What is the name of the science of jellyfish. Jellyfish season in Tunisia. The most dangerous poisonous jellyfish

Over the past few years, Tunisia has become extremely popular among Russian tourists. This is explained by the fact that holidays in Tunisia are quite inexpensive and can compete even with the resorts of Egypt and Turkey in terms of prices and variety of entertainment infrastructure. In addition, on the territory of this African country there is a great variety of natural, cultural and historical monuments.

Basically, the climate of Tunisia is mild, even in winter, so you can feel comfortable here at any time of the year. Holiday seasons in Tunisia are conditionally divided into two periods - summer and winter. In summer, when the air temperature is about 25-30ºС, and the water is 26-28ºС, travelers go to the coast. In winter, when the air warms up no more than 12ºС, and the water - no more than 15ºС, lovers of the famous thalassotherapy, spa treatments and Tunisian hamams come to the country.

If you still prefer to soak up the hot rays of the sun and swim in the warm sea, then before planning a trip to the resorts of Tunisia, you should pay attention to such an unpleasant fact as the jellyfish season in Tunisia.

Features of the jellyfish season in Tunisia

Usually, largest cluster jellyfish off the coast of the beaches have been observed since about mid-August and lasts about a couple of weeks. However, the jellyfish season in Tunisia does not happen every year, and in more depends on weather conditions. The more the water near the coast warms up, the more likely it is that in the near future the entrance to the sea will become quite unpleasant for bathers.

Some hotels in Tunisia, which have their own beach, often enclose it with a special net that traps jellyfish and prevents them from ruining the bathers' vacation.

Is jellyfish season dangerous in Tunisia?

In general, jellyfish are not dangerous to human life, but their burns can cause some trouble for people with sensitive skin, as well as those who are prone to various allergic reactions. Despite the fact that even representatives of the local population are ready to provide assistance to affected tourists, nevertheless, when going to Tunisia during the jellyfish season, you should always have special medicines for burns with you. It is not always possible to quickly find a pharmacy, even near the best beaches in Tunisia.
If you are unlucky enough to get burned by a jellyfish, never wash the affected skin with water or scratch it. It is best to wipe the area with vinegar, alcohol, or alcohol-based medicinal products, and then apply a gel or ointment that relieves swelling and itching. In the absence of such funds, attach a slice of tomato to the bite site. If an allergic reaction occurs (most often in young children), you should immediately consult a doctor.
The jellyfish season in Tunisia is most dangerous in the areas of Hammamet, Monastir and Sousse - here the highest concentration of jellyfish is observed during this period. The following types of jellyfish are found off the coast of Tunisia: kotilorhiza, haribra, chryozora, pink anemone and black jellyfish. The last two species are the most poisonous, but also the least common. In general, these marine life can be found not only in August-September. Single specimens periodically appear off the coast, regardless of which sea in Tunisia is on this moment- cool or warm.

How to avoid meeting jellyfish in Tunisia?

When is the best time to go to Tunisia so as not to spoil your beach holiday?
The jellyfish season in Tunisia is a non-periodic phenomenon, but it is best to choose June, July and early August, then the second half of September and early October. If your trip is scheduled for the end of summer - the beginning of autumn, be careful when swimming and be as careful as possible so that you don’t spend the remaining days until the end of your vacation on the beach, or, even worse, in a hotel room or local hospital.

Have a good holiday in Tunisia!


To the question of how long jellyfish live, scientists do not give a definite answer. Many agree that the life cycle of these animals is short and the life span of most species is two to six months.

Recently, zoologists have discovered that among the representatives of this species there are specimens that never die and are always reborn. That is why the jellyfish Turitopsis Nutrikula is considered to be the only immortal creature on the planet.

Who are jellyfish

Zoologists, speaking of jellyfish, usually mean all mobile forms of intestinal cnidarians (a group of multicellular invertebrate representatives of the animal world) that catch and kill their victims with the help of tentacles.

These amazing animals live only in salt water, and therefore they can be found in all the oceans and seas of our planet (except inland), sometimes in closed lagoons or lakes with salt water on coral islands. Among the representatives of this class there are both heat-loving animals and those who prefer cold waters, species that live only near the surface of the water, and those that live only at the bottom of the ocean.

Jellyfish are solitary animals, because they do not communicate with each other in any way, even if the currents bring them together, thus forming a colony.

We got our modern name these creatures in the middle of the 18th century thanks to Karl Liney, who hinted at the mythical head of the Gorgon Medusa, with which he noticed similarities in these representatives of the animal world. Such a name is not without reason, since these animals are similar to it.

This amazing animal is 98% water, and therefore has a transparent body with a slight tint, which in appearance resembles a jelly-like bell, an umbrella or a disk that moves by contracting the muscles of the bell wall.

Along the edges of the body are tentacles, the appearance of which directly depends on what species it belongs to: in some they are short and thick, in others they are long and thin. Their number can vary from four to several hundred (but always a multiple of four, since representatives of this class of animals are characterized by radial symmetry).

These tentacles are composed of string cells that contain poison and are therefore directly intended for hunting. Interestingly, even after death, jellyfish are able to sting for another half a month. Some species can be deadly even to humans. For example, an animal known as the "Sea Wasp" is considered the most dangerous poisonous animal in the world's oceans: scientists say that its poison is enough to poison sixty people in a few minutes.

The outer part of the body is smooth and convex, while the underside resembles a bag. In the center of the lower part there is a mouth: in some jellyfish it looks like a tube, in others it is short and wide, in others it resembles short maces. This hole also serves to remove food debris.

These animals grow throughout their lives, and their size largely depends on the species: among them there are very small ones, no more than a few millimeters, and there are also huge ones, whose body size exceeds two meters, and together with tentacles - all thirty ( for example, the largest jellyfish in the world's oceans, Cyanea, which lives in the Northwest Atlantic, has a body size of more than 2 m, and with tentacles - almost forty).

Despite the fact that these marine animals lack brains and sensory organs, they have light-sensitive cells that act as eyes, thanks to which these organisms are able to distinguish darkness from light (they are, however, not able to see objects). Interestingly, some specimens glow in the dark, while in species living at great depths, the light is red, and those that live closer to the surface are blue.

Since these animals are primitive organisms, they consist of only two layers, connected thanks to a special adhesive substance - mesoglia:

  • external (ectoderm) - a kind of analogue of the skin and muscles. The rudiments of the nervous system and germ cells are also located here;
  • internal (endoderm) - performs only one function: digests food.

Ways of transportation

Since all representatives of this class (even the largest individuals, whose weight exceeds several centners) are almost unable to resist sea currents, scientists consider jellyfish as representatives of plankton.

Most species still do not completely succumb to water flows and, although slowly, they move using the current and thin muscle fibers of their body: contracting, they fold the body of a jellyfish like an umbrella - and the water that is in the lower part of the animal is sharply pushed out.

As a result, a strong jet is formed, pushing the animal forward. Therefore these sea ​​creatures always move in the direction opposite to the mouth. Where exactly they need to move, they are helped to determine the organs of balance located on the tentacles.


One more interesting feature of these creatures is their ability to restore lost body parts - absolutely all the cells of these animals are interchangeable: even if this animal is divided into parts, it will restore them, thus forming two new individuals! If this is done with an adult jellyfish, an adult copy will appear, from a jellyfish larva - a larva.


Looking at these amazing translucent creatures, many people ask themselves the question of how jellyfish reproduce. Reproduction of jellyfish is an interesting and unusual process.

Answering the question of how jellyfish reproduce, it is worth noting that in this case, it is possible both sexually (they are of different sexes) and vegetative reproduction. The first involves several stages:

  1. In these animals, the germ cells mature in the gonads;
  2. After the eggs and sperm mature, they mouth opening go outside and fertilize, resulting in a jellyfish larva - planula;
  3. After some time, the planula settles to the bottom and is fixed on something, after which a polyp appears on the basis of the planula, which reproduces by budding: on it, layering on each other, daughter organisms form;
  4. After some time, they peel off and swim away, representing a born jellyfish.
    Reproduction of some species is somewhat different from this scheme. For example, the pelagic jellyfish does not have a polyp stage at all - the cubs appear directly from the larva. But bougainvillea jellyfish, one might say, are born, since polyps are formed directly in the gonads, without separating from adults, without any intermediate stages.


These amazing animals are the most numerous predators of our planet. They feed mainly on plankton: fry, small crustaceans, fish caviar. Larger specimens often catch small fish and smaller relatives.

So, jellyfish see almost nothing and do not have any sense organs, they hunt with the help of stringing tentacles, which, having caught the touch of edible food on them, instantly inject poison into it, which paralyzes the victim, after which the jellyfish eats it. There are two more options for catching food (much depends on the type of jellyfish): the first - prey sticks to the tentacles, the second - gets entangled in them.


There are the following types of jellyfish, which differ from each other in structure.


Hydroid jellyfish are transparent, small in size (from 1 mm to 3 cm), four tentacles and a long tube-shaped mouth are attached to the body. Among prominent representatives hydrojellyfish - jellyfish Turritopsis nutricula: the only creature discovered by people, about which scientists have declared that it is immortal.

Having reached maturity, it sinks to the bottom of the sea, transforming into a polyp, on which new formations are formed, from which new jellyfish subsequently arise.

This process is repeated more than once, which means that it is constantly reborn, and can die only if some predator eats it. Like these ones Interesting Facts scientists recently told the world about jellyfish.


Scyphoid jellyfish have a more complex structure compared to hydrojellyfish: they are larger than representatives of other species - the most big jellyfish in the world, the jellyfish Cyanea, belongs to just this class. This giant jellyfish, about 37 meters long, is one of the longest animals on Earth. Therefore, she eats a lot: during her life, the largest jellyfish eats about 15 thousand fish.

Scyphomedusa have a more developed nervous and muscular system, a mouth surrounded by a huge number of stinging and tactile cells, and the stomach is divided into chambers.

Like all jellyfish, these animals are predators, but deep-sea ones also feed on dead organisms. The touch of a scyphoid jellyfish to a person is quite painful (the feeling if it were bitten by a wasp), and at the point of contact, a trace resembling a burn often remains. Her bite can also cause an allergic reaction or even a painful shock. Seeing this animal, it is advisable not to take risks and, passing by, do not touch it.

One of the brightest specimens of this species, in addition to the Cyanei jellyfish, is also the Aurelia jellyfish (the most typical representative) and the Golden jellyfish, an animal that can only be seen on the Rocky Islands archipelago in Palau.

The golden jellyfish is notable for the fact that, unlike its relatives, living only in the seas, it lives in the Jellyfish Lake, which is connected to the ocean by underground tunnels and is filled with lightly salted water. Representatives of this species differ from marine individuals also in that they completely lack age spots, there are no stinging tentacles, as well as tentacles that surround the mouth.

The golden jellyfish, although it belongs to the scyphomedusa, over the years has turned into a completely different species that does not pose a danger to humans, since it has significantly lost its stinging ability. An interesting fact is that the Golden Jellyfish began to grow green algae on its body, from which it receives part of its nutrition. The golden jellyfish, like its marine relatives, feeds on plankton and has not lost the ability to migrate - in the morning it swims to the east coast, in the evening it swims to the west.

box jellyfish

Box jellyfish have a more advanced nervous system compared to other members of the cnidarine class. They are the fastest of all jellyfish (capable of speeds up to 6 m/min.) and can easily change their direction of movement. They are also the most dangerous representatives of jellyfish for humans: the bites of some representatives of box jellyfish are fatal.

The most poisonous jellyfish in the world belongs to just this species, lives near the Australian coast and is called the Box Jellyfish or Sea Wasp: its poison can kill a person in just a few minutes. This wasp is almost transparent, of a pale blue hue, which is why it is hard to see on the water, which means it is easier to stumble upon it.

The sea wasp is the largest jellyfish in its class - its body is the size of a basketball. When the sea wasp is just swimming, its tentacles are reduced to 15 cm in length and are almost invisible. But when the animal hunts, they stretch up to three meters. Sea wasps feed mainly on shrimp and small fish, and they themselves are caught and eaten by sea turtles - the only animals on our planet that are insensitive to the poison of one of the most dangerous creatures on the ground.

Jellyfish are a class of multicellular invertebrates that hunt and kill their prey with their tentacles.

These beautiful exotic creatures can only survive in salt water therefore their habitat is oceans, seas and in some cases cut off from " big water» lagoons coral islands. Some of the species like cool water, others warm, others live only upper layers, and the fourth - only at the bottom.

Interestingly, the considered representatives of the animal world are included in the same group as ... corals. Both of these classes of beings belong to the intestinal.

Jellyfish are loners. They do not transmit signals to their “relatives” in any way, even if they are knocked into a large pile by the current.

The name was given to them in the middle of the 18th century by Carl Linnaeus, who noticed their similarity to the head of the famous character of ancient Greek myths - the Gorgon Medusa.

This is an amazing animal. 98% water, therefore, his body is almost transparent, similar to a dome, an umbrella or a disk of jelly. And the “dome” moves due to muscle contraction.


Tentacles are located along the edges of the creature. They are very different different types: possible short and thick, and possible - long and thin; their number ranges from four to four hundred (the number of tentacles is always a multiple of four, because these animals are characterized by radial symmetry).

Tentacles are built from containing poisonous substances of stinging cells and are needed for movement, hunting and holding prey. An interesting fact: even a dead jellyfish can bite for about two weeks. Certain types of jellyfish are extremely dangerous for humans. For example, an animal that bears the name of the Sea Wasp can poison six dozen people in a couple of minutes.

From above, the body of the animal is smooth and domed, and from below it looks like an empty bag. In the middle of the bottom is the mouth opening. It can also be different: in some individuals it looks like a pipe, in others it looks like a mace, in others it is wide. Undigested food remains are also removed through the mouth.

Growth and development

Jellyfish increase in size throughout their lives, and their final size depends on the species. There are - tiny, no longer than a couple of millimeters, but there are giants over 40 meters(this is the length of the tentacles). Cyanea- largest representative lives in the North Atlantic.

These inhabitants of the sea no brain and sense organs, but there are light-sensitive cells that help them distinguish between dark and light (they cannot see objects). Some specimens can glow in the dark. Animals living at depth are usually red, and those near the surface of the water are blue.

Internal structure

The internal structure of animals is very simple. They consist of two layers:

  1. The outer ectoderm, which acts as a kind of skin and muscles, contains the rudiments of nerves and germ cells.
  2. The internal endoderm, which only digests food.

Jellyfish have an amazing ability to regenerate: even if you cut the animal into halves, two similar individuals will grow out of them.


  1. Hydroids or Hydrozoa(organisms that live only in waters, which constantly contain absorbed oxygen). Relatively small (1 to 3 cm), transparent animals; four tentacles, a long mouth like a tube. most famous creature this class- Turritopsis nutricula. This the only thing known to science biologically immortal being. Having grown old, she sits down on the seabed and transforms into a polyp, from which new individuals grow after that. A very dangerous animal, which is called Krestovichok, also belongs to this class. It is tiny (the largest individuals reach about 4 cm), but if it bites a person, the victim will have serious and very long health problems.

  1. Box jellyfish (Cubozoa). This class is so named because their umbrella is not oval, but cubic. They differ from other representatives in a developed nervous system. They can swim at speeds up to six meters per minute and adjust direction with ease. However, they are also the most dangerous for humans: some individuals can even kill a careless swimmer. The most poisonous representative of the stinging Sea Wasp on the planet is a representative of this class.
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Among all the creatures on the planet - jellyfish, one of the most ancient. Scientists say that they lived in the expanses of water hundreds of millions of years ago. These creatures are found both in the seas and oceans. Differ appearance, because some are attractive, while others, to put it mildly, reject. Some of them are harmless, and some carry hidden threat so we have collected all interesting facts about jellyfish and combined them into one list.

1. The largest jellyfish is referred to as the giant arctic and its size is really impressive. It was possible to find an individual in which the diameter of the dome is almost 2.5 meters, and the length of the entire body, taking into account the tentacles, is over 35 meters.

2. It has long been believed that fish calm themselves, so often people buy aquariums for themselves and admire the inhabitants of the seas, feeding them. In Japan, jellyfish are bred for the same purpose, because the researchers of this country have found that their monotonous, smooth movements completely help to strengthen the nervous system.

3. An interesting fact about jellyfish for children. Their largest concentration is in the lake of the same name on the Rocky Archipelago. According to preliminary estimates, there are more than two million individuals there, and this despite the fact that the lake itself is 450 meters long and only 170 wide.

4. The creature does not have lungs, it captures oxygen mixed with water with its entire body. At the same time, the jellyfish also does not have a brain, but there are two nervous systems and two dozen eyes.

5. Among the most interesting facts about jellyfish is the box jellyfish and its capabilities. The creature can reach speeds of up to two meters per second and at the same time has a deadly powerful poison. One even the slightest touch to it is fatal, and in total the poison that is in her body is enough to send at least fifty people to the next world.

6. Despite the simplicity of the body structure, jellyfish are capable of movement. They swallow some of the water into themselves, and then push it back out. But this happens extremely rarely, most often they prefer to follow the flow, completely inactive.

7. Jellyfish are regularly used in medicine. Back in the Middle Ages, it was possible to find out that a separate part of their body called cornerot has a laxative property. Nowadays, the poison of these creatures is actively used, because it makes drugs more effective, which contributes to the normalization of blood pressure.

8. Life cycle jellyfish is unique. It starts with eggs, from which later planulas are born, they resemble a shoe that has been enlarged a thousand times infusoria, which drifts in the water surface until something solid meets its path, be it a reef, a rock, or maybe the bottom. Attached to it, it forms a polyp, which gradually grows and forms into something more resembling a jelly-like creature. Sometimes a month later, and sometimes a year later, the modified polyp detaches itself and a jellyfish appears before the world.

9. Any animal known to possess poison, as a rule, strikes its prey with a bite. But jellyfish are a clear exception, because for this they have special organs called nematocysts. Feeling threatened, they stimulate them with such force that they literally explode, hitting the opponent's body with a hundred drops of deadly poison.

10. There is an assumption that one of the species of these creatures is immortal. Scientists managed to establish that Turritopsis dornii, already being absolutely adults, can return to the state of a polyp and, in theory, they can do this indefinitely. However, it was possible to verify this only in the laboratory, because in fact in real life they are either eaten, or sooner or later thrown ashore.

The simplest mirages were seen by any of us. For example, when driving on a heated paved road, far ahead it looks like a water surface.

Jellyfish have lived on earth for over 650 million years. They appeared before dinosaurs and sharks. These creatures inhabit all the seas and oceans of the world. Some species even live in freshwater lakes and rivers. What do we know about them, besides their "wet" reputation as merciless stinging creatures? Let's take a more peaceful look at these beautiful and mysterious creatures.

"Medusa! Medusa!" - fearful tourists scream in horror when they see a floating gelatinous drop near the shore. I do not mean those whitish cakes tattered to shreds, floundering along the Crimean coast of the Black Sea. It's about about more exotic shores. Falling under the power of stereotypes, people react to jellyfish with the greatest fear. This fear in many cases is completely unfounded, because stinging jellyfish are found in certain places. "Student" creatures are often mistaken for brutal killers whose deadly sting must be feared like fire. But despite the "bad" reputation, most jellyfish are completely harmless. We also know nothing about the beauty of these sea wanderers. Speaking of jellyfish, people most often imagine a jelly-like suspension drifting off the coast of the beach. In fact, jellyfish are one of the most stunning and amazingly beautiful sea creatures.

The jellyfish got its name because of the resemblance to the moving hair-snakes of the legendary Gorgon Medusa from Greek mythology. Jellyfish seem to be supernatural creatures largely due to their strange shapes and colors. Nature created them in a special way: their body resembles an umbrella, or a bell, sometimes a ball. Jellyfish have the most incredible sizes. Their diameter can range from three millimeters to two and a half meters. The most common jellyfish are the size of a saucer. The smallest jellyfish is the size of a thimble. This baby lives in the Caribbean. And the largest is the so-called "lion's mane", which lives in the Arctic Sea. The body of the "sea lion" reaches two and a half meters wide, and its tentacles are thirty-seven meters long (that's almost half a football field!).

In the seas and oceans of our planet, biologists have counted more than two hundred different types of jellyfish. This, of course, is not the limit - many have not yet been found. The jelly-like body of these sea vagrants is most often completely transparent, either pale blue, white or pink flowers. The transparency of the "seaskirts" is a very useful camouflage in open habitats where there is no place to hide from predators. But in nature, their most unusual bright colors are also found: yellow, blue, purple, lilac, orange and red. Some jellyfish in the dark glow with a cold light - this is called luminescence.

Medusa is also surprising because it does not look like any other animal on Earth. What are these creatures, which are, so to speak, neither fish nor flesh? These are close relatives sea ​​anemones and corals that do not have a bone base. They are ideally designed to live in the water. Jellyfish are about 95% water, 3-4% salt and 1-2% protein. They also have no heart, no eyes, no circulatory system, no gills. Most jellyfish are made up of three parts: a gelatinous body; tentacles that sting and catch prey; and an openwork mouth that absorbs food.

Eyeless creatures are very fragile - their tissues are easily damaged. But they can partially regenerate their tentacles and other body parts. Unlike fish, which retain their shape even when they are taken out of the water, it is precisely water environment. Take the jellyfish out of the water and see for yourself how it instantly turns into a flat trembling drop.

Despite some limitations in the senses, the jellyfish can smell, taste, smell and balance with the flow, it also distinguishes light from darkness. With the help of special bags located on the sides of her "bell", the jellyfish maintains its balance. In the inner ear of humans, there are sacs that are similar in function. Water currents also help the jellyfish swim. Against the current, this graceful creature swims independently, moving in a jet way: pushing water out of the cavity of its "bell". One variety Mediterranean jellyfish, whose size is about six centimeters in diameter, can move up or down a little more than a kilometer in one day. This is equivalent to a distance of 61 kilometers for a person with a height of 1 m 80 cm!

You will be surprised if you find out how a jellyfish breathes. As, however, and the fact that she breathes at all. Her breathing is very different from that of a human or even a fish. The jellyfish does not have lungs and gills, as well as any other respiratory organ. The walls of its gelatinous body and tentacles are so thin that oxygen molecules freely penetrate through the jelly-like "skin" straight into internal organs. Thus, the jellyfish breathes the entire surface of its body.

These soft-bodied animals are also striking in that they capture food, as they say, without the help of arms and legs. The permanent menu of marine "jelly" is plankton. They also feed on fish eggs and tiny crustaceans. The tentacles of jellyfish, which have a filamentous structure, lure prey, driving it with streams into oral cavity. Many people and these marine predators considered a delicacy. They are dried in a special way, after which, according to gourmets, they taste great. Moreover, they are low in calories and rich in nutrients.

Along the edges of the "bell" of the jellyfish are tentacles with stinging cells that can cause burns. Tiny "harpoons" in their filamentous legs paralyze prey. Burning jellyfish calmly watch for careless swimmers, who also become victims of their toxin. Even if you break this merciless creature into thousands of pieces in the water, this will not save you - they will turn into thousands of tiny monsters that can also sting. Stinging jellyfish dominate the Chesapeake Bay of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of the United States. "Moon" jellyfish here often comes across in the height of summer and until late autumn. The sting of such a jellyfish is like the sting of a bee - the consequences are also painful. And remember that a stinging jellyfish washed ashore is still dangerous as long as its tentacles are wet.

Although they harm people, these burning creatures are vital for smaller animals - tiny fish and crabs, which imperceptibly cling to them from below and thus quietly travel on their "master". But this is not all the merits of poisonous creatures before nature. For example, the "istkosta" stinging jellyfish - an inhabitant of the Chesapeake Bay - feeds on another "gelatinous" predator that preys on local oysters. This jellyfish is called "comb" because its appearance resembles a toothbrush. These crested jellyfish (sometimes called marine walnuts) cause people to panic. They differ from other jellyfish in that they do not have a sting. Therefore, neither swimmers nor beachgoers have anything to fear from them. Crested jellyfish are most often found near Baltimore in Atlantic Ocean. They eat small oysters in such quantities that it quickly reduces their population. Due to the large appetite of this "comb", small oysters simply do not have time to grow. And therefore, the less "combs" lives in the bay, the more oysters there are. "Combs" is the favorite food of stinging jellyfish. The very same "istkosta" gets to lunch sea ​​turtles- this is also a kind of merit to mother nature.

Some species of jellyfish not only "sting", but also kill a person with their deadly sting. For example, the "sea wasp" that lives in the seas of Australia. Every year, up to 65 people die from its sting. Its venom is deadlier than that of a cobra. Death comes within three minutes. And there is no means of salvation - it is better not to meet with her at all. But if you are stung by a burning jellyfish, then there is a remedy for how to calm the pain. First, remove the remaining tentacles and rinse the stung area sea ​​water. Then wipe this place with food vinegar, which will suspend the action of the sting - it will no longer be able to release poison. Next, anoint the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with shaving cream - the stings will stick into it, and then scrape off the dried cream. The pain will subside in about an hour. If painful reactions persist, you should immediately consult a doctor.

For most people, jellyfish venom causes only painful irritation. But for some, the consequences of a burn can become more fatal - if an allergic reaction begins to develop in a person. It is also called an anaphylactic shock. In this case, the treatment of the damaged area of ​​​​the skin is urgently needed! Allergic reactions can range from rashes and itching to shortness of breath. Anaphylaxis can swell the skin on the throat, making it difficult to breathe. The only remedy for it is the introduction of synthetic adrenaline. Aloe gel will also soothe the pain. But the best treatment- when you swim, look "both" on the sides. Before you go swimming in an unfamiliar place (and since you are in a resort, the place will be exactly unfamiliar), ask local natives or more experienced tourists if stinging jellyfish live here.

Today, scientists studying the life of these fascinating creatures recognize the importance of the role they play in the biolife of the seas and oceans. What species of jellyfish are of primary interest to researchers? Some scientists are still looking for an effective antidote that will save the lives of people stung, for example, by the "sea wasp". Others are studying the structure and composition of jellyfish to use as a cure for cancer and other terrible diseases. A substance derived from a jellyfish found in the northwest Pacific Ocean already used for medicinal purposes. Some types of these amazing creatures physicians are successfully used in the treatment of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It's far from complete achievement list jellyfish - in the future, medicine will find other areas of their application.

I hope that after reading the article, your view of jellyfish will become more friendly, and these "gelatinous" sea nomads will no longer scare you.

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