Interethnic relations in modern society presentation. Interethnic marriages. Forms of interethnic differentiation

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Let's test ourselves! The student wrote down the most complex concepts and their definitions on separate cards. On the eve of a sociology test, he could not find cards on which a number of concepts were written. Help him recover his lost records. Write down the concepts whose definitions are given below: 1) people’s awareness of their belonging to a particular ethnic group, their unity and difference from other similar entities; 2) the ideals of a given ethnic community, which are one of the sources of motivation for its behavior;

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3) historically established socio-economic and spiritual community of people, which arises during the formation of capitalism, strengthening economic ties, and the formation of the internal market; 4) a way of thinking characteristic of a given ethnic group, a state of mind, a predisposition to think and feel, act and perceive the world in a certain way;

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5) a person’s belonging to a certain ethnic community; 6) a historically established community of people in a certain territory who have common, relatively stable characteristics of language, culture, and psyche; 7. elements of socio-cultural heritage that have been preserved in a given ethnic community for a long time.

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Let's test ourselves! The student wrote down the most complex concepts and their definitions on separate cards. On the eve of a sociology test, he could not find cards on which a number of concepts were written. Help him recover his lost records. Name the concepts whose definitions are given below: 1) Ethnic identity 2 Mentality; 3) Nation 4) Mentality; 5) Nationality 6) Nation 7) Tradition

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“When the power of the state and nation is declared to be a greater value than a person, then, in principle, war has already been declared, everything has already been prepared for it spiritually and materially, and it can arise at any moment” N.A. Berdyaev How right is the philosopher? Isn't he painting a too pessimistic picture for us?

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Ethnology Ethnology is a science that studies the processes of formation and development of various ethnic groups, their identity, forms of their cultural self-organization, their collective behavior, and individual interactions

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Ethnic communities and interethnic relations

“Ethnos” translated from Greek means “people” and does not have a clear interpretation. An ethnic community is a historically established community of people in a certain territory who have: common, relatively stable characteristics of culture, language, mental make-up; self-awareness and historical memory; awareness of one’s unity and difference from others similar formations.

Types of ethnic communities Clan Nationality Tribe Nation

Ethnic communities View a brief description of Clan A group of blood relatives descending from the same line. Tribe A set of clans related to each other. general features culture, awareness of a common origin, as well as a common dialect, unity religious ideas, rituals Nationality A historically established community of people, united by a common territory, language, mental makeup, culture. In the ethnocultural sense, this is a historically established community of people, characterized by developed economic ties, a common territory and a common language, culture, and ethnic identity. In the state sense, a nation is considered not as an ethnic community, but as a multicultural, political, civil, territorial community, as a community (totality) of citizens of a given state. Nation

Nationality is a person’s belonging to a particular nation. Interethnic (interethnic) relations – relations between peoples, covering all areas public life. Levels of interethnic relations Interaction of peoples Interpersonal relationships people belonging to different ethnic groups

The main trends in the development of interethnic processes in Integration (cooperation, unification of different ethno-state communities, bringing together various aspects of the life of peoples) Differentiation (the desire of peoples for national independence) Economic and political unions Transnational corporations International cultural and scientific centers, integration of the education system Interpenetration of values ​​and cultures Self-isolation Economics protectionism Ideology of nationalism Religious fanaticism Extremism Globalization (gradual erasure of traditional borders)

Interethnic relations find their expression in the specific actions of people and largely depend on individual behavior, cultural norms, the influence of family and immediate environment. Interethnic relations can be friendly, mutually respectful (cooperation) or hostile (conflict). Causes of ethnosocial conflicts: territorial; socio-economic; ethnodemographic; cultural-linguistic, confessional; environmental; historical, etc. Ethnosocial conflicts - state mutual claims, open confrontation of ethnic groups with each other, which tends to increase contradictions up to armed clashes

Causes of ethno-social conflicts Causes Characteristics Discrepancy between state or administrative borders and the border of settlement of peoples Territorial Socio-economic Inequality in living standards Cultural-Linguistic Insufficient, from the point of view of the ethnic minority, use of its language and culture; differences in cultural traditions Ethnodemographic Rapid change in the ratio of the number of peoples in contact due to migration and differences in the level of natural population growth Environmental Deterioration in quality environment as a result of its contamination or depletion natural resources Historical Past relationships between peoples (wars, etc.) Confessional Affiliation with different religions and confessions, differences in the level of religiosity of the population

Types of ethno-social conflicts State-legal (the desire of an ethnos for its own statehood) Socio-psychological (changes in lifestyle, violation of human rights) Ethno-territorial (determination of the territory of residence of an ethnos) Ethno-demographic (protection of the rights of the “indigenous” nationality, restrictions for “newcomers”)

At the present stage, the main guideline in the implementation of moral, political and legal regulation interethnic relations is a humanistic approach, consisting of: the application and respect for the diversity of cultures, commitment to the ideas of peace, harmony, and non-acceptance of violence in relations between peoples; in the development and constant functioning of democracy, ensuring the realization of the rights and freedoms of individuals and ethnic communities, regardless of their nationality; in focus government agencies, media, education systems, sports, art on the formation of a culture of interethnic communication among citizens, education of tolerance. Tolerance – respect, trust, willingness to cooperate, compromise with people of different ethnicities; desire to understand and accept their cultural values ​​and way of life.

Conditions for overcoming ethnosocial conflicts Racial segregation in the United States is the separation of ethnic groups through the establishment of barriers to social training and education and other discriminatory measures. Legislatively, racial segregation in the United States was abolished in 1964. Improving the life of every citizen Creating and consolidating among ethnic groups a psychological sense of satisfaction with favorable stability of life

National Policy – component political activity of the state, regulating interethnic relations in various spheres of society. At the heart of democratic national policy lies a respectful attitude towards people representing any ethnic community, an attitude towards cooperation and bringing peoples closer together. The basic principles are formulated in the “Concept of State National Policy of the Russian Federation” (1996), annual messages of the President of the Russian Federation Federal Assembly RF.

Constitutional foundations of the national policy of the Russian Federation Equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, regardless of his race, nationality, language Preservation of the historically established integrity of the Russian Federation Equality of all subjects of the Russian Federation in relations with federal authorities authorities Prohibition of activities aimed at undermining the security of the state, inciting social, racial, national and religious hatred, hatred or enmity The right of every citizen to determine and indicate their nationality without any coercion

Constitutional foundations of the national policy of the Russian Federation Timely and peaceful resolution of contradictions and conflicts Prohibition of any forms of restriction of the rights of a citizen based on nationality Protection of the rights and interests of citizens of the Russian Federation outside its borders; support for compatriots living in foreign countries Promoting the development of national cultures and languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation Guaranteeing the rights of indigenous peoples

Constitution of the Russian Federation. Article 68 The state language of the Russian Federation throughout its entire territory is Russian. Republics have the right to establish their own official languages. In organs state power... republics they are used along with state language Russian Federation. Russian Federation guarantees to all its peoples the right to preserve their native language and create conditions for its study and development.

Nations and interethnic relations.

  • Plan:
  • Ethnic communities.
  • National identity.
  • Nationalism. Interethnic conflicts.
  • Ways to overcome interethnic conflicts.
  • The concept of national policy in the Russian Federation.
1. Ethnic communities.
  • Form of communities
  • Main characteristics
  • Main period of existence
  • Group of blood relatives (paternal or maternal)
  • The era of primitive societies.
  • Tribe
  • The totality of the genus united blood ties, territorial, economic, linguistic community.
  • Nationality
  • A set of tribes united by a common territory, economic, linguistic and cultural ties.
  • The period of slavery and feudalism.
  • Nation
  • A community of people united by a single territory, economy, language, culture, identity and organized into a state.
  • Starting with capitalism.
2. National identity
  • National identity is the awareness of people of one nation, common ideals, cultural norms, traditions.
  • National interests –
  • 1. The need to preserve one’s peculiarity, uniqueness in human history.
  • 2. Do not psychologically isolate yourself from other nations and peoples. Enrich your culture.
3. Nationalism. Interethnic conflicts.
  • Colonialism
  • A system of domination of stronger states over other countries and peoples (seizure of their territories, selfish use of their resources, suppression of independence)
  • Racism
  • The division of human races and nations into “full-fledged” and “inferior” and the policy of oppression, discrimination of “inferior” races by “superior” ones.
  • Apartheid
  • Until the 1990s, the policy of isolation and discrimination of the “colored” population of South Africa (80% of all residents) by representatives of the white race (20%).
  • Antisemitism
  • The policy of hostility, infringement of rights, persecution and even extermination towards Jews.
  • Genocide
  • Extermination of entire population groups based on ethnicity.
4. Ways to overcome interethnic conflicts.
  • Tolerance is tolerance for other views, customs, morals, traditions, and ideological beliefs.
  • Humanistic approach to solving national issues -
  • The idea of ​​peace, harmony, respect for national dignity.
  • Consistent development of democracy and legal principles in society.
  • Equality of human and citizen rights, regardless of race or nationality.
  • Prohibition of restrictions on citizens based on race, social, and religious affiliation.
  • Preservation of the historically established integrity of the Russian Federation.
  • Guaranteeing the rights of indigenous peoples.
5. The concept of national policy in the Russian Federation.
  • The right of every citizen to determine and indicate his nationality without any coercion.
  • Promoting the development of national cultures and languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
  • Timely resolution of contradictions and conflicts.
  • Prohibition of activities aimed at undermining the security of the state and inciting ethnic hatred.

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Nations and interethnic relations

Why should we study this topic? Who is the source of power in Russia? How many nationalities live in Russia? What is "ethnicity"? What interethnic conflicts have you heard about? What is tolerance?

Objectives of studying the topic To know what ethnicity and ethnic communities are. Understand the meaning of the basic concepts of the topic (nation, nationalism, Nazism, chauvinism, racism, xenophobia, separatism, mentality, self-awareness) 3. Know the causes of interethnic conflicts and ways to resolve them.

Correlate the type of society and ethnic community Ethnic community Type of society (stage approach) Type of society (formational approach) Genus A) industrial D) capitalism 2. Tribe B) pre-industrial D) feudalism 3. Nationality C) post-industrial E) primitive communal 4. Nation

Compare the two concepts of “nation” - a historical community of people, characterized by a common origin, language, territory, economic structure, as well as mental makeup and culture, manifested in ethnic consciousness and self-awareness. a historically established community of people based on a common territory, economic structure, system of political connections, language, culture and psychological makeup, manifested in general civic consciousness and self-awareness (a sense of belonging to one’s people, to its historical destiny).

Nation An autonomous political grouping, not limited by territorial boundaries, whose members are committed to common values ​​and institutions. Nationality is a person’s belonging to a particular nation.

National values ​​are what is especially significant and important for an individual and society, what is recognized, and what people generally agree with.

National mentality is usually defined as a way of thinking, a spiritual disposition characteristic of a given specific ethnic community. In other words, the national mentality is a kind of memory of the past, which determines the behavior of people and helps them remain true to their historically established values ​​and traditions.

Interethnic (international) relations are relations between ethnic groups (peoples), covering all spheres of public life.

Ethnology is a science that studies the processes of formation and development of various ethnic groups, their identity, the forms of their cultural self-organization, their collective behavior, the interaction of the individual and the social environment.

Trends in ethnic processes of modern integration - cooperation, unification of different ethno-state communities, bringing together all aspects of the life of peoples; differentiation - the aspirations of peoples for national independence

Ethnic conflict is any competition (rivalry) between groups, from confrontation over the possession of limited resources to social competition between different ethnic groups.

The main causes of conflicts are Territorial - the struggle to change borders, Economic - the struggle of ethnic groups for the possession of property, material resources, among which land and mineral resources, in particular, are of great value. Social - demands for civil equality, equality before the law, in education, in wages, equality in hiring, especially for prestigious positions in government. Cultural and linguistic - requirements for the preservation or revival, development of language, cultural community.

Examples of conflicts The fascist dictator Hitler, having come to power in Germany in 1933, made part of public policy extermination of the Jewish population In November 1947, the UN decided to create in Palestine, a British mandate territory, Jewish and Arab states - Israel and Palestine. May 1948 - proclamation of the creation of Israel From this time, a conflict began that continues to this day. Yugoslavia and Albania England and Ireland

Ways to prevent conflict situations The first is the use of legal mechanisms, the second is negotiations between the conflicting parties, both direct (between delegations of the parties) and through intermediaries. The third is informational. It involves the exchange of information between the parties about possible measures to overcome conflict situations. Public dialogue (in print, on television) between representatives of all ethnic groups is appropriate, with the goal of jointly developing proposals that meet common interests.

The humanistic approach is the main guideline in the implementation of moral, political, and legal regulation of interethnic relations. The main features of this approach: recognition and respect for the diversity of cultures, commitment to the ideas of peace, rejection of violence in relations between peoples; development and constant functioning of democracy, ensuring the implementation of individual rights and freedoms, regardless of nationality; focus of government agencies, funds mass media, education, sports, all forms of literature and art to develop a culture of interethnic communication among citizens, especially young people.

Terms (write in a notebook) Genocide - extermination of certain groups of the population on racial, national, religious principles Anti-Semitism - national intolerance to Jews Racism - the existence of unequal races, divided into higher and lower Apartheid - racial discrimination legislated and supported by state authorities Nationalism - the idea of ​​the exclusivity and superiority of one nation over another Chauvinism - an extreme aggressive form of nationalism Afrocentrism - the idea of ​​the superiority of black Africans over people with white and yellow skin Xenophobia – obsessive hostility towards “strangers” Discrimination – infringement of rights Separatism is the demand for sovereignty and independence for an ethnic group

Tolerance - respect, trust, willingness to cooperate, compromise with people of any nationality, the desire to understand and accept their cultural values, way of life, character of behavior.

Homework What documents determine national policy in the Russian Federation and what are its main provisions? In the spring of 2002, a young Russian woman, Tatyana Sapunova, driving along the busy Kyiv Highway, saw a poster on the side of the road calling for the murder of Jews. The woman tried to tear it down, but it was booby-trapped. Tatyana survived and was later awarded the Order of Courage. Some media called the installation of the poster a fascist attack. How do you explain why Tatyana didn’t drive past the poster like the others? Express your assessment of: a) the actions and positions of those who installed the poster; b) those who calmly passed by; c) those who were responsible for order on this section of the road; Give examples of interethnic conflicts

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Nations and interethnic relations 10th grade Boykova V.Yu.

Modern humanity has a complex ethnic structure, there are from 2500 to 5000 ethnic groups, but only a few hundred of them are nations. In Russia there are more than 100 ethnic groups, incl. about 30 nations

Ethnic community Ethnic groups are large groups of people who have a common culture, language, psychological make-up, awareness of the indissolubility of historical destiny, awareness of their interests and goals, their unity and difference from other similar entities. Ethnic communities: tribes, nationalities and nations.

Ethnicity (from the Greek ἔθνος - people) is a group of people united by common characteristics: objective or subjective: language, culture, territory of residence, identity, etc. In Soviet and Russian ethnography it is considered the main type of ethnic community. In scientific use, the concept of “ethnos” was introduced in 1923 by the Russian emigrant scientist S.M. Shirokogorov.

Types of ethnic communities Clan A group of blood relatives descending from the same line (maternal or paternal) Tribe A set of clans interconnected by common cultural features, awareness of a common origin, a common dialect, unity of religion, rituals Nationality A historically established community of people united by a common territory, language , psychological make-up, culture Nation PO RO KO

A nation is the historically highest form of ethnosocial community of people, characterized by the unity of the territory, economic life, historical path, language, culture, ethnic identity. The unity of the territory should be understood as the compactness of the nation’s residence

Signs of a nation speak and write in one language, understandable (despite dialects) to all members of the nation. their folklore, customs, traditions, mentality (special stereotypes of thinking), national life, etc., i.e. its own culture. common historical path, historical memory (p. 186, read the excerpt) National identity of the individual, common economic life An important factor education and development of the nation is the state

Common territory Prerequisite for the formation of an ethnic group Condition joint activities When an ethnic group has formed, this feature loses its significance. Some ethnic groups in a diaspora (dispersion) do not lose their identity

National self-awareness is a reflection of the consciousness of a nation in the individual consciousness of its members, the assimilation by members of ideas about the place and role of their people in the world, about their historical experience. The individual is aware of his national identity, his belonging to a certain nation, understands national interests Read and parse paragraph 2, p. 187

About the differences Main role consanguinity plays a role in the formation of a tribe; a nationality is characterized by a common territory; nations are formed during the genesis of commodity-money relations

About differences The phenomenon of a nation synthesizes the ethnic (language, forms of material culture, folk art, traditions, mores, customs, characteristics of the mental make-up of people) and the social (system of legal relations, political institutions, economic sphere social development, the dominant culture created by the professional intelligentsia. Ethnic is a certain framework of a nation, its “beginning,” and a nation is the entire totality of what has developed and accumulated by a specific ethnic or interethnic community in the course of its historical evolution. National is the result of the cultural and historical development of the people. Nation is a historical category, ethnicity is timeless.

About a nation A nation is an ethnic or multi-ethnic socio-cultural unity that has a state or strives to create one and is united by intense social communication.

About the nation Within one nation, there can be different ethnic groups: preserving their language and features of their original culture (Germans, French and Italians as part of a single Swiss nation), using two languages ​​- a national one and their own ethnic one, and preserving certain everyday and psychological characteristics(English, Scots, Welsh as part of Britain; part of the Irish, Latin American, Jewish population of the USA, who at the same time consider themselves representatives of the American nation and at the same time recognize themselves as a special ethnic community).

Interethnic, civil nation A set of citizens of a particular state, where general civic qualities are in the foreground, but language, culture, traditions and customs are preserved Nation-state 2 points of view: Classical nation, a new qualitative state The end of a nation in the ethnic dimension

The concept of "ethnic minority" Members at a disadvantage due to discrimination from others A sense of group solidarity, belonging to a single whole Typically somewhat physically or socially isolated from the rest of the community

Nationality Belonging to a nation and/or state

National interests It is necessary to preserve one’s uniqueness, uniqueness in the course of human history, the uniqueness of one’s culture, language, to strive for population growth, ensuring a sufficient level of economic development. It is necessary not to psychologically fence off from other nations and peoples, not to turn state borders into iron curtain; enrich your culture with contacts, borrowing

Various approaches (theories) to understanding the essence of ethnic groups, their origin: 1) Natural-biological or racial-anthropological approach - recognizes the inequality of human races, the cultural superiority of the Caucasian race. The imperfection of racial characteristics is the basis of the cultural backwardness of nations and nationalities. 2) Marxist theory - proclaims economic relations as the main basis for the formation of a nation. Recognizes the right of nations to self-determination up to and including secession, the idea of ​​their complete equality, and proletarian internationalism.

Various approaches (theories) to understanding the essence of ethnic groups, their origin: 3) Sociocultural approach - considers ethnic communities as components social structure society, revealing their close connection with social groups and various social institutions. Ethnic community - important source self-movement and self-development.

Various approaches (theories) to understanding the essence of ethnic groups, their origin: 4) Passionary theory of ethnogenesis (origin, development of an ethnic group), created by L.N. Gumilyov - considers an ethnic group as a natural, biological, geographical phenomenon, as a result of the adaptation of a human group to the natural climatic living conditions. The history of mankind is a chain of numerous ethnogenesis. The source of the emergence of a new ethnic group is a passionary impulse. Passionarity is a certain characteristic of behavior and natural properties human, caused by the energy of space, the sun and natural radioactivity affecting society. Passionaries - especially energetic, gifted, talented people

Interethnic relations They include 2 types: 1. relations between different nationalities within one state; 2.relations between different nation-states. Forms of interethnic relations: Peaceful cooperation Ethnic conflict (from Latin conflictus - clash).

Ways of peaceful cooperation: 1) Ethnic mixing 2) Ethnic absorption (assimilation) 3) Creation of a multinational state

Ethnic mixing Different ethnic groups spontaneously mix with each other over many generations and as a result form one nation. This usually happens through interethnic marriages. In this way, Latin American peoples were formed: the traditions of the Spaniards, Portuguese, local Indians and African slaves were mixed into one whole.

Ethnic absorption (assimilation) - represents the almost complete dissolution of one people (sometimes several peoples) into another. History knows peaceful and military forms of assimilation. Modern America is an example of the peaceful path, while ancient empires that conquered neighboring peoples, such as Assyria and Rome, are examples of the non-peaceful path. In one case, the invaders dissolved the conquered peoples within themselves, in the other, they themselves dissolved in them. In a violent scenario, more large nation prohibits others from using their native language in public life, from receiving education in it, and closes book publishing houses and the media.

Creation of a multinational state This is the most civilized way of unification different nations, in which the rights and freedoms of every nationality and nation are respected. In such cases, several languages ​​are official, for example, in Belgium - French, Danish and German, in Switzerland - German, French and Italian. As a result, cultural pluralism is formed (from the Latin pluralis - multiple).

Cultural pluralism With cultural pluralism, no national minority loses its identity or dissolves into the general culture. It implies that representatives of one nationality voluntarily master the habits and traditions of another, while enriching their own culture. Cultural pluralism is an indicator of a person’s successful adaptation (adaptation) to a foreign culture without abandoning his own. Successful adaptation involves mastering the riches of another culture without compromising the values ​​of one’s own.

Main trends in the development of nations Interethnic differentiation Separation, division, confrontation of ethnic groups in different types Interethnic integration The process of uniting ethnic groups through different areas public life

Forms: Interethnic differentiation; self-isolation in general; protectionism in the economy; nationalism in various forms in politics and culture; religious fanaticism, extremism. Cross-national integration Economic and political unions (e.g. European Union(EU)) Transnational corporations (TNCs) International cultural and folk centers Interpenetration of religions, cultures, values ​​GLOBALIZATION Interethnic conflict

Globalization is a historical process of bringing nations and peoples closer together, between which traditional boundaries are gradually erased, and humanity turns into a single political system? What are the pros and cons of globalization?

Interethnic conflict is one of the forms of relations between national communities, characterized by a state of mutual claims, open confrontation of ethnic groups, peoples and nations with each other, which tends to increase contradictions up to armed clashes, open wars

Different approaches to the causes of interethnic conflicts. social and structural changes in contacting ethnic groups, problems of their inequality in status, prestige, and remuneration. behavioral mechanisms associated with fears for the fate of the group - not only for the loss of cultural identity, but also for the use of property, resources and the aggression that arises in connection with this. responsibility of elites fighting for power and resources. Elites are responsible for creating the “enemy image,” ideas about the compatibility or incompatibility of the values ​​of ethnic groups, the ideology of peace or hostility. features of peoples that prevent communication - the “messianicism” of the Russians, the “inherited belligerence” of the Chechens, as well as the hierarchy of peoples with whom one can or cannot “deal.” the concept of the “clash of civilizations” by the American researcher S. Huntington. She explains modern conflicts, in particular recent acts of international terrorism, religious differences. In Islamic, Confucian, Buddhist and Orthodox cultures, the ideas of Western civilization - liberalism, equality, legality, human rights, market, democracy, separation of church and state - do not seem to resonate. Ethnocentrism

Ethnocentrism is a set of misconceptions (prejudices) of one nation in relation to another, indicating the superiority of the first. - this is confidence in the correctness of one’s own culture, a tendency or tendency to reject the standards of another culture as incorrect, low, or unaesthetic. Therefore, many interethnic conflicts are called false, since they are based not on objective contradictions, but on a misunderstanding of the positions and goals of the other side, attributing hostile intentions to it, which gives rise to an inadequate sense of danger and threat.

Modern sociologists offer the following classification of the causes of interethnic conflicts: Socio-economic - inequality in living standards, different representation in prestigious professions, social strata, and government bodies. - Cultural and linguistic - insufficient, from the point of view of an ethnic minority, the use of its language and culture in public life. - Ethnodemographic - a rapid change in the ratio of the numbers of contacting peoples due to migration and differences in the level of natural population growth. - Environmental - deterioration in the quality of the environment as a result of its pollution or depletion of natural resources due to use by representatives of a different ethnic group. - Extraterritorial - discrepancy between state or administrative boundaries and the boundaries of settlement of peoples. - Historical - past relationships between peoples (wars, past dominance-subordination ratio, etc.). - Confessional - due to belonging to different religions and denominations, differences in the level of modern religiosity of the population. - Cultural - from the peculiarities of everyday behavior to the specifics of the political culture of the people.

Types of interethnic conflicts - state-legal; - ethnoterritorial; - ethnodemographic; - socio-psychological.

Interethnic conflicts require a certain shift in the usual way of life and destruction of the value system to appear, which leads people to feelings of confusion and discomfort, doom and even loss of the meaning of life. In such cases, the ethnic factor comes to the fore in the regulation of intergroup relations in society as the more ancient one, performing the function of group survival. Its action is implemented as follows. When a threat appears to the existence of a group as an integral and independent subject of intergroup interaction, at the level of social perception of the situation, social identification occurs on the basis of origin, on the basis of blood; Mechanisms of socio-psychological protection are included in the form of processes of intra-group cohesion, intra-group favoritism, strengthening the unity of “we” and out-group discrimination and isolation from “them”, “strangers”. ? What can these processes lead to?

Nationalism (French nationalisme from Latin natio - people) - ideology and policy that puts the interests of the nation above any other economic, social, political interests, the desire for national isolation, localism; distrust of other nations, often developing into interethnic hostility

Types of nationalism Ethnic - the people’s struggle for national liberation, gaining their own statehood. Sovereign-state - the desire of nations to realize their national-state interests, often at the expense of small nations. Everyday - a manifestation of national feelings, hostility towards foreigners, xenophobia (gr. xenos - stranger and phobos - fear). Nationalism can develop into its extremely aggressive form - chauvinism

Chauvinism (French chauvinisme - the term comes from the name of Nicolas Chauvin, literary hero comedy by the brothers I. and T. Cognard “The Tricolor Cockade”, a supporter of the greatness of France in the spirit of the ideas of Napoleon Bonaparte) - a political and ideological system of views and actions that substantiates the exclusivity of a particular nation, contrasting its interests with the interests of other nations and peoples, introducing into consciousness people's hostility, and often hatred towards other nations, which incites hostility between people of different nationalities and religions, national extremism.

One of the manifestations of state nationalism is genocide. Genocide (from the Latin genos - genus and caedere - to kill) is the deliberate and systematic destruction of certain groups of the population on racial, national or religious grounds, as well as the deliberate creation of living conditions designed to lead to the complete or partial physical destruction of these groups. An example of genocide is the Holocaust - the mass extermination of the Jewish population by the Nazis during World War II.

Escalation (expansion, build-up, increase) of the conflict. Socio-psychological patterns: - a decrease in the volume of communication between the parties, an increase in misinformation, a tightening of aggressive terminology, an increasing tendency to use the media as a weapon in the escalation of psychosis and confrontation among the broad masses of the population; - distorted perception of information about each other; - development of an attitude of hostility and suspicion, consolidation of the image of the “insidious enemy” and its dehumanization, that is, exclusion from the human race, which psychologically justifies any atrocities and cruelties towards “non-humans” in achieving their goals; - formation of an orientation towards victory in an interethnic conflict by force through the defeat or destruction of the other side,

Legalization of the conflict - Cessation of violence - Organization of dialogue - Ensuring the participation in such dialogue of authorized representatives of each party - Formulation of the demands and claims of each party in categories subject to legal reformulation and legal assessment - Legal fixation of the results of each stage of negotiations - The most specific formulation of the terms of the final agreement , giving it legitimacy through some form of ratification or popular approval

Resolving the conflict The signing of any agreements in itself does not guarantee the resolving of the conflict. The determining factor is the willingness of the parties to fulfill them. In socio-political terms, the path to overcoming interethnic conflicts lies: 1) through at least partial satisfaction of the demands of the parties, 2) through reducing the relevance of the subject of the conflict for them

Ways to resolve interethnic problems - Recognition of interethnic problems and their solution by methods of national politics. - Awareness by all people of the unacceptability of violence, mastery of the culture of interethnic relations, which requires the implementation of the rights and freedoms of persons of any nationality, respect for their identity, their national self-awareness, excluding the slightest manifestation of national mistrust and hostility. - Using economic leverage to normalize the ethnopolitical situation. - Creation of cultural infrastructure in regions with a mixed national composition of the population - national societies and centers, schools with a national-cultural component for teaching children in their native language and in the traditions of national culture. - Organization of effectively functioning international commissions, councils, and other structures for the peaceful resolution of national disputes

Tasks 1 A) In the modern world there are from 2500 to 5000 ethnic groups, but only a few hundred of them are called nations. (B) For the purpose of economic, cultural and political rapprochement of nations, the European Union was formed in 1993. (B) Coordination of the interests of all peoples living in the country, providing a legal and material basis for their development on the principles of voluntary, equal and mutually beneficial cooperation is the main task of the national policy of any multinational state. (D) It is advisable to take into account ethno-national characteristics in the life of society within the boundaries of respect for human rights. Determine which provisions of the text are 1) factual in nature 2) value judgments in nature

2 Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, relate to the concept of “ethnic community”. Find and indicate the term that “falls out” from this series and relates to another concept. Clan, tribe, caste, nationality, nation

DZ paragraph 18 + answers to questions

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