Business plan for organizing a line for recycling plastic bottles. Recycling plastic bottles - new life for PET containers after disposal Collection of PET as a business

A business that is based on processing recyclable materials will always be highly profitable. Use of used plastic bottles for the production of polymer chips, with proper organization of the sales process finished products, can not only quickly return invested cash, but also to ensure a constant, high income.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

The positive aspects of organizing the recycling of plastic bottles include the following:
Business is socially significant Pollution process environment with various plastics is so large that you can count on help from the administration of the locality where plastic recycling will be organized.

The low level of competition in this business is a big advantage for those businessmen who will open a plastic bottle recycling business this year.

In addition to the advantages, such a business has disadvantages:

  • To open a mini-plant for processing plastic bottles, you will need to register a large number of permitting documentation. In our country, this issue of recycling recyclable materials is not fully regulated and therefore just the legal registration of such an enterprise can take about 6 months.
  • At first, it is quite difficult to arrange supplies of raw materials for processing. To sell finished products, it is also necessary to establish difficult relationships with manufacturers of plastic products.
  • Recycling of plastic bottles is highly dependent on manual labor. For the full functioning of even a small processing plant, it is necessary to hire a sufficient number of workers who need to be paid wages, as well as make payments in Pension Fund and the compulsory medical insurance fund.

Despite all the difficulties that may arise at the preparatory stage, a properly established process of supply and sales of products, as well as production technology, will allow you to quickly receive significant dividends from the funds invested in processing.

Process technology

The technological process of processing is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Collection of used plastic bottles.
  2. Sorting of raw materials.
  3. Removing metal and rubber from each bottle by hand.
  4. Pressing of raw materials.
  5. Pressed raw materials are loaded onto a conveyor for processing.

The result of processing will be flex, which is plastic flakes. Flex is used to make bottles or other plastic products. It is necessary to organize the bottle recycling process in such a way that the equipment does not stand idle. In order to ensure the operation of the equipment, a large amount of raw materials is required. The most suitable places for collecting products are various landfills. You can open a collection point for plastic bottles from the population. IN major cities can be placed in residential areas, containers with the inscription: “for plastic bottles.” Equipment for bottle recycling

To equip a small processing plant, you need to purchase:

  • Conveyor for sorting.
  • Vibrating sieve.
  • Crusher.
  • Centrifuge.
  • Cork separator.
  • Washing container.
  • Drying.

This equipment will cost at least 4,000,000 rubles. If you purchase equipment on the secondary market, you can save up to 50% of the cost of a new production line.

Collection of raw materials and sale of finished products

For the full functioning of the processing line, a constant supply of raw materials is necessary, so it is necessary to diversify the channels for receiving bottles for processing as much as possible. This can be direct purchase from the population or from catering enterprises. Most of the raw materials can be obtained free of charge if you place containers for plastic bottles in places where waste is collected.

The less money is spent on purchasing raw materials, the lower the cost of production and the higher the profitability of the enterprise. Serious problems usually does not arise with the sale of finished products.

Flex, which is obtained as a result of bottle processing, is readily purchased in wholesale quantities by manufacturers of various plastic products.

We count profits

Implement exact calculation The profitability of a bottle recycling plant is very difficult. The difficulty lies in the fact that at the calculation stage it is impossible to determine the exact cost of raw materials. If the locality in which it is planned to open this production has a population of more than 100,000 people, then in this case you can count on a constant supply of raw materials at a price of 1 - 2 rubles per kilogram. Considering the large number of people who are below the poverty line, a collection point for used plastic bottles in a big city will provide a large amount of inexpensive raw materials.
If the production of processing plastic containers will be located in a rural locality, then you can only count on successful business if there is a solid waste landfill in the immediate vicinity of the plant. In such conditions, it is also enough to set the plastic intake at the level of 1 - 2 rubles per 1 kg, and you will not have to worry about the supply of raw materials for processing.

The products will be sold at a price of 30 rubles per 1 kg of flexible. Considering the minimal amount of waste in the raw materials received, a plastic bottle recycled into flex will cost 15 times more than the original raw material.

This business would be considered extremely profitable, if not for the large monthly expenses for paying salaries to workers of the processing complex. Accepted containers must be manually sorted by color and quality of plastic. There is no automation that would cope with this work, so for the operation of a small production, you will need at least 4 people to work on the conveyor, and you also need loaders and a truck driver.

At least 100,000 rubles will be spent on salaries every month, but this amount can be increased if the processing plant operates in 2 shifts. In addition to salaries, it is necessary to pay utility costs, which will be quite significant due to consumption large quantity electricity. Average utility costs for a small processing plant will be at least 30,000 rubles per month.

Under ideal conditions for running this business, it is possible to calculate the approximate profitability of a processing plant. With a processing capacity of 100 kg/h, in 1 work shift you can get up to 800 kg of flexible, which will be sold at a wholesale price of 30 rubles per 1 kg. Thus, the daily revenue of the enterprise will be 24,000 rubles. With a five-day working week, monthly revenue will be about 0.5 million rubles. From this amount you must subtract various monthly payments:

  • Salary - 100,000 rubles.
  • Rent - 50,000 rubles.
  • Electricity - 30,000 rubles.
  • The cost of raw materials is 50,000 rubles.

With monthly expenses of 230,000 rubles, the net profit will be about 300,000 rubles per month. With the initial costs of purchasing equipment, the enterprise will fully pay for itself within 1 year. Of course, such a development of events is only possible if the processing plant operates at full capacity. If insufficient quantities of raw materials are supplied for processing, then revenue will be significantly lower, and the payback period can be increased to 2 or more years.

Business development prospects

If, after 1 - 2 years of successful operation, the processing enterprise is operating successfully, and there is a need to increase production capacity, it will be possible to transfer the enterprise to round-the-clock operation. The profit that will be received from processing and selling plastic containers within 2 years can be used to open a plant with a higher production capacity.

The most promising location for this enterprise would be in a city with a population of more than 1 million inhabitants. To keep production busy, you can additionally purchase products from neighboring regions and deliver the goods by rail.

You can significantly increase the profitability of a plastic bottle recycling enterprise if you organize full cycle, production of plastic products. In this case, there is no need to find buyers for flex; all produced plastic chips will be used for the production of bottles or other products.


Before engaging in this business, it is necessary to conduct market research. The exact quantity must be determined processing enterprises that operate in this region. If the city already has a processing plant of sufficiently large capacity, then it will be very difficult for a small enterprise to compete.

In any locality, the number of used containers is constant value, and if someone has already organized the collection of raw materials, then for the newly opened enterprise, the volume of containers accepted for processing will not be enough for full functioning. You should open a small workshop for processing plastic bottles in rented premises. When the business is established and needs to be expanded, it is necessary to build premises for this purpose.

In this case, you can completely exclude rent from monthly expenses, which will significantly increase the profitability of production. Despite serious difficulties in initial stage running a plastic bottle recycling business, this type entrepreneurial activity brings a very large profit, which directly depends on the correct organization of the supply of raw materials and the sale of finished products.

In contact with

It's no secret that in big cities The problem of recycling PET bottles or, more simply, plastic has long been an issue. Many environmentalists are scratching their heads over a solution to this problem. One way or another, there are available solutions, for example, plastic recycling. Agree, saving the ecology of the planet and at the same time earning good money is very cool. Considering that this is very profitable business, then you can safely open your own business in this area. But there are many nuances that definitely need to be mentioned.

General useful information

Since PET bottles can be produced very cheaply, their production is unlikely to cease in the coming years. Such plastic waste is accepted for mere pennies, so it is much easier to throw the plastic away with the garbage rather than take it to a collection point. Huge dumps of bottles and other products appear.

It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that a plastic product itself takes about 200 years to decompose. Since this business will be based on the processing of secondary raw materials, it is very cheap. This kind of business is quite easy to open. This is due to the fact that the state will help you in all possible ways.

Plus, in most cases, you won't need to spend money on purchasing raw materials. It is possible that you will even receive a small percentage for recycling a certain amount of plastic waste. Let's look at some basics of this business and take a closer look at the process line and profitability.

Why is this industry developed in Russia?

This is a question every aspiring entrepreneur should ask. In general, there can be a large number of reasons. But the main one is this: businessmen believe that a huge initial investment will be required. In addition, there is an opinion that such an activity is unprofitable, which is fundamentally wrong. To give some visual figures, there are very few enterprises in Russia that process plastic.

Approximately 6% goes to recycling and, accordingly, 94% goes to a landfill, where PET bottles decompose over the next two to three hundred years. But in Europe, for example, the situation is not so dire, although it is also far from ideal. About 80% of plastic is recycled there. Based on all this, we can say with confidence that this is very profitable investment funds, especially if you open in a big city, where hundreds of tons of plastic are brought to landfills every year.

First steps to starting a business

The most important thing is a successful start, and then it will be easier. At the very beginning you will have to run. It’s worth finding out if your city has special environmental programs. Their essence lies in the fact that regional authorities allocate cash grants or other assistance to budding businessmen in this industry. So, they can help you find premises or organize regular deliveries of raw materials to the warehouse, or pay a percentage of recycled waste.

Therefore, before you register entity, check your local administration. There you can find out how the authorities support the ecology of their city or region. After you conclude an agreement, you can open a bank account and also begin searching for a suitable premises where your small plant will be located. Don't forget to register a legal entity, preferably using the "LLC" form.

Where can I accept plastic for recycling?

As noted a little above, you need to start looking for suitable premises. If in Europe it is a real problem to find an empty factory or workshop, then in Russia nothing is easier. There are a large number of buildings that have stood idle since Soviet times. You need to focus on an area of ​​300 square meters. This will be quite enough to install all the equipment, as well as organize a small warehouse for storing raw materials and finished products.

But do not forget that in the case of an abandoned building, you will need to restore or conduct communications yourself. If you have available funds, then you can rent a premises that is ready to open, but you will have to spend a lot of money. Another option is prefabricated hangars. This is a good solution if you need to open as soon as possible and don’t have time to search.

Purchase of equipment

After you have selected the premises, carried out all the communications and made them suitable for use, you need to start purchasing equipment. Here you can go two ways: buy equipment domestic production or foreign. In the first case, the purchase will cost slightly less, but the quality will suffer. In the latter case, everything is extremely expensive.

It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that accepting plastic for recycling is not releasing drinking water, therefore, a technological line manufactured in Russia will be quite sufficient. If you buy low-productivity simple equipment, then everything will cost about 600 thousand rubles. If you plan to create a full-fledged powerful plant, then you need to pay at least 2-3 million rubles for equipment for plastic processing.

In principle, you can start with a small plant. It is most profitable to recycle transparent plastic; it can be sold for about 20 thousand rubles. per ton, colored - 15 thousand rubles, and brown - 10 thousand rubles.

Recycling plastic waste: technology and features

Let's look at how, in fact, everything happens. The whole process can be divided into several simple stages. The first thing you need to do is sort. This is done manually. Workers should separate colored plastic, clear plastic and brown plastic. This is due to the fact that at the end we must get a product of the same color, otherwise the cost of the batch will decrease significantly.

Foreign objects such as rubber or paper must be removed manually. At the end of the sorting process, plastic containers are loaded into the line. Processing itself does not take much time, although it all depends on the productivity of the equipment, so it can be either a ton per hour or 200-300 kilograms.

The line consists of several connected units. At the first stage, the caps and labels are separated, after which the raw materials enter crushers, where they are crushed with knives and transferred further along the conveyor. Next is the washing machine, which hot water Removes not only dirt, but also unnecessary crushing residues. Then the plastic undergoes polishing and rinsing, and comes off the assembly line already cleaned. Flex gradually accumulates in a bunker, from where it is then unloaded and sorted.

Where to get raw materials for processing?

This is perhaps the simplest issue that can be resolved extremely quickly. Surely there are landfills in your city where large amounts of plastic are brought in every day. Nothing prevents you from concluding an agreement with the owner and taking the raw materials to your place for processing. This is quite beneficial for the landfill owner, since he does not have to pay money for transportation to a larger landfill or disposal.

You can make advertisements stating that you accept plastic at a good price, say, 6 rubles per kilogram. By the way, it is advisable to organize a collection point directly at or near the warehouse. This way you will save yourself from unnecessary transportation costs. In principle, there should not be any problems here. As noted above, the state, and primarily local authorities, are interested in plastic recycling.

Income and expenses

Well, now let's talk about how much you will ultimately have to spend and how much you can earn in a month of hard work. The equipment will cost about 600,000 rubles, plus we will need to hire employees, at least 6-8 people. If wage each will be about 20,000-25,000 rubles, then that’s another 150 thousand. It is also worth taking into account unforeseen expenses; we will allocate 100,000 rubles for them.

If local authorities help with the premises, then at first there will be no need to pay for its rent, but for electricity you will have to pay 30 thousand rubles every month. Overall recycling plastic surgery will cost you 900,000 rubles. But keep in mind that this is for a low-productivity production line. Costs will increase significantly when purchasing more powerful equipment. In about a year you should be fully paid off. To do this, you need to produce about 10 tons of flex per month.

What else do you need to know?

As you can see, plastic recycling is a quite profitable business. But it is very important to have the right approach here. For example, you can significantly reduce costs if you seek help from the city administration. In addition, you can constantly conclude effective contracts with owners large landfills for the supply of raw materials for processing. Over time, you will be able to gradually expand your plant and increase the productivity of the production line. Profits will grow, and along with this you will be doing quite useful things for local residents and the land on which you live.


Don't forget about this important point, as the location of the plant. It should not be on residential streets. This is due to the noise produced during processing. If in daytime This will not cause indignation among residents, but dozens of complaints will be received at night. In addition, few people will like a standing hangar with waste under the window, even if it is covered.

There are standards that determine the minimum distance to residential buildings in the city. They need to be clarified with the local administration. Well, that’s all that can be said about what processing plastic into granules is, and what are the advantages of this business. As you can see, there is nothing unrealistic here. Moreover, having secured the necessary support, you will be able to start and develop more easily.

Plastic bottles have become convenient for transporting and storing liquids. Glass containers are now rarely used. After use, plastic products are usually thrown away. A lot of this garbage accumulates every day. Because of this, the question arises whether equipment designed for such work can be used to establish a profitable business.


Nowadays, many business ideas that improve the lives of the population are popular. If bottle recycling becomes popular among people, it will create a permanent source of income. In our country, few people are engaged in such activities, so there is a possibility of profitability of the business.

The benefits include:

  • The ratio of profit to revenue will be approximately 25%, which is higher compared to other areas.
  • The businessman who recycles bottles is respected by the residents. This will guarantee some support from them.
  • Now environmental projects supported by government and local authorities.
  • There are companies that want to be responsible for protecting the environment. But since this is not their main focus, they choose to invest in such projects.


But such a business also has disadvantages that novice entrepreneurs may encounter:

  • Difficulty opening. Since this area is regulated by law, paperwork can be complicated. It is necessary to obtain many permissions from various organizations. As a result, everything takes about 8 months, which is a lot compared to other types of business.

  • There is no constant supply of raw materials. But it is necessary for the continuous operation of production. Also, not everyone understands where to sell products.
  • Requires manual labor. It requires a large number of employees, each of whom will do their job. Only then will the activity become effective.

Business demand

There are several reasons to understand that such a business is very promising. These include:

  • Low competition.
  • Availability of raw materials.
  • Uncomplicated workflow.
  • Environmental factors.

Since such factories improve environmental situation, they are supported by the government as well as conservation communities. No matter how profitable it is, the business must be organized competently. Renting or purchasing premises will be required. You also need to formally register your business.


It is necessary to purchase professional equipment for bottles. The technology consists of the following work:

  • Products are being collected.
  • Whatever the equipment for recycling plastic bottles, sorting is mandatory stage. It is carried out by class. Typically, products are divided into unpainted and painted. They are processed separately. A special group are bottles based on polyvinyl chloride, which require a special procedure.

  • Then manual removal of rubber, paper, and metal is performed.
  • Then the bottles are squeezed. Once they are compressed, they are loaded onto a packaging recycling line.
  • The result is considered to be flake-shaped flakes. Flex is the raw material for the production of such bottles or chemical fiber. Many products are made from it - packaging tapes, paving slabs, films.

During recycling, labels and caps are automatically removed and bottles are crushed. The fragments are added to a special cauldron, where various elements are washed off with water. Then the plastic is cleaned and dried. It is stored in a special bunker. All this is done by bottle equipment.

Each stage of production is considered important. They are performed by different employees. Responsibilities are distributed among employees based on their qualifications. Only then will the whole process be carried out efficiently.


You can use 2 options for organizing a business:

  • The mobile processing plant is located in a truck. This idea is more suitable in cases where you plan to serve several cities.
  • Renting a building for a workshop. Equipment for processing plastic bottles (complete line) costs about 3-4 million rubles.

Both options for organizing a business are in demand. You will need the following equipment to recycle plastic bottles:

  • Belt conveyors.
  • Rotary machine.
  • "Crusher" - equipment for processing plastic bottles into granules.
  • Screw conveyor.
  • Steam boiler.
  • Polishing machine.
  • Dryer-water separator.
  • Air dryer.
  • Storage bins.

Each device is important to the production process. It can be purchased either separately or complete. If you purchase equipment for processing plastic bottles in the form of a mobile plant, its price is approximately 5-6 million rubles. For a stationary view it is necessary big square- over 2,000 sq. m. It is better to establish a business in abandoned factories and warehouses on the edge of the city. Then the cost of the premises will not be high.

If you purchase a plot of land and build a hangar, you will profitable processing plastic bottles as a business. The equipment will produce not only flex, but also fiber, which increases profits and profitability. This requires larger investments, so a new entrepreneur should do this after the initial investment in his business has been repaid.

Is a home business possible?

It is unlikely that plastic bottle recycling can be done at home. This equipment takes up a lot of space. But a separate room is perfect for this. Best choice will mobile installation. Although it is more expensive, it can be easily installed indoors.

It is enough to install the equipment, connect the sewer system to eliminate waste, and connect the power supply. The size of the lines is usually 6-10 meters. With such indicators, it will be possible to place equipment for processing plastic bottles at home, if the space of the room allows. This technique does not take up much space and also consumes a minimal amount of electricity.

Receiving raw materials

For a business to be successful, it is better to open a plant in a big city so that transport costs are low. Although bottles are a lightweight product, they take up a lot of space. Because of this, long-distance transport reduces profitability. The location may be equidistant from several cities.

The assembly of raw materials is carried out manually at landfills, which are available throughout the country. The bottles are placed in bags and then pressed, after which they are delivered to the factory. You can also search for raw materials using the Internet. Now there are many platforms where there are advertisements for the sale and purchase of bottles. The main task will be to offer favorable conditions compared to competitors. Services function like auctions.

It is possible to find a direct supplier of waste in the form of PET bottles. Usually this is the most profitable option. We need to find companies that produce a lot of this waste. These are offices where employees are provided with various drinks free of charge. The level of consumption there is quite high.


To organize such a business, many employees are needed, since many activities are performed manual labor. The minimum number of employees is 10 people. Their average salary is 20 thousand rubles. The costs of the motivation system should be taken into account, since it increases labor productivity.

During calculations, it must be taken into account that the schedule should be in shifts. It will take about 15 thousand rubles to purchase a ton of bottles with transport costs. The purchase price is determined not only by the manufacturer, but also by the type of raw material. For example, brown plastic is considered the most affordable, but it is used only in some areas.

Transparent plastic is considered more expensive. Costs should include the cost of electricity and water consumption. The price of 1 ton of products can be in the range of 40-90 thousand rubles. The cost is calculated based on the size of the granules, characteristics, and color.


To organize a mini-factory, you need at least 8-10 workers. They will work in shifts. We also need an accountant, a manager and 2 loaders. This composition of workers will allow bottle recycling to be carried out efficiently.

Over time, it becomes possible to expand production. Then it will be necessary to hire more workers to increase the number of products sold.


For such a business to be profitable, you need to establish the right sales system. A company that does not produce fiber can organize sales to other similar companies where the entire technological cycle operates. Then the cost per ton will be less than the market price, but there will be constant demand.

There are organizations that create fibers from flex. There are few such companies in Russia, but their volumes are large, so this guarantees high profits. You can use the platform to find clients, for example, create an ad and wait for responses.

Profit and payback

The payback period is approximately 1.5-2 years, since it is necessary to make investments, especially at the beginning. The advantage is that the costs of organizing processing are low. Therefore, with revenue of 800 thousand rubles per month, the profit will be equal to 200-300 thousand rubles. Income is determined by the type of raw materials and other factors.

Before deciding on this type of activity, you need to weigh all the positive and negative sides such a business. Carefully calculate the amount that will be needed to open production, study the package of documents that permit this type of activity. It would also be a good idea to look at a place to rent in advance, compare the cost of equipment and choose the most suitable option.

Against the backdrop of general concern about the environmental situation in the world, how does business have great prospects. The profitability of such entrepreneurial activity is determined by the low cost of raw materials and the ability to produce polymer chips from them, which are then sold. But, like any other business, there are some nuances here.

Pros and cons of the enterprise

Opening a mini-factory for bottle recycling has undeniable advantages. Since such production makes its contribution to solving the problem of environmental pollution, you can count on help government organizations, the administration of the locality where processing will be established. In addition, this business will not have much competition if there are no similar recycling facilities nearby. But there are only a few of them in the country, so you can choose a good place without competition.

But at the first stage, the entrepreneur will have to face certain difficulties:

As can be seen from the list, paperwork is specific to this business. It is best to register an enterprise as an individual entrepreneur or LLC; the latter form is considered more reliable. However, for individual entrepreneurs, and simplified registration and taxation system are provided for managers of limited liability companies.

All industries have to organize the supply of raw materials and look for ways to sell products, and in this sense, plastic processing is a slightly more difficult task compared to other enterprises. And any organization has to hire workers.

Thus, the advantages of the business still outweigh the disadvantages, which can be easily overcome with the right approach.

Ready solutions

The easiest way is to buy a bottle recycling franchise. The company selling it usually provides training and helps at all stages of preparation for production, promises certain payback periods and cash flow, and sets the size of the starting investment.

In Russia, such services are provided by Plastresurs 73 LLC, located in Ulyanovsk. The company offers a three-day theoretical course worth 120 thousand rubles, during which it talks about the types and properties of plastic, necessary equipment and business development prospects, and also offers options for sources of raw materials and ways to sell processed products.

For 1.2 million rubles, you can purchase a mobile hydraulic press and shredder from the company. The price includes training on how to operate the equipment from connection to maximum output, as well as support and advice on the purchase of raw materials, machine maintenance, and product sales. It is possible to buy only a press without a chopper, then the cost of the franchise is reduced to 600 thousand rubles, training and support are also guaranteed.

The advantages of such an offer are the supply of universal working equipment, the opportunity to consult on all issues for two years, and access to the franchisor’s customer base.

But the ready-made solution also has its drawbacks, including:

  • limited independence due to the need to strictly follow the terms of the contract;
  • the need to pay for the franchise itself, and then interest on income;
  • the risk of leaving the business after the end of the contract;
  • restrictions on business transfer.

Therefore, it is often more profitable to set up production on your own, because this way the entrepreneur has the opportunity to choose equipment without marking up the cost, find buyers and set his own prices.

Processing technology

When drawing up a business plan for recycling PET bottles, you need to take into account the steps necessary for production process. They will be like this:

  • establishing supplies of used bottles;
  • preliminary sorting of raw materials;
  • cleaning from accompanying paper, metal, rubber elements;
  • pressing prepared plastic;
  • loading into the conveyor for processing.

The output is plastic chips called flex. This material is then used to make new bottles or other plastic products. The more flex that is sent to customers, the higher the profit. But when establishing wholesale supplies, you need to be completely confident that there will be enough raw materials for processing and the equipment will not be idle.

Finding a supplier of raw materials is not an easy task. In the first stages, it may be necessary to collect bottles from landfills and place containers intended for plastic in the city. Thus, a certain amount of plastic will be supplied to production completely free of charge, and this will increase the profitability of the enterprise several times.

Collection points for used containers in populated areas can be a good source of raw materials. For a small fee, bottles will be supplied there by caterers and individuals.

When sources of raw materials are found, you need to make sure that everything necessary for technological process. This includes:

  • sorting machine;
  • sieving apparatus;
  • crushing equipment;
  • centrifuge;
  • plug separator;
  • container for washing;
  • drying unit.

The purchase of all units may require about 4 million rubles. But if you buy a used production line, you can save up to 50% of this amount.

Costs and profits

It is almost impossible to name the exact amount of revenue from the business. It will largely depend on the cost of raw materials, and to reduce their cost, it is better to open production in a city with a large population. This will allow us to establish a constant supply of bottles from catering and people who want to receive a small payment for materials they do not need.

You can also successfully use the training ground household waste, if it is located nearby, and announce the acceptance of raw materials at a fixed price. Usually the cost is set around 2 rubles per kg.

But it will be possible to sell finished products at 15 times more expensive, which makes the business very profitable. But before calculating income, you need to take into account the necessary costs.

Rental costs

Since the bottle recycling business is not carried out at home, you will have to rent premises for production. It must meet the following requirements:

  • area from 100 to 350 square meters;
  • the presence of entrance gates designed for freight transport;
  • the presence of a warehouse or adjacent areas where waste can be placed;
  • supply of electrical voltage 380 V;
  • water supply from 1 to 3 cubic meters.

Theoretically, the room can be unheated and unventilated, but you need to think about the workers who will have to spend a lot of time in this place. Lifting and transport systems will facilitate the process of equipment installation and further work.

You need to be prepared to allocate about 50 thousand for rent. About 30 thousand more will be needed to pay utility costs, primarily for water and electricity consumption.

Salary payments

In addition, a significant part of the money will be spent on paying wages to workers every month. And since the bottles are delivered with labels, caps and other elements that will go to waste during production, you will have to hire several people to clean and sort the raw materials by color and quality of plastic. You will also need operators working on the conveyor, loaders, a driver, and a cleaner.

At first, it is better to replace the accountant, economist, and HR department with special online services, but it is better to hire the manager of the planning and sales department right away or take on his responsibilities. This position involves working with the customer base, ensuring regular supplies of raw materials and monitoring shipments. To avoid increased transport costs, at first it is better to supply flexible products to nearby production facilities.

Paying staff will require at least 150 thousand from the budget. If production is stable and work is carried out around the clock, wages will have to be increased even more for a shift schedule. But at first, a five-day work week will be enough.

Final profitability

The profitability of an enterprise largely depends on production capacity. If it is possible to produce 100 kg of product in 1 hour, in an eight-hour working day in the absence of repairs and downtime, 800 kg of flexible will be obtained. By selling it at a price of 30 rubles, you can make a profit of 24 thousand daily. Considering the weekend and holidays, for a month it comes out to about 450 thousand rubles. Of this, 150 thousand will be spent on wages, 30 thousand on utility costs, and approximately 50 thousand on rent. About 40 thousand rubles will have to be allocated for raw materials.

Thus, the entrepreneur is left with about 180 thousand, which will be taxed, which means that the initial costs, taking into account the purchase of used equipment, will pay off no earlier than after a year of fruitful work.

Unfortunately, it is rarely possible to create ideal conditions for production, especially at first. Typically, the planned output exceeds the actual amount, since unplanned expenses may unexpectedly arise, repair work may be required, or the supply of raw materials may be disrupted. You need to prepare for this in advance and expect that full cost recovery will occur in about 2 years.

Future prospects

If processing is successfully launched, the supply of raw materials and the sale of finished products are established, you can switch to round-the-clock production with a shift schedule for workers. In the future, this provides an opportunity to expand the enterprise, increase capacity, and purchase new equipment.

If old factory was built in an area with a population of less than 500 thousand, in the future it is better to move production to a city with a million population. This will increase the amount of raw materials, and it will be possible to deliver bottles from neighboring cities using road and rail transport.

Also, if when opening production it was more convenient to use rented premises, then with expansion it is better to buy the land and build your own. Of course, the initial costs will be significant, but according to the rules successful business At first, all income should go to improving production. In addition, your own premises, having paid off, will allow you to get rid of such an expense item as rent.

xThe further prospect of switching to a full production cycle makes the enterprise very competitive, since it will not be necessary to look for buyers for plastic granules and it will be possible to independently produce products from recycled materials. Defective products will not go to waste, but to raw materials, which will significantly increase production.

Thus, properly established production can bring super-profits, because the amount of household waste grows by 10-12% every year. The main thing is not to skimp on funding and make every effort at first.

Of the approximately 300 kg of garbage thrown away per year by one resident big city, approximately 1/3 of the volume is occupied by polyethylene containers, or, as they are also called, PET bottles.

Such bottles are today used for bottling mineral and other waters, juices, kvass, beer and much more.

At first glance, used PET bottles are completely useless, unlike their glass counterparts or waste paper. But that's not true. PET bottle is an excellent raw material for the production of flex - a recyclable material for the production of chemical fiber.

Flex in its pure form looks like white or colored flakes. It is obtained mostly from recycled plastic bottles. It serves as a raw material for the manufacture of exactly the same PET bottles - thus, a simple plastic bottle can go through an almost endless chain of recycling and return to the end consumer.

But the most important thing that can be obtained from PET flex (or PET, as it is also called) is chemical fiber. It is used to make bristles for brushes of cleaning machines and car washes, packaging tape, film, tiles, paving slabs and much more. In addition, the policy of recycling PET bottles is environmentally justified: after all, it takes approximately 300 years for 1 plastic bottle to completely decompose.

Currently, the industry for processing such containers is practically undeveloped in Russia, so opening such a business is more than economically profitable.

The process itself is as follows. Raw materials - used PET bottles are collected and sorted into undyed and dyed (by color) classes. Each color is further processed separately. Then polyvinyl chloride (PVC) bottles are rejected - they are also recycled separately. Foreign objects such as rubber, glass, paper, metal, and other types of plastics (PVC, PEN, LDPE, PS, etc.) are manually removed. Each color is further processed separately.

Bottles, pre-compressed, are loaded into a special packaging processing line, the output of which is pure flake in the form of flakes.

The line consists of several units connected together by conveyor belts.

First, the raw materials enter a special rotary machine to separate labels and caps. The bottles, processed in this way and freed from foreign objects, are then fed into a crusher - a device similar to a large blender with several knives that crush them.

A special screw conveyor designed for moving amorphous products (equipped with an Archimedean screw) places the resulting mass of finely chopped plastic into a steam boiler, where, under the influence of hot water, foreign elements remaining after processing in the machine for separating labels and caps are removed.

After the boiler, the cleaned plastic is placed into a washing polishing machine and then into a rinsing machine. After the water treatment has been carried out, the plastic is finally considered completely cleaned and is placed in a water separator and air dryer. After drying, the ready-made flex accumulates in a special bunker.

Costs of starting a business for processing PET and PVC waste

A fully equipped line will cost only 132 thousand dollars (3.9 million rubles). Its productivity is 0.8-1 tons per hour. The output is a flake weighing about 80% (including separated parts unsuitable for processing and production losses - shrinkage, shrinkage, etc.) of the originally loaded raw material. The total power (energy consumption) of the entire line is 73 kWh.

Maintenance: 8-10 workers, of whom are also involved in processing incoming material (primary washing, rejection), loading raw materials and unloading the finished product. One worker can process about 120 kg/h of incoming PET bottles. Each person's salary is 15-20 thousand rubles.

The cost of raw materials is $100 (about 3 thousand rubles) per 1 ton (an average of 24 thousand bottles).

In addition to the stationary one, there is a mobile option - a portable mini-plant for recycling PET bottles.

This option is more suitable for a company that organizes the recycling of plastic bottles in several, for example, small towns simultaneously. It is known that in a landfill of a city with a population of one hundred thousand, twenty tons of PET bottles can be collected in a month. It is advisable to move monthly, for example, within one or two regions and recycle the containers collected in the previous month.

The mini-plant is entirely installed in a 20-foot (6-meter) container. All units inside the container are installed and adjusted, connected by pipes or special transport equipment, and also connected by power and control wires to the installation control unit at the manufacturer.

When installing a container plant at the site of operation, only supplied electricity, water and access to the sewer system are required to drain waste.

The cost of the mini-plant is 160 thousand euros (6 million 750 thousand rubles).

The selling price of the finished product is 22.4-23.6 thousand rubles, depending on the color.

Recycling PVC waste

To process PVC waste, there is a special complex for granulating it. It consists of slightly different components than the previous ones, and a line for washing and crushing heavily contaminated landfill bottles is purchased separately.

The cost of such a line is 76.8 thousand dollars (2.3 million rubles). The granulation line itself consists of a crusher for crushing PVC waste, a two-stage mixer ("hot-cold") for mixing PVC compositions, and the granulation unit itself (twin-screw extruder, granulator, vibrating sieve).

All these assembled devices cost 459 thousand rubles, their productivity is from 15 to 30 kg per hour. The cost of 1 ton of finished products - PVC granules, depending on color, size and others technical characteristics ranges from 37 to 85 thousand rubles. for 1 t.

What is more profitable - recycling PVC or PET waste?

Let's calculate the profitability of purchasing a particular processing line. For a line for processing PET bottles, the profitability is quite high: with a salary for all employees of a maximum of 200 thousand rubles. per month, cost of raw materials 3 thousand rubles. for 1 ton, with an 8-hour working day and a 24-day working month, the yield of pure product is no less than 15 tons, or at least 330 thousand gross profit.

Even if utility costs amount to 30% of the gross profit, the net profit will be equal to at least 230 thousand rubles. per month. The payback period for the business is therefore only one and a half years.

When purchasing a line for processing PVC waste, the total cost of equipment will be about 2.76 million rubles. The monthly salary for 2 employees servicing the line is 30 thousand rubles.

The cost of raw materials is from 18 to 22-23 thousand rubles. for 1 ton. When producing about 250 kg per day per month, it turns out to be at least 220 thousand rubles. gross income.

The net income is quite insignificant - about 50 thousand rubles. per month. But this can be explained simply - insignificant production output under conditions of an 8-hour working day.

When switching to continuous (3-shift) work and producing not the cheapest PVC granules, the net profit will increase at least 5 times.

Payback in the worst case scenario is more than 4.5 years, in the average case it’s about 2, and in the most favorable case it’s less than a year.

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