Climate in the Dominican Republic. When is the best time to go on vacation to the Dominican Republic Weather conditions in the Dominican Republic

The weather by months is presented in the temperature table and in the reviews of tourists, in June in Santo Domingo 31°C, Punta Cana 30°C.

The climate of the Dominican Republic is tropical, so tourists are attracted by gorgeous hot weather, and beautiful landscapes and sea. It is worth noting that the Dominican Republic is one of the most expensive resort places in the world. The Dominican Republic is famous not only for its tropical climate, but also privacy, beauty, as well as high service and first-class hotels. The Dominican Republic is characterized, among other things, by a humid climate, it is worth noting that it is always summer on the territory of the state, so tourists can visit this country at any time convenient for them, regardless of the season.

The average air temperature in the Dominican Republic shows a thermometer at + 28 + 31 ° С, you can relax from the heat of the day on an evening or night walk, at night the air temperature drops to + 22 ° С. During the day, as a rule, tourists spend their time on the beach or by the pool, and at night the fun begins: festivities, exotic entertainment, bars, restaurants, as well as a variety of entertainment shows. During the day, rains practically do not overshadow the rest of tourists. The main rainy season takes place in the northern part of the Dominican Republic. Daytime or evening downpour passes very quickly, and due to the high temperature, moisture evaporates quickly. Weather in the Dominican Republic in July: Santo Domingo 31°C, Punta Cana 31°C.

Before visiting these exotic destinations, like the Dominican Republic, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the main features of the local climate. After all, in different times year, temperature, rainfall frequency and humidity vary. In this regard, it may be necessary to adjust the date of the trip, moving it to a more suitable time for recreation and tourism.

The water temperature here fluctuates around 27 degrees throughout the year, which makes this area incredibly attractive for beach lovers. With the exception of rare storms and typhoons, the sea is ideal for swimming in any season.

Winter is the beginning of the high season

The most favorable climate for recreation in the Dominican Republic is observed from the end of November and continues until February. Fully installed in December favorable weather and almost no rain. This time seems to be the beginning of the high season, since the air and water temperatures at this time are the same and reach 26–28 degrees. At night it is somewhat cooler, up to +24, which allows you to take a break from the heat of the day.

The weather in January noticeably improves, precipitation falls only 1-2 times a month, and the thermometer rises to +30. The noticeably decreasing air humidity helps to transfer the heat, and the water temperature reaches +26. At night, the temperature drops less than in December and is around +25 degrees.

In winter, the air temperature in the Dominican Republic reaches only +22 degrees.

February is perhaps the driest and sunniest period. Rains at this time are completely absent, and the air warms up to + 26–30 degrees. Nights become noticeably cooler and allow you to fully relax from the heat. The characteristic temperature for the dark time of the day is kept around +19, but in some areas like Puerto Plata and Santo Domingo it drops a little lower. This month presents an opportunity to visit this country during the high season.

Spring in the Dominican Republic

Weather in the spring there are extremely ambiguous, since at the beginning of the season there is a relatively small number of rains, heat air and water. However, over time, these indicators deteriorate significantly: it rains more and more often, and a huge number of various insects makes this period not very suitable for excursions and sightseeing.

In March, it is possible to comfortably relax on the beach, as this month is considered to be dry and cloudless. The combination of high daytime temperatures, reaching +30 degrees, as well as night coolness, allows you to enjoy all the benefits of a beach holiday. Water in Caribbean Atlantic coast islands, warms up to +26 degrees, which allows you not to experience inconvenience while swimming.

After a month, in April, enters into full force rainy season lasting until November. This month is characterized by increasing air humidity and rising temperatures, which are very difficult for tourists to endure. Starting from this month, insects are becoming more active, which is why it is necessary to think in advance about means of protection.

The situation deteriorates rapidly in May, when the air humidity reaches its maximum values, and the rains are very frequent, but their duration is relatively short.

Since May is characterized by a combination of high temperature and humidity, this month is not suitable for visiting the Dominican Republic.

Summer months on the island

The period is perhaps one of the most severe in terms of climatic conditions, as the rainy season is still ongoing, and temperatures are gradually increasing. In June, 2/3 of the entire month falls on rainy days, which makes normal beach holiday. In addition, visiting sights and excursions at this time is also not recommended, because the abundance of insects and high humidity create serious inconvenience.

In July, there is a decrease in the cost of travel, and the number of tourists in the country drops to a minimum. This is due both to the ongoing rainy season and to the rising air temperature. A positive moment is the fact that the sea in July warms up to +28. If you want to visit the country this month, you should make sure that there is an air conditioning system in the hotel where you are supposed to stay for the period of rest.

If you want to relax in the Dominican Republic in August, you should consider such a decision. After all, it rains constantly this month, and the temperature of +32 makes this period the hottest of the year. At night, you won’t be able to completely take a break from the heat, because the air warms up to +23 degrees, and high humidity makes it difficult to stay outdoors. In addition, it is during this period that the island is subject to strong gusts of wind and hurricanes, which makes staying on the beach or on the street dangerous. However, you can still find an opportunity for a beach holiday, especially if you plan a visit to the coast in the morning.

Autumn and rainy season

The onset of autumn in the Dominican Republic is almost not felt, as the rains continue constantly, and high humidity does not allow you to feel a slight drop in air temperature.

The climate of the Dominican Republic in September suggests thunderstorms and hurricanes, which must be remembered when planning a trip for this period.

Such phenomena are especially frequent on the southern coast of the island. However, the low cost of the trip and the modest number of tourists make it possible to compensate for such unsuitable conditions for recreation.

But in October, the rainy season gradually begins to fade, and sunny days please local residents more often. The weather at this time is terribly changeable and the rains can start at any moment. That's why the best choice for tourists will be short walks, as well as rest in hotels on the coast.

The holiday season begins in November due to rapidly improving weather conditions. November here seems to be an unpredictable period, because, despite the gradual stabilization, the weather is still capable of presenting unpleasant surprises to tourists. However, towards the end of the month, the rains completely stop, delighting travelers with cloudless skies and characteristic heat.

Dominican Republic- This the cleanest beaches, warm sea and eternal summer surrounded by exotics. Here all year round tourists come to relax wonderful country where the best beaches in the Caribbean are located.

Climate of the Dominican Republic

Due to its island location and proximity to the equator, the climate in the Dominican Republic is subtropical and humid, but, unlike many other countries, there is no feeling of sweltering heat. This is due to the fact that soft breezes and trade winds are constantly present on the island.

In the mountains, the temperature is an order of magnitude lower, and in the winter months it can be below zero.

The Dominican climate is characterized by average monthly temperature +25-27°C. Most hot month- August (+31°C), and the coldest is January (about +22 degrees).

IN summer time The Dominican Republic is being influenced tropical cyclones. There are showers between July and August, and strong winds, storms and typhoons are quite common.

In fact, everything is not so scary, because in last years it rains for a short time, and at a temperature of + 28 ° C they do not bother much. High humidity, typical for tropical and subtropical countries, is almost not felt here, and typhoons have long bypassed the island.

in winter

The Dominican Republic is beautiful at any time of the year. Even rains and cloudy weather will not prevent you from making your vacation enjoyable in a country where the thermometer practically never drops below +27°C.

With the advent of winter in the Dominican Republic begins high season , which is characterized summer weather with comfortable water and air temperature. At the same time, in winter time in the Caribbean Sea, the water is a couple of degrees warmer than in the Atlantic Ocean.

  • . In the first month of winter in the Dominican Republic, favorable and clear weather is established with an almost complete absence of precipitation. The daytime air temperature is +27-29 degrees, and at night the thermometer drops to +24°C.
  • The water temperature in December is about the same (+26-28°C), so it is incredibly pleasant to be in it.

  • . January is characterized by a clear and warm weather. During the day, the air warms up to +27-30 degrees, and at night it cools down to +25°C. At the same time, the heat is much easier to bear, since it becomes even less rainy. During the month, precipitation falls only 1-2 times. The water temperature during this period does not fall below +26 degrees.
  • . This month you can not count on coolness even at night. During the day, the thermometer shows + 26-30 ° C. At night, the indicator drops to a slightly refreshing + 19-21 ° C. Since February is considered the driest month of the year, you can fully count on a great vacation - no rain is expected here, and the sky will be clear all month. The water temperature on the entire coast warms up to +26 degrees.
  • Winter Features

    Winter is best time for a holiday in the Dominican Republic, thanks to the beautiful weather and warm sea. Traditional events are also celebrated here: Christmas holidays with colorful performances and the clink of glasses.

    In the Dominican Republic almost no wind, so diving fans have a great opportunity dive to the bottom of the Caribbean, whose beauty is known throughout the world.

    When going to the Dominican Republic, you should, first of all, take sunscreen with you, stock up on light summer clothes, a long-sleeved T-shirt and a hat. Don't forget swimwear too. Clothes from natural fabric will help you feel a little more comfortable in such hot weather.


    The spring period is a continuation of the high season, respectively, the weather here is always beautiful.

    Spring Benefits

    Spring is a wonderful time for any kind of holiday, which is available in the Dominican Republic. Tourists come here to enjoy the sun, the sea, extensive excursion programs and active entertainment. The weather favors being outdoors for a long time.

    For a trip to the Dominican Republic, it is worth taking light summer clothes from natural fabrics, a swimsuit and a few things with long sleeves that will avoid sunburn. It is also worth grabbing a hat and burn cream.

    In summer

    The summer season in the Dominican Republic is not constant. They can come here at any moment strong winds, storm And typhoons, or maybe the whole season will remain warm, but slightly humid weather.

    • . Number of clear and cloudy days equally this month. At the same time, it rains early in the morning, when there is still time before sunbathing, or in the evenings, after sunset. The temperature during this period during the day is + 28-32 ° C, at night - +28 degrees. Water in the sea and ocean warms up to +28 degrees.
    • . This month is characterized by hot and humid weather. The number of rainy days is increasing, and showers come just after lunch. At the same time, the air temperature remains the same - + 32-33 degrees during the day, + 23 ° C - at night, and the water temperature is about + 28 ° C.
    • . This month is not much different from the previous one, only by August hurricanes and downpours are added, which can go at any moment. Air and water heating up to +32 degrees are not very suitable for being in a resort. Even nighttime +23°C does not save much from the heat.

    The specifics of summer holidays

    During this period there are tourists who want to relax in a country where never ends, and the climate pleases with excellent weather.

    Despite the lack of resort conditions, many are attracted by the low cost of vacation and other resort expenses.

    In summer, the best clothes for relaxing will be light things, covering the body from the scorching sun, and an umbrella will not interfere. If you book with your own pool, you should bring your swimsuit.

    And you can book a room in the hotel you like using this search form. Enter city, arrival and departure dates, number of guests.


    The autumn period is considered off-season. If at the beginning of autumn there are still showers and there are threats of a typhoon, then by the end of the season favorable climate.

    • . The first month of autumn is not much different from August. There is still a high probability of bad weather, and frequent rains reach a critical point. The thermometer shows + 30 ° C during the day, and lets you know about the low season high humidity(up to 90%). Even at night at + 24 ° C, the heat does not subside much. The water temperature is still high, around +29°C.
    • . If in the first half of October there are still quite a lot of cloudy days, then in the second half the weather becomes much more pleasant. The temperature during the day reaches a comfortable mark of +28 degrees, and at night it drops to +23°C.
    • The humid climate in October leaves, and the beaches are again filled with tourists.

    • . At the end of autumn, the weather in the Dominican Republic stabilizes, delighting tourists with the absence of rain and a large number clear days. Excellent air and water temperature during the day is ideal for a beach holiday (+28 degrees), and at night the heat drops to +23°C.

    Characteristics of autumn

    For tourists, all the same entertainments are available as in the high season: excursions, beach and outdoor activities, diving and surfing. However, the cost for the entire service, including booking tours, is much cheaper.

    The standard set of things for a vacation in the Dominican Republic in the fall - Lightweight clothing, swimwear And headdress. Just in case, take an umbrella with you.

    Tourist season

    Last years in the Dominican Republic difference between seasons not as noticeable as it happens in other countries with a tropical climate. This is due, first of all, to the unique location of the resort and the internal climate of the country.

    When to go?

    The best time to visit the Dominican Republic is from early December to March. In these months here stands perfect weather , especially against the backdrop of winter in Europe and Russia.

    There are many places for tourists to relax, but many of them prefer to spend time on the beaches.

    Still comfortable temperature for holidays in the Dominican Republic is in the spring months, as well as in October and November.

    rainy and algae season

    low season in the Dominican Republic it starts in June and lasts until the end of September. Especially unfavorable weather is observed in July and August, when high humidity creates comfortable conditions for relax.

    The low season is unpleasant not only with the lack of clear days and the threat of showers, but also lots of algae, which literally flood the beaches from March to October. At the same time, they accumulate much more in the eastern part of the island than in the western part. Algae, from which an unpleasant smell emanates, becomes so much that hotel staff simply do not have time to clean them up.

    Time for a beach holiday

    Due to the fact that the air and sea temperature in the Dominican Republic does not fall below +27 degrees, beach season here can last all year round. Therefore, tourists themselves can choose when it will be more convenient for them to relax in the country.

    Even in the rainy season, while the weather is bad on the Caribbean coast, the weather can be great in the resorts of the Atlantic Ocean.

    During the beach season, many tourists choose the most popular coasts countries:

  1. Puerto Plata- the place where one of the the best beaches in the country. There are many picturesque places for recreation and diving in the magnificent coral lagoon;
  2. Boca Chica– protected lagoon coral reefs, has beaches with a gentle entry into the water. The resort is great for families with children, as well as for young people who want to go diving or surfing;
  3. Samana- a resort for fans of secluded relaxation. The small peninsula is famous for untouched nature and deserted beaches;
  4. Punta Cana- a resort in the southeast of the island, where the Atlantic Ocean merges with by the caribbean. Here is a wonderful quiet place for a family holiday with a lot of entertainment;
  5. La Romana- the cleanest beaches in the country, most of which belong to hotels. However, if you really try, you can find wild stretches of the coast here.

There are no beaches in the Dominican Republic that tourists would not like. All of them are different the highest degree purity And grooming, so they create the impression of a perfect holiday.

Where is the best place to go?

The choice of a place to stay in depends solely on preferences. by the most the best resorts for many years considered Punta Cana And Boca Chica.

Lovers come here couples and youth, but at the same time there is no particular workload.

Diving enthusiasts prefer resorts in the caribbean because the famous flora and fauna of the seabed here is truly unique and unrepeatable. Surfers choose Atlantic coast because the wind is noticeably stronger here.

See in this video what the weather is like in the Dominican Republic whole year:

One of the tropical destinations for year-round recreation that Russians love is the Dominican Republic. The island of Haiti, the eastern part of which it occupies, is located in the Caribbean Sea between Cuba and Puerto Rico. If you want a real relaxing beach holiday - go to Haiti, knowing in advance what time is best to spend your vacation there.

Climate and seasons in the Dominican Republic

The tropical trade wind climate of the country is due to the proximity of the island to the equator. The southern and southeastern shores are washed by warm by the caribbean, north of the Republic - cooler Atlantic Ocean . Low atmospheric pressure in Caribbean forms powerful hurricanes.

However, in recent decades, they have bypassed the island of Haiti, bringing only strong winds to it.

They soften the high humidity of the tropics and make the weather in the Dominican Republic milder. The climate has two seasons - dry And wet. The first begins in late autumn and ends in spring. summer months is the rainy season. There are no large monthly temperature fluctuations, the average annual figures are 25 - 27°C.

Today in the Dominican Republic, the difference between the seasons for holidays by months is increasingly blurred. This is due not so much to climate change, but to the fact that in low tourist season prices drop significantly, and the holiday remains just as pleasant even despite the rains. Weather in the Dominican Republic by months:

The winter months are lit up by the sun, cloudy weather is rare. Sometimes it rains at night. Temperature and humidity are kept within comfortable limits for the body. For this time - December to March- have to high tourist season.

With the onset of spring, the humidity rises. But she is compensated by blowing at this time strong winds. They raise waves, which attracts surfers to the Dominican beaches. bathing season continues all year round, only briefly interrupted at some resorts.

High season

The peak of tourist pilgrimage falls on the period from December By March. But the beaches begin to fill up as early as November, when the typhoon season ends. First winter month is marked by a sharp rise in the price of tours - people travel from bitter frost to a tropical paradise.

The threat of hurricanes has finally passed and even, cool weather has settled in the Republic. At this time, the southern regions of the Dominican Republic - La Romana, Boca Quiche and other resort towns bask in the moderately hot sun. In the elite resort area Punta Cana a little cooler, and the peninsula Samana And Puerto Plata are cooled by northeast winds to 27-28°C.

This weather will last in the Dominican resorts until March, when the temperature will gradually rise. The sea and the weather on the Caribbean coast are conducive to a lazy beach holiday. But it can be varied:

  • the sea at this time is quiet and clean, which creates ideal conditions for diving;
  • from mid-January to March, tourists travel to the Samana Peninsula to watch the mating games of humpback whales, sailing by the thousands to the northern shores of the Dominican Republic;
  • the Atlantic coast in the high season is famous for a good wave for classes kitesurfing.

Everywhere there is favorable weather for excursions and independent trips around interesting places and sights of the Dominican Republic.

Spring in the Dominican Republic - features of the season

IN March the country's beaches are still filled with vacationers, and in April the flow of tourists is on the decline. This month, the rains begin - the first swallows of the wet season. But they are short and do not interfere with rest at all. Prices begin to decrease in proportion to the number of tourists.

IN May humidity continues to grow, the water on both coasts warms up to 26-27°C. Spring is the perfect time for outdoor activities:

  • diving and snorkeling;
  • surfing;
  • jeep safari;
  • sea ​​fishing.

By the end of May, temperatures and humidity are already high enough that traveling around the country becomes less pleasant.

Low Season Surprises

Summer is not best time for a vacation in the Dominican Republic, but this stops few people, given how much a vacation costs at this time. Prices are dropping rapidly, and the beaches are empty. And not only because the low season has begun.

The summer months sometimes bring unpleasant surprises in the form of insect migration and accumulation of foul-smelling algae on the beaches, but there are never any jellyfish here.

July the weather is characterized by heavy winds and drops atmospheric pressure. True, it does not rain very often and mostly for a short time. Cloudy weather does not interfere with sunbathing, and waves and muddy seas do not interfere with swimming. The highest air and water temperature of the year is in August. Storms and hurricanes are the most frequent during this month.

Autumn is the velvet season

IN September rainy and hot weather still persists, and a strong gusty wind somewhat spoils the impressions of the rest. Strange as it may seem, but the Velvet season in the Dominican Republic precedes the high tourist. Its beginning is in October And november when the weather finally stabilizes.

The heavy wind stops, the temperature and humidity gradually decrease, and the sea remains warm in summer. This is the best time to visit the Dominican Republic.

The best holiday season

It's hard to say when the Dominican Republic best season. Everyone chooses for himself, depending on how he wants to spend his vacation, and how big the vacation budget is. Winter and spring are conducive to beach pleasures.

In summer, when the beaches do not have time to clear algae, and the sea is very stormy, you can rent a car and go inland research its natural beauties and the life of the republican hinterland. At any time of the year, restaurants are open for guests with national cuisine, nightclubs, discos and entertainment centers.

Like any tropical country The Dominican Republic is rich in exotic fruits; there are 40 varieties of mango alone growing here. Here it is considered a seasonal fruit. Its time is the months from April to September.

The Dominican Republic is a traditional holiday destination for American tourists. Many of them like to spend their National holidays at the local resorts. When choosing a time for a trip, you need to take into account that on Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas and Valentine's Day, the load in Dominican hotels is maximum.

Visa: You can stay in the Dominican Republic without a visa for up to 30 days. Upon entry, you must pay a fee of $ 10 (~ 655 ₽), upon departure - $ 20 (~ 1310 ₽). Sometimes the exit fee is included in the ticket price.

Currency: Dominican peso (DOP). However, many places accept US dollars. In Moscow, it is worth exchanging rubles for dollars, and on the spot, part of the dollars - for pesos.It is better to have small bills with you, otherwise there is a risk of not seeing the change. If you plan to have a rest in tourist regions, take with you

Flight: you can fly from Moscow to the Dominican Republic without transfers only through Punta Cana Airport with Nordwind Airlines and Azur Air flights. The flight takes 11-12 hours.

From Punta Cana Airport to the nearest resorts can be reached by taxi or transfer. You need to negotiate the cost of a taxi ride with the driver - you will have to bargain frantically. The trip from the airport to the nearest resorts will cost at 30-70 $ (~ 1965-4585 ₽), transfer - about 35 $ (~ 2293 ₽).


  • Air: +27…+30 ºС during the day, +21 ºС at night
  • Water: +28 ºС

There is almost no rain at this time - in a rare evening a small cloud will run through. It will not interfere with sunbathing, swimming and indulging in all the pleasures of island life. The least precipitation is in, the most is in Puerto Plata.

In January, two of the most important holidays are celebrated in the Dominican Republic - the procession of the Magi, anticipating the Epiphany (January 5 and 6), and the Day of Saint Altagracia, the heavenly patroness of the Dominican Republic (January 21). During both holidays, the streets, squares and temples are filled with people and an atmosphere of joy and hospitality reigns everywhere. On the days of the festivities, it is customary to arrange wide feasts, and the "bagel of kings" is considered the crown dish - a delicious muffin with fruits and candied fruits.


  • Air: +26…+30 ºС during the day, +21…+25 ºС at night
  • Water: +28 ºС

February in the Dominican Republic is as hot and dry as January. The sea is warm and gentle, there is practically no precipitation. In our calendar winter in the Dominican Republic, the peak of the season, so do not despair if your vacation does not fall in the summer - it will not hurt to spend your holidays in the sun.

February is the height of the traditional Dominican carnival, which runs from January 24 to March 1. La Vega, Santiago, Santo Domingo and Punta Cana turn into a fabulous non-stop holiday extravaganza. The carnival manager is an actor who portrays a lame devil. He hobbles after those around him and hits them with a bull bladder on their backs. There is no need to be afraid - a comic blow promises great luck.


  • Water: +28 ºС

March here is much warmer and drier than February. Every day the thermometer creeps higher and higher, there is almost no rain, and the air becomes heavier and heavier. March is the month of transition from the high season to the low season. The heat and humidity are gaining momentum, but there is no unbearable heat and rain yet. Prices for a March holiday in the Dominican Republic are much lower than in the winter months.

Photo: Ryan Brad Miller / and Bayne /

Go see the mangroves or take a ride sea ​​fishing. Fishing on a small boat costs from $20 (~1365 ₽), on a luxury yacht - from $550 (~37,543 ₽), a boat trip in the shade of mangroves - from $15 (~1025 ₽).


  • Air: +29…+31 ºС during the day, +26…+28 ºС at night
  • Water: +29 ºС

In April, a turning point occurs in the local weather. The dry high season ends - the rainy season begins. The air temperature is still high, but the humidity is rapidly increasing. Most of the precipitation is in Puerto Plato, the least - in Azua. In the evenings, mosquitoes are activated, so you should take care of protective sprays.

Exploring the coral reefs and hidden bays of Punta Cana will save you from the heat. If you decide to go there, don't forget to bring your aquashoes. Well, if you want to seriously explore sea ​​depths, take a couple of diving lessons. One costs from $20 to $50 (~1367-3416 ₽).


  • Air: +30…+32 ºС during the day, +28 ºС at night
  • Water: +27 ºС

The rainy season starts in May. They are short-term, but powerful - full-fledged tropical showers. The temperature of the air and water is almost the same as in April or March, but because of the humidity and fumes, it becomes difficult to breathe. The May Dominican Republic is hard on children, the elderly and weather-sensitive people.

Despite the worsening weather, May has its advantages. The season for catching blue marlin begins - a fish that can weigh up to 800 kg. Not fishing, but a whole adventure. In case you haven’t awakened the instinct of a getter, but you still want to taste marlin, we advise you to look into a cozy restaurant blue marlin in Punta Cana or El Rincon Del Marisco in Bavaro. Grilled freshly caught marlin will cost about $15 (~ 1000 ₽).


  • Water: +27 ºС

June is absolutely not suitable for a beach holiday in the Dominican Republic. This is a full-fledged rainy season: they can be both short-lived and go on for a whole week without ceasing. In 10–15 minutes, such an amount of precipitation falls that sometimes does not happen for months.

If you still decide to go to the Dominican Republic in June, stop. This part of the country has the least rainfall. Here you can enjoy a beach holiday and try the famous local cigars, which owe their name to Alexandre Dumas. The name of the brand was coined by cigar rollers who asked the factory lecturer to read and reread The Count of Monte Cristo to them over and over again.


  • Air: +31…+33 ºС during the day, +28…+30 ºС at night
  • Water: +28 ºС

The second month of the calendar summer is considered the low season in the Dominican Republic. A lot of raging downpours that suddenly start and just as suddenly end. Rains take almost half a month. Worst of all at this time in Santo Domingo, more or less dry -.

On the rare dry days of July, it is pleasant to swim in the sea. But it is worth remembering that the sun in rainy months the most insidious - the sky seems overcast, but the risk of burning is very high. Go to the beach either early in the morning or after 4 pm with a high SPF sunscreen.


  • Air: +32…+34 ºС during the day, +30 ºС at night
  • Water: +30ºС

The hottest month in the Dominican Republic. Tropical rains are accompanied by showers and thunderstorms, sometimes strong hurricanes occur. For an August trip, take out an insurance policy with advanced options: sunburn, assistance in case of natural disasters, heat strokes.

In the early days, Santo Domingo hosts the International Merengue Festival, an incendiary and colorful dance, which is performed at the festival venues by the best dancers from around the world. It is impossible to stand still under the incendiary rhythms, especially when the dance steps are picked up by a crowd of spectators. I bet you can't resist either?


  • Water: +29 ºС

Dominican September is similar to August - very heatwave and humidity. Even the sea warms up to 30 ° C and is more like a hot bubble bath than refreshing. There is a high probability of hurricanes, so you should carefully monitor the weather forecast.

Santo Domingo. Photo: Hernan Bustelo /

Beach holidays and excursions in September tire you very quickly: sometimes unbearable heat, sometimes rains. But it blooms night life: September weather is not a hindrance for those who are going to party all night long. There are few tourists from Europe and Asia at this time, but American youth often come for weekends. They rock in the clubs Coco Bongo in Punto Cana and Sabina Bar in Santo Domingo.


  • Air: +29…+31 ºС during the day, +28 ºС at night
  • Water: +28 ºС

With the onset of October, there is less rain, the weather is milder. Bad weather, as a rule, falls on the early morning or in the middle of the day. It is pleasant to swim in the sea - there are no violent waves, the water is refreshing and relaxing. October is a great month to have a budget holiday in the Dominican Republic. Prices during this period are not as high as from November to March.

Punta Cana. Photo: Erick Kellinghusen /

An extensive excursion program begins this month. We recommend starting with natural resources. For example, in Manati Park you will meet not only tropical birds, reptiles and animals, but also get acquainted with the culture of the natives, watch shows with dancing horses and even swim with dolphins. An adult ticket costs $35 (~ 2337 ₽), a child ticket costs $20 (~ 1336 ₽). Combine excursions with souvenir shopping - buy local Santo Domingo coffee and Brugal rum, choose the most beautiful bracelet with larimare turquoise and buy a Lime doll, designed by artist Liliana Mera, as a keepsake. She so wanted to convey collective image the Dominican woman who gave the doll bright clothes, but left her without a face, could not decide on the skin tone and typical features. Local beauties are so individual.


  • Air: +27…+29 ºС during the day, +27 ºС at night
  • Water: +27 ºС

In November, the high season begins, when the weather in the Dominican Republic becomes simply fabulous: tropical downpours subsided, humidity returned to normal, sizzling heat gave way to pleasant warmth and sea breeze.

November is the month of windsurfing in Cabarete and diving in Puerto Plata. If the sport does not catch you, dilute your beach holiday with other vivid impressions. In the city of artists, Altos de Chavón, see a medieval village recreated by craftsmen. At the lighthouse of Columbus, find out the final story of the great navigator. Don't forget to get to know the Caribbean flora and fauna in the Armando Bermudez Park or the José del Carmen Ramirez Nature Reserve, full of cycling and hiking trails. To get to Altos de Chavon, you need a special pass, so it's better to go with a guided tour (from $80, ~ 5337 ₽).


  • Air: +27…+29 ºС during the day, +28 ºС at night
  • Water: +27 ºС

December Dominican Republic is the perfect place to escape from the snow, blizzard, warm down jackets and disgusted Olivier under the chiming clock. Yes, New Year in the Caribbean - it's not very budgetary, but you have to arrange a non-standard feast for yourself at least once in your life.

Typical December in Punta Cana. Photo: justine.arena /

December is the time for kayaking, diving, windsurfing, jeep safari and other active entertainment. To recharge your batteries, eat more fruits: watermelons, melons, granadillas, sea grapes - and, of course, try all 40 varieties of mangoes. The cost of fruits is on average $1 per kilogram (~ 67 ₽).

We tried very hard for you to learn everything about the features of the weather in the Dominican Republic by months. It is important to remember the main principle: when we have a severe winter, there is the height of summer, and in summer, on the contrary, the rainy season, which is hard to bear out of habit. Spring and autumn are transitional stages between high and low seasons: vacation prices are falling a little, the weather is quite comfortable, but not ideal. Use the guide and find the perfect balance between weather and seasonality for you.

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