Scientific work: Fire safety. Scientific work: Fire safety Scientific research work on fire safety

Research work

On the topic of:

"Fires and causes

their occurrence"

Vlasenko Oleg,

Bakhtigaliev Farkhat

students of class 2 "A"

gymnasium No. 231

Znamensk Astrakhan region

Supervisor: Motchenko Marina


teacher primary classes.



1. Theoretical part:

1.1. Fire concept.

1.2. Causes of domestic fires.

1.3. Requirements fire safety to the maintenance of city apartments.

1.4. Fire safety requirements for the maintenance of housing in rural areaslocalities (dacha villages).

1.5. Prevention of household fires.

1.6. Actions in case of fire.

1.7. Actions after a fire.

Statistics of the causes of fires in the Russian Federation for 2014 (according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations).

Practical part:

2.1. Fire safety criteria for the maintenance of city apartments.

2.2. Fire safety criteria for maintaining housing in rural areas(dacha villages).




Also in ancient Rus', starting from the 10th–11th centuries, as it strengthened Russian statehood, economic development, and urban growth, the issue of fighting fires, which caused immeasurable material damage and claimed thousands of lives, became increasingly pressing. Ancient chronicles contain descriptions of grandiose fires that swept away entire cities. According to the observations of historians, up to the 15th century. in Russia, a fire in a city was considered large if several thousand households burned down. The fire that destroyed hundreds of yards was not even mentioned; this happened often. In 1493, even the Moscow white-stone Kremlin burned twice due to the fire of numerous wooden buildings that came close to its walls.

Adoption in the 15th–16th centuries. legislative acts in the field of fire safety were reflected in the creations of architects and builders. They now began to build in Moscow from brick and took into account when designing buildings necessary measures fire safety. Peter I made a great contribution to the development of fire fighting. During his reign, new fire safety rules were introduced, borrowed from Holland.

Relevance work is due to the fact that the number of fires in residential premises is increasing. Household fires have become our constant “companions” of life.

Now in Russia the development of fire safety standards is given great importance. Currently, ensuring fire safety of buildings and structures for various purposes is based on an extensive system of fire safety standards for building design.

Butand it's no secret that fires most often occur from the careless attitude of people themselves towards fire.Every day means mass media inform us about domestic fires. Moreover, information is mainly received about fires in residential buildings in rural areas or holiday villages.Thus, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 284 fires occurred in the Astrakhan region, in which 24 people died and 14 received burns of varying degrees of severity.

Thus, the issue of fire safety has always been relevant.

We became interested in how safe it is from the point of view of fire in the apartments where we spend more time, and the dachas where our family spends the summer.

Practical significance: the collected material can be used in extracurricular activities for fire safety purposes.

Goal of the work – investigate the causes of fires in residential premises.


Get acquainted with the concept of fire, the causes of domestic fires, and the classification of materials according to their flammability.

Get acquainted with fire safety requirements for residential premises in the city and in rural areas (dacha villages).

Get acquainted with the statistics of domestic fires for 2015 in the Astrakhan region.

Draw up fire safety criteria for the maintenance of city apartments and the maintenance of housing in rural areas (dacha villages).

Compare the fire hazard of housing in the city and in rural areas (dacha villages).

Conduct a class hour on the topic “Fires and the causes of their occurrence.”

Create a presentation with the results of your work.

Object of study: Fire safety.

Subject of study: fire safety in urban housing and in rural areas (dacha villages).

Hypothesis: Suppose that in the city the probability of domestic fires is less than in rural houses and holiday villages, but compliance with fire safety rules should reduce the number of fires.

Research methods: comparatively - descriptive, survey and questionnaire method.

Theoretical part

1.1 The concept of fire.

Fire - uncontrolled, unauthorized combustion substances, materials and gas-air mixtures outside the special hearth , and causing significant material damage, damage to people on objects and rolling stock, which is divided into external and internal, open and hidden;

Fire - this is the combustion of substances, characterized by significant dimensions of spread, high temperatures and duration that poses a danger to people.

Fires are divided intoexternal (open ), in which they are clearly visible flames and smoke and internal (closed ), characterized by hidden paths of flame propagation.

A fire requires 3 factors:

1. Flammable substance

2. Oxidizing agent (oxygen)

3. Source of ignition

Causes of household fires

The main causes of domestic fires:

1. From stove heating.

This happens most often when the following conditions are violated:

Use of metal stoves that do not meet fire safety standards and technical specifications;

Failure to follow instructions when using factory-made metal stoves;

Use of stoves with cracks, faulty doors, with insufficient cutting and deviation from combustible structures;

Use for igniting a solid fuel stove: gasoline and other flammable liquids;

Perekal furnace;

Close location of flammable materials from the stove and drying clothes on them;

Using a stove without a metal pre-furnace sheet measuring at least 50 x 70 cm (on a wooden or other floor made of flammable materials);

Leaving a heating stove unattended or entrusting supervision to a young child;

Use ceramic, asbestos-cement or metal pipes, as well as sand-lime bricks for chimneys.

2. Careless handling of fire.

The cause of every third fire is careless or negligent handling of fire: unextinguished matches, cigarette butts, candles, heating water pipes with torches and blowtorches by fire, carelessness in storing burning coals and ash. A fire can also occur from a fire lit near a building, most often from sparks carried by the wind.

3. Violation of the rules for using electrical appliances.

An analysis of such fires shows that they occur mainly for two reasons: due to violation of the rules when using electrical household appliances and a hidden malfunction of these appliances or electrical networks.

For an electric stove left on for a long time, the heating of the coil reaches 600-700°C, and the base of the tile reaches 250-300°C. If exposed to this temperature, the table, chair or floor on which the tiles are placed may ignite.

Water heating devices cause ignition of almost any combustible supporting surface within 15-20 minutes after the water has boiled away, and when testing electric kettles with 600W heating elements, ignition of the base occurs 3 minutes after the water has boiled away.

4. Faulty wiring or improper operation of the electrical network.

The occurrence of fires for these reasons is as follows. When current passes through a conductor, heat is generated. Under normal conditions, it dissipates in environment faster than the conductor can heat up. Therefore, for each electrical load, a conductor of a certain cross-section is selected accordingly. If the cross-section of the conductor is smaller than calculated, then the generated heat does not have time to dissipate and the conductor overheats. Also, when several household appliances are plugged into one outlet at the same time, an overload occurs, heating the wires and igniting the insulation.

One of the causes of fires arising from electrical networks is a short circuit, when two conductors without insulation are short-circuited with each other. As a result, there is a sharp increase in current in the network, instant heating of the wires to a melting temperature metal cores, there is an intense release of sparks and a large amount of heat. That is why it is necessary to ensure that the insulation of the wires is in good condition and to prevent fastening them with nails, which could damage the insulation.

Due to improper connection of wires (twisted), weak fastening or severe oxidation of the contact surfaces and joints of the wires, they become very hot and ignite. Loose contact of the plugs in the sockets of the socket can lead to strong heating of the socket and subsequent ignition of the partitions and walls on which the socket is mounted. This phenomenon is due to the presence of large local transition resistances. In these cases, fuses cannot prevent a fire, since the current strength in the circuit does not increase, and the heating of an area with a poorly made wire connection reaches a dangerous limit only due to an increase in resistance in certain places, usually over long sections.

Incandescent lighting lamps pose a fire hazard because the surface of the glass bulb becomes very hot, the temperature of which can reach 550°C. Since in incandescent lamps only 3-8% of the energy is spent on emitting light, and 92-97% is converted into heat.

Dangerous consequences can occur from poor contact of the lamp base with the socket spring. Here the socket becomes very hot, which leads to the wire insulation drying out, losing its insulating properties and causing a short circuit when the lamp is turned on. Strong heating of the socket and, as a result, drying out of the insulation and a short circuit also occurs if a high-power lamp (200-300 W) is screwed into a regular socket.

Destruction of the lamp bulb from mechanical stress also leads to fires, since the temperature of the metal filaments ranges from 1700 to 2700°C.

Fluorescent lamps are safer in terms of fire. Their surfaces are only up to 40-50°C.

To protect the electrical network from overload and short circuit, fuses (plugs) are used, which operate when the voltage rises above the permissible level.

5. Fires from household gas appliances.

The main cause of these fires is gas leakage due to a violation of the tightness of pipelines, connecting units or through the burners of gas stoves.

Natural and liquefied bottled gas (usually a propane-butane mixture) can form explosive mixtures with air. If you smell gas in a room, do not light matches, lighters, turn on or off electrical switches, or enter a room with an open fire or a cigarette - all this can cause a gas explosion.

Liquefied gas, unlike natural gas, has more fire-hazardous properties: high fluidity, rapid increase in vapor pressure and specific volume of liquid and gas with increasing temperature, low concentration explosive limit, etc.

If a gas leak occurs from an open tap on a gas appliance, then it must be closed, the room must be thoroughly ventilated, and only then can the fire be lit. In the event of a gas leak as a result of damage to the gas network or appliances, use of them must be stopped and immediately reported to the gas office.

6. Children playing pranks with fire.

It not only leads to fires, but also often ends in tragic consequences. A child, left alone in an apartment or at home, can take matches and, imitating adults, set fire to paper and plug it into an outlet. electrical appliance or even make a fire.

Various toys made by teenagers, such as self-propelled guns and rockets, also pose a great danger. They are dangerous not only because they can cause a fire. They often explode in the hands of their “designers,” resulting in severe burns, injuries, and injuries. Special mention should be made of young smokers - fires often occur due to their fault, since, hiding from adults, they choose the most secluded corners for smoking: attics, sheds, basements, haylofts. Children's forgetfulness when handling electrical household appliances and inability to handle flammable and combustible liquids also leads to tragic consequences.

There are especially many incidents during school holidays, when children are left to their own devices almost the whole day.

1.3 Fire safety requirements for the maintenance of city apartments.

To prevent a fire in a city apartment, firefighters determine the following rules:

When using electricity and electrical appliances:

When using electricity, only plug in an iron, stove, kettle and other electrical appliances that are in working order and have a fireproof stand. Do not place switched on electrical appliances close to combustible objects and wooden structures.

Make sure that electric lamps did not touch paper and fabric lampshades.

Don’t forget to turn off the electric lights when leaving home. Unplug all electrical appliances, including a TV, radio, stereo system, etc. (except the refrigerator).

Do not use homemade fuses, el. extension cords, temporary el. wires, sockets, etc.

Do not allow several powerful consumers of electricity (electric stove, electric fireplace, kettle, etc.) to be connected to the electrical network at the same time, causing overload of the electrical network.

Getting water on electrical wires is also dangerous. It is dangerous to cover them with wallpaper, hang them on nails, pull them back, or tie them in knots. Use old connecting cords and extension cords.

Do not use faulty switches, sockets, plugs, exposed wires, or connect wires by twisting.

Electrical network from overloads and short circuits Only factory-made fuses protect.

It is required to monitor the serviceability and cleanliness of all electrical appliances. Entrust installation of electrical wiring and its repair only to specialists.

When using gas equipment:

If there is a smell of gas in the apartment, you cannot turn on electric lighting, light matches, smoke, or use open fire. In this case, it is necessary to immediately call the Gorgaz emergency service and thoroughly ventilate the premises before its arrival.

When opening the edge of the gas pipeline, you should check whether the taps on the gas appliances are closed. Before lighting a gas burner, you need to light a match and then open the burner tap.

Make sure that the boiling liquid does not flood the burner flame, and place a ring with high ribs under the dishes with a wide bottom.

It is unacceptable to leave gas appliances on unattended. Do not dry clothes over a gas stove. Before using a gas water heater in the bathroom, you should check the presence of draft in the chimney, for which a lit piece of paper is brought to the bottom edge of the gas water heater. The drawing of the flame under the hood indicates the presence of draft in the chimney. The chimney of a gas water heater should be cleaned of soot at least once a quarter.

It is very dangerous to wash in gasoline and other flammable liquids.

Smoking or lighting matches when using gasoline, acetone, kerosene, or solvents is prohibited.

Using household chemicals:

Many household chemicals (mastics, nitro paints, varnishes, adhesives and others) pose an increased fire hazard, especially in aerosol packaging. Under no circumstances should you heat flammable mastics (BM, gamma, turpentine, mirror on silicone, etc.) over an open fire. It is dangerous to smoke and use fire while polishing and varnishing floors, linoleum and tiles.

General requirements:

The cause of the fire may be a fire in the courtyard of a residential building, in which

old furniture, garbage, fallen leaves are burned, Poplar fluff. Warming up frozen pipes with a blowtorch or torch can also lead to a fire.

Don't leave children home alone when it's on fire. gas stove, the fireplace, stove is lit, or electrical appliances are turned on.

Keep matches out of the reach of children. Children's prank with matches - common reason fires.

The Christmas tree can also cause a fire. To prevent this from happening:

Place the Christmas tree on a stable stand and away from heating appliances;

You cannot decorate the Christmas tree with celluloid toys, or wrap the stand and Christmas tree with cotton wool not impregnated with a fire retardant;

The Christmas tree should be lit only with factory-made electric garlands;

It is not allowed to light fireworks, sparklers, firecrackers, or candles indoors;

Children should not be dressed in suits made of cotton wool and gauze that are not impregnated with a fire retardant.

1.4. Fire safety requirements for the maintenance of housing in rural areas (dacha villages).

First of all, pay attention to the layout of your summer cottage. Between buildings, for example, a house and a bathhouse, a garage, a summer kitchen and a gazebo, fire safety distances must be maintained. Buildings should be at least 10 meters away from each other - this will prevent the fire from spreading to an adjacent building if a fire does occur.

Before the onset of cold weather, mow all the grass in and around the area for 10-15 meters. If this is not done, dry grass will become a potential threat to your home in the spring.

Remove firewood, tools, paper, sawdust and especially glass from the site - fragments of bottles under the sun can work as a magnifying glass.

Install a lightning rod at your dacha; lightning can also cause a fire.

Never use homemade heaters - sooner or later they will definitely catch fire.

Don’t allow anyone to set fires near your property and neighboring ones: fire does not choose friends, if something catches fire at your neighbors, then everyone will suffer.

Install smoke detectors and, if possible, fire alarms in your home. These devices will promptly notify firefighters of the danger that has arisen, which will prevent serious damage.

Be sure to insulate all electrical wiring in your home. Use corrugated or polypropylene pipe for this. This measure will localize a possible fire and contain the flame.

Apply a special coating near chimneys, stoves and fireplaces: for example, asbestos cardboard, plaster or asbestos cement sheets - they will serve as reliable protection against accidental fire.

If the house has a stove, then the floor under it should be covered with fire-resistant material at a distance of at least 30 cm in all directions.

It would not be a bad idea to purchase a fire extinguisher and other primary fire extinguishing means for your dacha (for example, boxes of sand, an axe, a shovel, a crowbar): of course, you cannot put out a large fire with their help, but a small fire can easily be put out.

Treat wooden walls inside and outside, rafters, attic, as well as all ceilings with special fire-retardant protective compounds.

To protect your dacha from fire, it is enough to follow the following fire safety rules.

Preventing household fires

In order to prevent fires and explosions, preserve life and property, the following rules must be observed:

Store matches and lighters in places that are as inaccessible to children as possible;

Do not store flammable substances and objects (alcohol, gas cylinders, paper, cloth, etc.) near a heat source;

Avoid heat accumulation (for example, do not cover TVs, heaters, etc. with anything);

Do not use candles or blow them out before leaving the room;

Be careful with the ash - it may contain smoldering brands for several days. If you need it, store it in a fireproof container;

Use fireproof trays for cigarette butts. Before throwing away cigarette butts trash can or a bucket, wait a few hours;

Do not leave the kitchen if there is boiling oil on the stove. Before leaving home, check that all burners on the stove are turned off;

Remember the telephone numbers of rescue services (fire departments, EDDS, etc.).

Actions in case of fire

In the event of a fire:

Act calmly and judiciously, do not panic;

Notify the fire department (“01”), clearly tell them your address;

Turn off gas and electricity;

Use available fire extinguishing agents. Never try to extinguish burning petroleum products with water. If electrical equipment is on fire, disconnect it from the power source;

Leave the building;

Try to save people and animals in danger (if a person’s clothes are on fire, throw a blanket over him and roll him on the ground);

If the stairwells and corridors are smoky, stay in the apartment and close the doors and windows to prevent drafts. Water the door frequently and caulk any cracks in the door with wet rags. Stay near the window so that you can see from the outside that you are in the house (but do not open the windows);

If you are in a smoky place, stay close to the floor - there is a strip of clean air there;

Avoid the risk of being trapped in fire;

During a fire, it is prohibited to use elevators;

If you are in a high-rise building, do not run down through the fire, but take advantage of the opportunity to escape on the roof of the building.

Actions after a fire

After the fire:

Follow the instructions of the rescue services;

Examine the house;

Help the neighbors. Using a first aid kit, provide assistance to people in trouble.

Statistics of the causes of fires in the Russian Federation for 2014 (according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations)

In 2014 In Russia, 150,804 fires occurred, 10,138 people died and 10,997 people were injured.

2. Practical part

2.1. Fire safety criteria for the maintenance of city apartments

Based on fire safety requirements for the maintenance of urban apartments and the maintenance of houses in rural areas (dacha villages), we have drawn up fire safety criteriasafety by which I assessed the fire safety of my apartment and dacha.

Presence of explosive, explosive and fire hazardous substances and materials

Storage of flammable liquids (FLL), flammable liquids (FL), flammable gases (GG) in accordance with the specified requirements

Serviceability of gas equipment

Installation (placement) of furniture and other flammable objects and materials at a distance from household gas appliances in accordance with the requirements

Reconstruction and redevelopment of the apartment (if any, then with a state license)

Emergency exit

2.2. Fire safety criteria for housing maintenance in rural areas (dacha villages)

0 – does not meet the specified criterion

1 – partially meets the specified criterion

2 – meets the specified criterion

Study conclusion: a city apartment is safer from the point of view of fire, because At the dacha, we do not always comply with the necessary requirements during construction, as well as the rules when using stove equipment; in addition, at the dacha we use more flammable, combustible liquids and combustible gases.

2.3. Class hour "Fires and their causes"

In our class, a class hour was held on the topic: “Fires and the causes of their occurrence.”

Purpose class hour classmates were introduced to the basics of fire safety in everyday life.

During the class hour, our classmates learned about the causes of domestic fires, determined the rules of fire safety in everyday life, and the rules of behavior in the event of a domestic fire. We also compiled a crossword puzzle on this topic; our classmates successfully solved it.


From the above material it follows that fires pose a threat to human life and health. The faster society, science and technology develop, the more pressing the problem of fires and ensuring fire safety becomes. We have made an attempt to assess the safety of our home from the point of view of a fire. Our hypothesis was confirmed. Indeed, the likelihood of a fire in the city is less than in rural houses and holiday villages, which is also confirmed by statistical data. Therefore, preventive work with the population to ensure fire safety is required. Preventive work was carried out with the population. In order to ensure fire safety of a residential building (apartment), we have provided reminders to the population on compliance with fire safety measures.

Take care of yourself, human life– the most

great value on earth!


"Life Safety" ed. HE. Rusaka / Moscow 2008

Larisa Selyanina
Group research project"Safety"


established in modern world The social and environmental situation is causing concern among people all over the planet. We feel special concern for its most defenseless citizens – small children.

The task of adults is not only to protect and protect the child, but also to prepare him to face various difficult and dangerous life situations. We all know that rules of behavior and measures security directly related to the conditions in which a person finds himself.

Preschool age is the most important period for children to develop knowledge about rules safe behavior, O healthy way life. This is a period of personality development when the child is completely dependent on the adults around him - parents and teachers. Often, when children find themselves in various unexpected situations on the street and at home, they can become confused. Safety life activities of children in modern conditions- one of the most current issues Today. It is possible to prepare a child for the ability to find a way out of emergency situations that are dangerous to life and health, only by forming in him a system of knowledge about the basics security life activity of a person and society, having mastered practical skills in protecting life and health. In the Law of the Russian Federation "ABOUT security» concept « safety» is interpreted as “the state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and state from external and internal threats.”

The relevance of the problem is determined by the real needs of the domestic preschool education, the needs of life in the child’s accumulation of experience safe behavior at home, the importance of purposeful activities of parents and all employees of preschool educational institutions. IN last years supply problem safe life activity of children under 7 years of age is reflected in methodical literature And educational programs for preschool educational institutions. They, along with the traditional tasks of protecting and promoting health, put forward the requirement to develop the child’s knowledge and skills security. Project was designed for children preschool age, where they were presented different shapes and types of children's activities.

Passport project.

Target: Formed knowledge of preschool children with rules safe behavior at home.


1. Train in memorizing items dangerous to life and health.

2. Develop the ability to properly use household items.

3. Foster a sense of self-preservation.

View project: Research, group.

Implementation deadlines:short

An object project: Collaboration Educator of children and parents.

Item project: the process of education and training.

Expected Results:

Children will develop knowledge about the rules safe behavior at home, on the street and in life- and health-threatening situations.

Learn how to properly handle household items (scissors, needles, knives, electrical appliances, etc.)

They will gain an understanding of the work of rescue services and learn the telephone numbers where they can get help.

Implementation work project was built in three stages.

Stage 1 – preparatory.


Study the methodological foundations of the organization educational activities for preschool children.

Selection and systematization of material (manuals, toys, demonstrative material, books and attributes) for working with children and their parents.

Creation of a development environment on a selected topic in the form of layouts.

Generate parental interest in the topic « Child safety» .


1 Set up a corner for parents on topic: « Child safety at home» , « Safe behavior of a preschool child at home and on the street"

2 Create in group development environment on the topic « Safety» .

Stage 2 – the main one.


Introduce children and parents to the rules of personal home security.

Introduce children to dangerous objects.

Introduce household electrical appliances, their purpose.

Strengthen children's knowledge of basic fire safety rules security.

Familiarize yourself with the work of rescue services and the ability to call yourself.

Foster a sense of self-preservation.

Replenish children's active vocabulary, form expressive speech and develop Creative skills.

Create conditions for joint creative activity parents and children.


1. Examination of posters on topic: « Safety at home and on the street» .

2. Conversations with children on Topics:

"Alone at home",

"Dangerous Items"

"Electrical appliances"

"Don't open the door to strangers"

“This is not a toy, it’s dangerous!”

“Call the rescue service!”

4. Reading fiction literature: "Cat house", "Hurry Knife", "The wolf and the seven Young goats", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Swan geese", "Zayushkina's hut", "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "Zhiharka", "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights"

5. Play activities.

Didactic games:

"Try to guess"

“1-2-3 – name the danger!”

"Not really"

“Where and how to store items?”

"Help the heroes of the fairy tale"

“Say the word!”

"We are rescuers"

“What for what?”

Role-playing games:

"We are firefighters"

"Call the rescue service"

"Emergency help"


6. Heuristic conversations:

1 "How to use and store dangerous items". Target: Children have developed knowledge about the variety of objects that they need to be able to use, but they must be stored in specially designated places.

2 "Open window and other dangers in the house". Target: Children's expanded understanding of objects that can serve as a source of danger in the house.

3 “Electrical appliances, we can’t live without them”. Target: Children have developed knowledge that electrical appliances can be dangerous, which electrical appliances children can use with caution.

4 “Call the rescue service!”. Target: Teach children how to use emergency phone numbers correctly (ambulance, police, fire) .

5 "Danger Everywhere" Target: Consider and discuss with children various dangerous situations, including meetings with strangers. Teach children to behave correctly in such cases.

7. Working with parents:

Consultation for parents on topic: « Safe behavior on the street and at home".

8. Joint creative work parents and children:

Writing creative stories on a topic "How to prevent trouble".

Making diagrams for each child on the topic « Home Security» .

Making layouts: "House with electrical appliances", "Village Streets"

Stage 3 – final.


To consolidate and generalize the knowledge acquired by children during implementation project.


1. Final lesson on topic: "Rules safe behavior at home» .

2. Plot - role-playing game “I can do it, I know it myself and I can teach it to others”

3. Quiz "I am for safe lifestyle»


1. Magazine "Pre-school education", No. 9, 2000, pp. 64-67.

2. « Safety» N. N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R. B. Styorkina.

3. "How to ensure safety of preschoolers» , Toolkit.

4. "Basics security behavior of preschoolers" O. V. Chermashentseva.

5. "Cautious Tales" T. A. Shorygina.

6. Belaya K. Yu. et al. "Yours safety» . – M.: Education, 2008.

7. Garnysheva T. P. “Lifestyle for preschoolers. Work planning, lesson notes, games". – St. Petersburg: "Childhood-press", 2012.

8. Khromtsova, T. G. “Education safe behavior in everyday life of pre-school children.” - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005


on the basics of fire safety on the topic:

"Fire safety.

Rescue Service 01"

Prepared by: primary school teacher

Kalashnikova Olga Viktorovna


Relevance of the project

For as many years as fire has threatened people, they have been trying to find protection from it for almost as long. There are many factors influencing the increase in fires in the modern world, but the most important is the human factor. The problem of fires is acute not only in our country, but also in our village. In recent years, the number of fires caused by humans has increased significantly. Often the cause of a fire is a child's prank. Parents do not take this problem seriously enough. Children are allowed to play with flammable objects; for many, a lighter is a familiar toy. In order to change a person’s attitude towards this problem, it is necessary to begin to deal with this problem already at the preschool stage of the child’s development. It is necessary to change the consciousness and attitude of people towards fire safety, and childhood is the most favorable for the formation of fire safety rules. Schools and parents need to join forces; in order to protect children from possible tragedy, targeted work is needed to develop a culture of fire-safe behavior in them.

Objective of the project: formation in children of a conscious and responsible attitude to the implementation of fire safety rules. Equip yourself with the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to act in extreme situations.

Project objectives :


    • Introduce the history of fire.

      Give children the idea that fire can be a friend, but it can also be an enemy.

      Teach children to see when fire is friend and when it is enemy.


    • Develop the ability to realistically assess possible danger.

      Help children remember fire safety rules.

      Develop the creative abilities of preschoolers


    • Foster a sense of caution and self-preservation.

      To instill self-confidence in children and prevent fear of fire.

      Cultivate feelings of gratitude to people who help us in difficult situations.


    • To instill practical skills in children’s behavior in the event of a fire.

      Teach basic steps to extinguish a fire.

      Show students of other classes the knowledge and skills children acquired during the project.

Project implementation principles:

    Systematic study of the most likely causes of fires.

    Targeted study of the rules of safe behavior in kindergarten, at home, on the street, in the forest.

    The principle of creativity, which allows the child to develop new knowledge, skills, and abilities in the field of fire safety on the basis of existing ones.

    The principle of humanization: the child and concern for his health and safety are put at the head of the project.

Project subjects:


    Children 7-10 years old.


Expected Result:

      Preparation of additional developments for classes, games, leisure, and practical exercises.

      Prevention of panic fear of fire.

      Teaching children the skills of correct actions in case of fire, practicing them until they become automatic.

      Conscious implementation of fire safety rules.

      Changing the attitude of parents to this problem.

Project implementation period : 2 weeks.

Project implementation

Working with parents (day one)

Exhibition of literature on the topic.

Presentation of the fire safety project “So that there is no trouble”

Announcement of the competition for parent-child posters “Don’t play with fire”

Questionnaire for parents on the topic.

"What is fire?" (second day)

Conversation with children “This match is not big.”

Didactic game"Flammable items."

Reading the work of K.I. Chukovsky “Confusion.”

"Useful fire" (day three)

Competition of children's drawings based on the fairy tale “Fireman and the Cloud Elephants”

Reading fairy tales “How a man became friends with fire”, “How fire married water”

Educational activity"Fire is a friend."

"Dangerous Fire" (day four)

Didactic game "Causes of fires."

Listening to the fairy tale “The Cat's House” performed by masters of artistic expression.

Integrated lesson “Salamander – Mistress of Fire.” ( Cognitive development, applique, modeling).

“Fire safety rules at school (day five)

    Tour ofschool: acquaintance with the fire safety area, warning system, evacuation routes.

    Competition games.

    Reading the fairy tale by S.Ya. Marshak “Uncle Styopa”»

“Home fire safety rules” (day six)

Practical lesson “So that there is no trouble.”

Watching a video

Reading the work of S.Ya. Marshak “Fire”.

“Fire safety rules in the forest” (day seven)

Educational lesson “Miracle Tree”.

Reading of B. Zhidkov’s work “Smoke”.

Poetry competition on the topic “Matches are not a toy for children”

“What is the fire safety service” (day eight)

    Conversation “In life there is always a place for heroic deeds”

    Watch a video about the fire and the work of firefighters to save people. (Fragments from TV shows, news reports about the fire).

    Reading the story by L.N. Tolstoy “Fire Dogs”

“Fire in Literature” (day nine)

Reading of B. Zhidkov’s work “Fire”.

Literary quiz.

"Fire in pictures and riddles"

Final day (day ten)

Open event At school.

Lesson plan:

I. Introductory part

1.Organizational moment

II. Main part

1. Fire is man’s old friend

2. Causes of fires

4. Physical exercise game: “Fire safety rules”

5. Analysis of situations. Testing.

6. Fastening educational material

III. Lesson summary

1. Ditties



Introduce children to fire safety rules;

Prevent children from playing with fire.


Teach children to quickly evaluate dangerous situation, make the optimal decision to overcome it;

Form a sense of self-preservation;

Promote the work of firefighters;

Introduce children to the history of the fire service in Russia and Kuban;

Encourage children to careful attitude to personal and state property.


TSO: computer, interactive board, projector;

Exhibition of books on the topic of the lesson.



Reminders for students

Progress of the lesson

I. Introductory part

1.Organizational moment

2.Communicate the topic and purpose of the lesson

We firmly need to remember -

Fire does not start by itself!

Vladimir Mayakovsky

Today we will talk about a very important and relevant topic for all of us, but I would like you to formulate the topic of our lesson yourself by listening to the audio prompt.

Runs, sparkles, flickers, shimmers,

And if you touch it, it burns, bites? Fire.

Today we will talk about fire, or rather, you will formulate the topic of our lesson later.

II . Main part

1.Fire is man's old friend.

It took man many hundreds of years to learn how to make and use fire. Ancient people did not have matches. They picked up branches that had caught fire after a lightning strike and kept the fire burning day and night, standing around it in shifts. They worshiped fire as an incomprehensible and formidable deity, the mysterious brother of the sun. It was forbidden to throw garbage and waste into the fire, as this could “offend” the fire. The fire could not be stirred with a sharp object, so as not to “injure” the spirit of fire. Man has come up with many ways to make fire.

How did people make fire in ancient times? At first it was a difficult method, requiring a lot of effort and skill - rubbing one dry tree against another. Then they learned to get fire by striking a spark by striking a stone against a stone.People learned to make fire, considered it sacred, but why did people need it so much?What benefits does fire bring?

Since ancient times, fire has become man's friend. He helped people defend themselves from wild animals, illuminate their homes, and heat their houses in the cold season. Thanks to fire, man learned to cook delicious food. We can no longer imagine life without fire; it is needed everywhere: in homes and schools, factories and factories, in cities and villages. - Is fire the only benefit? Fire, a constant companion of a person, can be not only a friend and helper of a person in all good deeds, but also an enemy. It depends on whether the fire is used correctly. Which side he turns to us depends on us. Remember, guys, in one of the classes extracurricular activities you made riddles about fire and about fire, you also found songs and poems, proverbs about fire safety for your projects. So, I would like you to try to formulate the topic of our lesson with one of the proverbs. So, take your projects, find proverbs, read them to each other and choose the most suitable one for our lesson. I agree with you that this proverb can be taken as the theme of our lesson. But, I found a few more proverbs for you, read and explain how you understand them.

2. Causes of fires.

People have learned to make and store fire. However, once a person gets out of control, it turns into a terrible disaster - fire, and today in class we will talk about fire safety rules.

Guys, think and name why a fire might occur?
Inept handling of fire in everyday life.

Malfunction and improper use of electrical appliances. Games with matches and lighters. A fire may occur due to natural reasons- thunderstorm, lightning, etc. Launching fireworks. 3. Fire safety rules.

Let's make fire safety rules:

If the fire is small, you can put it out by throwing a thick cloth or blanket over it, or pouring a pot of water.

If the fire does not go out immediately, you must immediately leave the house to a safe place and be sure to inform an adult about what happened.

If you cannot escape, you need to open a window in a room that is not on fire and call neighbors or passers-by for help.

During a fire, you should never get into an elevator. It may turn off, and the person in the elevator will suffocate.

When firefighters arrive, you must listen to them and under no circumstances hide.

4. Physical exercise game. We say in chorus, where we are talking about you:“This is me, this, me, these are all my friends!”, and if it’s not about you, then you should behave as follows. Remember, we talked about how to behave if you couldn’t put out the fire, what you should do. (run away)

Smoke suddenly rose in a column,
Who didn't turn off the iron?
Who, upon hearing the smell of burning, reports a fire?A red glow ran
Who played with matches?
Who explains to the neighbor's kids in the yard,
It’s not for nothing that playing with fire ends in fire?
A pillar of fire engulfed the attic,
Who lit the matches there?
The fire ran into the yard,
Who was it that lit the fire there?
Whoever doesn’t set a branch on fire saves the forest from fire?Who, children, hides matches from their little sister at home?The flame jumped into the foliage,
Who burned the grass at the house...

So, we were saved, but the fire was not put out.

Who comes to our aid?

When there is a fire, firefighters come to the rescue. Firefighters are dressed in special fireproof suits, and their heads are protected by a helmet. They arrive in a special fire truck, which is equipped with a high ladder, a water tank and a hose.

At one of the classes we drew fire engines, and now I will suggest you to assemble such a machine from...

But you will find out what you will assemble the car from when you solve the riddle

She's about her cramped house
I just scratched my head
And immediately, as if she had not lived,
Burnt, poor thing, to the ground.


What would be one word to replace the word fire? Fire is (trouble, danger, grief, misfortune)

So, a fire is a danger to the health and life of people, which means it is an emergency (emergency situation).

What is the most important thing in an emergency? (don’t panic and act correctly, competently)
Call the fire department.
Children call the fire department by phone.
- Why is the fire service telephone number 01?

    It's simple and easy to remember.

    The number is short, every minute is precious on a fire.

Remember: the accuracy and speed of your message determines how quickly firefighters will arrive at your address.

5. Analysis of situations. Testing.

- Well, now I suggest you solve a few situations. It is necessary to think and choose the correct answer from the proposed answers.

Situation 1. Firefighters must be informed

A) Last name, address, age, your height, eye color.

B) Surname, address, object of ignition.

D) Where are they located? family values and savings

Situation 2. If the fire cannot be put out...

A) We must leave the premises.

B) We need to hide in another room.

Situation 3. If you have a small fire...

A) We need to hide under the bed.

B) It is necessary to extinguish using available means (water, a wet blanket).

B) We need to run away from home.

Situation 4. If there is a lot of smoke in the room...

A) You need to run away quickly.

B) It is necessary to move at a crawl

C) I will open the window and door.

Situation 5. Call the firefighters by phone….

01 02 03

Situation 6. If you saw that last year’s grass was burning at the edge of the forest...

A) I’ll try to put it out by throwing earth at the flames

B) I will tell the adults about this.

B) I’ll pass by.

Answers: 1)2 2)1 3)2 4)2 5) 3 6)1

6. Consolidation of the studied material.

A now test your knowledge and do independent work.

By connecting the beginning of phrases with their ending, you get the rules of fire safety and actions in case of fire.

    The fire must not be left If you see a flame - Call the firefighters From the fire From a burning room

    Most dangerous in case of fire

Let's read the memo we got.


    Fire should not be left unattended.

    If you see a flame, call an adult for help.

    Call the firefighters by phone 01.

    You can't hide from fire.

    You must quickly leave the burning room.

    The most dangerous thing in a fire is smoke.

III . Lesson summary 1. Especially for our lesson, the guys prepared ditties about safety. I hope that they will be as useful to you as our entire lesson.

Ditties about firefighters.

1. We will sing ditties,
We'll tell you the rules,
How to deal with fire
we'll show you now.
2. The fact that matches are not a toy
Everyone knows
Everyone knows.
Don't give matches to children
And then be a big trouble.
3. When you leave the house
Don't forget to check again
Have you turned off all the devices?
Will there be a fire?
4. Build a fire near the house
Strictly prohibited
Because that fire is terrible
Easily spreads.
5. If you suddenly see smoke,
Something lights up
Call 01,
Everything will be settled right away.
6. We have gathered here today,
To show dexterity.
Learn to be a firefighter
And don't create a fire

2. Lesson reflection.

There are magnets on your table. Guys, if you are confident that you can do the right thing in emergency, you must attach your magnet to the green circle, if in doubt - to the yellow one, if not sure - to the red one.

Well, what I see is that basically all the magnets are on the green circle, which indicates that you can act correctly in an emergency.

I wish you good luck in everything

And I ask you one thing

"Be careful with fire!"

Design - research activities on the topic of fire safety.

1slide. Competitiveness in the labor market depends on a person’s activity, the flexibility of his thinking, and the ability to improve his knowledge and experience. The ability to successfully adapt to a constantly changing world is the basis of social success - school should teach this.

In this sense, the purpose of education is not so much to equip the student with knowledge, but to develop in him the ability to act knowledgeably - competently. Accordingly, knowledge should be a means of teaching actions. The assimilation of knowledge does not occur before the start of an activity, but directly in its process, during the application of this knowledge in practice and thanks to such application.

2slide. In our opinion, these requirements are fullythe organization of design and research activities is responsible. Shecreates a creative positive atmosphere of cooperation and partnership between teachers and students in the school, changing traditional educational forms.

3slide. We present to you a project on the topic: “We need to firmly remember that a fire does not occur on its own.”

4slide. This project is intended to carry out preventive work to prevent accidents during fires. The pedagogical goal of the project was to popularize knowledge among students, initiate and develop the fire safety movement. 5 slide. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:

- To form the basic competencies necessary for every member of modern society.

Develop students' creativity and initiative.

Improve safe behavior skills

Develop skills public speaking, scientific dialogue

Studying the topic “Natural fires”, schoolchildren came to the conclusion that the fire problem was, is and will exist in the foreseeable future.

6 slide. They decided to take a closer lookwhat are fires today?What are the reasons for their occurrence? How to act in case of fire? What can be done to reduce fires?

7 slide. The work on the project was carried out in stages.

At the 1st stage, at the request of the students, a group was formed,the purpose and objectives of the search are set,

8 slide. A hypothesis has been put forward

9 slide. A work plan has been developed, responsibilities have been assigned.

At stage 2 it happened withboron necessary information on the issue in various sources, analysis and structuring collected material, qualitative and quantitative processing of the collected information.

10 slide. At stage 3 visited the fire station to prove the data received,

11 slide. Combustion conditions were studied

12 slide. We photographed the consequences of the fires, generated text material for the video, and analyzed the video fragments found.

13 slide. At stage 4, we formalized the results obtained in the form of a project product - we shot a video and presented it at a regional competition.

At stage 5, we summed up the results of the work, presented a video to the class for discussion, compiled a written report, prepared a public defense of the project, and reflected on the work done.

14 slide. Conducted a fire safety survey.

During the work, teachersadvised students,observed, helped, supported, coordinated.

The guys at the end of the project expressed interestto an in-depth study of the fundamentals of safety culture,desire to continue research work to create new video materials and preventive activities.

15 slide. In conclusion, I would like to note that creativeactivities using new information technologiesbrings us closer to realizing one of our main goalsand objectives of education listed in the “National Doctrine of Education in Russiaskaya Federation": "The education system is designed to at a high leveleducated people and highly qualified specialists capable of professionalprofessional growth and professional mobility in the conditions of informatizationsociety and the development of new science-intensive technologies..."

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