Iran's position relative to large landforms. Geography of Iran. Provinces of Iran. Iranian view. Borders and area

On the territory of Iran, which is sometimes also called Persia, once upon a time one of the most ancient civilizations in the world was formed. This country has amazing nature, beautiful mountains, ancient cities, balneological, ski and beach resorts. Iranians are very hospitable people and always welcome tourists who respect their religion.

Geography of Iran

Iran is located in Southwest Asia. In the north and northeast, Iran borders with Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Armenia, in the west with Iraq, in the northwest with Turkey, and in the east with Pakistan and Afghanistan. In the north, the shores of Iran are washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea, and in the south of the country there is the Arabian Sea (Persian and Oman Gulfs), which is part of indian ocean. The total area of ​​this country is 1,648,000 sq. km, including the islands, and the total length of the state border is 5,619 km.

In the west of Iran, the Elburz mountain system is located, as well as Caucasian mountains. In general, most of the territory of Iran is occupied by mountains. The highest peak in the country is Damavend Peak, whose height reaches 5,604 meters. However, in the east of Iran there are deserts (for example, Deshte-Kevir), and in the north there are large plains.


The capital of Iran is Tehran, which is now home to more than 8.8 million people. Archaeologists say that the settlement of people on the site of modern Tehran already existed 7 thousand years ago.

Official language

The official language in Iran is Persian, belonging to the Iranian group of the Indo-European language family.


About 98% of Iran's population is Muslim (89% are Shiite Muslims and 9% are Sunni Muslims).

State structure of Iran

According to the current Constitution of 2004, Iran is an Islamic republic. Its head is the President, elected by popular vote for a term of 4 years. The President appoints the members of the Council of Ministers by decree and supervises their activities.

However, in Iran, the real power does not belong to the President, but to the "Supreme Leader", who is elected by the Council of Experts, consisting of 86 people (they are elected by the people).

A special role in Iran belongs to the Council of Guardians of the Constitution (12 people). Members of this Council should check whether the laws adopted in Iran comply with the Constitution.

The right of legislative initiative in Iran has a unicameral parliament - the Majlis. It consists of 190 deputies elected by direct universal suffrage for 4 years.

Climate and weather

The climate in Iran is changeable. In the north, along the coast of the Caspian Sea, the climate is subtropical. In the northwest, winters are cold (there is often a lot of snow), spring and autumn are warm, and summers are dry and hot. As for the south of the country, there are warm winters and hot summers. In July, in the south of Iran, the average air temperature is + 38C. In general, in general, in Iran mean annual temperature air - +16.7C. The average annual rainfall is 213 mm.

Average air temperature in Iran:

January - +3.5С
- February - +6С
- March - +11C
- April - +16C
- May - +28C
- June - +27C
- July - +30C
- August - +28.5С
- September - +25C
- October - +18C
- November - +10C
- December - +5.5С

Sea in Iran

In the north, Iran is washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea. In the south of the country is the Arabian Sea (Persian and Oman Gulfs), which is part of the Indian Ocean. The length of the coast of the Caspian Sea in Iran is 740 kilometers, and the coast along the Persian and Oman gulfs stretches for 2,440 kilometers.

Iran consists of several islands. The most famous of them is, perhaps, the island of Kish in the Strait of Hormuz, which is now a popular place for a beach holiday.

Rivers and lakes

There are not many rivers in Iran, which determines its geographical location. Moreover, only one of them is navigable - Karun, flowing in the north-west of the country.

In the north-west of Iran, there is also the most famous Iranian lake - Urmia, whose salty waters are chemical composition similar to the water of the Dead Sea. Due to its waters, Lake Urmia is a very popular balneological resort in Iran.

History of Iran

According to archaeological finds, people on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea (i.e. in the territory of modern Iran) lived already in 10,000 BC. Scientists believe that this region managed to avoid all the "charms" of the Ice Age.

Previously, Iran was called Persia, however, now this name is also still used.

The first mention of the Iranians refers to 844 BC. (in Assyrian texts). In the 6th century, Cyrus the Great founded the Persian Empire, which was destroyed in 330 BC. Alexander the Great.

In the following centuries, Persia was invaded by the Parthians, Arabs, Mongols, and Seljuk Turks. In the middle of the 7th century, after Persia was conquered by the Arabs, Islam began to spread among the Iranians, displacing them ancient religion Zoroastrianism.

Since 1502, representatives of the Safavid dynasty became the Shahs of Iran. In this era, the Iranian Shah Ismail I makes the Shia trend in Islam the state religion.

In the XVIII-XIX centuries, Iran fell into the sphere of interests of Great Britain and Russia. In the early 1900s, oil intensified the rivalry between Britain and Russia for influence in Iran.

In 1921, an army officer, Reza Khan, established a military dictatorship in Iran, and in 1925 he appropriated the title "Shah" to himself.

In 1979, a revolution took place in Iran, as a result of which the Shah was overthrown, and Iran became an Islamic republic. The founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran is Ayatollah Khomeini.


Iran is a very conservative Muslim country. Perhaps that is why the Iranians have retained many of their customs and traditions. Most Iranian customs and holidays are religious in nature.

In March, Iranians celebrate Novruz, which is dedicated to the beginning of the New Year (the Iranians have their own calendar). Before the onset of the New Year, Iranians always arrange a general cleaning in their homes, and also buy sweets and dried fruits for themselves, their relatives and friends.

Iranian cuisine

Iranian cuisine is very diverse. Each province of Iran has its own culinary traditions and is very delicious dishes. The main food products are rice, meat (including chicken meat), fish, vegetables, nuts, spices. However, Greek, Arabic, Turkish, and even Russian culinary traditions had a noticeable influence on Iranian cuisine.

Ash-e Jow - a thick soup made from barley beans, lentils and vegetables;
- Fesenjan - chicken with pomegranates in nut sauce;
- Kalam polo - pilaf with the aroma of cinnamon and saffron;
- Khoresht ghaimeh - stew with peas;
- Khoresht-e Aloo - lamb stew with prunes;
- Kookoo - omelette with spices;
- Kufteh - spicy cutlets;
- Reshteh Polo - "green" pilaf (it is green because of the herbs added to it).

Alcoholic drinks are prohibited in Iran (instead of alcohol, Iranians smoke hookah). But to the traditional Iranian soft drinks include yogurt, coffee and tea.

Sights of Iran

To get acquainted with the sights of Iran, this country needs to be visited several times. Perhaps, in terms of the number (and their beauty) of sights, Iran is second only to such countries as Italy, Greece and Bulgaria. The top ten Iranian attractions, in our opinion, may include the following:

  1. Tomb of the Persian king Cyrus II in Pasargadae
  2. Sad Abad Museum in Tehran
  3. Golestan Palace in Tehran
  4. Friday Mosque in Isfakan
  5. Meybod fortress
  6. Imam Mosque in Isfakan
  7. Tomb of poet Hafez in Shiraz
  8. Ancient Ziggurat Choga Zembil
  9. Zoroastrian shrine in Yazd
  10. The ruins of the Assassin fortress of Alamut

Cities and resorts

The largest Iranian cities are Karaj, Tabriz, Mashhad, Shiraz, Isfahan, Ahvaz, and, of course, Tehran.

It would seem that there should be many beach resorts in Iran, because. the country has access to the Caspian and Arabian seas, however, this is not yet the case. This is influenced, in part, by the political situation in which Iran finds itself.

However, in last years in Iran, beach resorts are still beginning to develop. So, on the island of Kish (Shahid-Zakeri, Laft, Bahman), located 17 km from the coast of Iran in the Strait of Hormuz, many high-class hotels have been built in recent years, and excellent conditions for diving have been created. You can swim and sunbathe on Kish Island in winter. By the way, on the island of Kish, men are forbidden to wear ties, because. they "are part of the Western way of life".

There are many mineral springs in Iran (most of them are in the north-west of the country). The most famous balneological Iranian resort is Temriz. In the vicinity of Termiz there is Lake Urmia, the water of which is similar in composition water of the dead seas.

We have already said that there are a lot of mountains in Iran (especially in the west of the country). Therefore, it is not surprising that several ski resorts- Dizin, Toshal and Ab Ali. The skiing season is from November to April. By the way, the Ab Ali ski resort was built back in 1953.

Of course, the infrastructure of Iranian ski resorts is not very developed. But these resorts have mineral springs, which slightly compensate for the shortcomings of the infrastructure.


Tourists from Iran bring carpets, bags, scarves, blankets, towels, dishes, ceramics, baskets, jewelry, various sweets, hookahs as souvenirs.

Office Hours

a country in southwestern Asia. It borders with Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan in the north, with Afghanistan and Pakistan in the east and Iraq and Turkey in the west. In the north it is washed by the Caspian Sea, and in the south - by the Gulf of Oman, the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf.

The name of the country comes from the ethnonym of the Arii tribe - "noble".

Official name: Islamic Republic of Iran


The area of ​​the land: 1.648 million sq. km

Total population: 71 million people

Administrative division: 24 stops (provinces).

Form of government: Theocratic parliamentary republic.

Head of State: President (secular head of state), elected for a term of 4 years. The head of the country (spiritual head of state) is the ayatollah.

Composition of the population: 51% - Persians, 24% - Azerbaijanis, 8% - Gilaks and Mazendarans, 7% - Kurds, 3% - Arabs, 2% - Lurs, 2% - Balochs, 2% - Turkmens.

Official language: Farsi (Persian). Turkic dialects, Kurdish, Turkish, Arabic, etc. are also used. English and French used in business circles.

Religion: 90% are Shia Muslims, 8% of believers are Sunni Muslims, and the remaining 2% are Zoroastrians, Christians, Jews and Baha'is.

Internet domain: .ir

Mains voltage: ~230 V, 50 Hz

Phone country code: +98

Country barcode: 626


Iran has a tropical desert type of climate. Only in the northern part of the country on the plains along the coast of the Caspian Sea is dominated by a subtropical continental climate type.

On the coast of the Caspian Sea in winter in the daytime, the air warms up to +12..+14 degrees, and at night it cools down to +4..+6 degrees. During the summer time during the day the air temperature reaches +30..+32 degrees, at night - 22..24 degrees of heat.

In the mountainous regions of Iran, the climate depends on the altitude of the area.

In the northern (Elburs) and northwestern (Iranian Azerbaijan and northern Zagros) parts of the country at altitudes from 1500 to 2000 m in January, night temperatures can reach -10 degrees, daytime temperatures - 2..4 degrees Celsius. IN summer months in these regions at night the air cools down to +15..+17 degrees, and during the day it warms up to +33..+35 degrees. At the southern foothills of the Zagros in Tehran, 7..9 degrees of heat is observed during the daytime in winter, 0..-2 degrees at night, and in summer the corresponding figures are +37 and +24 degrees.

In the southern part of the Zagros Mountains and in the mountainous regions of the eastern part of the country, in winter during the daytime, the air warms up to +10..+12 degrees, and at night it cools down to 0..-2 degrees, in summer during the day the air temperature reaches +36. .+38 degrees, at night - 20..22 degrees of heat.

In the central regions of Iran on the deserted Iranian plateau in winter in the daytime, the air temperature reaches +14..+16 degrees, and at night - 2..4 degrees of heat. In summer, during the day, the air here can warm up to +40 degrees and above, and at night it cools down to +27 degrees.

On the coasts of the Persian and Oman Gulfs, winters are mild and summers are hot and humid. In winter, daytime air temperatures reach +20..+22 degrees, and at night - 10..12 degrees of heat. In summer, during the day on the coasts, the air warms up to +40 degrees, and at night it cools down to +30 degrees.

Precipitation in Iran falls mainly in the period from November to April, and the monthly norm of precipitation in the summer period (June-September) most often does not exceed 10 mm. In the mountainous regions of the western and northern parts of the country on the windward western slopes and on the coast of the Caspian Sea, up to 1700 mm of precipitation falls annually. The leeward eastern slopes of the mountains receive about 400 mm of precipitation per year. In the central arid regions of Iran and in the east of the country, the annual rainfall ranges from 100 to 300 mm. On the coasts of the Persian and Oman Gulfs, about 600 mm of precipitation falls annually.


Iran is located in the southwestern part of Asia. The area of ​​the country is 1648 thousand square meters. km. In the northwest, the state borders with Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey, in the west - with Iraq, in the east - with Afghanistan and Pakistan, in the northeast - with Turkmenistan.

From the north, Iran is washed by the Caspian Sea, from the south - by the Persian and Oman gulfs. Iran is a mountainous country. Its western part is occupied by the Zagros Mountains, the maximum heights of which reach 4000 m. The coast of the Caspian Sea in the north of the country is bordered by the Elburs Mountains. Here is the highest point of Iran - the extinct volcano Damavend (5610 m). Between the Zagros and Elburs mountains, there is a vast Iranian plateau with an average height of about 1200 m.

In the eastern part of the plateau are the deserts of Deshte-Kevir and Deshte-Lut. From the northeast, the Iranian Plateau is bounded by the East Iranian Mountains, and from the south by the Makran Mountains. The plains stretch in the north of the country along the coast of the Caspian Sea, in the southwest - along the coast Persian Gulf and in the southeast along the coast of the Gulf of Oman.

The most long river Iran - Karun (890 km). It originates in the Zagros Mountains and flows into the Persian Gulf. Also in the Zagros, such large rivers as the Karkhe, Dez and Zayande originate. In the north of the country, small rapids flow, which originate in Elburz and flow into the Caspian Sea. In the central part of Iran, rivers appear only when snow melts in the mountains, and in the rest of the year their channels dry up. In the northwestern part of Iran, the largest lake in the country is located - the salt lake Urmia with an area of ​​​​4868 square meters. km.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

In the arid conditions of Iran, the distribution of vegetation cover depends on the degree of moistening of the territory and economic activity people, especially agriculture and grazing. The northern most humid slopes of the Elburz up to a height of 2500 m are covered with dense deciduous forests with a predominance of oak, hornbeam, maple, beech, ironwood, elm, plane tree, ash, walnut, plum. On the coast of the Caspian Sea, in places there are impenetrable subtropical forests intertwined with lianas.

The northern and central regions of the Zagros, formerly occupied by oak forests, are now largely destroyed during intensive indiscriminate logging and due to excessive grazing of sheep and goats. They were replaced by sparse shrubs with a significant participation of oak, the role of which gradually decreases as you move south, where there is less rainfall, xerophilic light forests of pistachio, cherry plum, almond, as well as steppe and semi-desert vegetation.

In other mountainous regions, woody vegetation occurs locally in the most humid places along rivers and in intermountain valleys. In the river valleys in the south-west of the country, tugai and marsh vegetation is widespread. On the coast of the Persian Gulf, mangroves are found in places.

Steppe and desert vegetation is characteristic of many low mountains. The steppes are dominated by perennial and annual grasses, wormwood, and astragalus. Often the steppes are interspersed with patches of shrubs. The deserts are dominated by saxaul, camel thorn, comb, saltwort, and aristida.

Extensive areas of the internal plateaus of Iran, due to lack of moisture and soil salinization, are practically devoid of vegetation. Areas of quicksand are also barren.

Animal world

The fauna of Iran is rich. In order to preserve it species diversity about 30 reserves have been created. Ungulates are widespread. Among them, the goitered gazelle, ibex, Iranian fallow deer, Mountain sheep urial, bearded goat, mouflon, kulan, common gazelle, wild boar. In the mountains there are brown and white-breasted bears.

Characteristic predators such as leopard, reed cat, manul, jackal, wolf, striped hyena, caracal, there are cheetah, common mongoose.

There are numerous rodents and birds (grouse, partridge, bustard-beauty, Caspian snowcock, tupach, gray francolin, partridge, long-legged buzzard, white stork, gray crane, little bustard, etc.). Many birds nest and winter in Iran. The avifauna of the coasts of the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf is especially rich (flamingos, pelicans, sandpipers, geese, ducks, marbled teal, etc.).

The fauna of reptiles is rich. In the floodplain Serbaz in Balochistan is found marsh crocodile. In the coastal waters of the Persian Gulf, green sea ​​turtles. The waters of the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf abound with valuable species of commercial fish.


Iran is one of the centers of civilization on the planet, the birthplace of one of the largest empires in the world and one of the most distinctive countries in Asia. A vast country spread out from warm sea to snowy mountain peaks, Iran has a unique set of truly interesting monuments that can be considered the property of all civilization. The richest historical relics are hidden in the depths of the country: ancient ruins, dilapidated cities, statues and archaeological excavations ancient dynasties are found here at every turn.

Travelers will find here ancient cities, many of which still feel quite comfortable in our time, unique examples of art and architecture, waterless deserts with precious oases and green forests of mountainous areas, amazing story, only official sources of which are about 5 thousand years old, and original peoples with their unique culture.

Examples of thousands of years of coexistence of various religious communities and one of the most closed societies on earth, a colossal cultural heritage, carefully protected, in spite of any vicissitudes of history, and centuries-old traditions of arts and crafts. All these contrasts make Iran a pipe dream for many travelers.

Banks and currency

The official currency of Iran is the Iranian rial. In circulation there are denominations of 50000, 20000, 10000, 5000, 2000, 1000, 500, 200 and 100 rials, as well as coins of 500, 250, 100 and 50 rials.

In the country, very often prices are indicated in one more unit - toman. 1 toman is equal to 10 rials. This is done in order not to waste time on the account large sums, because 1 US dollar is approximately equal to 10,000 Iranian rials. In this regard, it is always worth clarifying in which units the price is indicated: in rials or tomans. Moreover, in order not to say unnecessary words, sellers tend to say that this or that product costs, for example, 2 tomans, implying that it costs 2000 tomans. Therefore, sellers should be asked to name the exact amount.

Banks are open from 08.00 to 15.00-16.00 from Saturday to Wednesday, some branches are open from 08.00 to 20.00. Days off - Thursday and Friday, although large banks are open on Thursday from 8.00 to 13.00.

In tourist areas, US dollars, pounds sterling and euros are accepted for payment, in other parts of the country their circulation is formally illegal, although this rule is widely ignored.

Currency can be changed at the Tehran airport, in some hotels or banks, at exchange offices (very few) on the streets and markets, and only at the official rate. It is possible to make an exchange with numerous private money changers in the market, which usually offer a more favorable rate, but officially this is considered illegal, although in practice it is not prosecuted. IN Lately the difference between the official exchange rate and what is offered on the black market has been reduced to a minimum. In this regard, it hardly makes sense to turn to private money changers.

Credit cards and traveler's checks are accepted for payment only in large banks and hotels in the capital and on the island of Kish. It is almost impossible to use them in other areas. Also, owners of non-cash payment instruments issued by US and European banks often face great difficulties.

Due to Iran's trade boycott and difficulties in using plastic cards the world's leading systems, you can use the special " tourist card"Parsian Bank, which can be used to pay in several tens of thousands of shops, shopping and tourist centers, and when leaving the country, convert the balance into any currency. However, it is unlikely that the tourist will have time to process such a card.

Useful information for tourists

As a result of the unstable situation, there are practically no foreign tourists in the state.

Islamic Republic of Iran

Iran a state in southwestern Asia. It borders with Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan in the north, with Afghanistan and Pakistan in the east and Iraq and Turkey in the west. In the north it is washed by the Caspian Sea, and in the south - by the Gulf of Oman, the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf.

The name of the country comes from the ethnonym of the Arii tribe - "noble".




66129 thousand people

Administrative division

24 stops (provinces).

Form of government

Theocratic parliamentary republic.

head of state

President (secular head of state), elected for a term of 4 years. The head of the country (spiritual head of state) is the ayatollah.

supreme legislative body

The unicameral parliament is the Assembly of the Islamic People (Majlis), whose term of office is 4 years.

Supreme executive body


Big cities

Mashhad, Isfahan, Tabriz, Shiraz.

Official language

Farsi (Persian).


94% of the population professes Shiite Islam.

Ethnic composition

51% - Persians, 24% - Azerbaijanis, 8% - Gilaks and Mazendarans, 7% - Kurds, 3% - Arabs, 2% - Lurs, 2% - Balochs, 2% - Turkmens.


Iranian rial = 100 dinars.


Iran by climatic conditions can be divided into three zones: the hot coast of the Persian and Oman Gulfs, the temperate but arid climate of the central highlands, and the cold climate in the Elbrus region. The average temperature in January is from + 2°С in the north to + 19°С in the south, in July - respectively + 25 °С and + 32 °С. Precipitation is less than 500 mm per year, only on the northern slopes of Elbrus - 2000 mm.


In the Zagros Mountains there are forest areas where oak, walnut, elm, and pistachio trees grow. On the slopes of the Elbrus Mountains and in the Caspian Valley grows a large number of ash, elm, elm, oak, birch. Cacti and thorns grow in desert areas.


The fauna of Iran is quite diverse. Rabbit, fox, wolf, hyena, jackal, leopard, deer, porcupine, ibex (mountain goat), bear, tiger, badger live here. A large number of pheasants and partridges, and on the coast of the Persian Gulf - flamingos and pelicans. Beluga, herring and sturgeon are found in the Caspian Sea.

Rivers and lakes

The rivers are mostly shallow. The main navigable river of the country is the Karun. by the most large lake is Urmia (Rezaye).


Bastan Museum, Imam Mosque, Aka Shrine, Ayatollah Khomeini Burial Site, Shahiyad Tower, Ethnographic Museum in Tehran. The tombs of the Persian poets Hafiz and Saadi, the Kom Museum and the Pars Museum in Shiraz. Esther's tomb and Avicenna's tomb in Hamadan. Tomb of Omar Khayyam in Nishair and many others.

Useful information for tourists

As a result of the unstable situation, there are practically no foreign tourists in the state.

Iran is one of the largest Asian states. It borders countries such as Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Armenia. The capital is the city of Tehran. Iran is a country on whose territory the first centers of human civilization were located thousands of years ago. What are the main features of this country?

Main information and geographical characteristics of Iran

The main part of the country is located on the plateau. Here the plateaus are interspersed with high plains. The Elbrus mountain range is located in the northern part of the country. It is separated from the Caspian by a small strip of lowland. The climate of the country is continental subtropical. Iranian rivers are usually shallow. Most big lakes- This is Urmia and Khamun.

The entire area of ​​Iran is divided into 27 districts, or "stations". The largest cities are Isfahan, Tabriz, Urmia, Abadan, Mashhad. Iran also includes some islands located in the Persian and Ottoman Gulfs. The total area of ​​Iran is 1.65 million km2. The state is in 17th place in the world in terms of territory. is the monetary unit of the rial.


A significant part of the area of ​​Iran is rich in minerals. These are manganese, copper, chromium, zinc ores. Products foreign trade are carpets and nuts, as well as fishing products. Most of the population living in Iran Square is employed in the field Agriculture. One of the main problems is low soil fertility and lack of fresh water for irrigation. About a third of the total population are unemployed. Mostly it is young people.


More than 60 ethnic groups live in Iran. For the most part, these are Persians - they live in the southern and central parts of the country. Gilyans, Mazenderans, Talyshs live in the north. In the western territory - Kurds, Lurs, Bakhtiars, in the east - Pashtuns, Balochs, Tajiks. All these peoples are ethnically close to the Persians. It is known that Iran is one of the "youngest" countries in the world. The number of residents, whose age does not exceed 15 years, is approximately 25%. The next largest ethnic group is Azerbaijanis. According to various estimates, their number ranges from 20% to 40% of the total population. Why do so many Azerbaijanis live on both sides of the Iranian border? This is due to the fact that historically the territory of present-day Azerbaijan is part of the Iranian state system. They are part of Iranian society. And in the western part of Iran, Kurds live (from 5% to 10% of the total). Total population is 78.4 million people.

Languages ​​in Iran

What languages ​​are most common among Iranians? There are many misconceptions about this. Most Iranians are ethnically Persians. Therefore, they speak Persian, or Farsi. Persian is the most common among the Iranian group of the Indo-European language tree. It has about 50 million speakers in Iran (more than 80% of the total population).

Farsi is not only the official language in Iran - it is spoken in Tajikistan and the Pamirs. There are also a few communities that use Farsi in Iraq, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. For writing, Farsi speakers use a slightly modified Arabic alphabet - several letters have been added to it that are not in Arabic itself. The Persian language contains a large number of borrowed lexical units from Arabic. This language influenced Farsi as a result of conquests in the 7th century.

From the history of Farsi

Farsi has enough ancient history. The first sources of the Old Persian language date back to the 1st millennium BC. e. Then cuneiform writing was widely used. The most ancient version of Farsi has undergone transformations for 2 thousand years. Approximately in the 1st millennium AD. e. the era of the Middle Persian language came, which was the official language in the 7th century AD. e. political transformations took place - the Persian territory was conquered by the Arabs. At this time, the Middle Persian language was used by small Zoroastrian diasporas and the ethnic group of Parsis in India.

The next stage is the New Persian language, which included elements from Arabic. Starting from the 9th century, Farsi very quickly acquires the status of the second literary language throughout the Muslim world. At present, Farsi differs significantly from classical New Persian. These differences are visible in pronunciation, writing, and vocabulary. The basis for oral speech, corresponding to the stylistic and grammar rules, is a Tehran dialect.

President of Iran

The current leader of Iran is Hassan Rouhani, who won the elections on May 20, 2017. In total, about 41 million Iranians took part in the elections. 57% of the total number of voters voted for the incumbent president, while 38% voted for his opponent, Ibrahim Raisi. State structure Iran is such that the president occupies the second place in terms of influence - in the political hierarchy, the head of state is subordinate to the religious leader ("ayatollah"). The religious head is elected by a special council. Now it is Ali Khamenei.

An unusual tradition of communication

Tourists who visit Iran for the first time are usually confused. When they want to pay for taxi services, the driver refuses the money. They come to the store - the same thing happens. What is the reason? It turns out that a cultural practice has been adopted in Iran under the intricate name "taarof". Of course, as in other countries, people do not receive free goods in stores or services. The practice of taarof being a local brand is a manifestation of true Persian courtesy. If someone is invited to visit or to dinner, then the duty of the invitee is to play along with the inviter and first refuse. The practice of taarof in Iran is suitable for almost any communication situation.

Famous Persian carpets

There is a saying among the Persians: "The Persian carpet is impeccable in its imperfection, accurate in its inaccuracy." Where did it come from? In fact, errors and inaccuracies in Persian carpets are deliberately created. So the Persians strive to show that only God can create something perfect. Religious aside, is important element Iranian culture. After all, it is over 2,000 years old. The ability to weave carpets is especially common in some regions - for example, in the city of Kashan, they are passed down from generation to generation.

The Qur'an describes the process of creation of the world: the earth was created by Allah in six days. The first in the infinite void of the Cosmos were the seven heavenly bodies. And then a beautiful carpet of earth spread beneath them. Therefore, the carpet Eastern tradition associated with a mini-model of the kingdom of God on earth. The level of prosperity in the East is measured by how many carpets a person has in a house, and how expensive they are. If for some reason a family could not afford to cover their home with carpets, they evoked compassion. Historians believe that carpets were first invented by ancient Asian nomadic tribes.

Real gold of Iran

It is known that Iran is the largest producer of caviar, one of the most expensive products in the world. the globe. It is from here that its rarest species is supplied, and at the same time the most expensive. called "Almas" costs more than 2 million rubles for just one kilogram. The age of fish for this caviar is from 60 to 100 years.

And that's not all. The Iranian tradition of saffron production dates back about 3 millennia. About 90% of all exports of this spice are produced here. At the same time, saffron is more expensive than many jewelry. Its price is about 4 thousand rubles per gram.

Beliefs of Ancient Iran

Mesopotamia was once located on the site of modern Iraq and Iran. The cities that appeared here in antiquity are called the cities of Mesopotamia by modern historians. They reached the height of their power during the Sassanid era. The ancient Iranian urban culture was formed under the influence of Zoroastrianism and Manichaeism.

Zoroastrianism is a very ancient monotheistic belief. It is named after the founder named Zarathustra. Inhabitants Ancient Greece considered Zarathustra a philosopher and astrologer. They also renamed the prophet Zoroaster (from the ancient Greek "aster" - "star"). According to one version, the prophet lived in the II millennium BC. e. According to researcher Mary Boyce, Zarathustra lived in the territory to the east of the Volga.

Manichaeism arose around the 3rd century. n. e. His prophet was Mani, or Manes, who delivered sermons in 240 CE. e. in the capital of the Sassanid Empire - Ctesiphon. Prophet Mani was sure that all religions of the world are one. The basis of Manichaeism was the opposition between good and evil.

Myths about Iran

In fact, Iran has a very high level of public safety. The last hostilities took place here more than 30 years ago. This misconception has spread because of tourists who tend to confuse Iran and Iraq. Despite the fact that Iran is adjacent to Afghanistan and Iraq, it is absolutely safe to be on its territory. Iranians are very friendly and hospitable people. Every year more and more tourists from different countries come here to relax.

Iran also has a high level of education and culture, especially among women. More than half of university students are girls. Women also work in offices, can do business, take part in elections. In Iran, it is customary for women to wear headscarves, but they do not wear a veil covering their faces. Among the beautiful half there are many fashionistas who love bright clothes.

Iran is in third place in the world in terms of the number of UNESCO cultural monuments, behind only Italy and Egypt. The history of Ancient Persia, the heir of which is modern Iran, has more than 5 thousand years. Previously, a saying was common among Iranians: "Whoever visited Isfahan saw half of the world."

Natural resources of Iran

The territory of Iran is located at the junction of Southwest Asia with the Near and Middle East.

Almost the entire territory of the country is located on the Iranian Plateau, most of which is covered with mountains.

From the northwest to the southeast, the main mountain system of the country, the Zagros, stretches for 1500 km. Many of its peaks rise above sea level by 3000 m.

Along the Iranian coast of the Caspian there is another Mountain chain- Elbrus, within which it is located highest point country - Damavend, this is an extinct volcano, 5610 m high.

Between Zagros and Elbrus is the Central Plateau, average height which is 900 m. From the east, the plateau is covered with large saline deserts - Deshte-Kevir and Deshte-Lut.

Within the deserts there are oases, and the rest of the territory is uninhabited.

There are also vast lowlands in Iran - in the southwestern part of the country - the Khuzestan plain and in the north - the coastal Caspian lowland.

The Khuzestan plain goes deep into Iran and is a continuation of the Mesopotamian lowland. The height of the plain above sea level is no more than 3-5 m.

The Caspian lowland stretches along the coast for 640 km with a width of 40 km. There are no plains on the coast of the Persian and Oman Gulfs.

The climate of Iran is arid, subtropical on the Caspian coast.

Winter temperatures in the north drop to 0 degrees, while summer temperatures sometimes reach +30 degrees.

On average, precipitation in the west is 1700 mm per year, and 680 mm in the east.

The Zagros Mountains are characterized by heavy snowfalls and strong winds, A winter temperature always below 0 degrees.

The coast of the bays is located in the zone of humid and hot tropical climate. Summer temperature here it rises to +24, +30 degrees, and in winter it is +16, +18 degrees.

From major rivers Only one river flows through the country - the Karun River, with a length of 950 km. Other rivers include:

  • carhe,
  • Zayande.

The main part of the rivers originates in Elbrus and flows into the Caspian Sea. During the year, the rivers of Iran dry up and are full-flowing only during the period of snowmelt in the mountains.

Never dries up just salt Lake country - Urmia, located in Iranian Azerbaijan. The lake has no inhabitants due to high level salinity.

There are small salt lakes in the eastern part in Sistan and Balochistan, not far from the border with Afghanistan and Pakistan.

There are freshwater lakes in Elbrus, north of the country's capital - Tehran.

Forests, whose area is 12 million hectares, are concentrated in the mountains on the slopes facing the Caspian Sea.

Oak, ironwood, boxwood, Walnut, pomegranate, edible chestnut, almond, medlar, pistachio, persimmon.

Up to a height of 2000 m, chestnut-leaved oak, hornbeam, clan, elm, carcass, yew, and hazel prevail.

Bushes appear above the 2400 m mark.

The forest cover of the country is 7.3%, and the exploited forests are all deciduous.

Remark 1

Ungulates are common among animals - goitered gazelle, ibex, Iranian fallow deer, mountain sheep urial, bearded goat, mouflon, kulan, wild boar, common gezel.

Brown and white-breasted bears are found in the mountains. Of the predators, there are leopard, reed cat, manul, jackal, wolf, striped hyena, astrakhan, you can meet a cheetah.

Numerous rodents and birds.

Oil and gas of Iran

According to expert opinion In terms of oil reserves, Iran is in 4th place in the world and is its largest producer.

The main oil reserves are located within the Persian oil and gas basin and account for 10% of world reserves or 132.5 billion barrels.

According to the data, oil production in 2005 was about 3.979 million barrels. Of these, 1.51 million barrels remained in the country, the rest of the oil was exported.

Such impurities as sulfur in Iranian oil contain 1.1-1.5%.

The main Iranian oil fields include:

  • Agadjari, with reserves of 1.9 billion tons;
  • Bibe-Khekime, about 1.1 billion tons;
  • Azedagan, the field was discovered in 1999 and has 4 main oil fields - Saruk, Gadvan, Fahliyan, Kajdomi. The reserves of this deposit amount to 5.7 billion tons;
  • Anaran, discovered in 2005, with reserves of 1.1 billion barrels. Until 2011, Lukoil was involved in its development;
  • Ahvaz, whose reserves are 4.1 billion tons;
  • South Pars, with super-giant dimensions, whose reserves are estimated at 2.7 billion tons. The field, discovered in 1990, was divided into 28 blocks, and licenses for oil production in it belong to oil companies France, Russia, Malaysia, Iran, South Korea.

In addition to these, there are about a dozen major oil fields in the country.

Proved reserves natural gas, which are estimated at 22.4 trillion. cube m, which is 15% of world reserves, Iran ranks 2nd in the world.

The main reserves are free gas, and associated gas is 3.4 trillion. cube m.

Gas production in 2014 amounted to 165 billion cubic meters. m and completely went to the needs of the domestic market.

A large gas condensate field is located in the waters of the Persian Gulf - South Pars. Its reserves are estimated at 7.9 trillion. cube m. of gas and more than 2 billion tons of condensate.

North Pars is an offshore field with gas reserves of 1.36 trillion cubic meters. cube m.

The identified resources of the Kengan onshore field have reserves of 3 trillion cubic meters. cube m of gas, and the Nar, Agkhar, Dalan fields - 368 billion cubic meters. m.

A large gas field was discovered in 2000 in the south of the country near the coast of the Persian Gulf - Tabnak. Iranian experts estimated its reserves at 395-445 billion cubic meters. m of gas and 30 million tons of condensate.

Remark 2

Oil and gas production in Iran is hampered as a result of US and European sanctions imposed on the country. As a result of restrictions, hydrocarbon production decreased in 2013 by 11 million tons. The largest investment projects related to the oil and gas industry on the territory of Iran were suspended.

The sanctions have resulted in:

  • a sharp reduction in production;
  • lack of access to modern technologies;
  • disconnection from the SWIFT system;
  • lack of foreign investment.

Other types of minerals of Iran

In addition to oil and gas, there are other minerals in the bowels of Iran.

Among them coal, the estimated reserves of which are 40 billion tons. They are concentrated in the Tebessky and Elbursky coal basins. The deposits contain 92 coal seams, 18 of which have a working thickness of 3.8-10.9 m. The coals are high-ash and require enrichment.

Stocks iron ore make up about 10 billion tons with an iron content of 36-60%. Large iron ore deposits are located in the Bafk and Sirjan regions. There is ore in the region of Yerak and Bandar Abbas.

Chromium ore reserves are estimated at 30 million tons, and the most important area of ​​their concentration is Minab and Sebzevar. In Sebzevar, reserves of 1.2 million tons are probable, and 10 million tons are promising.

In the period from 1998-2002, 14 new copper and chromium deposits were discovered in the east of the country. The largest deposit Chromium is located in the vicinity of Iranshahru.

The reserves of gold ores amount to 3 million tons and are concentrated in Muta - the Senendage region. New deposits of gold have been discovered southwest of Zanjan.

In terms of metal, the total copper reserves are 800 million tons. The most developed is the porphyry copper deposit Sercheshme - Kerman region.

Polymetallic ores are represented by lead-zinc in the areas of Zanjan, Qazvin, Isfahan, Yenarek, Yazd, Bafk, Uzbekkuh.

The Yenguran field is the largest with proven reserves of 9 million tons.

From other minerals, the best blue turquoise in the world is mined here. There are rock salt, barite, gypsum, sulfur, marble, volcanic tuff, refractory clay, limestone, dolomite, fluorite, quartzite in Iran.

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