Mediterranean or medusa fried egg. The mediterranean or jellyfish fried egg is the most interesting thing on the blogs. It can't be done

Pelagia noctiluca This species of jellyfish is known as the "purple stinger" in Europe, among many other names. Widespread in all warm and temperate waters oceans including the Mediterranean, Red Sea and Atlantic Ocean. Also found in the Pacific Ocean warm waters off the Hawaiian Islands, southern California and Mexico, and elsewhere in the Pacific. As a rule, these sea ​​views live in areas far from the coast, although sometimes they form flocks near coastline and can be found in large numbers on beaches. The color varies throughout the world, and in addition to mauve tones, shades of golden yellow to tan can sometimes be seen.

Chrysaora hysoscella , also known as the compass jellyfish, is a very common species of jellyfish that lives in the coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean and mediterranean sea, including off the coasts of the United Kingdom and Turkey. It has a diameter of up to 30 cm. Its 24 tentacles are located in eight groups of three. The body is painted yellowish-white with shades of brown. Compass jellyfish are in the shape of a saucer-bell, with 32 semicircular lobes Brown all over the edge. On upper surface the bell has 16 V-shaped rays, also brown. The mouth opening is located in the center of the lower part of the bell, and is surrounded by four tentacles. The poison of the stinging cells of Chrysaora hysoscella is potent and can lead to painful, long-healing wounds.

Cornerot jellyfish (Rhizostoma pulmo) - the largest jellyfish in the Black and Mediterranean Seas. Medusa belongs to the order Cornerota (lat. Rhizostomeae) and can reach 50-60 cm in diameter and weigh 10 kg.

This pelagic species is widely distributed in the Atlantic Ocean, the eastern Mediterranean Sea (along the Adriatic coast) and the Black Sea. A convex umbrella and massive oral lobes with numerous processes give the jellyfish a characteristic appearance. Poisonous stinging cells are located on lacy lobes. The poison does not pose a serious danger to humans. Only in sensitive people, upon contact with the oral lobes, a strong irritation similar to a nettle burn may occur, which disappears within a short time. This is probably why the jellyfish is also called sea nettle, zhigalka, zhguchka.

Carybdea marsupialis . The presence of box jellyfish is described in almost all tropical and sub tropical waters with oceanic salinity. Two species - Carybdea marsupialis and Carybdea rastoni are also noted in the seas of the temperate zone.

Evidence of the danger of box jellyfish for humans are special nets that are stretched along the beaches in northern Queensland (Australia) to protect against them. Although almost every year in Australia there are deaths due to stings from box jellyfish Chironex fleckeri, the consequences of interaction with them for humans can be different.

Cotylorhiza tuberculata - "Live scrambled eggs" is one of the most common species of Mediterranean jellyfish. It can also be found in the Adriatic and Aegean seas, this creature can reach a decent size, up to 35 - 40 cm in diameter.

Unlike most other representatives of the stinging type, they are able to move autonomously, using only the power of undercurrents that pick up the "protein" of the body of the jellyfish. Cotylorhiza tuberculata has stinging cells that contain a toxic substance, as well as a very small sting, fortunately for humans, such jellyfish are almost not dangerous. However, caution should not be neglected, the reaction to poison varies and sensitivity to it is individual.

Olindias phosphorica. Umbrella up to 8 cm in diameter, with small blue tentacles along the edges and almost transparent. Habitual habitat near the coast, with thickets of Posidonia algae. Usually tied to very specific areas, however, due to currents, it can move to other areas. This species can rarely be met by an ordinary person, as it has night image life. Olindias phosphorica are supposed to live in tropical waters, and their recent appearance off the coast of Catalonia can only be explained by the general warming of the Mediterranean Sea. Painful sting. - a species of colonial hydroids from the siphonophore order, the colony of which consists of polypoids and medusoids. A large transparent bubble at one end of the colony (pneumatophore), the size of which reaches 30 cm, is filled with gas and keeps it on the surface of the water. It gives the Portuguese boat an external resemblance to scyphoid jellyfish. The trapping tentacles of representatives of this species carry a huge number of stinging cells, the poison of which is dangerous for humans.

With burns of physalia, wetting the affected skin with a 3-5% solution of vinegar helps, which prevents the stinging cells remaining in the wound from triggering. In no case should you try to wash away the poison fresh water, from this, even whole stinging cells with poison are destroyed, and the pain increases dramatically. If the poison gets into the eyes or the pain does not go away within a few minutes, you should see a doctor.


All about fertilizers and top dressing. Mineral and organic.

Any gardener knows that in order to get a good harvest, plants need to be fed enough. But what?

Many people think that the best top dressing is mullein. Like, this is a natural fertilizer, which means that it has everything that plants need.

But this statement is only partly true. Mullein contains a lot of nitrogen, but there are no other nutrients. How to correct this imbalance?

Of course, with the help of mineral fertilizers. Feeding "mineral water" can quickly eliminate nutritional deficiencies. But you need to learn how to determine by some symptoms: what exactly is missing for this or that plant.


Nitrogen deficiency is a fairly common situation. In this case, the leaves on the plants are small and pale, and the plants themselves turn yellow and wither. They may bloom prematurely, but the peduncles are weak and there are few flowers.

With a lack of nitrogen, garlic turns yellow ahead of time. The lower leaves of the cabbage turn pinkish-yellow and fall off. At white cabbage an elongated stalk is formed, cauliflower lays weak inflorescences. In cucumbers, the whips become yellow, and the fruits acquire a hooked shape with a pointed tip.

Return plants to life will help 1 tbsp. a spoonful of urea dissolved in 10 liters of water. With this solution, you need to spray the plants, as well as feed them under the root. Literally after three to four days, the signs of nitrogen starvation usually disappear. And to enhance the effect, before the next watering, you need to sprinkle the beds with ammonium nitrate at the rate of 50 g per 1 m2.


With a lack of potassium in the soil, the edges of the leaves turn white in the plants, and then they become brown and dry. This phenomenon was called marginal burn.

If there is not enough potassium for a long time, the stems of plants become weak, easily lodge. Cucumber leaves become convex, and the edges are bent down.

Potassium starvation is eliminated with a solution of potassium chloride (50 g per 10 liters of water). The plants are sprayed with this solution, and 50-70 g of potassium sulfate are scattered under the root and the beds are well watered.


Phosphorus starvation is not as common as nitrogen or potassium starvation. With a lack of phosphorus, the leaves become dull dark green in color. On their underside, the color becomes bluish-green, purple or purple shades. This is especially noticeable along the veins.

In tomato seedlings, the stems also become bluish-green. Reddish and purple spots may appear. The leaves begin to fall off, dried leaves turn black. In this case, the shoots become thin, and growth slows down.

Plants can be cured by adding double superphosphate (30 g per 1 m2 of beds).


The deficiency of this microelement is most often experienced by plants. With a lack of boron, the growth points of the stems are primarily affected. Stems and leaves are twisted. And in cucumbers, the fruits are also bent. Zucchini and zucchini become rough and gritty. In white cabbage, cavities appear in the stalk, and cauliflower inflorescences become loose, turn brown, and small leaves grow through them.

Beetroot loses its ability to store - it rots either in the garden, or already during storage. Carrots are covered with black marks - damage.

All problems are solved by adding 3 g of boric acid per 1 m2 of beds.

Mineral fertilizers are not only effective, but also very easy to use. In order, for example, to carry out foliar feeding, it is enough to dissolve them in water and let them stand. Then pour the solution into plastic bottle with a sprinkler - and you can proceed. Root top dressing is easy to carry out with a garden watering can. And in order to measure the right amount of fertilizer, you can use the simplest measuring instruments - a glass and a spoon.

Organic fertilizers for the garden: their types and characteristics, feeding options.

Despite the positive useful features organic fertilizers, non-compliance with the rules and regulations for their application can lead to damage to the soil and plants. The correct approach to this issue will ensure that you get the maximum benefit from such fertilizers.

cow dung

It is one of the most common types of organics, since it can significantly improve the structure of the earth, make it more breathable and moisture-intensive. characteristic feature This fertilizer is considered to have a rather long period of action - up to 7 years. Finding such fertilizers is quite easy, unlike, for example, peat. At the same time, many gardeners and gardeners do not know about the insidious side of this fertilizer: Fertilizer is applied no more than 1 time in 4 years. It follows from this that per 1 sq. m plot is made no more than 4 kg. The annual introduction of cow manure leads to an excess of substances in the soil, especially nitrogen. With abundant irrigation, organic residues decompose more intensively, which leads to the release of a large number nitrogen, and this, in turn, oversaturates our vegetables with nitrates.

The introduction of manure is allowed only after it has pereperet well, since fresh manure is a source of various diseases, pests, and it also contains weed seeds, which cause a lot of trouble for gardeners.

In addition, during the initial decomposition of fresh manure, gas and heat are released in large quantities, which, combined with nitrogen, push the plant that has not yet had time to mature to increased growth. This leads to its weakening and inability to form a crop suitable for long-term storage.

When fertilizing acidic soils with cow dung, it should be remembered that it acidifies the earth even more. In such cases, horse manure is more preferable, or cow manure should be combined with liming.

If manure is introduced into the planting hole, care must be taken to ensure that there is no contact between the manure and the plant root in order to avoid a burn that will slow down the development of the seedling.

Bird droppings.

In terms of its nutritional value, bird droppings are compared with complex mineral fertilizers. It contains nitrogen, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, as well as bacteriophages, which allows you to simultaneously fertilize and disinfect the earth, since bacteriophages successfully suppress many pathogens. At the same time, there are a number of rules for the use of this type of fertilizer:

Bird droppings contain uric acid in large quantities, so they bring it not fresh, but in combination with turf or peat. You can also prepare a tincture of litter on the water, which must be kept for 10 days. The mixture is applied to well-moistened soil and begins to act no earlier than a week later. Therefore, it is recommended to sprinkle a small layer of earth on top.

Like many organic fertilizers, bird droppings can be applied as the main fertilizer. In this case, the application rate is up to one and a half kg per 1 sq. m. Such a filling is valid for up to 3 years. In spring and summer, you can feed the plants three times a season.

Peat is not particularly popular among gardeners, although it can loosen the soil and improve its water-absorbing properties just as well as manure. Peat differs in its sufficient poverty nutrients and stinginess in the return of nitrogen. In this regard, it is used as compost, adding it to organic mineral additives.

Peat is rarely brought in fresh - it must first be weathered (3 weeks) for the conversion of harmful ferrous compounds of aluminum and iron into neutralized oxide forms in air. To prevent moisture withdrawal from the soil, it is recommended to apply peat moistened up to 60%.

If for some reason you do not have additional organic fertilizers for the garden and you decide to use peat as the main fertilizer, then in this case it is necessary to close it up with a full bayonet of a shovel. You can make peat both in spring and in autumn time of the year. You should know that peat is of three types: high, intermediate and lowland. The last two are used as fertilizer, and the horse is used to shelter plants in winter.

Peat has an important feature: it tends to acidify the soil. When introducing it into acidic soil, it is recommended to use ash, dolomite flour or lime for deoxidation.


At home, you can harvest organic fertilizers with your own hands. So, for example, to prepare compost, you will need a compost pit and vegetable garden waste.

This organic fertilizer can rightfully be considered a full-fledged replacement for humus. Compost contains nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, and various trace elements. It has a positive effect on the vital activity of beneficial microflora.

In no case should semi-mature compost be introduced into the soil due to the content of pathogens and weed seeds in it. However, it is allowed to feed seedlings with semi-ripe compost.

This type of fertilizer in the first year of maturity is rich in nitrogen. It is not recommended to sow plants that tend to accumulate nitrates during the first few years after its introduction. These plants include radishes, beets, lettuce. You should be aware that the compost is not rich in magnesium and calcium, which it is desirable to use additionally.

Also, the harmful insect of the bear likes to live in the compost and, if it is imported from someone else's garden, you should find out if there are such pests there.

It's no secret that ash is an excellent organic fertilizer. However, not everyone knows that it has some features, ignorance of which can harm the soil on your site.

Ash is rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, boron, molybdenum, manganese and other elements, however, it does not contain nitrogen. In this regard, fertilizers that contain nitrogen must be applied to the soil. It should be remembered that the simultaneous application of ash and nitrogen-containing fertilizers provokes the formation of ammonia harmful to plants.

Ash is a powerful soil deoxidizer, and therefore, when it is introduced into slightly acidic soil, it must be done very carefully. Also, you can not add ash to feed young seedlings, which do not yet have 3 leaves.

top dressing organic fertilizers.

For each type of plant, fertilizing with organic fertilizers has its own individual characteristics:

Cucumbers respond gratefully to fertilizing with dung mash, that is, water with manure fermented in the sun.

Cabbage during the growing season requires two feeding with wood ash.

Carrots, in the case of poorly developing crops, gratefully respond to top dressing with solutions of bird droppings or slurry. Moreover, the first top dressing should be carried out in the phase of 3-4 leaves.

Tomatoes. The first top dressing with organic fertilizers is carried out 20 days after the seedlings were planted, the second - during the blooming of flower brushes, and the third - with a general abundant flowering of the bushes. Liquid mullein is excellent as a fertilizer.

Eggplants are fed two weeks after the seedlings were planted, and then during the flowering period. Vegetable fertilizers such as slurry and chicken manure are great for eggplant.

Have a generous harvest!!!

The appearance of a large number of jellyfish in the seas surrounding Greece was unpleasant news for bathers. General Directorate of the Ministry Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine at the Department of Fisheries DAKO OQ Fthiotida, in collaboration with the Greek Center for Marine Research, has released a guide that tells you how to recognize dangerous and non-dangerous species of jellyfish that live in the seas surrounding Greece, as well as what to do if you are stung by a poisonous jellyfish .

Jellyfish of the Mediterranean

Dangerous jellyfish

Map of beaches where dangerous jellyfish are found

There are 3 main species found in the Mediterranean and other seas dangerous jellyfish, burns from which give severe pain when touched, and can also cause an allergic reaction:

  • Pelagia- a small lilac sting;
  • Chrysaora- sea nettle;
  • cyanea- hairy jellyfish;

Medusa Pelagia
Pelagia (Pelagia noctiluca), also related to disk jellyfish, exists only in the medusa stage. The edge of her umbrella is divided into eight petals, where the sense organs are located - vision, a rudimentary sense of smell, as well as organs of balance. This is a medium-sized jellyfish, rarely exceeding 12 cm in diameter of an umbrella.

The umbrella is bell-shaped, the color of the dome can vary from purple to brownish red. The edge of the bell, decorated with frills, is equipped with eight thin, armed stinging cells, tentacles, and four oral lobes extending from the mouth opening.

The name of this jellyfish is translated from German language, as "evening light" due to the variegated coloring of the dome and the ability to emit light when touching any objects underwater.
Pelagia poison is dangerous for humans, it can cause burns and even shock.

If you see this jellyfish in the water, it is better to immediately get out of the water.

Chrysaora - sea nettle

also known as the compass jellyfish, a very common species of jellyfish that lives in the coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, including off the coasts of the United Kingdom and Turkey. It has a diameter of up to 30 cm. Its 24 tentacles are located in eight groups of three. The body is painted yellowish-white with shades of brown. Compass jellyfish are shaped like a saucer-bell, with 32 semicircular brown lobes around the edge. On the upper surface of the bell, there are 16 V-shaped rays, also brown. The mouth opening is located in the center of the lower part of the bell, and is surrounded by four tentacles.

The scyphoid jellyfish Chrysaora, named for obvious reasons sea nettle and living in tropical seas, is capable of causing heart failure, not to mention dermatitis and necrosis. Behind the jellyfish drifting on the waves stretches the longest train of filamentous tentacles, spread out so wide that you can literally get stuck in them without noticing the jellyfish's bell itself, pulsing somewhere off to the side. The venom from the stinging cells of Chrysaora hysoscella is potent and can lead to painful, long-lasting wounds.

Medusa Cyanea

The poison of cyanide does not pose a mortal threat to humans, but can cause very severe burns and a rash on the body at the point of contact with its poisonous tentacles.

Another one good news- jellyfish stings are extremely rarely a threat to life. The bad news is that the moment a jellyfish stings, it leaves thousands of incredibly small stingers in your body that cling to your skin and release venom. Most often, this poison causes mild discomfort or painful redness.

Non-dangerous jellyfish

The eared jellyfish is well known to everyone who has visited the Black Sea coast at least once. However, it is a pronounced cosmopolitan - it is widespread throughout the world and lives in coastal waters in almost all temperate and tropical seas of both hemispheres, even entering the Arctic regions. Sometimes these animals form huge clusters.

Perhaps the most harmless jellyfish, which, however, can cause trouble for allergy sufferers or if this jellyfish is smeared on the delicate tissues of the face and mucous membrane.

Medusa, which is also called "Live scrambled eggs" is one of the most common species of Mediterranean jellyfish. It can also be found in the Adriatic and Aegean Seas, this creature can reach a decent size, up to 35 - 40 cm in diameter.

Unlike most other representatives of the cnidarian type, they are able to move autonomously, using only the power of undercurrents that pick up the "protein" of the jellyfish's body. Cotylorhiza tuberculata has stinging cells that contain a toxic substance, as well as a very small sting, fortunately, such jellyfish are almost not dangerous for humans. However, caution should not be neglected, the reaction to poison varies and sensitivity to it is individual.

, or phosphorus jellyfish, is a species of hydrozoan from the central and eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea.

This is the real queen of jellyfish. So gracefully she carries her shining dome. Of course, the most difficult thing is to capture how the phosphorescent jellyfish swims in the dark water of the ocean.

Previously, a rather rare guest in the waters surrounding Greece for Last year recorded in many places. A jellyfish from the order of limnomedusas, which has a translucent body and a speaking name - "Phosphoric Olindias" (Olindias phosphorica). Main Feature of these unique animals lies in their "highlighting". Upon contact with human skin, the venom of these jellyfish leads to minor irritation. Most likely, such defenselessness, plus beauty - these are the foundations of the current small number of the species "Phosphoric olyndias".

Medusa Cornerot - the largest jellyfish in the Black and Mediterranean Seas. Medusa belongs to the order Cornerota (lat. Rhizostomeae) and can reach 50-60 cm in diameter and weigh 10 kg.

This pelagic species is widely distributed in the Atlantic Ocean, the eastern Mediterranean Sea (along the Adriatic coast) and the Black Sea. A convex umbrella and massive oral lobes with numerous processes give the jellyfish a characteristic appearance. Poisonous stinging cells are located on lacy lobes. The poison does not pose a serious danger to humans. Only in sensitive people, upon contact with the oral lobes, a strong irritation similar to a nettle burn may occur, which disappears within a short time. This is probably why the jellyfish is also called sea nettle, zhigalka, zhguchka.

How does a jellyfish sting

Most jellyfish hide in their seductive jelly-like body stinging cells - nematocytes, which produce the poison necessary for jellyfish to protect themselves from enemies and kill prey. Nematocytes contain the smallest intracellular structures - nematocysts (a capsule with a hollow thread twisted in it in the form of a spiral). When touched by a jellyfish, they act like a harpoon: they shoot, fix on the skin and, through the thinnest channel, inject nerve poison into the body of the victim. Contact with tentacles separated from jellyfish can also be dangerous. After contact, the stinging cells remain on the skin and continue to give out portions of the poison, the person gets burns and severe pain, up to pain shock.

Symptoms of jellyfish stings

The symptoms of a jellyfish sting include obvious pain, which can exceed the pain shock caused by the sting of several wasps at once. After the initial pain, you may have jellyfish burn symptoms such as itching, developing a rash, and large welts. Depending on the type of jellyfish and the severity of the sting, symptoms that may develop later may include:

  • nausea and vomiting
  • convulsions
  • numbness
  • muscle spasms
  • diarrhea.

If the jellyfish bite is severe enough, it can even result in coma. Most poisonous species jellyfish actually accumulate most of these symptoms and causes of death in just a few minutes. Luckily, there are none in Greece.

Prevention of stings of jellyfish

What to do so that you are not stung by a jellyfish?
The first thing to do is to follow simple rules security:

  • avoid meeting with a jellyfish, in a calm state, she holds her tentacles, which in fact can stretch for a considerable distance;
  • do not go into the water after a storm, there may be fragments of tentacles in the water;
  • while diving underwater, it is better not to touch anything, even if you are wearing gloves.

So, preventing a jellyfish sting is best measure jellyfish sting treatment that always works :o). The first rule of defense against jellyfish is to try to avoid areas of water where jellyfish are plentiful.

If you do swim and bathe in jellyfish infested areas, be sure to check with local residents, hotel staff, what kind of jellyfish is here and how serious it is.
Swimming in areas with high jellyfish populations is best done with as much protective equipment as possible, including a wetsuit, mask, gloves, and fins.

Another valuable advice- keep yourself from wanting to touch a jellyfish, even a dead one. A dead jellyfish still retains the ability to sting.

First aid for a victim of a jellyfish sting

Are common practical advice affected by contact with the stinging cells of jellyfish are as follows:

  • in no case do not touch the jellyfish burn with your hands, and do not comb the skin at the point of contact - it is likely that the stings are still in your skin, and scratching the bite or simply touching it will only increase the effect of the poison .;
  • plentifully water this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body sea ​​water, while making a minimum of movements. (As an alternative, washing the jellyfish sting site directly in the salt water of the sea), thus, some part of the toxic substance and the remains of the jellyfish tentacles will be washed off;
  • Remember: what to do with a jellyfish sting you can’t - so it’s washing the jellyfish sting with fresh water, because it promotes the release of toxins!
  • promptly contact any medical center located nearby, where you will be provided with qualified assistance using special preparations;
  • you can apply ice to the inflamed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, which will significantly reduce the pain from a jellyfish burn;
  • monitor the heart rhythms and breathing of the victims - some patients may experience allergic reactions and pain shock.

More detailed rules for first aid if stung by a jellyfish are as follows:

  • If stung by a jellyfish, you need to get out of the water. Even though Mediterranean jellyfish do not pose a threat to life, after contact with a jellyfish, you should immediately get out of the water and start treating the area that got the jellyfish burn.
    If a jellyfish has stung a child or the elderly, allergy sufferers, as well as those who have problems with cardiovascular or respiratory systems, you have to be very careful. If such people are stung by a jellyfish, then they may experience a painful shock.
  • Clean and rinse the jellyfish sting. After the victim of a jellyfish sting is on the shore, you must immediately get rid of the remnants of the jellyfish tentacles. Never clean the wound with bare hands so as not to get a new jellyfish burn.
    In the process of extracting the remains of the tentacles, remain as still as possible, try to calm down as much as possible. The more you move in the process of extracting the remains of the tentacles, the more poison will spread throughout your body.
    Use a credit card or a razor to lift and remove the stings from the skin. Be as gentle as possible and try to place the credit card at a 30-degree angle. Additional irritation on the skin can be caused by capsules located in the tentacles (they are called “nematocysts”). These capsules increase the pain.
    The tentacles of a jellyfish are able to separate from its body and get stuck in the skin. Their number can be measured in thousands. And, like any good defense mechanism, they will sting you until you remove them.
    If you don’t have a credit (any plastic) card or a razor handy, try a non-standard approach using other things. Use a damp towel or gloved hands and try to pull the tentacles out of the victim's affected skin. Do not touch the tentacles with bare hands. They can sting even after they have separated from the jellyfish.
  • To clean the wound, you can use napkins, a cotton swab. Tongs, a knife, and a couple of clean sticks can be helpful tools in extracting jellyfish tentacles.
    Discard materials that have been in contact with jellyfish nematocysts. Reduce the likelihood of an accidental re-bite to zero.

    The easiest and fastest way is to wash the jellyfish burn with salt water or soda solution. Do not under any circumstances use fresh water, it only activates stinging cells.

  • Apply lotion to the jellyfish sting. If you have a first aid kit with you, and it contains apple cider vinegar, alcohol or ammonia, you need to make a lotion. A lotion for a jellyfish burn will help remove toxins - this is indicated in the vast majority of the recommendations I found on the net ..
    But it must be said that some researchers believe that the use of vinegar can increase the amount of poison emitted by nematocysts by 50%.
    I met a lot of recommendations on the net: to neutralize a jellyfish sting, you can treat it with fresh human urine (by the way, information regarding the effectiveness of vinegar is ambiguous - see the opinion of British doctors below).
  • Treat the jellyfish burn site. After neutralizing the poison of the jellyfish, the burn should be treated for inflammation and itching. Perfect option– gel or cream with hydrocortisone, it will reduce swelling. Skin itching will help remove drugs and creams from insect bites. For example, gels with antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties: Psilo-balm, Fenistil-gel, Aloe Vera.
  • Drink a lot. A victim of a jellyfish sting is advised to drink plenty of fluids.
  • Contact a doctor. After providing first aid, it is imperative to consult a doctor, as some types of jellyfish can be very dangerous, and a jellyfish bite can lead to complications or an allergic reaction.

How to treat a jellyfish sting with baking soda

The most ideal treatment for jellyfish stings without the use of drugs is to create a paste using baking soda and salt water. IN Greek soda also sounds - soda (μαγειρική σόδα). The most popular brand is "Σόδα Μαγειρική Ήλιος" soda.
Mix baking soda and water until you get a thick and sticky mixture, and apply it to the area of ​​the skin that was stung by the jellyfish. Allow the paste to dry and then slowly clean the bite. Although there may be some discomfort from "waxing" some of your hair, you will experience the positive effect that the baking soda and sea water paste cleanses deeply damaged skin cells.

This cannot be done!

  1. Apply oily cream and any kind of oils to the burnt area of ​​the skin.
  2. Cauterize the inflamed area with alcohol-containing solutions for "disinfection", incl. iodine and greenery.
  3. Rubbing, scratching, scraping or any other skin irritating effect at the burn site.
  4. Do not use Panthenol - it is intended for the treatment of thermal burns, not chemical burns of jellyfish.
  5. Do not treat jellyfish burns with urine. Contrary to popular belief, urine does not help relieve the pain of a jellyfish sting. Contained in urine chemical substances cannot neutralize the poison of the jellyfish, and therefore do not reduce pain. For these purposes, sea water or vinegar are more suitable. I would like to note that regarding vinegar, alcohol and urine, the Internet gives conflicting information. Common sense dictates that they should be used only in extreme cases. If you still decide to use them, start with small area affected skin. If the pain worsens, stop self-medication and consult your doctor.

A little about medical care and rescue services in Greece.

The emergency number is 112 or 199.
Remember, in Greece there is no special service rescue, its functions are performed by local firefighters. For the most part, they know how to provide first aid, but don't count on it too much. In any case, call 199 (112) and try to report (in English or Greek) that you are in trouble. If anything they will call and " ambulance" on one's own.

Just in case, keep a small first-aid kit with you in case of injuries, burns, etc. It is better to bring it back whole and unopened than, if necessary, be powerless in the face of an unexpected problem.
Police 100
ABEC Ambulance (ΕΚΑΒ) 166
fire department service - service salvation 199
Coast security 108
roadside assistance 10400
Reference 11888
Air Police 210 9642000
Police - help 1033
Service for the fight against drug addiction 109
forest guard 191
Life line (such as helpline) - SOS 175
Help desk for hospitals, clinics, doctors, and pharmacies 1434
tourist police 171
SOS Doctors (Athens) 1016
roadside assistance
Roadside assistance ΕΛΠΑ 10400
Roadside Assistance Express Service 1507
Interamerican roadside assistance 1168

Perhaps this phrasebook will help you find mutual language with a doctor:

Topic "At the Doctor's"
Στο γιατρό

I don't feel well est'Anume Ashima Αισθάνομαι άσχημα
I am sick Yme Arostos (Arosty) Είμαι άρρωστος (άρρωστη)
I need to go to the doctor prep on pao is worth Πρέπει να πάω στο γιατρό
Please give me the doctor's phone number or address parakalO, d'Oste mu totylEfono and eydyeftynsi tou yatra Παρακαλώ, δώστε μου το τηλέφωνο ή τη διεύθυνση του γιατρού
Please call a doctor (ambulance) fonAkste, parakalO, tonyatrO (toastEnoforo) Φωνάξτε, παρακαλώ, τον γιατρό (το ασθενοφόρο)
Invite the doctor home ZITYste na Erty oyatros one hundred sleeping Ζητήστε να έρθει ο γιατρός
Where can I find a doctor who speaks Ukrainian (Russian)? pu na vro toyatro pu milai ukranika (rosika) Πού να βρω το γιατρό που μιλάει ουκρανικά (ρωσικά);
Which doctor should I contact? Se pyo yatro prepi on pao Σε πιο γιατρό πρέπει να πάω;
Can I go to the doctor? boro on bo standarO Μπορώ να μπω στο γιατρό;
Please wait a little PerimEnete ligAki, paracalo Περιμένετε λιγάκι,παρακαλώ
Come into the office peer mesa Περάστε μέσα
What are you complaining about? apo you ipoferete Από τι υποφέρετε;
Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated? you sas ponai Τι σας πονάει;
I feel bad, I'm freezing est'Anome Ashima, est'Anome rigos Αισθάνομαι άσχημα, αισθάνομαι ρίγος
What is your temperature? you are a pirate Oh Ehete Τι πυρετό έχετε;
I have heat Echo Pirate Έχω πυρετό
I feel dizzy hallIzome Ζαλίζομαι
My ____ hurts... me ponai... Με πονάει .
head throat heart stomach t okefAli mu olemOs ikardya tostomAhi το κεφάλι μου ο λαιμός η καρδιά το στομάχι
I have a (severe) cough Echo (dynato) viha "Έχω (δυνατό) βήχα
I got food poisoning Epatya dylityrIasi Έπαθα δηλητηρίαση
I'm sick mu erhete emetos Μου έρχεται εμετός
Have you been sick for a long time? APO KERO Iste Arostos Από καιρό είστε άρρωστος;
When did you feel unwell? pote estant'ykate Ashima Πότε αισθανθήκατε άσχημα;
This night,
Last night a week ago
simera tynIhta htEs tovrAdy prin myavd'omAdya Σήμερα Τη νύχτα Χτες το βράδυ Πριν μια βδομάδα
Have you been sick recently? prosfata Ihate kapya arOstya Πρόσφατα είχατε κάποια αρρώστια;

No matter how a person treats jellyfish, they always attract his attention with their mystery, grace and beauty. Living in all oceans, these creatures can be found even in some freshwater rivers and reservoirs. We present to your attention the ten most beautiful jellyfish in the world:

Mediterranean jellyfish (or medusa fried egg), resembling a poached egg in its appearance, lives in the Aegean, Adriatic and, of course, the Mediterranean Sea. It is distinguished from other jellyfish by the ability to move independently in the water, without relying on waves.

The purple striped jellyfish lives in Monterrey Bay and is not yet well understood by science. Can cause quite serious damage on contact in the form of burns.

Narcomedusa (or Darth Vader) was first discovered in the waters of the Arctic quite recently. The jellyfish has a terrifying appearance and 4 tentacles, which she stretches forward while swimming, so that it is more convenient to get her prey.

Black sea nettle. Adults reach 5 meters and can have 24 tentacles. Live in the waters Pacific Ocean feeding on larvae, plankton and other jellyfish.

Diplulmaris Antarctica lives in the waters of Antarctica. In the jellyfish live side-rights (small white dots), which can even feed on it.

Olindias formosa refers to rare species jellyfish It lives off the coast of Argentina, Brazil and Japan. There are not so many representatives of this species, but they can also leave quite severe burns on human skin.

medusa cannonball can be found in all waters east coast America - from the USA to Brazil. In Asia, these jellyfish are used in traditional medicine: It is believed that with their help you can cure lung disease, arthritis and lower blood pressure.

Porpita porpita, more commonly known as the "blue button", lives on the surface of the water. The sea dweller consists of a rigid float and hydroid colonies resembling tentacles.

The blue jellyfish, the owner of very stinging tentacles, lives in the waters of the North and Irish Seas, as well as off the coast of Scotland.

The Portuguese boat is distinguished from other jellyfish by the presence of many jellyfish individuals. Having a gas bubble, the jellyfish floats on the surface of the water, absorbing air. tentacles marine life in the extended state can reach 50 meters.

Along with good quality food, our pets also need aesthetic care. In the pet salon you can get a full range of services for animals, including haircuts, trimming, and nail trimming. In addition, there you can make prevention of dental and skin diseases of your pets. And if your pet aims to become champions, then the masters of the pet salon will prepare him for the exhibition!

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