Irina Bezrukova: biography, career, personal life and news. Irina Bezrukova told how her only son died How old is Irina Bezrukova in a year

Celebrity life is always in the public eye. Therefore, when changes occur in their biography or personal life, rather loud statements appear in the press. This situation recently happened with actress Irina Bezrukova. As soon as she was noticed at a social event, accompanied by an unknown man, they immediately raised him to the status of the artist's new husband (see photo below in the article).

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In April 2018, the premiere of the film "The Crew" started. It was attended by many stars of Russian cinema and show business. Among them was famous actress Irina Bezrukova. Many people know that not so long ago she experienced difficulties in her personal life - a divorce from Sergei Bezrukov. It took her a lot of time and patience to forget her ex-husband.

But at the event, the actress appeared in the company of a new man (see photo below in the article), which completely discouraged those around her. All evening, the guests tirelessly discussed their couple and wondered about their relationship.

But the actress herself did not give any comments on this matter. Only after some time, she shared with reporters: “In fact, this is my friend, his name is Sergey Braude, he famous actor and director. Already for a long time he lives in . We communicate quite often and try to maintain warm friendly relations.”

It is known that Irina met Sergey at the beginning of 2018. This happened at a charity ball in Luxembourg, where they happened to be the hosts. Even they noted that it was the most a beautiful couple on this evening. Collaboration really inspired the actors.

In addition, the working relationship grew into a friendly sympathy. Some time later, the man arrived in Moscow on business, and decided to arrange a meeting with Irina. The actress gladly accepted his invitation.

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Past Relationships

In her personal life, actress Irina Bezrukova is constantly haunted by failures. The first official husband of the artist was Igor Livanov. Their relationship developed quite well, despite the fact that the man was much older than Irina. After a while, the couple had a son, Andrei.

Gradually, the actress began to move away from the family, often delayed at work. And in the end she confessed to her husband that she fell in love with an actor - Sergei Bezrukov.

Such changes in her personal life benefited Irina. With a new relationship, the actress literally blossomed. In addition, the man showed his interest in her in every possible way and courted her beautifully. According to one of the popular magazines, the actors were recognized for the year. Then joint photos with a new husband often graced the covers of the most popular glossy publications.

Together with Sergei, they organized various charity events. But behind external well-being, not the most best moments their personal lives.

In 2014, Irina learned that Bezrukov had two illegitimate children from another woman. It was at that moment that the relationship with her husband cracked. Now the actress does not like to remember these moments from their personal lives, but at that moment it was very difficult for her. This was followed by several more unpleasant events: a new husband's affair and a divorce.


After the divorce proceedings, the actress could not recover for a long time. The only salvation for her was hard work. She always disappeared on the set of various television shows, studied languages, traveled. Only this helped to forget about the difficulties in.

In addition, Irina Bezrukova announced that she was already ready for a new relationship with a man who would become her faithful husband.

But she could not even imagine what lay ahead of her. Once Irina had to leave for a while to shoot in another city. It was there that she learned that her beloved son Andrei had tragically died in their apartment.

Instantly, various versions of his death were published in the media: drug addiction, various diseases. According to the official version of the investigation, Andrey accidentally slipped on the floor in the bathroom and, in the fall, received significant head injuries that were incompatible with life. The actress still can't believe he's not around.


Now in the personal life of actress Irina Bezrukova there are no changes, despite the fact that journalists often attribute new relationships to her. She tries to maintain only friendly sympathies with the opposite sex. In her opinion, before looking for a new husband, you need to meet "your man."

She never aspired faster. All the relationships themselves led her to marriage.

The actress notes that she knows how to love, care and build strong relationships, but now in her life there is no man she would like to marry.

Now the actress works hard, provides for herself, does not depend on anyone and feels harmonious. Not so long ago, the premiere of the series "The Mentalist" was released. Soon there will be a big film - "Earthquake", in which she played. Active work and constant interest in her work give her pleasure and make her a happy person.

. Member of the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region.

Irina Bezrukova. Biography

Irina Vladimirovna Bezrukova(maiden name - Bakhtura) was born in the spring of 1965 in Rostov-on-Don. Her father was an oboist and her mother was a medical doctor. Irina Bezrukova together with her sister Olga grew up in a creative atmosphere, with early childhood girls played on musical instruments. After the parents separated, the mother fell seriously ill and died. The girls were raised by their grandmother. In childhood Irina Bezrukova was fond of dramatic art and tried to enter the local theater circle, but to no avail.

Irina became a student of the Rostov School of Arts, Malyshev's course, which she successfully graduated in 1988. Last two courses Irina Bezrukova performed on the stage of the Rostov Academic Drama Theater. M. Gorky, and then devoted a year to work at the Tula Drama Theater.

In 1990 Irina Bezrukova moved to Moscow, where she played in the theater of Oleg Tabakov.

Film debut Irina Bezrukova was participation in the diploma camera work "The Girl and the Wind". In 1991, the actress played the role of the bride in the film "When they are late at the registry office." She has many roles on her account, one of the most famous is Queen Louise in the TV series The Countess de Monsoro.

- The first eight films in which I starred, caused me a fever. Seeing myself on the screen, I thought that I looked the worst. But time passed - a year or two, and I already looked at my work without unnecessary emotions and saw that a lot of things were really good.

To date Irina Bezrukova can be seen in projects in which her husband is involved, famous actor Sergey Bezrukov: "An unfamiliar weapon or a Crusader2", "Chinese Service", "Office", "Love.Ru", "Plot", "Yesenin", "Real fairy tale".

In addition, Irina Bezrukova voiced several animated films: "Prince Vladimir", "Capital Souvenir" And " About Fedot the archer, a daring young man". Since 2013, Irina Bezrukova has been a co-founder and creative director of the Sergei Bezrukov Foundation for the Support and Development of Socio-Cultural Projects.

In 2015 on the channel " 360° Moscow region» the actress created the author's TV program « Conversation on stage. With Irina Bezrukova". The guests of Irina Bezrukova's program were such celebrities as Denis Matsuev, Maxim Dunayevsky, Dmitry Kharatyan, Sergey Bezrukov, Dmitry Dyuzhev and others.

In March 2016, the anniversary project “Dancing with the Stars” was released on the Russia 1 TV channel, in which she became a participant Irina Bezrukova, which went to the floor in tandem with Maxim Petrov.

In March 2019, the show “The Last Hero. Actors against psychics”, which was attended by Irina Bezrukova. According to the actress, she did not immediately agree to participate in the project, as she is not actively involved in sports and does not have survival skills. However, the organizers of the show managed to persuade the star to become one of the participants. last hero. Actors against psychics.

Irina Bezrukova: “I had a detailed conversation with the producer of the project. I asked: “How can I be of interest to you? I have never slept “under a bush” in my life, I don’t know how to survive in wild nature I am not actively involved in sports. But they explained to me that all the listed qualities are actually not as important as fortitude. Let's hope so! I begged the producers to let me bring a sleeping bag with me, tried to bargain, but it didn’t work out.”

Personal life of Irina Bezrukova

When Irina Bezrukova joined the troupe of the Rostov Drama Theatre, she fell in love with her teacher Igor Livanov. The lovers did not hide their romance. When an actor is widowed Irina Bezrukova married him, took his last name and gave birth to a son, Andrei.

In the late 1980s, the whole family ended up in Moscow, where Igor Livanov got a job in the capital's theater "Detective", and Irina began performing on the stage of the theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov.

In 1988, on the set of the film " Crusader-2 » Irina met Sergey Bezrukov. The actor was not at all embarrassed by the status of a married woman - he left her a note with his phone number.

Their romance was followed by the entire press, and the theatrical world watched with delight the development of events in this love triangle. In 2000 Irina divorced her husband and married Sergei Bezrukov.

The couple lived in three, together with Irina's son from his first marriage, Andrei. Andrey Livanov He tried himself in the theatrical field and at the Institute of Oriental Studies in Japanese studies, but eventually graduated from the linguistic faculty of Moscow State University.

Irina Bezrukova more than once admitted in an interview that she would like to have a baby, but the desire of the spouses alone is not enough. actress accepts Active participation in various charitable actions and events.

– I have a friend who is a well-known psychoanalyst, but she cannot work with me, they are forbidden to consult friends. And she somehow says to me: “Ir, do you beat the dishes?” I didn’t understand her: “No, I wash it carefully.” - “But in vain, men love it so much and remember it, they brag about it later: but mine, mine was jealous and how to grab a plate on the floor! ..” Well, I thought and thought, but still I didn’t beat. Maybe it works on stupid men, but not on Sergey. So I don't throw tantrums, I don't scream. Such are our Nordic characters.

beauty secret Irina Bezrukova, by her own admission, healthy way life. However, at the premiere of The Real Tale in the fall of 2011, the actress appeared noticeably younger. There were rumors in the secular company that Irina Bezrukova underwent plastic surgery, but she categorically denied the fact of surgical intervention.

In the spring of 2015, a tragedy occurred in the family of the actress: on March 14, the son Irina Bezrukova Andrei Livanov was found dead in the bathroom - insulin syringes were lying next to him. For the past three years, the guy suffered from a severe form diabetes. Before his death, he managed to call his colleagues, saying that he was not feeling well, and, according to employees law enforcement capitals and doctors, by calling the emergency number 112: a young man reported a severe malaise. On the day the tragedy occurred, the parents were in Irkutsk on tour. Irina Bezrukova, having received terrible news, immediately flew to the capital.

In May 2015, rumors spread in the media that celebrity couple Bezrukov is on the verge of a divorce, but the actors denied this. But in September 2015, Irina Bezrukova and Sergey Bezrukov gave comments to the press about their divorce. Already ex-husband and wife explained that both the couple separated, but continue to work together.

Irina Bezrukova: “For 15 years life together we have become truly close people and comrades-in-arms, and our parting cannot cancel this. We are still united by a common cause - the Moscow Provincial Theater. Fund for support and development of social and cultural projects, which we created together. I am grateful to Sergey for supporting my TV project, for taking the time to come to my program and voiced a promo video for it - this was his proposal. But I would like to put an end to this and, taking this opportunity, ask for funds mass media don’t bother me about this, don’t think of anything.”

Almost immediately, the press began to say that Sergey Bezrukov meeting with the director

Irina Vladimirovna Bezrukova (nee Bakhtura) - theater and film actress, TV presenter, ex-wife of Igor Livanov and Sergei Bezrukov.

Irina Bezrukova looks stunning in any outfit

The childhood of Irina Bezrukova

Irina was born on April 11, 1965 in the city of Volgodonsk Rostov region. Mom was a medical worker, dad was a musician (he played the oboe). Two children grew up in their family - she and sister Olga. From childhood, their father instilled in them a love of music, Irina then played the violin.

Irina Bezrukova in childhood

But the parents divorced. Then she fell ill, seriously ill, mother. She passed away when Irina was only 11 years old. In the future, the girls were raised by their grandmother, all together they lived hard, on the verge of poverty.

In her school years, Ira loved to read, was a sickly, extremely unsociable and shy girl. Despite this, one day she decided to enter the theater circle of the Palace of Pioneers. However, she was not accepted, recommending that she go to the Rostov School of Arts (RUI).

Irina Bezrukova at school

The girl, however, at first tried to enter the Moscow VTU named after Shchepkin, but again failed. Returning to Rostov-on-Don, in 1984 she became a student at the Rostov School of Arts, albeit local, but federally significant theater educational institution.

The beginning of the career of Irina Bezrukova

The debut of the aspiring actress Irina Bakhtura took place while studying at RIU: she took part in the thesis work of one of the alma mater students called "The Girl and the Wind".

Young actress Irina Bezrukova

From the second year of study, Irina played in the Academic Drama Theater named after Maxim Gorky. In 1988, after graduating from high school, the artist served for some time in the Tula Drama Theater. And when the actress married Igor Livanov and moved with him to Moscow, she continued her creative activity in "Snuffbox" - the theater-studio under the direction of Oleg Tabakov.

Irina Bezrukova's film careers

Having become a fairly successful theater actress, Irina began to receive invitations to screen tests. In 1992, she took part in the filming of the film adaptation of Walter Scott's novel "The Talisman", which tells about crusade to Jerusalem of King Richard I (of England) and about a young knight whom his niece fell in love with. The films "Richard the Lionheart" and "Knight Kenneth" with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Alexander Baluev and a string of equally legendary stars of Russian cinema received high marks from critics, and Irina's spectacular appearance was well remembered by the directors.

Irina Bezrukova in the cinema

In 1994, Irina starred in two projects: in the film "Obsession", a romantic story about a flared feeling in the heart of a married woman. In 1997, she got the role of Queen Louise in the series "Countess de Monsoro", created based on the novel of the same name by Alexandre Dumas. After the premiere, they began to recognize Irina on the streets, invitations to castings followed in a row, and in 1998 the actress ended up on the same plane with actor Sergei Bezrukov - they flew together to shoot the film "Crusader-2", where Irina got the role of the general's daughter.

In 1999, one of Irina's most successful films was released - Vitaly Moskalenko's comedy "Chinese Service", where Oleg Yankovsky, Anna Samokhina and Irina's future second husband played along with Livanova.

Subsequently, Irina starred in historical films more than once: "Knight's Romance" in 2000, the series "Moscow Saga" in 2004, which received conflicting reviews "Yesenin", where Bezrukova acted as one of the poet's muses, Lydia Kashina.

Personal life of Irina Bezrukova

At the Academic Drama Theater named after Maxim Gorky, Irina met Igor Livanov, a famous actor and teacher acting skills. The man recently lost his wife Tatyana and eight-year-old daughter Olga in a terrible railway accident, and an affair with a student in love, Irina Bakhtura, became a natural attempt to escape from grief.

A rapidly developing relationship ended in marriage. Irina took her husband's surname - Livanova; under this name, she subsequently became not the last figure in the world of cinema. At the end of 1989, Vasily Livanov, Igor's namesake, invited the actor to the troupe of the capital's theater "Detective". The Livanov couple accepted the offer and soon moved to Moscow. Igor began to build a career in the "Detective", and later moved to the "Theatre of the Moon", while Irina got a job at the Moscow Theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov. In December of the same year, the couple had a son, Andrei.

Igor Livanov and Irina Bezrukova with their son on vacation

In 1998, fate brought Irina to the young actor Sergei Bezrukov. They met on the set of the second part of the film "Crusaders". Irina charmed Bezrukov by treating him like a ordinary person, and not as a popular movie star - as it turned out, the actress simply was not familiar with his roles.

Sergei and Irina on the set of the film "Crusader-2"

After filming, Sergei left Irina his phone number, accompanying the breakup with a short phrase: “I'm waiting!”. She did not dare to call for a long time, but nevertheless took this step and was rewarded stormy stream emotions that proved that Sergey was seriously carried away by a colleague. Later, Irina recalled that both of them were overwhelmed by a wild intensity of passions and emotions. She left her husband with a scandal; even the decision of the actress was not influenced severe pain in the back, which Igor experienced, more than ever in need of the support of his wife.

Sergey and Irina Bezrukov: interview about relationships

In 2000, Irina accepted Sergei's marriage proposal and changed her surname Livanova to Bezrukov. The Bezrukovs began to live in three: Sergey, Irina and the son of actress Andrey. The actress showed herself as a gentle, caring and loving soulmate: she adjusted her schedule to Sergey's schedule, made pleasant surprises for her husband, and always looked forward to his return from filming.

Sergey Bezrukov and Irina Livanova
Together with her husband, she was engaged in providing disinterested assistance to those in need, was a member of the Board of Trustees charitable organization"Revival". Her activities were marked by the award of the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh. The actress has mastered the new profession of a triflo-commentator (descriptions of actions taking place on stage for visually impaired people). On her initiative, this kind of commentary was introduced for the first time in Russia into the performances of the Provincial Theater of Moscow.

Sergey Bezrukov and Irina Bezrukova

The couple did not have common children, but in 2014 it became known: Bezrukov was hiding two children on the side, and with a two-year age difference. It soon became known that the mother of the young Alexandra and Ivan was the St. Petersburg singer Kristina Smirnova. Immediately, rumors spread about the impending dissolution of the star marriage. In the summer of 2015, Bezrukov's fans noticed: the actor stopped wearing wedding ring, and a stream of joint photos with his wife, which used to be full of him social media, dried up.

Irina Bezrukova with her only son and second husband

In the fall of 2015, Irina Bezrukova admitted that their relationship with Sergei came to an end a few months ago. The reason for the divorce was by no means Bezrukov's illegitimate children, but his passion for the young director Anna Mathison. Having lived together for almost 15 years, the couple remained friends. Many fans of the actress predicted the imminent reunion of the Bezrukovs, but the marriage of Sergei and Anna concluded in March 2016 put an end to their hopes.

Sergei and Irina Bezrukov maintained friendly relations

After the divorce, Irina Bezrukova pulled up English language, began to actively post pictures on social networks and stated that she was "open to new relationships."

Irina Bezrukova is open to new relationships

Death of the son of Irina Bezrukova

In March 2015, Irina's family experienced terrible tragedyThe only son actress, 25-year-old Andrei was found dead in their apartment. There were many rumors about the cause of the incident - diabetes, heat, drugs, heart failure. However, Nina Livanova, cousin young man, claims that his death occurred as a result of an accident - he fell and hit the tile, slipping in the bathroom.

Death of the son of Irina Bezrukova

During the incident, the Bezrukovs were on tour in Irkutsk. Having received terrible news, the actress flew to Moscow. The family decided to cremate their son's body.

Irina Bezrukova and her son Andrei

At the farewell ceremony, in addition to Irina, his father, Igor Livanov, was also present with his younger son Timofey, friends and colleagues of the young man at work in the Provincial Theater, where he was a senior administrator. Sergei Bezrukov was not at the funeral.

Irina Bezrukova today

The break in relations with Bezrukov did not affect Irina's acting. The actress continued to perform at the Moscow Provincial Theatre, in 2016 she took part in the new season of Dancing with the Stars, paired with dancer Maxim Petrov, and in March of the same year she starred in documentary dedicated to the sculptor Anna Golubkina.

Irina Bezrukova and Maxim Petrov in the project "Dancing with the Stars-2016"

Having a beautiful appearance, she participated in fashion shows of clothes, haircuts from Wella, appeared in the programs “Secrets with Sergey Zverev”, “Shop on the Sofa”, “The Best”, “Tell me what's wrong”.

Full name: Irina Vladimirovna Bezrukova

Age: 53 years old

Zodiac sign: ♈ Aries

Place of Birth: Russia, Rostov-on-Don

Nationality: Russian

Height: 172 cm

Family status: Single ( ex-husband – )

Activity: actress, TV presenter

Biography of Irina Bezrukova

Actress Irina Bezrukova acts in films, voices cartoons and audio books, devotes a lot of time to social activities and charity. Irina was born in the city of Rostov-on-Don on April 11, 1965. Maiden name- Bakhtura.

Family: Bezrukova's parents and sister

Her dad, Vladimir Bakhtura, originally from the Ukrainian city of Artemovsk, was a very good musician. In the early 1960s, he came to Rostov-on-Don, as he was invited to the symphony orchestra. My mother's name was Lyudmila, she was also from Ukraine, but in those years she studied at the Rostov Medical Institute.

Irina Bezrukova in childhood

Having met, Ira's parents did not meet for long, played a wedding and settled in an acting hostel. Irina was born first, and a year and a half later, the second daughter, Olya. Now Bezrukova's younger sister lives in the Moscow region, she has two children and grandchildren. According to Irina, today this is her whole family.

Irina in childhood and in her youth

Ira was seven years old when her father left the family and left for his hometown of Artemovsk. And when the girl was barely eleven, her mother died of a serious oncological disease. The sisters were raised and brought up by my mother's grandmother, she came to Rostov and took care of the girls.

Irina Bezrukova in her youth

I had to live on her pension alone, so Irina's childhood passed in modesty, and sometimes even in poverty. Even in the ninth grade, even Irina herself would not have believed that she could become an actress. She grew up a quiet and modest girl. After the death of her mother, she dreamed of becoming a doctor to fight cancer.

Career of Irina Bezrukova: theater, film and television

The fate of Irina was changed by the announcement of recruitment to the theater studio, which Ira read on the doors of an old building. Now she herself does not understand where she found the strength and courage in herself to enter the massive doors and pass the competitive selection. Then she was still in the ninth grade and, before receiving a certificate, she began to study in a theater studio.

Rostov and Tula Drama Theaters

In 1983, Ira became a student at the Rostov School of Arts, enrolling in the specialty "film and theater actress". She got the highest score in the entrance exams. Already in the second year, her theatrical career began. Irina regularly played on the stage of the Gorky Rostov Academic Drama Theater. At the time of receiving her diploma, Bezrukova had already played more than 250 performances.

Irina Bezrukova in her youth

Coincidentally, in 1988, when Ira graduated from college, the head of her course was invited to head the Tula Drama Theater. He called with him many of his students, including Irina. She ended up in the city of Tula, but worked at the local theater for a little over a year.

Moscow, Oleg Tabakov Theater

In 1989, the young actress left for Moscow with her first husband Igor Livanov. At first, she could not find a job, but then a friend advised her to go to an audition at the theater of Oleg Tabakov.

Irina Bezrukova in the theater

Irina was taken into the troupe of the famous director, but she did not work at the Snuffbox for long, about a year. After the birth of her son, Bezrukova decided to devote herself to the family, it was necessary to pay a lot of attention to the baby, and she left the theater.

Movie roles

Irina's film debut took place in 1990. At first, the roles were episodic, but already in the following 1991, the actress was entrusted with playing the main character Vika in the comedy “When they are late at the registry office ...” After that, her film career developed steadily.

Irina Bezrukova in the film "When they are late for the registry office"

For almost thirty years, the actress Bezrukova has been regularly removed. The most famous roles are: Queen of France Louise of Lorraine in The Countess de Monsoro, the wife of the district police officer Kravtsov in The Plot, Elena, Tyutchev's lover, in the drama Love and Truth of Fyodor Tyutchev.

Irina Bezrukova in the films "Countess de Monsoro" and "Earthquake"

The audience also remembered her Lydia Kashina in "Yesenin", Vasilisa the Wise in "The Real Tale", a flight attendant in "Earthquake", an airport employee in the drama "Unforgiven".

TV presenter Bezrukova

For two years, from 1999 to 2001, Irina was the host of the “Shop on the Sofa” program on the RTR channel, and she also hosted the Most-Most program on STS. In July 2015, the author's program of the actress "A Conversation on Stage with Irina Bezrukova" was released on the 360 ​​channel.

"Conversation on stage" with Denis Matsuev

The first guest in the studio was Sergei Bezrukov. Irina invited Maxim Dunaevsky, Mikhail Zadornov, Dmitry Kharatyan, Denis Matsuev and other famous creative personalities to the program.

Moscow Provincial Theater

Now Irina enters the stage of the Moscow Provincial Theater, which is directed by her second ex-husband Sergei Bezrukov. She is involved in the productions of Endless April and The Romanovs. On many issues related to the activities of the provincial theater, Ira and Sergei consult with each other, because in fact they created it together.

I. Bezrukova, audio commentator of the Moscow Provincial Theater

In 2013, Bezrukova received a rare specialty, thanks to which she conducts audio commentary (commenting on current events for blind or visually impaired people) for theater performances.

Personal life of Irina Bezrukova

The personal life of Irina Bezrukova, like her entire biography, is filled with both happy and tragic moments. The actress had two marriages, in the first she gave birth to her only son. Now Irina is free.

Irina's first husband - Igor Livanov

Ira met her first husband, actor Igor Livanov, while working at the Rostov Theater. Igor Evgenievich was her teacher. Despite the fact that Livanov had a family, and they had a twelve-year age difference with Irina, a stormy romance broke out.

Irina with Igor Livanov and son Andrei

In the summer of 1987, Livanov's wife and daughter died in a train accident, leaving him a widower. A year and a half after the tragedy, Igor and Ira officially registered their marriage, she took his last name and in December 1989 gave birth to a son, Andryusha.

Irina and Sergey Bezrukov

In 1998, during the filming of the film "Crusader-2", Irina met a young actor, Sergei Bezrukov. Even though she was married woman, and besides, eight years older than Sergei, the romance between them broke out instantly and very passionately.

Irina and Sergey Bezrukov

The relationship could not be hidden, their couple quickly became main theme for the yellow press. In 2000, Irina divorced Livanov, married Bezrukov and took his last name. The Bezrukovs lived for fifteen years, they were considered one of the most beautiful and strong couples in the artistic environment. Son Andrei from his first marriage lived with Ira and Sergei.

Irina with her son Andrei and Sergei Bezrukov

But in 2012 in family life Irina thundered. It became known that Sergei Bezrukov had an affair with actress Kristina Smirnova, who gave birth to his son Ivan and daughter Alexandra. The crack in the relationship turned out to be so deep that the ideal marriage of the Bezrukovs began to come to an end.

Irina and Sergey broke up

They did not officially announce the breakup, but in 2015 rumors began to appear in the press about Sergei's romance with director Anna Matison. This time, in the fifteen-year union of the Bezrukovs, an end was finally put, the couple filed for divorce. In 2016, Sergei married Anna Matison, they had a daughter. Irina Bezrukova is still alone, she did not change her last name.

What happened to the son of Irina Bezrukova Andrey?

After the divorce of his parents, Andrei lived with his mother, but spent a lot of time with his father. On the weekends, they went to the shooting range or bowling together, traveled a lot. Friendly warm relations developed between the boy and his stepfather, Sergei Bezrukov. Andrei studied at the elite private Moscow school "Golden Section".

Andrei with his father Igor Livanov

With a further choice of profession, the guy could not decide for a long time and rushed from one educational institution to another - the Moscow Art Theater School, the Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow State Open University (stopped at the linguistic direction). But then he nevertheless decided to connect his life with cinema and theater, which he had known since childhood. Sergei Bezrukov took Andrei to his provincial theater as an administrator.

Irina Bezrukova with her son Andrei

Tragedy struck in March 2015. Andrei did not show up for work for several days, phone calls did not answer. Irina and Sergey Bezrukov were just on a business trip. When the rescuers entered the apartment, they found a dead guy on the bathroom floor.

Andrei with his mother Irina Bezrukova

There were several versions of his death - from acute heart failure to an overdose of illegal drugs (this option was immediately denied by the parents). It was found that the guy died in an accident, slipping in the bathroom, he hit his temple.

Interview with Irina Bezrukova

Irina is a frequent guest on television, she was repeatedly invited to conduct various concerts and ceremonies, the actress took part in the projects Dancing with the Stars, Smak, One Hundred to One, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. And in 2018, she became a guest of the programs “Exclusive” on Channel One and “The Fate of a Man” on the Russia channel, where she gave candid interviews.

Exclusive Irina Bezrukova with Dmitry Borisov

On October 6, 2018, with the host of Exclusive, Dmitry Borisov, Ira shared her memories of a happy childhood, which lasted up to seven years, until her father began to drink heavily and her parents divorced. She told how her Moscow life began with Igor Livanov and her little son in a communal apartment of 16 m 2, when there was a catastrophic lack of money and she, a nursing young mother, had to eat buckwheat and beets.

Irina Bezrukova: exclusive with Dmitry Borisov

Irina honestly said that in her life there were two beloved men, and in both cases she married for great love. She recalled how she lost her head from Bezrukov, and how hard it was for Livanov to admit this. After parting with Igor, Ira saw him only fifteen years later, when their son died. On that day, she burst into tears and asked his forgiveness. Irina Bezrukova, on the air of the Exclusive program, found the strength to ask for forgiveness from all the viewers who consider her guilty of something.

Irina Bezrukova in "The Fate of a Man"

In an interview with Boris Korchevnikov in the program "The Fate of a Man", Ira shared terrible memories of her mother's and grandmother's death. She told how, having arrived in Moscow, the first winter she and Igor Livanov had to live in someone's dacha, heat the stove with an old broken piano and go to the pump for water.

Irina Bezrukova in the program "The Fate of a Man"

The actress recalled how she worked as a model for aspiring stylist Sergei Zverev. She also explained to the presenter and the audience what her profession “highest category audio commentator” means, which she received after graduating from the Reacomp Institute.

Height, weight and parameters of the figure of Irina Bezrukova

Irina's appearance never ceases to be admired by both men and women. She is like a chiseled porcelain figurine, thin and graceful, beautiful and feminine.

Parameters of the figure of Irina Bezrukova:

  • Age: 53 years (as of November 2018)
  • Height: 172 cm
  • Weight: 63 kg
  • Dimensions: 90/65/93
  • Foot size: 39
  • Eye color: grey
  • Hair color: brown-haired

According to the actress, in order for a woman to always look good, two things are needed - regularity and work. Secrets of youth, beauty and perfect figure Irina herself consists in daily face and body care, in positive thinking and in reasonable nutrition principles.

Beauty secrets of Irina Bezrukova

Bezrukova adheres to a separate diet, her last meal is 3 hours before bedtime, and one more important point– Ira drinks a lot every day warm water without gas (up to 4.5 l). She allows herself almost any food, except for pastries, sweets, smoked and fried foods.

Irina adheres to a separate diet

Does not drink alcohol and has no bad habits. Once a week, the actress arranges fasting days, but she never adhered to strict diets and fasting, as they cause stress to the body.

Irina Bezrukova in "Dancing with the Stars"

Irina does not visit gyms, physical activity she has enough at work - rehearsals, choreography classes. She trusts her chic hair only to professionals who make her various masks and beautiful hairstyles.

Irina Bezrukova now: latest news

Now Irina is still a co-founder of the Sergei Bezrukov Foundation, she plays in the Moscow Provincial Theater. There is no new man in the life of the actress yet, or she carefully hides him.

Irina Bezrukova, theater and film actress

In 2018, fans suspected Irina of being pregnant, because in one of the photos she had a clearly rounded tummy. But she gave an explanation that she was preparing to shoot a new series, where she would play a Cossack woman, mother of two daughters. For the role, she needs to dial excess weight, and she has already added a size and a half.

Irina lives surrounded by true friends

Irina's life today is work, home and rare meetings with friends with whom she is very lucky. In her surroundings creative personalities, cheerful and bright. But I really want to wish this amazing woman that in addition to friendship, true love once again appears in her life.

Photo: Instagram,,,

It does not fit in my head that a gentle brunette, who became famous in acting circles, as a famous actress, TV presenter, and among the public, as the wife of Igor Leonov and Sergei Bezrukov, experienced so many difficulties in life. Two men played significant roles in the life of the artist, but in given period Irina Bezrukova is a free woman. She went through a difficult divorce and the loss of her only son. In our article, the 52-year-old artist told how to get rid of the heavy burden of betrayal, about the desire to be healed and again feel satisfied with life.

Height, weight, age. How old is Irina Bezrukova

The public is hotly intrigued by the question of how tall, weight, age, how old Irina Bezrukova is. The girl always tries to keep her weight in order to look good next to men. Her weight is 56 kilograms, and her height is 172 centimeters. Irina considered herself an "ugly duckling", but time passed and she began to soberly assess her appearance, realizing that not only men over fifty, but also younger could like her. Bezrukova was born in April and according to the sign of the Zodiac - "Aries", and according to the Chinese calendar she was born in the year of the "Snake".

Biography of Irina Bezrukova

The biography of Irina Bezrukova is of interest to many admirers. And I want to talk about the most interesting facts from her life. Irina Bakhtura (Bezrukova) was born in 1965 in mid-April, namely on the 11th in the Rostov region. Her family had nothing to do with cinema. Mother was a physician, father was a musician.

Ira has a younger sister, Olga. Girls have been playing the violin since childhood. The parents separated, and the father did not take any part in the upbringing of his daughters. After the divorce, the mother became very ill and soon died. Granddaughters were raised by their maternal grandmother. Irina loved to read. As a child, Irina was closed, unsociable. In 1984, she decides to enter the Rostov School of Arts with a degree in theater and film actress. During her studies, Irina tries herself in cinema and plays in the thesis work of a young cameraman "The Girl and the Wind". After graduating from college, Bezrukov was immediately invited to work in the theater. She worked at the Tula State Drama Theater, played at the Moscow Studio Theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov. In 1999, the film "Chinese Service" was released. It was one of the most successful films with the participation of Bezrukova.

After this film, Ira loves to act in historical films: “Knight's Romance”, “Moscow Saga”. In her opinion, she plunges into the history of that time, into their traditions and love relationship. Throughout her life, Bezrukova tried herself in many roles, she was a TV presenter, participated as a torchbearer in Olympic Games in Athens, became the voice of Earth Hour, took part in entertainment TV shows such as Dancing with the Stars. Irina Vladimirovna has a hobby, she collects glasses and hats. There are more points in her collection than hats, but there are plenty of hats in this lady's wardrobe. “Mostly these are hats of beach models, but I also love hats in the style of Sophia Loren,” Bezrukova clarifies. Also, Bezrukova participates in charity events. She joined the board of trustees of Vozrozhdeniye, which provides assistance to disabled children.

Family of Irina Bezrukova

For every person, the most valuable thing is the family. The family of Irina Bezrukova was also integral to her. Since childhood, she lacked attention from the male side, after the divorce, her father did not raise or visit Ira. The upbringing fell on the shoulders of the grandmother. Life in the village with my grandmother was hard, we can say that they lived on the verge of poverty. After entering the institute, Irina finds her first love, her first man, and soon her husband, Igor Livanov. The girl thought that she had found a family forever, but having lived together for a decade, Irina realizes that she has fallen in love again. And now she has another family, another man. And again, she fails to save this little family happiness. After 15 years of marriage, the couple separated. Irina, nevertheless, dreams of finding her family at the end of her years.

Personal life of Irina Bezrukova

The personal life of Irina Bezrukova is open and transparent to society. Two men played a big role in the fate of the artist. Ira met her first man Igor Livanov at the theater, he was her teacher. The man was experiencing a family tragedy, and Irina supported him in Hard time. Subsequently, the couple began to meet, and soon got married. A happy event will happen in the family - the birth of Andrei's heir. The second man was Sergei Bezrukov. On the set of "Crusaders-2" Ira meets Serezha. An attraction arose between the couple, which grew into a stormy romance. After the outbreak of feelings, the artist could not return to her husband and "ran away" to a new lover. After a year and a half of relationship, they got married, Irina's son, Andrei, was brought up in the Bezrukov family. How beautifully the romance with Sergei began, but it ended just as tragically. Irina Bezrukova's divorce from Sergei became painful for her. The reason for the divorce was her husband's passion for the new chosen one. Bezrukov still supports the artist not only morally, but also financially. Now Irina is single. She is trying to start life from scratch.

Children of Irina Bezrukova

After a divorce from Igor Livanov, the children of Irina Bezrukova stayed with her, namely their son Andrei Livanov. The artist did not cherish the soul in her own child. Andrei lived with his mother and stepfather Sergei Bezrukov. Andryusha, even after the divorce of his parents, maintained close contact with his father. They often spent time together, going bowling and shooting. Andrei also developed friendly relations with his stepfather. And for every mother, this is the most important thing, so that the son can make friends with her chosen one. It can even be said that it was the younger Livanov who was the link that kept the family of Ira and Sergey.

The son of Irina Bezrukova - Andrey Livanov

The son of Irina Bezrukova is Andrey Livanov. The boy was born in acting family December 6, 1989 His father was Andrei Livanov, a theater and film actor. The boy received his secondary education while studying in elite school Moscow. Andrey did not feel thirst for knowledge, so he chose the institute where he would study for a long time. Nevertheless, he enters the linguistic Moscow University.

acting career he starts early. At the age of 11, he already played a role in the film "I am a doll." It was his first role and the most memorable of his entire life. During his school years, he played in musicals and films.

The life of a 25-year-old boy was interrupted in March 2015.

Former husband of Irina Bezrukova - Igor Livanov

The ex-husband of Irina Bezrukova is Igor Livanov. In the academic theater, Irina meets Igor. Igor Livanov is a famous actor and acting teacher. Having experienced a great loss in life, Livanov is fond of student Irina. A stormy relationship ended in marriage. Irina Bakhtura immediately took her husband's surname, and soon became a popular artist Irina Livanova. In marriage, their son Andrei was born. But, the marriage ended after 10 years of marriage. Irina was carried away by a new man who played a special role in her life.

Husband of Irina Bezrukova - Sergey Bezrukov

Now, the ex-husband of Irina Bezrukova is Sergey Bezrukov. Fate brought her to him in 1998 on a joint filming. The couple immediately developed sympathy for each other, but Irina could not overcome her conscience and at first fought back young guy. Upon arrival in Moscow, Ira realized that she was thinking about it all the time. young actor and decided to dial his number. She did not expect that Bezrukov was waiting for her call. After this call, they began a relationship. Sergey was 8 years younger than Irina. Senior Livanov realized that his wife had fallen in love and immediately retreated. In 2000, the couple got married, and Irina changed her last name again. Now she is Irina Bezrukova. Sergey found quickly mutual language with the son of Irina Bezrukova. The couple had no joint children, but he loved Andrei like his own son. After 15 years of marriage, the couple separated. The reason for the divorce was the man's new love and the fact that he would soon become a father.

The cause of death of the son of Irina Bezrukova

The news of the sudden death of Andrei Livanov blew up social networks. Many wondered why the tragedy happened. The cause of death of the son of Irina Bezrukova is quite simple. Many journalists write that it is "heart failure", but as Andryusha's sister says: "He slipped and hit his head on the toilet."

But, nevertheless, what happened on that fateful day? On this day, the guy felt unwell, he himself called ambulance, and when the doctors arrived, they could not get through to the younger Livanov, and they had to call a rescue team to break the door in the apartment. When they entered Andrey was already dead. A 25-year-old guy suffered from a mild degree of diabetes mellitus, but he did not inject insulin, he did not take any pills. They didn't perform an autopsy, but they took body fluid samples from the dead guy. The analyzes did not reveal any psychotropic, narcotic substances and alcohol. Irina Bezrukova tries not to comment on the death of her son. At her son's funeral, she found the courage to make peace with his father Igor Livanov for the sake of her son's memory.

Photo by Irina Bezrukova before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Irina Bezrukova before and after plastic surgery cannot be found on the Internet. Irina declares that she does not have any plastic surgery. She makes her beauty herself - she visits beauty salons, sports hall, adheres proper nutrition. She also says: “That nature itself has awarded me such an appearance, and it depends on me how competently I will emphasize it: make-up, the right clothes, pretty haircut

After her divorce from Sergey, many fans claim that Irina recovered and began to launch her own appearance. But after looking at the photos, you can see the opposite, she has become more colorful, spectacular and happier.

Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Bezrukova

Many fans follow the life of the artist through social networks. Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Bezrukova are the most reliable sources in which you can find out the details of the star's biography. The artist's Instagram feed is updated several times a day, she already has more than 2500 publications and 80 thousand subscribers. In the instagram feed there are a lot of photos from filming, vacation, Everyday life artistes. We can conclude that Irina is very active on Instagram. You can find her under the nickname @bezirina.

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