Oleg Deripaska his wardrobe what brands. Oleg Deripaska - detailed review. Childhood and education


Deripaska's parents were from Kuban. He grew up without his father, who died when Oleg was only a year old.

In 2001, Deripaska married Polina Yumasheva, daughters Valentina Yumasheva. (This former journalist was one of the most influential figures in Russian politics late 1990s. Having started career takeoff since writing Yeltsin's memoirs, he became friends with youngest daughter President Yeltsin Tatiana Dyachenko(later became her husband).

He has two children - Peter (2001) and Maria (2003).


From four to nine years old he lived with his mother’s parents, then with his father’s parents in the Zhelezny and Oktyabrsky farmsteads of the Ust-Labinsk region Krasnodar region, went to a village school.

At the age of 11, Deripaska moved to his mother in Ust-Labinsk.

In 1985, Deripaska graduated from Ust-Labinsk secondary school No. 2.

In 1985 he entered the Faculty of Physics Moscow State University (Moscow State University) them. M. V. Lomonosov, to the department of quantum statistics and field theory.

According to fellow students, Deripaska was a very active young man, one of those guys who, even at university, sensed that they didn’t have to wait to receive a diploma, but start making money right now.

Oleg Deripaska began to actively engage in speculation. There are still rumors about the deal, when Deripaska sold tens of tons of sugar to some government organization and ended up with a fabulous win.

From March 1986 to March 1988 he served in military units Missile Forces strategic purpose (Strategic Missile Forces) in the Transbaikal Military District. He graduated from service as a senior sergeant.

In 1993, Deripaska graduated from the physics department of Moscow State University with honors.

Already in his final years at university, Oleg Deripaska became the financial director of a certain LLP "Military Finance and Investment Company", then worked in management valuable papers State Bank of the USSR.

The key for Oleg Deripaska was acquaintance with brothers Cherny- Lev and Mikhail. Literally every Russian media outlet wrote about their connections with crime.

At that time, the Cherny brothers, owners of the company Trans World Group, belonged to the most delicious production of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy in Russia. If it were not for tolling (that was the name of the scheme used by TWG), then in 1994 the export revenue of aluminum smelters would have exceeded $3.3 billion. In reality, it amounted to at most 40% of this amount - all profits ended up in TWG offshores.

Acquaintance Mikhail Cherny and Oleg Deripaska took place in 1993. According to Cherny, he was impressed by the assertiveness of the young businessman. Cherny decided to help Deripaska become CEO Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter(SaAZ). Deripaska, as a partner of Cherny and TWG, began purchasing shares from workers and other shareholders of SaAZ.

In 1994, 26-year-old Deripaska became director of SaAZ.

In 1996, Deripaska graduated Academy National economy them. Plekhanov.

In the summer of 1996, Deripaska signed a protocol on the creation of TN FIG ("Transnational Financial and Industrial Group") "Siberian Aluminum".

In 1997, he initiated the creation of the first vertically integrated industrial company in the post-Soviet space - the Siberian Aluminum group (in 2001 renamed the company "Basic Element"), the core of which was the Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter. Subsequently, it united a number of leading enterprises of the Russian aluminum complex, producing a variety of products from aluminum and its alloys.

In 1997, Deripaska severed all relations with Trans-World. In order to attract resources for further development and modernization of the plant in April-May 1998, an additional issue of shares of the plant was carried out. All shares of the additional issue were purchased "Aluminproduct" and its associated companies. After Aluminproduct's victory in a commercial competition for the sale of part of the state stake in the plant in September 1998, the company's share in SaAZ increased to 76%.

In 1998 he founded "Free Deal"- a fund that has become a very large Russian private charitable organization. According to the charter of this foundation, it is financed by Deripaska’s personal funds and during its existence it has conducted more than four hundred charitable programs. Volnoe Delo's assets include support for the Mariinsky and Bolshoi theaters, the Hermitage, universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg, monasteries and educational centers in several dozen Russian regions.

At the end of 1999, Deripaska began to create his own media holding - LLC "Mediaresursholding". He also contributed to the creation of a daily newspaper "News Time".

In May 2001, Deripaska participated in negotiations on the creation of a television company "Siberia TV".

On May 22, 2002, the first issue of shares was registered CJSC "Sixth Channel". The founders of the company were formed by a team of journalists Evgenia Kiseleva OOO "TV-6" and 12 private investors, including Oleg Deripaska. According to Deripaska himself, in the media his " I’m interested in two points - product advertising and a guaranteed opportunity to express my point of view".

In 2000, Oleg Deripaska was appointed CEO of the company "Russian aluminum" (RUSAL), which included aluminum and alumina plants of the companies "Siberian Aluminum" and "Sibneft".

By the end of 2001, he registered a new investment company called "Basic element". Currently, this company occupies a leading position in the Russian market in capital management.

Among the assets of the Basic Element group: En+ Group, Russian Machines - a machine-building holding, which includes GAZ Group- one of the largest automakers in Russia; "Ingosstrakh"- the oldest insurance company in the country, one of the leaders in the insurance market; Glavstroy- construction holding uniting leading companies Russian market construction, development and construction materials production enterprises; Bank "Soyuz"; airport holding "Basel Aero"; agro-industrial company "AgroHolding Kuban".

In 2007, as a result of the merger of the aluminum and alumina assets of the RUSAL Company, which ranked third in the world in aluminum production, the SUAL Group, one of the ten leading global aluminum producers, and the alumina assets of the Swiss company Glencore, the United Company was created "Russian aluminum"- the world's largest producer of aluminum and alumina. Deripaska is a member of the Board of Directors and CEO of RUSAL.

In 2008, RUSAL acquired a blocking stake MMC "Norilsk Nickel".

In June 2012, Basic Element, Sberbank of Russia and Changi Airports International created a joint venture to manage airports in southern Russia "Basel Aero", which included airports in Sochi, Krasnodar, Gelendzhik and Anapa.

In 2013, the structures of "Basic Element" completed construction Olympic venues in Sochi. The group's total investments in these projects exceeded 45 billion rubles. Among them: the port of Sochi Imereti at the mouth of the Mzymta River; reconstruction and modernization International airport Sochi; Imeretinsky resort area in the Adler district of Sochi, including the construction of the Olympic village, the construction of hotels, and the creation of a tourist area.

In 2014, Oleg Deripaska received the order "For services to the Fatherland" from the hands of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

In November 2014, Deripaska left the post of general director of RusAl and took over the post of president of the company (such a position did not exist previously). The position of CEO of RUSAL is now occupied by Vladislav Soloviev. Previously, he held the position of Deputy General Director.

In 2014 he was awarded Order of Alexander Nevsky.

In 2014, Oleg Deripaska was awarded the title of laureate of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation "Patron of the Year of Culture".


During the election campaign in State Duma second convocation in 1995, Deripaska provided financial support to (LDPR), as well as to the candidate in Khakassia for the State Duma Alexey Lebed.

In 1996, according to media reports, Deripaska contributed to the election of Lebed as head of Khakassia. After the inauguration, Governor Lebed recruited representatives of SAZ to work in the government of the republic and began to listen to his opinion general director.

According to some reports, trying to dislodge influence in Krasnoyarsk region MMC-Norilsk Nickel, RUSAL not only supported the elections, but also acted as the main sponsor of the election campaign in 2015 - in the regions of the region.

In addition to contributing to the general pot of the party, significant sums of aluminum workers are donated locally - to support the party in power in the territories where RUSAL is present, for example, in Achinsk. "United Russia" has received resources and is conducting an expensive PR campaign for its candidates for the Achinsk City Council: for financial support for Rusalovsky Ilay Akhmetov the retention of the post of mayor is guaranteed, as well as 5-year loyalty to the Achinsk Alumina Refinery on the part of United Russia deputies. At the regional level, the election situation is managed by the first deputy governor Sergey Ponomarenko. In Achinsk, a political strategist is responsible for the Rusal-United Russia campaign Victor Poturemsky.

Sources claim that the election activity of RUSAL in 2014 and 2015 is not a forced measure that Oleg Deripaska took in order to maintain existing political positions in the region. Strengthening RUSAL in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is a new strategic plan for the financial and industrial group. RUSAL will compete for seats in the regional parliament in the 2016 elections.


In 2013, Deripaska's fortune was estimated at $8.5 billion, he took 16th place in the list of the 200 richest businessmen in Russia and 131 in the world (according to Forbes magazine).

With a personal fortune of $6.2 billion, in 2015 he took 17th place in the list of the 200 richest businessmen in Russia. In the world ranking of billionaires (according to Forbes magazine) at the end of 2014, he occupied 230th place, maintaining this position as of April 16, 2015.

Scandals (rumors)

The press wrote that in 1994, Deripaska spent the night at SaAZ not only because he was studying documents. It was dangerous to go out into the city - I had my eye on the plant Vladimir Tatarenkov(better known by the nickname Tatar), who saw a completely different person in the director’s chair.

In 1995, Tatar almost killed Deripaska. The car in which the director of SaAZ together with Bosov And Lisin I was driving from Sayanogorsk to Achinsk for a meeting of shareholders of an alumina refinery; grenade launchers were waiting on the road. The future participants of the “Golden Hundred” were saved by a miracle: at the last moment Bykov found out about the ambush (as Bosov tells it from his words) and allegedly ordered everything to be called off. The Tatar was forced to submit.

In addition to Tatarin, Deripaska was harassed by local authorities. Veniamin Striga, the head of a local television channel and at one time the representative of the President of the Russian Federation in Khakassia, was forced to go abroad. “They tried to kidnap and kill my client,” said Striga’s lawyer Yuri Orekhov. “The Deripaska group will not give a chance to a civilized court,” Striga said in an interview with Forbes.

It was Striga who launched the story into wide circulation about how Deripaska, in the first days of his directorship, walked around the SaAZ workshops in training pants with his knees stretched out and identified points of sale of alcohol. Attacks from Striga greatly irritated Deripaska, recalls one of the Rusal employees.

In 2003, Striga, who had moved to Moscow, published another incriminating article about the aluminum magnate on his website, after which the Khakass police opened a criminal case against the author. The Khakass riot police unit, which came to the capital to arrest Striga, left with nothing: Deripaska’s personal enemy had left the country by that time.

In the late 1990s, there were rumors that Deripaska had fully or partially bought the network "Gazeta.Ru"- one of the sites created once by the Effective Policy Foundation Gleb Pavlovsky, as well as a newspaper "Stringer", previously owned Alexander Korzhakov. Among the publications allegedly controlled by Deripaska, they also named the newspaper "Abroad".

As he says former employee"Rusala", in 2001 Vladimir Putin visited Deripaska's farmstead in a picturesque corner of Khakassia, on the waterfalls, a few kilometers from Sayanogorsk (Dyachenko and Yumashev had been there several times before Putin). Since then, Deripaska has visited Putin in the Kremlin several times. One can only guess about the content of their conversations, but the fact remains that Deripaska quickly accepted the new rules of the game.

The scandal with Deripaska occurred in early 2001, when he decided to create timber industry holding. For this, Deripaska needed the archives of the Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill and a number of other enterprises. By 2003, he already owned the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill, the Selenga Pulp and Paper Mill, the Arkhangelsk Timber Mill No. 2, the Omsk Cardboard Factory, the Luzsky Wood Processing Plant and several enterprises in Karelia.

Owners Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill refused to sell shares to Deripaska. Then he used one of the raider techniques - lawsuits from minority shareholders. Key shareholder Vladimir Krupchak tried to find support in the fight against Deripaska from Vladimir Kogan, St. Petersburg banker and friend of Vladimir Putin.

But after Kogan ended up with 20% of the shares of the Arkhangelsk Central Clinical Hospital, Kogan began to act in the interests of Deripaska. Subsequently, Oleg Deripaska used administrative and power resources in the fight against the intractable Krupchak. The latter was first recalled from the State Duma, and after Deripaska initiated the initiation of a criminal case against Krupchak under Art. 160 part 3 (theft on an especially large scale).

In 2001, the notorious journalist Paul Khlebnikov published an article about an informal agreement between Oleg Deripaska and Vladimir Putin. According to Klebnikov, Putin promised Deripaska to turn a blind eye to his criminal past in exchange for a promise not to participate in politics and to invest money in the needs of the state. Klebnikov suggested that Putin was going to turn a blind eye to several years of “bloody chaos” in the aluminum sector. Khlebnikov wrote that “while the smoke from the next shot was clearing, dozens of ordinary performers, bankers, businessmen, mafia bosses managed to go to the next world.” In 2004, Paul Klebnikov was killed.

In February 2002, a number of negative materials appeared in the media in which the name of Oleg Deripaska was mentioned in connection with the organization of the raider takeover Bratsk LPK. Representatives of Basic Element filed a lawsuit for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation.

In 2003, foreign media published information accusing Deripaska of having connections with criminal organizations. In particular, they said that Oleg Deripaska's company RUSAL is actually in the sphere of influence of Mikhail Cherny. The latter was accused by Western services of committing crimes, drug trafficking and money laundering. Journalists claimed that in 1996, when the name of Mikhail Chernoy was tarnished by many crimes, Chernoy introduced Deripaska into the business, who, in fact, became his protégé. In 1992, Deripaska and Chernoy registered the Aluminproduct company in Moscow, which bought shares in an aluminum production plant in Sayansk. Deripaska became the head of the plant.

In March 2006, the New Region newspaper published a transcript of a conversation in which the voices allegedly belonged to Oleg Deripaska and the ex-Prime Minister. From the dialogue it becomes clear that Kasyanov is asking Deripaska for money for his election campaign to the State Duma, for the creation of a united opposition. At the same time, Kasyanov refers to the support of his interests in the West, but at the same time to the lack of investment immediately before the elections. Deripaska promises to give money, provided that it is channeled through Western banks.

Another scandal involving Deripaska's name broke out in the United States over his contacts with a presidential candidate, senator from Arizona. John McCain. In the United States, Deripaska was suspected of having connections with organized crime in Russia, which is why he was even denied an American visa. Deripaska met with McCain in 2006 in Switzerland during the international economic forum in Davos. He offered to assist McCain in the planned business transaction.

In 2007, an article was published on the Favorites website with the history of the beginning of Oleg Deripaska’s career. It said that Deripaska, thanks to the support of Mikhail Cherny, was making plans to take over shares of the Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant, but the shareholders did not agree to sell the shares. In 1995, three high-profile murders were committed - the deputy director of the plant Vadim Yafyasova, President of Bank "Ugoria" Oleg Kantor and the head of AIOC Felix Lvov.

As a result, KAZ became controlled by Deripaska. The same events are associated with publications in foreign press, when several trading companies working with Novokuznetsk aluminum smelter(NkAZ), filed a lawsuit in a New York court against Oleg Deripaska and Mikhail Cherny demanding compensation of $2.7 billion. Deripaska and Cherny were accused of a raider takeover of NkAZ, which involved extortion, bribes, and harassment of the head of the NkAZ management company MIKOM Mikhail Zhivilo and the murder of his colleague Felix Lvov.

In 2009, Deripaska found himself at the center of a scandal surrounding a single-industry town. Pikalevo. After the Baselcement-Pikalevo enterprise owned by him for a long time could not agree on the supply of raw materials and actually stopped its work, the residents of Pikalevo blocked the federal highway Vologda-Novaya Ladoga. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin was forced to resolve the issue. He publicly forced Oleg Deripaska to sign a contract with the CEO of the holding "PhosAgro" Maxim Volkov, after which the situation was resolved.

In the fall of 2009, the Spanish law enforcement agencies raised suspicions of money laundering against Oleg Deripaska. According to the Spanish police, in 2001–2004, Deripaska “drove” four million euros through the Spanish accounts of the Russian mafia. However, no official charges were brought against the businessman, and the high-profile investigation ended in nothing for lack of evidence.

In January 2010, the Vedomosti newspaper published material in which journalists accused Putin of violating Russia’s obligations as one of the signatories of the Convention on world heritage UNESCO, for the sake of the interests of Oleg Deripaska. The Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill, owned by Deripaska, was allowed to discharge wastewater into Lake Baikal. To achieve this, Vladimir Putin gave instructions to change the list of activities prohibited in the central ecological zone of the Baikal natural territory. In this regard, the plant now has the right to produce bleached cellulose, which Lately increased in price by 40%, but when released it produces a huge amount of environmentally harmful chemicals.

This is not the first such unlawful decision by Putin in the interests of Derepaska. In the same way, with the personal participation of Vladimir Putin, another enterprise of Oleg Deripaska, the Pikalevsky Alumina Refinery, was allowed to produce harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Deripaska's interests are supported by the Russian government in all areas of the oligarch's business.

For example, Rusal received from VEB anti-crisis loan of $4.5 billion - in connection with this, it was necessary to issue a special permit to exceed the limits for one borrower. Loan repurchased Sberbank and will be extended until 2013. In addition, VEB is also buying shares of Rusal at the IPO.

Oleg Deripaska is influential person and an extraordinary personality, he joins the ranks of the richest and wealthiest people in Russia. Around Oleg there is a lot of attention from journalists, information in the yellow press, envious people and ill-wishers. He was one of the richest people in the country until he experienced a crisis that destroyed almost half of his wealth.

Deripaska Oleg Vladimirovich


Oleg Deripaska was born on January 2, 1968 in Dzerzhinsk, Gorky region. Oleg lived without his father, literally a year after his birth, his father died tragically. His raised by grandfather, who from an early age taught Oleg to respect loved ones and listen to the advice of adults.

Oleg's childhood was interesting and fun. For some time he lived with his grandparents; from the age of 7 to 11, fate brought him to them in the Krasnodar region. Deripaska was at school an exemplary student, everyone wanted to imitate him and learn from him. Grandparents, who most often raised Oleg, tried to give him not only their love, but also education. They taught him etiquette, behavior with people in society, and set priorities and values ​​in life. Oleg was not deprived of attention.

Oleg Deripaska in his youth

From 11 years old Oleg was already working part-time at a factory with his mother, he was an assistant mechanic. Despite the pittance of his salary, Oleg liked to spend his holidays this way and earn at least some money on his own. Mom tried to show him that in life you need to achieve everything yourself, with your own strength and perseverance.

Immediately after graduating from school, he went into the army for 2 years, serving in the Strategic Missile Forces. After completing his service, he was awarded the rank of senior sergeant.

After the army, Oleg entered college and received 2 higher educations. He is a specialist in economics and physics.

Oleg Deripaska: beginning of a career

Carier start

After graduating from college, Deripaska took up his career. He created his first “Military Investment and Trading Company”, which was engaged in the sale of metals. Oleg saved all the profits in order to buy shares in the Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter in the Republic of Khakassia.

In 1997 Deripaska severed all relations with Trans-World. He had a goal to develop and modernize the plant, in which he invested all his financial resources. In 2001, it received the name “Basic Element”.

In 2007 a merged company was created "Russian Aluminum", which at that time was considered the largest and most influential company in the world. Oleg Deripaska was appointed its general director.

Young Oleg Deripaska

Almost from the first years stable income, Deripaska decided to expand the circles of his power and opens dozens of charitable institutions that help not only homeless animals, but also talented people who strive to achieve success in their lives without having influential acquaintances.

Oleg Deripaska's family

Deripaska hides his personal life in every possible way, so many journalists are unable to find out anything important and interesting about him. There is only one woman of his that everyone knows about - wife Polina, with whom they have been together since 2001. Polina is the daughter of the former head of government Valentina Yumasheva. Their union took place due to connections between Yumashev and Deripaska.

A few years after the wedding, there were rumors that the couple divorced, unable to build a stable relationship. But Deripaska denied all these assumptions even at that time. In 2001, the couple had a son, and in 2003, Polina gave birth to Oleg’s daughter.

Wedding of Oleg Deripaska and his wife Polina

In 2010, the press actively discussed Polina's affair with her friend, but these rumors were refuted. Oleg had no suspicions that his beloved wife was capable of treason.

Oleg Deripaska's children grow up inquisitive and educated, play sports, and develop in every possible way. Deripaska is trying to give his children everything that was not there in his childhood. He will provide them with high-quality, expensive education abroad, and will open up opportunities for them that will allow them to achieve even greater success in life than he himself. Oleg does not like to discuss the life of children with the press; he tries to avoid any provocative questions, keeping all confidential information within the circle of his family. Oleg's wife is also not included in the discussion. Despite the fact that the couple has been together for a long time, Deripaska does not want to discuss their personal life, giving the press a reason for gossip and condemnation.

Oleg Deripaska's wife - Polina

As of 2018, the couple lives amicably and peacefully; they try their best to hide any family news from journalists, so as not to expose themselves or their children to gossip. Deripaska is engaged in business, adding millions to his fortune every year.


Oleg Deripaska boasts a large fortune, which he increases more and more every year. As of 2007, the magazine reported that Oleg Deripaska had a net worth of $13.3 billion. He was in 40th place in the ranking, which described the richest people in the world. If we look at the statistics of the richest people in Russia, Oleg took 6th place.

Oleg Deripaska was the richest in Russia in 2008

At the time of 2008, his fortune had grown significantly and amounted to $28 billion. These figures made him the richest man in Russia.

Then Oleg Deripaska faced a serious crisis, which took away 13-32 billion dollars from him, it was not possible to find out the exact figures. As of 2015, his fortune ranges from $6.2 billion.


Oleg Deripaska actively participates in charity events, helping people who really need it. In 1998, it was recorded that he created a fund called "Free Deal". He founded the largest charitable enterprise, which is financed from his own pocket.

Oleg Deripaska and Vladimir Putin

Oleg Deripaska is engaged charity for over 20 years During this time, almost 500 programs were carried out, on which almost 11 billion rubles were spent. The Foundation acts as support for culture, science, education, and spiritual revival.

Deripaska paid special attention to aspiring entrepreneurs and young talented scientists. He had the opportunity to help them, so without much thought, he directed his charity towards them as well. Deripaska achieved everything in his life himself, so he knows firsthand how difficult it is.

Oleg Deripaska opens many modern shelters for homeless animals, equips them with the necessary structures, finances their development, and expands their area. For 2018 he is considered one of the most influential politicians who has hundreds of charitable actions and benevolent deeds behind him that the country should know about.

Oleg Deripaska and Dmitry Medvedev

Deripaska now

year 2009 started off very interesting information- Oleg Deripaska is engaged in money laundering outside his native country. Such data was first published by a Spanish newspaper, which added a link to local law enforcement agencies that were involved in this investigation.

Later, it was possible to prove to the Spanish authorities that Oleg Deripaska had nothing to do with this scandal, and had never been found involved in money laundering. Spanish companies have repeatedly accused the businessman of such fraud, but these accusations have never been supported by facts. That is why the scandal dissolved just as quickly as it began. Oleg did not receive any further charges.

Oleg Deripaska

In 2014, Deripaska was awarded the order Alexander Nevsky, and also in the same year received the title of laureate of the award of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation “Patron of the Year of Culture”. In 2018, Deripaska’s name appeared in the scandalous situation of sex trainer Nastya Rybka and Alex Leslie. Oleg Deripaska filed a lawsuit against Nastya and Alex for posting social network materials relating to his personal life. Now Anastasia Rybka, who is behind bars in Thailand, must pay the oligarch 1 million rubles for moral compensation. This is a court decision. The court also ordered the removal of all materials from the public domain that relate to oligarch Oleg Deripaska.

IN this moment oligarch Oleg Deripaska continues to actively replenish his financial reserves, despite the ups and downs. He owns a business and is not going to give up charity, which also brings him good income.

In 1993 he graduated from Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. In 1996 he graduated from the Russian Economic Academy named after G.V. Plekhanov

Russian businessman, billionaire (as of March 2018, his fortune is estimated at $6.7 billion), owner of Basic Element, president of RUSAL and En+Group.


Oleg Vladimirovich was born on January 2, 1968 in Dzerzhinsk, Gorky Region, RSFSR. His ancestors are residents of Kuban. Oleg Vladimirovich’s great-grandfathers both fought in the Great Patriotic War. Being a student primary school he lived with his mother's parents, who had their own farm in Krasnodar region. Here he was taught not only discipline, but also the basics of agriculture.

For some time he lived with his father’s parents in the Zhelezny and Oktyabrsky farms of the Ust-Labinsk district of the Krasnodar Territory, and went to a rural school. Then he moved to the regional center - Ust-Labinsk, where he graduated from high school No. 2. As an eleven-year-old schoolboy, he began working part-time. First place of work in the future successful businessman became the factory where his mother worked. There he helped a local mechanic.

Education and military service

In 1986 he went to military service in Transbaikalia - two years in missile forces were not in vain: he returned home as a senior sergeant.

Then followed a move to the capital. In 1988, he entered the physics department of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, from which he graduated with honors in 1993. Next he began studying at the Economic Academy named after G.V. Plekhanov.

Labor activity

In 1990, together with classmates from Moscow State University, he organized the Military Investment and Trading Company, which specialized in metals trading and had brokerage positions on the Moscow Commodity Exchange and the Russian Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange. He began to export metal abroad, while buying it much cheaper at home. He spent almost all his proceeds on shares of the Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter.

Already in 1994, he took the post of general director of this enterprise, where he worked until 1997. It was he who initiated the creation of Russia's first vertically integrated industrial organization - the Siberian Aluminum group (now called Basic Element). In 2000, it was among the top ten global manufacturers in this field.

From 2000 to 2003, he was the general director of Russian Aluminum, which united the aluminum and alumina assets of Sibaluminium and Sibneft. In 2007, as a result of the merger of these enterprises with similar assets of the Swiss Glencore, the United Company RUSAL was created, which became a leader in its industry. At the same time, Basel Aero appeared, which managed the airports of Krasnodar, Sochi, Gelendzhik, Anapa and Yeisk.

In 2008, RUSAL acquired a blocking stake in MMC Norilsk Nickel and, after all the transactions, became the largest aluminum producer in the world until 2015.

In January 2009, he was again appointed general director of Basic Element and was involved in the formation and implementation of a development strategy. In November 2014, he led the group as president.


Since 2012, he has been Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Basel. The construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi was carried out with investments from its structures. It is known that their total amount is more than 45 billion rubles.


Oleg Vladimirovich is the representative of Russia in the Business Advisory Council of the Asia-Pacific Forum economic cooperation" Since 2007, he has headed its Russian branch.

Last news

On November 27, 2019, the Cypriot publication Politis reported that the businessman was deprived of Cypriot citizenship (the fact that he received it in exchange for investments became known in the spring of 2018). At the same time, Forbes also reports that two of his children have been stripped of their Cypriot citizenship.

Constantly mentioned in the Forbes list. In 2008, he was named the richest person in Russia with a fortune of $28.6 billion. A year earlier, it took second place in the ranking with $16.8 billion. In 2010 and 2011, the billionaire became fifth and sixth, respectively. In 2015 it was 17th, and in 2016 it was only 41st with $2.1 billion.

As of March 2018, he occupied 248th place in the world ranking of the richest people and 19th in Russia (with a fortune of $6.7 billion, Forbes). A month later, due to new US sanctions (by the morning of April 9, 2018), he lost $1.3 billion - a fifth of his fortune.

Family status

In 2001, he married Polina Yumasheva, she holds the post of chairman of the board of directors of Forward Media Group.

They have two children - a son, Peter, born in 2001. and daughter, Maria, born in 2003.

In March 2019, it became known about their divorce. Polina returned to herself maiden name(Yumasheva).


On the purposes of his contacts with former adviser to the campaign headquarters of US President Donald Trump, Paul Manafort:

“I am ready to take part in any hearings in the US Congress on this issue in order to defend my reputation and name.”

The biography of Oleg Deripaska is a series of unusual reincarnations. A mathematician and physicist by vocation easily masters the intricacies of world business, an orphan becomes a benefactor for many disadvantaged people, a boy from an undistinguished Soviet family without cronyism it becomes famous person and a billionaire.

The photo of the oligarch on the pages of the prestigious Forbes magazine was three times accompanied by number 1 in the ranking of the two hundred richest Russians. The influence of the "Basic Element" he created extends to almost all major industries. The number of employees and workers of enterprises controlled by the businessman reaches 200 thousand people.

The first years of the oligarch’s life cannot be called rosy. The future aluminum king was born on January 2, 1968. Its homeland was Dzerzhinsk, located near the large regional center - the city of Gorky, which later returned its old name - Nizhny Novgorod. A year later, the family’s joy was overshadowed tragic events. Sudden death Oleg's father made him an orphan.

In order to provide her son with everything necessary, in 1975 the boy’s mother, Valentina Petrovna, was forced to place the child in the care of her parents. For four years, the boy was under the supervision of his grandparents, who ran a small farm in the Krasnodar region. This period in Deripaska’s biography was not wasted. Participating in agricultural work, he early years developed discipline and hard work. The boy received his first knowledge at a local rural school.

Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska

The next stage for Oleg was Ust-Labinsk school No. 2, where he continued his studies from 1979 to 1985. In this institution, Deripaska was known as an exemplary student. The well-read boy easily mastered subjects, among which he especially stood out in mathematics and physics. His level of knowledge allowed him to participate and win competitions and solve problems for high school students.

In an effort to make life easier for his mother, who had to constantly work to support the family, at the age of 11 Oleg began labor activity, performing the duties of an electrician's assistant at one of the local enterprises. Confidently comprehending science. Oleg Deripaska was not a “crammer” and did not alienate himself from the interests of his peers. He was involved in many sports and although he often showed promise, none of them brought him to the rank of professional.



Successful completion of school and a decent set of knowledge opened the way for the young man to prestigious university. In 1985, Deripaska became a student at Moscow State University, where he was enrolled in the physics department. In 1986, in connection with the call for military service, Oleg has to interrupt his course at the university. It takes two years to protect the peaceful skies of the USSR (Deripaska served in Strategic Missile Forces troops in Transbaikalia).

Now the oligarch often claims that the army was a third university for him. Here he honed his leadership traits and, according to some sources, tried his hand at business for the first time. After demobilization, Deripaska continued his studies at the same university and successfully graduated in 1993. After 3 years, one more thing is added to Oleg’s knowledge bank higher education, received at the Russian Economic Academy named after. Plekhanov.

Career and business of Oleg Deripaska

The collapse of the USSR and the “turbulent” 90s made their own adjustments to the fate of the newly minted physicist. The ability to quickly respond to the current situation and the concept that a scientist cannot get a decent salary lead Deripaska into the world of entrepreneurship. In 1990, he created the Military Investment and Trade Company (later Aluminproduct). The organization specializes in metal supplies and is listed as a broker on the main commodity exchanges of Russia.

In profitable trade, preference is given to foreign representatives, and the target of the planned campaign is the Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter. Having received a majority stake in this enterprise, Deripaska entered into a partnership with the brothers Ruben and Cherny, representing TWG. In 1994, the young businessman took the post of general director of the enterprise.

After 3 years, Oleg Vladimirovich got rid of the influence of Trans World Group and by 1998 his Aluminproduct owned more than three-quarters of the shares of the aluminum smelter. At the same time, the Siberian Aluminum industrial group was formed. The merger of this organization with Sibneft in 2000 ensures the creation of Rusal, which is headed by Oleg Deripaska.

In 2001, the group owned by the businessman was renamed “Basic Element”, where he holds the post of CEO. Deripaska’s active work allows the “Russian Aluminum” he created to control a third of everything mined by 2007. world of lung metal After acquiring a controlling stake in Norilsk Nickel, the company becomes the world leader in this segment and maintains the first position until 2015.

In 2007, Deripaska’s organization expanded through the formation of the Basel Aero company, which manages the largest airports in the Russian Federation. The creation of the En+ holding provides Basic Element with a share in the Russian energy sector, Ingosstrakh provides the opportunity to work in the financial sector, the Kuban holding allows it to control agriculture, and the GAZ group provides significant profits in the automotive industry. In addition, the businessman’s empire extends to the construction and engineering industries.

Possessing such assets and having significant influence on the country's economy, Oleg Deripaska could not stay away from political activities. Since 2007, he, as a representative Russian Federation, is a member of the Business Council of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum.

Oleg Deripaska's net worth

The main assets of one of the richest Russians are concentrated in the financial and industrial group Basic Element. The dynamics of Oleg Deripaska’s enrichment are reflected in the data provided by Forbes magazine (years - $, billion / place in the Russian Federation / world ranking):

  • 2007 – 13,3/6/-;
  • 2008 – 28/1/9;
  • 2009 – 3,5/10;
  • 2010 – 10,7/5/164;
  • 2011 – 16,8/6/40;
  • 2012 – 8,8/14/-;
  • 2013 – 8,5/16/131;
  • 2014 – 6,2/20/230;
  • 2015 – 6,2/17/230;
  • 2016 – 2,1/41/315;
  • 2017 – 5,1/23/315;
  • 2018 – 6,7/19/-.

The April 2018 sanctions imposed by the United States on Russian companies, as well as the “aluminum war”, hit the businessman’s wallet hard. Rusal alone lost about $1.8 billion during these events. According to latest information, as of June 2018, Oleg Deripaska’s fortune decreased to $3.5 billion.

As a talented mathematician, Deripaska calculated in advance the danger threatening his property. In anticipation of the sanctions, the businessman transferred Terra Services (an English real estate company) in favor of his mother. She and the oligarch's cousin got houses and a complex in France, the cost of which is measured in hundreds of millions of dollars.

According to unconfirmed reports, the billionaire remains the owner of the luxurious villa Walkirie, located on the island of Sardinia and valued at $2.5 million, as well as a mansion in the US capital worth $15 million.

The oligarch owns a luxury yacht made of aluminum alloy. The seventy-two-meter Quenn K is capable of carrying 18 guests over a distance of 5 thousand miles. The price of the vessel is €80 million.

Until recently, Oleg Deripaska was considered the owner of three private jets, but American sanctions in 2018 forced the businessman to put them up for sale.

Private life of Oleg Deripaska

In the biography of a billionaire, personal life is inextricably linked with business and the people around him. In 2001, the oligarch started a family. His choice fell on Polina Yumasheva. The wedding of her father with the daughter of Boris Yeltsin allowed Oleg Vladimirovich to become related to former president Russia.

The family raised two children. The son, born in 2001, was named Peter. Now he is studying science in the UK. Daughter Masha, who turned 15 in 2018, also receives English education. Photos and videos of the girl can be seen on social networks, where she, together with Boris Yeltsin’s granddaughter, is relaxing on her father’s yacht.

The oligarch's main hobby is collecting Japanese art. He is a passionate fan of Japanese culture and cuisine.

Polina Yumasheva

Oleg Deripaska is active social life and participates in international program to prevent global warming. The billionaire is the founder of the Volnoye Delo foundation. The organization is engaged in charity and patronage. It has more than five hundred implemented programs, including support for culture, health care, development of science, environmental protection, etc. Oleg Deripaska spent more than 10 billion rubles on charity.

For his activities, the oligarch was awarded high state, departmental and public awards.

Oleg Deripaska today

Now Oleg Vladimirovich has to wage an active struggle in order to preserve his assets and enterprises. The results of the confrontation between Deripaska and the United States Ministry of Finance can seriously affect not only the entrepreneur’s capital, but also all Russian citizens, since the fate of En+ Group, which has direct relation to electricity prices for the average consumer.

Sanctions forced the billionaire to resign as head of Rusal. Having lost the American markets, the oligarch's enterprise is reoriented to the East. An example of this is the recent jump in the aluminum giant's quotes on the Hong Kong stock exchange.

In addition, Deripaska intends to get rid of his shares in Russian Machines.

Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska is the chairman of the supervisory board of one of the largest diversified industrial groups in Russia, Basic Element, which unites assets owned by the entrepreneur both in Russia and abroad, and the founder of the fund for supporting social innovations of the Volnoye Delo Foundation, one of the largest organizations in Russia, working in the field of charity. Until 2018, Deripaska was the main shareholder and president of En+ Group and Rusal.

Childhood and education

Oleg Deripaska was born on January 2, 1968 in the city of Dzerzhinsk Nizhny Novgorod region(previously called Gorkovskaya). His father Vladimir Deripaska died when the boy was one year old. Until the age of 11, Oleg was raised by his grandparents, who lived in the Kuban, near Ust-Labinsk. Later, the boy moved to his mother Valentina Petrovna Deripaska directly in Ust-Labinsk.

According to teachers of Ust-Labinsk school No. 2, Deripaska was a very diligent student with a penchant for exact sciences. In the final certificate he had one B - for essay. After graduating from school in 1985, Deripaska entered the physics department of Moscow State University (department of quantum statistics and field theory), where he was also known as one of the most talented students of the course. After his first year he was drafted into the army. He served two years in the missile forces near Chita, and in 1988 he returned to study.

After graduating from Moscow State University in 1993, Deripaska entered the famous Pleshka, where he studied economics and received a master's degree in 1996.

Way to success

Also in student years Deripaska earned the first money of his future fortune in a construction team, having also visited remote corners of Russia and the CIS countries. With his student friends, he opened his first business - the limited liability partnership “Military Investment and Trading Company”. The company was engaged in the supply of metals abroad.

In 1992, he headed the Rosaluminprodukt company (future Aluminumproduct) and opened branches in Samara and Krasnoyarsk. The year 1993 passed for the businessman under the auspices of participation in the privatization of the Sayan Aluminum Plant - Deripaska acquired part of its shares and by 1994 received a controlling stake and became general director.

In 1997, Deripaska founded the industrial group “Siberian Aluminum” (in 2001 renamed “Basic Element”, “BazEl”), which by 2004 became one of the top ten world leaders in aluminum production. In 2000, Deripaska began collaborating with Roman Abramovich. The oligarchs combined their assets (Sibal and Sibneft), as a result of which Russian Aluminum OJSC (RusAl) was born. The partnership ended in 2004 with Deripaska's purchase of Abramovich's share.

In 2006, cooperation began between Deripaska and Viktor Vekselberg, who headed the board of directors of the Siberian-Ural Aluminum Company. After combining their assets, Rusal became a leader in aluminum production on a global scale.

Currently, the Basic Element holding includes enterprises operating in the fields of energy, mining, metallurgy, financial services, construction, aviation, agribusiness and others.

Personal life of Oleg Deripaska

In 2001, Oleg Deripaska married Valentin Yumashev's daughter Polina. The couple met while visiting Roman Abramovich, who was then the entrepreneur’s partner. A year and a half after marriage, Yumashev became the husband of Boris Yeltsin’s daughter Tatyana. Thus, Deripaska became a member of Boris Nikolaevich’s family. In 2017, the couple divorced.

Deripaska has two children. Son Peter was born in 2001, and daughter Maria two years later.


At the beginning of 2007, Forbes magazine estimated Oleg Deripaska's fortune at $13.3 billion. The entrepreneur was in 40th place in the ranking of the richest people in the world. IN Russian list he was in 6th place. In 2008, his fortune reached $28 billion, making him our richest compatriot.

But after the financial crisis, the owner of Basic Element lost, according to various estimates, from 16 to 32 billion dollars. But in 2018, Forbes estimated the personal fortune of Deripaska, who was subject to American sanctions, at $3.3 billion.

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