Fortune tellers in a village near Moscow reviews. Where does the blind clairvoyant woman Nina live? How to contact the blind clairvoyant woman Nina? Traces lead to Kazakhstan

Good health!
I speak water for healing
My name is Alexander, higher education, civil engineer.
All relatives on the father's side are a dynasty of doctors, all 6 cousins ​​​​(I am the seventh) are doctors, they are mostly surgeons, respectively, their parents are also doctors. When he chose a profession, he went his own way, decided to be a builder.
Whether I have the gift of healing you will understand on your own, if there is a desire and need for it, taking into account the current situation in life with well-being, energy, health of you or your relatives or friends.
In ancient times, not those who had a diploma were recognized as doctors, but those who had stable healing results, including in relation to the health of the healer himself. Therefore, the criterion for the possession of appropriate knowledge by a person is and will be how he helped himself in his problems.
My case is disability 16 years ago. Disability 2 groups were given immediately. It was terrible to hear, let alone receive such a verdict. The situation is so serious that my any sudden movement could turn me into a "vegetable" for life. As a result of the disease, he decreased in height by 12 cm. All vertebral discs formed. Crushed (what is called Schmorl's hernia), and then the intervertebral pads also dried up. The bone parts of the vertebrae pressed and deformed from the load, osteoporosis began. And this is already very serious. The entire spine, in other words, “flew”. There are x-ray pictures, in which all this can be seen even if you are not a specialist. I can show those who wish. Everything is documented. He walked with difficulty and constant pain, anemia of the extremities, ischalgia of the sciatic nerve, constant day and night, dragging his leg while walking. He limped and walked unnaturally. Of course, the nerve roots were pinched, walking can only be called the same relatively.
Thinking about creating a family or children was hopeless and not reasonable. Responsibility. And what kind of breadwinner am I in this state? I tried everything, the best osteopaths, chiropractors, massage therapists, ointments and more. Medicine turned out to be ineffective, practically powerless, only surgery on the spine could save from the prospect of becoming a “vegetable”, and then with luck, because even with a paid operation with the replacement of disks, the doctors did not give a 100% guarantee in my case, everything is too neglected. There was no one to hope for, Operations are very expensive. I tried the same prayers.
This went on for over a year.
Then a gift came, thanks to which he himself restored his shaky health.
In less than six months, I forgot about the pain, and after another six months, my 1 1 cm height returned. Even at school age, I sometimes had backaches in the lower back, but after the healing, this never happened and the same now. Of course, I not only drank water, but also did a mini-minimal correct exercise in the prone position, which improves lymphatic drainage, blood flow and stretching. Everything is gradual, there is no need to rush, all changes are through the breath of life. Doing exercises correctly is not just moving your arms and legs. Quieter you go further you will, everything needs to be done wisely.
When he recovered, he married. I felt that I could take responsibility for the birth of children, I have two daughters, smart and beautiful, one is 15 years old, the second is 13, and before that I was childless. Now the children and wife live permanently in Holland, receive a European education.
Now I support and further strengthen my health. Life becomes even more beautiful when health returns along with wisdom.
Until now, he has been engaged in healing only in the circle of his relatives and closest friends, including at a distance in emergency cases, when a person was on the verge of a stroke or severe malaise. Zhenya often removed the evil eye. The evil eye is directly visible on the person. In any case, I understand. My wife is beautiful, her peculiarity is that she is very sensitive and through this she has a fine mental structure open to influences. She had the evil eye more than once. There are eye-catching people, and there are people who are weak from the evil eye, there are not many of them. Here is my wife. When he removed the evil eye to her, her face changed literally before her eyes, a blush appeared. This little miracle surprised and delighted me all the time.
The realization that the gift should be used for those who it can help, and not just relatives and friends, came gradually, like the morning dawn. Perhaps this is my mission.
Such a short story.
To apply on the topic of healing with living water, send an SMS to +7-905-507-06-62, or write an email with the subject “for living water” [email protected], briefly state what the question is, I will answer SMS or call, or answer by mail, or set up a time for a meeting.
Then our meeting will take place, come with an empty plastic bottle of 0.5 liters. Diagnosing the problem will take 5-7 minutes. It's good if you know your medical diagnosis, but as a rule, medicine already states the consequences, and the root causes are not the main function of medicine. If a person is lying down, then you need to bring his photo. At the first meeting, briefly state the essence of the problem and wishes, I will answer your questions, including whether you still need or need pills, which ones and in which case. How to take healing water if you are still forced to take medications and other questions on the topic of the meeting. After communication, I will take your empty bottle.
Further, the next day, or I will tell you on what day it will be necessary to pick up a full bottle of living water spoken for healing.
Man is 80% water. Now scientists have already proved that water can remember and carry information in an unlimited amount. As for structured water, there is both pyramidal water and silver-plated holy church water. You yourself can probably speak water. However, the strength, degree of effect and direction of the impact of a particular structured water is different, respectively, and the result is different. The healer, as a rule, has the gift of a targeted effect on water and, as a result, on the human body.
An example is the violin. Violins are made by many craftsmen and factories, but there is only one master Stradivarius. Each person has their own path in life and their gifts.
At the second meeting, there will be communication within 5-7 minutes, you will receive instructions on how to drink water correctly and be healthy. Living and non-living water, it turns out, you need to be able to accept. The quality of the source water is spring water, spring water, or pure natural “Mountain Peak”. I don’t use tap water for a conspiracy, as it is dead water. Everything is like in a fairy tale, because there are wise tips.
I have no restrictions on the restoration of health. I consider living water one of the most effective means and I am ready to help you.
From the personal experience of healing: during and after taking the living water I charmed, there is a general strengthening effect on the body as a whole, healthy energy, psychological stability, awareness, mental learning abilities, the ability to concentrate, mood, the body recovers faster, the syndrome of "constant drowsiness and fatigue”, “restless legs syndrome” (when such a feeling seems to stir up the legs), headaches go away, sleep normalizes and it is enough for good rest, even if you get up at 4-30, blood pressure normalizes, there is no need to limit yourself to food , because the “zhor” is leaving, without starvation and masochistic diets, weight is normalized. You are more capable of reasonable self-control. I can go on and on about the rejuvenating effect for the skin, the tone of all kinds of muscles, but it’s better for you to try it once and evaluate the effect than just read miracles many times. In general, the attitude towards the world around will change radically, it will leave, self-confidence and positive will appear. I personally do not see any miracle in this. For me, this is a natural result.
If, as you think, there are no problems, but inertial sluggish processes are observed, such as fatigue, drowsiness, I recommend that you still try the water for the effect of restoring the healthy energy of the body, feel the difference before and after drinking water. You will see for yourself how simple living water will help the body restore the disturbed balance, adjust the harmony of energy-information connections in a major way and, as a result, strengthen immunity at the DNA level, and this is your potential for a joyful and successful life. I affirm that sensations and perception of life are other main possibilities!!! Success comes to the degree of human awareness. Seek nothing but clarity. Socrates.
I live on Yartsevskaya Street, near the Molodezhnaya metro station.
Sincerely, Alexander.
Tel. +7-905-507-06-62
[email protected]

P.S. As a child, when I was 5-6 years old, I was not afraid of dogs, I flaunted it, several times it turned out that I came up in front of my friends and stroked an unfamiliar dog. There was not much understanding and experience. One day, while walking in the yard, I saw a stray dog ​​that was quietly chewing on a bone. I decided to come up lovingly and pet the big dog. Despite the fact that she tensed at my approach, this did not stop me, I touched her back ... She snapped very very harshly and what the people call “fright” happened to me. The story is simple, but the implications are complex. I gradually began to languish. The doctors didn't diagnose anything at all. And there is a sea of ​​doctors around me, a whole clinic. The face seemed to be covered with moss, figuratively speaking, but very similar, as it was seen from the side. Pale greenish skin. I even heard an offensive word addressed to me once “like a bastard”. I myself did not feel any changes in myself, I watched and listened to how everyone gasped and groaned. Someone advised my mother to go to the grandmother-healer. I remember very well that moment as we walked to her village, her house, how she examined me and what she did. Then she gave me some water.
The result is this, “fear” as if removed by hand. A healthy complexion returned. I am very grateful to her even after all these years ...

God forbid only go to grandmas!!!
You will always get to hell, don't worry. Take care of your soul to begin with, and think, why "suddenly" all these sores fell down? Usually "suddenly" nothing happens. Think about what keeps your daughter from the disease? What would she do, how would she spend her life, if she were absolutely healthy? She received a brilliant education, a dizzying career, ran with beautiful boys to expensive restaurants, discos, clubs, etc. She lived "to the fullest for her own pleasure," as they say now. Maybe, nevertheless, this illness keeps your daughter, her soul from something, from some kind of trouble that you do not understand? You yourself said that the disease is not fatal, so this is another proof that it was given as an admonition. Maybe only in this way is it possible for you to think about the main thing - about the soul, about God, about the meaning of life (not to be confused with the complete satisfaction of your "I" and the comfort of the body)?

Read carefully what is written below, to the end. And there - decide for yourself where you want more - through sorrow to joy, to the Lord, or through the satisfaction of your passions and desires - after Satan, to hell? The Lord came for this, to give a person a choice, and you have it. Read...

It was from me

Have you ever thought that everything that concerns you concerns Me? For what touches you touches the apple of my eye.
You are dear in My sight, valuable, and I have loved you, and therefore it is a special joy for Me to educate you.
When temptations come upon you and the enemy comes like a river, I want you to know that it was from Me.

That your infirmity needs My strength, and that your safety lies in enabling Me to protect you.
Whether you are in difficult circumstances, among people who do not understand you, do not take into account what pleases you, who push you away - It was from Me.

I am your God, who disposes of circumstances, and it is not by chance that you ended up in your place, this is the very place that I appointed you.
Have you asked me to teach you humility? And so I placed you in that particular environment, in that school where this lesson is being studied.
Your environment and those who live with you only do My will. Whether you are in financial difficulty, it is difficult for you to make ends meet, know that it was from Me.

For I dispose of your means and I want you to run to Me and know that you are dependent on Me. My reserves are inexhaustible. I want you to be convinced of my faithfulness and my promises.
Let it not be that you can be told in your need: "You do not believe the Lord your God." Have you experienced the night in sorrow? You are separated from those close and dear to your heart, - From Me this was sent to you.

I am a man of sorrows, who has known sickness, I allowed this so that you turn to Me and in Me you can find eternal consolation. Have you been deceived in your friend, in someone to whom you opened your heart, - It was from Me.

I allowed this disappointment to touch you so that you would know that your best friend is the Lord. I want you to bring everything to Me and speak to Me.
Has anyone slandered you, leave it to Me, and cling closer to Me, I will shelter you, with your soul, to hide from the strife of tongues, I will bring out your truth and your fate as a light, like noon.
Your plans collapsed, you drooped in soul and got tired - It was from Me.

You created a plan for yourself, you had your intentions, and you brought them to Me so that I would bless them. But I want you to let Me manage and manage the circumstances of your life, since you are only an instrument, not an active person.
Whether unexpected life failures befell you, and despondency seized your heart, know - It was from Me.

For I want your heart and your soul to be always on fire before My eyes, and to overcome every cowardice in My name.
You do not receive news for a long time from people close to you, people dear to you, due to your indifference and lack of faith, you fall into murmuring and despair, know - It was from Me.

For by this yearning of your spirit, I will test the strength of your faith in the immutability of the promises and the strength of your boldness in prayer for those close to you, for did not you place the care of them on My providential love? Are you not now handing them over to the Protection of My Most Pure Mother?
Whether a serious illness befell you, temporary or incurable, and you found yourself chained to your bed - It was from Me.

For I want you to know Me even more deeply in your bodily infirmities and not grumble for this trial that is sent down to you, and that you do not try to penetrate My plans for the salvation of human souls in various ways, but meekly and humbly bow your head under My grace about you.
Did you dream of doing any special work for Me and instead lay yourself down on a bed of sickness and infirmity - It was from Me.

For then you would be immersed in your affairs, and I could not draw your thoughts to Me, and I want to teach you the deepest thoughts and lessons of My, so that you will be in My service. I want to teach you to realize that you are nothing without Me.
Some of My best sons are those who are cut off from living activity so that they may learn to wield the weapon of unceasing prayer.
Are you suddenly called to take a difficult and responsible position, relying on Me. I entrust these difficulties to you, and for this the Lord your God will bless you in all your affairs, in all your ways, in everything, your Lord will be your Leader and Mentor.
On this day, My child, I have given this vessel of consecrated oil into your hands, use it freely.
Always remember that every difficulty that arises, every word that insults you, every slander and condemnation, every obstacle in your work that could cause a feeling of annoyance, disappointment, every revelation of your weakness and inability will be anointed with this oil - It was from Me.

Remember that every obstacle is God's instruction, and therefore put in your heart your word, which I announced to you this day - It was from Me.

Keep them, know and remember - always, wherever you are, that every sting will be dulled when you learn to see Me in everything.
Everything was sent by Me for the perfection of your soul - it was all from Me.
Spiritual testament
Hieroschemamonk Seraphim Vyritsky
(in it is a reflection of the deepest prayer mystery,
revealed in the conversation of God with the soul of man)

12.10.2006 02:35:53, Natalia D.

1 0 -1 0

I'm afraid to advise anyone. I'd rather not just make up my mind. Why?
1. All, without exception, magicians, sorcerers, wizards, psychics to whom I addressed, regardless of gender, are representatives of other nationalities and do not have Russian citizenship. The overwhelming majority of female representatives are natives of the Caucasian republics, and the males are Kazakhs and Ukrainians. It must be admitted that in the Russian expanses you rarely meet an honest Armenian or Azerbaijani. And the Ukrainians, too, do not differ in crystal honesty. Perhaps this is due to the peculiarity of migrants, that is, to the main feature of their character. Ah, adventurism. Because an honest and well-mannered person will not leave his homeland, regardless of life circumstances. The adventurer, on the contrary, is looking for where he is better off. And, at the same time, he is ready for a lot to bring his ideas to life. But now is not about that!

I want to say that I have not met a single Russian magician-sorcerer, and even more so a Muscovite. More than 12 million people live in Moscow and not a single magician.

3. A flurry of questions that need to be answered first by phone, then upon arrival at the meeting point. It happens that a person is planted and he finds out your problem, and at the same time he learns a lot of information about you, which the magician subsequently pours into your ears, thereby making you believe in his superpowers.

4. Age is a sure sign of professionalism in any field of human activity. It's hard to argue with this fact. There were times when I met a handsome young man who pretended to be a hereditary clairvoyant from the Altai Mountains. So this clairvoyant's eyes lit up so much at the sight of my figure that even I felt ashamed. He would have to dance in nightclubs, and squeeze girls, but he is still there - psychics. And people go to him! Both adult women and healthy men walk. As they say in the children's fairy tale about Pinocchio, "As long as fools live in the world, it became possible for us to live with deceit." Didn't they watch the production of "Pinocchio" or read the book? Stupidity! Yes and only! Can't find another word.

5. Never and under no circumstances will a magician do evil deeds. Induce a love spell, lapel, damage, evil eye, curse or so on. Only a man is capable of this, with all his vices and anger towards those around him. This is explained very simply. Any deed, any action is sure to return to its performer. Not necessarily with a vengeance, but to return for sure. Folk wisdom will not talk in vain on this topic. For example - "Do not dig another grave ...". I will not develop polemics on this topic and prove that it has already been proven, which means that it does not require proof. I'll leave everything as it is. I hope you firmly understand this, one might say, the law of our being with you.

6. Magicians don't live in apartments. They're stuffy in there! From this, the connection with nature and other entities disappears. The magician is a separate (isolated) mind. An apartment is a multi-storey building, a microdistrict, etc. This is something like an anthill, in which, as you know, the collective mind prevails.

7. Participation in various show projects, such as "The Battle of Psychics". The word show already implies work for the public or acting. It is absolutely not reasonable to think that people with at least some kind of gift can participate in the show. This simply cannot be. The very essence or idea of ​​the participation of the magician in show projects is already vicious. And, from the point of view of logic, it does not make sense at all. Well, why fight for the status of the strongest psychic, if the participant is already supposed to know by his status who is the strongest and who will win the battle. Moreover, in every test they all see the past and the future so perfectly. You can't even call it stupid! Do the producers of such projects take us for oligophrenics?

8. There is a James Randi Foundation in America. So this fund will pay more than a million US dollars to anyone who shows something supernatural. I think this is more than enough to forever forget the way to magicians, sorcerers, psychics and other adventurers. And stop wasting time watching all kinds of projects, such as "Battle of Psychics".

Today, people especially often turn to the services of magicians and psychics. Some are looking for a solution to material problems, others are trying to improve family relationships with the help of mystics. Still others seek to look into the future. But where to find a good fortune-teller in Moscow? How to distinguish a professional from an actor? The text will tell you everything.

Miracles of magic

In the life of every person there come moments when he loses faith in himself and hopes to find answers to his questions on the side. Then there are persons who, according to them, have a certain mystical power. They can help grief. But law enforcers note that "assistants" often turn out to be scammers whose goal is to profit from the grief of their client.

It is not easy to choose from a thousand ads of a person who really has certain abilities. Magicians claim that they are able to remove a family curse, find and cure diseases against which doctors are powerless, improve their financial situation, attract good luck, and much more. What fortune-tellers do not specialize in about their work can be seen immediately under the advertisement, which they also paid for.

Doctors' opinion

The Slavs believed in extraordinary powers long before Christianity came to their lands. The people were not only sure that there was another world invisible to the naked eye, but they also knew that it was nearby. Among ordinary people lived healers, soothsayers, sorcerers and witches. Such persons possessed hypnosis, saw a possible future and read the signs that nature sent. They charged water and collected herbs. Today it has a very scientific name. For example, treatment with plants is called phytotherapy.

This skill boasts and fortune-tellers in doctors about such practices are ambiguous. After all, medicines have been tested by scientific laboratories, while folk methods are based on traditions and legends. If you overdo it with a dose, harvest at the wrong time, or mix the ingredients incorrectly, the consequences can be fatal.

Wizards of Rus'

The same can be said about prophecy. People who approach those who talk about tomorrow sometimes misinterpret the information. Therefore, they can make mistakes that will change life for the worse. Therefore, even if you are received by a strong fortune-teller in Moscow, this does not mean that she will be able to correctly explain what she sees.

Before turning to such people for help, think carefully about whether you are ready to accept information that should remain secret.

After the arrival of Christianity in Rus', many real sorcerers, witches and healers went underground. Those who adopted a new religion did not stop doing what they love and helping people. But now religion closely followed their actions and often excommunicated sorcerers from the church. However, the flow of people who asked for help from the sorcerers did not decrease.

A good fortune-teller in Moscow today is a rarity, but magicians and sorcerers have long been invited to work in the highest authorities.

Hereditary wizards

Even before the baptism of Rus', each prince enlisted the support of the Magi, who helped him make the right decisions. After the persecution and destruction of pagan priests, monks began to play their role. Subsequently, the clergy began to be partially forced out by scientists. For example, the famous astrologer Nostradamus worked for some time at the court of Queen Catherine de Medici of France.

The Russian emperors also had their own personal mystics. So, a monk named Abel served Catherine II and her successors. Although officially the preacher was not included in the inner circle of the top of the state, his predictions were taken seriously.

Almost all fortune-tellers in historians brag about their pedigree about the connection of modern magicians with famous real personalities are very ambiguous. On the one hand, little is known about the life of such people. Therefore, the likelihood that this or that witch is a descendant of the world famous sorcerer is still possible. But to investigate such a relationship without the help of specialists is almost impossible.

Dark force

Not only kings and emperors turned to witches for help. Today, fortune-tellers and clairvoyants often work for politicians, businessmen and stars in their work, most often of these people leave the stars of show business.

Public people were guarded by such psychics as Vanga and Juna. From the first there was a continuous telephone connection, the second lived opposite the Kremlin. Of course, the state elite kept such things secret, but over the years more and more facts of such cooperation become known.

Even light magicians note that any fortune-telling is associated with evil spirits. In ancient times, girls, before performing mystical rituals, removed a cross from their necks, a belt from their clothes, and untwisted their braids. If everything is clear with the first, then why did they do other things? The fact is that, according to legend, the knots did not allow evil spirits to approach the body. And such a ritual was impossible without evil spirits. The ceremony was performed in a deserted place, which was considered cursed.

Money cleanses the soul of a sorcerer

Very often people are looking for a magician who works at minimal rates. It should be noted that almost every sorcerer today has fixed prices for a particular service. A fortuneteller in Moscow who does not take money is a real rarity.

And according to popular belief, if a witch or any other person with extraordinary abilities takes money for a cause, she may lose her gift and will no longer be able to help people.

But there is another opinion. Divination is a great sin. Only the elite can look into the future, mere mortals are deprived of such an opportunity. Accordingly, a person who wants to know what will happen tomorrow takes the blame on his soul. But money removes guilt from the sorcerer, and the sin passes to the one who asked to lay out the cards.

Impressionable entry denied

Perhaps, these beliefs are connected with the fact that fortune-tellers in Moscow very often ask for a reward for their work. Reviews of magicians working on the “give as much as you want” system are usually positive. Such mystics are more trusted, because they do not want to cash in on the client.

Definitely you should not go to sorcerers, people who take everything very close to their hearts. After all, what the cards show can become the basis of a scenario for later life.

You should not trust sorcerers working through the Internet and phone calls. Every self-respecting magician knows that it is impossible to feel the energy of a person who is thousands of kilometers away from him. Effective contact can only be established through direct communication. In any case, it is difficult to find a real sorcerer and it is easy to meet an adventurer and a charlatan.

There are truly professional fortune tellers and clairvoyants in Moscow. Reviews of their work say: where the usual ways of solving problems are powerless, an appeal to intangible entities will help.

The best witches

One of the most popular clairvoyants is Daria Mironova. Glory to the woman came after the TV project "Battle of Psychics". Since then, she has been trying to help people as much as possible. He gives advice on the radio, broadcasts on one of the leading channels, where he talks about the fate of his clients. Shares the secrets of magic with readers in his book. Despite the popularity, the white magician did not stop accepting people.

Natalia Pokrovskaya is also known as a good fortune teller in Moscow. Feedback about the work is left by satisfied customers. The ancestors of the sorceress have been practicing magic for many centuries in the Altai Territory. Today, a woman adheres to the traditions of her ancestors. The energy she works with is pure. The fortuneteller does not hide his power. She constantly helps people who come with problems.

Fortune tellers without ads

Ilona Novoselova can also tell a lot about herself. A 27-year-old girl remembers her previous life very well. Then she may have received her gift. The magician also often tells the difference between an amateur and a real fortune teller. In Moscow today there are thousands of charlatans who promise to cure all diseases and help in any area of ​​life. But Ilona notes that even a strong sorcerer can never be 100% sure of his abilities. Novoselova is honest with the client, so she is not afraid to indicate the address of her house and her personal phone number.

But you can visit not only clairvoyants who have promoted sites and constantly advertise their services. Fortune tellers in Moscow, tested by time and people, work even without promotion through the media. They don't have classrooms or offices. Such persons receive visitors in their kitchen. They do without lush entourage and mystical accessories. People learn about unusual talents not from newspaper ads, but from relatives, friends and neighbors.

Matrona of Moscow

The Church has a negative attitude towards such practices. Deeply religious people are convinced that such a force cannot draw energy from good sources, but it feeds on darkness. Therefore, fortune-telling on cards and visits to persons involved in witchcraft are unacceptable for a person who believes in God.

If you are haunted by problems and difficulties, you can always turn to the Creator for advice and help.

If you still decide to visit a person with an extraordinary gift, then you need the most powerful fortune-teller in Moscow, whose work is blessed by the church. Mother Matrona was a healer during her lifetime and did not stop helping people after her death. They say that Stalin himself went to her. Her relics are in the Intercession Convent. Everyone who comes to the righteous person receives God's blessed help.

Final Instructions

If you went to the witch and found out that the future is disappointing, do not be discouraged. Remember: even the exact sciences make mistakes. And in your case, we are talking about peculiar lovers. On the other hand, perhaps fate in this way gives you a chance to change something in your life.

Not everyone knows where to find a good fortune teller in Moscow. Reviews about the work of certain individuals are not always true. Therefore, before seeking advice from magicians, carefully check the information about them.

Very often people go to them just to talk. But for this there are friends, relatives and even psychologists.

You should also remember that black magic always comes back to you. It is especially difficult to perceive love spells. Later, what the woman stole from her rival will leave her. The husband will not love for long under the influence of the spell. And is it a feeling at all?

Problems need to be solved, and not wait for help from the dark forces.

After the reality series “Blind” was released, the Internet simply “blew up”: everyone began to look for where the blind clairvoyant woman Nina lives. For many, the situation is so critical that they no longer ask for the exact address, but at least the name of the village, at least the district.

No one “shines” the exact address of Baba Nina anywhere. As well as surnames and patronymics. It is only known that the woman is from the Kirov region, that she is filming herself in the series and that the main condition for the film crew was not to disclose her place of residence.

And yet it's weird...

The fact that Baba Nina asked to keep her address secret was reported on the official website of TV-3 by the participants in the filming of the series "Blind", which greatly upset fans of the film, and especially people who need advice and help from a clairvoyant.

The blind clairvoyant woman Nina lives somewhere in a remote village - the only thing known to a wide audience. Further, everything is shrouded in mystery, and this causes confusion among most viewers.

If the series was filmed so that people could turn to a clairvoyant with their problems, then what's the point of hiding the address? It is possible that the director of the film simply used a well-known publicity stunt, declaring the main character a real person, but in fact, Baba Nina is an artistic collective image of all grandmothers who have the gift of healing and who can be found in any village in the outback.

Most likely, the way it is. Because it is somewhat strange: to advertise a clairvoyant throughout the country (and not just one) and not give people any opportunity to find her.

Kirov region - a region of healing?

Judging by the plot of the film, the region where the blind clairvoyant woman Nina lives is the Kirov region. Its area is quite extensive and there are enough small villages, so the search for Baba Nina (whose last name is also kept classified as “secret”) can be very long.

The series, let's face it, "raised a wave": Internet activists are looking for Baba Nina, creating entire groups on this occasion. True, in none of them, created by completely different people in completely different social networks, on completely different resources, it is impossible to get accurate information about where the blind clairvoyant woman Nina from the Kirov region lives. All are general phrases, everything is somewhat blurry and inaccurate.

The shoveling of Internet resources was not in vain: we managed to find the address of one of the blind clairvoyants. She turned out to be not Nina, but Valya, but she has the gift of healing, she lives in Kirovo-Chepetsk.

Traces lead to Kazakhstan

When wondering where the blind clairvoyant woman Nina lives, most of those who want to get an appointment with her in search of an address go too far. For example, in Kazakhstan.

Yes, a healer named Nina lives there, she is old, she selflessly helps people, one thing does not add up - my grandmother is not blind. But those she saved claim that "their" grandmother is a super healer. How many seriously ill patients, whom the luminaries of official medicine did not give a chance, she put on their feet!

Grandmother is illiterate, but nevertheless earned a certificate that she has the right to heal, issued by an official commission.

The address of this woman Nina: Kazakhstan, with. Suburban, 30 km from Aktobe.

And the blind clairvoyant woman Nina, where she lives, remains a mystery.

She just doesn't want to be a star...

The rest of the characters are portrayed by professional actors, and the plot of each short story is based on real events in the lives of people who came to Baba Nina for help.

Somewhat harsh in life, Baba Nina transfers her character and manner of communicating with people to the screen: she shifts some responsibility for herself and for her loved ones onto the shoulders of those who address her. After all, every situation is a consequence of our behavior.

But by what parameters can an ordinary viewer calculate where the blind clairvoyant woman Nina lives? Based on the rural landscapes that fall into the camera in each series? From the decoration of my grandmother's house? According to the style of the location of the grandmother's yard? There seem to be enough hints, but none of them lead to the goal.

This is how the series keeps its viewers guessing, without revealing the specific place of residence of the soothsayer. The only thing we know about her: blind clairvoyant woman Nina, Kirov region, unknown address.

In between filming

An amazingly strong woman, albeit aged. This is how the members of the film crew of the series “Blind” described Baba Nina. At this age, it is not easy to endure the shooting day, listening to the recommendations of the director, constantly feeling the close attention of the cameras and the presence of strangers in the house. Although ... the last thing for Baba Nina has usually been for several decades.

Concentrated and taciturn, the soothsayer successfully works for the camera, and in between filming she does her usual job - saving people. The flow of visitors to the healer does not dry out, despite the fact that many people know about her participation in the series.

He who seeks, he ... let him seek

Yes. Baba Nina does not like publicity. And, perhaps, she is right that she does not allow her exact address to be made public - otherwise she simply will not have time to receive everyone.

In the series, her severity is noticeable. If she is a real person, otherwise it is quite understandable her fear to gather a lot of people at the gate and not be able to physically help everyone. Therefore, Baba Nina secretly established some semblance of "natural selection": she will be found by someone who really needs help. And whoever "does not bake" will not waste time and effort searching.

Where the blind clairvoyant woman Nina lives can probably only be found with a heart filled with pain and suffering.

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