Masha Trotsko: biography, personal life, interesting facts, photos. The most interesting and beautiful: St. Petersburg Instagram blogger Career on YouTube

19 January 2016, 19:58

Hi all! I looked and it didn’t seem to be on the blogs.

Do you know about Masha Trotsko (masha_trotsko)?

It’s just something inexplicable and incomprehensible to my brain, I laughed as much as I have for a long time at more than one comedy)

The girl runs her own blog (of course) about beauty and blah blah blah. For some reason the blog is called “Vlog”, which she films on her iPhone.

At Masha's higher education majoring in art criticism, oh, how)

A flowerbed between the legs, like belonging to a higher caste))

Has a relationship with Stepa. Styopa is a businessman.

Malokhatko Stepan Olegovich - G General Director of the organization Limited Liability Company "MPS", the main activity of the company is Other wholesale trade.

Everything is in the best traditions of the genre: outlandish food, luxury hotels, parties and clubs on Instagram. Photos on toes, crooked legs and pretentious “Puyu”...)) Oh, yes, and Masha, of course))

She speaks with such a serious expression on her face, I don’t even know, as if she was reading a very important scientific work in front of a huge audience.

I found out about it when my husband was watching one of the reviews of “Non-Magic” on YouTube. A whole issue was dedicated to Masha, obst :) from A to Z)

Before I get to the most interesting, I present to your attention an excerpt from an article by the magazine "Dog": 9 of the most beautiful couples St. Petersburg.

One of the longest-lasting couples in the young crowd. Masha became her favorite minion five years ago. Correction: in a vlog – this is exactly what Masha calls a simple and sincere YouTube diary, which she films on an iPhone. In the frame: hedonic everyday life and stream of consciousness, recommendations on how to combine Helmut Lang with H&M, secrets of replacing expensive La Prairie face cream with a cheap licorice one and, of course, Styopa - waving his hand at the camera and telling the blogger important things, even for long relationship, the words “I love you.”

“Dog” also clarifies: “The chosen one, who builds skate parks in Moscow and supplies seafood to restaurants in St. Petersburg, to the envy of all her friends, showers the girl with gifts, which she does not hesitate to demonstrate on her blog.”

It seems that Ksenia Anatolyevna was the editor of “Dog”?)) Are we promoting our fellow countrymen?

And this is Styopa - big money tycoon)

Masterpiece phrases that I remembered from brief overview her instas, ask mi and other things:

In principle, I also have nowhere to go if I want to leave Styopa, but... I kind of think that... he will rent an apartment for me))

GIF of this cool moment:

Regarding food: Here's what one popular women's portal writes about Masha:

In general, smart and beautiful girl against the backdrop of urban European beauty, beaches, nature, luxury cars, hotel and restaurant interiors. By the way, Masha’s own cuisine is also found. Although in life the beauty scoops up black caviar with spoons, she also knows how to cook dumplings! Herself. Perfectly groomed hands and impeccable posture.

Excerpts from Masha's blogs:

“I eat nettle ravioli, Maria eats octopus salad.” (With)

“Once there, I loved a roll in one restaurant, I always went there. I even woke up in the middle of the night and said: “Stepaa, let’s go there and eat this roll” (c)

“There was a period when I liked to cook, now I don’t like to cook at all, I just don’t want to. My poor stomach, poor Stepin’s stomach, I really want to eat.."- Hello, authoritative publication for women, smile and wave))

“I’m tired, I’m really really tired of looking normal every day, dressing decently, putting on makeup, straightening my hair... Can you imagine, I have curly hair, every time I wash it and stretch it, my hands, I don’t know, my wrists are already damaged They just hurt.."

“If a suit costs 14-15 thousand, and I only have 10 thousand with me, I go to Styopa’s work to get the money.”


Well, in conclusion:

Maria Trotsko is a glossy model who has become widely known thanks to her beauty video blogs, that is, video blogs dedicated to video tips for self-care, new clothes, trends and other attributes of a glamorous lifestyle. In general, a smart and beautiful girl against the backdrop of urban European beauties, beaches, nature, luxury cars, hotel and restaurant interiors.

photo of naked (nude) Maria Trotsko

Masha Trotsko, 25 years old
Instagram, Masha Trotsko
Instagram: @trotsko_masha
Subscribers: 217 thousand
Blog creation date: April 22, 2014
What is posted: selfies, lips, lift looks, manicures, beaches, sea, cities

Masha Trotsko entered the top rating of the most interesting Instagram bloggers in St. Petersburg, compiled by someone unknown, in order to boast about this fact at the vanity fair. Maria Trotsko known as a glossy model who successfully stars in advertising and walks the catwalk of leading Russian Fashion Houses. But online popularity Maria Trotsko brought vlogging. That's right - with a "c".
What it is? Vlogging is posting a video online with some useful tips..

Masha Trotsko began her journey to popularity with videos on YouTube. This is where the first appeared Trotsko videos, where the girl shared what she herself knows very well - beauty tips. Being a professional model, Masha Trotsko answered numerous questions from viewers about how to visually reduce the nose, how to tighten the stomach and what to do with the hair if it stands up in an unruly mop on the head.

Then Maria Trotsko I successfully began to master Instagram. If you open the page maintained by Masha Trotsko, Instagram photos will show what she is like in life. According to many bloggers, she is very pleasant to talk to, slim, charming and pretty.
From biography of Maria Trotsko it is known that a girl lives in St. Petersburg, meets with a man named Stepan, and leads an active social life.
According to WOMEN`S DAY magazine Instagram blog Masha Trotsko entered the top ten most interesting blogs in St. Petersburg at the end of 2014.

What Masha Trotsko posts on Instagram

Why is it so interesting Maria Trotsko's blog? A smart and beautiful girl against the backdrop of city landscapes, luxurious interiors, in the showroom of luxury cars or at some fashionable resorts. This is how he appears Masha Trotsko on Instagram.
IN Masha Trotsko's blog you can find a complete and detailed guide to glamorous life: new haute couture items, new cosmetics, secrets of stunning makeup, low-calorie recipes, photo reports from glamorous parties and a list of the most luxurious hotels, boutiques and beauty salons. What is a lot on the blog is the Mashi. Trotsko understands social policy very well. network, so her page presents all possible Instagram genres: elevator looks, beauty stages, selfies, and so on and so forth.

It is noteworthy that with such a lifestyle Maria Trotsko does not behave at all like a “star” - she is simple in communication, is not averse to making jokes and is always open and frank. Communication on the blog is conducted on a positive note, although it would be a good idea to clear the comments of spam.
Subscribers to date Masha Trotsko blog on Instagram exceeded the 200 thousand mark. Join us and you will learn many secrets of how to become successful and beautiful.

Maria Trotsko and Stepan Malokhatko- one of the longest-lasting couples in the young crowd. Favorite darling favorite darling Masha Trotsko became five years ago. Since then, the chosen one, who builds skate parks in Moscow and supplies seafood to restaurants in St. Petersburg, to the envy of all her friends, showers the girl with gifts, which she does not hesitate to demonstrate on her blog. Correction: in vlog– this is exactly what Masha calls her simple and sincere YouTube diary, which she films on an iPhone. In the frame: hedonic everyday life and stream of consciousness, recommendations on how to combine Helmut Lang with H&M, secrets of replacing expensive La Prairie face cream with cheap licorice and, of course, Styopa - waving his hand at the camera and telling the blogger important things, even for a long relationship , the words “I love you.”

By the way, your own kitchen Masha Trotsko also occurs. Although in life the beauty scoops up black caviar with spoons, she also knows how to cook dumplings! Herself. Perfectly groomed hands and impeccable posture.
As it turns out, sometimes Masha doesn’t shy away from eating “junk” food either. He loves Subway, pancakes from Teremok or Teaspoon, and French fries from McDonald's. cheese sauce. However, she tries to do yoga 2 times a week and do exercises for her butt, legs, abs and back.

The beauty and activist Masha Trotsko has been attracting inexperienced audiences with her sincerity and sense of humor for several years now. The girl runs pages on Instagram and has her own channel on YouTube. Videos and reviews are released with enviable frequency, and the fans and subscribers of the spectacular blonde are growing exponentially. The model is not only visually attractive, but also quite educated and not “sick” at all. star fever.


Masha Trotsko was born at the end of November 1990. In 2018, the girl will celebrate her 28th birthday. Fans of the beauty are excited to see how and where the celebration will take place. Maria is a native Petersburger. Was brought up in ordinary family, the father is not one of the oligarchs, as many might think. For a long time the family lived in the North due to the work of the head of the family. In St. Petersburg, the beauty graduated from a regular school.

According to the girl’s recollections, her parents paid little attention to her; they were mainly helped by her grandmother, who instilled in her granddaughter a love of creativity. The girl grew up very active, mobile, and had excellent plasticity. Masha Trotsko was fond of dancing until she was a teenager.

It was precisely because of the girl’s love for beautiful movements and music that it was decided to send her to a dance school. At the age of five, Masha began to become interested in ballet; several hours a day were devoted to classes. However, the girl remembers that time with warmth.

Academy of Russian Ballet

Immediately after graduating from school, in 2008, Masha Trotsko entered the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet. The girl passed the entrance exams well and was incredibly happy about her own success. However, despite this, in the highest educational institution Maria barely studied for three years. It was not possible to finish it. All because the girl became interested in modeling.

It happened by chance that the beauty, two years after her admission, in 2010, on the advice of a friend, decided to send her photographs to one of the prestigious modeling agencies in America. New York recruiters noticed Maria, appreciated her photos and appearance and offered to move to the USA. Trotsko’s happiness knew no bounds, because all her adult life she dreamed of becoming famous. The girl agreed to work in New York without delay. I signed a contract with the agency, but no one was in a hurry to renew it after the expiration date.

Romance between Masha Trotsko and Stepan Malokhatko

In 2010, businessman Stepan Malokhatko drew attention to the activities of the St. Petersburg diva. The young man, who was three years older than the chosen one, decided to surround the beauty with support and care. The tactic worked.

Masha Trotsko and Stepan Malokhatko met at a party with their mutual friend. The young man gathered his acquaintances and friends at a party held on the occasion of his birthday. From the moment they met and for seven years, the lovers never parted for a day.


Stepan - CEO OJSC "MPS", the company is engaged in wholesale trade. For some time, the young man worked in real estate and design and even made a name for himself. He was involved in the construction of skate parks in Moscow, and also supplied St. Petersburg restaurants with seafood.

The couple immediately formed an army of fans. For seven years, young people actively shared details of their personal lives with followers. They attended any parties and hangouts together. We tried to relax and travel a lot, not to be separated for a moment. However, not so long ago, the couple’s words about separation sounded like a bolt from the blue. Maria stopped publishing joint photos and even deleted from the story everything related to ex-lover. Stepan began to be noticed in the company of another equally attractive blonde, Natalya Rudova. The former lovers decided not to tell fans about the reasons for the disagreement.

It didn’t come to a wedding, although hope glimmered.

Career on YouTube

The girl registered on the YouTube video hosting service at the end of February 2014. I immediately created my own channel and started making videos. Ideas did not come to mind right away. First, it was necessary to think about what the girl was best familiar with, what topics were closest to her. Undoubtedly, model business.

Maria came up with the idea of ​​​​creating her own beauty blog, in which she would tell ordinary girls, far from the world of fashion and show business, how to apply makeup correctly and attract attention, what to wear and what things are in trend in a given season, which brands to give preference to choice. Makeup, cosmetics reviews, everyday looks - all this and more can be seen in the girl’s video. She also willingly shares with subscribers the details of her Everyday life. For example, she likes to talk about what events she attends and who she knows. For example, media figures often appear in her videos: Alena Shishkova, Pavel Durov and others.

Popularity and fans

In fact, immediately after creating a beauty blog, Masha Trotsko acquired an army of fans, some of whom do not start their day unless they watch the girl’s video. Many even make their own videos, following Maria’s example, in which they say that the model has become a real inspiration for them.

Girls who subscribe to Maria state that the beauty is not a “star” at all, despite the fact that she moves in quite influential circles, she is very sincere and open, always with positive attitude, knows how to joke appropriately and lighten the mood. Watching her is a pleasure. On this moment the number of Trotsko's followers on YouTube is more than 80 thousand people.

"Instragram" of Masha Trotsko (photo)

On another equally popular social network, where Maria runs her own blog and earns a lot of money from it - Instagram. The girl registered the page a year earlier, in 2013. At that time, only a few knew about her, and then only as a promising model.

After some time, fame began to grow. To date, the girl has about 800 thousand subscribers. Maria displays photographs of fashionable looks and also gives advice to girls about outfits. Many reports on the diva’s blog can be found from some social events that take place in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

Rumors about an affair with Pavel Durov

Rumors began to spread about the relationship between the creator of the popular social network VKontakte and Maria Trotsko almost immediately after the blogger’s breakup with the businessman. However, the information has not been confirmed by the “culprits” themselves. Fans are at a loss: either friend Alena Shishkova, or the model herself has a relationship with Durov. They even say that because of this, the girls stopped communicating. The fact that Masha Trotsko and Alena Shishkova quarreled was trumpeted throughout Instagram. But no one managed to find out the reason.

At one of the celebrations, which was organized by Timati’s ex-girlfriend in Dubai, Trotsko and Durov were present. It was then that the young people began to be credited with a whirlwind romance.

Alena and Maria Trotsko are close friends, the girls often spend time together. The main source of rumors was Alena Shishkova’s birthday in Dubai; the girl spent this day with a circle of friends, which included Maria Trotsko and Pavel Durov. There was no official confirmation of their relationship.

The beauty herself fueled the rumors by displaying flowers and luxurious gifts with the meaningful signature “From P.”. Now many have no doubt: most likely, this was a PR move on the part of both celebrities.

Account: trotsko_masha

Occupation: popular YouTube blogger, Russian model

Masha Trotsko created an Instagram page a long time ago, the number of subscribers began to increase rapidly after the first few photos, because the girl came to this social network already like a beauty blogging star. Masha publishes beautiful, spectacular fashion photographs that serve as a source Have a good mood and inspiration for one and all.

Masha Trotsko's Instagram is expanding latest photos quite often, every time new photo the girl makes an increasingly strong impression, because she has a beautiful and interesting life, which she reveals in photographs of different formats: these are selfies, and so-called lifto looks, and backstage images of photo sessions, filming and much more. But besides all this glamorous “make-up”, it also happens that Masha exhibits simple photos without makeup, without noble, expensive, fashionable, rich surroundings, and at home, sitting on the sofa, with tired eyes and a happy smile. These simple, cheerful photographs confirm the fact that Masha is not only beautiful, she is also an interesting, versatile person, and a simple person who smiles when she’s happy, and gets upset when she’s sad. The girl’s profile contains many photographs of landscapes, because she actively travels, and interesting places which she has visited, she shares with her virtual friends.

Absolutely everyday little things lift her spirits: a bouquet of flowers, sports training, a face mask or delicious coffee. Masha does not position herself as a star, she is open in communication, always cheerful, honest and frank, which is important, subscribers feel it, and in the comments they write a lot of pleasant things and give the girl a lot of compliments. Masha Trotsko always captions photos from Instagram briefly and clearly. There is some advertising on her blog, but it is almost unnoticeable because it is done with high quality and presented in the form of advice.

Biography of Masha Trotsko

Masha Trotsko biography - briefly about the main thing:

  • She was born in 1992 in St. Petersburg.
  • Even in her youth she began to actively engage in modeling, but at the moment she has no favorite brands as such.
  • Masha actively posts video tips about beauty on her YouTube channel.
  • Now she is in a relationship with Stepan Malokhatko.

The biography of Masha Trotsko is actively gaining momentum, the girl’s life is incredibly interesting and unique, every day she discovers something new for herself, and is happy to share it with fans online!

Maria Trotsko is a model who became famous thanks to her beauty video blogs with recommendations for self-care, stories about fashion trends, etc. A smart and attractive girl, Lately fascinated by rhinoplasty. Perhaps a series plastic surgery became a response to the emergence of competitors working in the field of Internet blogging.

The reaction of fans to her changed appearance varies - some believe that the girl has become even prettier, others are sure that plastic surgery has ruined her. However, it seems that Maria’s life partner is satisfied with her changed appearance, and this is perhaps the most important thing.

The famous blogger began her difficult path to popularity on YouTube. It was on this portal that she posted her first videos with beauty tips.

More than 598 thousand people have subscribed to Masha Trotsko’s page. Instagram: trotsko_masha.

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