Illegitimate children of Sergei Bezrukov, Valentin Gaft and other Russian stars. A son from Brazil came to Valentin Gaft Valentin Gaft: Now they pour mud on me

The famous and beloved by many actor Valentin Gaft became famous in the mid-seventies. Although his creative biography began much earlier. They paid attention to the actor thanks to his roles in the films: “Garage”, “Hello, I am your aunt!”. The personal life of the actor will be interesting to his fans. The life of Valentin Iosifovich, his wife and children will be discussed in the article.

Valentin Iosifovich Gaft was born in the capital of Russia. His biography began in 1935. Personal childhood memories are connected with Matrosskaya Silence Street (the Jewish family in which the future actor was born came here from the Poltava region). There were several important various institutions on it (a mental hospital, a market, a student hostel and a prison). “All life is in miniature,” the actor himself later joked.

Valentin remembers well the morning on which the war began. He and his parents were then going to go to Ukraine to visit relatives. But then an unexpected announcement changed everything.

Valentin studied at a men's school. Then the children were taught separately. Already in his school years, Valya showed his artistic talent. He performed in amateur performances, playing female roles in performances (because there were no girls at school).

Valya wanted to become an actor after watching the play "Special Assignment", although before that no one in the family had been connected with the world of cinema or theater. The father of the family worked as a lawyer, mother was a housewife.

After receiving secondary education, Valentin decided to enter the Moscow Art Theater School. But, he was not confident in himself and was very worried before the exams. Helped him get on famous actor Stolyarov. Many remember him in pre-war films and films about the war.

Once Valentine noticed Stolyarov walking down the street. He caught up famous actor and asked him to give him a few minutes to assess his artistic abilities. The actor was surprised, but did not refuse. Thus, an acquaintance took place, which turned out to be very useful.

The beginning of a creative career

Valentin Gaft entered the Studio School on the first try. Although before that he unsuccessfully tried to enter the Shchukin school. V. Toporov became his teacher.

In 1957, Gaft graduated from the Theater Institute, and began his intense acting biography. The famous actor Zhuravlev helped the novice actor get a job at the Theater. Moscow City Council. Gaft worked in it for only a year and left at his own request. But, during this year of his life, he managed to perform many roles in this theater. These were the performances:

  • "King Lear";
  • "Lisey McKay";
  • "Cornelia";
  • "Favorable Groom".

Then, Valentin Gaft moved to the Theater of Satire. The theater was very popular then, famous actors worked in it, whom even children know: Andrei Mironov, Anatoly Papanov and others.

But even in this theater, Valentin Iosifovich could not resist for a long time, however, having managed to play the well-known role of the count in the play Crazy Day or The Marriage of Figaro. The mother of the novice actor assessed her son's game in a peculiar way: "How thin you are, Valya!"

The peak of the actor's popularity

The next page in the creative biography of Valentin Gaft was the Moscow Drama Theater. In it, the actor worked for a little over five years. It was there that Valentin Iosifovich attracted the personal attention of director Anatoly Efros. He called the actor to his Lenkom Theater, where he worked for two years.

Then, in his life there was the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, where the actor was again destined to not last long. And, finally, he met Oleg Efremov, who lured the actor to his Sovremennik theater.

It seems that Valentin Iosifovich liked this theater. Because he stayed there forever. It was there that the actor received professional recognition. Now he is known and loved by adults and children, viewers of any age and gender. In this theater, the actor performed many roles, from classics to plays by contemporary authors.

With Leah Akhedzhakova in the production of The Gin Game

Among them:

  • "The Cherry Orchard" by Chekhov;
  • "Inspector" Gogol;
  • "Blach" by Aitmatov;
  • "Three Sisters" by Chekhov;
  • "Valentin and Valentina" Roshchin;
  • "Pygmalion" B. Shaw and many others.

IN last time The actor took to the stage in 2013. He was 78 years old! He played Martin in The Gin Game.

Now Valentin Iosifovich is 82 years old. He no longer plays in the theater, is on a well-deserved rest. However, last year he still acted in films. Fame came to the actor precisely because of his work in the cinema.

Work in cinema

The debut of Valentin Gaft in the cinema took place immediately after graduating from a theater university. His cinematic biography began with the film "Murder on Dante Street". There he played a very small role, but it was the first time in his life, and he was very happy.

For a long time, the actor played minor roles in films. Usually he got negative characters, however, with personal charm.

A frame from the film "Say a Word About the Poor Hussar"

In the early seventies, the actor appeared the main roles. Popularity came to him after participating in the films of Eldar Ryazanov. In 1979, the film "Garage" was released, where Gaft played the role of the chairman of the cooperative. After that, the actor became famous, even children recognized him.

No less talented was the role of the butler in the teleplay "Hello, I'm your aunt!". The audience also remembered the role of Gevernitz in "Seventeen Moments of Spring". In 1980, the musical comedy “Say a Word About the Poor Hussar” was released, where Gaft remarkably played the colonel.

Shot from the film "Garage"

In the film "Black Hen or Underground Dwellers", the actor talentedly played the role of the teacher of the French king.

The musical "Magicians" is still popular, where Gaft played Sataneev, a very cunning hero. In Ryazanov's wonderful film "Forgotten Melody for the Flute", the actor amazingly played the role of an impoverished official who sang in the cars.

It is impossible not to recall the role of Gaft in the TV series "The Life of Klim Samgin", "Thieves in Law". And of course, "The Master and Margarita", where the actor played the wise and mysterious Woland.

Valentin Gaft in the film "Anchor, more anchor!"

Gaft knew how to play comic and serious roles with equal talent. In 2013, the elderly actor played a lonely pensioner.

Also, Gaft worked a lot on voicing cartoons. It was with great pleasure that he voiced Noble in the popular cartoon "Dog in Boots", the King in "The Magic Bell", Raven in "The New Adventures of Grandma Yozhka". And in the cartoons: “Like cats with a dog” and “The Birth of Hercules”, the actor reads the text.

Once Gaft tried himself as a director on the stage of his beloved Sovremennik Theater.

Literary works

Actor Valentin Gaft, in addition to artistic, also has a poetic talent. Many are familiar with his poetry. Basically, these are epigrams for famous actors. They have a rather caustic humor, even satire sometimes.

For this, many disliked him. Some wrote him response epigrams. Gaft wrote one of the epigrams on himself. It's called Autopigram.

Gaft also has several collections of poems. A song was written for one verse, which was performed by Sati Casanova. It's called "Me and You". The author of lyrical poems has a lot. Some of them are dedicated to his beloved wife Olga Ostroumova.


For the entire creative biography Valentin Gaft has many personal awards received in different time life. He has various degrees of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. And also, the Order of Friendship. He became truly loved. folk hero, which is revered by adults and children.

In 1978, Valentin Iosifovich became an honored artist, in 1984 - People's Artist Russia.

He is the winner of many awards. Among them - "Crystal Turandot", "Golden Eagle", the Prize. Andrei Mironov "Figaro", "Star of the Theatergoer", etc.

Valentin Gaft: family

There were four marriages in the biography of Valentin Gaft. The personal life of the actor did not develop very well before meeting with the last, beloved woman. Two children were born from marriages: a daughter, Olga, and a son, whose existence Valentine did not suspect for a long time. But first things first.

Gaft's first wife is fashion model Elena Izorgina. But, soon the marriage broke up due to adultery.

The second marriage in the biography of Valentin Gaft took place with the ballerina Inna Eliseeva. The actor had a daughter, Olga. He loved children. Personal life seems to have improved. However, the constant rehearsals of both spouses, great employment, performances led the marriage to breakup. In addition, the wife turned out to be a non-peaceful character. Relatives from the wife's side finally undermined the relationship.

The divorce of the parents had a bad effect on the psyche of the daughter. In addition, she constantly experienced misunderstanding on the part of her mother. In the end, Olga committed suicide. The mother did not much outlive her daughter. She soon died of cancer.

After the divorce, Valentine had an affair with an artist. But she left the country. As it turned out later, in Brazil, a woman gave birth to a son from Gaft. But she didn't tell him anything about it. The actor found out about the existence of his son many years later, when he came to Russia on a talk show to meet his father.

Later, Valentine married a third time. Alla became his wife, she played the cello. But this marriage also failed.

Finally crushed by worldly tragedies, Valentin unexpectedly met with Olga Ostroumova. He confessed to her that he had loved her for more than twenty years, from the filming of the film Garage. By that time, the actress also suffered a personal setback and even tried to commit suicide.

Many people know the beautiful Olga Ostroumova from her roles in popular films: “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”, “We'll Live Until Monday”, etc. The actors got married right in the hospital where Valentin was after surgery. The last marriage significantly influenced the life of the actor. The beloved woman was able to resurrect the dying soul of Gaft. Thanks to her, he converted to Orthodoxy and now lives, enjoying the remaining days of his life.

Details Created: 12/21/2017 09:36 PM Updated: 12/26/2017 08:32 PM

Valentin Gaft is a charming actor and author of harsh epigrams. He played many roles in Soviet and modern Russian films. But most viewers remember his vivid roles from the paintings of Eldar Ryazanov - "Garage" and "Say a word about the poor hussar ...".

He was always a hardworking and assertive person, so he achieved a lot in life. His path was not easy and thorny, because there were many disappointments, especially in his personal life. But despite this, he became a famous and beloved actor, and only in adulthood finally found his true love.


According to sources, little Valentine was born September 2, 1935 in a huge city - Moscow. According to the horoscope, Virgo is a disciplined, hardworking and highly intelligent person. Valentin's parents are Jewish by nationality.

In childhood

The boy's family had nothing to do with art. According to the media, dad, Joseph Ruvimovich, worked as a prosecutor, and mom, Gita Davydovna, had no education at all, but read a lot and loved the theater. The family at that time lived in a communal apartment on Matrosskaya Tishina Street. There were many notable institutions here: mental hospital, prison, market and student hostel of Moscow State University.

The boy's childhood was spent in war time. Many of his relatives and even his father went to the front. And when the war ended, few of them returned home. For him, it was a great joy that his dad, although wounded, remained alive.

In youth photo

Rumor has it that the guy did not study very well at school, so even in those years he firmly decided that he would become an artist. After all, then it seemed to him that playing on stage was as easy as shelling pears. He got his first experience performing in school plays, where he played predominantly female roles. And all because the school was for men, and there was no one to play them.

When the last school bell rang, secretly from his parents, the guy applied to two theater universities at once. The first educational institution was Shchukin school, and the second - Moscow Art Theater School. But he managed to pass competitive tests only at the second university, and then, thanks to the help of the famous actor Sergei Stolyarov (starred in the movie "Circus"). Valentine himself approached him and asked for help: to correctly recite the fable "Curious". Stolyarov took pity on the guy and did not refuse. After that, Valentine considered him his first teacher.


In 1957, after graduating, he was immediately hired by Theatre. Moscow City Council. Here he made his debut, but did not stay long. Rumor has it that he was expelled from there.

On the stage of the theater

Then he changed a few more theatrical scenes, but all his works were ordinary and not entirely successful. Rumor has it that he often confused his partners on stage, touched the scenery and his game looked completely ridiculous.And only in "Lenkom", where he got to work in 1964, Valentin began to really perform successfully. Finally, Gaft felt the love of the viewer: he received his long-awaited applause and admiration in their eyes.

Since 1969, at the invitation of Oleg Efremov, he began to perform regularly on stage Theater "Sovremennik"". Here he felt at home, so he still plays on his stage.

The play "Gin Game"


According to sources, while still a sophomore, he got on the set of a movie. "Murder on Dante Street" (1956). Em was given a small episodic role with which he could not cope at first due to a stupor. About his defeat, on the first shooting in his life, the actor still remembers.

Shot from the movie "Murder on Dante Street"

In the 70s, he played more vivid and recognizable roles. But he became truly famous only after the release of films directed by Eldar Ryazanov on television. The first of these was the picture "Garage" (1979), where he played the role of the chairman garage cooperative and veterinarian Sidorin.


IN total His filmography includes over 100 films. He also took part in television plays, dubbing, dubbing cartoons and radio shows.

Films with his participation:

From 1956 to 1969: "Russian souvenir", " Submarine"," First Courier "," New Girl "," Intervention "and others;


From 1970 to 1989: "The Amazing Boy", "Night on the 14th Parallel", "Seventeen Moments of Spring", "Hello, I'm your aunt!", "Kings and cabbage", "Say a word about the poor hussar", "Mad gold", "Fight in a snowstorm", "Sorcerers" and others;

"Kings and Cabbage"

From 1990 to 2009: "Promised Heaven", "Master and Margarita", "Orphan of Kazan", "House for the Rich", "Carnival Night 2, or 50 years later", "Attraction" and others;

"Master and Margarita"

From 2010 to 2016: "Burnt by the Sun 2: Anticipation", "The Life and Adventures of Mishka Yaponchik", "Yolki 3", "Breaking the vicious circle", " Milky Way and others".

"Burnt by the Sun 2: Anticipation"

Interesting Facts

His height is about 187 centimeters, and his weight is about 75-80 kilograms.. Throughout his creative career, he received many awards and titles.

He is considered master of the short epigram which he dedicated not only to himself, but to many famous people. We present to your attention some of them:

Personal life: his wives and children

According to sources, Gaft had big success not only in creativity, but also among women. When he was young, they really liked him. Throughout his life he was married three times and only in the last marriage did he feel true love and peace.

There is little information about his first wife online. It is only known that she was very beautiful, her name was Alena Izorgina and she was one of the first Soviet fashion models. Valentine loved her very much, but they lived together for a very short time.

Izorgina disappeared all the time at work abroad, and Valentin at that time was only looking for himself. They shared a small one-room apartment with their mother-in-law, and such a close life for the beauty turned out to be unbearable. She found another and left her husband.

Gaft and Alena Izorgina

The second wife was ballerina Inna Eliseeva. In this marriage, they had a daughter Olya. But even joint child failed to keep this marriage, because Inna had a very difficult character.

In the early 80s, they broke up, causing great mental trauma to the child. Olya also became a ballerina, like her mother, and Valentin always maintained warm relations with her. But this could not compensate her for the parental care she needed.

In 2002, an irreparable tragedy happened: Olya finally quarreled with her mother and committed suicide. Inna lived only a few months longer and left after her. Gaft very hard suffered the death of his only and native daughter. lighten heartache only the third wife could.

Valentin and his daughter Olya

With a third wife - Olga Ostroumova he lives in happy marriage until today. She is also an actress and is 12 years his junior. In creative circles and among acquaintances, they are called the perfect couple.

According to the media, they signed at the registry office on July 17, 1996, but knew each other much earlier. They first met on the set of the movie "Garage", but then she was a married woman.

The actor and his beloved wife Olga Ostroumova

Olga has a son, Mikhail, and a daughter, Olga, from a previous marriage. Valentin began to raise the boy when he was only 10 years old, and Olya was already more mature. He easily found mutual language with children, they have an excellent relationship and they consider him practically their own father. To date, the children have followed in the footsteps of their parents (work in the field of art) and gave them grandchildren: Zakhara, Polina and Faina.

A happy family

There are also rumors on the net about his unofficial relationship with artist Elena Nikitina And illegitimate son Vadim. Allegedly, these relationships began at a time when Valentine was unknown to anyone. They met when she was 31 and he was 36 at one of the theater evenings. Then a beautiful romance began, and when Elena told Gaft that she was pregnant, he left her life forever.

The girl was left completely alone and she had no choice but to go abroad to Brazil. She lived there Native sister who married local resident. Irina long years was not at home, so her son Valentin did not communicate with his father at all.

Father and son

Their meeting took place 43 years later in Russia on television. They discussed a lot behind the scenes and Gaft even asked for forgiveness for being absent from his life for many years. Valentin also has a son and named him after his grandfather - Valentin. So far, the teenage grandson is unfamiliar with him.

Actor Valentin Iosifovich Gaft is not only a worthy representative of an entire era of Soviet-Russian cinema and theater, but also its bright creator. He deservedly is one of the most talented and great actors. During his 83 years of life, he repeatedly delighted the theater audience with his bright and memorable performances, and also presented the audience with many masterfully played roles in the cinema. Valentin Gaft is a man who lives by work, creating the history of the world of theater and cinema. Even today, despite old age and shaky health, the actor does not stop working and surprise his fans with new masterpieces.

Height, weight, age. How old is Valentin Gaft

There are fewer and fewer actors who started their careers in the distant Soviet past and are still in creative flight, and this makes them even more legendary and valuable to the viewer. Height, weight, age, how old is Valentin Gaft - frequently asked questions of fans of Soviet-Russian works in the field of theater and cinema. The actor is quite tall, 187 cm, and his weight is 75 kg. Recently, Valentin Iosifovich celebrated his 83rd birthday, on which he was congratulated by the entire Russian cinema elite. IN last years the actor has health problems, but this does not prevent him from going on stage again and again.

Biography and personal life of Valentin Gaft. Actor's illness

Now the biography and personal life of Valentin Gaft, the illness of the actor are increasingly of interest to the public. He was born in Moscow in the autumn of 1935. The roots of parents in Ukraine, his father was engaged in law, and his mother was a housewife. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Father Valentin Gaft was called to the front. The day when he went to war was remembered forever by 6-year-old Valentine. Although the return of his father alive was an even bigger event for the Gaft family.

The family lived on one of the Moscow streets called "Matrosskaya Tishina". There was a market, a hostel for students and a prison institution. Despite this, Valentin Gaft had a wonderful childhood, which he constantly recalls with awe.

The first performance that Valentin Gaft went to was “Special Assignment”, then the future actor was 10 years old. He was so impressed that he did not even immediately believe that this was a production, and not real events. Since then, the theater has captivated the heart of young Valentine, and he began to attend school circles, and in his senior classes he clearly set a goal for himself for the future.

Valentin Gaft approached the preparation before passing the entrance exams to the university with all seriousness. The only thing that hindered him then was fear and self-doubt. One of the famous actors of that time, Sergei Stolyarov, whom he met in the park quite by accident, helped him overcome all this.

Valentin Gaft, like many others, applied to several theater educational institutions, but the Shchukin school was a priority for him. He passed the first stage of the entrance exams to Pike, but not the second. But he managed to enter the Moscow Art Theater School.

In the late 50s, Valentin Gaft received a diploma on the mastered profession of an actor. His classmates were now great actors. But getting the right education in the near future did not promise success in finding an actor. For a long time he jumped from one theater to another, until he settled on Lenkom. It was on the Lenkom stage that Valentin Gaft played his first significant and notable roles. This theater inspired him, work here brought him real pleasure.

After 5 years, the actor is invited to the Sovremennik Theater, which in the future will become for him not only a place of work, but also a home for many years. It was here that he met the eminent Galina Volchek, who at that time was the director of the theater. Their fruitful collaboration brought many masterpieces that many theater fans enjoyed. "Sovremennik" and today is the main place of work of Valentin Gaft.

The career of an actor in the world of cinema began a little later than theatrical, but it turned out very well. While he shone with might and main on the stage, filmmakers offered him only episodic and little-noted roles. Interestingly, he often got the role of negative heroes.

From the moment Valentin Gaft began collaborating with the eminent Eldar Ryazanov, his film career skyrocketed. Soon he was on the list of the most beloved artists of the famous Soviet director. Such films as Garage, Say a Word About the Poor Hussar and others won the hearts of millions of viewers throughout the post-Soviet space, and Valentin Gaft became one of the favorite actors of the grateful public.
Valentin Gaft - worthy owner many awards, titles and prizes.
The personal life of the actor has developed successfully, although there are black stripes in it. For the first time he married, while still very young, then the fashion model Elena Izogrina became his chosen one. The marriage did not last long, then a second followed. This time, Valentin Gaft approached the choice of his wife more carefully, the ballerina Inna Eliseeva became her. However, as it turned out, the second wife also did not become the same, and a divorce followed in the 80s.

In the second marriage, the actor had a daughter, Olga, who committed suicide in 2002. This period was very difficult for Valentin Gaft, he experienced the death of his daughter for a very long time. The actress Olga Ostroumova helped to survive the loss. She became the third wife of the famous actor, with whom he is happily married to this day.

Some time ago, information appeared that Valentin Gaft was ill with Parkinson's disease. This was talked about because of the uncertainty in the movements of the artist in recent years, and also because of the obvious inhibition.

Family and children Valentina Gaft

Family and children of Valentin Gaft is a separate issue. He married three times, but found true happiness only in his last marriage with famous actress Olga Ostroumova.

Olga also had a third marriage, at the time of which she had two children - son Mikhail and daughter Olga. Valentin Gaft and Olga Ostroumova have been married for over 20 years.

Married to Inna Eliseeva, Valentin Gaft had a daughter, Olga, who committed suicide. This is a tragedy that the actor carried through his whole life.

He raised the children of his third wife as his own, today they often gather in the family circle.

The son of Valentin Gaft - Mikhail

The son of Valentin Gaft - Mikhail, is his stepson, today he is already 43 years old. Michael has his own family and children. When his mother Olga Ostroumova divorced their father, Mikhail was against, especially against his mother's third marriage. At that time, he was already an adult and independent young man who decided to live with his own father.

Later, Mikhail gets to know Valentin Gaft better and becomes friends with him. It turns out that Olga Ostroumova did not leave her second husband Mikhail Levitin because of an affair with Gaft, but left him because of Levitin's numerous betrayals.

Daughter of Valentin Gaft - Olga

The daughter of Valentin Gaft - Olga, stepdaughter, today is already an adult woman, wife and mother. It so happened that dead daughter Valentin Gaft was also called Olga. Olga Levitina is very similar to her mother. Relations with the new spouse of Olga Ostroumova did not improve immediately, but today they remember this jokingly.

Mikhail gave his parents two granddaughters - Faina and Polina, and Olga gave his grandson Zakhar. The children of Ostroumova and Gaft often come to visit them, often spend holidays together. On the net you can find several family photos, very cute and touching.

Wives of Valentin Gaft - Inna Eliseeva, Olga Ostroumova

The two wives of Valentin Gaft - Inna Eliseeva, Olga Ostroumova, are very significant women for him. Inna Eliseeva gave the actor the first child, and Olga Ostroumova became his true love with whom he has been happily married for over 20 years.

Olga Ostroumova is also a popular Soviet-Russian theater and film actress. Beautiful and successful woman, who also suffered several failures in marriages. Valentin Gaft became the third husband of the actress. I must say that they look perfect as a couple, and also suit each other, which was noticed by many of their colleagues and acquaintances.

IN Lately sometimes news slips that supposedly Valentin Gaft and Olga Ostroumova broke up. There was no official divorce, and none of the spouses made statements about this.

Wikipedia Valentina Gaft

If there is a desire to learn more about the life and work of the actor, then Wikipedia Valentin Gaft will serve as an excellent source. There is data about childhood, personal life, career as an artist. Here you can also find the complete filmography of Valentin Gaft, his awards, work in the theater.

Today, illness and impending old age are increasingly forcing Valentin Gaft to refuse to participate in creative evenings, to work in the theater.

In 2016, the famous actor was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, which was personally presented to him by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In 2002, a terrible tragedy occurred in the family of Valentin Gaft - his 29-year-old daughter Olga committed suicide. This was a shock for the wonderful artist and for his fans. And until now, remembering that terrible grief, everyone says: Olga was his only child. But "Only the Stars" found out: Gaft also has a son! Valentin Iosifovich never told anyone about his existence.

There is no information that Valentin Gaft has a son in any of his official biography. And this is not surprising: Valentin Iosifovich hid his existence from the very beginning. After all, it was at stake family well-being actor.

“It was a short-lived romance,” one actress told us, who asked not to be named. - Valya did not count on any serious relationship. It just so happened - the girl became pregnant. Gaft walked gloomier than a cloud, not knowing what to do. And most of all he was afraid that his wife would find out about the betrayal and the unborn child.

At this time, Gaft was married to the beautiful ballerina Inna Eliseeva. He loved her madly. In addition, their daughter Olenka was just born, in which the actor did not cherish the soul. However, becoming a married lady, Inna has changed a lot. She had to leave the ballet in order to raise a child. She was very worried that her career was collapsing, she was very quick-tempered and jealous. The couple often quarreled, and during such periods, and this is not surprising, the actor sought understanding from other women.

“Apparently, someone explained to the girl that she had nothing to count on,” the witness of those ancient events continues. “Besides, she turned out to be one of the proud ones. In general, I preferred to just step aside. They say that she gave birth to a boy. What happened to her and her child - I do not know anything about it.
Recall that Gaft, no matter how hard he tried, failed to build a happy family with Inna Eliseeva. In the mid-80s, they officially broke up. For a long time, the actor remained single. And only in the mid-90s he married actress Olga Ostroumova. According to him, he liked her from the moment they joint work in the legendary comedy Garage. But then they didn't get closer. And only a few years later, having met at a corporate party in a cafe on the occasion of March 8, they realized that they had found each other. By that time, Olga Ostroumova was divorced from ex-husband directed by Mikhail Levitin. Having married Ostroumova, Gaft became the father of her two children from Levitin - Olga and Misha.
Olga Levitina is also an actress, she works at the Hermitage Theater, which is directed by her father. My meeting with her unexpectedly shed light on how the fate of Gaft's illegitimate son developed.

“When my parents divorced, I was fifteen years old, and Misha, my brother, was only eight,” says Olga. - I studied in America and found out about the divorce only a year later, when I returned. She took it easy. But my brother was very worried and even went to live with his father for a while, but then returned ... In general, my dad and I always talked, we were not forbidden to do this. Mom never spoke badly about him, and I don’t remember them yelling at each other or publicly sorting things out, as is now customary. This is because both of them are intelligent people. But for mom, of course, it was a tragedy. You know, before that she had always been very cheerful, cheerful, always laughing ... And after the divorce, she was silent for several years and walked gloomy, gloomy. Even when she had already met with Valentin Gaft, she did not immediately thaw.

According to Olga, after the divorce of her mother and father, their family was in dire need of money.

“Valentin Iosifovich helped us a lot then,” Olga admits. “And even now I don’t know how we would have got out without his help.

Olga's personal life did not work out. She alone raises her four-year-old son Zakhar, who, by the way, is strikingly similar to her grandmother, Olga Ostroumova.

“To be honest, I don’t have enough money. Therefore, you have to rent your apartment and live with your son in the parents' dacha. Yes, and my brother Misha got married early, he has a three-year-old daughter, Polinka. Soon mom will be lucky to have a rest Zakhar and Polina in Bulgaria. Thanks to Valentin Iosifovich, he also gave money for this trip.

He is a human soul! Although he has someone else to take care of. He also helps his son financially.

- Son? I feigned surprise.

“Yes, to my son,” Olga confirmed. “He’s already grown up, about my age or a little older.

“Tell me more about it,” I asked.

- Valentin Iosifovich does not like to talk about personal things. And, to be honest, I had little contact with him before - from the age of 15 I went to live with a friend. And only now, when it was hard, she returned to her parents' house.

- But with the daughter of Valentin Iosifovich, the late Olya, we sometimes even met. She was a wonderful, versatile person, very talented,” says Levitina. - But I can’t talk much about this topic, this is a closed topic in our family. The death of his daughter unsettled Valentin Iosifovich for several years, he was depressed, and we all, of course, did our best to help him survive this tragedy. And now we try not to remind once again about it.

Gaft really experienced the death of his daughter very hard. His ex-wife Inna, who never had an angelic disposition, with age, increasingly began to take out her anger on her daughter. They say she envied her beauty and youth. Humiliation alternated with beatings. The poor girl could not stand it and in September 2002 she committed suicide, writing in a suicide note that her unbearable relationship with her mother pushed her to die. The girl hanged herself.

- Everything that happened is very unfair to my smart and beautiful girl. I don’t even want to understand all this, ”Gaft said in an interview shortly after the incident. - I'm sure it's all my fault. ex-wife. We often met with Olenka, and she complained to me that her mother did not give her peace. Here it is. I left at one time and never went back to that house. I only regret why I left my daughter Inna.
Gaft blamed himself for this tragedy, was worried that he was cowardly, did not intervene and did not help his daughter. And it was after the death of Olya that he realized that he simply had to find his illegitimate son. He was able to find out: ex-lover emigrated a long time ago South America. The son had already grown up by that time, now he lives in Brazil with his family. When his father appeared in his life, he did not ask him where he had been all these years, but simply gratefully accepted the attention and material assistance.

According to Olga Levitina, now their family is a complete idyll. And if Valentin Iosifovich is a material support, then her mother, Olga Ostroumova, is carrying the entire household. The acting profession did not pamper her, and she knows how to do absolutely everything with her own hands: weed the garden, repair furniture, screw in light bulbs, repair a steam boiler, treat children.

- Both mom and Valentin Iosifovich are amazing, good people! Olga says with admiration. - I beg you, write that my brother and I are grateful to them for everything.

Valentin Gaft is a talented, bright and charismatic actor who has undeniable merits to Soviet cinema. The actor is no longer young, but, nevertheless, he continues to delight his audience with the fact that films with his participation can be reviewed again and again. Acting ability helped him conquer the cinema, become popular, arouse the sympathy of the audience. But where did it all start? How, in general, was this person able to start acting in films, what roads did he have to go through? Did he succeed through connections or did he achieve everything on his own? Let's look at all this carefully, starting with his childhood time.

Height, weight, age. How old is Valentin Gaft

As mentioned above, Valentin Gaft is no longer young. But this does not mean that he has lost his natural charm and acting talent. To date, this good actor is already 81 years old, his height is 187 centimeters, and his weight is 75 kilograms. That is, despite his age, the man looks very dignified. The actor himself said that, despite the fact that he is already aged, you still need to continue to take care of yourself, do everything possible to look good. And he does it very well, and it’s not even that he really looks after himself, but also that he always tried to smile and be in good mood. The man tried to always be positive, realizing that by his example he charges positive emotions spectators. Therefore, answering the questions height, weight, age. How old is Valentin Gaft, we can say that he is all right with this. True, in his old age he fell ill with a very unpleasant disease, but we will talk about this later.

Biography and personal life of Valentin Gaft. Actor's illness

The biography and personal life of Valentin Gaft, the illness of the actor, all this deserves special attention, because in his fate there were many twists and turns, tragedies and everything else that could only temper the actor, make him stronger, learn to withstand life's hardships. And all this allowed him not only to be strong in life, but also to conquer the cinema. What other people couldn't do, this one did. strong man. Although at this point there is information that Valentin Gaft is ill with Parkinson's disease, he is still not going to give up and live on. In fact, his love for the theater manifested itself in the fourth grade, when he took part in school plays.

After school, the actor managed to enter the theater, after which he very successfully began to go on stage. But he wanted to play in the cinema too, therefore, without hesitation, he began to storm the cinema, go to auditions. His first role was in a wordless version in the film "Murder on Dante Street". After that, he managed to light up other films, and in each role he managed to distinguish himself, show himself with the most better side. And although, initially, young man there were no significant roles, then the situation improved, because the directors saw the potential of a talented guy, as a result, he began to work with Ryazanov himself. As for the actor's personal life, there were problems, ups and downs. Rumors about the actor's illness can hardly be called true, but maybe they have a place to be.

Family and children Valentina Gaft

I must say that the family has always played a huge role in Gaft's life. At one time he was married to Inna Eliseeva, they had common daughter. For some reason, the couple went their separate ways, and this led to a huge tragedy. The fact is that his daughter Olga eventually committed suicide, in a note blaming her mother for this. After that, Inna also did not live long, a few months later she died of stomach cancer. Today, the actor lives with a woman, Olga Ostroumova, and son Misha, a boy he adopted. Only these people helped the actor to come to his senses after he closed himself off for a whole year from the grief that overtook him. The family and children of Valentin Gaft are the most precious thing he has.

Son of Valentin Gaft - Mikhail

The son of Valentin Gaft, Mikhail, in fact, is not his biological son. The fact is that in the life of an actor, the boy appeared after Gaft got along with Olga Ostroumova, for him it turned out to be his second marriage. After Gaft's life happened terrible tragedy, Olga and Mikhail did their best to support him. As a result, Valentin was able to come to his senses again, return to work and normal life. Today, Mikhail is already an adult, but it’s hard to say exactly what he does. The actor himself says that it is very important for him that next to him are people close to him.

Daughter Valentina Gaft - Olga

The daughter of Valentin Gaft Olga was born from her first marriage with Inna Eliseeva. But this story is very sad, because it entailed a strong tragedy. The fact is that after the parents decided to divorce, for the girl it was a huge blow. True, it cannot be said that it was the divorce of the parents that caused the girl's suicide, but she blamed the mother for everything, writing about it in a note. After the death of his daughter, as well as after the death of his first wife, the actor for a long time did not want to communicate with anyone at all, did not want to give interviews. Only after a long time, thanks to his current family, he was able to return to life again.

Wives of Valentin Gaft - Inna Eliseeva, Olga Ostroumova

The wives of Valentin Gaft, Inna Eliseeva, Olga Ostroumova, were his chosen ones, who played a rather large role in the life of the actor. His first marriage was very unhappy, because first of all, they divorced, then, she committed suicide. The first wife survived her daughter for a short time and after a few months she died of stomach cancer. Because of this tragedy, the actor could not recover for a long time, and only thanks to the presence of his second wife Olga and her son Misha, they helped the actor return to a full life again. Today, the actor is happy with his family, trying to enjoy every day he lives. And although there are rumors that Valentin Gaft and Olga Ostroumova broke up, there is no reliable information about this.

Wikipedia Valentina Gaft

Wikipedia Valentin Gaft will help viewers and fans get better acquainted with the life of an actor. If you want to know more about him, go to his personal Wikipedia page (,_Valentin_Iosifovich), where general facts about his childhood, personal life, creative career. In addition to the Wikipedia page, you can use various sites, but this particular source is the most popular and will always be at hand. Valentin Gaft is a man who lived a long life, in which there was a lot of good and bad, but he always tried to cope with everything that happened to him. Go to the Internet, choose the information that will be of interest to you.

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