Mushrooms umbrellas: description of species. Mushroom umbrella. Useful properties, how to dry and how to pickle What is the difference between an edible umbrella mushroom and a poisonous one

AND mixed forests almost throughout our country. Outwardly, the umbrella mushroom resembles some. Therefore, it gets into the basket only among those mushroom pickers who are well versed in the varieties of representatives of the mushroom kingdom.

There are three main varieties of umbrella mushrooms. These are white, motley and reddening umbrella mushrooms. They differ not only in their appearance, but also in the places of their growth. Therefore, we will consider each of them separately so that you can form your own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis common mushroom.

Where does the parasol mushroom grow?

Mushroom umbrella begins to delight mushroom pickers with its growth from the beginning of July. At this time, you can find variegated and white species of this fungus in large quantities in the fields, pastures and along the roads. A little later, in early August, in mixed and coniferous forests the mycelium of the reddening umbrella begins to bear fruit. It begins its active growth after abundant summer rain, followed by a clear and warm weather. Literally the next day you can go to mushroom hunting to nearby forests and fields.

It should be remembered that for an umbrella mushroom it is important structural composition soil. He loves well-drained, humus-rich soils. Therefore, the largest colonies are found on pastures, where for several years there is a walking of a large cattle. IN forest conditions he chooses places for his reproduction, densely covered with a soddy layer of humus and fallen leaves.

We collect mushroom motley umbrella

It is quite difficult to confuse the motley umbrella mushroom with another representative of this type of vegetation. This is enough big mushroom with a characteristic ovoid cap. During life, the hat reaches 25 cm in diameter. As it grows, it gradually changes its shape, turning into a bell and then completely spreading the edges into a flat saucer. There is a small tubercle in the center of the cap. The color scheme of the umbrella cap varies from gray to bright brown. A distinctive feature is the coating of the outer surface of the cap with small triangular scales. Plates are located on the inside of the cap white color. With age, they acquire a reddish tint. Below the plates is a membranous ring that separates them from the stem.

The leg usually grows up to 35 cm in length. At the same time, it remains quite thin, up to 3 cm in diameter. The outer surface is covered with scales.

We are looking for a mushroom umbrella blushing

The blushing umbrella mushroom differs from its variegated counterpart in a more modest size. His hat can only grow up to 20 cm. A distinctive feature lies not only in the color of the outer surface of the hat. It changes as it grows. At first, the hat is gray, then it turns red. In addition, the scales covering the outer surface of the cap of the reddening umbrella are quite remarkable. They are square in shape.

The leg is thin and long, covered with scales. The stem is separated from the cap by a dense ring, which consists of the pulp of the mushroom. You can help identify the umbrella mushroom photos, which are presented below in the photo gallery.

What does white umbrella mushroom look like?

White umbrella mushroom is the most common type in middle lane Russia. He meets with the same success as on various types forests, as well as pastures, parks and gardens.

The cap of the mushroom is not large, it has an ovoid shape at the beginning of growth. Then it opens up like an umbrella. The diameter of the white umbrella mushroom cap in the open state is 10 cm. The inner pulp, plates and stem of the mushroom are white throughout the entire life span. But the leg can be seen a thin membranous ring, which moves quite easily along the length. The stem is thin and long.

In Russia, the umbrella mushroom grows everywhere, including the southern regions, Far East and Siberia. Prefers light mixed forests, clearings, clearings. Found in fields, parks and gardens. Collection: June-October.

Beneficial features

The umbrella mushroom contains 2.4 g of proteins, 1.3 g of fats, 0.5 g of carbohydrates, 1.2 g of ash compounds. noted high level fiber (5.2 g), saturated fatty acids 0.2 g, chitin. Vitamins: PP, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, E, K. The umbrella is included in the group of products leading in terms of potassium, the presence of sodium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus is also noted. Satisfies the need for potassium by 16%, by 17% in vitamin "B2", 54% "PP".

The umbrella mushroom contains 17 amino acids (glutamine, tyrosine, leucine, arginine). In the presence of melanin and beta-glucans (an anti-cancer substance and a natural antioxidant). Vitamins of group "B" are much more than in a number of cereals and vegetables. dried mushroom 75% consists of protein compounds and has a large proportion of unsaturated fats: stearic, butyric, palmitic.

What is useful umbrella mushroom

Helps to lose weight, as it has a low calorie content, low glycemic index, removes toxins, stimulates digestion, satisfies hunger. The use of the umbrella mushroom is the ability to have an antitumor effect, neutralize the activity of bacteria, and rejuvenate the cells of the body. The use helps to saturate with useful protein, improve the condition of muscles, skin.

The substances that make up mushrooms strengthen and cleanse blood vessels, remove cholesterol, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and help fight oncology. Umbrellas are useful for brain activity and nervous system. With regular use, blood circulation normalizes, blood composition improves, sugar decreases, hormone production is stimulated. Umbrella mushrooms are edible fresh. This option guarantees the safety of all useful properties, this is especially important point with cancer.

How to choose

It should be remembered that the umbrella mushroom can be confused with poisonous counterparts. Therefore, when collecting, you need to carefully look at the hat. Unlike fly agaric, it is matte, light brown or beige colour, and the scales are dark, the fly agaric is the opposite. The "skirt" on the leg slides down easily. The plates under the hat are cream or dark beige. The pulp is light, the cut line always remains dry, has a mild nut-mushroom aroma.

Storage methods

Dry freshly picked mushrooms can be kept in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. To do this, you need to provide air access ( open dishes or paper packaging). There is a way to increase the time - salt: cleaned and washed umbrellas are sprinkled with salt. Under oppression, in a cool place can be 2-3 months. Fresh mushrooms are frozen for 4-6 months. Dried and pickled do not lose quality for one year.

How to pickle an umbrella mushroom:

  • To avoid poisoning, make sure that it is an umbrella mushroom
  • Clean and cut
  • Rinse the processed and chopped mushrooms in cold water
  • Place in a saucepan (preferably stainless steel or enameled), salt (35-40 grams of salt per liter of water) and cook, stirring, removing foam from the surface
  • If the umbrella mushrooms begin to sink to the bottom of the pan, then the cooking process is almost completed, cook for another 2-3 minutes
  • Place the finished product in a colander, let excess moisture escape

Meanwhile, prepare the mushroom marinade:

  • In the first pan, pour half a liter of water, a small spoonful of salt, three grams of citric acid. Put on fire
  • In parallel, place the mushroom jars in boiling water in another container. Sterilize with lids
  • After the water with citric acid and salt has boiled, you can add some spices and vinegar
  • Take the jars out of the boiling water and spread the umbrella mushrooms over them.
  • Fill the jars with boiling marinade to the neck (this is important), the mushrooms should be completely immersed in the marinade.
  • Sterilize for 30-40 minutes over low heat.
  • Roll up jars of mushrooms and refrigerate.
  • It is better to store in a dark cool place
  • You can use the delicacy no earlier than a month after pickling

Still these mushrooms umbrellas can be dried

What is combined with in cooking

The umbrella mushroom has bright palatability and therefore widely used in cooking. With its properties, it resembles a mushroom and can also be used raw in salads. Umbrella mushroom is pickled, salted, dried, grilled, breaded in a pan. The most common dish is mushroom chops from umbrella caps, which tastes like chicken breast. For frying, flour, egg, breadcrumbs are used.

Often only the caps are harvested, as the leg becomes stiff after processing, but they can be used to “fat” and saturate dishes, for example, in mushroom broths and sauces. Throw away after boiling. Thrifty housewives make mushroom powder from dried umbrella legs, which successfully complement meat and vegetable dishes.

Mushroom umbrella goes well with potatoes, butter and vegetable oil, garlic, dill, ground pepper, cheese, sour cream, fried onions. Harmonious with seafood, beef, pork, poultry, fish, eggs.

Useful food combination

Mushroom umbrella has all the qualities of a dietary product. Used in the diet of diabetics, vegetarians, ideal for those who want to lose weight. Often used in salt-free diets. In weight loss programs, it serves as a source of vitamins and vegetable protein, saturates well and makes it easy to reduce the calorie content of the diet.

It is useful to eat raw parasol mushroom with vegetables. Such salads are seasoned with lemon juice or soy sauce. Successful combinations are obtained with spicy herbs, cucumber, bell pepper, tomato, Chinese cabbage, olives. Lentils, rice, buckwheat, beans are perfect for side dishes.


Umbrella mushrooms can be harmful in diseases of the intestines, liver and pancreas. An overdose can cause cramps and bloating, provoke the development of pancreatitis. Children can be given only from the age of 5, it is not recommended for women during the feeding period.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

In terms of therapeutic effect, the umbrella mushroom surpasses popular preparations from shiitake mushrooms, it is actively used traditional healers. There are many recipes for the treatment of gout, rheumatism. Tinctures and extracts help with various stomach problems. It is used in the treatment of malignant tumors and benign formations. Powder of dried mushrooms spread in the room to purify the air, popular for the treatment of festering wounds. Umbrellas are included in the diet of patients with obesity, diabetes. In cosmetology, a crushed hat of a fresh umbrella with sour cream is applied to the face. This mask rejuvenates, relieves puffiness, tones, nourishes.

Collecting mushrooms is exciting and interesting. The umbrella mushroom is real find, it is tasty, healthy and fragrant. The peculiarity is that its pulp does not contain harmful substances which is typical for such plants. It is best to go for umbrellas at the edge of the forest or in the field, immediately after a heavy rain. Every mushroom picker should know what an edible and poisonous mushroom looks like, be able to identify them. distinctive features and signs.

Umbrella mushroom - description

Mushroom-umbrella belongs to the genus Macrolepiota, the champignon family. He got his name because of the outward resemblance to an open umbrella: a large hat in the form of a dome on a high and thin leg. Many species are safe and edible, although the plant has several toxic doppelgangers extremely hazardous to human health. The structure of the fungus is typical hat-legged, and the size can be medium and large. The flesh is dense and fleshy, the stem can be slightly bent and easily separated from the cap.

After heavy rains, umbrellas can grow to be very large sizes. The cap of such a mushroom reaches a diameter of 35 to 45 cm, and the height of the stem grows to 30-40 cm.

On average, the mushroom has a stem length of about 8-10 cm and a cap diameter of 10-15 cm. The surface of the cap is dry and finely scaly, the skin may crack and hang down in the form of a fringe along the edges. The pulp and juice are of a light shade with a pleasant mushroom smell and delicate taste. The stalk is thickened at the base, it has a characteristic movable membranous ring. In young umbrellas, the cap is connected to the base of the stem and has a spherical shape. Growing up, it separates from the stem and opens, forming a dome with a slight elevation in the center.

Varieties of umbrellas

The umbrella mushroom is considered common, it grows in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests, is found in fields and edges, in steppes and meadows, in gardens, vegetable gardens and reserves.

Mushroom umbrella photo - edible and poisonous:

Edible mushroom and poisonous doppelgangers

The difficulty of collecting umbrellas lies in the fact that there are their poisonous counterparts. Outwardly, they look like edible umbrellas, but they contain toxic substances, so their consumption is prohibited.

All doubles of the umbrella are deadly poisonous and threaten human life. When collecting umbrella mushrooms, you should be careful and careful, as you will confuse false mushroom real is very easy. Majority inedible mushrooms exude an unpleasant odor and have a bitter taste.

Umbrella mushroom - photo and description, poisonous twins:

How to cook umbrellas

Umbrellas, like many other mushrooms, are healthy and nutritious, they should be picked young, when the cap is not yet fully opened. Mature representatives may begin to be bitter. How to cook umbrella mushrooms? The leg is removed, and the hat must be subjected to heat treatment - fried, boiled, stewed, pickled, salted. Umbrellas can be pre-dried or frozen, and then used to prepare the most variety of dishes– soups, appetizers, fillings for baking and pancakes.

Umbrella mushrooms cannot be collected near industrial enterprises, garbage dumps, major highways and railway tracks. They can accumulate harmful and dangerous substances that threaten human health and life.

Mushroom umbrella cooking recipes:

  • a large hat of an umbrella is cleaned of scales and washed well, salted and peppered to taste, and then fried on both sides for vegetable oil- simple and very tasty;
  • you can fry hats, previously dipped in batter, or rolled in breadcrumbs or flour, this is original and fast;
  • special lovers prepare grilled umbrellas on the grate of the oven or outdoor barbecue, marinating them briefly in lemon juice with herbs and garlic, an interesting and affordable option;
  • a dry and fragrant umbrella cooks quickly, it is good for broth, as an additional ingredient for snacks and sandwiches.

A peculiar taste and rich mushroom aroma are the main advantages of the umbrella. Nutritionists note their unique composition and high nutritional value, the content of amino acids, fiber, salts, vitamins and minerals. useful mushroom widely used in traditional medicine for preventive and curative purposes.

Cooking umbrella mushroom - video

Umbrella mushroom chop - video

Umbrella mushrooms belong to the Champignon family and owe their name to the original appearance. Indeed, these edible mushrooms reminiscent of umbrellas opened during the rain. These gifts of the forest have a delicious taste, which is why they are extremely appreciated by lovers of "quiet hunting".

On this page, you can learn what umbrella mushrooms look like, where they grow, and how to distinguish umbrella mushrooms from other mushrooms. You can also get acquainted with the photo and description of umbrella mushrooms of various types (white, variegated and blushing).

White parasol mushroom cap (Macrolepiota excoriata) (diameter 7-13 cm): usually grey-white, fleshy, with loose scales, may be cream or light brown. In young mushrooms, it has the shape of an egg, with time it becomes almost flat, with a distinct brown tubercle in the center.

Pay attention to the photo of the porcini umbrella mushroom: the edges of his cap are covered with whitish fibers.

Leg (height 5-14 cm): hollow, has the shape of a cylinder. Usually slightly curved, white, darker below the ring. It turns visibly brown on touch.

Records: white, very frequent and loose. In an old fungus, they become brown or with a brown tint.

Pulp: white, with a pleasant intolerant smell. When interacting with air, the color on the cut does not change.

The parasol mushroom looks like a variegated species (Macrolepiota procera), but it is much larger. Also, the white variety resembles the mastoid umbrella (Macrolepiota mastoidea), Konrad's umbrella mushroom (Macrolepiota konradii), as well as the inedible poisonous lepiota (Lepiota helveola). The Conrad species has a skin that does not completely cover the hat, the mastoid umbrella has a pointed hat, and the poisonous lepiot is not only much smaller, but also with flesh turning pink at the site of the break or cut.

When growing: from mid-June to early October in almost all countries of the Eurasian continent, as well as in North America, North Africa and Australia.

Where can I find: on relatively free areas of all types of forests - clearings, edges, pastures and meadows.

Eating: usually combined with fish or meat dishes. In adult mushrooms, you need to take only caps, the legs are most often hollow or fibrous. Very delicious mushroom, especially popular in traditional Chinese cuisine.

as a remedy for rheumatism.

Other names: parasol mushroom field.

Edible umbrella mushroom blushing and his photo

Red umbrella mushroom cap (Chlorophyllum rhacodes) (diameter 7-22 cm): beige, gray or light brown, with fibrous scales. In young mushrooms, it has the shape of a small chicken egg, which then slowly expands to a bell-shaped, and then becomes almost flat, as a rule, with tucked edges.

Leg (height 6-26 cm): very smooth, light brown or white, darkens with age.

In the photo of the umbrella mushroom of this variety, it is clearly visible that the hollow, cylindrical leg tapers from the bottom up. Easily separated from the hat.

Records: usually white or cream. When pressed, they acquire an orange, pink or reddish hue.

Pulp: fibrous and brittle, white.

If you look closely at the photo of the blushing umbrella mushroom, then you can see red-brown stains on its cut. This is especially noticeable in the pulp of the leg. It has a pleasant taste and aroma.

Doubles: umbrella mushrooms maiden (Leucoagaricus nympharum), graceful (Macrolepiota gracilenta) and variegated (Macrolepiota procera). Hat girl's umbrella lighter, and the color of its pulp practically does not change at the site of a break or cut. The graceful umbrella mushroom is smaller, the flesh also does not change color. The variegated umbel is larger than the blushing umbel and does not change the color of the flesh when exposed to air. Also, the reddening umbrella mushroom resembles the poisonous Chlorophyllum brunneum and (Chlorophyllum molybdites). But the first chlorophyllum can be distinguished from the blushing umbrella mushroom by more brown caps and legs, also on large scales on the cap, and lead-slag grows only in North America.

When growing: from mid-June to early November in European and Asian countries, as well as in North America and North Africa.

Where can I find: prefers fertile and humus-rich soils deciduous forests. Found in meadows clearings or in city parks and squares.

Eating: in almost any form, only it is necessary to clean the mushroom from hard scales.

Application in traditional medicine: does not apply.

Important! According to scientists, the blushing umbrella mushroom can cause severe allergic reactions, so allergy sufferers should be careful when using it.

Other names: shaggy umbrella mushroom.

Motley umbrella mushroom: photo and description

Cap of a motley parasol mushroom (Macrolepiota procera) (diameter 15-38 cm): fibrous, gray or beige, with dark brown scales. In young mushrooms, it has the shape of a ball or a large chicken egg, then it opens to a cone, then it becomes like an umbrella.

As can be seen in the photo of the variegated umbrella mushroom, the edges of its cap are usually bent towards inside, and in the center there is a dark tubercle of a round shape.

Leg (height 10-35 cm): uniform brown. Often with rings of scales, with a ring or the remains of a bedspread on a leg. Hollow and fibrous, cylindrical and easily separated from the cap. At the very base, a rounded thickening is noticeable.

Records: frequent and free, white or light gray. Easily separated from the hat.

Pulp: loose and white. It has a weak but pleasant mushroom aroma, tastes like Walnut or mushrooms.

According to the description, the variegated umbrella mushroom is similar to poisonous chlorophyllums - lead slag (Chlorophyllum molybdites) and Chlorophyllum brunneum. Lead-slag is much smaller than the variegated umbrella mushroom and is found only in North America, and the flesh of Chlorophyllum brunneum changes color when cut or broken. Also, the motley umbrella mushroom can be confused with edible umbrella graceful (Macrolepiota gracilenta) and blushing (Chlorophyllum rhacodes). But the graceful one is much smaller, and the blushing one is not only smaller, but also changes the color of the pulp.

When growing: from mid-June to early November in the countries of the Eurasian continent from temperate climate, as well as in Northern and South America, Australia, in Cuba and Sri Lanka.

Where can I find: on sandy soils and open spaces, not only in forest meadows or edges, but also in city parks and squares.

Eating: after preliminary cleaning from scales, the hats can be used in cooking in almost any form, including cheese. The legs are hard, so they are not eaten. To taste, a motley umbrella resembles champignons. Especially appreciated by French gourmets, who recommend frying it in oil with herbs. The only drawback is that this mushroom is very fried. In Italy, the motley umbrella is called mazza di tamburo ("drumsticks").

Use in traditional medicine (data are not confirmed and have not been clinically tested!): in the form of a decoction as a remedy for the treatment of rheumatism.

Other names: large umbrella mushroom, tall umbrella mushroom, "drum sticks".

2017-10-26 Igor Novitsky

The motley umbrella mushroom is a magnificent mushroom that is easy to find in Russian forests. However, it rarely gets on the table, because due to its great similarity with common grebes, most mushroom pickers are afraid to take umbrella mushrooms.

Mushroom-umbrella motley. Description

Although almost all adult mushrooms resemble an open umbrella in shape, the umbrella mushroom really deserves its name. In its “youth”, the mushroom looks like a folded umbrella, in which the spoke plates are tightly pressed against the “umbrella handle” leg. As they grow older, the plates move away from the stem and become horizontal, which very accurately resembles the opening mechanism of an umbrella.

Even according to the description of the variegated umbrella mushroom, it is clear that this is a fairly large mushroom. He's even more impressive live. The diameter of the cap is about 20-25 cm, and sometimes reaches 35 cm. The stalk is on average from 10 to 20 cm, although there are individuals 30-40 cm high. The thickness of the stalk is usually 1-2 (sometimes 4) cm. On the stalk, as as a rule, there is a small "skirt".

On the underside of the cap there are plates 2 cm wide at the edge, which narrow as they approach the stem. The color of the plates is white, as the fungus ages, they can become beige or cream. The stem and cap are separated from each other very easily.

While the umbrella mushroom is young, the shape of the cap is spherical, which is why, for example, in Italy it is often called “drumsticks” in everyday life. As they grow older, the hat opens and takes on the usual umbrella shape.

The skin on the cap has a brownish-gray tint with brown "scales". In the center, as a rule, the scales merge into a solid brown circle. While the mushroom is young, its leg has a light brown color, then it becomes a little darker and covered with dark scales, which is why rings of light and dark tones often form on the leg.

The pulp is loose and fleshy, in old mushrooms, on the contrary, it is dense. The color is white, does not change when pressed or cut. raw mushroom has a slight mushroom smell.

Parasol mushroom - edible or not?

Many good edible mushrooms have their "evil" counterparts among their poisonous counterparts. The motley umbrella is no exception in this matter. In view of this, the old rule does not lose its relevance: take exclusively well-known mushrooms and leave those that cause the slightest doubt.

Before going to quiet hunting”, carefully study the photo and description of the variegated umbrella mushroom. By outward signs it is very similar to mushrooms from the genus fly agaric - pale grebe and gray fly agaric. It is for this reason that many mushroom pickers, especially inexperienced ones, completely ignore the umbrella mushroom, which, with a lack of experience, is, of course, an absolutely correct tactic.

The main differences from poisonous counterparts:

  • The “skirt” of the umbrella mushroom is a three-layer ring that is not attached to the stem and can easily move vertically;
  • the edible mushroom does not have any other remnants of the "veil" that poisonous ones always have;
  • the hat of the umbrella is matte, while that of the fly agaric is, on the contrary, shiny and smooth;
  • the fly agaric cap is covered with rare speckles, while the umbrella has more of them, and in the central part they merge into a single smooth circle;
  • grebes can often be identified by their greenish or olive color hats, uncharacteristic for an umbrella mushroom.

We hope that now you have figured out the question of whether the variegated umbrella mushroom is edible or not.

Motley umbrella mushroom: photos of edible and poisonous species

In addition to toadstools and fly agarics, the motley umbrella mushroom can be confused with its other close relatives. In particular, under the guise of a harmless motley, you can accidentally put an umbrella of purple acutesquamosis in the basket. This mushroom can be recognized by its unpleasant odor and bitter taste. So if the cooked mushroom is bitter, spit it out immediately and consult a doctor immediately.

Another evil twin of the motley is the comb umbrella. Fortunately, it is quite easy to recognize it by its significantly smaller size: the diameter of the cap is only 2-5 cm. The masteoidea umbrella is slightly larger - the cap is 8-12 cm, which is already close to the norm for a motley umbrella.

But the greatest danger is the fleshy-reddish umbrella, the use of which threatens fatal. However, it is also given out by its small size - the diameter of the cap usually does not exceed 2-6 cm.

Once again, we remind you that at the slightest doubt, pass by the mushroom, no matter how seductive it may seem.

How to cook a motley umbrella mushroom

Unlike most mushrooms that are eaten whole, when preparing the variegated umbrella mushroom, the leg is usually thrown away, since it is quite tough and fibrous. But the hat, on the contrary, is very soft and fleshy.

Of course, any housewife can come up with a lot of recipes on how to cook a variegated umbrella mushroom. The easiest option is to simply fry the hats in sunflower oil or stew them in sour cream. In principle, the hats can be cut into pieces so that they can be used as a classic addition to mashed potatoes. But many gourmets prefer to fry the hats whole, like pancakes. Having rolled them in breadcrumbs or flour (it is possible with an egg), the hats are fried first from the bottom side, and then from the top.

It's a good idea to use an umbrella mushroom to make soup. Also, young umbrellas are often pickled raw for the winter.

As mentioned, the fleshy soft caps are of the greatest interest, but not everyone agrees that the legs should simply be thrown away. Since they are really harsh in their original form, you can grind them in a meat grinder and, after frying them in this form, add them to soup, mashed potatoes, or use them as a putty for sandwiches. Mixed with meat or mashed potatoes, grated mushroom legs can be put on dumplings or pies.

The variegated umbrella mushroom belongs to the champignon family, that is, it is a close relative of garden champignon - the same one that accounts for 80% of the world's crop of artificially grown mushrooms. However, despite such eminent relatives, the umbrella mushroom itself has not yet been “domesticated”. Although attempts to grow it artificially are ongoing, an economically sound technology has not yet been found.

Despite the stubborn desire of the umbrella to stay wild mushroom, for personal purposes it can still be bred. Of course, we are not talking about guaranteed high yields here, but it is still possible to grow a bucket or two of these mushrooms for a family table. The main thing is to carefully study the photo of the variegated edible and poisonous twins umbrella mushroom, so as not to accidentally start breeding fly agarics.

If you suddenly do not know, we are glad to enlighten you that mushrooms reproduce in two ways:

  1. Through mushroom. This is a kind of rhizome or underground part of the fungus colony, from which the above-ground part grows, called the fungus proper.
  2. Disputes. Something like seeds (only much smaller) that ripen in a mushroom cap.

Since the cultivation of umbrellas is still the lot of individual and very few amateur gardeners, you will not be able to buy mycelium anywhere. The only way to get it is to dig in the forest yourself. However, the likelihood that after transplantation it will take root in a new place is extremely small.

Buy disputes also will not work. But you can get them yourself - in the forest. To do this, you need to find an old flabby umbrella mushroom, bring it home and sow it on the site. Sowing is carried out as follows: a mushroom cap is pricked on a tree branch or hung in some other way (even on a rope) over the area where it is planned to grow mushrooms. In a suspended state, the mushroom dries out, and the spores inside the cap ripen and eventually spill out onto the ground, sowing the area.

To ensure at least a minimal chance that the umbrella mushroom will take root on the site, the bed should be prepared accordingly. The umbrella loves calcium-rich soils, so it is worth fertilizing the bed with calcium carbonate. By the way, as mentioned above, the umbrella is related to champignons, and their cultivation is now on stream, which is manifested, among other things, by the abundance of ready-made concentrates for the soil on the market. These concentrates are also suitable for the umbrella mushroom.

Growing an umbrella mushroom in the forest

And yet, the variegated umbrella mushroom remains a very fastidious mushroom, and therefore its successful breeding on personal plot will be more of a rare luck than a natural result. Practice shows that cultivation attempts will be more successful if this is done in the territory of natural growth of mushrooms, that is, in the forest.

In this case, you don't have to put in much effort. We just take and hang the old worm hats right above the place where we cut them. So we imitate the natural reproduction of coffins as much as possible, but only expand the area of ​​sowing. If, under natural conditions, mushrooms pour out all the spores under themselves, which is why only some of them can ascend, then by spraying them within a radius of several meters, it is possible to reduce competition between spores by increasing total seedlings.

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