Conversation with the children of the preparatory group "Russian Army Troops". Invincible and legendary. Modern Russian army Interesting names about the army for children

Krymova Yulia Evgenievna

Program tasks:

Educational tasks: Continue children's ideas about Russian army, about different genera troops to their mission. Tell about the difficult but honorable duty to defend the Motherland, to protect its peace and security.

Development tasks: Develop ingenuity, ingenuity, logical thinking, memory, attention; stimulate the speech activity of children.

Educational tasks: Instill a sense of patriotism and pride in Russian army, cause a desire to be like strong, courageous Russian soldiers.

Material used: Illustrations and pictures depicting various genera troops

Conversation flow:

caregiver: We live in a country called Russia. There are many countries on earth and not all of them live together. Sometimes there are wars. Therefore, each country has a strong and powerful Army.

caregiver: And what troops of the Russian army you know?

Children's answers: sea, land, landing.

caregiver: Look at this image. On the board are images of various genera troops. Who do you see here?

caregiver: why in Armies so many branches of service?

Children: To protect our Motherland from all sides - both from land, and from the sea, and from the air.

caregiver: That's right, in the sky our Motherland is guarded by the Air Force Troops are helicopters, planes, missiles.

Our maritime borders are guarded Navy- these are submarines, warships and boats.

On earth, we are guarded by the Land troops.

caregiver: Why do you need Army in peacetime?

Children: In peacetime, soldiers learn to control military equipment, conduct training battles, learn to shoot from all types of weapons).

caregiver: Guys, now let's solve riddles with you.

Riddles about military equipment:

1. Which bird has a star on its wings? (Airplane)

2. There are no clouds on the horizon, but an umbrella opened in the sky, after a few minutes it fell (parachute)

3. A turtle is crawling - a steel shirt, the enemy is in the ravine and she is where the enemy is. (Tank)

4. Iron fish swims under water, threatens the enemy with fire and misfortune. (Submarine).

5. The black pipe chirps, the fire wants to fly out. (A gun).

caregiver: Well done, you coped with the test and guessed all the riddles.

caregiver: I offer you a warm-up for future warriors.

Hands made in expansion - the plane turned out

Wing to and fro,

Do one and do two.

Keep your hands to the sides.

And look at your friend.

Get down quickly

Get on the landing.

caregiver: Let's play a game "What is redundant and why?"

Rocketeer, helicopter pilot, football player.

Plane, tank, parachutist.

Automatic, pistol, tanker

Submariner, gunner, ship.

caregiver: And now I suggest you play another game called "One is Many"- didactic game.

border guard - border guards



Tankman ….


Gun …

Airplane …

Helicopter ….

caregiver: Guys, you did a great job.

caregiver: Do you know that a holiday will come soon - February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And who are the Defenders of the Fatherland?

Children's Assumptions:

Defenders of the Fatherland are warriors who protect their people, their homeland from enemies. This army. Every nation, every country has its own army. Our country also has army. And she defended her people from invaders more than once.

Guys, who do we congratulate on this day?

Children's answers: Dads, grandfathers and boys.

caregiver: Guys, do you know in what troops, V armies, your grandfathers and dads served.

Children: (answer).

caregiver: For the sake of you and me, for the sake of peace in our vast country, they adequately carry out their difficult service Russian soldiers. Our boys, when they grow up and become adults, will also go to serve in army and become real Defenders of the Fatherland.

Related publications:

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Leading: This holiday is very important. We celebrate it in February. Holiday of brave warriors, Holiday of peace on Earth! Saved our planet from war.

Municipal Preschool educational institution kindergarten "Spring"

With. Khabary, Altai Territory

The folk legend says that the native land can feed a person with bread, give water to drink from its springs, but it cannot defend itself. This is the holy cause of those who eat the bread of their native land, drink its water, breathe its air and are imbued with its beauty. That is why the defense of the Fatherland has always been, is and will be the honorable duty of every citizen of Russia. There is a need to form in preschoolers a sense of respect for the historical memory of times already from childhood.

By themselves, these feelings do not arise, they need to be brought up, and the sooner the better, and this is the task of adults. Children perceive all events (in the family, in the country) on an emotional level. For every family, military service is significant event in life, but parents do not talk about it, and children, not having much interest, do not ask. This interest must be aroused, developed and supported. Available literature (children's and informational), it is said about the Soviet army, about the Red Banner with a hammer and sickle, but since then there have been big changes - the army has become Russian, symbols, uniforms, and conditions of service have changed. This information needs to be found, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a project arises "I serve Russia!"

Target. To acquaint children with the role of the Russian army in modern society to cultivate a sense of respect and pride for today's defenders of the Fatherland.

Tasks. 1. Expand children's ideas about the purpose and functions of the army. .2. Form a more complete understanding of some types of troops (tank, missile, motorized rifle, aviation, underwater.) 3. Learn to distinguish between the flags of the types and types of troops. 4. Have an idea about the symbols of the Russian Armed Forces. 5. Develop an emotionally positive attitude towards the defenders of the Fatherland, the desire to be like them. 6. Bring children to the understanding that our army protects all people, our army-army-liberator, peace-loving and humane.

Project participants. Educators, children, parents, representatives of public organizations.

Project implementation

Interaction of project participants.

  • Activities of educators. Self-education on the theory of the question; selection of necessary literature and visual information material; development of abstracts of classes and the scenario of the holiday; project development.
  • The teachers are children. Identification of the level of knowledge of children on the topic under consideration; conducting classes “Why is the army dear to everyone?” , "In the Service of the Fatherland" ; organization of exhibitions "My dad is the best" And "Military equipment" , using children's work; conversations "Our army" , “If the country is without an army, then…”; reading fiction: A. Mityaev "Who is more needed?" , A. Barto "On the Outpost" , B. Nikolsky "Let" , M. Isakovsky "At the very border" , Ya. Dlugolensky "What Soldiers Can Do" , P. Berestov "I want to be a sailor" ; memorizing poems on the topic under consideration; acquaintance with proverbs about the army, exploits, glory; didactic games "Which army's flag?" , "Name the Symbol" ; production of plot applications "Tankers" , "Sailors" , "Pilots" , soldiers of different branches of the military (girls - boys) and greeting cards (children to dads); holding various relay races, competitions "On the exercises" , "One on one" , "Accurate shooter" .
  • Educators are parents. Individual conversations on the topic, consultations on book design "Our relatives are our protectors" ; creating a photo newspaper "Dads are important" ; folder layout "Our Men" (the creative role of men is reflected: caring fathers, great musicians, artists, scientists, defenders of the Motherland.)
  • Parents are children. Examination of a military ID; telling the child about his service in the Armed Forces; consideration of awards; a story about the merits for which the award was received.
  • Parents - children - educators. Creation of a handwritten book "Our relatives are our protectors" ; organizing and conducting thematic excursions to the military commissariat, the museum of local lore; group holiday "Glory to the native army"
  • Children are children. Plot - role-playing games "Sailors" , "Paratroopers" , "Tankers" ; consideration of illustrations, postcards of this subject; stories interesting facts from the military life of their relatives.

Comparing the results of the diagnostics carried out, it was concluded that at the beginning of the project, children's knowledge of the modern Russian Armed Forces was very superficial. Children confused participation in hostilities with military service, did not clearly define the significance of the army and the duties of military personnel, and had a very vague idea of ​​​​the symbols of the Armed Forces Russian Federation. Preschool children had little knowledge about the military service of their relatives. At the time of the final stage of the project, the children quite clearly define the concept "army" , know the duties of military personnel, distinguish the symbols of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, proudly talk about their relatives - the defenders of the Fatherland. Without exception, all the boys want to go into the army, they want to serve in the rocket, airborne, underwater, space troops. And the guys note that to serve in the army, one needs not only strength and health, but also intelligence, courage, the ability to understand military equipment and weapons, and mastery of martial arts.

Efficiency. In comparison with the traditional approach, in a relatively short period of time, children have gained more knowledge, because. to solve the problems of the project, both children and parents were involved in an active creative search for the necessary information. With this approach, the creative potential of all project participants is more fully realized.

Statement of a new problem. With a better understanding of modern army, children began to show interest in military operations. I invited them to learn more about the events of the Great Patriotic War. From the words of the parents, I realized that the children are interested in the participation of great-great-grandfathers in the war, military equipment those years, awards. A new project emerged. My kids and I decided to name it "They defended the Motherland" .


*Summaries of classes: “Why is the army dear to everyone?” , "In the Service of the Fatherland"

*Excursions: to the military commissariat, to the museum of local lore.

*Holiday scenario "Glory to the native army!"

Annex 1

“Why is the army dear to everyone?”

senior preschool age

Target. To reveal the knowledge of children about the modern Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Lesson progress

Educator. The last one is coming soon winter month February. What holiday do we celebrate in February? (Defender of the Fatherland Day.)

Who are we honoring on this day? (This day has become for Russians a holiday of men - defenders of the Fatherland and the family hearth.)

Where do young people learn military science? (Children at the age of eighteen are drafted into the ranks of the Armed Forces - into the army.)

How do you understand the word "army" ? (Word "armo" from Latin - "I arm" . The Army is the Armed Forces of our country.)

What do soldiers learn in the army? What should be a warrior? Who directs the military service of soldiers? (A difficult but honorable duty to defend the Motherland, to protect its peace and security. Soldiers serve under the guidance of officers. To become an officer, you must complete a special military school know a lot, be able to be strong, hardy, courageous, resourceful.)

Choose definitions for the word army. What is the army? (Strong, big, invincible, indestructible.)

After listening to the story of A. Mityaev, you will learn how else people call our army.

The teacher reads the story "Why is the army dear to everyone" .

Questions for talking about the story.

What do people call our army? (Native.)

Why is Kolya's native army? (His brother serves in the army.)

Why does Aunt Masha have an army? (During the war, native Russian soldiers defended their village from the Nazis.)

What did dad show Lena? (Military ID.)

Why is Lena's own army? (Her dad is a tanker in the army reserve.)

And you all have an army dear? (Children express their opinion through the belonging of their relatives to the army.)

Which of you has ever seen your father's or grandfather's Military ID? (Children's statements.)

Occupation conclusion. Children's knowledge of the modern Armed Forces is very superficial. Children know little or nothing about the military service of their relatives. But interest arose, the children wanted to ask their relatives about military service. With children we decide to create a project "I serve Russia!" , in order to concretize knowledge about modern service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Appendix 2

"In the Service of the Fatherland"

senior preschool age


*give to children general concept "army"

* form an idea of modern types and some branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

* introduce the symbols of the Russian Armed Forces

* to give knowledge about the military duties of the defenders of the Motherland

Lesson progress

Educator. Our country Russia is the most big country in the world. It borders on sixteen states, is washed by the waters of twelve seas. The nature of Russia is diverse - it is deserts, tundra, forests, rivers and lakes. The homeland is also the people who live on the territory of the state, with its culture, customs and traditions. Motherland feeds, waters a person, but she cannot protect herself. This is the holy cause of Russian citizens, warriors - defenders who make up our army - the Russian Armed Forces. The Russian army guards the peace of our people, protects them and repels enemy attacks.

A Russian soldier is obliged to skillfully defend the country, follow the orders of commanders, be disciplined, keep weapons and military equipment in constant readiness, keep military secrets and protect the battle flag of the unit.

The country needs protection on land, in the air and at sea. There are three types of Armed Forces: Ground Forces, Military - air force and the military Navy. Three interrelated types of aircraft.

Ground troops (flag display) the most numerous and diverse type of armed forces. They include motorized rifle, tank, missile branches of the armed forces.

The air force protects the country from enemy strikes from the air and space. They include aviation, anti-aircraft rocket troops.

The Navy protects and leads fighting on the seas and in the oceans. This includes submarine, surface forces, coastal troops, and naval aviation.

The most highly mobile kind - Air - landing troops, they are rightly called "winged guard" , their motto is: "Nobody except us" . Airborne troops are in constant combat readiness.

Space Forces are designed to protect the country in outer space.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have their own badges of honor - symbols: the Banner of the Armed Forces, the emblem and the Battle Banner of the unit. (Demonstration of illustrations during the lesson)

The banner of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is a red cloth trimmed with gold braid. On the front side of the cloth, in the center, there is a double-headed eagle. In each corner of the cloth, on both sides, there is a golden five-pointed star. On reverse side panels, in the center - the emblem of the Armed Forces. Inscription at the top "Fatherland" , at the bottom - "Duty Honor" .

The emblem of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is an image of a golden (silver) a double-headed eagle with outstretched wings, holding a sword in its right paw, and a laurel wreath in its left. On the chest of the eagle is a red shield crowned with a crown. On the shield is a horseman slaying a dragon with a spear.

The battle banner of the unit - personifies the honor, valor, glory and combat traditions of the unit. It is handed over by the President of the Russian Federation. The battle banner of the unit is always with military unit. The servicemen of the unit are obliged to courageously defend the Battle Banner and prevent it from being captured by the enemy.

Appendix 3


to the military commissariat of the Khabar region

Tour organizers. Parents Zmeevskaya Yu.A., Marakina G.V. paramedic of the military commissariat of the Khabar region.

Tour participants. Children of the preparatory group for school, educators, representatives of the military commissariat.

The tour was done. Educator Stepanenko L.A., Lieutenant Antonov A.I. head of the third branch of the military commissariat.

* meeting with representatives of the military commissariat

*inspection of the office of the military commissar

* a story about the purpose of the military commissariat

* Familiarity with the symbols of the Russian Armed Forces

*booth overview "Orders and medals of Russia" , a conversation about awards received by military personnel for special services to the Fatherland

Tour conclusion. Children received a more complete visual representation of the work of the military commissariat. An atmosphere of trust and respect has been created.

Appendix 4

Excursion to the museum

Tour organizers. Parents and educators.

Tour participants. Children of the preparatory group for school, educators, museum workers.

The tour was done. Director of the museum Dick N.N., educator Stepanenko L.A.

*inspection of the hall "Battle Glory"

* the guide's story about the participation of fellow countrymen in local armed conflicts (with a demonstration of exhibits on this topic)

Conclusion. Children learned specific historical facts about warriors - fellow countrymen, who are proud of the people of our village, saw their photos and some personal belongings. The excursion evoked an emotionally positive attitude towards the soldiers, a desire to be like them, pride in their fellow countrymen.

Appendix 5

Glory to the native army!


senior preschool age

Material and equipment. Flags and sultans, asterisks (scarlet and crimson) for the draw, discs, four basins, two pairs of skis, two white coats, two bags, small balls, dice, gymnastic bench, two pillows, two hoops, gymnastic sticks, arches, two cloth tunnels, two envelopes, two trays with chopped apples , audio recording of music.

The audio recording of the song "White Capless" (Spanish R. Gazmanov and L. Leshchenko). Children enter the hall (boys have Russian flags in their hands, girls have multi-colored sultans) and show a musical-rhythmic composition.

First child.

Our army day today

And she's been around for many years.

Hello defenders of the people!

Russian army -

All. Hello!

Second child. To you, future warriors!

Third child. You, who have served the military service!

Girls. Our holiday is dedicated.

Leading. Defender of Motherland! How proud these words sound. Defense of the Fatherland is the duty of every citizen, the honorable duty of every man. We heartily congratulate all those who have already completed military service and those who still have to do it. Happy holiday! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Fourth child.

The people have a striking force

To protect peace and victories.

Red Army! Russian army!

All. Glory! Glory! Glory to you!

Fifth child.

We love our army

She is a great force

She is fearless in battle

Destroyed all enemies.

Sixth child.

And we sing songs about her

About valiant campaigns,

She keeps our peaceful home,

Peace and labor of peoples.

Seventh child.

Home army is strong

Invincible in battles

On guard of the motherland

It stands unbreakable.

Children sing a song "Our country is strong" (music by A.Filippenko, lyrics by T.Volgina)

Eighth child.

On the day of the Defender of Russia

Congratulations to our dads.

Salutes in the blue sky

Multi-colored star volley!

Children take turns.

I'll tell you a secret -

There is no better friend than dad.

My best dad

He is always, everywhere with me.

We live happily in the garden

Let's sing a song to dad.

Children sing a song "There is no better friend than dad" (music by B. Saveliev, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky)

First boy.

Past the house, past the garden

He steps: one, two, three.

On a Russian soldier

Look with respect.

Second boy.

On the border and in the capital

He carries out his service

And a Russian soldier

Respect for all people.

Third boy.

In the seas and oceans

Far from the shore

Relentlessly on watch

native ships.

Fourth boy.

Under the Russian banner

Under the banner of the fathers

They're coming, they're coming

brave sailors.

The boys sing a song "Let's Be Soldiers" (music and lyrics by Z. Root)

On a February day, a frosty day

Everyone celebrates the holiday

Girls on this glorious day

The boys are congratulated.

First girl.

Male to our half

We send our congratulations

There's every reason for this

Hurray for the defenders of the country!

Second girl.

We are under your protection

We can live in peace

As long as your backs are strong,

We will have nothing to worry about.

Third girl.

Bogatyrsky health

We want to wish you

The best thing in the world to run

And beat everyone in football.

Fourth girl.

May luck be with you

Only you are friends with us.

Help us in everything

Protect us from others.

Fifth girl.

We congratulate the boys

And we wish them good health

To grow big

And they were excellent.

Sixth girl.

Giving girls with a smile

To all soldiers on a postcard.

Please don't offend us

And protect and protect.

The girls give the boys handmade cards.

Seventh girl.

We'll sing for dads today

And we have one motive

Congratulations on the twenty-third

We really, really want to.

Children perform ditties.

Leading. To choose good fellows - for our army of fighters, I propose to hold competitions.

A draw is held, the group is divided into two teams, dad and his child become members of the team "Sailors" or "Pilots" . A jury of three people is selected from among the mothers.

Contest "Soldier Charging" .

Children and dads form a common circle, to the soundtrack of the song "Bogatyr strength" , boys, going out in turn to the center, show movements morning exercises, everyone performs, the jury evaluates.

Contest "Take the Enemy Captive" .

Teams are built in columns. At the signal, the first participants put on their skis, "camouflage coat" , take the bag and run to the basket with balls, put the ball in the bag and return, pass the inventory to the next in the team. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Contest "Sappers" .

Participants form two lines. On the floor in the hall lie "mines" - disks. At the end of each line are basins. With the beginning of the music, the first take one disk at a time and pass them along the chain to the last, who put them in basins. And so on until there is not one left on the floor "mines" . The team that collects the most disks and does not drop any wins.

Contest "Disassemble ammo at night" .

Four participants (dad and child from each team) blindfold and lead to basins with cubes and balls. You need to sort the items into boxes. The team whose members complete the task the fastest wins.

Contest "Hand-to-Hand Combat" .

One child from each team take a pillow, stand on a gymnastic bench (dads hold the bench on both sides) and on a signal, the battle begins. The task of each is to knock the opponent off the bench. The one who first touches the floor loses. The competition continues until all children have fought.

For dads, conditions change. Two opponents stand in a hoop (on one leg) and on command they try to knock each other out of the circle. The one who is first out of the circle loses. By total winners (kids and dads) The jury determines the winning team in this competition.

Contest "Service is service, and lunch is on schedule" .

Teams are built in two columns. In front of each is a table on which is a tray of chopped apples. (each piece contains a toothpick). To the music, the first participants run to the table, take one piece of an apple and eat. You can only pass the baton to the next participant by eating an apple. The team that completes the task faster will win.

Contest "Bag Run" .

Each participant needs to run a certain distance in the bag, run around the chair, go back and pass the bag to the next member of his team. The first team to complete the task wins.

Contest "Combat Alert" .

Children of both teams stand in a common circle. In front of each on the floor lies a gymnastic stick "machine" . While the music is playing, the children run in a circle one after another, (the host removes two or three sticks) with the end of the music, each "arming" - takes a stick. Those who did not have time to take a stick are eliminated from the game. The competition is held until one winner.

In the second stage, only dads participate in the competition, the task remains the same. The winner is revealed.

Contest "Deliver the message to headquarters" .

In front of each team at the end of the distance is a chair on which lies an envelope. Dads with children overcome an obstacle course: children crawl through the tunnel, dads hold; children crawl under the arcs, dads - into the hoop; father and child, holding hands, jump on two legs over gymnastic sticks; run around the chair and return to the starting point, pass the baton to the next pair in their team. The last couples, having reached the chair, take the envelope and bring it "to headquarters" - jury. The team that clears the obstacle course faster wins.

Leading. All contests have ended. While the jury is summing up, answer me guys, what can your dads do?

Children. My dad can do anything!

Children perform "A Song About Dad" (lyrics by M. Tanich, music by V. Shainsky).

The jury announces the results of the competition. Children are awarded with medals. Children give dads soldiers (made the day before).

Leading. Dear dads, do you remember how long ago you danced the waltz? Today you have such an opportunity, invite your daughters to dance.

Dads and daughters dance "Invite me, dad, to the waltz" (music and lyrics by L. Olifirova).

Dear Guys! Let's talk about the profession of a military man.

Who is a soldier? This is a man in the military.

I am sure that each of you has seen the military parade on TV, which takes place on May 9, on the Victory Day of our people in the war against Nazi Germany.

Representatives of all military branches walk in orderly rows along Red Square, minting a step. They are wearing dress uniforms.

The orders and medals of veterans who have gathered in the stands to watch the festive parade shine in the sun. And in the evening, when it gets dark, bright fireworks are lit in the sky.

Parade is a demonstration of the strength and power of our state, a manifestation of the patriotism of our military.

Like every state, Russia has an army, that is, armed forces.

The armed forces can be divided into three main groups - these are ground, or ground forces that operate on land, air Force— they defend the Motherland in the air; and naval - keeping watch in the seas and oceans.

Let's talk about ground forces. These include motorized rifle troops armed with machine guns, machine guns and grenade launchers. They travel in combat vehicles.

Tank troops fight on tanks protected by thick armor. These are self-propelled vehicles on caterpillar tracks, which allows them to pass through any terrain: along ravines and off-road. The tanks are armed with cannons and machine guns. There are people inside the tank - the crew.

TO ground forces includes artillery and rocket troops. Artillery mounts cannons fire projectiles, and missiles fire rockets. famous rocket launcher"Katyusha" smashed enemies during the Great Patriotic War. Artillerymen serve in the artillery.

Motorized riflemen, artillerymen and rocketmen serve in the Ground Forces.

To the military ground forces also include signalmen and sappers who can clear mines minefields, roads and bridges.

Each state also has border troops. They stand guard over the borders of the Motherland. Soldiers of the border troops are serving at border outposts. Their the main task- do not allow spies, terrorists, armed enemy groups, people transporting drugs to cross the border. Specially trained dogs help the border guards to carry out the difficult service.

The Airborne Forces (abbreviated as the Airborne Forces) are allocated to a special group. The military serving in these troops are physically strong and athletic. They undergo special multi-day training, mastering the rules of close combat, know fighting techniques, study different types confrontations.

Paratroopers are usually delivered by planes and helicopters to the places of hostilities. They descend to earth with the help of parachutes.

In addition to courage and bravery, the "blue berets" - the so-called paratroopers (after all, they wear blue berets as part of the uniform) - endurance, absolute health, agility and strength are needed.

Our army also has aviation - combat aircraft and helicopters. They are ready to defend, if necessary, our Fatherland from the air. The aircraft is controlled by a crew of pilots - this is the first and second pilots, the navigator, who plots the course of the aircraft in the sky, the radio operator, who keeps in touch with the airfield, and the mechanic responsible for the aircraft's serviceability. The pilots wear beautiful blue uniforms to match the color of the sky. In addition, in flight they have special high-altitude helmets. These military personnel must have excellent health, self-control, the ability to instantly assess the situation and make a decision, courage and determination.

A young man who dreams of becoming a pilot passes a medical examination, then studies at a flight school, after which he can continue his studies at a military academy. After all, a pilot needs to know and be able to do a lot!

Our seas are protected by warships and submarines. Together they make up the navy.

Large surface ships - battleships - are armed with guns, machine guns, cruise missiles. A cruiser is a smaller ship, and a destroyer is a guard ship.

The military who serve in the navy are called sailors.

There is always a captain on the ship. He is responsible for the entire ship. He is assisted by an assistant captain and a navigator who plots a course at sea. The boatswain keeps order on the ship. The radio operator maintains contact with the ground and other ships. A ship's cook is called a cook. Each sailor in the team has his own duties.

My dad is a captain

Daddy knows everything

Knows where the wind will be born

How the ocean rages

After all, my dad is a captain!

We'll get a map of the world

Let's study together.

Here is the high peak of the Pamirs,

Here the seas turn blue.

This is southern Anapa,

This is northern Yamal.

Dad will tell you everything

Dad has been everywhere.

I will grow up and become

I, like dad, captain!

Russia also has a submarine fleet - nuclear submarines. They hit enemy ships with special large projectiles - torpedoes. Submarines move under water, they go to the open sea for many months.

Many submarines help border guards if the border with other countries passes through the sea.

Soldiers of all branches of the military wear military uniform. It is casual and formal. The difference between the marine uniform is a white and blue striped vest, and on the head a peakless cap with ribbons. On the shoulders, the military wear shoulder straps, on which the number of stars indicates the rank of the military.

The famous commander A.V. Suvorov said: "The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad." But in order for a soldier to become a general, he must climb the ladder military ranks on many steps.

The highest naval rank is Fleet Admiral.

Let's remember the most prominent Russian military leaders. In the Navy, this is F.F. Ushakov, P.S. Nakhimov, N.G. Kuznetsov. In the ground forces - A.V. Suvorov, M.I. Kutuzov, G.K. Zhukov. The most fearless pilots are P.N. Nesterov, V.P. Chkalov, M.M. Raskov.

After listening to my story about military service, I think, dear guys, you understand that this service is "both dangerous and difficult." Military personnel often risk their lives and health, protecting peace and tranquility on earth. They are deep

they love their Motherland and their people, they have great knowledge, health, strength, readiness to fulfill any order.

If there are those among you who dream of serving in the army, they can be advised to enter a military school - Suvorov or Nakhimov.

Who is called a soldier?

What three main groups can be divided into the armed forces of the state?

Tell us about land, air and maritime birth troops.

What is the service of the border guards? Paratroopers? Sappers?

What qualities should a soldier have?

Would you like to become a soldier?

Educator. What is necessary for people to live in peace, work, so that children can safely go to kindergarten and school? (Children's answers.) Of course there must be peace. Our rest and peace is guarded by the army. Listen to what L. Kassil writes in the story "Your Defenders":

“... You slept well at night, and the border guards stood guard all night, so that no one would secretly crawl onto our land, or get to us with malicious intent. And those who guard our sky were on duty all night at their posts. And in the morning, when the birds were still sleeping, the planes rose high into the sky. Experienced commanders began to teach young pilots to fly. Our ships raised their flags at dawn and sailed across the seas, over the waves. The old captains began to teach the young sailors the maritime service. You are still sleeping in the morning, and the tankers are already starting the engines of their combat vehicles. And the infantry soldiers have already entered the field for training with a marching song ... "

Our country Russia occupies a very large area, having land, air and sea borders. Therefore, in our army there are different types of troops that guard these borders. Border guards, tankers, missilemen, infantrymen guard the land borders. Border guards go around the territory entrusted to them several times a day and, if necessary, will engage in battle with border violators. Tankers serve on tanks, which can overcome both small rivers and steep climbs. There are many different missiles in the service of our army. But the most formidable are those that are hidden on land, deep underground, in concrete mines. Warriors-rocketmen are on watch around them. The missiles are launched from the ground and in a matter of minutes can fly a thousand kilometers to hit the target exactly. There are also machines with rocket launchers, they are also called anti-aircraft guns. Such machines can independently move to the right place and from there launch missiles at air and ground targets. Soldiers-infantrymen are engaged in physical training every day, train. To be always ready to repulse the enemy, every soldier needs to become strong, courageous, hardy. Ground forces include signalmen and sappers. Sappers can clear minefields, bridges, roads.

In a special group are airborne troops. They are called VDV for short. Those who serve in these troops are physically strong, athletic; they undergo special training, master the rules of close combat, know fighting techniques, and study different types of wrestling. Paratroopers must be hardy, agile, strong.

And who guards our air borders? (Children answer.) Of course, pilots on military planes and helicopters. Military aircraft are small aircraft that are flown by one or two pilots. Such machines are called fighters, reconnaissance aircraft, bombers. Aircraft carry out reconnaissance over enemy territory, attack an aircraft that has violated state borders, or destroy enemy ground and sea forces from the air. Those who serve in the air force must have excellent health, courage, determination, the ability to instantly assess the situation and make decisions.

Who protects our maritime borders? (Children's answers.) That's right, ships and submarines. Together they make up the navy. The military who serve in the navy are called sailors. Patrol ships make sure that the ships of foreign countries do not cross the maritime borders of our state. Warships include an aircraft carrier, which has a very wide deck. On the deck are military helicopters and planes waiting for orders to take off.

Russia also has a submarine fleet - nuclear submarines. They hit enemy ships with special large projectiles - torpedoes. Most part of time Submarine is under water. The task of the submarine is to quietly approach the enemy warship and destroy it.

Military service both dangerous and difficult. Military personnel often risk life and health, protecting peace and tranquility on Earth. They love their homeland, their people, they have great knowledge, health, strength, readiness to fulfill any order.

Integrated educational activities in the preparatory group "Our Army is strong (military equipment)"

Sotnikova Svetlana Anatolievna,


MADOU d / s No. 158 of the city of Tyumen

Program tasks:

"Social and personal development"

Deepen children's knowledge of the Russian army.

Form an idea about the types of troops.

Cultivate respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.

"Communication Development"

Teach children to draw their own conclusions, form judgments .

Activate the vocabulary of children with new words: landing troops, artillerymen, navy, air aviation.

"Cognitive Development"

Improve the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting within 10.

Continue to develop the ability to plan the process of erecting a building. Build a structure in accordance with its purpose.

To consolidate the ability to design from paper (a boat) by bending a sheet of paper in half, combining sides and corners.

"Physical development"

Strengthen the ability to participate in various outdoor games.

Develop coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space.

Equipment: soft modules; illustrations of military equipment for "exhibition" and games; presentation; signs "clouds", "earth", "water"; 2 pools with water; for experience package and iron items; sheets of paper for each child; colour pencils; musical accompaniment; sound of the sea.

Game for coordination of movements "Soldier".

Stay on one leg

If you are a solid soldier.

And then stay on the right

If you are a brave soldier.

And then stay on the left

If you are a brave soldier.

Educator: Our land feeds us with delicious bread, gives us water from spring water, pleases our eyes with marvelous expanses, forests and fields. In order for all people to live happily, it is necessary to protect their land, their homeland.

Educator: Guys, Sasha has prepared a poem for you, let's listen.

The golden sun shines over the country

This is the Russian land, this is the native land.

It's good for the guys to live in their native land,

We love our country with all our hearts.

Educator: Guys, how do you understand the word Motherland?

Children's answers.

Educator: Yes, the Motherland is our home, kindergarten, city, our forests, fields and lakes, a happy childhood and a peaceful sky.

Who do you think is protecting our Motherland?

Children's answers: soldiers, military.

Educator: The soldiers defended our Motherland during the war, but now there is no war, what are the soldiers doing now?

Children's answers: they serve in the army, study, train, study technology in order to be ready at any moment to defend the Motherland.

Educator: Guys, what country do we live in?

Children's answers: we live in Russia.

There are many other countries around Russia, but what separates our country from other countries?

Children's answers: the border separates.

Educator: We have already talked about how and where the borders pass. So where do they go?

Children's answers: by land, water and air.

Educator: Do you want to know what kind of military equipment the soldiers use to guard the borders?

Children's answers:

Educator: Where can we see military equipment?

Children's answers: In pictures, in books, in museums, at an exhibition.

Educator: I suggest you go to an exhibition of military equipment, but what are we going to go there?

Children's answers: By ship, by car, etc.

Educator: Raise your hands who will go by car, and Sasha will count the number of children. Raise your hands who wants to go on a ship - Masha will count the number of people.

Educator: Ira, what number is greater than 8 or 7?

Children's answers: More number 8.

Teacher: So where are we going?

Educator: Guys, what will we build a car from?

Children's answers: from the constructor, from the modules.

Educator: Great! We will build a car from modules.

Children build a car and get into it.

During the "trip" with the children, we repeat proverbs about the army.

The Russian army is not alone - the whole country is with it.

A soldier is led to glory by learning and work.

No defense - crows will peck.

I took an oath - not a step away from it.

Discipline is the soul of an army.

Take care of your dear land, like a beloved mother.

Finger gymnastics "Fighters - well done" (we choose the leader).

These fingers are all fighters,

Children show palms with straightened fingers.

Remote fellows.

Squeeze and unclench fingers.

Two - large and strong small.

And a soldier in battle experienced.

The fingers are clenched into a fist, only the big ones are raised.

Two brave guardsmen,

Show index fingers.

Two smart young men.

Show middle fingers.

Two - nameless heroes,

But in work they are very zealous.

Show ring fingers.

Two little fingers - shorties - Very nice boys!

Show little fingers.

One two three four five -

Alternately bend the fingers on the right and left hand.

Squeeze and unclench fingers.

Fingers stood together in a row.

They show their palms, spread their fingers apart and bring them together.

Ten strong soldiers.

They clap their hands.

Exhibition of military equipment (examination of illustrations).

Educator: So we arrived at the exhibition of military equipment, look around, what do you see?

Children's answers: I see a tank, a submarine.

Educator: Why was it called underwater?

What is to the right of the submarine?

What is located to the left of the tank?

What is between the tank and the gun?

What is next to the gun?

What is next to the ship?

What is the number of aircraft?

Where is the submarine located?

Look guys, here all the equipment is mixed up air, water and ground. I have exactly the same pictures on the cards. Please help me sort them out. And the signs will help us in this.

I show the signs "cloud", "earth", "water".

Educator: What do you think, what types of technology relate to these signs?

Children's answers: The sign "cloud" refers to air equipment.

Educator: Why is military equipment called air? ground? one?

Children's answers.

Educator: On your own, select and arrange types of military equipment on the carpet so that they correspond to the signs.

Teacher: Start doing the task.

Educator: What is the air military equipment? Name water military equipment? Name ground military equipment?

How do you think you coped with this task? Amazing! I agree with you.

Educator: Seryozha, Dima, please help me collect the pictures.

Guys, I propose to play the game "Picture military equipment". To the music of the march, you walk in all directions, at the end of the music, you depict the technique shown in the picture.

The game "Depict military equipment."

Educator: Great! Everyone tried.

Masha has a military grandfather, she has prepared a presentation for you. We invite you to take a look.

Viewing a presentation.

Teacher: What did you watch the presentation about? What military equipment did you like, why?

Suggested responses from children.

Educator: Have you all seen the ship, tell me, what material is it made of?

Children's answers: The ship is made of iron.

Educator: Is iron light or heavy?

Children's answers: iron is heavy.

Educator: If the ship is made of iron, then it is also heavy, and why does it not sink?

Suggested responses from children.

Educator: Remember the experience with the ball and water and air. Why didn't the ball sink?

Children's answers: Because there was air in the balloon.

Educator: So what if the balloon is filled with air, why didn’t it drown?

Children's answers: Because the air is light and the ball is also light, that's why it did not drown.

Educator: To find out why the ship does not sink, we will conduct an experiment with iron, air and water. Let's go to the pool.

Research activities (children approach the pool of water).

Educator: Take iron objects and lower them into the water. What happened to them?

Children: iron objects drowned.

Educator: So what are the objects made of iron?

Children: iron objects are heavy.

Educator: Katya, take a small plastic bag filled with air and put it in water, what happened to it?

Children's answers: The bag swam.

Educator: Sveta, carefully put an iron plate on the bag. What happened to iron?

Children: Iron floats on the bag.

Teacher: Why is it floating?

Children: The air does not allow the iron to sink, because the air is light.

Educator: So the ship has a lot of empty rooms filled with air, so it does not sink.

Educator: Tell me, what holiday is approaching us?

Teacher: How else can you say?

Children: Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Educator: On this day, military parades are held in many cities of our country, and in the evening fireworks are sparkling in honor of the defenders of our country - soldiers.

Educator: I suggest you arrange a military parade of ships. To do this, you need to make ships out of paper.

Explanation of the sequence of making a ship (boat) out of paper .

The guys who made the ship, you can launch it into the water for the parade.

Playing in the water with boats. Musical accompaniment sounds in the background.

Resources Used

Irina Sedykh "Song of the Motherland".

Kovalko V.I. ABC of physical education minutes for preschoolers: middle, senior, preparatory groups. - M.: VAKO, 2011. - 176s. - (Preschoolers: teach, develop, educate).

http://speech therapist-class.rf/index.php/razvitie-obshey-motoriki.html Karelskaya E.G. "Development of fine motor skills of hands" (finger games). Proverbs and sayings about a soldier

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