How to make military service attractive? How to prepare for military service: personal experience What to bring to the army

Hello. Today is another rather unusual post. About the army. I want to say right away to all those who have served or will serve, everything can be completely different. article how to survive in the army I write exclusively on the example of my service.

So, having got into the army, you, as it were, are nobody in the first 2 weeks. Until you have taken the oath, you are taking the course of a young fighter (KMB). Here you are prepared for military service.

There are quite a lot of fellow countrymen at KMB. With whom you were drafted from the draft board to the KMB will be with you. This is a huge plus. Someone already on the train “screamed”, someone even already knew each other.

There are 2 types of barracks: general (which we are used to seeing on TV), where everyone sleeps in one large room and divided into “kubricks” (a kubrick is when soldiers live in rooms from 4 to 12 people on average). That is, it can be compared with a hostel.

I was lucky, we ended up in a part where there is a division into quarters. Barracks general type” every year less and less in the country. Because of this, there is a division into “groupings”. That is, those who live in the same “kubar” are usually friends.

In general, if you are a restrained person, then it will be difficult for you in the army. You need to loosen up, be friends with someone. At the KMB you will not see "grandfathers", only sergeants and officers who stubbornly prepare you for the army.

At first it was hard: dressing like lightning, playing “lights out” - “rise”. That is, after the command to hang up, everyone should very quickly lie in bed, and on the command to rise, they should line up. It takes about 1.5 minutes to get dressed (earlier, when there were tarpaulin boots (without laces), and not berets, it was around 45 seconds). If someone did not have time, then again hang up and rise. As the saying goes, “a dead end in the company, the whole company is in sweat” :).

In general, in the army they study collectively. One screwed up, everyone answers. Your the main task: do not mow. I remember one went to the chip without permission, because of him we didn’t see chips for almost a whole week. I don't care, but so many of his comrades looked at him wryly.

Therefore, there is no need to "mow". Let's take a morning check. It is done every day: the cleanliness of the berets, the cut, the shaving, the cleanliness of the hemming and the presence of the edging are checked (the back of the hair near the neck must be even). And that's it! But, damn it, some people manage to not even follow these elementary things. By doing these elementary things as expected, you will get rid of unnecessary unnecessary attention to yourself.

What I remember in the first days is calluses. While the berets are new, the corns are rubbed terrible. Many had blood spots. Well, at least the KMB officers were allowed to walk on the parade ground in slippers. I didn’t want to join the “slipper troops”, I found another way out: over my socks (in some parts still footcloths) I wrapped a handkerchief or a piece of cloth where there was pain. Oddly enough, the corns began to heal. We tried to “beat off” the berets with a hammer and other heavy objects, but this did not help. And yes, it’s better to take berets one size larger than the butt, otherwise you can still wear thick socks in winter.

How to behave at KMB? With understanding. Hard to learn, easy to fight. And the commander at the KMB for me was like the first teacher at school.

Even at KMB I understood the main rule in the army:need to be smarter . Here, as nowhere else, you need to be able to say “No”. And then they will climb on the neck. It is necessary to “send” whom you need at the time, but, but the most important thing is to stick together. Together with comrades, support each other.

It was also quite unaccustomed to quickly eat in the dining room. Someone did not have time and I saw the following picture: a salad is thrown into the soup, the second and a side dish, and all this megaporridge is quickly eaten.

Well, after the KMB, the most interesting thing begins: “grandfathers”, other officers, etc. Well, I'll tell you about it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Read all my articles about the army.

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To be continued…

Today is February 28th. The last winter day reminds all persons of military age who have not had time to pay their military duty that spring call 2013 is just around the corner. To what extent do modern young people want to fulfill their constitutional duty? IN Lately information related to what is needed to increase the prestige of military service in the Russian army began to show itself quite actively. Wherein different people, who consider themselves experts in this matter, often express diametrically opposed versions.

Someone is sure that the Russian army will become truly effective, combat-ready and attractive to potential conscripts only when there is a return to the Soviet version of the recruitment of troops. Someone believes that only a contractual basis can be considered a panacea for ensuring the security of our state. There are also those who declare the need to create an exclusively Russian volunteer army, the very fact of getting into which for conscripts or contract soldiers will be considered a great success.

A supporter of the idea of ​​creating a volunteer army is, for example, the leader of the Russian liberal democrats, Vladimir Zhirinovsky. True, at the same time, Vladimir Volfovich does not explain what exactly is needed in order for young people to join the Russian army exclusively on a voluntary basis, at the call of conscience, and at the same time, in his own words, they were not afraid to receive a draft summons from the district military registration and enlistment office . In general, the idea was voiced by one of the most extravagant politicians in Russia, and then, as they say, they themselves ...

Based on this, let's try to figure out what the average modern young man really needs in order for him to realize the need to serve the Motherland and at the same time put on military uniform not as a yoke, but with a full sense of their involvement in a great and important cause for the country and its citizens.

To begin with, it is necessary to turn to official figures that reveal the number of so-called draft dodgers - that is, young people of military age who do everything to avoid being drafted to military service. According to the General Staff, those at the end of 2012 in Russian Federation slightly more than 166 thousand people were recorded. This is comparable to the indicators of the call itself. True, according to official data, the figure is 18% lower than in 2011.

However, it should be noted that there are several regions where the number of military service evaders Last year has grown. These regions include the Chelyabinsk, Penza, Omsk, Samara regions and the Republic of Chuvashia. Oddly enough, one of the best indicators for reducing the number of dodgers was recorded in Moscow - the number of “mowing”, judging by the reports of the military commissar of the capital, has decreased by almost 1.5 times compared to 2011. Official reports are a delicate matter, of course... However, let us return to the question raised about what our young people need so that they go to the army with readiness.

Option 1. Increasing volumes allowance conscripts

Supporters of this idea say that the increase in the amount of monetary allowance will stimulate the conscript and make him treat military service as if he were performing duties in any other workplace. As they say, advance, bonus and all that ...

On the one hand, the idea is certainly sound, but on the other hand, how to determine what kind of material, let’s say, bonus is able to “reason” with the modern young man and let him know that he is obliged to do his job to protect the borders of his homeland. For one, 5 thousand rubles is an option, and the other considers even 50 thousand rubles to be a payment misunderstanding.

But even if we decide on an average option, this will not mean at all that all conscripts without exception will perform their duties with the same zeal. This time. And who today will give a 100% guarantee that all these "increased amounts of monetary allowance" will reach only the conscript, and will begin to walk in the pockets of, let's say, other interested parties. This is two.

In the end, the transfer of the conscription service to the money rails automatically turns into a kind of option. contract service- services for material interest. A kind of nonsense in the form of a "conscript-mercenary." And about the effectiveness of the service on the part of mercenaries, you can argue for a very long time. So won't our army turn from the introduction of such an innovation into a kind of JSC "Armed Forces"? .. A big question.

Option 2. Preventing refuseniks from holding high government positions in the future

This innovation has already been adopted. However, is there an agency in our country that has the right to determine who is a refusenik, and who “just didn’t work out” with the army? After all, with the level of notorious corruption that exists today, anyone can get the diagnosis they need, which is unlikely to be checked by anyone at first. And if it doesn’t arise at first, then it will definitely be too late: as they say, the ends are in the water, it’s overplayed ... A state official with scoliosis or poor eyesight- than any option to bypass this sensible, at first glance, initiative.

Option 3. Completely rid the army of non-statutory

But again, this is all at the level of a beautiful slogan. Indeed, in fact, the presence or absence of hazing is not determined at all by the directives of the General Staff, but directly by those officers who work with the rank and file. It is one thing when a general from Moscow declares that, they say, hazing in the army must certainly be burned out with a red-hot iron, and it is quite another thing when a specific officer will be engaged in restoring order in the unit entrusted to him.

Which one is more efficient? Right! - You can turn off the general on TV ... And to oblige all current officers, without exception, to follow the path of indispensable eradication of hazing in the army is a utopia ... Here you don’t need to oblige, but, as they say, even from the cadet’s bench, sorry, hammer in - so that it’s thoroughly stuck .

Option 4. As a number of our fellow citizens suggest: get rid of the oligarchs, create a people's government, and then the youth will definitely pour into the ranks of the Russian army - by all means voluntarily

Usually those gentlemen who are on this moment they themselves are in a state of "slope" ... They say, I will not go for the sake of "your" Abramovichs with Deripaskas and various Vekselbergs to guard the borders ... The argument, of course, is entertaining, but obviously from the category " so that I can come up with something like that, so that I can sit behind other people's backs until the age of 27».

So, to those gentlemen who think in precisely these paradigms, I would like to say: the security of Deripaska and the other Abramovichs with their financial well-being is, apparently, an absolute phenomenon today (whether you pass urgent or not), which cannot be said about yourself and your relatives, when your school (like in Beslan), your hospital (like in Budyonnovsk), your theater (like in Dubrovka) suddenly burst into non-humans who have a different view of the value of your life ...

Ah, yes... The People's Government... Well, who are we kidding here?.. Only if we are ourselves. And we had it like that in 1812, when the Russian army drove the French along Smolenka? Perhaps the people were in power in 1791 or 1878, when the Turks experienced the power of Russian weapons? Well, it’s just that every episode from the history of Russia, only people’s governments appear…

It turns out that the increase in the prestige of the service cannot be directly related either to money, or to the version of the political system, or to the statements of high military officials. All these things are actually transient. The prestige of the service and the interest of young people in it should be brought up, as they say, from "young nails". Even if it sounds a little pathetic, but when a young man is still in elementary school they start to scare him with "army horror stories", then what kind of prestige can we talk about at all? It is necessary to realize that the army is not a separate matter stewing in its own juice, but one of the social forms, and therefore it is simply pointless to consider its development outside the context of the development of the social.

The serviceman's token is produced according to the standard and is issued upon entering the service or concluding a contract. In this case, it serves as an identity card for a serviceman, but there is also a souvenir version of the medallion, which can become a memorable gift. We will consider the process of its manufacture in this article.

Materials for creating a token

On the Internet you can find many detailed, but not always reliable video tutorials on making tokens. Amateur craftsmen use different tools, fixtures and materials as raw materials. After analyzing several master classes on how to make a token, we can highlight the most accessible and simple options. For this you will need:

  • aluminum plate;
  • metal scissors;
  • hammer;
  • nail;
  • drill;
  • sandpaper;
  • chain or cord.

Medallions are made of steel or aluminum. Steel products are stronger and more aesthetic, but aluminum products are softer, so they can be processed better at home. Aluminum plates do not bend, do not corrode, are great for various pendants.

First of all, for a token it is necessary to choose a base - a flat plate from which a blank can be cut. A sheet of aluminum 2 mm thick is sufficient. If there is no such basis, then you can use the advice of the masters on how to make an army dog ​​tag with your own hands, and use an aluminum spoon, previously leveled on the anvil with a hammer.

How to make an army badge

After the preparatory stage is completed, it is necessary to mark the form on the prepared material. To do this, you can circle a ready-made standard token or a printed image of the product in life size. Then cut out the base with metal scissors and process the edges by sanding both sides of the workpiece.

When deciding how to do it, pay attention to the inscription - first of all, it must contain an identification number. The sketch of the inscription is done in pencil. This will evenly arrange the information, as well as greatly simplify the engraving process. The data can be copied from a finished army medallion or army ID.

The letters and numbers on the aluminum plate should be applied with a small nail that acts as a chisel. To create neat elements on the token, the edge of such a chisel is ground and blunted to the required value. It is important to get the desired font weight without punching through the token.

In order to better understand how to make a token with your own hands, you can watch videos on video channels, study comments and messages from users on specialized forums. And only after that, take up the matter yourself. The main thing is not to overdo it, hitting the chisel with a hammer, and not to rush, trying to make the work neat and visually attractive.

How to make a token from a spoon

What to do in case of failure

If, despite all your efforts, you still haven’t managed to create a souvenir army dog ​​tag with your own hands, don’t despair. Firstly, it is not so easy to complete this task the first time, and secondly, it requires a large number time and effort.

Today, there are many companies that perform custom tokens and engraving. Their arsenal includes: good equipment, high-quality bases, and most importantly - standard blanks and original fonts.

If you are unable to achieve the desired result or there is no suitable material, you can place an order via the Internet with your sketch.

Military service is one of the most difficult and memorable stages in a man's life. If you just have to go to the service - do not worry, in Russian army hazing, lost health and poor nutrition have already disappeared. Of course, you can’t call it an easy service, but armed with basic knowledge about modern service and a little prepared- You will be able to transfer the service much easier both morally and physically.

The article is based on personal experience of serving in the army: since June 2014. to June 2015 in the communications troops. I'll tell you about what I would prepare for if I knew in advance what awaits me in the service.

The need for physical fitness

Depending on the type of troops, you will need physical training to varying degrees, but its need in the army is obvious. You should not count on the fact that it is during the service that you just pull up the “physics” - after all, from the very beginning, the loads can be prohibitive, and you need to approach them already well prepared. Therefore, if you still have time before the start of the service, devote it to daily runs several kilometers, pull-ups and push-ups from the floor. By the way, in the army you will run in berets, which are several times heavier than your usual shoes, so pay special attention to running - it is relevant throughout the entire service life.

Driving license category C, D

If you already have a driver's license, especially category C or D, be sure to mention it when filling out various questionnaires, questionnaires, etc. You may be lucky enough to get a driver's position military equipment, which will allow you to avoid numerous outfits that most exhaust a soldier.

Ability to defend your point of view

IN modern army fights have become a phenomenon rather rare, because even small injuries on the faces of soldiers can develop into a criminal case for the command of the unit - servicemen are constantly reminded of this. Therefore, you should not be afraid to enter into conflict with other "conscripts" - most likely, things will not go beyond a verbal skirmish, and it is extremely important to defend your point of view in the army. It is not worth entering into conflicts and disputes with officers or contractors, at least for the first few months of service, until it becomes clear to you how it will end for you.

Attentive attitude to things and money

For reasons I do not understand, theft is very flourishing in the army, and from their own comrades. Everything disappears - from berets, uniforms, headgear and ending with money, mobile phones and bank card(You will be given it to receive a monthly salary, in 2015 it was 2000 rubles / month). Therefore, the entire period of service you need to monitor things day and night - mobile phone, money and a card - it is better to keep it with you constantly, and the uniform and berets - immediately after receipt - sign with a marker in several places, and leave less unattended.

Military ranks

A few months after the start of the service, you will already know all the military ranks by heart, however, at the beginning of the service, this knowledge would also be useful to you - for example, in order to correctly address an officer and avoid receiving a portion of the choice mat.

The ranks of the Russian army are best to learn by heart right away:

Ability to properly address superiors in rank

In all military units the rules for addressing military personnel are the same:

  1. If you are going to enter a room where officers or sergeants are present, then you need to knock, open the door, and stand in the doorway at attention (giving a military salute if you have a headdress; if not, hands at your sides). Next, you need to turn ONLY to a senior in rank, asking him for permission to contact him, or to another soldier, and immediately introduce yourself, naming military rank and a surname, for example: “Comrade Major, allow me to address you, Private Ivanov” or “Comrade Major, allow me to address Comrade Lieutenant, Private Ivanov.” Compliance with such rules in the army is mandatory, and in case of incorrect treatment, a “pleasant” conversation awaits you.
  2. If you are already indoors, or walking around the territory of the unit, and want to address one of the officers or sergeants, you must stop at attention, give a military salute (or hands at your sides if there is no headgear), and ask permission to an appeal, for example: "Comrade Senior Lieutenant, let me ask you, Private Ivanov."

Daily outfits

In almost all military units, conscripts are waiting for a test in the form of daily outfits, the most common of which are - orderly for a company; patrol; duty officer; headquarters messenger. Let's dwell on a few important points.

Firstly, at the time of carrying each of the above outfits, you are issued with armory bayonet knife- the subject is symbolic, but you need to follow it very carefully. For his loss threatens criminal liability under Art. 348 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Loss of military property”, therefore this is a “tidbit” for old-timers who will try to steal it from you or take it by force (to sell it back later). The best way to protect yourself from losing the bayonet of a knife - use several rings that are used "in civilian life" to form a bunch of keys. Such rings will securely bind the bayonet to its sheath on your belt, and it will be extremely difficult to steal it from you.

If they try to take the bayonet-knife from you by force, then you have the right to use the most severe self-defense techniques, and then report to the command that they defended military property.

Secondly, when you step into one of the above outfits, you will have to go through a preparatory event - a “divorce”, in which you will be interrogated for knowledge your responsibilities. I advise you to make an effort on yourself and learn them once and for all at the beginning of your service, so that later you don’t let your comrades and commander down with ignorance of simple things.

Strong immunity

What does not happen much in the army is this immunity. The likelihood of getting a cold - even in summer time, very large, to say nothing about the cold season.

If you still have time before leaving for the service, make every effort to, because. the sanitary unit, where you will get in case of illness, is not the most pleasant place, believe me.


Officers in the army like to give soldiers difficult tasks, set unimaginable deadlines for their completion, and so on. You should not be afraid of this, the main thing is always sure that you will succeed, as well as try to think with your head. In the end, no one has yet died from not completing a task, but the cunning and ingenuity shown during its implementation can be rated even higher than the result.

Ability to sew quickly and accurately

The ability to sew in the army will be useful to you literally every day, because. the modern army uniform (as of 2015) provides for a "hem" - a piece of white fabric that is sewn to a soldier's collar daily. There are situations when you have to tear off the old "hem" and sew on a new one within a few minutes, and this is where your sewing skills come in handy.

Will the girl wait?

Any guy who has had a permanent relationship “in civilian life” will constantly worry about “will she wait for him from the service?” As practice has shown, 80% of my comrades, including me, the girls from the army did not wait. But good news is that if the girl did not wait for you, then this relationship was doomed, because. truly loving you - will certainly wait. And remember that after the end of the service you will definitely find yourself better!

Russian-Army Dictionary

There is a certain established terminology, which is used primarily during the service. Below is a list of all army terms that I encountered during my service:

"Chipok", "chipar", "teapot"grocery store located on the territory of the unit. Military personnel are allowed to go there only with the permission of the company commander or platoon commander (but this is only the first time).

"Cockpit"- the space in the barracks between the beds. As a rule, in the barracks there is even number cubicles that conscripts have to clean daily

"Boil"(ch.) - to sleep. "boiled" - fell asleep

"Starley"- senior lieutenant

"Cap"- captain (most often, company commander)

"Srokan"- active duty soldier

"Contrabass"- contract soldier

"Citizen"- everything that happens outside the army, i.e. "in civilian life". In addition, "citizen" is also called the clothes that we wear outside of military service, everyday

"Kantik"- an evenly trimmed and smoothly shaved part on the back of the head of a soldier. Usually checked at the morning review

"Tapic"- push-button telephone. It is in great demand in the army, because. phones with cameras are banned in many parts, and even if you manage to keep such a phone “without a fawn”, then it is easy to lose it or it will simply be stolen

"Kapterka"- a place for storing military equipment, uniforms, gas masks, medicines, etc. As a rule, a warrant officer is in charge of the supply room, who takes one of the “conscripts” as his assistant for the duration of his service.

SOCHI- Unauthorized abandonment. It is used as, to visit "SOCHA".

Leninskaya, Leninka- one of the rooms in the barracks, designed for the leisure of military personnel - watching TV, reading, lectures.

"Gazik"- abbreviated name of the gas mask

"RHBZ"- radio-chemical-biological protection - the name of the special protective equipment, as well as the type of troops

"Rubber Day"- one of the days a week (most often Wednesday), when all military personnel must carry a gas mask with them without fail. On this day, exercises are held on putting on a gas mask.

"clerk, clerk"- an active duty soldier who paperwork in a specially designated room of the barracks - the "office". As a rule, it is exempted from carrying out most of the duties of a military man.

"Duty"- a room on the 1st floor of the barracks, where they are around the clock in daily outfit officers.

"Buttonholes"- insignia of the variety of troops that are attached to the collar

"Lychki"- insignia, which are attached to shoulder straps, and allow you to distinguish the ranks of sergeants (sergeants have badges; officers have asterisks).

How will everything go

You really begin to feel the closeness of the army at the moment when the agenda comes. This moment caught me when I was finishing my studies at the university; I had a few months left - I had to go through a medical examination.

I was not going to look for reasons to recognize me as “unfit”, therefore, at the medical commission, I told all the doctors: “there are no complaints.” Despite this, I was sent for additional examinations several times, because of which the medical commission dragged on for more than a month. Fortunately, I managed to complete its passage before the end of the call, and I didn’t have to wait an extra few months until the next call. After passing the medical examination, I reappeared at the military registration and enlistment office and received a summons to appear, followed by departure to the place of service.

If you have already been assigned a date of departure for service, then make sure that on this day you nothing of value was worn- You will be given a uniform and you will no longer see your clothes. In addition, take a marker with you, and after issuing the form, put it with inside each thing a mark by which you can identify your things (especially the headdress, they disappear most often).

From the military registration and enlistment office you, and a few dozen more guys will be taken to collection point, where you have to spend from several hours to several days, depending on how valuable you are as a candidate. The most demanded candidates are: having health category "A"; driver license category "C, D", having higher education, especially in a specialty that coincides with the type of troops. I was assigned to the signal troops.

In conclusion, I will say that military service was, although ordeal but gave a bunch of happy memories; true friends with whom we still communicate (although almost 2.5 years have passed); as well as a whole "baggage" of army stories, which are distinguished by a special, unique atmosphere.

On this I say goodbye to you, and wish you a successful and easy service! Ask all your questions in the comments, I will answer everyone.

I wish you good health, dear readers of the Army blog: a look from the inside and those for whom this article will be the first on the site.

In the yard on September 28th. There are exactly 3 days left before the start of the next call to the army. Call II - 2015 or autumn call 2015.

That is why a few days ago the idea came to my mind to write an article-appeal to conscripts. An article that will be most useful for everyone who is going to the army.

No water and extra pictures. Bare facts and advice on what to do BEFORE and DURING the start of the service in order to spend the next 365 days at its best. So, my 10 tips for you, inductee.

1. Pass the final medical examination at the military enlistment office and bring all the documents they need as soon as possible.

This advice in lesser degree refers to those who are called up in a week, but it is still relevant even for those who will only have it in December.

Guys, don't wait for the moment when there is no place to sit in the draft office.

My practice shows that the closer the draft, the more people hang out in the military registration and enlistment office. Your task is to do everything quickly and in an organized manner.

If you approach the matter wisely, then you can visit the military registration and enlistment office only 2 times before being called up. That is, to arrange everything you need in a few days. (Not for 2, because you have to wait for the results of tests at the clinic)

2. Learn to sew.

No, I'm not saying that you have to sew a curtain or something else for the house with your own hands. But to be able to sew a button and sew up a hole, if necessary, must be able to.

If you do not learn how to do this before the army, then the army will teach you itself. Just be prepared for the fact that before that you will receive a girl's nickname, and your authority because of this will not rise above the plinth.

3. Change your attitude towards physical development.

If you are a professional athlete, then you can move on to the next paragraph.

And if not... Congratulations. You belong to 90% of those people who surround me now.
They didn’t do sports, they don’t know how to pull themselves up, they run every other time. Plus they smoke like steam locomotives.

So, what do you need to do so that after hearing the phrases and in the army you do not faint:

  • Go to sleep as early as possible 22.00-06.00

This will allow you to overcome the period of adaptation to the army as comfortably as possible. And you will wake up in the morning refreshed and ready for a morning workout.

  • Run at least 1 kilometer in the morning

A kilometer is the minimum we ran in the mornings during the first weeks. Because in the company there were zhirobasy and skinny, who by the end of our first round were somewhere in the middle of the road.

If you do not want to become one of those who constantly stop the company, start running even before the call.

  • Learn to pull up on the horizontal bar

Ideally, 15 times. After all, in order to pass the physical training exam perfectly, we need to pull ourselves up 15 times.

And without this junior sergeant's exam, you won't get it. We are so accepted.

  • Switch to three meals a day

Before the draft, I ate 5-6 times a day every day. In the army, I eat 3. And no one else will let you eat. Even your food.

During the first 3 days of service, I lost 4 kilograms. This is not only because of the food, but "thanks" to it too. I was very hungry.

We have this mode: 07.30 - breakfast. 14.30 - lunch. 18.30 - dinner.

I draw attention to the large interval of time between breakfast and lunch.

4. The day before the call, cut your hair as short as possible.

Yes, I know how hard it is. You now have a beautiful head of hair, and then they tell you that you need to cut your hair under 0.

I left myself 9 mm of hair. But this is a lot. I was forced to cut my hair in the very first days of service.

The less hair there is, the later you will get your first haircut in the army. And this will be a plus for you, because in 2 weeks (depending on how your hair grows) you will already get used to it and you can easily allocate yourself time for this.

Otherwise - vanity, nerves, stress, screams, panic. I saw guys who went through it.

IMPORTANT. For those who think: “Why spend money if the army cuts it for free?”

In the army, your friend will cut your hair. That is a person you don't know. Most likely, he will take the typewriter for the first time in his life. We had those.

When you first arrive at the unit with your hair, you will immediately attract negative attention from your superiors. With me in the team from St. Petersburg, 4 such people arrived. They were publicly laughed at for 10 minutes. Do you need it? 200 rubles sorry? Reputation will take a long time to restore.

5. On the day of conscription, take your passport, driver's license and diploma with you to the military registration and enlistment office.

You definitely have a passport. If you have the rest - take it. It may not come in handy, but if so, then it will be easier to give it to relatives (or send it by mail from there for free) than then to take a steam bath and think about where to store them in parts.

I took it out as a separate item from the bonus, because I myself blundered on this. I was clearly told at the military registration and enlistment office that a passport is not needed. The result - my mother went home for a passport. It's good that I was called from the same place where I live. And if you will be called from another locality?

The tips for preparing for the service are over. Now, tips that will help you at the beginning of the service not to “goof off”.

6. Do not open your mouth where you can remain silent.

It is very important. We have so many kosyachnikov who tried to break this law of the army.

My advice to you: if they are not addressing you, then just keep silent. Even if you think you are the smartest.

7. Listen carefully and remember everything that old-timers and commanders tell you.

Mindfulness is the key to success in the army. You will not be advised to do something that you yourself have not gone through. These will be the most valuable advice during the service. Even more valuable than mine.

Just don't skip a single one, and based on what you hear, adjust your behavior pattern.

8. Analyze everything that is happening around you.

This is what I "grew up" in the army. I'm not saying that I've become a "prison dad" here. I'm talking about the fact that thanks to this, for 3 months of service, not a single remark was made to me by the authorities.

He saw that your friend entered the sleeping quarters incorrectly - remember how he did it. He will be corrected until he does it right. Did the right thing - remember it! All jambs, and most importantly - the correct options for appeals / reports / execution of commands and everything else. All this you must memorize and assimilate.

As they say at school and university: absorb like a sponge! It's the same here.

9. If you don't know, ask someone who knows for sure.

Very important. Pay attention to the end of the sentence: "... from the one who knows." Not from his ignorant friend, but from someone who knows for sure. From your own or someone else's junior sergeant or officer.

It's better than doing the wrong order and then hearing about how stupid you are.

10. Every night before going to bed wash my feet in cold water and with statutory soap.

Unless you want to spend the entire service in the infirmary, of course. And there are enough of them!

If you are normal and want to get by with “minimal losses” in the first weeks, then follow this advice. Every day without exception.

Cold water. And only with statutory soap. It's magical, guys. There will be no corns or there will be much less than it could be. At least you can walk.

All advice. Let's move on to the bonus, which I mentioned above.


What to take with you to the army?

I want to take everything and more. Especially if you are collected by your mother and grandmother. But everything is impossible. And you don't need much either. Now I will explain why.

IMPORTANT. No glass, piercing, cutting objects. They will be taken away at the collection point, just as they took my aftershave gel, needles and something else.

IMPORTANT 2. I take out a separate item. NO DRUGS. They will also be picked up immediately.

IMPORTANT 3. Pay special attention to the number of things I wrote about. If I wrote to singular, so you need to take exactly 1 piece. No more and no less. If he wrote 2 machines, then 2 machines, not a pack. Everything else will be taken away. And it’s not at all certain that they will return ...

All of the above tips and bonus are purely my thoughts and come from my own experience. three months service in the battalion of junior specialists.

I know that each part has its own charter. But I assure you that I told you as close as possible to those parts where the charter is known and honored. I hope the majority are. Our whole life is strictly according to the charter. Yes, not perfect. There are differences of opinion, but I can't imagine a part where the charter is loved and honored more than here.

Therefore, all of the above can be taken as "correct". If you do not agree with me, then you will at least agree that these tips and a list of things will definitely not be superfluous.

P.S. I appeal to those who are already serving or have served literally within a year. Friends, if you have something to add to my lists, feel free to write about it in the comments.

This article, as well as the heading "Conscripts" was created solely for the benefit of all those who have yet to serve. And I don't think there are too many benefits! So let's connect, dear demobilizers and not only.

P.P.S. You can also ask your questions in the comments. I'll be happy to answer anything and everything!

We wish you easy service

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