The beauties of Spain. National habits and characteristics of the Spaniards (9 photos). Maria Clara Alonso

But somewhat extended. You can check it out there. Here I will lay out the way it was originally written - about beautiful Spanish ladies. There will definitely be a sequel!

What happens when the whole family with two children of two and five years old moves to Spain?

One evening two months ago, my husband slammed his fist on the table and said: “That's it, it's decided, let's go!”, Ending with this phrase the rare debate about the move that we have been having for the past six months. And so we ended up in the small town of Torrevieja in the province of Valencia. It is said to be the sunniest city in Spain, where sunny days is 320 days a year. And what? If you run from the rainy Urals, then immediately into the sun.

Our weekdays so far consist of trips to the beach for a tan, to the store for teapots and pans, and to the market for groceries. But new impressions break into our unpretentious life every day.

After a whole 8 days in Spain, I confess that I have an irrational fear of the Spanish seniors. Although, why irrational? Quite rationally explainable. Judge for yourself.

What are Spanish women like?

My first acquaintance with the Spanish ladies took place exactly 30 seconds after we arrived and entered the apartment for the first time. The bell rang, I opened the door and saw her. Behind the threshold stood a well-groomed, colorful lady of about fifty, plump, with chemicals in her hair and red lipstick on her lips. Seeing me, hung with children and bags, she immediately asked something. Having received from me in response a bewildered “uh” and the same bewildered smile, she, not at all embarrassed, continued to ask something, say something very emotionally and wave her arms. Without waiting for an answer, she said the crown Spanish “Bale” (Vale - good), smiled, waved her hand and retired somewhere down. Later I found out that she was just our downstairs neighbor, but the image of a large, confident, emotional and very loud lady was imprinted in my brain.

About oddities

When I woke up the next day, I saw something white in my window. It swayed, exhaled the aroma of freshness and closed the entire window. It turned out that in front of the bedroom windows there was a sheet from the hanger of a neighbor above us. Did you know that many Spanish houses are built on the principle of a well, when the windows face the courtyard? So, usually with this inside a folding clothes dryer is installed under the windows. And on this dryer, a neighbor attached a sheet with clothespins from above so that it covered the entire window for us. You do not think, I do not feel sorry, just the fact itself is quite curious. Personally, in Russia I try not to disturb the peace of our neighbors. Frankly, I don’t even know all the neighbors on the landing by sight, and I certainly don’t come to meet them 30 seconds after they entered the apartment and I don’t hang sheets on their windows.

And the owner of the apartment across from ours hangs laundry under her bedroom window every morning. I have never caught her doing this yet, but the size of her swimsuit, fluttering in the wind like a sail of a cruising yacht, inspires me respect. I'm already looking forward to our inevitable meeting. Just in case, for the sake of this meeting, I taught the children to say “Buenos dias” (buenos días-good morning), and not a simple “Ola” (Hola! - hello) ..
Speaking in general, the Spanish seniors really speak very loudly. Actually, all Spaniards do not limit themselves in decibels, but Spaniards in particular. They can stand at the door of some cafe and say goodbye for a long and loud time. Gathering in groups of three or more, they can compete with a jet aircraft in terms of noise produced.

Spanish ladies of any age can be of any build, although more often still overweight, but at the same time they are all very well-groomed. I have never seen so many ladies with red lipstick in one street in Russia. Many walk in heels even at the most respected age. And they are not shy about sunbathing topless. At first I thought that the ladies on the beach sparkling with their charms were foreigners, but no! The most that neither is Spanish.
They are very loving. Ladies with dogs are happy to let their daughters play with their pets of varying degrees of miniature. And Rosalie is the luckiest of all - all the elderly aunts try to talk to her and stroke her head or hand, and she waves back to them gratefully.

It would seem, cute? But there is something in these ladies unusual for us, perhaps their activity and noticeable goodwill. It looks weird to us, doesn't it? But I have hope to love these ladies in time. At least the next door neighbor. It turns out that she sings arias when she hangs laundry on the balcony. He sings pretty well. And you can already love her for that, right?

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Sunny Spain is associated with bullfighting, passionate flamenco dance, love of football, delicious food and ardent passion, which seems to be in all Spaniards in the blood. But especially Spain is famous for its women, who stand out strongly against the background of other European representatives of the weaker sex. In previous ratings, we have already told you about the most beautiful Jewish women Indian women, French women, Turkish women, Chinese women And Italian women. In continuation of the tradition, the turn of sultry beauties from Spain came up.

Penelope Cruz

It is simply impossible not to start this rating with Penelope. Large Brown eyes, black expressive eyebrows, thick dark hair. The beauty of the actress is the epitome of all the women of the south. Born in Madrid, Penelope is the first Spanish actress to win an Oscar for her supporting role in Vicky Cristina Barcelona and is one of the most sought-after actresses in Hollywood.

Pas Vega

Another burning beauty, from the sight of which the heart stops. Paz was born in Andalusia. Fame came to the actress in 2004 after her role in the Hollywood film Spanish English, in which she became her partner (48).

Monica Cruz

The younger sister of actress Penelope Cruz, like a true Spaniard, has a love for dancing. Monica graduated from the Royal Academy of Dance (The Royal Academy of Dance) and the Institute of Classical Ballet in Madrid, and also performed as part of the world famous troupe of Joaquin Cortes.

Ines Sastre

Born in Valladolid, Ines has been the face of the covers of such famous magazines as Marie Claire, Elle, ¡Hola!, Vogue, Telva, Rolling Stone, Woman, Femme, ES, Blanco y Negro (Spain), GQ, Cosmopolitan, Linea. The debut in the acting career took place in 1988 in the film "Eldorado" by the Spanish director Carlos Saura. Inez is an ambassador for the UN Children's Fund and is raising her nine-year-old son, Diego.

Sara Carbonero

This blue-eyed beauty conquered not only the famous football player of the Spanish national team Iker Casillas (33), but also a good half of the football fans after the 2010 World Cup. According to FHM USA, Sarah was recognized as the sexiest reporter in the world, which is not surprising. In 2014, the TV presenter gave Casillas the son of Martin Casillas-Carbonero (1).

Adriana Ugarte

The actress was born in Madrid, and this Spaniard also has Basque blood in her blood. In Russia, the actress is known mainly for the film "Etudes in Three". And in the homeland of Adrian is one of the biggest hopes of modern Spanish cinema.

Clara Lago

Largo was born in Madrid. WITH early childhood the actress was fond of dramatic art and at the age of ten starred in the TV series "Partners". She gained worldwide popularity after her role in the second part of the romantic film “Three meters above the sky. I want you".

Maria Valverde

Another star of the film "Three meters above the sky" was born in Madrid in a creative family. The father of the actress is an artist by profession, and her mother is a sculptor. Since childhood, Maria dreamed of becoming an actress and at the age of 10 she played her first role in the play. On this moment the actress is one of the most beloved in Spain.

Blanca Suarez

Blanca from childhood dreamed of becoming an actress and attended classes acting skills at the Artes Escénicas Triton School of Arts. Her dream came true in 2008 after her role in the film Tremors. In addition to his acting career, Suarez is fond of figure skating and gymnastics.

Eva Gonzalez

Former lover of the Spanish football player Iker Casillas (33), Eva Gonzalez was born in Seville. In 2003, she became the winner of the Miss Spain contest, which made her an overnight real star. Gonzalez is not only a model, but also a TV presenter.

Patricia Rodriguez

Recognized beauty, winner of the titles: "Miss Tenerife - 2007", "Miss Spain - 2008", "Miss Universe - 2013". And in 2008, she entered the top 15 Miss World. Patricia was born in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, on canary islands. In 2010, the model admitted to being gay. Beloved Patricia was a DJ and singer Vanessa Klein (28).

Elena Anaya

She began her acting career at the age of 19, after which she entered the Royal high school dramatic arts in Madrid. Success in his career came to Anaya after her role in the film by the Spanish film director Pedro Almodovar (65) "Talk to her." The actress also starred in the music video of the world famous musician Justin Timberlake (34) for the song "Sexy back".

Almudena Fernandez

She was born on January 1, 1977 in Benavente, Spain, but now lives in New York. While still a high school student, she took part in the competition "Supermodel of the World" and took second place. After that, young Almudena definitely decided that she would connect her life with the modeling business. Amazing beauty helped her become the face of Aquaflore Carolina Herrera fragrance and French perfume Organza Indecence from Givenchy. In 2001, she participated in the shows of the autumn-winter collection of Antonio Miro, Armando Basi and other designers.

Andrea Duro

This dark-haired Spaniard is best known for her roles in films such as Yoli and Three Meters Above Heaven. In 2013, she was included in the top 100 most beautiful Spanish women. She also posed for the covers of FHM and Overlay magazines.

Josie Toledo

Beautiful national costumes, and incendiary dances have always attracted the interest of viewers from all over the world, so it is not at all surprising that so many interesting films and so many love stories have been written about this people. Read romance novels about the Spaniards is always interesting, because thanks to the hot temperament of the main characters, events develop rapidly and unusually.

For many women, the two concepts of Spain are inextricably linked, and it is for this reason that they go on their holidays to the country of sangria and flamenco. After reading some kind of love story about the Spaniards, you immediately want to live it all in reality.

The Spaniards are handsome and slender men, tanned in the southern sun, speaking a beautiful melodious language, make our imagination draw fabulous pictures. What about the Spaniard costume? A sharp contrast of tanned skin and a white shirt, beautiful black trousers and, of course, a sombrero… Romance…

But do not forget that the Spaniards live not only in Spain.

In America, the Spaniards settled in ancient times and now there is a fairly large community of them. You can also say that the Spaniards and the Portuguese are almost the same thing.

The faces of Spain we meet in many different countries and to meet one of them it is not at all necessary to go to Spain.

Spanish, how much can be said in one word. A Spanish woman is, first of all, a Spanish lady, beautiful, well-groomed, slender, smiling and sweet. Walking the streets of Spain, we admire how beautiful Spanish women are.

But this is not surprising. People who live in a sunny country eat a lot of fish and seafood, fresh vegetables, swim in the sea and most importantly grew up in a strong, loving and close-knit Spanish family can't look bad.

Spanish girl with early age learns exactly how a woman should behave, and besides, she learns everything necessary for life. Many young Spaniards attend dance courses to gain grace and fluidity of movement.

And just imagine what beautiful Spanish dances are. Spaniard dancing incendiary, seething blood, looking at how she moves on stage beautiful lady I immediately want to join, learn and dance.

We can see the image of the Spaniard in many paintings of famous classics, and this already means something, because art tries to capture only the best.

But to look at the beautiful Spaniards, it is not necessary to go to the museum. After all, the most beautiful Spanish women are still there, for example, Blanca Suarez, Monica Cruz, Patricia Vico, Patricia Rodriguez, Penelope Cruz, Clara Alonso and many others.

So, if you wish, you can meet them and invite them to a glass of first-class Spanish wine. But when meeting, do not forget how important correct handling to the Spanish. It should be a courteous form of "Senior" and if you do everything right, you will have an unforgettable meeting.

Population dynamics in Spain:

  • 1 year - 6.5 million people;
  • 500 - 4.5 million people;
  • 1000 - 6 million people;
  • 1300 - 11.3 million people;
  • 1500 - 6.2 million people;
  • 1800 - 11.6 million people;
  • 1900 - 18.6 million people;
  • 1932 - 24.1 million people;
  • 1959 - 29.9 million people;
  • 1977 - 36.3 million people;
  • 2009 - 45.9 million people;
  • 2011 - 46.2 million people;
  • 2013 - 47.1 million people

The population of Spain in 2014 is 47.4 million people.
The population of Spain in 2015 is 47.9 million people.

Male population 23,426,196 (49.4%)
The female population is 23,997,824 people. (50.6%)

In 2015, the population of Spain will increase by approximately 268,877 people or 0.57%. At the same time, it is expected that during the year 498,475 children will be born and approximately 411,499 people will die.

The total number of people entering the country for the purpose of long-term stay (immigrants) will be greater than the number of people leaving the country (emigrants). Immigrants will increase by about 181,901 people.

Flamenco Flamenco - Spanish dance of passion! Spanish flamenco dance (video):

On average, 1,366 children are born in Spain per day. That is, on average, one child is born every 63 seconds.
Every 77 sec. one person dies in Spain. It turns out that in Spain an average of 1,127 people die per day.

The total growth in the population of Spain, taking into account natural processes (birth and death) and total migration (the so-called migration balance), is, as already mentioned above, approximately 268,877 people per year or 737 people per day. The urban population is 76%. Population density - 79.7 people / km².

The official language is Castilian; in the autonomous regions, along with Castilian (Spanish), other languages ​​\u200b\u200bare also official (Catalan-Valencian-Balearic in Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands, Basque in the Basque Country and Navarre, Galician in Galicia, Aran in Catalonia).

Over 71% of believers are Catholics, 25% are atheists, 2% are Muslims, 1% are Jews. Despite this, 67% of the Spanish population supported the idea of ​​officially registering same-sex marriages. Since July 2005, a law has come into force in the country legalizing same-sex marriages and granting same-sex couples the right to adopt children.
Over 2.7 million Spaniards live outside the country, including in the countries of Northern and South America 1.7 million, in Western Europe over 1 million (mainly in France and Germany).

If a single girl chooses where to go on vacation, she will most often choose the place where she can meet someone worthwhile. After all, it's so romantic to have a holiday romance that many short love stories about the Spaniards write about.

What could be better than moonlit walks along the seashore, long lazy days on the beach, romantic candlelight dinners. But what to decide? Where to go? To Spain, Italy, France or somewhere else? Italians and Spaniards are very similar. Tanned and temperamental, courteous in dealing with women, cheerful and sociable.

But the character of the Spaniards is softer. As practice shows, they are not so quick-tempered and more patient, their life is measured and calm, and favorite word"mañana", that is, tomorrow.

But it is also worth saying a few words about national characteristics Spaniards, so to speak, to be prepared:

  1. Spaniards don't give flowers. And actually why if all the streets are already decorated with various colors. Flowers in Spain are not a luxury, but an absolutely common occurrence.
  2. They are often late, but this is not surprising, because life in Spain is so calm that you do not notice the time.
  3. They respect a woman as a person and give her the opportunity to grow and develop outside the home, that is, to build a career and have her own interests.

Many women want to marry a Spaniard, because after watching films and reading many novels, they have formed their own definite opinion about the inhabitants of this country. But to get to know a Spaniard, it is not necessary to fly so far, because there are also Spaniards in Russia. Who just came as a tourist and some for work, so there are a lot of opportunities.

Be sure to read our other articles:

History knows many different cases when there were very successful interethnic marriages. For example, Americans and Spaniards get married quite often, because America borders on Mexico. And also many famous Spaniards choose wives of a different nationality. What is Antonio Banderas worth, it would seem that such a macho cannot just take and marry. At no! He married Melanie Griffith and has been faithful to her for many years!

Sometimes you really want to escape from the gray everyday life of our life and read or study something new, good, positive. And what could be better than dreaming about a vacation somewhere closer to the sea and away from work? Studying all the delights of a holiday in Spain, you should also study the life of the Spaniards and their history. At the moment, the leading historians of the world cannot agree on who the ancestors of the Spaniards really are, but one thing is certain: Spain is a paradise. There is even a legend that says that when God distributed the land, he simply forgot about the Spaniards and was forced to give them a piece of paradise.

But let's still get back to reality and take a closer look at what beautiful Spaniards are and what country they have.

Over the course of a long history, the different ethnic groups of Spain have formed a bizarre conglomerate that represents the population of this country: the people of Spain. If you study exactly the appearance and specifically men, then the Spaniards appearance: unusual, attractive, exciting imagination. Impressed by the attractiveness of the men of this country, a special haircut was even invented: the Spanish beard.

The birth rate in Spain is always very high: the replacement rate of the population has already long years remains consistently large. Families in Spain are traditionally friendly.

The Spaniards are brought up in the local flavor and traditions, they are taught that the family is sacred and therefore many are so willing to marry a Spaniard, believing that such a family will be very strong. Another plus of such a marriage is that the Spaniards simply adore children. Especially many children inhabit any rural house. Spain is a country with its own special upbringing, Spain is a country where babies are adored and old people are respected.

The streets of Spain are often resounding with the cries of children who start a fun fuss. The Republic of Spain is inhabited by very beautiful, talented people.

Some singers of Spain are worth something! And the most beautiful girl is annually awarded the title of "Miss Spain". And that's why many people are so eager to get to know the Spaniards.

But Spain is not only people, it is also food, tasty, real, high quality. Although there is a fundamental difference between the cuisines of Spain and other countries, for example, the French and Spaniards eat completely different things, but both of these people value quality in food and products.

But what do Spaniards eat? The Spaniards have food, it is a cult and an eternal Mediterranean diet. In other words, these are fish, seafood, vegetables, fruits, cereals, bread and much more. Many Spanish dishes are known all over the world, such as gazpache, jamon, paella and many others.

Famous people of Spain: Antonio Gaudi, Salvador Dali, Miguel de Cervantes, Francisco Goya, Pablo Picasso…

A lot of words have been said above about what kind of people the Spaniards are, about what a wonderful country it is, and so on and so forth, but the passion of the Spaniards for all sorts of fiestas, that is, holidays, should also be noted. For the holidays in this country they prepare thoroughly and spend them with all sorts of chic and scope.

The culture of the Spaniards is ancient and interesting, multifaceted. And all the time the Spaniard costume was an integral part of her, you just imagine the luxurious dresses for flamenco, bouffant skirts, bright colors. The Spanish skirt is her pride, the more magnificent the better. In ancient times, everyone sewed a Spanish woman costume with their own hands, because it's so cool to flaunt at some kind of holiday in something special, unique, made by yourself.

Now the traditions have changed a bit and the Spaniard outfit can be bought in a special store. All sorts of different outfits are sewn for people of different physique and height, and of course each loving mother will buy a Spanish woman costume for a girl, so that her daughter will become the queen of the ball.

If you figure it out, Spain knows how to sew dresses, the combination of colors is always fun, but the advantage is always given to red.

The traditions of the Spaniards are wonderful and very ancient. Given that in this country the cult of the family, these traditions are passed down from generation to generation, from mother to daughter, and so on for many years. And the families of Spaniards are strong, friendly and strong, and that is why many of our compatriots simply dream of marrying a Spaniard.

Many admire the men of Spain, how courageous, fearless, tanned and simply beautiful they are, but do not forget that there are also women in Spain. And in many ways they are not inferior to their husbands. IN modern world traditions have changed a bit and a Spanish woman is now not only a mother and wife, so to speak, the keeper of the hearth, but also a business lady.

Hot Spaniards plunged headlong into business, career, and the development of their personal interests. bright volume example richest woman Spain, Rosalia Mera, founder of Zara. This woman was able to build a huge successful business.

But one should not think that the desire of Spanish women to realize themselves as a person somehow infringes on them family life. In no case. Everything is exactly for them, the family remains in the first place. strong, Friendly family and a house in which children's voices sound. That is, we can say that now everything is in perfect balance, the Spaniard with business papers and the Spaniard with a flower.

But not only Rosalia Mera amazes us with her achievements, there are many other famous Spaniards who have built great careers. Take at least Penelope Cruz, a talented actress and just very beautiful woman. A Spanish woman has an expressive and memorable appearance, flowing black hair, beautiful brown eyes, dark eyebrows.

And such a woman is just a dream for many men, so it is not surprising that many are so eager to marry a Spaniard. Men imagine such a life just perfect. Smart beautiful wife and a wonderful mother.

The only thing they will have to remember is that the address for a woman in Spain is "señora" and so they will have to call their soulmate all their lives.

Spain and the Spaniards is one of the favorite topics of artists, poets and prose writers, because in Spain there is so much to depict and describe. Imagine how much our imagination works when we read romance novels about Spanish millionaires. The richest haciendas, fabulous, paradise gardens, pools, orange or olive groves and in leading role macho man!

The history of Spain has been going on for many many years, rulers, traditions, fashion have changed, but one thing has remained the same, this is a Spanish man, a citizen of Spain, so to speak. IN different times it was named differently. For example, the ancient Spaniards actually did not call each other in any way, most likely they simply had a leader, a ruler who controlled the life of one or another group of people, but over time, as humanity developed, their attitude to life, to government, also changed, and a difference was established classes.

It means that there was a noble Spaniard, basically a rich man who had many poor Spaniards in his service, who thus earned their living. But do not forget that there was also a Spaniard knight, a handsome man dressed in armor, who rushes on his war horse to meet danger. As the books tell us, ladies in those days considered it a great honor to be courted by a knight.

When their chosen one participated in jousting tournaments, they tied their scarf on their spear, so to speak, for good luck. It was a sign of favor.

But as mentioned above, times are changing, the time of the knights has irretrievably sunk into oblivion. And many are interested in the question, what are modern Spaniards like? Much the same as before. Beautiful and tanned, as the sun in Spain shines 300 days a year, courageous, as cowards could not become bullfighters, and would not participate in races with bulls. And what beautiful names Spaniards: Jose, Jorge, Alonso, Vincente and many others. How romantic they sound.

And how nice it will be for you to tell, for example, at work that you have a Spaniard friend, well, for example, Jose, to whom you will go on vacation for the summer.

The imagination of your co-workers will paint the rest for them. And it doesn't matter if this person is just your friend!
But do not despair if, for example, you are a man and also really want to make a friend from Spain.

This country has a huge community of "Gay Spaniards" who will gladly accept you into their circle, even if you are of a straight orientation and just want to chat. Spaniards are nice and sociable people who are happy to expand their circle of friends.

Flamenco is a general term for southern Spanish (Andalusian) folk music - song and dance.

There are two stylistically and musically distinct classes of flamenco: the oldest cante hondo/jondo, also known as cante grande; and the more modern cante chico. Within both classes of flamenco, there are more than 50 subclasses (genres), the exact boundary between which is sometimes difficult to draw. It was the literary designation of the word.

Now let's look at flamenco dance from a different perspective.

The national dance of Spain - flamenco - is passion, grace of movements, love, delight and just a masterpiece! Spanish flamenco ignites your blood, whoever has never seen it has lost a lot.

Imagine a beautiful girl, in a fabulously beautiful dress, gracefully moves on stage to the beat of incendiary music and here is a temperamental man in a white shirt and black trousers. How much this dance of the Spaniards can tell, how many emotions can be conveyed to them.

Flamenco music is interesting and has ancient roots, it comes from Moorish culture. Gypsy music also significantly influenced this style - many consider the Spanish gypsies to be the main, true bearers of the style.

In the 15th century, gypsies arrived in Spain from the crumbling Byzantium and settled along the southern coast of the country in the province of Andalusia; according to their custom, they began to adopt and rethink local musical traditions, such as Moorish, Jewish and Spanish proper; and from this fusion of musical traditions, rethought first by the gypsies and then by the Spaniards, flamenco was born, which the Spaniards still dance to this day. In this dance, the whole temperament of the Spaniards is conveyed.

But what if you want to learn how to dance flamenco but you don’t have the opportunity to go to Spain, is there really nothing you can do? Do not despair, everything is possible, because now Spanish dances are also taught in Russia.

You just need to find a good dance club. Naturally, it is clear that in your imagination the concepts of Spain flamenco dance are inextricably linked, but you have to start somewhere. And then who knows, maybe life will one day throw you back to the homeland of flamenco, Spain?

Spain is a paradise washed by the sea and the ocean. Spain is beautiful and multifaceted, and the peoples of Spain are just as diverse: Basques, Galicians, Spaniards and Catalans. As you know, Spain is divided into provinces. Some of them, like Catalonia and the Basque Country, consider themselves practically separate states and therefore each have their own Spanish which is different from the main one.

The Spaniards are an ancient people and take their roots back in the III millennium BC. The ancestor of the Spaniard - the Iberians - the people who lived on the territory of modern Spain just at that time.

And as time passes, so does the history of Spain. The mentality of the Spaniards is changing, replacing the old traditions in which the wife should stay at home and raise children comes modern business the lady who does it all. Respect for a woman is shown not only as a mother or wife, but also as a person. But still, the national clothes of the Spaniards remain the same, which they put on with such pride at any fiesta, that is, a holiday. And the Spaniards value their nationality very highly, they are proud of it.

There are several proverbs that clearly convey the special features of the Spaniards:

The Spaniard sings when he is angry or bankrupt.
Rich or poor, don't forget you're Spanish! — Francisco Franco
If more than one Spaniard appears in one place, there is also a discussion.
We Spaniards are mass in the morning, bullfighting in the afternoon and a whorehouse late in the evening. — Pablo Picasso

As you can see, the Spaniards themselves have a very high opinion of themselves, and rightly so. They respect themselves, their family, neighbors, acquaintances and their country. And they have a lot of respect for Russians. Spaniards have a very good opinion about Russians and this is manifested in their hospitality to tourists from Russia, but on the other hand, this is not surprising. Well, think for yourself, who else will be able to walk with them on a level until the morning?

Regardless of whether the person is your close friend or just an acquaintance, the appeal to the Spaniard should always be polite and courteous, respectful. And you can be sure they will answer you the same.

But there is another reason why the Spaniards love and respect the Russians so much. After all, in times civil war in Spain, many people were evacuated to Russia, where they began to be called Soviet Spaniards, and although their children nevertheless returned to their historical homeland, they still remain faithful to Russia. Among them are many famous Spaniards, for example, Angel Khodra, a guy from a remote Bass village, devoted his whole life to Russian antiquity. Restorer of the highest category. He restored the ornaments on St. Basil's, repaired the cracks in the Faceted Chamber.

Spanish girls

Have you noticed that a man on vacation behaves completely differently than at home? He is more gallant, cheerful, smiles more often and tries to make a good impression. But this is not surprising, because on the same beach next to him are chic Spanish women, stunning beauties, and he simply cannot lose face. If you think about it, the girls of Spain spend a lot of time on the beach, walk along the promenade and their bronze bodies look just perfect.

Well, how can a modern man just take and pass by? It is unlikely. Most likely, he will make every effort to get to know the Spaniard and have a fun vacation. In addition, he can also learn a lot of useful things, because no one knows this or that city better than locals. They can tell a lot interesting facts, local legends, show good restaurants, maybe even give flamenco lessons. It is not for nothing that they say live a century, learn a century. And here is the opportunity to learn something new.

That is why a man will not pass by beautiful girl Spanish, and will do everything in his power to get to know her better. And who knows, maybe over time he will be able to brag to his friends: “And my wife is Spaniard.”

Imagine how great it is to go on vacation, meet your other half there and move to the land of the sun, oranges and flamenco. True, in this case, a man will have to learn a lot of new things, including how a woman is called in Spain, what customs in this country, what traditions, because he actually enters a completely different world. Or he can bring his beautiful wife to his home, because work in Spain for women is a big problem especially during times of crisis. But all these questions will arise only if the fairy tale becomes a reality and a beautiful man from Russia meets a beautiful Spaniard.
beautiful spanish pictures

Everyone knows that women in Russia are the most beautiful, but there are beauties in other countries too. We invite you to take a look at the beautiful and talented women from Spanish-speaking countries from around the world.
No. 10: Paz Vega
Was included in the top 100 most sexy women according to FHM and Maxim magazines in 2008. The beauty and charm of this actress of Spanish origin allowed her to become the face of L "Oreal Spain in 2011.

No. 9: Carla Sauce
Mexican actress best known for her role as Lauren Castillo in the TV series How to Get Away with Murder. She was on the cover of the October issue of GQ magazine in 2015.

No. 8: Patricia Velasquez
Known to viewers for her roles in the films "The Mummy Returns" and "Jaguar", a model who performed at shows from Dolce & Gabbana to Victoria's Secret. She became the first South American top model in New York.

No. 7: Rosalyn Sanchez
Based on the frequent appearances in Maxim and FHM magazine listings, there is no doubt that Rosalyn Sanchez is quite beautiful. An actress, producer, musician and writer, her appearance in Rush Hour 2 launched a career in Hollywood.

#6: Jordana Brewster
Brazilian-American actress, known for her roles in the films "Fast and the Furious" and "The Faculty". Started, like many artists, in TV shows, actress and model Jordana Brewster has appeared in photo shoots for Maxim and GQ magazines.

#5: Ana Claudia Talancon
A Mexican actress originally from Cancun, a lingerie and swimwear model, she also starred in the Oscar-nominated film The Mystery of Father Amaro. She also starred in the films "Fast Food Nation" and "Alone with Her."

No. 4: Sofia Vergara
It is a gift to be charismatic and attractive at the same time. Colombian actress, model and TV presenter. In 2012, she was included in the list of the 50 most beautiful people planets according to People magazine. In 2013, two wax copies of the actress appeared at Madame Tussauds. In 2015, she received her own star on Hollywood alley glory.

No. 3: Ana de la Reguera
Starting with telenovelas, Ana de la Reguera became a talented actress. Her attractive appearance made it possible to become the face of the Esika brand. In addition, this Mexican beauty is currently filming the Netflix series Narcos.

#2: Penelope Cruz
Spanish actress and model, Oscar winner (the first Spanish actress with this award) and BAFTA, Golden Globe nominee for female role in Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Apart from acting career She is active in modeling business, collaborating with companies such as Mango, Ralph Lauren and L "Or?al.

No. 1: Salma Hayek
Mexican-American actress, director, producer and singer. First Mexican woman to be nominated for an Oscar. She has appeared in over 170 films. Speaks four languages. An electronic survey conducted in the United States in 2007 showed that 2/3 of the country used the single word "sexy" to describe an actress.

Indeed, Spaniards have a special individuality and an incomparable amazing charm. What is the secret of Spanish women, and what is busy with life, we will tell in this article.

Spanish women: passionate character and stormy temperament

The beauty and passion of Spanish women are legendary. How many beautiful paintings, how many musical and literary works are dedicated to beautiful Spanish women.

At all times they knew how to inspire men. What is so special and attractive in these southern women, we will tell in this article.

What distinguishes Spaniards from residents of other states. First of all, it is their character. The stereotype of the hot and ardent temperament of the Spaniards and Spanish women has a pretty good reason.

The inhabitants of this warm and sunny country are indeed distinguished by their special emotionality. This fully applies to women as well.

For them, all actions and deeds are based on a violent manifestation of emotions.

And there's nothing to be done about it, Spaniards have this passionate temperament in their blood, it's in their genes, so heated debates are not alien to them, high-profile scandals and showdown, and then the same emotional and passionate reconciliation, accompanied by hot hugs and kisses.

Combined with natural willfulness and strong character, such a desire for independence helps many women achieve really high success in the professional field.

We must pay tribute to the state, which not only does not interfere with such women's aspirations, but also supports them in every possible way.

In Spain, there is even a special Ministry of Equality, which ensures that women's rights are carried out in the same way as men's rights.

This trend in modern Spanish society has created a lot of problems and complicated the demographic situation. Trying to achieve tangible heights in their careers and realize their personality, many Spaniards are not at all eager to start a family and have a baby.

Despite the fact that the average life expectancy in Spain is quite high (eighty-eighty-five years), Spanish women consider it completely normal to give birth to their first child only after forty years.

Unfortunately, in last years this trend has spread widely, which has already brought its unfavorable results.

The population in Spain is rapidly declining, because the elderly are dying, and very few children are born. Therefore, this situation causes great concern already at the state level.

Family responsibilities of Spanish women

And yet, despite high level feminization in society, many women in Spain have retained the usual ideas about family and marriage.

By their nature, they are true keepers of the hearth, good wives and caring mothers. In general, the cult of the family in Spain is quite common.

If her husband is able to financially provide for the family, she prefers not to work, but to spend time taking care of the family, not forgetting to meet friends and take care of her appearance.

How do Spaniards spend their leisure time?

The way the Spaniard spends free time, depends on her marital status And social status. A typical day of the average Spanish woman is built like this.

In the morning she gets up and accompanies her husband to work and the children to school. At the same time, a hearty and tasty breakfast for the whole family is obligatory, because in Spain there is a real cult of food.

Seeing off the family, the woman slowly brings beauty, and then meets with friends to chat over a cup of coffee in a cozy cafe.

By lunchtime, the woman returns to prepare a dinner as hearty as breakfast for her family. The Spaniards really love to eat delicious food, so the lunch break is sacred for them.

After dinner, a woman can again meet with her friends or devote time to household chores.

Moreover, the Spaniards keep this way of life for many years. And elderly Spanish pensioners, like many years ago, continue to meet with friends in a cafe in the morning, while they still carefully monitor their appearance.

Spanish women are unique. They are not like residents of other states. They are distinguished by a wayward character, a passionate temperament, and, of course, a special beauty that has always attracted men so much.

I worked in a store and 3 Spanish students came to us. And knowing my stupid character, I had to change jobs because I fell in love right away. The girls are tall with beautiful black hair, but there is not enough strength for all this. I was very lucky...
18.05.15 Valery

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