. It is better to contact a veterinarian, he will prescribe the right remedy.

Hickman M., Guy M. Care for wild birds and furs.- M .: Lesn. prom-st. - 87 p.

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