45th Guards Special Purpose Brigade. The special forces of the Airborne Forces are an elite unit of the airborne troops. Contract service Airborne Forces Ulyanovsk

The Department of Special Operations (USO) of the Federal Grid Company took part in the assault on Grozny "in full force - 21 people"1, according to other sources - 22 people2, under the command of General Dmitry Mikhailovich Gerasimov. (FSK - this was the name of the reformed KGB-FSB in December 1994, and the USO included fighters of the Vympel group that was disbanded at that time)

As part of the 45th separate reconnaissance regiment special purpose The Airborne Forces (45th Orp Special Forces of the Airborne Forces, military unit 28337), which was in the reserve of the Minister of Defense, had about 450 people.3 According to other sources, 400 people directly entered the city of Grozny.4
There is also information that in December 1994, "exactly half of the entire regiment" was involved in the protection of the "train of the Minister of Defense." And that, allegedly, there was an order “not to involve those who carry out security services on combat exits.”5 Thus, the number of people entering Grozny can vary greatly.

The regiment commander is Colonel Viktor Dmitrievich Kolygin, but in the territory of the Chechen Republic, his duties were performed by the chief of staff, Colonel Valery Nikolayevich Yuryev.6

Major Alexander Skobennikov from the 45th corps of the Special Forces of the Airborne Forces: "Our unit was divided into two detachments. The one in which I was was supposed to join the northern," Rokhlin "group."7 Unfortunately, it is not entirely clear what the author had in mind . Possibly two battalions of the regiment: 218th (military unit 48427) and 901 (military unit 23372).

According to Major Sergei Ivanovich Shavrin from the USO FSK: “We were left with about 20 people from the special operations department. Guys from the 45th reconnaissance regiment were supposed to work with us. to the center of Grozny, to the stadium.Further it was assumed that we would take Dudayev's palace in much the same way as in December 1979 they took Amin's palace.<...>We never flew to the center of Grozny. As they say, as above, so below. A terrible inconsistency in the actions of different branches of the armed forces was revealed. It turned out that the helicopters could not take off, because one helicopter pilot had not yet had lunch, the other had not yet refueled, and the third was on duty at all. As a result, already January 1 at 00 hours 10 minutes we were given the order: "By cars!" - the city was to be entered by land.<...>By the evening of that day, having already entered the city with a tank column, we learned from our scouts that by the time of that failed landing, the stadium planned as a springboard for it was full of well-armed and at the same time obeying no one people: it was on December 31 that the weapons available in the warehouses were distributed there without restriction to everyone who wanted to defend "free Ichkeria". So our three helicopters, most likely, would have burned over this stadium. "8

January 1, 1995

Major Shavrin from USO FSK: "In new year's eve on an armored personnel carrier, we marched to the Tolstoy-Yurt area and entered Grozny. I remember our column moved to 0.10 minutes on the first of January."9

Major Skobennikov: “In Tolstoy-Yurt, we were assured that the route of our movement was absolutely safe and controlled by ours; - that's for sure."

Major Shavrin: "The departure was unsuccessful. The conductor from the corps, for some unknown reason, pressed the gas and disappeared around the corner, and we went along Khmelnitsky street, on Pervomayskaya and rolled out almost to the city center. They realized that they had gone the wrong way, they began to turn around and on Khmelnitsky Square (probably Ordzhonikidze Square) they were fired from a nine-story building. The grenade hit the last BTEER, several people were injured. But the group was taken out without loss. "12 (judging by the fact that the next day 16 people from the USO FSK entered the city, there were 5 or 6 wounded)

Major Skobennikov: “While the column was turning around on one of our armored personnel carriers, a grenade launcher was fired from somewhere on the upper floors. We responded with a flurry of fire. The soldiers examined the surrounding buildings, they did not find anyone. It turned out that the armored personnel carrier was damaged, and two of our guys were seriously injured. attempts to get in touch again were unsuccessful. We decided to return to Tolstoy-Yurt, spend the night, find a more intelligent guide, and move back to the city at dawn. "13

January 2, 1995

Major Shavrin: " Since morning go again. We are 16 people, led by the head of intelligence of the Airborne Forces (Colonel Pavel Yakovlevich Popovskikh)."14

Meanwhile, in ten o'clock in the morning on January 2 command post(8 Guards AK) settled in the basement of the factory. "15

Major Skobennikov: " In the morning moved to the city on the same route.<...>After some time, our convoy was overtaken by cars with medicines. They also went to the cannery and knew the way. We went together, but did not break at random. The soldiers dismounted, walked along the sidewalks, looking at the neighboring windows. Already on the way to the plant, we had to engage in a short battle with the militants who did not have time to withdraw from this area. They arrived, however, without loss.

From the description of the actions of the battalion under the command of Major Nikolai Sergeevich Nikulnikov: “Nikulnikov’s battalion enters Grozny. It is located in one of the buildings of the former cannery. It would seem that ours are already there. patrols, military guards, reconnaissance.The commander of the motorized riflemen, who traveled with him to Grozny, opened his mouth when he saw how the landing groups made their way through the "peaceful open" area - where crawling, where dashing, from shelter to shelter. "17 (interestingly , what division of motorized rifles are we talking about? 74th brigade?)

IN documentary A. Lyubimov "Chechnya. The beginning of the war" is a video of Captain Igor Dementyev, filmed at a cannery. From the comments of senior lieutenant Vladimir Palkin it follows that the consolidated column in 13:35 was in a cannery. (Major Andrei Anatolyevich Nepryakhin and Senior Lieutenant Sergei Nikolayevich Romashenko were present in the frame, both from 218 about SpN18)

Major Shavrin: "Soon they appeared before General Rokhlin, reported.<...>The commander entrusted us with a difficult task: to ensure the safety of the column tracks along which the Combat vehicles and troops. This is Lermontovskaya street ( Lermontov). There are houses on one side. private sector and high-rise buildings on the other. The militants in groups of 5-6 people made their way into the houses and fired at the columns. And the street is completely crammed with military vehicles, tankers, vehicles with ammunition. In general, every shot is a hit and great damage, losses. "19

According to Major Shavrin, the USO FSK also cleared the street. B. Khmelnitsky, though without a date: “There were high-rise buildings on Bogdan Khmelnitsky Avenue - our petrochemists lived there: also Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars - Soviet Union, All in all. During the assault, the streets were deserted: some left, some hid in the basements. And this house, too, seemed to be empty. We cleaned it up."20

It is likely that from that moment on, the 45th corps of the Special Forces of the Airborne Forces began to operate in two different directions, because. in the words of Major Skobennikov: "We were given a different task: to release, together with SOBR, from Dudayev's Petropavlovsk highway. For work, we chose night time, darkness, as you know, is a friend of the special forces. Technically, it looked something like this: all day long we watched the quarter that was to be "cleaned up", tracking every smallest detail. At night, sappers were the first to advance, remove Chechen "stretch marks" and install their own, blocking possible ways retreats of the Dudaevites and the approach of reinforcements. Then the group imperceptibly seeped into the building, most often through some kind of "abnormal" hole, like a hole in the wall. They calmed down for a while, trying to determine the location of the militants by the sounds, then slowly began to move, destroying the "spirits" with the help of silent and cold weapons.<...>. Most often, with the help of silent weapons, the matter ended. If required, then grenades and everything else were used, according to the full program. Behind two nights we cleared Petropavlovka." (night of 2/3 and 3/4 January)

According to Major Shavrin, it was the joint groups that cleared the street. Lermontova: “From our joint team with the special forces paratroopers, we formed four groups and cleared the bandits from the quarter. We set up ambushes, when the militants were found, they went into battle. run away... They soon realized that there were ambushes, there were special forces, it was not safe there. And the bandit raids stopped. Several blocks along the road were free. "21

Major Skobennikov: “Sometimes they fired at their own even after a warning, as happened on Lermontov Street. We notified everyone that we would work. We advised not to meddle in our place under any circumstances. Here, out of nowhere, a tank - the explosion of its shell blew half the house. One of our fighters died, one was wounded, another shell-shocked.

Major Shavrin: “How many lives we have saved! We are the scouts of the 45th regiment. After all, the Chechens didn’t fight at night. They didn’t have night vision devices.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

1 Mikhailov A. Chechen wheel. M., 2002. S. 71.
2 Boltunov M. Everyone has their own war... // Fact. 2002. No. 3. January 18. (http://www.mosoblpress.ru/balashiha/show.shtml?d_id=915)
3 Maksimov A., Shurygin V. VDV. Chechnya. Nobody except us. M., 2004. S. 189.
4 Shurygin V. Give Argun, give Shali! // Tomorrow. 1999. December 14. (http://zavtra.ru/cgi/veil/data/zavtra/99/315/21.html)
5 Shurygin V. Chechnya. War. "Spetsnaz" // Maksimov A., Shurygin V. Airborne Forces. Chechnya. Nobody except us. M., 2004. S. 211.
6 Shurygin V. Give Argun, give Shali! // Tomorrow. 1999. December 14.
7 Skobennikov A. Grozny Sacrifice // Soldier of Fortune. 1999. No. 5. (http://www.duel.ru/199928/?28_6_1)
8 Dobromyslova O. Mission Impossible // Russian newspaper. 2005. December 16. (http://www.rg.ru/2005/12/16/chechnya.html)
9 Boltunov M. Everyone has their own war... // Fact. 2002. No. 3. January 18.
10 Skobennikov A. Grozny Sacrifice // Soldier of Fortune. 1999. No. 5.
11 Skobennikov A. Betrayed and killed // Russian House. 1999. No. 3. (http://rd.rusk.ru/99/rd3/home3_4.htm)
12 Boltunov M. Everyone has their own war... // Fact. 2002. No. 3. January 18.
13 Skobennikov A. Grozny Sacrifice // Soldier of Fortune. 1999. No. 5.
14 Boltunov M. Everyone has their own war... // Fact. 2002. No. 3. January 18.
15 Antipov A. Lev Rokhlin. The Life and Death of a General. M., 1998. S. 155.
16 Skobennikov A. Grozny Sacrifice // Soldier of Fortune. 1999. No. 5.
17 Popov V. Professional // Gudok. 2002. December 12.
18 Lyubimov A. "Chechnya. The beginning of the war" - documentary footage filmed by servicemen of the Russian Army
19 Boltunov M. Everyone has their own war... // Fact. 2002. No. 3. January 18.
20 Dobromyslova O. Mission Impossible // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 2005. December 16.
21 Boltunov M. Everyone has their own war... // Fact. 2002. No. 3. January 18.
22 Skobennikov A. Grozny Sacrifice // Soldier of Fortune. 1999. No. 5.
23 Airborne Troops of Russia. M., 2005. S. 378.
24 Dobromyslova O. Mission Impossible // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 2005. December 16.

(to be continued...)

I will sell a sweatshirt 45 ORP Special Forces of the Airborne Forces embroidery
The embroidery of the emblem of the regiment on the chest is very high quality, the embroidery on the back is the emblem of the regiment. Sweatshirt with zipper, two pockets in front. Located in MO.

Size: XL (52-54)
Available: 2 pcs
Price: 1600 ₽ + shipping

I will sell a sweatshirt Airborne Forces Russia Nobody but us embroidery
The embroidery of the chevron and the emblem of the troops on the chest is very high quality, the embroidery on the back of the motto of the Airborne Forces "No one but us". Anorak type sweatshirt, one common pocket in front. Located in MO.

XL (52-54) - 2 pcs (both versions of the product)
XXL (54-56) - 1 piece (second version of the product)
Available: 3 pcs
Price: 1500 ₽ + shipping

I will sell a t-shirt 45 ORP Special Forces Airborne Forces black cotton embroidery
Chevron regiment embroidery on the chest is made very high quality on the same fabric basis as the product itself, embroidery on the back of the Special Forces of the Airborne Forces.
Fabric 100% natural cotton, Türkiye. Does not stick to the body, the skin breathes. Located in MO.

XL (52-54) - 4 pcs
XXL (56) - 6 pcs
XXXL (58) - 2 pcs
Available: 12 pcs
Price: 800 ₽ + shipping

Sell ​​T-shirt 45 ORP classic black cotton print
T-shirt black - classic 45 ORP. Used by part of SPN in all companies. It has been worn for many (more than 10) years, the design remains the same. High quality image printing. Fabric 100% natural cotton, Uzbekistan. Located in MO.

52 - 2 pcs
56 - 2 pcs
Available: 4 pcs
Price: 600 ₽ + shipping

The bottom row of photos is taken from the web just to show how the fabric looks and how the polo will sit on the figure.

Sell ​​polo 45 ORP Special Forces Airborne Forces black cotton embroidery
A small batch was sewn off by special order for the 20th anniversary of the regiment.
The embroidery of the regiment on the chest is made very high quality on the same fabric basis as the product itself, embroideries on the sleeves - the flag of the Airborne Forces and the flag of Russia, on the back there is embroidery of the Special Forces of the Airborne Forces.
The classic English polo design has remained virtually unchanged for more than half a century. A classic men's wardrobe. Fabric - natural cotton, Türkiye. Does not stick to the body, the skin breathes. Classic - traditional stripes on the collar and cuffs.
The bottom row of photos is taken from the web just to show how the fabric looks and how the polo will sit on the figure. Located in MO.

S (46-48) - 2 pcs
M (48-50) - 2 pcs
L (50-52) - 3 pcs
XL (52-54) - 2 pcs
XXXL (56-58) - 4 pcs
Available: 14 pcs
Price: 1100 ₽ + shipping

I will sell a t-shirt 45 ORP Special Forces Airborne Forces with a wolf black cotton print
T-shirt black with gray wolf- Totem 45 ORP brand new, home storage. High quality image printing. Material: fabric 100% natural cotton, produced in Uzbekistan. Production JSC "Voentorg" Moscow. Year of manufacture 2015. Model discontinued. Located in MO.

Sizes: 50, 54, 56
Available: 1 piece of each size
Price: 600 ₽ + shipping

Sell ​​T-shirt "Antiterror" black embroidery

I will sell the flags of the Airborne Forces and 45 ORP Special Forces of the Airborne Forces
The flags are brand new. Home storage. They are in MO.
Dimensions: 90x130 cm

Flag "901 ODSHB VDV No one but us"
Available: 1 piece
Price: 800 ₽ + shipping

Flag "Airborne Forces Nobody but us"
Available: 2 pcs
Price: 750 ₽ + shipping

Flag "The strongest win" black
Available: 1 piece
Price: 800 ₽ + shipping

Flag "45 Guards Special Forces Special Forces Airborne Forces Kubinka" with St. George's Ribbon
Available: 2 pcs
Price: 900 ₽ + shipping

I will sell the flag of the Airborne Forces and Russia
The box is brand new. Located in MO.

Dimensions: 15x23 cm
Available: 1 + 1 pcs
Price: 100 ₽ + shipping

I will sell a patch and chevron 45 ORP Airborne Forces and "Polite people" lurex embroidery
The chevrons are new and already rolled onto the material, the stripes are new, not rolled. Production Moscow. Year of manufacture 2003-2007. They are in MO.
Chevrons of a new sample on Velcro are new. Lapel pins of the Airborne Forces embroidered in camouflage on Velcro are new. Production Moscow. Year of manufacture 2015. Located in Moscow Region.

In stock: 33 total
chevron battalion and regimental with a wolf of the old sample - 250 ₽ + delivery
regimental chest patch with a wolf of the old sample - 250 ₽ + delivery
regimental (brigade) chevron with a carnation of a new sample - 200 ₽ + delivery
Russian airborne chevron with flag - 100 ₽ + shipping
chevron Airborne Troops Russia - 100 ₽ + shipping
chevron ministerial round with an eagle and a sword in a wreath rubber old sample - 50 ₽ + shipping
round ministerial chevron with an eagle and a sword in a wreath embroidered in the old style - 100 ₽ + shipping
chevron ministerial with an eagle and a sword of a protective color on Velcro of a new sample - 100 ₽ + delivery
badge chest blood group of the Airborne Forces, military intelligence, special forces - 100 ₽ + delivery
lapel patches airborne embroidered in camouflage on velcro of a new sample - 100 ₽ a pair + delivery
chevron Polite people with yellow and khaki cat on velcro - 150 ₽ + shipping
chevron Polite people with a khaki cat round on Velcro - 100 ₽ + shipping
false epaulettes of an ensign camouflage "Flora" embroidered in camouflage - 100 ₽ + delivery
false epaulettes of a senior warrant officer camouflaged "Number" with a protective color - 100 ₽ + delivery

Sell ​​ceramic mug 45 ORP 250 ml white
1. The strongest win! classic
2. The strongest win! vintage
3. The strongest win! 45 OP SpN
4. Born in the USSR.

The mug is brand new, unused, home storage. It perfectly keeps the temperature of the drink, the handle is very comfortable and does not heat up. The mug is made of ceramic and covered with transparent matt lacquered paint. On the front of the mug is the official logo - the chevron of the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces. The mug is a product made of high-quality ceramic alloy with graphic application of the corresponding symbols. Material: 100% ceramic. Volume 250 ml. Year of manufacture 2013. Located in MO.

Available: 1 each
Price: 400 ₽ + shipping

I will sell the badge "Special Forces 45 ORP" with a wolf and brass wings

Available: 1 piece
Price: 300 ₽ + shipping

I will sell the badge "Instructor skydiver 100 jumps" with pendant 10/25 golden star brass Russia
Product is brand new, never used. Material: brass alloy metal, deep embossing. Manufactured by LLC Plant Mosshtamp, Moscow. Year of manufacture 2000-2002. Located in MO.

The sign is made of heavy metal using hot enamel. The badge is awarded by order of the commander for the training of personnel, as well as for excellent results in fire and tactical training. The qualification mark is made in the form of an open parachute, on the white dome of which the golden inscription "Instructor Parachutist" is engraved. In the middle of the lines there is an image of an airplane and the number "100", and at the bottom there is a smaller parachute with a figure of a golden parachutist. The upper part of the sign is crowned with a golden five-pointed star. The lower part of the sign is decorated with a small pendant, where the number "10" is engraved on one side, and the number "25" on the other side.

Dimensions: 29x70 mm
Available: 1 piece
Price: 300 ₽ + shipping

I will sell the badge "Guards of the USSR" remake brass Russia
Product is brand new, never used. Located in MO.

Dimensions: 35x50 mm
Available: 2 pcs
Price: 150 ₽ + shipping

Sell ​​badge "Guard Russia" brass Russia
Product is brand new, never used. Material: metal brass alloy. Located in MO.

Dimensions: 40x50 mm
Available: 1 piece
Price: 100 ₽ + shipping

Almost every army has special forces or special forces. Russian special forces Airborne is special regiment Airborne Forces, designed to perform various specific operations, which is part of the airborne troops of Russia. The 45th Regiment of the Special Forces of the Airborne Forces in 2015 was renamed the 45th separate brigade special forces of the Airborne Forces.

The history of the appearance of the special forces of the Airborne Forces

In the days of the USSR, there were not only special forces, but also no specialized detachments. The first Russian special forces detachment appeared only in 1994. Although about special forces in Soviet time there were many legends, in fact, dangerous missions were carried out by airborne troops, and secret missions were mainly scouts and secret agents.

The 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces was formed in February 1994, specifically for the elimination of gangs in Chechnya. In 1995, when the entire regiment was withdrawn from Chechnya, he had already managed to show his effectiveness in battles.

In 1997, the 45th Special Forces Regiment received Active participation V Georgian-Abkhazian conflict, for which he received the Battle Banner and a letter of the Order of Kutuzov. With the resumption of hostilities in Chechnya from 1999 to 2006, the regiment's detachments actively participated in many military operations against terrorists and bandits.

Although the history of the special forces regiment of the Airborne Forces begins in 1994, he has already managed to cover himself with glory, since many of his fighters and officers are Heroes Russian Federation.

Weapons and equipment of the special forces of the Airborne Forces

Since the special forces of the Airborne Forces solve very specific and challenging tasks, then his weapons and equipment are of higher quality and more diverse than standard weapons parts of the Airborne Forces(which is already one of the best in Russian army). Such weapons require huge funding. Soldiers of the special forces of the Airborne Forces often use such types of weapons that are practically inaccessible to other types of rifle troops.

Weapons that are most often used by special forces soldiers of the Airborne Forces:

  • SVD is a famous sniper rifle. Although this weapon is not something outstanding, many veterans of the special forces of the Airborne Forces are accustomed to using this particular model of a sniper rifle. From this rifle, some skilled snipers even managed to shoot down planes, hitting their pilot;
  • Currently SVD rifle replaces the Vintorez, which is a silent model of a sniper rifle. A powerful "sniper" not only allows you to hit targets that are at considerable distances from the shooter, but is also capable of penetrating a modern steel helmet at a distance of up to 400 meters. First combat applications sniper rifle "Vintorez" were recorded in the first Chechen company. This weapon is in service only with units of the special forces of the Airborne Forces, other types of troops do not have access to this weapon;
  • The Steyr automatic rifle is also used by the special forces of the Airborne Forces. Although this weapon has a high price, its scope is quite wide. The Steyr rifle has the ability to install and use an underbarrel grenade launcher, which is often a necessity when performing special tasks. The use of such a combined weapon makes it possible to do without a regular grenade launcher, which can significantly reduce the mobility of a special forces group of the Airborne Forces performing a special task. Although the Steyr rifle has only recently appeared among the regular weapons of the special forces of the Airborne Forces, the fighters rightfully appreciated its reliability and versatility;
  • Silent automatic machine AS "Val" entered service in the days of the USSR. In the late 80s, they were recommended for use by special forces when performing various sabotage missions that require noiselessness and secrecy. AS "Val" is equipped with a sniper and night sight, and its transportation is most often carried out in a compact case. Assembly time and preparation of AS "Val" for firing takes no more than 1 minute;
  • The main assault rifle of the Russian army, the AK, is also used by special forces units of the Airborne Forces. True, these are not ordinary modifications that are used in the Russian army, but export models of the hundredth series. Most often, the special forces of the Airborne Forces use the AK-103, which, in addition to being of a better assembly, uses a caliber of 7.62 × 39 mm;
  • For sudden operations, for which it is impossible to take overall models of weapons, most often they take AK-74M, which have a folding butt, the ability to use a sight and an underbarrel grenade launcher. In some cases, special forces soldiers use a shortened model from the line small arms Kalashnikov - AKS-74. At short distances, this model is practically not inferior in performance to standard Kalashnikov assault rifles;
  • Naturally, the most popular machine gun, both for the entire Russian army and for the special forces of the Airborne Forces, is the Kalashnikov machine gun. Developed back in the 60s of the 20th century, it still has not lost popularity. There are many variants of the PC, which are used both for infantry and for installation on combat vehicles. The special forces of the Airborne Forces use the latest modification of the Kalashnikov machine gun - PKM, which is distinguished by its lower weight and ease of use. There is also a "night" version of the modernized Kalashnikov machine gun, which is called PKMN;
  • A more modern model of a machine gun, which is in service with the special forces of the Airborne Forces, is the Pecheneg machine gun. This model is not just a modification of the PKM, but really new model, the basis for the creation of which was the PCM. This machine gun is suitable not only for firing at enemy manpower, but also for destroying transport and even air targets. The Pecheneg machine gun is exported to the countries of the CIS and the East;
  • For hostage rescue operations, the AN-95 Abdukan assault rifle is used, which outwardly resembles a Kalashnikov assault rifle. Its main difference from the "Kalash" is the incredible accuracy and accuracy of shots. At a distance of 100 meters, an experienced sniper is able to hit the same point with two shots. In hostage rescue operations, people's lives often depend on the accuracy of the fighters involved in their rescue. The AN-95 "Abdukan" submachine gun is able to significantly reduce the death rate of hostages in such operations, since several accurate shots able to quickly eliminate terrorists;
  • In addition to small arms, the special forces of the Airborne Forces often use grenades. The most common is the RPG-26. This type rocket-propelled grenades, which were developed back in the mid-80s, still have not lost their relevance and are effective tool to destroy enemy equipment and fortifications. Since the range of application of these grenades is very wide, they are used different types troops of the Russian Federation.

In addition to the above models of weapons, the special forces of the Airborne Forces receive and latest designs equipment that is developed taking into account the specifics of the combat missions of special forces.

The specifics of special forces

Since the execution special tasks, which are placed in front of the special forces of the Airborne Forces, requires specialized weapons, equipment and equipment, the funding that is allocated for the needs of the special forces differs significantly in a big way. The training of personnel is particularly thorough, and specialists are trained only in the best training centers under the guidance of veteran instructors. In addition, joint international exercises are being carried out, in which special forces different countries exchanged combat experience.

Service in the special forces of the Airborne Forces is carried out, as a rule, under a contract, which is concluded for at least 3 years. This is due to the fact that almost every special forces fighter is a highly qualified specialist in some field, and a huge amount is invested in him during training, and the departure of such a fighter can disrupt the entire well-established structure in the detachment, where each fighter clearly performs exactly his tasks. For example, having lost a mining specialist, the squad will spend much more time penetrating the militants' hideout, which can cost the life of the entire squad, as it will give the bandits the opportunity to prepare for the attack.

Tasks that the special forces of the Airborne Forces should solve

The main task of the special forces is the complete demoralization of the enemy. Suddenly appearing behind enemy lines, experienced fighters who have excellent training are able to cause significant damage to the enemy in a matter of minutes. Seeing how a small detachment easily copes with many times superior forces, the enemy loses faith in victory and easily turns into a panic. The task of the regular troops at this moment is to support the special forces and occupy the captured positions.

In addition, the special forces of the Airborne Forces are capable of conducting sabotage activities behind enemy lines, organizing resistance units and "poaching" the civilian population to their side. To this end, special forces units of the Airborne Forces not only undergo special psychological training, but also have mobile television stations capable of broadcasting within a radius of about 10 kilometers.

In peacetime, there is also a lot of work for the special forces of the Airborne Forces. In addition, Russian special forces annually take part in competitions that are held among the special forces of the leading countries of the world. Russian special forces constantly take first place, bypassing both the famous Green Berets and British special forces.

The training of the special forces of the Airborne Forces is still at its best, but every year it becomes more and more difficult to recruit recruits. There are enough applicants, but among them it is quite difficult to choose worthy ones. If earlier each applicant had a sports category (often even in several sports), now such recruits are quite rare.

How to get into the special forces of the Airborne Forces

Those applicants who want to get into the special forces of the Airborne Forces must already have served their military service and have high health indicators that are required for future special forces. After passing a medical examination, applicants are subjected to a variety of tests that should determine their mental health and readiness to serve in the special forces.

The most calm and balanced applicants are taken as snipers or sappers, the rest are distributed according to military professions according to temperament and psychological stability. Those applicants who have not passed the tests are offered service in other parts of the Russian army.

After the selection, exercises begin, which are passed by no more than 40 percent of applicants. If too few people remain after the exercises, the empty places are filled with the best fighters of the Airborne Forces, who have shown themselves excellently during their military service. Such a tough selection leads to the fact that after a year of training, fighters are already experts in the application various types weapons and special devices. The best fighters special forces of the Airborne Forces are real universal soldiers, although almost every one of them knows any military profession better than others.

In the short time that the special forces of the Airborne Forces exist, its officers and fighters managed to take part in all the military conflicts in which Russia was drawn. Until now, the special forces of the Airborne Forces are the most elite warriors army of the Russian Federation. Numerous medals and orders, which were awarded to the soldiers and officers of the special forces of the Airborne Forces, serve as a clear proof of this.

At the end of February 2000, two groups of special forces of the Airborne Forces, reinforced by two groups of Vympel, received the task of taking the heights near the village of Zana and pulling out a battalion of paratroopers on them. The operation was led by the Chief of Staff of the 45th Airborne Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Alexei Romanov.

We climbed the mountains all day long. For the night we stopped between the hills, on which our blocks were. The night was hellish: snow, blizzard and hard frost. At the infantry sitting on the heights, four soldiers froze to death. The morning was also hellish - when we moved on, the snow was chest-deep. We went to the limit of our capabilities, taking turns breaking the road.

Trampled one ten meters- and the next one goes forward with fresh forces. And so 27 kilometers. February 28, finally got to Sharoargun - fast mountain river. We stopped at an altitude of 1381. Further - too steep mountains. Having climbing equipment, the special forces would have climbed them, but the battalion would not have been able to follow them later. Romanov and the group commanders went on reconnaissance closer to the river and found "spirits".

The shootout was fleeting - the "spirits" did not understand from where they were being hit. On February 29, an order from the command post of the Airborne Forces did not give an order to continue the journey: the groups were given the task of gaining a foothold at a height. Just at that time, the 6th company of the Pskov Airborne Division fought against the many times superior enemy forces. The shooting that did not stop all day was well heard, but what exactly was happening, they did not yet know. On the night of March 1, when the battle was still going on, a new order was received: to leave in a northerly direction. We went out - and soon ran into the enemy. Fire contact took place at a considerable distance, but the militants nevertheless turned back.

As it will become known later from the stories of the prisoners, in the area of ​​​​the Argun Gorge, about two and a half thousand militants gathered under the command of Khattab to move east. Bandits through Kirov-Yurt, Tsa-Vedeno, Kurchali and Nozhai-Yurt to Dagestan in order to deploy large-scale fighting. When this whole pack of wolves set in motion, the forests between Ulus-Kert and Selmentauzen were simply teeming with militants, with whom different places fought the 6th company, special forces and others. The Pskovites took the brunt of the blow.

Khattab himself led the battle against them, Basayev was also here, who was carried on a stretcher ... On the morning of March 1, when the fighting subsided everywhere, the special forces received the task of reaching Hill 776, where the company died. According to aerial reconnaissance, the militants took away the bodies of the dead paratroopers. They had to be stopped. On the other hand, about 100 paratroopers advanced to Hill 776 for the same purpose.

As a result, it turned out that the "spirits" really took away the corpses, but only their own. There were so many of them that the bandits had no time for the fallen paratroopers. About thirty of the killed militants, slightly sprinkled with earth, remained abandoned. Judging by the rugs and inscriptions, they were Arabs. The Chechens took theirs. The entire height was plowed up with artillery - dying, the landing force caused fire on itself.

It was not possible to pick up the dead that day from the height. It was reported from the headquarters that another 1,500 “spirits” were on the way, the advanced patrol of which, judging by the radio intercepts, was already seeing the paratroopers. I had to retreat and take up defense on one of the nearby heights.

The commandos patiently waited, subduing for the time being a terrible desire for revenge, and then they accurately aimed artillery at the gang walking through the mountains. The militants stretched along the wooded slopes, trying to keep their disguise, only occasionally illuminated their way with flashlights and called to each other, imitating the hoot of an eagle owl.

It did not help - only a mess of human bodies remained from the gang. There was a stench in the Midulkhan tract even two months later. In the meantime, the battalions themselves went to the Zans, and the scouts set off on their way back. The exit on the assignment for three days stretched as a result to nine. Having entered into battle with the "spirits" also in the area of ​​Mount Pithailan and destroyed the captured "Cliff", the paratroopers finally returned to the camp.

Until Tsa-Vedeno, whose inhabitants, according to the FSB, took 500 (according to the number of militants) bags of meat and bread to the mountains, only one in five "spirits" reached at best. More than 70 militants entrenched in Selmentauzen, abandoned by the inhabitants, will surrender a little later, after negotiations. Another four dozen militants will try to escape to the east through the forests, but they will stumble directly into an ambush set up by special forces, and everyone will die. The special forces did not have losses in these operations ...

Most of the unfinished militants, having buried their weapons, have now settled in the villages. Terrorists who have shaved off their beards are not afraid of any special operations. All, except maybe Khattab and Basayev and a few dozen other "thugs" hiding in mountain caves, have Russian passports issued in accordance with all the rules.

At the beginning of spring, many feared for good reason that the greenery would bloom and there would be no peace from saboteurs. But that did not happen. Why? At least part of the answer to this question is in one of the special forces tents, where samples of trophies mined in the mountains were waiting for the visit of the commander of the Airborne Forces for several months.

In the spring alone, the fighters of the special forces regiment of the Airborne Forces destroyed so many caches and bases that more than one battalion could be equipped with their contents. Particularly rich booty was taken 7 kilometers south of Khatun. A well-camouflaged base near the Bass River was given away by wooden toilets. Everything else - containers with weapons, ammunition, provisions, as well as sleeping quarters for 200-300 militants - were underground.

They found hundreds of overcoats, cotton uniforms, 82-mm mines, shots for RPGs, AGS and even a 73-mm cannon, as well as another 600 kg of smelted TNT, a lot of products and religious literature. And in the grottoes were two armored personnel carriers-80 and GAZ-66. For two days the scouts blew up this stuff. However, one of the armored personnel carriers covered with Arabic script reached the camp on its own and will now serve as special forces.

45th separate guards brigade special forces, stationed in Kubinka near Moscow, passed its first test in a new status (previously it was a regiment) and demonstrated high level training of each fighter and their team skills to complete the task. The journalists who prepared a rather interesting report from the scene, timed to coincide with the Special Forces Day, which is traditionally celebrated on October 24, were allowed to check.

On the obstacle course
"Scout's Path" reproduces the obstacles that a paratrooper may encounter when performing a real task

Is the group ready?
The scouts are completing preparations for the test.

Forward and upward
The machine gunner on the wall is the hardest.


Short dashes
All movements between positions are carried out by running.

In the forest
A group of scouts on the BTR-82. Soon they will go into the forest to organize an "ambush" for the militants.

Before the task
The scout is armed with an AK-74M assault rifle with a GP-25 grenade launcher.

Terrorists neutralized
Some of the fighters portrayed a conditional enemy.

Finding a target
In the foreground is a fighter sniper rifle VSS.

Car of the terrorists
"Ural" was "undermined" by an explosive package and conditionally fired upon.

And again "terrorist"

Intelligence Eyes
The calculation is preparing for the launch of the Tachyon UAV.

Assembly of the device
The UAV and the control system occupy two inconspicuous suitcases.

Ready to launch!
To launch, you need to pull the catapult cable.

controlled flight
Rugged laptops with special software provide flight control and reconnaissance results.

Waypoint route
The UAV can fly both under external control and independently - along predetermined route points.

Parachute belay device
Provides parachute opening after a specified period of time or at a specified height.

Parachute packing
Parachute training remains the main one in the Airborne Forces.

Main weapon
The scouts are armed with AK-74M assault rifles.

Everyone packs their own parachute

Styling time - 45 minutes

Preparation of standard No. 4
Standard No. 4 - putting on equipment to prepare for a jump with shooting in the air.

Training apparatus
Training on the simulator is an obligatory part of the general course before a real jump.

Ready for the training jump!
When adjusting equipment, the paratroopers are divided into pairs, controlling the correctness of the preparation of a comrade.

Let's jump
Jumping on old tires should prepare your joints and leg muscles for landing.

Ready for the training jump
The roller hanger is intended for hooking onto the rail of the training complex.

Rise to the simulator

Ready? Let's go!


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