Presentation on the theme "World Ocean". Animals and plants in the oceans The Pacific Ocean is the largest and oldest of all oceans.

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Animals and plants in the oceans

slide 2

World Ocean

The ocean is not just a body of water, it is saturated with life, sometimes much more diverse than the land. In total, there are five oceans on earth: the Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, South Arctic and Indian. Scientists estimate the number of inhabitants of the ocean as more than two hundred thousand diverse organisms. permanent residents ocean waters besides a variety of fish are crustaceans, cetaceans, turtles, cephalopods (squid, octopus, etc.), benthos and plankton.

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life under water

slide 4


Seaweeds are ancient, stratified spore plants containing chlorophyll in their cells and living mainly in water. Such a definition, however, does not give an idea of ​​the enormous diversity in body structure that is characteristic of seaweeds. Here we meet both unicellular and multicellular, and with large forms various structure. There is great diversity in the methods of reproduction. Even in color, seaweeds are not the same, since some contain only chlorophyll, others still have a number of additional pigments that color them in different colors.

slide 6

Coral is the skeletal material of the colony coral polyps("bioherm"). Large aggregations of corals form Coral reefs And coral islands. The color of corals depends on the composition and quantity organic compounds: there are not only pink, but also red, blue, white and even black corals. Red corals are called "blood foam", "flower of blood", black - "royal corals". Pink, red and black corals are considered the most valuable.

Slide 8

A little pause...

slide 11

Whales - marine mammals from the order of cetaceans, not related to either dolphins or porpoises. Orcas ("killer whales") and pilot whales have the word "whale" in their informal names, although they are strictly classified as dolphins. Whales switched to an aquatic lifestyle about 50 million years ago. Cetaceans are divided into two suborders: Baleen whales, distinguished by their whiskers, a filter-like structure located on the upper jaw, consisting mainly of keratin. The mustache is used to filter plankton from the water. Baleen whales are the largest suborder of whales. Toothed whales have teeth and prey on fish and squid. The remarkable ability of this group is the ability to feel them. environment using echolocation.

slide 13


Dolphins are characterized by the presence of a relatively small snout; the body is elongated; There is dorsal. Very mobile and dexterous, voracious predators, living mostly socially; found in all seas. They feed mainly on fish, mollusks, crustaceans; sometimes they attack their relatives. They are also distinguished by curiosity and traditionally a good attitude towards a person.

Slide 14

The head of the crabs is small, the short abdomen is symmetrical and bent under the jaw-thorax. They live in the seas, fresh waters and on land. Sometimes photos reach huge sizes. The giant crab, caught off the coast of Japan, had a distance between the ends of the claws of 3.69 m. There are over 6780 species in the world.

Geographical position:

limited to eastern coast Eurasia and Australia , west coast Northern And South America, Arctic Ocean in the north, Antarctica in the south

Pacific Ocean divided into northern and southern region, whose boundary runs along the equatorial line.

Common data:

  • Square 178.68 million km²
  • Volume 710.36 million km³
  • Average depth : 4,282 m.
  • Greatest depth : 11022 m ( Mariana Trench).
  • Salinity : 30-36.5‰.
  • The international date line runs along the 180th meridian of the Pacific Ocean.

The name "Quiet" is associated with the name of F. Magellan

for the first time it was crossed by Ferdinand Magellan in 1519, the ocean was called "Pacific", because for all three months of the journey Magellan's ships did not fall into a single storm.

Pacific Ocean in different time had several names:

Southern Ocean or South Sea (Mar del Sur) - that's what it was called Indians, the indigenous inhabitants of Central America, and this name was adopted by the Spanish conquistador Balboa, the first European to see the ocean in 1513. Today Southern Ocean called the waters Antarctica .

great ocean- named by French geographer Buachem in 1753. The most correct, but not accustomed name.

Eastern Ocean- sometimes called Russia .

ocean relief

Map of the depths of the Pacific Ocean

The ocean floor is dotted with pits, crevices, trenches, the depth of which is much higher than the average. IN northern latitudes there are such trenches as the North Aleutian and Kuril-Kamchatsky. In the east: Peruvian and Central American. In the west, there are two huge trenches - the Mariana and the Philippine.

Along the bottom of the Pacific O ocean runs through the Mid-Ocean Ridge.

The famous "fire" ring of the Pacific Ocean

Two huge rings of water movement are formed in the ocean: northern and southern. The northern ring includes the North Trade Wind, Kuroshio, North Pacific and California currents,

the southern ring is made up of the South Equatorial, East Australian, current Western winds and the Peruvian Current.

Natural features of the ocean.

Question to the class: What are ocean currents ?

Flora and fauna Pacific Ocean

In the waters of the Pacific Ocean is concentrated more than half of the living matter of the entire oceans Earth. This applies to both plants and animals.

For the fauna, totaling up to 100 thousand species: sperm whales, striped whales. seals ( sea ​​lions), northern seals; rich fauna fish (from 2000 in warm areas to 800 in cold ones), corals, plankton - 380 species

At the bottom Pacific ocean inhabited by worms with luminous "bombs"

Y/n: §17

  • Designate the major islands of the Pacific Ocean on a contour map;
  • Fill in the table in the column "Pacific Ocean".

The world's oceans The ocean is not just a body of water, it is full of life, sometimes much more diverse than the land. In total, there are five oceans on earth: the Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, South Arctic and Indian. Scientists estimate the number of inhabitants of the ocean as more than two hundred thousand diverse organisms. The permanent inhabitants of the ocean waters, in addition to a variety of fish, are crustaceans, cetaceans, turtles, cephalopods (squids, octopuses, etc.), benthos and plankton.

Seaweeds Seaweeds are ancient, stratified spore plants containing chlorophyll in their cells and living mainly in water. Such a definition, however, does not give an idea of ​​the enormous diversity in body structure that is characteristic of seaweeds. Here we meet with unicellular and multicellular, and with large forms of various structures. There is great diversity in the methods of reproduction. Even in color, seaweeds are not the same, since some contain only chlorophyll, others still have a number of additional pigments that color them in different colors.

Corals Coral is the skeletal material of a colony of coral polyps (“bioherms”). Large accumulations of coral form coral reefs and coral islands. The color of corals depends on the composition and amount of organic compounds: there are not only pink, but also red, blue, white and even black corals. Red corals are called "blood foam", "blood flower", black - "royal corals". Pink, red and black corals are considered the most valuable.

Whales Whales are marine mammals from the order of cetaceans, not related to either dolphins or porpoises. Orcas ("killer whales") and pilot whales have the word "whale" in their informal names, although they are strictly classified as dolphins. Whales switched to an aquatic lifestyle about 50 million years ago. Cetaceans are divided into two suborders: Baleen whales, distinguished by their whiskers, a filter-like structure located on the upper jaw, consisting mainly of keratin. The mustache is used to filter plankton from the water. Baleen whales are the largest suborder of whales. Toothed whales have teeth and prey on fish and squid. The remarkable ability of this group is the ability to sense their environment through echolocation.

Dolphins Dolphins are characterized by the presence of a relatively small snout; the body is elongated; has a dorsal fin. Very mobile and dexterous, voracious predators, living mostly socially; found in all seas. They feed mainly on fish, mollusks, crustaceans; sometimes they attack their relatives. They are also distinguished by curiosity and traditionally a good attitude towards a person.

Crabs The head of the crabs is small, the short abdomen is symmetrical and bent under the jaw and chest. They live in the seas, fresh waters and on land. Sometimes photos reach huge sizes. The giant crab, caught off the coast of Japan, had a distance between the ends of the claws of 3.69 m. There are over 6780 species in the world.

Sharks Sharks - superorder cartilaginous fish, including eight orders, twenty families and about 350 species. Representatives of the superorder are widespread in all seas and oceans, there are also freshwater sharks. Most of the species belong to the so-called real predators, some species, in particular whale, giant and largemouth sharks, feed on plankton.

- all the seas and oceans of the planet

2/3 of the Earth's surface is occupied by the oceans, and only 1/3 is land.

The continents divide the World Ocean into 4 oceans.

Atlantic Ocean

Pacific Ocean



Pacific Ocean

The largest in area. It occupies half the area of ​​the World Ocean and about a third of the area the globe. That is why they call him the Great. It owns 20 seas and over 10,000 islands. Called him quiet Magellan , because during his long journey across the ocean there was not a single storm.

The bottom of the Pacific Ocean is heterogeneous, there are underground plains, mountains and ridges. On the territory of the ocean is the Mariana Trench - the most deep point of the World Ocean, its depth

Atlantic Ocean

Second by size. The mid-ocean ridge crosses the ocean floor from north to south.

Indian Ocean

Third largest. It is located predominantly in the southern hemisphere.

Water temperature in Indian Ocean ranges from -1°С off the coast of Antarctica to + 30°С near the equator, average temperature water +18°С.

  • The smallest of the four oceans. It is located in the northern part of the world. Much of the North Arctic Ocean covered with a layer of ice - in winter it is almost 90% of the ocean surface.
  • Only near the coast ice freezes to land, while most of the ice drifts. The ocean is completely located in the northern latitudes, it has a cold climate.

Anastasia Kazantseva
Presentation "Inhabitants of the seas and oceans"

slide 1. « Inhabitants of the seas and oceans»

Slide 2. Marine life

Slide 3. Dolphin. Dolphins live in all open seas and sometimes come into the mouth major rivers. Representatives of the family of freshwater, or river, dolphins have a much more limited distribution. For the most part, they inhabit inland fresh waters, although some of them can even penetrate coastal zones. seas.

slide 4. sea ​​turtles excellent swimmers and divers. Those clumsy on land large reptiles gracefully glide through the water with the help of flipper-like forelimbs and a streamlined carapace. Sea turtles often come to the surface to breathe when they are active. And while resting, some species can remain under water for several hours.

Slide 5. Starfish Its name sea ​​stars received thanks to their original form (rays)

Slide 6. Starfish got their name due to their original form: they have 5 to 40 limbs (rays). These animals are predators. The stars feed on mollusks and various benthic invertebrates.

Slide 7. Whales have the most big sizes among animals. In adulthood, they reach an average body length of 25 m (the largest is 33 m, and the weight is 90-120 tons).

Slide 8. Sea urchin. These representatives of marine fauna live at the bottom. They move with the help of special legs. The legs are long elastic processes. At the ends they have suction cups, so the marine inhabitant can crawl not only on a horizontal, but also on a vertical surface.

slide 9. Sea Horses live in tropical and subtropical seas. They lead a sedentary lifestyle, attaching themselves to plant stems with flexible tails and changing body color, completely merging with the background. This is how they protect themselves from predators and disguise themselves while hunting for food. Feeding skates small crustaceans and shrimp.

Slide 10. Octopuses are the most intelligent of all invertebrates. Octopuses are often colored brown, red, yellowish, but they can change color no worse than chameleons.

Slide 11. Sharks live in the waters of the whole world. ocean, that is, in all seas and oceans. Some species of sharks are able to live in both salty and fresh water swimming in rivers. The depth of habitat for sharks is on average 2000 meters, in rare cases they go down to 3000 meters.

Slide 12. Crabs inhabit all seas and oceans of the planet. Along with a special body shape, crabs are characterized by the presence of 10 pairs of limbs.

Sly 13. Stingrays live in all seas and oceans and live both in the cold waters of the Arctic and Antarctic, and in the tropics. Stingrays have organs that generate electricity.

Slide 14. Jellyfish. These amazing animals live only in salt water, and therefore they can be found in all our oceans and seas. Among the representatives of this class there are both heat-loving animals and those who prefer cold waters, species that live only near the surface of the water, and those that live only at the bottom. ocean

Slide 15. Thank you for your attention!

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