Galkin age year of birth. Maksim Galkin. The early years and education of Maxim Galkin

Maxim Galkin has long become a popular artist and idol for many in our country. Facts about his life, moments from childhood, the history of his parents and, of course, his personal life concerning Alla Borisovna, Harry and Lisa, remain curious for a large army of fans and fuel the already unabated interest in his person.

Due to the fact that he is currently most involved on television as a presenter, and now demonstrates his main talent as a parodist and comedian only on social networks, his fans were simply forced to join the popular Instagram platform so as not to miss any one post by Maxim.

The family in which the famous showman was brought up and grew up is involved in his popularity, charm and ability to be open. Personality is formed in childhood. It is generally accepted that behind every successful person and the mother who invested in the child what he can later boast of is not very worth it. Because the stories of the upbringing of show business stars are interesting to many readers, we decided to cover everything in today’s article known facts from the life of the parodist’s mother Natalya Grigorievna Galkina, simultaneously mentioning him himself.

The roots of Maxim Galkin's mother

Starting the story about the Galkin family, it is worth noting immediately the fact that the family tree of their dynasty boasts an abundance of ranks and achievements in various fields: from science to public service.

Maxim Galkin's mother, Natalya Grigorievna Galkina, was born in Odessa in 1941. Here she grew up, absorbing all the flavor of Odessa humor, which, no doubt, was later passed on to her son. She devoted her entire life to science, working as a research assistant at the prestigious Institute of Geophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

By the way, maiden name Natalia Grigorievna Galkina - Pragina. The artist once mentioned in an interview that his mother’s surname is Jewish roots. He said that his maternal ancestors lived in Prague.

Maxim's grandfather, Grigory Robertovich, was a very brave, courageous and wise man. He went through the entire war and rose to the rank of colonel. He was even nominated for a Hero star Soviet Union, but due to his origin and nationality, circumstances were not in his favor. Until the end of his days, Grigory Robertovich worked in the design bureau. Being a simple and open person, he greatly endeared himself to people. Among his friends were officials and marshals of the Soviet Union. He left a mark on Maxim’s soul because he was an example to follow: the whole family came to him for advice, and his warm relationship with his wife served as an example of a real family for his grandson.

Family life

The biography of Natalya Grigorievna Galkina is inextricably linked with the life of her husband and their entire large family. She met her husband in the early 60s, and soon after they met they got married. In November 1964, their first child was born - Maxim's older brother, Dmitry. In the same year, Maxim Galkin’s father entered the military academy, from which he graduated in 1968. This helped him significantly advance in his career, which, in fact, was what the parodist’s father was striving for. He rose to the position of chief of artillery and at the same time studied at At this time, Natalya Grigorievna Galkina was already working at a research institute. In addition, she defended her dissertation and became a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

Dream of a daughter

A woman has always dreamed of big family and when Dmitry was already 12 years old, she seriously thought about having a daughter. In 1976, the family began to prepare for a new addition. However, instead of the long-awaited girl, a boy was born. This happened in the city of Naro-Fominsk. By the way, his brother came up with his name. Many are interested in the age of Maxim Galkin in order to compare how old his mother and future wife Alla Pugacheva, when he was born. So, his mother is only 8 years older than Alla, who at the time of Maxim’s birth had already been performing on stage for a long time and managed to take part in many all-Union competitions.

The son's abilities manifested in early childhood

The boy grew up cheerful and artistic. From an early age, he watched the popular program of that time, “Around Laughter,” and parodied the artists in every possible way. The objects of his jokes were often his parents' relatives, friends and colleagues.

In the early 80s, the family of the now popular Channel One presenter temporarily moved to the GDR due to his father’s work. Maxim Galkin’s age then reached 3 years, so there were no clear memories of that time in the artist’s memory. The family spent only three years abroad in the town of Nora, after which the Galkins returned to their homeland in Odessa. We can say that the first intersection of the destinies of Maxim and Alla Borisovna took place there. At one of the banquets, Natalya Grigorievna met the singer and said that five-year-old Maxim loved her very much and sang her songs.

It is worth saying that due to the career of Maxim Galkin’s father, the family was forced to frequently change their place of residence. In Odessa, the boy went to school, and finished it in Moscow, where he was to stay for the rest of his life.

Maternal contribution to the development of the character of the future artist

Maxim Galkin’s family was far from show business and the stage, but did everything to make the boy what he is now. The artist has repeatedly said that he owes a lot in his life to his parents.

The mother always supported the boy's creative endeavors. Natalya Grigorievna raised Maxim to be a calm, world-friendly, creative and versatile child.

He visited the studio visual arts, was fond of zoology, grew up in an atmosphere of love and care. Galkin repeatedly noted that he spent a happy childhood.

Parents never put pressure on their sons and did not insist that they follow in the footsteps of their father and grandfather or continue their mother’s scientific achievements. Natalya Grigorievna Galkina skillfully combined family and work. Despite being constantly busy, she had enough time for her sons, who never complained about the lack of attention. By the way, the artist embodied all these lessons from childhood many years later, becoming happy father two wonderful children.

It is worth noting that Natalya Grigorievna always supported Maxim’s choice regarding his relationship with Alla Pugacheva. The parodist’s mother never had any doubts or reproaches about the age difference between her beloved couple Russian show business.

The bitterness of loss

The beginning of the new millennium was very difficult in the life of Maxim Galkin and his family. While the audience was enjoying the parodist, terrible events were happening in his personal life. In 2002 after for long years The artist’s father died fighting a painful illness. Foreign drugs and clinics were powerless against terrible diagnosis- cancer. This became a heavy loss for the artist, his mother and brother.

An insidious disease that has claimed more than one life in a family

After their father’s funeral, the Galkin family rallied even stronger than before. The sons supported their mother in everything and tried to spend all their time with her. free time. Due to stress or other reasons, doctors diagnosed Natalya Grigorievna Galkina with insidious disease, which most recently caused the death of her husband. Together with his brother, Maxim tried to help stop the development of the disease. They took their mother to the United States of America for doctor appointments in the best clinics. We all vacationed together in the mountains and at resorts. In a word, the sons did everything in their power to help their beloved mother. For the last six months of her life, Natalya Grigorievna Galkina underwent treatment in Israel, but, unfortunately, she could not count on positive result no longer had to.

Sad news

In the spring of 2004, the death of Maxim Galkin’s mother became known. Natalya Grigorievna outlived her husband by only two years, living to the age of 63. This news caught Maxim on tour. He dropped everything and flew straight from the concert to Israel. The funeral took place in Moscow at the Troekurovsky cemetery. Galkin's parents are buried together.

We need to live in such a way that our parents are not ashamed of us.

Maxim's mother Natalya Grigorievna Galkina has long been dead. According to the artist, he is still guided by her. In any situation, her thoughts, support and advice are always with him, in his heart. The artist has repeatedly repeated that he tries to live in such a way that his parents will never be ashamed of him.

In general, summing up all of the above, I would like to note that the life story of this woman - the mother of the artist Natalya Grigorievna Galkina - is an ideal example of how you can combine professional activity, caring for her husband and raising children.

Maxim Alexandrovich Galkin. Born on June 18, 1976 in the Naro-Fominsk district of the Moscow region. Russian parodist, comedian, TV presenter, film actor and singer.

Maxim Galkin was born on June 18, 1976 in the Moscow region. Has Jewish roots on his mother's side.

Father - Alexander Alexandrovich Galkin (1935, Bulanovo - 2002, Moscow) - Colonel General of tank forces. From 1987 to 1997, he headed the Main Armored Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the second convocation (1998-1999).

Mother - Natalya Grigorievna (1941, Odessa - 2004, Israel) - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, senior researcher, worked at the Institute of Earthquake Forecast Theory of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

“I was born in Moscow, although we traveled a lot. My mother is from Odessa, my father is from the Urals, from a small village, the village of Bulanovo, Oktyabrsky district Chelyabinsk region, to be precise,” said the artist.

He has an older brother, who, following his father, also became a military man and then a businessman.

"Besides love, my parents gave me nothing. Since childhood, I saw only love, I never saw discord in the family. Family was the most important thing in life. I saw the relationship of my parents, I saw how my mother devotes herself to her father and how her father devotes himself to my mother, and like my grandfather to my grandmother. My grandfather, my mother’s father, was a very wise man. My mother is a purebred Jew. My grandfather went through the war, ended up as a colonel, he was nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the rank of general. He did both I didn’t receive it,” Maxim said about the atmosphere that reigned in his family.

When Maxim was 3 years old, the family lived in Germany.

At the age of seven, the family moved to Odessa, where his father was transferred, who received the rank of major general.

In Odessa, Maxim completed the first three years of school and studied in a children's art studio.

Then the family moved to Buryatia and until the fifth grade Maxim studied at school No. 5 in the city of Ulan-Ude. Maxim spent his childhood in a military town Pinery Republic of Buryatia, 30 km from the city of Ulan-Ude and 100 km from Lake Baikal, where he often visited.

Then the family returned to Moscow. Later, Galkin's parents separated. Maxim stayed with his mother, who last years spent her life in Israel.

Maxim showed artistic talent from childhood. He played in school plays, tried himself in a wide variety of roles: he played the roles of the Dog, the Alcoholic Old Man, Ostap Bender, King Solomon, Count Nulin, Don Carlos.

“I’ve been playing monkeys since childhood, imitating my mother talking on the phone, imitating her friends, teachers at school,” he recalled.

In middle school, he began to actively practice parody. In companies, he portrayed classmates, teachers, and the director. In the sixth grade, Galkin had his first creative evening: he staged a puppet show, where he spoke for the puppets in different voices.

“I first wanted to become an architect, then a zoologist, then a journalist, then an artist. As a result, I chose an education at the intersection of what I liked - linguistics,” said Maxim.

In 1993 he graduated from the Moscow gymnasium in the South-West No. 1543 and in the same year he entered the Russian State Humanities University at the Faculty of Linguistics, from which he graduated in 1998. After this, he entered graduate school, where he worked on a candidate’s dissertation on the topic “The relationship between the stylistic systems of original and translated texts,” which was supposed to consider translations into Russian of Goethe’s tragedy “Faust” and analyze their stylistic differences. In 2009, he left graduate school. Speaks French, English and German.

Galkin’s artistic debut took place in April 1994: he performed in the performance of the Moscow State University Student Theater “Fountains of Love for Neighbors.” Later he took part in the play “Cabaret 03”.

In June 1994, at the Variety Theater, he participated in the “Debuts, Debuts, Debuts” program, where, among parodies, he performed “speeches” and. Since then, her artistic career has taken off. So, at one of the concerts Boris Brunov noticed him and invited him to his Variety Theater. At one time Galkin performed there, then toured for a year and a half with, who called Maxim his “successor”.

Maksim Galkin. 1994

In January 2001 he received a Triumph Award grant. In April 2001 he received the Golden Ostap award in St. Petersburg. In July 2001, Galkin’s first solo concert took place at the Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk festival. From this moment on, the artist’s solo performances become regular.

Since October 2001, I tried myself in a new role - I started singing. His first vocal experience was the song “Be or Don’t Be,” which he performed in a duet with Alla Pugacheva. Subsequently, Galkin performed and starred with her in the program “New Year's Eve on Channel One” and in “Christmas Meetings.” Galkin actively tours Russia. Many show events on federal television channels are not complete without his participation.

In 2002, the concert “And I’m 26!” in the State Kremlin Palace came out in New Year's Eve on Channel One between “Results of the Year” in the “Time” program and the New Year’s address of the President of the Russian Federation.

From October 2004 to December 2006 - permanent presenter music festival“New songs about the main thing” (“Channel One”).

In 2007, he was a co-host in the second season of the Channel One television project “Two Stars” together with Alla Pugacheva. He was also the author and presenter of New Year's programs on Channel One.

In 2008-2012, after leaving Channel One, he hosted the show “Starry Ice” (2008), and since 2009 he has been the host of the show “Dancing with the Stars” on the Russia-1 channel.

From 2009 to 2015 he hosted the show “Dancing with the Stars” on the Russia-1 channel.

Started in 2010 new project on the Russia TV channel “Who wants to become Maxim Galkin?”, which lasted eight months. In September 2010, the program was replaced by another show - “Ten Million”.

In 2010 and 2011 he hosted the Hipsters Show. In 2011, he hosted the TV show “Good Evening with Maxim.” In 2011 - co-host of Alla Pugacheva in the Morning Mail program on the Ukrainian TV channel Inter. From May 6 to July 2012 - member of the jury (with Vladimir Zelensky) of the program “Make the Comedian Laugh” (Russian version).

In 2011, he hosted the program “Good Evening with Maxim.”

He starred in a video with Alla Pugacheva for the song “Be or Don’t Be” (2001).

Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva - To be or not to be

From September 20, 2015 to January 1, 2016 - participant in the new season of the transformation show “Just the Same.” He reincarnated as Charles Aznavour, Stas Mikhailov, Anna German, Till Lindemann, Mithun Chakraborty, Maria Callas, Boris Grebenshchikov, Alexander Vertinsky, Garou, Daniel Lavoie and Patrick Fiori, Nikolai Voronov, Alla Pugacheva and Fyodor Chaliapin. According to the results of the competition, he became the winner (together with Evgeny Dyatlov), gaining 273 points. Also received the Audience Award.

Maxim Galkin's height: 178 centimeters.

Personal life of Maxim Galkin:

Married to a famous Russian singer.

As Alla Borisovna admitted, they began dating Maxim Galkin back in 2001, when she was married to Philip Kirkorov.

“I, of course, was a fan, an unconditional admirer of Alla. For me, as for many, for most people in this country, she was some kind of ... significant figure. And first I met the Pugacheva that everyone knows . I invited her to dance at the birthday party of our friend. Before that, Kirkorov introduced me to her at the Slavic Bazaar, which Filya still periodically regrets. Already as a joke, but still... And two months later we We met at this birthday party at the Metropol. And I invited her to dance. And then I took her phone and called,” Galkin told the story of meeting Pugacheva.

Since 2005, when Alla and Philip officially divorced, the parodist and the singer began to live together. And Maxim Galkin became the legal spouse of Alla Pugacheva on December 23, 2011.

They have a 27 year age difference.

To the tenth anniversary of the relationship star couple NTV channel has prepared the films “Alla + Maxim. Confession of love" and "Alla and Maxim. Everything continues!

In September 2013, the couple became parents of twins. Elizaveta and Harry are the children of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva, born on September 18 by a surrogate mother in a branch of Mark Kurtser’s network of medical clinics “Mother and Child”, located in the village of Lapino near Moscow.

Maxim Galkin, Alla Pugacheva with Harry and Lisa

In November 2017 it became known that.

Now the couple live in a castle in village near Moscow Mud. The children of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva also grow up and are raised there.

Filmography of Maxim Galkin:

2001 - “Jumble” trainee teacher, issue No. 155 - Student
2003 - Bless the woman - partner of Kunina
2003 - Chasing two birds with one stone - Alexey Chizhov (Lesha Chizh)
2004 - Clara and Dora. Crazy Grandmas - voice acting
2004 - “Jumble” - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, issue No. 179 (I am a monument to myself...)
2007 - First at home - entertainer
2010 - Markovna. Reboot - cameo
2015 - Kings can do anything - Misha Nikolaev / Michael Cunningham

Discography of Maxim Galkin:

2002 - “Smile, gentlemen!” Concert (DVD)
2002 - “This is love!” Split single with Alla Pugacheva (CD)
2002 - “And I’m 26”, as a response to Nikolai Baskov’s concert program “I’m 25”. Concert (DVD)
2003 - “NOT the last hero.” Concert (DVD)
2005 - “Who wants to become a millionaire?” Interactive game for DVD players
2006 - “Maxim Galkin. A classic of humor." Best Variety Performances (CD)
2007 - “Maxim Galkin. The best". Three previously released solo concerts in one box (3DVD)

The best humorous numbers of Maxim Galkin:

Monologue of Odessa aunt
Singing duets
The weak link with the stars - Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Boris Moiseev, Yan Arlazorov, Renata Litvinova, Maria Kiseleva
Parody of Full House - Efim Shifrin, Klara Novikova, Vladimir Vinokur, Mikhail Zadornov, Regina Dubovitskaya
What? Where? When? with politicians
The last hero with politicians
Yeltsin retired
School of Political Excellence
Cow udder
Political poem (was banned from showing on Russian TV)
Renata Litvinova about friends
Renata Litvinova - a fairy tale about a bun
Renata Litvinova - a fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood
Renata Litvinova - Little Red Riding Hood on a bicycle
Renata Litvinova - a fairy tale about the Frog Princess
Fashionable verdict
Trip to Australia

Maxim Galkin - Political poem

Full name: Maxim Alexandrovich Galkin

Stage names: Maksim Galkin

Age: 42 years

Father: Alexander Alexandrovich Galkin

Mother: Natalya Grigorievna Galkina

Zodiac sign: ♊ Twins

Place of Birth: Russia, Naro-Fominsk district, Moscow region.

Nationality: Russian

Height: 180 cm

Family status: married (Alla Borisovna Pugacheva)

Children: Elizaveta Maksimovna Galkina, Harry Maksimovich Galkin

Activity: comedian, parodist, TV presenter, actor, singer, showman

Annual income:$4.8 million (2017)



There are few people in the country who do not know the comedian and TV presenter Maxim Galkin. He often tours outside of Russia, so even foreigners recognize the showman. His biography interests many fans, although the artist himself has never hidden the details of his life.

Family of Maxim Galkin: parents and brother

The artist's family has never been public. Maxim’s father and brother are military men, and his mother dedicated her life to science. Galkin has repeatedly admitted to reporters that he never thought that he would become famous person. Raised in a family of real intellectuals, he was supposed to become a scientist or writer; no one expected Maxim to have a successful artistic career.

Maxim Galkin with his father and mother

Now the whole country knows the man. He reached creative heights and realized himself as an artist humorous genre, but spends all his free time with his wife and children.

Father of Maxim Galkin

The father of the artist Galkin is a colonel general of the armored forces. Alexander Alexandrovich is Russian by nationality, born in the Chelyabinsk region in 1935. He took his work seriously, received the post of State Duma deputy, and held a managerial position in the Ministry of Defense. He is a laureate State Prize Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, devoted his entire life technical support troops.

Maxim with his father as a child

In 2002, the artist received news of the death of his father. He died of cancer, which could not be cured by drugs or surgery. Maxim remembers with warmth his courageous and strong father, who developed in him fortitude and determination.

Galkin's mother

Natalya Grigorievna was born in Odessa in 1941. Has Jewish roots, worked all her life in scientific field, was a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. An employee of the Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences devoted a lot of time to her family, raising two sons.

Little Maxim with his mother

Her father, Grigory Robertovich, went through the entire war and was distinguished by his courage and wisdom. In his interviews, Maxim says that he has always been an example for him. The courage and patriotism of his grandfather aroused the boy’s admiration and respect for the older generation.

“I’m proud of my grandfather Grigory Robertovich Pragin”

After the death of her husband, Natalya Galkina was diagnosed with the same incurable disease. For Maxim this was a real blow. Treatment was carried out in America and Israel, but in 2004 the woman died at the age of 63.

Where and when was Maxim Galkin born?

Maxim Alexandrovich was born in the Naro-Fominsk district of the Moscow region in 1976 (June 18). Nationality Russian. He is the second child in the family and has an older brother. The parents moved often, the boys managed to live in the Moscow region, Odessa, Buryatia and even in Germany.

Maxim Galkin, photo from the 80s

After 5th grade, Maxim and his family go back to the capital, where he graduates from a regular high school. Constant moving was associated with his father’s career, but Maxim claims that this greatly helped him gain life experience.

Maxim's brother

Galkin's brother Dmitry was born in the summer of 1964. He followed in his father's footsteps and served in the Russian Armed Forces for more than 10 years. At the most initial stages creative activity Maxim's older brother helped him in everything. He was the producer of all his shows, and it was thanks to his brother’s efforts that Maxim achieved his first successes in his career.

Galkin brothers

In his interviews, Dmitry recalls that as a child he was always considered a lively hooligan. Maxim, on the other hand, was a more modest and reserved boy; he found a rational approach to everything. However, the younger brother knew how to stand up for himself. They had different dreams, but they always supported each other, and now kindred spirits do not part.

Maxim and Dmitry Galkin

Dmitry is successful businessman. He runs his own production center, an oil sales company, and an armored vehicles manufacturing company. Dmitry Galkin is raising three children - 2 boys and a girl. Younger brother often sees his nephews and invites them to visit.

Maxim Galkin in childhood

As a child, Galkin was a smart and talented boy. IN kindergarten and at school he constantly participated in productions, playing chicken, Ostap Bender, King Solomon and many others. etc. Some roles were not easy for the boy, but teachers noted that Maxim copes admirably with any task.

School photo of Maxim Galkin

In the 6th grade, when little Maxim returned with his parents to Moscow, he held his own performance at school. He made a puppet theater where the characters spoke in different voices. Even then, he really liked the parodies of Gennady Khazanov, he tried to imitate the famous comedian in imitation of voices. Despite this ability, the boy did not strive to perform on stage.

“Photo joy from the past... 5th grade”

He liked to study geography and zoology more. Maxim could spend a long time studying the habitats of different animals, carving figures of forest and steppe inhabitants. However, the desire to study animals disappeared after an incident when the teacher showed what it looks like digestive system cross-section of birds. Another hobby of the student was writing. Maxim came up with the characters of the fairy-tale kingdom, gave them names, and enthusiastically sketched out his first novel.

Maxim Galkin in his youth

It was this hobby that determined his further choice. After school, the young man entered the Russian State Technical University at the Faculty of Linguistics and successfully graduated in 1998. Maxim wanted to continue his studies in graduate school and even began writing his dissertation, but it didn’t come to the point of defense; the urge to perform on stage was stronger.

Career of Maxim Galkin

Also in student years Maxim actively developed his Creative skills. Since 1994, he has performed skits at the student theater of Moscow State University. At the same time, he took part in the “Debuts, Debuts, Debuts” program of the Variety Theater, after which the artistic director of the theater invited Galkin on a large tour with Mikhail Zadornov.

Maxim's first performances with parodies

In 2001, Maxim became the owner prestigious awards"Triumph" and "Golden Ostap". At the end of the same year, he tries himself as a vocal performer. Everyone remembers the then popular song “Be or Don’t Be,” which he performed together with Alla Pugacheva. Subsequently, Maxim annually gives solo concerts, and major musical projects on state television channels are not possible without his participation. From 2012 to 2016 he was the host of the Muz-TV Awards.

Maxim as a singer

Many viewers fell in love with him as an excellent TV presenter. A huge impetus in his career was Galkin’s participation in the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.” Since 2015, he has led many projects: “Dancing with the Stars”, “10 Million”, “Who Wants to Become Maxim Galkin” and others. He also participated in the transformation programs “Exactly” and “One to One,” where he felt in his element.

TV show "One to One"

In 2016, the program “MaximMaxim” was released, where a man talks about cinema, famous personalities, gives useful tips. Soon, Galkin appears in the new show “Best of All,” where the main characters are children. Not without his participation in the sensational television project “Stars under Hypnosis.” The artist tours a lot around the country and gives concerts abroad. Spectators eagerly await his arrival, and tickets are sold out in record time.

Maxim Galkin in the program “Stars under Hypnosis”

Galkin is a successful and talented man. The main thing for the artist is family, however, despite the fact that he spends a lot of time with his loved ones, his popularity does not fade. He is in demand on television, collects full halls on tour and does not intend to stop there.

Personal life

Maxim is used to answering questions about his personal life in a humorous manner. He was never a womanizer and devoted a lot of time exclusively to his studies.

Maxim Galkin's relationship before marriage

The military family often changed their place of residence; Maxim went to fourth grade in the city of Ulan-Ude. At school he met his first love, classmate Oksana. Children's friendship grew into many years of correspondence, which continued after Maxim and his parents moved to Moscow.

Maxim Galkin in his youth

In high school, he interacted more with girls, as he was a quiet and modest young man. The school romance with my desk neighbor did not continue.

Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva

2001 was a significant year for Maxim not only in his work, but also in his personal life. He began dating Alla Pugacheva, then she was still married to Philip Kirkorov. The singer introduced Maxim to Alla at the Slavic Bazaar. Two months later, at a mutual friend’s birthday, Maxim invited Alla Borisovna to dance for the first time, and later called her.

Relationship history

After Pugacheva’s official divorce from Kirkorov, the celebrities began to live together. For 10 years, Maxim sought the hand and heart of the Diva; the marriage took place in December 2011, it was kept secret and passed off modestly. Only the next day, in the Italian restaurant “Olivetta” on Malaya Dmitrovka, a wedding banquet was organized, where the closest and dearest people were invited.

Wedding dance of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva

The NTV channel prepared the following films for the tenth anniversary of the star couple: “Alla + Maxim. Confession of love", "Alla and Maxim. Everything continues! Galkin and Pugacheva live happily married, contrary to the rumors of ill-wishers who always surround public figures. Maxim manages to do men's work around the house, he protects Alla Borisovna from all sorts of adversities and everyday difficulties.

“Alla + Maxim. Confession of love"

They always wanted to be real family, leave a piece of your love in future generations. In September 2013, the couple became the parents of twins Lisa and Harry, born by a surrogate mother. Children are very similar to their parents.

The parameters of the artist's figure.


Annual income:$4.8 million (2017)

To know Interesting Facts Many viewers want to know from the biography and personal life of Maxim Galkin. Maxim himself never hides anything from his fans and is active on social networks. Fans are also interested in the year of birth of the famous artist, as he looks quite young and fresh.

Maxim Galkin is one of the country's most famous comedians, stand-up comedian, artist and TV presenter. His career is characterized by the fastest take-off; in just a few years, the comedian became famous not only in Russia, but throughout the CIS. Relations with Alla Pugacheva also created a certain excitement around his person.

Famous comedian Maxim Galkin

The future artist was born into a unique family in 1976. The parents were intelligent people. Father was a colonel general, later became a deputy State Duma. Mother is a famous scientist at the Institute of Earthquake Forecasting.

You can also find out his nationality and other facts from the biography of Maxim Galkin from his personal interviews.

Maxim Galkin as a child with his mother

Maxim Galkin's father died in 2002 from a serious illness, this moment nothing is known about this. A few years later, my mother also passed away. Maxim himself never talked about this part of his biography and the reasons for the death of his parents, so this fact remains a mystery to many.

Childhood and youth

Already with early childhood Little Maxim had visible creative talents and skills. But the problem was that because of my father’s work, I constantly had to move from place to place. Therefore, he studied in Ukraine, Germany, Transbaikalia and other regions of the USSR, but finished school in Moscow.

Little Maxim with his father

In the sixth grade, he organized a small puppet show, which aroused some interest even among adults.

School photos of the TV presenter (Maxim in the bottom row, second from left)

He began making his first parodies of celebrities at the age of 13, and he was very good at it. He took his example from Gennady Khazanov. These were exactly the first steps of Galkin in the humorous sphere. Parents always encouraged the child for any success.

He studied languages ​​and is fluent in five, and also studied at a school for young naturalists. He actively developed his diverse talents.

Maxim Galkin with his parents

Creativity and television projects

The artist's career began on the stage of the student theater of Moscow State University, where he performed his first production. In fact, Maxim always had certain attitude to humor, so it was interesting to listen to him and watch his facial expressions.

Aspiring comedian on stage

Already in 2001, he managed to win his first “Triumph” award, and a few months later he was invited to the “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” program. At the end of the year he was awarded a new award, “Golden Ostap”. That is, in just a year he turned from a graduate student at a linguistic university into famous TV presenter and comedian.

Still from the film “Bless the Woman”

Also in 2001, the artist’s solo concert was organized. Most of the humorous scenes were related to parodies. Despite his nationality, he managed to create incredibly interesting productions. Recognition by many famous comedians, including Zadornov, became a definite push forward for young Galkin. His career developed at incredible speed.

With Alla Borisovna Pugacheva on the set of the musical “Chasing Two Hares!”

Afterwards he decided to become a singer and recorded his first song together with Alla Pugacheva - “Be or not be.” Then there was an incredible number of interesting TV shows in which he was not only the host, but also the author.

Maxim Galkin was a TV presenter on the show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”

In 2016, the show “Maxim, Maxim” was released, which was filmed in Galkin’s mansion, which was surprising for many TV viewers. Now they could observe not only the comedian, but also his life.

Many people loved such TV shows as “Best of All” and “Older of All.” Most of the projects, of course, are aimed at raising the mood, with a touch of humor. The artist also participated in the show “Stars under Hypnosis.”

Maxim Galkin in the show “Maxim, Maxim”

Height, weight, age of Maxim Galkin

External data is also of interest to many fans of Maxim Galkin’s talent. Little is known about weight, but the comedian’s height is 180 centimeters. If we compare it with his build, we can say that he weighs about 75-80 kilograms.

Currently, the artist’s age is 42 years old (year of birth: 1976.)

He is Russian by nationality, but he also has Jewish roots.

Personal life of Maxim Galkin

The artist’s personal life was always in plain sight—he never hid anything. So open and a kind person, tried to be honest in everything.

Wedding photos of a comedian and a Russian pop diva

There was only one woman in his life to whom he decided to devote himself entirely. According to Alla Pugacheva, they began dating Galkin in 2001, at that time she was still married to. But in 2005, this marriage broke up, and the relationship between Maxim and Alla was confirmed.

Of course, there was quite a lot of news and photos from their dates, but they always claimed that they met by chance and were friends.

Galkin is friends with ex-husband Alla Borisovna

Love has no age

The age difference between Maxim Galkin and him is almost 27 years, but this did not stop them from tying the knot in 2011.

Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva got married in church

At this point, many believed that this was excellent PR that would draw attention to the personalities of celebrities, but everything turned out to be completely different.

Children of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva

In 2013, they became the happy parents of twins Elizabeth and Harry. Gave birth to children surrogate mother. This was an incredible event for the family.

At the moment, the whole family lives in the Moscow region in the village of Gryaz. For many, this is a landmark, as the mansion looks like a castle.

Family of Maxim Galkin

The personal life of Maxim Galkin has developed the best way, since he has loving wife and children.

Nowadays special attention is paid to the education of Harry and Elizabeth. The comedian's children are incredibly talented and Maxim tries to make special efforts to teach them. Now the happy couple regularly delights their fans with new photos on social networks.

Harry and Lisa Galkin

Last news

Maxim Galkin's incredible touring schedule forces him to constantly travel. Today, his activities and humorous sketches impress both the older generation and young people.

Took part in the GazLife show hosted by BASTA. Here he told a lot of interesting things about his life and the reasons that forced him to refuse to work on the KVN jury. The biography of Maxim Galkin is constantly filled with new and interesting facts.

Maxim Galkin and rapper Basta in the GazLive program

The main occupation in 2019 is solo tours around the cities of Russia and the CIS. Maxim also takes part in various comedy concerts and sometimes participates in television programs.

As for rumors, for several years now he has been credited with an affair with, which is not true.

According to rumors, Maxim Galkin started an affair with Yulia Baranovskaya

Of course, you cannot miss interesting facts from the biography and work of Maxim Galkin. He himself often shares in his interviews the events that happen to him.

Maxim Galkin is a Russian presenter, comedian, parodist, husband and father of two children of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva.

Childhood and youth

In 1976, the future showman Maxim Galkin was born. He was born into a military family and a physicist mother. Because of that, my father built his career and often had to move.

Galkin first showed his talent at a very young age, playing a little chicken at one of the matinees in a preschool institution. IN high school The future celebrity continued to improve his skills. Sometimes he got very serious roles - he transformed into a dog, played a drunken man, a king, and even Ostap Bender.

The desire for individuality and self-expression also manifested itself from childhood. Galkin’s peers could not help but pay attention to this. In the sixth grade, his benefit performance took place on the school stage.

As a teenager, he accidentally saw a concert performance by Gennady Khazanov on TV. Then the comedian became the idol of young Galkin. It turned out that his talent was no worse than the celebrity's skills. By the way, Galkin wonderfully parodies the voice of Boris Yeltsin.

As a child, the future artist did not dream of making a specialized career. He liked it at school exact sciences, such as geography and zoology. As the celebrity recalls, he loved to cut out small figures of all the animals and place them on the map according to their habitat.

Then he developed the ability to write. He decided to become the author of his own fantasy novel. The boy drew a so-called map of a fictional kingdom and gave all the names to the characters. The book was called “The Power of Darkness,” but was never completed. However, the corresponding work helped the future husband of the Diva decide on a profession in life. In particular, Maxim Galkin became a student in the linguistic department of one of the universities. After the basic courses, he decided to study scientific activities and work on a dissertation. However, scientific works were never protected.

Galkin on stage

For the first time, Galkin performed a funny and incendiary number at the age of 18. Then the audience became those who came to the Student Theater at Moscow State University. After 4 years, he was invited to take part in the television program “Debuts”. He showed bright debuts on Russian politicians. Young Galkin was noticed by the artistic director of the institution, who invited him to the main troupe.

Galkin considers the late Mikhail Zadornov to be his patron in the domestic show business. It was with him that the talented parodist began performing as his opening act in 1999. This is what brought him fame. He received many industry-related awards.

TV career

Galkin’s television career started with the show “Oh, Lucky Man.” Then the public looked at the new face differently. An intellectually developed and smiling young man appeared on the screens. I liked the new presenter target audience, the ratings for the program were high.

From the end of 2004 and over the next three years, Galkin hosted various festivals. 4 years later, he met Alla Pugacheva on the popular television project “Two Stars”.

Then, unexpectedly for the producers and audience, Galkin went to work on the Rossiya channel. Allegedly, the producers of Channel One did not like the fact that the presenter began to pay attention not to filming, but to his personal life.

On a competing channel, Galkin hosted “Star Ice” and “Dancing with the Stars.” Also appeared his own analysis of the legendary “Blue Light”. Then there was a whole series of projects with his participation. A little later, his career began to develop on Ukrainian TV.

In 2015, Galkin was again invited to work on Channel One. Then he took part in the entertainment show of parodists “Exactly”.


Immediately after the successful start, Galkin was invited to act in a movie. In 2001, he made his debut in the legendary film magazine for children and adults “Yeralash”, where he played the role of a teacher on an internship.

The Diva's husband appeared on TV twice in 2003. For the first time, Inna Churikova, Svetlana Khodchenkova and Alexander Baluev became his colleagues in the film “Bless the Woman”. This was followed by the famous television musical “Chasing Two Hares” together with Alla Pugacheva and the people's favorite Verka Serduchka.

In 2015, Galkin played in the television series “The King Can Do Anything.” There he got two key roles - an office worker from the capital and Baron Michael.

Personal life, family and children

Even when Alla Borisovna was married, Maxim Galkin really liked the Diva of the domestic stage. The couple's relationship began when she was still married to Philip Bedrosovich Kirkorov. By the way, the singer got married to the latter.

For a long time Russian celebrities cohabited, then in December 2011 they decided to legalize their relationship. The celebration was gorgeous. It created a real sensation.

Many considered this marriage a publicity stunt. Most celebrity fans believed that people cannot build happy family with such an age difference, because Pugacheva is 27 years older than Galkin.

Immediately after the wedding, the couple started thinking about offspring. Since Alla Borisovna could not give birth herself, the family turned to a surrogate mother for help, who bore them two children - twins Harry and Lisa. They grow up very beautiful and smart. The boy is like his father, and the girl is like her mother.

Immediately after the birth of the babies, Pugacheva announced her retirement from her career in order to devote herself entirely to her family. She prefers to spend her free time with Lisa and Harry. Children grow up to be very creative, just like their parents. Little Lisa loves to dance, and Harry loves to draw. Galkin's heirs are real stars social networks. Parents share their successes with their subscribers. By the way, they are already invited to participate in fashion shows for children's clothing.

Maxim Galkin also tried to change his busy schedule to spend more time with his family. The couple recently purchased property in Cyprus and received dual citizenship. Also in the fall of 2017, Pugacheva and Galkin got married in one of the churches near Moscow.

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