What to read to think. Books that make you think. "Practical Magic" by Alice Hoffman

We've put together a list of 25 profound books about the world, society, politics, fantasy, history, and human potential that have stood the test of time.

The next time you want an exciting read, check out this list.

1984 George Orwell

First published in 1949, George Orwell's dystopian novel has become a timeless classic of the dystopian genre.

In this book, for the first time, the idea of ​​​​the existence of a "Big Brother" and a totalitarian regime appears, which remains relevant today, as well as at the time of writing the work.

Orwell presents readers with his vision of the world, captivating from beginning to end.

"Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley

In this powerful fantasy masterpiece by Huxley, the "world controllers" create an ideal society.

Most people are content with a world based on genetic engineering, brainwashing and strict division into castes. But there is always someone who yearns to break free.

Huxley's captivating story takes readers through a frightening and thought-provoking fictional world endowed with the hallmarks of modern society.

"Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus" by Mary Shelley

This is a novel by an English writer about the scientist Victor Frankenstein, who achieves his goal and creates Living being from inanimate matter, but it will turn out so terrifying that the doctor is frightened and runs away from the laboratory in disgust.

Tormented and isolated, an innocent creature will hate its creator. The plot then unfolds in the spirit of a gothic thriller that touches the hearts of readers and evokes reflections on the dangers. scientific research and human judgments.

The Process, Franz Kafka

Kafka wrote The Trial between 1914 and 1915, but it was not published until 1925, after the writer's death. This is a unique story about a bank employee, Josef K., who was arrested for an unknown reason and he is struggling to find out what he is accused of.

Kafka wanted to burn the novel, but the writer's friend Max Brod prepared the manuscript for publication, organizing the disparate chapters of the work after the author's death.

Neuromancer, William Gibson

The cyberpunk fantasy novel Neuromancer was the first in its genre to win three of the most prestigious awards - Nebula (1984), Hugo (1985) and the Philip Dick Prize.

This book contains the definition of a matrix, as well as the ideas of cyberspace, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and the worldwide computer network, which subsequently attracted the attention of both writers and readers.

"Things They Carried With Them" Tim O'Brien

The Things They Carried With Them is a groundbreaking reflection and powerful narrative of war, memory and imagination.

Tim O'Brien uses many metaphors to weave an in-depth study of the state of men in the war, based on his own experiences in the Vietnam War from 1969 to 1970.

With his "semi-autobiographical" characters, O'Brien creates a style that blurs the lines between fiction and non-fiction.

"Slaughterhouse Five, or the Children's Crusade" by Kurt Vonnegut

Slaughterhouse Five is one of the greatest anti-war books in the world. This is the story of the bombing of Dresden, seen through the eyes of Billy Pilgrim, a man abducted by aliens.

The story is woven from different phases of the pilgrim's life, showing the heartbreaking events seen by the hero and based on the writer's own impressions, who, being an American prisoner of war, was in Dresden at the time of the bombardment by Allied forces.

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Fahrenheit 451 is a chillingly prophetic novel about a dystopian future where there are no books.

To the main character, Guy Montag, all this seems normal until he gains insight into the past and joins an underground group of outcasts.

The book surprisingly draws readers into its fictional world with a gripping plot and compelling characters.

"Collusion of Dunces", John Kennedy Toole

The key character in the book is Ignatius J. Reilly, a 30-year-old man who lives with his mother in New Orleans. This is a hero that has no analogues in world literature. He is an intellectual and an ideologue, a glutton and a quitter. Tool perfectly combined comedy with deep melancholy in Reilly's character.

"In Cold Blood" ("Ordinary Murder"), Truman Capote

In Cold Blood is a novel based on a true story that took place in 1959 when four members of the Clutter family were murdered in Holcomb, Kansas.

The motives of the crime and the evidence were practically absent. Capote, having interviewed local residents and investigators, collected a huge amount of information and wrote his story in the style of "new journalism".

This work by Truman Capote has earned many positive reviews for its eloquence, a high degree detail and layered storytelling.

"Lord of the Flies" by William Golding

William Golding's allegorical novel Lord of the Flies became a best-seller and was included in the required reading curriculum of some colleges and universities in the 60s. This is a story about a group of boys stranded on a deserted island. With the emergence of problems, the cruel features of human nature immediately begin to appear.

This book has always received mixed reviews. In 2005, Time magazine named it one of the 100 best novels in the world. English language since 1923. Although the American Library Association included it in the list of the 100 most controversial books.

The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho

A story of self-discovery and an inspiring tale of an Andalusian shepherd who wants to find worldly treasures. But his desire leads him to wealth, which he never dreamed of.

Motivational, wisdom-filled story about how following your dream, you can come to the discovery of great miracles.

"Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom

"Tuesdays with Morrie" Touching story about Mitch Albom and his mentor Morry Schwartz.

Many of us part ways with our mentors and their ideas slowly fade from our memory. But Mitch gets a second chance to meet his sociology professor, who has only a few months left to live. And he starts visiting it every Tuesday.

This documentary book has become one of the most widely read memoirs of all time. It is made up of key life lessons that were the subject of weekly meetings.

The Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde

Wilde's philosophical novel originally appeared as a short story in Lippincott's Monthly in July 1890. Moreover, the editors, fearing an “improper” reaction from readers, removed part of the text before publication.

In response, the writer revised, supplemented and published his work as an intellectual novel in a decadent style.

This is the story of a man who sells his soul for eternal youth and beauty. The book provoked a scandal in society and sharp criticism, but does not cease to arouse public interest and has been filmed more than 30 times.

A Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess

A Clockwork Orange is a classic nightmare in which the future is filled with criminals roaming the streets after dark. A chilling tale of good and evil and what it means to be free.

The novel's central character, Alex, was named the 10th greatest movie villain by the American Film Institute (AFI).

Stanley Kubrick's cult 1971 dystopian film of the same name is based on this novel by Anthony Burgess.

"Think Slowly... Decide Fast" by Daniel Kahneman

Decades of research in the field of psychology led Daniel Kahneman to the fact that in 2002 he became a laureate Nobel Prize in Economics "for the use of psychological methods in economics."

He delved into the two systems that govern our thinking: system #1, or fast and emotional thinking; system #2 or slow and logical thinking. Kahneman exposed the flaws and biases of some thought processes.

The book challenges readers by examining our ability to control our reactions, judgments, and choices.

The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco

Umberto Eco's first novel quickly became an international sensation. 50 million copies of The Name of the Rose have been sold worldwide.

This and historical novel, and a detective, and a philosophical and cultural reflection, where the action takes place in 1327. The plot centers on a character named William of Baskerville who is investigating a murder. He uses the logic of Aristotle, the theology of Thomas Aquinas and the ideas of Roger Bacon to decipher the secret symbols and manuscripts.

"Outsider" (or "Stranger"), Albert Camus

The Outsider explores what Camus called "man's nakedness in the face of the absurd" through the story of a man accused of murder.

This story by Albert Camus takes first place in the list of "100 books of the century according to Le Monde". The writer raises in it difficult questions that echo in existential philosophy; explores the themes of alienation, fear, spiritual doubt, and the qualities that underlie human character.

"Geniuses and outsiders" ("Outliers"), Malcolm Gladwell

In the book "Geniuses and outsiders: Why is everything for some and nothing for others?" Malcolm Gladwell explores the world of the brightest, most successful and famous people planets, and also answers the question of how they differ from others.

We pay too little attention to successful parenting. The author discovers certain patterns that explain the secrets of the success of billionaires in the field software; reveals what it takes to become a great footballer; why Asian students excel in math; which allowed the Beatles to become the greatest rock band.

Ender's Game Orson Scott Card

In the militarized reality of Orson Scott Card's sci-fi universe, a group of children are being trained to special program, preparing for a fight with insectoid aliens. One of the future commanders, Andrew Wiggin, suffers from the isolation, rivalry, pressure and fear that are present in this community of young soldiers. But it is in him that the qualities that made it possible to become the tactical genius of the group are combined.

Catch-22 (Catch-22), Joseph Heller

Joseph Heller's classic story about the loss of faith and sanity as bureaucratic power rises.

The key character Captain Yossarian serves in Italy in a bomber regiment during World War II. But him main enemy- not the Nazis, but the army in which he serves. The Bombardier finds himself in a stalemate with a Catch-22 preventing him from leaving the service.

Catch 22 is ranked 11th on the BBC's 200 Best Books list and 7th on the Newest Library's 100 Best Novels list.

Animal Farm, George Orwell

Animal Farm is another book by George Orwell that has become a brilliant political satire on rotten ideals, class conflicts, the 1917 revolution and subsequent events in Russia.

The farm animals rise up in rebellion to overthrow the power of the people and take matters into their own hands, but over time they realize that things are not going the way they expected.

This satirical story-parable is actually endowed with a deep meaning.

Einstein walks on the moon. The Science and Art of Memory, Joshua Foer

Einstein Walks on the Moon is the story of Joshua Foer's attempts to improve his memory. His experiments continued for a year. The author turned to advanced research, to the history of memorization methods and mnemonics.

He studied the ancient methods used by medieval scholars to memorize entire books and other methods to unlock the potential and greatly improve his memory.

This fascinating book will not only help improve memory, but also remind you how our memories affect us.

Watchmen (Sentinels), Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons (illustrator)

Many critics call Watchmen the greatest graphic novel ever. He has received a number of awards, including the Hugo Award.

In contact with

Erich Maria Remarque - Three Comrades

Erich Maria Remarque entered literature as the author of books about the fate of the "lost generation" - young people who experienced the horrors of the world war. His style is unique, and books have long become classics.

"Three Comrades" - a poignant novel about loneliness and mutual understanding, about friendship and love, about devotion and fragility human life. Robert Lokamp, ​​Otto Kester and Gottfried Lenz are trying to forget their hungry childhood, find their love, but they cannot escape the ghosts of the past. They are ready to do anything for friendship. Despite the death that soaked him, the novel speaks of a thirst for life.

Quote: “Just don’t take anything to heart,” said Kester, “After all, what you accept, you want to keep. And you can't keep anything."

Jenny Downham - "As Long as I Live"

Knowing that she is dying, the sixteen-year-old heroine of this book writes a list of things that need to be done in life. She definitely needs to be in time, because the countdown has already begun ...

A controversial work: on literary forums it is often said that the main character is a dummy, a hypocrite, an egoist ... She is condemned for sex with a stranger, for drugs, for reckless actions.

However, everything she does is not only the desire to try the forbidden, but also just an unbridled desire to live. Move. For something to happen. What else could she do - humbly wait for death? This is a work about how to appreciate every minute of life and not be afraid to take risks.

Quote: “People grow up in different ways: some quickly, some slowly, and some in a moment. And everyone lives differently. Not on purpose, but due to circumstances. The stronger these circumstances, the more height flight or depth of fall of one fate or another. Where to fly - up or down - everyone decides for himself. But there is always a choice

Boris Vasiliev - "The Dawns Here Are Quiet"

Boris Vasiliev is one of those writers, eyewitnesses of the war, who themselves went to the front and defended the country.

After reading it, it is impossible to understand who is more pitiful, the young girls who ruined their lives in the name of the Motherland or the foreman Vaskov, who went through so much with them and survived.

The plot of the book is based on real events and that makes it even scarier. This is a story about war, about its ruthlessness, about the sacrifices that both men and women made to protect their country.

Quote: “It was so stupid, so awkward and implausible to die at nineteen”

John Boyne - "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas"

The little book that plain language talking about terrible things. Through the eyes of a child who naively believes in friendship between "different" people and in world peace, the Auschweitz concentration camp, the tragedy of the Second World War, about which so much has been written, is shown. But it is this story that proves that children pay for the mistakes of adults. Valuable own life.

You can’t talk much about this book - you need to read, experience this story with Bruno, just a child who got into the Third Reich’s killing machine, but who believed in the justice of the world to the end.

Quote: “Of course, all this happened a long time ago and will never happen again. Not in our day and not in our century.”

With these words, the novel ends.

Alice Sebold - "The Lovely Bones"

Just like the book "While I'm Alive", this work is surrounded by a lot of controversy - about the audience the book is aimed at, about the genre - if a detective, then why is there so little blood and investigations, if a drama, then why these horrific details crimes?

But regardless of this, this story evokes in everyone's soul a whole heap of unimaginable emotions - from quiet melancholy over vivid images peaceful American suburb to disturbing outbursts of "what if".

A book about awareness: if you lose someone, it's forever. And sometimes so stupidly, for no reason, dear and close, just like the heroine of the book, can take and disappear.

Or are you yourself? What could be worse than the thought that you will be forgotten, that you will turn into a locked room that is no longer visited?

Definitely a story worth reading. At least to reflect on how fleeting life is and how easy it is to lose.

Quote: "We stood on the sides, dead daughter and a living son, and each wanted one. So that the father is always there. But this could not come true for both at once.

Daniel Keyes - "Flowers for Algernon"

Literary forums are full of positive feedback about this work and define it as "a masterpiece of modern American literature." And for good reason: a deep plot is a story about a mentally retarded boy who, in the course of a scientific experiment, becomes a genius and must learn to live anew: to realize what love, friendship, sex, self-determination are ... To go the way that people have all their lives, he has to spend only months and answer the main question: "Who am I?"

A very touching and sometimes even naive book. must read.

Quote: “If you don’t want to remain a child forever, you can’t wait for clues from others. You have to find a solution in yourself - to feel what is right. Learn to trust yourself"

Charlotte Brontë - "Jane Eyre"

This name has already become a household name - the image of a modest, brave girl who is ready to fight for her love is later present in many works of literature. However, it was Bronte who was able to endow the main character with those qualities that make you fall in love with Jane Eyre from the first lines and empathize with her until the last page.

The classic book "Jane Eyre" is still popular today, thanks to the accuracy of expressing human feelings that the author was able to achieve.

Quote: “You yourself could fly and cling to my heart if you wanted to. But, seized against your will, you will slip out of my arms, disappear like a fragrance, without even letting me inhale it.

Mark Levy - "Shadow Thief"

Almost everyone has heard about this master of the American word. His famous novels "The Words We Didn't Say to Each Other" and "Between Heaven and Earth" do not linger on bookstore shelves. The same story with the book "Shadow Thief", which also has big success both in Russia and around the world.

At first it may seem that this is a fantasy or a kind fairy tale, but as soon as you open the first pages, it becomes clear that this is a very strong novel, albeit a small one. The story of a boy who has the gift of communicating with the shadows of other people and who so desperately wants to help everyone around him, but cannot help himself. Useful for removing fatigue from the soul.

Quote: “In adolescence, we all dream of leaving our parents one day, but another day comes when our parents leave us. And then we dream of only one thing: to become again, even for a minute, the children who lived under their roof, to hug them, to tell them, without being ashamed, how we love them, to cling to them tighter so that they calm down at least once more "

Stephen King - The Green Mile

The name of this author has long been known to all lovers of fantasy, action movies, detective stories ... But we have before us a completely “different” work of his, “The Green Mile” - a parable about life and people, about how terrible death is, even when it has to be faced daily.

Many say that reading this book is scary. And this is true, because there is so much in it: physical and spiritual pain, love for life, love for people, the struggle with oneself and the world, the fear of death and the vision of deliverance from suffering in it, the story of true friendship and the versatility of betrayal, human meanness and questions of honor ... And all these questions and problems cannot be solved, neither the author nor the reader has an answer to them.

This is the case when you are so deeply immersed in the story that it is already impossible to tear yourself away.

Quote: “... I discovered a monstrous truth for myself: sometimes there is absolutely no difference between saving a soul and condemning it to eternal torment”

Cecilia Ahern - "One Hundred Names"

This book deserves to be loved, if only for how believable the plot is. The author did not come up with something super-outstanding: an ordinary journalist whose career is collapsing - and then a list of a hundred names falls into her hands. How are they connected? Why did her terminally ill friend choose them?

One Hundred Names is a novel about how no one in the world should be alone, about how people can help each other avoid tragedy.

Cecilia Ahern in one small work managed to show that everything in life can be changed, that each person is interesting and unique.

Most likely, this story, thanks to the happy ending, will cause you not stormy tears, but a slight smile. But the author of the blog sincerely cried over how wonderful it is when there is someone ready to support.

Quote: "You are not afraid to fly, you are afraid that you will not be able to get off the ground"

What books make you cry?


One of the books that makes you think is also written by Danny Penman, it's called Mindfulness. This is a work on mindfulness meditation, on which the therapy is based, which the authors developed together with their colleagues from the University of Oxford. It is noteworthy that today this technique is advised to be used by the UK Department of Health, as it can not only cure some kind of illness, but also prevent depression. This is a book that makes you think about life, helps a person cope with the frantic pace of our modern life.

The book describes meditation practices that need to be given no more than 20 minutes a day in order to get the desired result. Its authors claim that if you follow these recommendations, you will reduce your own stress level, forget about irritability, and be able to develop Creative skills and memory, exercise physical and mental endurance, reduce pressure and enhance immunity and general state your health.

The authors propose to break the system, getting rid of obsessive and unnecessary habits for us, to conduct regular meditations that can lead to a calm mind, success in life. This is the book that will make you think about how to make your life even better.

"Niilang: the story of a boy who sold his fantasies dearly"

This book is dedicated to the boy-inventor, primarily designed for parents. But the authors are sure that it is worth reading for those who do not yet have children. It will help in your own upbringing, this is a book that makes you think, break stereotypes defined by society, remembering your true desires.

Main character book series "Niilang" has received an amazing ability that turns him into a superhero thanks to his incredible imagination.

Nyilang comes up with incredible inventions and entire systems that can change our world, solve its most pressing problems. He thinks about how to teach a person to play the piano in 1 second, how to clean all the air on Earth from dust and smog at once.

These are inventions that, although they look completely incredible, but upon closer examination become quite real. The main thing is not to be limited in anything in your fantasies, this is exactly what this series teaches. To fantasize, going beyond the stereotyped ideas about the world. In addition, this is a unique format, when each book is an incredible combination of text, illustrations and unusual photos.

A book that makes you think about life, reconsider what you have already achieved and what you have to strive for in the future, is called "Where will you be in 5 years?". It was written by Dan Zadra.

The author asks a reasonable question, what are you willing to spend the next 5 years on. After all, this is a fairly long period of human life. For example, it took Christopher Columbus 5 years to discover America, and Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel during the same time. It is important to never forget that your life is one and only, you can not waste it in vain.

This is a book that makes everyone think, analyze their dreams and desires, be more attentive to their talents. Only then can you change your life and the world for the better.

Dan Zadra calls to live consciously, inspired by every day spent, appreciating every moment, because every next 5 years can become the best in this life or turn into just another five years. It depends solely on the person himself.

Zadra is both the editor-in-chief and the founder of a publishing house that produces motivating and inspiring gift books. He himself has written several collections of quotes, which are also included in the top books that make you think.

"Zen Mind, Beginner Mind"

Among interesting books thought-provoking research by Suzuki Shunryu called "Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind". They say that after reading this particular work, the famous founder of Apple Steve Jobs became a Buddhist. But this work will be useful even for those who are not at all fond of this topic.

This is a book that makes you think about the meaning of life, take a fresh look at the world around you, learn to find new solutions and approaches.

Zen Buddhism, to which this work is dedicated, is a special philosophy that makes you think about your place in life like no other. Most believe that this is the most appropriate philosophy for the modern world.

This book, which makes you think about the meaning of life, is available today in full in Russian. In it you will find the basics of practical meditation, learn the features of Japanese Buddhism.

"Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind" is a conversation between the famous Zen master Suzuki Shunryu and his American students. Shunryu is a representative of one of the branches of Japanese Buddhism, founded by the monk Dogen in the 13th century.

This book will help you formulate right attitude to life, will teach you to understand the world around you, which is incredibly complex, despite its apparent simplicity and ease. Those who do not want to devote themselves to Zen Buddhism will be able to find in these pages the true secret of existence on earth, the new joy of being.

"The art of living simply"

Dominique Loro's book The Art of Living Simple tells you how to get rid of excess and enrich your life. Its author claims that modern world most of the desires that we have are not really ours, but only imposed fashion trends and advertising.

Nowadays, a person is constantly on the hunt for fashionable gadgets, other things, without which, in reality, he could well do. At the same time, he forgets about real values. After reading this book, the reader has a unique opportunity to plunge into the world of Japanese philosophy, to think about the real value of most things that surround us. "The Art of Living Simple" is included in the list of books that make you think, change your attitude to many things that surround us every day.

"Chapaev and the Void"

Among the good books that make you think, there are not only religious-philosophical studies and motivational publications, but also many works of art. For example, the novel of the modern classic of Russian literature, Viktor Pelevin, called "Chapaev and the Void."

This book will make you immerse yourself in thoughts about being for a long time. Most of the events described in it are so contradictory that your mind will often simply refuse to believe in what is happening and adequately perceive what you read. This book should be read slowly and thoughtfully, only in this case there is an opportunity to discover a lot of interesting topics over which it will be useful to reflect.

And Void" covers the time period from 1918 to the mid-90s. In the center of the story are two characters: the red commissar Vasily Chapaev and the decadent poet Pyotr Void. All this time they seemed to be fighting on the fronts of the Civil War. The author himself later admitted, that connecting such incompatible heroes was one of his main tasks.

The novel also has many secondary lines and characters. There are many symbols in the work that allude to possible options development of the future of Russia. Which path she decides to take, western or eastern, much will depend on this in her fate.

In reality, it turns out that Peter Void, as well as several other heroes, are undergoing rehabilitation in a psychiatric clinic according to the method of Dr. Kanashnikov, which is based on a joint hallucinatory experience. Four patients, who are united by the goal of getting better, are placed in one ward, in which they take turns immersing themselves in each other's reality.

"Life Without Borders"

Certainly one of the most written Nick Vujicic. It's called Life Without Limits. Vujicic is an Australian motivational speaker and philanthropist who was born with tetra-amelia syndrome. This is an extremely rare hereditary disease that results in the absence of all four limbs.

At the same time, he himself declares that his mission is to help people find their way in life. For this, he wrote his book, as you understand, Vuychich himself did this a long time ago. As a child, he was very worried about his shortcomings, but over time he learned to live a full life with them. He began to share his experience with others, became famous all over the world. First of all, he addresses his speeches to youth and children, including handicapped, whom he encourages to actively seek the meaning of life, to develop the abilities that are inherent in every person, talks a lot about God, free will and the importance of providence.

In his book, Vujicic argues that people often limit themselves and underestimate self-esteem, focusing on insignificant little things. For example, excess weight, baldness or imperfect facial features. This stops them on the path to true happiness. After reading Life Without Borders, you will understand what kind of book makes you think about yourself, forget about shortcomings, become happy, not paying attention to minor details.

"To hell with everything! Take it and do it!"

Another motivational work that can change the lives of many, the work of Richard Branson called "To hell with everything! Get it and do it!". This good book which makes you think.

This is a work that can kindle in any person the desire to live on to the fullest, can wake up many who seem to go through life with their eyes closed, going with the flow.

Branson himself is a successful businessman and an optimist who is sure that you can find the positive in everything. And on the path to happiness and success, nothing should lead you astray.

One of the most famous thought-provoking books for teens is A Clockwork Orange, written in 1962. This work became especially popular after the American director Stanley Kubrick shot the film of the same name in 1971.

In this book, the author unequivocally declares that violence against people is any power without exception. The frank suppression of everything individual that can be in each of us is totalitarianism. At the center of this story is a charismatic and memorable anti-hero, from whom the authorities are trying to make an ideal citizen, breaking his essence, without thinking about what such actions can actually lead to. If you try, you can find many analogies between the events described in the novel, and modern life.

Surprisingly, in the same 1962, another book from our list came out. This is the American novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Like A Clockwork Orange, it also became incredibly popular after the film adaptation. The film of the same name was directed by Milos Forman in 1975. leading role it was performed by Jack Nicholson, who received an Oscar for this work. By the way, the film has 5 statuettes of this prestigious American film award, including the victory in the nomination "Best Film".

It is believed that this is one of the main works of beatniks and hippies around the world, a book that makes you think about love. It is all the more surprising that the action takes place in psychiatric hospital. And the story itself is told by an Indian, whom everyone calls the nickname Chief Bromden, he is one of the patients of the clinic. He pretends to be deaf and mute, although in reality he is able to communicate.

One of the key characters of the novel is the freedom-loving patient Randle McMurphy, who is transferred to a psychiatric hospital from prison. He will have to defeat the elder sister of the department, Mildred Ratched, who is the personification of the system, the state. Her personal life did not work out, now she is strengthening her power and influence in every possible way, leading patients and staff.

McMurphy sets himself the task of crushing this long-established order. He influences other patients, teaches them to enjoy surrounding life, helps to get rid of many complexes. Making a bet with other patients, he arranges in the hospital card games trying to get permission to watch baseball on TV. But to overcome the system in the face older sister Mildred turns out to be not so easy, although even alone McMurphy is ready to fight and win.

Books are a tool for planting wisdom, a source of knowledge. They teach us to think, respect people, be honest, work on ourselves, learn to love. Reading books is one of the best activities a person can afford. We present an overview of the books that you need to read in order to become kinder, smarter and more correct.

Books that make you follow your dreams

Many of us rush to work every day, meet friends and colleagues, perform our duties, do useful deeds or sports, but, unfortunately, they forget to dream. In the pursuit of happiness, we do not think that in the first place we should clearly understand what it is. We go with the flow and do not look over the side of the boat of life. But in vain, because there is a whole sea of ​​​​hopes, plans and opportunities around. To learn to look at life differently and not be afraid to follow your dream will be taught by the books, the list of which we publish for you.

John Maxwell "A Dream Come True"
Your goals are incredibly powerful. They inspire you. They give you energy. But will you achieve them? What is the difference between an empty dreamer and a person who can really achieve something?
In his new book, the leadership and motivation guru popularly explains what needs to be done to make dreams come true. This guide to action will turn your life around, turning your ephemeral dreams into achievable goals.

Kelly McGonigal "Willpower"
The book helps to nurture and strengthen willpower. The technique is suitable for every person. A ten-week course is offered to the reader's attention, during which, by performing practical tasks and following the recommendations indicated in the book, one can better understand one's capabilities. In other words, to realize that you are capable of anything you want: get rid of bad habit, create own business, go in for sports or find a job that will become a favorite.

Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller "The Secret"
The heroine of the book Debbie Brewster, trying to save her career, by chance becomes a participant in a new mentoring program. Much to her surprise, she discovers that none other than the president of the company, Jeff Brown, will be teaching her classes. Debbie dares to ask her new teacher a question she's been wondering about for a long time: "What's the secret of great leaders?" Jeff's answer shocks Debbie to the core...

Vadim Zeland "Reality Transurfing"
With the help of this book, you can believe in the ability to control your reality and thereby get through to your subconscious. After careful reflection on this book, people stop chasing false ideals and accept themselves as they are. Everything bad and undesirable happens only through one's own fault. Transurfing teaches you to think positively and visualize your goals.

Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451
Imagine a near future in which the planet is overpopulated, all books are banned, and fire brigades are special squads that find the remains of books from the population and burn them along with the houses of their owners. The entire population prefers to have fun and not worry about anything. The protagonist is one of the team of firefighters who challenges the system...

Theodore Dreiser "Trilogy of Desire"
The novel describes the social, political and financial life of the United States at the beginning of the 20th century. The prototype of the protagonist was an American financier - Charles Yerkes, one of the founders of the Chicago transport system and the modern subway in London. A prudent businessman, a collector, an incorrigible ladies' man... His whole life is shown here, starting from the first earnings of several hundred dollars to a billion dollar fortune.

Richard Bach "Jonathan Livingston Seagull"
A story about a society of seagulls, which resembles people in everything. The protagonist challenges the consumer lifestyle. He is kicked out of the pack, but now he is free, free to devote himself entirely to his dream - to learn to fly faster than a falcon. And this is only the first step on the way to perfection and new adventures...

books that make you think about life

Life is a constant movement. Every day we live changes the course of events, because we do things, say something, do something, and our life also changes. But the main thing in life is constant work on oneself, internal growth and development. To grow, you need to change yourself from the inside, overcome your fears and doubts. You cannot grow if you stay in one place, if your views and ways of thinking do not change. Conversely, once your life stops changing, your growth stops.
The development process can be accelerated, and in order to make fewer mistakes and get as much useful knowledge as possible, it is worth choosing the right sources of information. For centuries, people have obtained knowledge from books. We offer you a list of works that are required reading for anyone who wants to change themselves and understand this world.

Carlos Castaneda "The Teachings of Don Juan"
The book describes the philosophy of the Indian sorcerer Don Juan, whom Castaneda himself met personally. The shaman offers his theory about the knowledge of the world through the interpretation of the energy signals of the Universe. Don Juan promotes the construction of his model of the universe, based on sensations.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez "100 Years of Solitude"
A novel that tells about the mysterious village of Macondo, lost in the depths of the Colombian selva. This is a piercing story of the family of the founders of the village - the Buendia family. The Buendia clan is an endless repetition of the same names, a repetition of destinies. Members of the family are revolutionaries, hermits, alchemists, writers, businessmen. But they are united by one quality - the awareness of loneliness and some kind of evil rock that gravitates over all Buendia and the village of Macondo. In the novel, real historical events are intertwined with mythical ones.

Franz Kafka "Letter to Father"
Autobiographical work. Extremely frank reflections of the writer about the difficult relationship with his father and how they influenced the writer's work and his development as a person. The book may be of particular interest to parents as a guide on how not to raise their children.

Albert Camus "The Fall"
The novel is about absurdity human existence, as well as about the eternal concepts of freedom and lack of freedom, guilt and innocence.

Kurt Vonnegut "Cat's Cradle"
One of the most famous novels author along with Slaughterhouse Five. A work about the responsibility of scientists for their inventions. The book also raises issues environment, wars and religions. The narrative is ambiguous, and the plot is unpredictable.

Nikolai Berdyaev "Self-Knowledge"
The book contains the cultivation of non-standard views, the eternal search for meaning. Correlation of oneself with the world environment. Reflections on God and Creativity.

Marquis de Sade "Justine, or the unfortunate fate of virtue"
The main character of the book is a girl from a noble family. Becoming an orphan, the heroine is forced to earn a living herself. At the same time, the girl strives to act in accordance with the laws of morality. But life is merciless. Justine constantly faces the cruelty of those around her. Lies, kidnapping, rape - all this a girl has to go through. The book is incredibly candid.

Ruben David Gonzalez Gallego "White on Black"
The book gives the reader the opportunity to learn about the lives of people with disabilities firsthand. The author also piercingly talks about the so-called "communist morality", the essence of which is to deprive a person of the opportunity to be a person. Despite the sad theme, the book gives an incredibly bright reading experience. The author makes you look at sad things through the prism of kindness.

Paulo Coelho "The Alchemist"
This small work is filled with deep thoughts and simple truths. The book is read in one breath, although many thoughts are written between the lines and are not always noticeable after the first reading.
The protagonist is the shepherd Santiago, who goes on a journey to the pyramids to find treasures and answers to questions about happiness and the meaning of life.

Jerome Salinger "The Catcher in the Rye"
A story about how the main character (a 16-year-old New Yorker) got tired of all the falseness, hypocrisy and meaninglessness that he constantly faced, and how he found out what is really important to him, what needs to be appreciated in life and what is worth live.

Books that make you cry

Feelings are the main thing that distinguishes sentient being from the unreasonable. To experience emotions, to be able to empathize means to have a soul that is able to reciprocate. To be sentimental, to love, to worry, to rejoice and to notice the unusual in the ordinary - this is what the books that we present to your attention teach. Books worth reading and tearing through.

John Green "The Fault in Our Stars"
Teenagers suffering from a serious illness are not going to give up. They still remain teenagers - poisonous, restless, explosive, rebellious, equally ready for hate and love. This novel was named the best artwork 2012. An adaptation of the book is expected to be released in 2014.

Daniel Keyes "Flowers for Algernon"
The main character - Charlie Gordon, a 32-year-old mentally retarded janitor in a bakery - volunteers to participate in an experiment to improve intelligence. The artificial enhancement of intelligence through surgery is an original discovery by two scientists: Dr. Strauss and Dr. Nemur. After successful operation on a mouse named Algernon, they decide to perform a similar operation on some mentally retarded person. The choice stops at Charlie, as he shows a desire to learn to read and write better, to become smarter. After the experiment, Charlie's IQ increased from 68 to 200. The novel received the Nebula Award as best novel in 1966.

Erich Maria Remarque "Spark of Life"
One of the fascist concentration camps in Germany, 1945... Prisoner No. 509, a former editor of a liberal newspaper, was not broken by hunger, torture and torture. Like his comrades, who miraculously escaped executions and hangings, he suspects the imminent defeat of Nazi Germany and feels the approach of freedom.

Charlotte Bronte "Jane Eyre"
The book impresses with its feelings, characters and exquisite language. This is a novel about an orphan girl who endured many troubles on her fragile shoulders, but she always remained true to herself and strong in character. She grew up in homes where she was disliked and considered a burden.

Stefan Zweig "Impatience of the Heart"
A soul-tearing story of the tragic, doomed, unrequited love of a crippled girl Edith von Kekesfalva for a kind and sincere, but narrow-minded young officer who can only respond to her feelings with pity.
Edith understands: she, chained to wheelchair, do not count on reciprocal love. But the strength of her frenetic passion is such that it does not require reciprocity.

Jenny Downham "As Long as I Live"
The sixteen-year-old heroine of this book is just beginning to live, and she wants to do so much. So she writes a list of all her desires and gets down to business. Not everything about him is as innocent as that of her peers. But only because she doesn't look like them in many ways. And also because she needs to do everything now! "While I'm Alive" is an honest, courageous and incredibly life-affirming novel. It stops time in the full sense of the word, reminding us to appreciate the main thing, seize the moment, be bolder in our desires and enjoy the adventures that every day gives us.

Victor Hugo "The Last Day of the Man Sentenced to Death"
Victor Hugo is one of the world's most widely read French prose writers. The story "The Last Day of the Condemned to Death" fascinates the reader with the intensity of passions, the sharp drama of fate.

Haruki Murakami "South of the Border, West of the Sun"
The most penetrating novel by the classic of modern Japanese literature Haruki Murakami. After twenty-five years, the mystical sweetheart of his childhood returns to the life of a successful jazz bar owner - and an almost forgotten passion flares up again. But the specter of death is relentlessly watching him... A novel about existential love, which is not destined to come true.

Mark Levy "Shadow Thief"
Critics call the novel Levy's most moving book. The main character, a dreamy boy, is endowed with a special gift: he can communicate with human shadows and even kidnap them. Shadows share secrets with him, ask him for help - not for themselves, but for their masters, and he tries to change the fate of those who are dear to him for the better.

Source: liveinternet.ru, mir-idei.com.ua

Everyone knows that books develop a person, broaden his horizons. But there are such literary works, after reading which, people begin to think about the correctness of their lives. Such books are long and scrupulously considered. And it is precisely such literature that is considered especially valuable, because it plays a significant role in shaping a person's personality. Therefore, a list of books was created that will really help everyone think about the meaning of their existence.

Books that make you think

1. Mindfulness

Today, most people forget about real rest. For many, peace of mind has long been an unfulfilled dream. People are always in a hurry somewhere, but there is still not enough time. As a result, a person quickly gets tired and no longer feels happy. This book will help its reader to find inner harmony with the help of meditation, which takes only 10-20 minutes a day. It should be noted that many who have already achieved success meditate daily. From this, they become more focused, and with new forces they go to conquer new heights.

2. Niilang: the story of a boy who sold his fantasies dearly

The main character of the book was a boy who always differed from those around him with his unusual ideas. The book will be especially useful for those who already have children, but those who do not have them can also learn a lot of new things. It's never too late to develop your personality. However, this book is not a parenting guide. Have you ever been told that your ideas are not promising, that you will not get rich on this? This work will help you overcome your inner barrier and start doing and earning what you really like.

3. 5. Where will you be in five years?

There are people who are just used to living ordinary life and they don't care about their future at all. This book was written specifically for them. Each person controls his own destiny. Many people often blame their failures on some circumstances, but nothing in life can interfere with a purposeful person, so you need to constantly act, constantly strive for something. And that's the only way to succeed.

4. Zen consciousness, beginner consciousness

It was this work that prompted the legendary Steve Jobs to become interested in Zen Buddhism. The book will be useful even for those who have no idea about this philosophy. The book will teach you to see the world around you differently, inspire you to new ideas. Of course, any philosophy, one way or another, prompts people to think about the meaning of being, but Zen Buddhism is most suited to modern reality.

5. The art of living simply

How often in modern reality, the environment imposes certain needs on us, which in fact there is no need for. A person constantly strives to get everything new and the best, be it gadgets, clothes, accessories. But at the same time, a person forgets about something more important - about moral values. In this book, a person plunges into the philosophy of Japan, and gets a unique opportunity to understand how much useless things really exist around us now.

6. Chapaev and Void

This book will definitely make you think about the meaning of life for a long time. Everything that describes the plot is so incomparable that the mind simply cannot believe it the first time. But if the work is read slowly, thinking about each written sentence, then it will open new world. The pages of this book will make everyone think about something, about something of their innermost.

7. Life without borders

Perhaps every person at least once in his life was dissatisfied with his appearance in some way. People tend to look for flaws. Many turn such ideas into real complexes that prevent not only achieving their goals, but simply being happy. Overweight, birthmarks, baldness, or any other external, as it seems to people, shortcomings in reality do not matter in life. In his book, Nick Vujicic makes people think about the meaning of such experiences. The author is trying to convey the idea that every person can achieve happiness in life, and appearance does not play any role here.

8. To hell with everything! Take it and do it!

Every good book has an effect on a person in some way. So the next work of Richard Branson was no exception. This book will wake up the thinking of any person, encourage him to start living happily, getting everything from life. The author himself managed to achieve a lot in life. He has his own business, and all thanks to his unbridled optimism. Always and in everything you need to look for positive aspects, and then nothing can push you off the true path to your goals.

9. Clockwork Orange

Power is to some extent detrimental to the people, especially when we are talking O totalitarian regime when all human individuality is severely suppressed. The main character of the book was a man who did not fit into the public framework established by the government. The authorities did everything possible to make him an ideal resident of the country, they broke his personality, suppressed his will, knocked out his ideas. And no one has ever even thought about what kind of consequences may appear as a result. There is a different system of government in the modern world, however, there are many parallels to what happens in the book.

10 One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

If you haven't seen the film based on the book yet, then you should definitely read this book. Even if you have already seen the movie, you still need to read the book, because the movie did not reflect even half of what the author wanted to convey. The thoughts and experiences of the protagonist at first glance seem so stupid, but as soon as the reader manages to understand them, it immediately becomes clear how deep the meaning they reflect. Either way, the book deserves to be read.
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