Why are international organizations needed? Modern international organizations. Goals, functions and main areas of activity of international organizations

In the context of worldwide globalization, integration of economies, unification of legislation and blurring of borders between countries, it is no longer possible to make decisions individually. It is necessary to agree on intentions various issues with the rest of the world community. Along with states, international organizations are important members of world politics. Conflicts between groups of people and countries, terrorist groups, climate change, geopolitics, development of the Arctic shelf, the disappearance of rare species of animals - this is far from full list issues that require their participation. It is only possible to confront the new challenges of our time through joint efforts.


The international organization is a voluntary union of member states created for cooperation in the fields of economics, politics, culture, ecology, and security. All their activities are based on international treaties. The nature of interaction can be both interstate and non-state, at the level public associations.


Any international organization is based on at least six main features:

  • Any organization must be created and operate in accordance with international legal standards. Usually, when creating such an association, all member states sign international convention, protocol or agreement that guarantees the fulfillment of all obligations assumed by the participants.
  • The activities of international organizations are regulated by their Charter, which outlines the goals, objectives, principles, and structure of the association. The provisions of the Charter must not contradict the norms of international law.

  • Availability of rights and responsibilities of all participants. Usually they are equal for any member of the union. Also, they should not abolish the independent rights of participants. The sovereignty of the state cannot be violated. The rights of international organizations determine the status of the association and regulate the issues of their creation and activities.
  • Permanent or regular activities, sessions, meetings between members to resolve international issues.
  • Decision-making by a simple majority of the organization's participants or through consensus. The final decisions are recorded on paper and signed by all participants.
  • Availability of headquarters and management bodies. It is not uncommon for the Chairman of the organization to act as the latter. Participants preside in turns for a limited time period.


What international organizations exist? All associations are divided depending on several criteria.


Subtype of organization

International legal capacity

Intergovernmental. They are created on the basis of an agreement between the governments of the participating countries. Members are states whose interests in the organization are represented by civil servants

Non-governmental. Relations in these associations are not regulated by government agreements. Any country that agrees with the goals and objectives of the organization can become a member. A striking example is the International Chamber of Commerce

Range of interests


  • sectoral - these are organizations whose interests do not go beyond a certain area, for example, ecology or economics;
  • professional - these are associations of specialists in the same industry, such organizations include the International Commonwealth of Lawyers or the International Federation of Accountants;
  • problematic - organizations designed to solve common global and regional problems; conflict resolution associations, such as the UN Security Council, etc., most often fall into this category.

Universal. The range of issues considered by the organization is not limited to one area of ​​life. Participating states have the right to submit any issues for consideration. A striking example is the UN

Territory of coverage

World - global international organizations, which can include any country, regardless of geographical location. Most often, these associations have a large number of participants. Examples: World Health Organization, World Meteorological Organization

Interregional are communities of states within several regions united by a common idea or problem. These include the Organization of Islamic Cooperation

Regional - organizations that include states of one region to solve internal issues. An example would be the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) or the Council of the Baltic Sea States

Multilateral - international organizations in which more than two countries interested in cooperation take part. So, the WTO (World trade Organization) includes among its members any country that agrees to adhere to certain trade and economic principles put forward by society. This has nothing to do with location or political system countries

Legal status

Formal are associations in which meetings of participants are formal in nature. That is, each participant is assigned his own role, all meetings are documented, and relationships between members are impersonal. Such organizations have a management apparatus and their own government bodies. An example is OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries)

Informal - organizations in which interaction is informal on an ongoing basis. These include such giants as the G20 and the Paris Club of Creditor Countries

One organization may meet several criteria at once.

List of key international organizations

According to 2017 data, there are 103 global organizations in the world. Some of them are permanent, others meet for sessions.

African Union

This is an international intergovernmental organization, which includes 55 member states. The main goal of the association is comprehensive cooperation and development of African states and peoples. Areas of interest include economics, trade, security, education, health, conservation wildlife, protection of human rights and much more.

Asia-Pacific Economic Community

International regional organization, whose areas of interest are economics and trade in the Asia-Pacific region. The association initiates the creation of unhindered and free trade between the participating countries.

Andean Community of Nations

International regional association countries South America. Has a socio-economic orientation. Community members advocate for the integration of states Latin America.

This international community includes eight states. Its goal is to preserve nature in the Arctic region and minimize damage caused to nature during shelf development.

Association of Southeast Asian Nations

It is an international organization of states South-East Asia. The range of issues considered by the association is not limited, but the main issue concerns the creation of trade zones. It consists of 10 countries. In 2006, a declaration was signed between Russia and the Association, allowing states to cooperate within the framework of meetings held by the Association.

Bank for International Settlements

This is a financial institution. Its goal is to strengthen cooperation between Central Banks of different countries and simplify international payments.

World Association of Nuclear Power Operators

An organization whose members are countries operating nuclear power plants. The purpose and mission of the organization is to create conditions for safe use atomic energy, improving the safety of nuclear power plants.

world Trade organisation

A multilateral international organization whose member countries are parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Designed to create conditions for the liberalization of trade among participants. One of the largest organizations, it has 164 members.

International Atomic Energy Agency

An organization whose purpose is to promote the safe use of nuclear energy. The agency also prevents the spread atomic weapons.


The United Nations is an association created after World War II by 50 member countries to maintain peace and security on the planet. On this moment The UN is the most influential organization in the world. In addition to maintaining peace, the UN now deals with a wide range of global issues. What international organizations are members of the UN? There are 16 institutions in total. The organization includes the following specialized international associations:

  1. The World Meteorological Organization is a UN body whose competence includes issues of meteorology, global warming and the interaction of the atmosphere with the world's oceans.
  2. The World Health Organization is a UN agency designed to solve international problems in the field of health care for the world's population. The organization actively contributes to improving the level of medical services, hygiene, and vaccination of the world population. The structure includes 194 countries.
  3. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, better known by its acronym UNESCO. The association deals with issues of education and the elimination of illiteracy, discrimination in education, the study of different cultures and the social sphere of human life. UNESCO is actively involved in the fight against gender inequality and plays a huge role in solving a wide range of problems on the African continent.
  4. UNICEF, or the UN International Children's Emergency Fund, provides comprehensive assistance to the institution of motherhood and childhood. Among the main goals of the fund is reducing child mortality, reducing deaths in pregnant women, promotion of primary education among children.
  5. The International Labor Organization is a special UN agency responsible for regulatory issues labor relations both within countries and in the international labor market.

Russia's participation in global organizations

Russian Federation accepts Active participation in the life of the world community and is a permanent member large quantity world organizations, consider the main ones:

  • The Customs Union is a supranational association of several countries with the aim of creating a single economic space and market, eliminating customs restrictions on goods.
  • The United Nations (Security Council) is a permanent UN body dealing with international security issues.
  • The Commonwealth of Independent States is a union of states that were formerly part of the USSR. The main goal of the CIS is issues of political, economic and cultural interaction between the participating countries.
  • The Collective Security Treaty Organization is a council of several states to maintain peace and order in the territory of the participants.
  • The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe is an association dedicated to resolving security issues in Europe.
  • The Council of Europe is a union of European countries to strengthen democracy, improve human rights legislation and cultural interaction between countries.
  • BRICS is a group of five countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa.
  • Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation is a regional forum for promoting trade between participants.
  • The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is an association whose goal is to maintain peace and stability. It is not a military bloc.
  • The Eurasian Economic Union is a regional organization that advocates the integration and rapprochement of the markets of its member countries.
  • The International Organization for Standardization is a global association whose main goal is to issue international standards and their implementation in the territories of all participants.
  • The International Olympic Committee is an organization created with the aim of reviving and promoting the Olympic movement in the world.
  • The International Electrotechnical Commission is an association dedicated to the standardization of electrical networks and equipment.
  • The World Trade Organization is a trade union designed to ensure equal rights on the international market to all participants.

International organizations - one of the most important forms of multilateral cooperation between states. They arise on the basis of an agreement between the participants. The activities of international organizations are regulated by charter; their effectiveness depends on the degree of coordination between states. The main goals and objectives of all international organizations are to create a constructive multilateral framework international cooperation, establishment of global and regional zones of peaceful coexistence. Nowadays in the world there is a huge number of different blocs and unions of countries that can be combined into three groups: political, economic and mixed.

Main purpose of activity political blocs - cooperation of the participating countries in the political and military spheres, participation in the creation of a collective defense system, cooperation in maintaining peace and security in their territories and in the world in general, coordination of efforts to solve military-political and legal problems.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO - a military-political union of 18 countries, created on May 4, 1949, consisting of the USA, Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Canada, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Denmark, Iceland; in 1952 Greece and Turkey joined it, in 1955 - Germany, in 1981 - Spain. In 1966 from military structure France left, Spain in 1983, and the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary in 1999.

Target: ensuring the freedom and security of all members by political and military means in accordance with the principles of the UN Charter; common actions and full cooperation to strengthen the security of participating States; ensuring a fair order in Europe based on common values, democracy, and human rights. Headquarters - Brussels, Belgium).

Interparliamentary Union. An international governmental organization that brings together national parliamentary groups. Created in 1889 Target - uniting parliamentarians of all countries to strengthen peace and cooperation between states. Headquarters - Geneva, Switzerland).

Organization of African Unity - OAU. Created on May 26, 1963 at a conference of heads of state and government of African countries in Addis Ababa. Compound (52 African countries. Target: promoting unity and solidarity among African countries, intensifying and coordinating efforts to improve living standards; protection of sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence; the elimination of all forms of colonialism; coordination of cooperation in the fields of politics, defense and security, economics, education, health and culture. Headquarters - Addis Ababa (Ethiopia).

ANZUS. A five-party bloc of Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Singapore. Target - promoting collective defense in the Pacific region. Constant headquarters No.

Organization of American States - OAS. A military-political alliance created in 1948 at the 9th Inter-American Conference in Bogota, which adopted the OAS Charter. Compound (35 countries. Target: supporting peace and security in America; prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts between participating states; organizing common actions to repel aggression; coordination of efforts to solve political, economic, legal problems; promoting economic, social, scientific, technical and cultural progress of participating countries. Headquarters - Washington (USA).

Gains integration processes strengthened its status in the global economy economic unions and groups countries aiming to promote the economic development of the participating countries, improve the living standards of their population and protect the economic interests of these states on the world stage.

Amazon Pact- a trade and economic bloc created on the basis of the Amazon Cooperation Agreement, which gained force in 1980. Compound (8 countries. Target: accelerated overall development and rational use natural resources the Amazon basin, protecting it from foreign exploitation, cooperation in creating infrastructure. Headquarters - Lima (Peru).

Organization economic cooperation and development - OECD - was formed in 1961 as the successor to the Organization for European Economic Cooperation, formed with the aim of making optimal use of American economic and financial assistance for the reconstruction of Europe (Marshall Plan) in cooperation with European countries- recipients of this assistance. Compound (25 countries). Target : contribution to the development of the world economy by ensuring optimal economic growth, increasing employment and living standards, maintaining the financial stability of participating states; promoting economic and social welfare by coordinating the policies of participating States; harmonization of assistance from OECD countries to developing countries. Headquarters - Paris, France).

Arab Maghreb Union - CAM - created in 1989 compound 5 countries included: Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia. Target : assistance in successfully resolving issues of economic development, ensuring high competitiveness of goods of the region’s countries in world markets. Headquarters - Rabat (Morocco).

Association of Caribbean States - ACS - founded by representatives of 25 countries and 12 territories at a conference in Cartagena in 1994. compound 24 countries included. Target : promoting economic integration of countries Caribbean. Headquarters - Port of Spain (Trinidad and Tobago).

Andean Pact - AP- a trade and economic union formed in 1969 by Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, and Venezuela. In 1976, Chile withdrew. Since 1969, Panama has been an associate member. Target : liberalization of regional trade and introduction of common external tariffs; creation of a common market; coordination of economic policy regarding foreign capital; development of industry, agriculture and infrastructure through common programs; mobilization of internal and external financial resources; balancing economic influence Brazil, Argentina and Mexico. Headquarters - Lima (Peru).

Visegrad Four formed in 1991 by Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Target - elimination of restrictions and customs borders in trade between members of the four. Constant headquarters No.

European Free Trade Association - EFTA - established in 1960 compound 9 countries included. Target - independent economic policy; duty-free trade among participating countries while they maintain independent tariffs in relation to other countries. Headquarters - Geneva, Switzerland).

Latin American Integration Association - LAAI - formed on the basis of the Montevideo II Treaty, signed by the participating countries, which came into force in 1981. In compound 11 countries included. Target - creation of a single Latin American market. Subregional groups are preserved within the boundaries of LAAI: the Treaty of the La Plata Basin (1969), the Cartagena Agreement (1969), the Treaty on Cooperation of the Countries of the Amazon Zone (1978). Headquarters - Montevideo (Uruguay).

La Plata group - trade and economic union formed on the basis of the Treaty on Economic Integration and General Development of the La Plata River Basin in 1969. compound 5 countries included: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay. Target: general economic development, use and protection of the resources of the La Plata basin. In 1986, Argentina and Brazil signed a long-term economic cooperation program - the “Act of Integration”, which was joined by Uruguay, and in 1991 by Paraguay. Headquarters - Buenos Aires, Argentina).

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries - OPEC - organized in 1960 at a conference in Baghdad. The Charter was adopted in 1965 and has undergone numerous changes over time. Compound (12 countries): Venezuela, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Indonesia, Libya, Algeria, Nigeria, UAE, Gabon. Target : coordination and unification of the oil policies of the participating states; definition of the most effective means protecting their interests; searching for means to ensure price stability on world oil markets; security environment. Controls up to 50% of world oil trade. Headquarters - Vienna, Austria).

North American Free Trade Association - NAFTA - the establishment agreement was signed on December 17, 1992 in Washington, and became effective on January 1, 1994. Compound : USA, Canada, Mexico. Target: creation of a free trade zone in North America for 15 years; Measures are proposed to liberalize the movement of goods, services, and capital across borders with the gradual elimination of customs and investment barriers. In the future - the unification of all American states (similar to the EU in Europe). Constant headquarters No.

Black Sea Economic Cooperation Region - CHRES - created in 1990-1992 IN compound 11 countries included: Ukraine, Russia, Greece, Turkey, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia. Target: creation of a regime of free movement of goods, services and capital in order to expand production cooperation and common entrepreneurship; expansion of economic ties in the Azov-Black Sea region and surrounding areas. Provides for general projects in the field of transport, television, energy, ecology, science and technology, agriculture, food industry, and the creation of a SEZ. Possible location headquarters Main Executive Committee - Istanbul (Türkiye).

BENELUX - economic union created on the basis customs union. The establishment agreement was signed in 1958 for a period of 50 years and came into force in 1960. Compound : Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg. Headquarters - Brussels, Belgium).

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation - APEC - established on the initiative of Australia in 1989 in the amount of 12 countries. In 2001 there were 21 countries. IN compound included: Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, USA, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Brunei, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Chile, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Russia, Vietnam, Peru. Target : creation of APEC; easing mutual trade barriers; exchange of services and investments; dissemination of cooperation in the field of trade, environmental protection, etc. It is planned to create an APEC Free Trade Area by 2010. Constant headquarters No.

TO mixed blocks belong to integration groups of countries whose goal is cooperation in several areas. The direction of cooperation is determined by the goals of creating the organization.

Association of Southeast Asian Nations - ASEAN - political-economic union created in 1967 in Bangkok. IN composition 9 countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar. In 2005, Russian President V.V. Putin attended the next summit. Target: promoting regional cooperation in economic, social and cultural spheres to strengthen peace in the region; accelerating economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region through common action on the principle of equality and partnership; cooperation in agriculture, industry, trade, transport, communications in order to improve the standard of living of the population; strengthening peace and stability, etc. Headquarters - Jakarta (Indonesia).

South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation - SAARC - political-economic union created in 1985 in Dhaka. Compound (7 countries): India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldives. Target : acceleration of economic, social and cultural development of participating countries, establishment of peace and stability in the region. In 1987, an agreement on the creation of a regional food fund and a convention on combating terrorism were signed in Delhi. Headquarters - Kathmandu (Nepal).

Caribbean Community - CARICOM - political and economic organization on cooperation in the areas of trade, credit, currency relations, coordination of economic and foreign policies, the creation of common facilities. Created in 1973 on the basis of the Treaty of Chaguaramas (Trinidad and Tobago). IN compound 13 countries included. Target : political and economic cooperation; foreign policy coordination; economic convergence of the common customs regime; coordination of policies in the areas of currency and credit, infrastructure and tourism, agriculture, industry and trade; cooperation in the fields of education and health. Headquarters - Georgetown (Guyana).

League of Arab States - LAS - created in 1945 in Cairo on the basis of the Arab League Pact. Compound (21 countries). Target: strengthening ties between participating states in various fields (economics, finance, transport, culture, healthcare); coordination of actions of participating states to protect national security, ensuring independence and sovereignty; prohibition of the use of force to resolve disputes. Relations are based on the principles of respect for existing regimes in other countries and refusal to attempt to change them. Headquarters - Cairo (Egypt).

Organization “Islamic Conference” - OIC - created in 1971 at a conference of heads of state and government of Muslim countries in Rabbat (Morocco). Compound (50 countries. Target : promoting the strengthening of Muslim solidarity; protection of holy places; support for the struggle of all Muslims to ensure independence and national rights; supporting the struggle of the Palestinian people; cooperation in economic, social, cultural, scientific and other spheres of life. Headquarters - Jeddah (Saudi Arabia).

Commonwealth of Nations - a voluntary association of independent states, whose symbol is the British monarch, recognized as the head of the Commonwealth. Created in 1947 Compound (51 countries). Target : regular consultations of countries on economics, finance, science, education, and military issues; promoting the well-being of peoples. At meetings of the heads of state and government of the Commonwealth member states, they discuss international situation, issues of regional development, socio-economic situation, cultural issues, as well as special programs Commonwealth. Headquarters - London, Great Britain).

Commonwealth of Independent States - CIS - political-economic union created by agreement of December 8, 1991 Compound (12 countries): Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine. The location of the Executive Secretariat is Minsk (Belarus). CIS budget is formed from equal contributions from participating states. Target: creating conditions for stable development of countries in the interests of increasing the living standards of the population; gradual creation of a common economic space based on market relations; creation of equal opportunities and guarantees for all economic entities; general implementation of economic projects; solution economic problems; political, military, economic and cultural cooperation of the participating countries. Headquarters - Minsk, Belarus) .

United Nations - UN - created on October 24, 1945, in 2002 it had 190 members. Observers UN: Vatican, Palestine, Organization of African Unity, European Union, Organization of the Islamic Conference, International Committee Red Cross, etc. Officially not a member of the UN one country is the Vatican. Target : support and strengthening of international security; development of relations between nations based on respect for the principles of equality and self-determination; international cooperation to solve world problems of a political, economic, social, cultural nature; promoting respect for human rights; transforming the UN into a center for coordinating the efforts of nations and peoples to achieve common goals. Headquarters - New York, USA).

Main subsections UN are as follows: General Assembly (GA) - main body The UN, which unites all its members (according to the principle of “one state - one vote”). Security Council (SC) - a single UN body that can make decisions binding on UN members. Economic and Social Council (ECOSOR) - is responsible for economic and social cooperation and solves problems related to the implementation of the GA recommendations (research, reports, etc.). Coordinates the activities of UN specialized agencies. Guardianship advice - consists of of the permanent members of the Security Council and resolves issues of US trusteeship over some islands of Micronesia.

International Court - The main judicial and legal body of the UN. Created in 1945, location - The Hague (Netherlands). The court resolves disputes only between states. UN Secretariat - consists of of the Secretary-General (elected for a 5-year term) and his appointed staff, who are responsible for carrying out the day-to-day work of the UN. High Commissioner for Human Rights appointed by the Secretary-General and responsible for the UN's activities in the field of human rights. Official languages ​​of the UN - English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, French.

TO UN specialized units relate: IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency ( headquarters - Vienna); WMO - World Metrology Organization (Geneva); WHO - World Health Organization (Geneva) ; WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization (protects copyright in all areas - Geneva ); UPS - Universal Postal Union ( Berne ); MMO - International Maritime Organization (maritime safety and ocean protection - London ); ICAO - International organization civil aviation (Montreal ); ILO - The International Labour Organization ( Geneva ); IBRD - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; IMF ; ITU - International Union telecommunications (radio, telephone, telegraph - Geneva) ; IFAD - International Fund for Agricultural Development - Rome ; UNESCO - UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - Paris;FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Rome.

International organization- a permanent association of an intergovernmental or non-governmental nature, created on the basis international agreement in order to facilitate the solution of international problems specified in the agreement. International organizations are characterized by:

— presence of a constituent document;

— permanent or regular nature of the activity;

— using multilateral negotiations and discussion of problems as the main method of activity;

There are intergovernmental, non-governmental, global and regional international organizations.

United Nations- an international organization of states created in 1945. in order to maintain and strengthen peace, security and develop international cooperation.

The main organs of the UN are the UN General Assembly, the UN Security Council, the UN Economic and Social Council, the UN Trusteeship Council, international Court UN and UN Secretariat.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO, English: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) - created in 1946. a specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes the implementation of the goals of universal education, the development of culture, the conservation of the world's natural and cultural heritage, international scientific cooperation, ensuring freedom of the press and communication.

European Economic Community (EEC)- Name European Union until 1994 The European Community was founded by the Treaty of Rome in 1957. as a common market of six European countries.

European Union- economic association of 15. A single internal market has been created in the EU, restrictions on the free movement of goods, capital, and labor between countries have been lifted, and a single currency system has been formed with a single governing monetary institution.

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC, English: Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) is a cartel (association of entrepreneurs), formed in 1960. some oil producing countries in order to coordinate oil production policies and control world crude oil prices. OPEC sets quotas for oil production.

World Trade Organization (WTO) is a global international organization founded in 1995 that deals with the rules of international trade. The basis of the WTO is made up of agreements agreed upon, signed and ratified by the majority of countries participating in international trade. The purpose of the WTO is to help producers of goods and services, exporters and importers in conducting their business. The WTO is the successor to the GATT.

Association of Southeast Nations ()- created in 1967 regional organization, which included , and . ASEAN's goals are to accelerate economic growth, social progress and cultural development of countries, and establish peace in the region.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO, English: North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is a military political alliance created on the initiative of the North Atlantic Treaty, signed in April 1949 in the USA,

World Trade Organization (WTO)- the successor since 1995 of the previously in force General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT, signed in 1947; in the early 90s, over 150 countries participated in it).

The package of documents establishing the WTO also includes the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights.

Currently, the most important task of the WTO is the liberalization of world trade through a consistent reduction in the level of import duties and the elimination of various non-tariff barriers. In its activities, this organization proceeds from the fact that the expansion international exchange will allow the most optimal use of world resources, ensure the stability of economic development of all countries and preserve the environment.

European Free Trade Association (EFTA)- a regional economic grouping created in 1960. Its original composition included Austria, Great Britain, Denmark (until 1973), Norway, Portugal (until 1983), Switzerland, Sweden.

At a later stage, Iceland, Finland and Liechtenstein joined this organization. In 1991-1993 free trade agreements were signed with Turkey, Czechoslovakia, Israel, Poland, Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria. According to the agreement on the European Economic Area (came into force in 1994), the EFTA member countries became its participants (with the exception of Switzerland and Liechtenstein).

European Communities (EC)- a general name for three regional integration groupings Western Europe: European Economic Community (EEC, created 1957), European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC, 1951), and European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom, 1958).

After the participants of these organizations went through a number of stages in the development of integration processes, the most notable event was the adoption of the Single European Act (1986), which clearly outlined the idea of ​​​​creating the European Union.

European Union (EU)- an integration association created on the basis of the European Communities in 1993 according to the Maastricht Treaty (1992). Initially, 12 countries had membership in the EU: Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and France. According to the 1994 agreements, three more countries joined the union (1995): Austria, Finland and Sweden.

Continuing to develop the ideas of creating a united Europe (the so-called “Europe without borders”), this group strives to form a political, economic and monetary union of the participating countries.

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)- is a body of the UN General Assembly created in 1964.

The most important task of UNCTAD is to promote the development of international trade.

International Development Association (MAP)- UN specialized agency; established in 1960 as a branch of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. MAP provides loans primarily to developing countries on slightly more preferential terms than the IBRD.

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)- a credit authority with the status of a specialized agency of the UN. The IBRD was founded in 1944, but began operating in 1946, providing medium- and long-term loans. Membership in this organization is available only to IMF members.

IBRD has branches: International Association Development, International Finance Corporation and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency. Together with its branches, the IBRD is sometimes called the World Bank.

International currency board(IMF)- a financial organization with the status of a specialized agency of the UN.

The IMF was founded in 1944 (Bretton Woods, USA), and has been operating since March 1, 1947. The most important tasks of the Fund are to promote the development of monetary and financial relations between member countries, maintain exchange rates, and provide credit assistance in order to equalize balances of payments.

Currently, about 180 states are members of the Fund, including Russia (since 1992) and other CIS countries.

United Nations (UN)- an international organization whose members currently include over 180 countries.

The UN was created in 1945 with the aim of maintaining and strengthening peace, security and developing international cooperation, including in the economic sphere. A number of its main bodies and specialized institutions play a prominent role in modern international economic relations.

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)- international intergovernmental organization. Created in 1960 in order to protect the interests of the main oil-producing states of Asia, Africa and Latin America, coordinate the production and export of oil, as well as harmonize prices for this energy carrier.

13 countries have membership in OPEC: Algeria, Venezuela, Gabon, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Qatar, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Ecuador.

In the 70s OPEC has repeatedly raised and introduced a single selling price for oil. However, significantly increased oil production in countries that are not members of this organization has reduced the role of OPEC in global oil production and trade.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)- organization of the most developed in economically countries of the world; created in 1960 to coordinate their economic and social policies. By 1997, the number of its members had increased to 29 (the last of them was the Republic of Korea in November 1996).

The OECD at this stage is not an integration association like the EU. This organization focuses its activities on developing recommendations to member countries on foreign economic problems, without significantly affecting issues of their internal socio-economic development.

"Paris Club"- intergovernmental organization of creditor countries, members of the IMF. A group of leading industrialized countries formed this “club” in 1961 with the aim of creating conditions for IMF member countries to borrow financial resources from it in the event of a shortage of fund resources in crisis situations.

The Paris Club began its activities in 1962 under the General Agreement on Borrowings with the IMF.

"Roman Club"- international public organization, created in 1968 with the aim of studying the main aspects of human development in the era of scientific and technological revolution. "Club" played important role in attracting the attention of the world community to global problems modern civilization, generated by the contradictions of social development, the sharply increased scale of human impact on the environment.

UN Economic Commissions- five regional economic commissions, whose activities are carried out under the leadership of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). These are the Economic Commission for Europe (EAC, created in 1947), the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP, 1947), the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA, 1948 and 1951), the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA, 1958), Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ECWA, 1974).

UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)- one of the main bodies of the UN, responsible, along with General Assembly The UN and under its leadership are responsible for carrying out the functions of the UN in the economic and social spheres.

The Council is the body that directs and coordinates the activities of UN agencies in these areas. Within the framework of ECOSOC, issues of international economic and social policy are discussed, fundamental recommendations are developed for the governments of UN member states and the establishment of its system.

To understand the essence of international political relations, it is necessary to identify the main subjects of world politics. In the political science literature, there are most often four main subjects that play a significant role in the system of international relations: national states, interstate associations, international governmental organizations and extra-state (non-governmental) organizations and movements. Let's briefly look at their characteristics.

National (sovereign) states act in the system of international relations as the main subjects of foreign policy activities. In the international arena, they enter into various relationships with each other, determine the forms of specific relationships and interactions within the world community, regional level, as well as on a bilateral basis. Often, certain aspects of international politics are even personalized with specific political leaders of individual countries: the Napoleonic Wars, the Monroe Doctrine, the Marshall Plan for post-war Europe, etc.

Interstate associations represent coalitions of states, military-political blocs (for example, NATO), integration organizations (EU), political associations (League Arab countries, Non-Aligned Movement). These are associations on an interstate basis, playing in modern politics very important role.

International governmental organizations - a special type of association that includes representatives of most countries of the world, often having divergent political orientations and interests. Such organizations are created to discuss problems of universal importance and to coordinate the activities of the world community (UN, UNESCO, etc.).

In the modern world, international organizations are the main organizer of communication between states. An international organization is an association of states in accordance with international law and on the basis international treaty, for the implementation of cooperation in political, economic, cultural, scientific, technical, legal and other fields, having the necessary system of bodies, rights and obligations, derived from the rights and obligations of states into an autonomous will, the scope of which is determined by the will of the member states.

Any intergovernmental organization must have at least six characteristics.

Firstly, it is created in accordance with international law. This is the most significant feature and is of decisive importance. Any governmental organization must be created on a legal basis, namely, the organization must not infringe on the interests of an individual state and the international community as a whole.

In addition, any international organization is created on the basis of an international treaty (convention, agreement, treaty, protocol, etc.). The parties to such a treaty are sovereign states, and more recently, intergovernmental organizations have also been participants in international organizations. For example, the EU is a member of many international fisheries organizations.

The purpose of creating any international organization is to unite the efforts of states in one area or another: political (OSCE), military (NATO), economic (EU), monetary and financial (IMF) and others. But an organization like the UN must coordinate the activities of states in almost all areas. In this case, the international organization acts as an intermediary between member states. Sometimes states refer the most difficult issues of international relations to organizations for discussion and resolution.

It is very important for every international organization to have an appropriate organizational structure. This feature seems to confirm the permanent nature of the organization and thereby distinguishes it from numerous other forms of international cooperation. Intergovernmental organizations have headquarters, members represented by sovereign states and subsidiary bodies.

The next important feature of an international organization is its rights and obligations, which are generally enshrined in its constituent act. An international organization cannot exceed its powers. The international organization also has independent international law and responsibilities, i.e. has an autonomous will, distinct from the will of the member states. This feature means that any organization in its field of activity can independently choose the means of fulfilling the rights and obligations assigned to it by the member states. Thus, an international organization that has the above characteristics is considered an international intergovernmental organization.

For example, the Council of Europe was founded by its Charter in May 1949. The purpose of this Organization is to achieve greater unity among its members in order to defend and implement the ideals and principles that are their common achievement, promoting their economic and social progress.

The activities of the Council of Europe are focused on issues such as legal support for human rights, promoting awareness and development of European cultural identity, and finding joint solutions social problems, development of political partnership with new democratic countries Europe, etc.

The governing bodies of the Council of Europe are the Committee of Ministers, the Consultative Assembly, the Meeting of Sectoral Ministers and the Secretariat. The Committee of Ministers is composed of the foreign ministers of the member states and is supreme body Councils of Europe. He makes decisions about the organization's work program and approves the recommendations of the Consultative Assembly. At the ministerial level, it usually meets twice a year. There are also monthly meetings at the level of permanent representatives of the member states of the Council of Europe. 40 states are members of the Council of Europe. The headquarters of the organization is located in Istanbul.

Modern international organizations are divided into two main types: intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations. The role of both is significant, and they all contribute to the communication of states in various fields life.

International non-governmental organization any international organization not established on the basis of an intergovernmental agreement is considered. Such organizations must be recognized by at least one state, but operate in at least two states. Such organizations are created on the basis of a constituent act. They emerged in the early 19th century and currently number about 8,000. International non-governmental organizations (INGOs) play an active role in all aspects of modern international relations. And in a number of areas they are even leaders. For example, the Red Cross Committee, whose principles of activity are humanity, impartiality, independence and voluntariness, has made a great contribution to the interaction of states in various fields.

Non-state (non-governmental) international organizations and movements are also active subjects of politics. These include international associations of political parties (for example, Christian, communist, socialist - Socialist International), trade unions(World Federation of Trade Unions, International Confederation free trade unions, etc.), youth, students, pacifist movements, etc.

A special role in Lately informal ones begin to play international movements and organizations such as “public diplomacy”, “green”, etc. Non-state international organizations in modern literature also include multinational corporations, church-religious associations and a number of others, which, although not organizations of a political nature, nevertheless have an significant impact on international political processes.

Particular attention should be paid to those subjects of international politics that play a destructive role and can pose a threat to the normal development of international relations, undermine both international and national security. These, firstly, are states that proclaim claims to world domination, and also build their own foreign policy based on aggressive and revanchist aspirations. Secondly, the destructive subjects of international politics are international terrorist groups and organizations, transnational drug trafficking associations, international mafia structures, Masonic organizations, and some international religious associations. Relations between political subjects in the international arena are built and developed on a different basis. These can be relationships of cooperation and struggle, mutual support and competition. Of particular importance in the peaceful resolution of international conflicts is the policy of reasonable compromises that take into account the mutual interests of states.

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