Who wrote the story Vasily Terkin. Biography: Vasily Terkin is a folk hero. Fight in the swamp

Vasily Terkin - folk hero

In order to understand and appreciate the true extent of the artist’s talent, his contribution to literature, one must proceed from what he said about life and man, how his vision of the world correlates with the moral and aesthetic ideals, ideas and tastes of the people. Tvardovsky never aspired to be original. Every pose, every artificiality is alien to him:

Here are the verses, and everything is clear.
Everything is in Russian.

Brilliant craftsmanship, folk creativity of Alexander Trifonovich are visible both in the principles of artistic understanding of our life, and in creating national characters era, updating poetic genres. V. Soloukhin said very rightly: “Tvardovsky is the largest Russian Soviet poet of the thirties, forties and fifties because the most important, most decisive events in the life of the country and people were best reflected in his poetry.”
Throughout the war, while at the front, Tvardovsky worked on the poem "Vasily Terkin" - a work that was both a true chronicle of the war, an inspiring propaganda word, and a deep understanding of the heroic feat of the people. The poem reflects the main stages of the Great Patriotic War, from its first days to the complete victory over the enemy. This is how the poem develops, this is how it is built:

These lines and pages
Days and miles a special account,
Like from the western border
To my native capital,
And from that native capital
Back to the western border
And from the western border
Down to the enemy capital
We made our trip.

The depiction of the war presented considerable difficulties for writers. Here one could stray into embellished reports in the spirit of superficial cheer-optimism, or fall into despair and present the war as a continuous hopeless horror. In the introduction to "Vasily Terkin" Tvardovsky defined his approach to the theme of war as a desire to show the "existing truth", "no matter how bitter". War is drawn by the poet without any embellishment. The anguish of retreat, painful anxiety for the fate of the Motherland, the pain of separation from loved ones, hard military labors and sacrifices, the ruin of the country, severe cold - all this is shown in "Terkin" as the truth requires, no matter how it hits the soul. But the poem does not leave a depressing impression at all, does not plunge into despondency. The poem is dominated by faith in the victory of good over evil, light over darkness. And in the war, as Tvardovsky shows it, in the respite between battles, people rejoice and laugh, sing and dream, take a steam bath with pleasure and dance in the cold. overcome ordeal war, the author of the poem and its hero are helped by their boundless love for the Motherland and understanding of the just nature of the struggle against fascism. The refrain runs throughout the poem:

The fight is holy and right
Mortal combat is not for glory,
For life on earth.

“Vasily Terkin” is a “book about a fighter”. Terkin appears on the first pages of the work as an unpretentious joker soldier who knows how to amuse and amuse the fighters on a campaign and at a halt, ingenuously chuckling at the missteps of his comrades. But his joke always contains a deep and serious thought: the hero reflects on cowardice and courage, loyalty and generosity, great love and hatred. However, the poet saw his task not only in truthfully drawing the image of one of the millions of people who took on their shoulders the brunt of the fight against the enemy. Gradually, the image of Terkin more and more acquires generalized, almost symbolic features. The hero personifies the people:

Into battle, forward, into pitch fire
He goes, saint and sinner,
Russian miracle man.

The high skill of the poet was manifested in the fact that he managed, without embellishing, but not “grounding” the hero, to embody in him the fundamental moral qualities of the Russian people: patriotism, awareness of responsibility for the fate of the Motherland, readiness for selfless deed, love for work. The image of the folk hero Vasily Terkin, created by Tvardovsky, personifies the unbending character of a soldier, his courage and steadfastness, humor and resourcefulness.
Tvardovsky's poem is an outstanding, truly innovative work. Both the content and its form are truly folk. Therefore, it became the most significant poetic work about the Great Patriotic War, fell in love with millions of readers and, in turn, gave rise to hundreds of imitations and “continuations” among the people.


Hero of the poems A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" and "Turkin in the other world."

The general reader knows, basically, the first poem "Vasily Terkin", written in the years Great Patriotic War and published in the newspaper "On Guard of the Motherland".
Vasily Terkin - a soldier, according to the author of the poem, "an ordinary hero." For the first time this character appeared in Tvardovsky's poems on the pages of the newspaper "On Guard of the Motherland", in the editorial office of which the poet worked during the war years.
Vasily Terkin is one of literary heroes embodying the Russian character, the roots of which go back to folklore. The surname Terkin is formed from the verb rub and associated with Russians with an adjective grated in the meaning of ‘experienced, experienced, having seen and experienced a lot’. Terkin resembles a fairy-tale soldier who can both win and outwit the enemy; will help in Hard time and cheer in sorrow; who knows everything and understands everything, although he is not very educated. Sometimes he seems frivolous, mischievous, but at any moment this person, without further ado, will stand up for the Motherland and accomplish a feat, as if by chance, without pathos and external effects. Terkin is one of the literary heroes to whom a monument was erected. Sculpture by A.G. Sergeev "Alexander Tvardovsky and Vasily Terkin" is installed in Smolensk- in the homeland of the author of the poem and his hero. Terkin and today they can name a cheerful, witty and courageous soldier.
Vasily Terkin. Illustration for the poem. Artist O.G. Vereisky. 1943:


Poem A.T. Tvardovsky.

The first chapters of the poem appeared in 1941 on the pages of the newspaper "On Guard of the Motherland", in the editorial office of which Tvardovsky worked during the war years. The poem continued to be published throughout Great Patriotic War. The author himself called the work "a book about a fighter, without beginning, without end."
The action of the poem develops during the war years. This is a story about a person's life in the war, which is a series of episodes-stories that took place at the front with the hero of the poem, a soldier Vasily Terkin. These stories and Terkin himself were recognizable, and many front-line soldiers believed that the events described took place precisely in their company or battalion.
Among the chapters and plots of the poem there are heroic ones - “Crossing”, “Terkin is wounded”, “On the award”, household ones - “In the bath” ( cm.), "About the loss", lyrical - "Accordion" ( cm.), "About love". Tvardovsky dedicated the poem to the sacred memory of all those who died in the war, friends of the war. This is the most famous and certainly accepted by critics and readers of the work of the poet. Written in colloquial style, the poem was understandable to a simple reader, to those soldiers whose combat life was described in it. Everyone was waiting for each next chapter of the poem both at the front and in the rear.
The poem "Vasily Terkin" is included in the golden fund of Russian literature during the Great Patriotic War.
One of the best illustrators of the poem was the artist O.G. Vereisky, who created the visual image of Vasily Terkin. The painting by Yu.M. Neprintseva "Rest after the battle. Vasily Terkin "(1951).
The text of the poem includes many monologues and dialogues, jokes, witticisms, puns, aphoristic expressions similar to folk proverbs and sayings. Some quotes from the poem have turned into catchwords, for example: The fight is holy and right Mortal combat is not for glory - For life on earth.
.................... So I will say: why do I need an order? I agree to a medal.
..................... Soldiers surrender cities The generals take them.
A.T. Twardowski:

"Rest after the fight." Artist Yu.M. Neprincev. 1951:

Russia. Large linguo-cultural dictionary. - M.: State Institute Russian language them. A.S. Pushkin. AST-Press. T.N. Chernyavskaya, K.S. Miloslavskaya, E.G. Rostova, O.E. Frolova, V.I. Borisenko, Yu.A. Vyunov, V.P. Chudnov. 2007 .

See what "VASILY TERKIN" is in other dictionaries:

    Vasily Terkin- illustration by Orest Vereisky for the poem ... Wikipedia

    VASILY TERKIN- the hero of the poems by A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" (1941 1945) and "Terkin in the next world" (1954 1963). Literary prototype V.T. Vasya Terkin, the hero of a series of feuilletons in satirical pictures with captions in verse, published in the newspaper "On Guard ... ... literary heroes

    Vasily Terkin- single hero. poems. books about the fighter A. T. Tvardovsky Vasily Terkin (1942-45) and poems by Terkin in the next world (1954-63). Like a campaign character. poetry (poem) T. appeared and became widespread in the army press during the Finnish. campaigns... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    Vasily Terkin (character)- Vasily Terkin literary character. The protagonist of the poems by A. T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" (1941 1945) and "Terkin in the next world" (1954). The image of a brave, cheerful, resourceful, never discouraged soldier. The protagonist of the novel of the same name ... Wikipedia

    Turkin- Vasily Terkin literary character. The protagonist of the poems by A. T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" (1941 1945) and "Terkin in the next world" (1954). The image of a brave, cheerful, resourceful, never discouraged soldier. The main character of the same name ... ... Wikipedia

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("investigative journalism")


Crossing, crossing!
The guns are firing in pitch darkness.
The battle is holy and right.
Mortal combat is not for glory,
For life on earth.

A. Tvardovsky. Vasily Terkin

The beginning of the work "Vasily Terkin", which later became known as a poem, was written by Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky in March 1941. The first chapters were published in the Krasnoarmeyskaya Pravda newspaper in September 1942. In the same year early version The poem was published as a separate book. In subsequent reprints of 1943-1945. original text significantly processed and supplemented new chapters. The conclusion of the poem - "From the Author" - is dated June 30, 1945.

Tvardovsky described the history of the creation of the poem in detail in the article “How Was Vasily Terkin Written”. Here is an interesting excerpt from this article: "Vasily Terkin" has been known to the reader since 1942. But " Vasya Terkin" has been known since 1939-1940 - from the period of the Finnish campaign. At that time in the Leningradsky newspaper A group of writers and poets worked at the Military District “On Guard for the Motherland”: N. Tikhonov, V. Sayanov, A. Shcherbakov, S. Vashentsev, Ts. Solodar and I, the author of these lines. Somehow we decided that we needed to start something like a “corner of humor” or a feuilleton in the newspaper, where there would be poems and pictures. And so we decided to choose a character who would act in a series of amusing pictures, equipped with poetic captions. It was supposed to be a kind of cheerful, successful fighter, a conditional figure, popular print. They began to come up with a name. SOMEONE (TVARDOVSKY DOES NOT REMEMBER WHO EXACTLY!!! -IE and VK) SUGGESTED TO CALL OUR HERO VASIA TERKIN, EXACTLY VASIA, NOT VASILY. This is how the name was born.» Then, during the Finnish campaign, Tvardovsky wrote only a few poems for a newspaper column. However, an accidentally found image captured “all of me without a trace,” the poet would write later.

In the process of maturing the concept of the future "book about a fighter" the initial

The daringly humorous plot took on broad forms of epic narration. The main literary work of Tvardovsky during the Patriotic War is "Vasily Terkin". The image of a fighter becomes much larger than before. That is why the poet resolutely moves from the slightly familiar "Vasya" to the beautiful Russian name Vasily and never backs down from it. Vasya irrevocably becomes Vasily and a larger personality, primarily because "the depth of the national historical disaster and the national historical feat in the Patriotic War from the first days distinguished it from any other wars, and even more so

military campaigns." All lines, every word written in the "book about a fighter" belong to the pen of Tvardovsky alone and no one else. Here is how Alexander Trifonovich himself wonderfully wrote about this work: “A book about a fighter” during the war years was true happiness for me: it gave me a sense of the obvious usefulness of my work ... “Terkin” was for me a warring Soviet man - my lyrics, my journalism, song and teaching, anecdote and saying, heart-to-heart talk and remark to the occasion.

From the first days of the bitter year,
In a hard time native land,
Not joking, Vasily Terkin,
We made friends with you.

Tvardovsky managed to create an amazing beautiful image Soviet soldier. Terkin is selflessly devoted to the Fatherland, he is fearless, he never loses heart and finds a way out of the most difficult situations, he is ready to lend his faithful shoulder to a friend at any moment; at any moment he can cheer up the fighters with a good joke. He is the embodiment of masculinity and spiritual beauty.

Mayakovsky dreamed that in a difficult hour it would be possible to equate a pen to a bayonet. Tvardovsky managed to do more. His poem about Vasily Terkin was perhaps the most read on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War and in the rear. It would not be an exaggeration to say that his immortal book was one of those that helped the Soviet people survive those terrible years and win. A deep bow to you, dear Alexander Trifonovich and Everlasting memory!

In many letters received by the poet immediately after the publication of the first chapters, at meetings with soldiers of the Red Army, such questions were heard more often than others: “Does Terkin really exist?” “Is he a type or a living person known to you?” From many touching letters, it was clear that the readers had no doubts about the existence of a “living” Terkin, but it was only a matter of “doesn’t he serve in our (hereinafter the field mail number was indicated) division?” The poet patiently answered all these questions: “Vasily Terkin is a fictitious person, a figment of the imagination, a creation of fantasy. And although the traits expressed in it have been observed by me in many people, - none of them can be called the prototype of Terkin. Meanwhile, many fighters, meanwhile, innocently continued to write letters to Tvardovsky, asking him to send greetings to Comrade Terkin. Many warm letters were addressed personally Comrade Vasily Terkin. The authors of the letters asked the "legendary fighter" for advice, shared with him the most intimate. Innocent authors were in the holy confidence that the field mail would definitely find the addressee ... In such cases, it is customary to say that such a belief of the readership in a literary character is the highest reward and praise for the author.

And how could a young soldier not believe a poet who spoke to him in a simple, sincere word. He spoke about the war and about his soldier, home. This is how the poet speaks piercingly, artlessly in the chapter “Who fired?”. When attacked

fascist vulture in the open field, the soldiers, waiting for the desired command “Lie down!” rushed to the ground:

You're laying flat, boy
Twenty incomplete years.
Now you have a cover
Here you are no more.

You pressed your palms to your temples,
You forgot, you forgot, you forgot
How the horses nibbled the grass
What did you drive at night.

Death rumbles in the eardrums
And far, far, far
That evening and that girl,
What you loved and cherished.

And friends and loved ones, Home, a knot in the wall...
No, fighter, pray face down
Not good for war.

No comrade, evil and proud,
As the law tells a fighter
Meet death face to face
And at least spit in her face,
If it's all over...

Here is how he assessed the poem by A. Tvardovsky Nobel laureate Ivan Bunin: “This is a truly rare book. What freedom, what wonderful prowess, what accuracy, accuracy in everything and what an extraordinary folk language - not a knot, not a hitch, not a single false word!


Among the letters addressed to the poet, sometimes there were such. Major M. M-v, a Muscovite wrote in his letter: “Recently I read novel by P.D. Boborykin "Vasily Terkin" and, frankly, I felt great embarrassment: what is there in common between him and your Vasily Terkin? How is your Vasya Terkin-smart, cheerful, experienced soviet soldier, acting during the Great Patriotic War and defending his Motherland with great patriotism, - against the merchant-swindler, the hypocrite Vasily Ivanovich Terkin from Boborykin's novel? So why did you choose for your (and our) hero a name that already hides certain type and which has already been described in Russian literature? Could it be that you were guided by the consideration of the affinity of this, already described type, and the one you created? But this is an insult to the seasoned soldier Vasily Terkin! Or is it a coincidence?

Before "giving" the floor for an answer to Major M. M-v Tvardovsky himself, let's give a brief historical background.

Boborykin Pyotr Dmitrievich, Russian writer, honorary academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Years of life: 1836-1921. Critics called him a novelist-chronicler, a "marker" of entire strips public life. Thus, he noted the birth of capitalism in Russian life, the flourishing of the bourgeoisie, the emergence of a new type of merchant, with a new cultural appearance and an old bestial innards. Wrote over 100 novels, short stories and plays. In his masterpiece "Vasily Terkin" (1892, "Bulletin of Europe"), Boborykin made an attempt to draw a new man of the village, who came to the people thanks to his own efforts and managed to combine practical practicality with devotion to ideals. As a type, Terkin is not convincing enough, but as a living and truly brand new figure, he speaks eloquently of big changes and about the accumulation of new forces in Russian society. According to the respectful words of Maxim Gorky in the novel “Vasily Terkin”, Boborykin was the first in Russian literature to draw the image of an enlightened, thinking merchant who, having left the people himself, wants to give “full speed to everything that is valuable in him, for the needs of his native lands and the same labor and disadvantaged people."

And now let's get back to A. Tvardovsky's answer to the major's angry letter from Moscow. Tvardovsky: “I confess that I heard about the existence of the Boborykin novel, when a significant part of Terkin had already been printed, from one of my senior literary friends. I took out the novel, read it without much interest, and went on with my work. I did not and do not attach any importance to this coincidence of the name of Terkin with the name of the Boborykin hero. There is absolutely nothing in common between them. It is possible that some of us, who were looking for the name of a character for feuilletons in the newspaper "On Guard of the Motherland", turned up this combination of a first name with a surname by chance, as they had sunk into memory from Boborykin's book. I doubt: we needed Vasya then, and not Vasily; Vasya, on the other hand, you can’t name the Boborykin hero, it’s completely different. In a word, there was not and is not a shadow of "borrowing" here. It’s just that there is such a Russian surname Terkin, although it seemed to me earlier that we “constructed” this surname, starting from the verbs “rub”, “grind”, etc. And here is one of the first letters from my correspondents on the “Book about a fighter”:

To the editors of Krasnoarmeyskaya Pravda, the poet Comrade. A. Tvardovsky.

Tov. Tvardovsky: Is it possible to replace the name Vasily with Viktor in your poem, since Vasily is my father, he is 62 years old, and I am his son, Viktor Vasilyevich Terkin, platoon commander. I am on the Western Front, serving in the artillery. And therefore, if possible, then replace it, and I ask you to inform me of the result at the address: pp 312, 668 art. regiment, 2nd division, Viktor Vasilyevich Terkin.

Comparing these two works is a completely unacceptable task: different genres, different eras ... We only note that the artistic perfection of Tvardovsky's poem and its (poem) influence on fate Russian Society and even the states make it an absolutely exceptional and majestic work of Russian literature.

yorkin, yorkin, in fact,
The hour has come, the end of the war.
And it looks like it's out of date
Right now we are both with you.


And though other things
In the years of peace with the singer
They might come out better
This Books about a fighter

To me she is more than all the others

Road, native to tears,

Like the son that did not grow up in the hall,

And in a time of troubles and thunderstorms ...

Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky was born in 1910 in the Smolensk region, into a family of peasants. His father was very fond of reading, he brought up this love in his children. The works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol were often heard in the house.

Date of writing the poem "Vasily Terkin"

In 1939, Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky was drafted into the Red Army, went on a campaign for the liberation of Belarus. Worked as a war correspondent. At this time, Tvardovsky wrote notes, essays, reviews.

The main work of the war years of Tvardovsky was the poem "Vasily Terkin" about the combat everyday life of a Russian soldier. Many people found in the hero traits loved by everyone - fearlessness, the ability to make fun of themselves and friends, ingenuity. The poem was created throughout the war.

Heroes of the poem "Vasily Terkin"

Large-scale images, collective and capacious, are created in the poem. Events are developing for a very long time. The protagonist of the poem is very close to folklore characters, as Tvardovsky conceived ("Vasily Terkin", a summary of the poem). The symbolism of the unpretentious surname "Terkin" can be interpreted in two ways: it is simple, widespread and at the same time tough, unbending.

The protagonist of the poem combines all parts of the poem into one whole. Vasily Terkin - an ordinary infantryman from the peasants. It embodies the best soldier and folk features.

This soldier is simple and accessible, knows how to joke, does not lose heart and is so similar to other soldiers. He is brave, humble and will always help in difficult times. Tvardovsky emphasizes that there is such a person in every company. Tvardovsky invented Terkin, first of all, as a feuilleton image, which should only make the soldiers laugh with jokes at the front in order to raise their morale.

But the poet shows the hero not only as a joker, but also as a resourceful and courageous person. Terkin is a patriot, he defends his homeland without too much pathos.

He is an experienced warrior. In the chapter "Crossing" Vasily breaks through to the shore with his platoon, and from there alone to the opposite shore. Conditions were unbearable: November, cold water. Terkin's body is rubbed with alcohol, he is very cold, but even at this moment his sense of humor does not leave him: the soldier with a cunning look asks the doctor about taking alcohol inside, so as not to spend everything on the skin. Unites all parts of the poem Vasily Terkin. The heroes who are also mentioned in the work deal with a simple-minded soldier.

The poem describes not only front-line soldiers, but also those who worked in the rear for the sake of victory: the elderly and women. The characters of the work are not only at war. They rejoice, love, talk to each other, dream of peace. War, like life in general, combines tragedy and humor, fear and courage, earthly existence and death.

The main parts of the poem

Conventionally, the poem can be divided into three parts, which describe the beginning, middle and end of the war. From a chronicle, the poem develops into a lyrical chronicle of events. Tvardovsky ("Vasily Terkin") often writes in this style. Summary The poem can be characterized as follows: in the first part, a feeling of sorrow and bitterness prevails. The second is filled with faith in victory. In the third part, the soldiers rejoice at the Victory and the liberation of the Motherland.

All this affects the composition of the poem. Stanzas, periods and individual chapters are all finished. Vasily Terkin appears almost everywhere. The chapters of the poem were written gradually, therefore they are complete (and perfect in style) works.

Poem chapters

The poem consists of thirty chapters. At twenty-five, the image of the protagonist is revealed, who finds himself in different combat situations. In the last parts of Terkin there is no (“About an orphan soldier”, “On the way to Berlin”). The poet did not want to repeat himself.

It is no coincidence that the work begins and ends with lyrical digressions by Tvardovsky (“Vasily Terkin”). The brief content makes readers feel their involvement in what is happening. Tvardovsky argued that there is no single plot in the war. And it is really unusual: it is a reliable "book about a fighter."

Alexander Tvardovsky, "Vasily Terkin": a summary

The poem is built like a chain of episodes from the life of a soldier, which are sometimes not connected with each other. Terkin tells the soldiers about the war and his adventures. He doesn’t go into his pocket for a word, “a guy anywhere.”

There was a river crossing. Came from the right bank main character. He said that the first platoon could secure the crossing if they were supported by weapons.

Vasily made contact. He sets up an ambush and waits for the enemy. He kills a German, but he also wounds him. Tankers are taking Terkin to the medical facility...

The soldier jokes about the medal and the party in the village council after the war.

After the hospital, Terkin returns to the company. He plays the soldiers on the accordion, first a sad, and then a cheerful melody, everyone starts to dance.

Terkin fights with a German, wins. He later shoots down an enemy plane. He is given an order.

Vasily thinks about how in the hospital he ran into a boy who has already become a hero. He said that he was from near Tambov. And the native Smolensk region should have its own soldiers. Because of this, he became a hero.

The soldier goes home for a week. But his village is held by the Germans. In the swamp, they fight over the small village of Borki, which is completely destroyed. Terkin cheers up his comrades.
He commands a platoon after the death of the commander, he is the first to arrive in the village, but is again seriously wounded. Lies in a field and talks with Death, who persuades him not to cling to life. Soldiers find him and carry him to the medical unit.

After being wounded, the soldier goes to his company. But a new Terkin, Ivan, has already appeared there. Guys give in to each other. The foreman says that each company will have its own Terkin.

The village in which the hero somehow helped his grandfather and grandmother with the housework, under German rule. They themselves moved into the cellar. Terkin with scouts comes to them and promises to bring watches from Germany.

With the advancing troops, the warrior passes near his native Smolensk region. The soldiers are crossing the river. Terkin mentally says goodbye to his native land, which is already in the rear.

The hero tells a story about a soldier whose whole family died. He discovers this with grief while on vacation. But he needs to keep fighting. And we - to remember his grief. Do not forget about it in the days of victory.

The soldiers go to Berlin. Grandmother escapes from captivity. The soldiers supply her with a wagon, a horse and things. Vasily Terkin also helps her.

Soldiers rest in a bathhouse in Germany. Among them, one is covered in scars from wounds. He steams well, talks a lot, he has many orders and medals on his tunic. The soldiers say that this soldier is the same as Terkin.

victory over the fascists

The protagonist is outraged by the arrogance of the Nazis, who violate all human laws and take civilians prisoner. He remembers that the Germans brought a lot of grief to the peasants, taking everything from them. Terkin feels a strong hatred for the enemies, for those uninvited guests who trample the Russian land and kill the Slavs. This hatred helps him, having gathered his will into a fist, to defeat the enemy.

The poem "Vasily Terkin" is dated 1941-1945 - the difficult, terrible and heroic years of the struggle of the Soviet people against the Nazi invaders. In this work, Alexander Tvardovsky created an immortal image of a simple, Soviet fighter, defender of the Fatherland, who became a kind of personification of deep patriotism and love for his Motherland.

History of creation

The poem began to be written in 1941. Separate excerpts were printed in a newspaper version in the period from 1942 to 1945. In the same 1942, a still unfinished work was published separately.

Oddly enough, but work on the poem was started by Tvardovsky back in 1939. It was then that he already worked as a war correspondent and covered the course of the Finnish military campaign in the newspaper On Guard for the Motherland. The name was coined in collaboration with members of the editorial board of the newspaper. In 1940, a small brochure "Vasya Terkin at the front" was published, which was considered a great award among the fighters.

The image of the Red Army soldier was liked by the readers of the newspaper from the very beginning. Realizing this, Tvardovsky decided that this topic was promising and began to develop it.

From the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, being at the front as a war correspondent, he gets into the hottest battles. He gets surrounded with the soldiers, leaves it, retreats and goes on the attack, experiencing from his own experience everything that he would like to write about.

In the spring of 1942, Tvardovsky arrives in Moscow, where he writes the first chapters "From the Author" and "On a Halt", and they are immediately published in the newspaper Krasnoarmeyskaya Pravda.

Such an explosion of popularity Tvardovsky could not imagine even in his wildest dreams. The central publications Pravda, Izvestia, Znamya reprint excerpts from the poem. Orlov and Levitan read the texts on the radio. Artist Orest Vereisky creates illustrations that finally formed the image of a fighter. Tvardovsky holds creative evenings in hospitals, and also meets with labor collectives in the rear, raising morale.

As always, what the common people liked did not receive the support of the party. Tvardovsky was criticized for pessimism, for the lack of mention that the party leads all the accomplishments and achievements. In this regard, the author wanted to finish the poem in 1943, but grateful readers did not allow him to do this. Tvardovsky had to agree to censorship edits, in return he was awarded the Stalin Prize for his immortal work. The poem was completed in March 1945 - it was then that the author wrote the chapter "In the Bath".

Description of the artwork

The poem has 30 chapters, which can be conditionally divided into 3 parts. In four chapters, Tvardovsky does not talk about the hero, but simply talks about the war, about how much ordinary Soviet peasants had to endure, who defended their homeland, and hints at the progress of work on the book. The role of these digressions cannot be underestimated - this is a dialogue between the author and readers, which he conducts directly, even bypassing his hero.

There is no clear chronological sequence in the course of the story. Moreover, the author does not name specific battles and battles, however, individual battles and operations highlighted in the history of the Great Patriotic War are guessed in the poem: retreats Soviet troops, so common in 1941 and 1942, the battle of the Volga, and, of course, the capture of Berlin.

There is no strict plot in the poem - and the author did not have the task of conveying the course of the war. The central chapter is "Crossing". The main idea of ​​the work is clearly traced there - a military road. It is on it that Terkin and his comrades are striding towards the achievement of the goal - complete victory over the Nazi invaders, which means to a new, better and free life.

The hero of the work

The main character is Vasily Terkin. A fictional character, cheerful, cheerful, straightforward, despite the difficult circumstances in which he lives during the war.

We watch Vasily in different situations - and everywhere we can mark him positive traits. Among brothers-in-arms, he is the soul of the company, a joker who always finds an opportunity to joke and make others laugh. When he goes on the attack, he is an example for other fighters, he shows such qualities as resourcefulness, courage, endurance. When he rests after a fight, he can sing, he plays the accordion, but at the same time he can answer quite harshly and with humor. When soldiers meet with civilians, Vasily is charm and modesty itself.

Courage and dignity, shown in all, even the most desperate situations, are the main features that distinguish the protagonist of the work and form his image.

All other heroes of the poem are abstract - they don't even have names. Brothers in arms, a general, an old man and an old woman - they all just play along, helping to reveal the image of the main character - Vasily Terkin.

Analysis of the work

Since Vasily Terkin does not have real prototype, then we can say with all boldness that this is a kind of collective image, which was created by the author, based on his real observations of the soldiers.

The work has one distinguishing feature What distinguishes it from similar works of that time is the absence of an ideological principle. In the poem there is no praise of the party and personally Comrade Stalin. This, according to the author, "would destroy the idea and figurative structure of the poem."

The work uses two poetic size: four-foot and three-foot trochee. The first size is found much more often, the second - only in separate chapters. The language of the poem has become a kind of Tvardovsky's card. Some moments that look like sayings and lines from funny songs, as they say, “gone to the people” and began to be used in everyday speech. For example, the phrase “No, guys, I’m not proud, I agree to a medal” or “Soldiers surrender cities, generals take them out” are still used by many today.

It was on such as the protagonist of this poem in verse that all the hardships of the war fell. And only their human qualities - fortitude, optimism, humor, the ability to laugh at others and at themselves, in time to defuse the tense situation to the limit - helped them not only win, but also survive in this terrible and merciless war.

The poem is still alive and loved by the people. In 2015, the Russian Reporter magazine conducted sociological research on hundreds of the most popular poems in Russia. Lines from "Vasily Terkin" took 28th place, which indicates that the memory of the events of 70 years ago and the feat of those heroes is still alive in our memory.

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