What do viper snake eggs look like? Common viper (lat. Vipera berus). Reproduction of the common viper


The common viper is usually medium in size - males reach 60 cm, females 70 cm. In the north of the range, rare specimens reach 1 meter in length. The head is separated from the body by a short neck, the muzzle is on top, in front of the line connecting the front edges of the eyes, has 3 large shields (one in the middle and two on the sides), as well as a number of smaller ones. The pupil is vertical. The muzzle is rounded at the end. The nasal opening is cut in the middle of the nasal shield. Coloration varies greatly from gray and bluish to coppery red and black, with a characteristic zigzag pattern on the back along the ridge. In the latter case, the pattern is practically indistinguishable.


The range of the common viper includes Europe (Great Britain, Scandinavian countries, France, Italy, Albania, Bulgaria, northern Greece, Switzerland, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia - the middle and northern regions of the European part) and Asia (Russia - Siberia, the Far East to Sakhalin inclusive; North Korea and northern China). This is the only snake found far north (up to 68° northern latitude) due to its low sensitivity to low temperatures.


The common viper lives on average 11-12 years. It quickly adapts to any terrain and can live at altitudes up to 3000 meters above sea level. The distribution is uneven depending on the availability of suitable wintering sites. The saddle, as a rule, does not move further than 50-100 meters. The exception is forced migration to a wintering place; in this case, snakes can move up to a distance of 5 km. Wintering usually occurs from October-November to March-April (depending on the climate), for which it chooses a depression in the ground (burrows, crevices, etc.) at a depth of up to 2 meters, where the temperature does not drop below +2... +4 °C. If there is a shortage of such places, several hundred individuals may accumulate in one place, and in the spring they crawl to the surface, which creates the impression of great crowding. Subsequently, the snakes crawl away.

In the summer, it often basks in the sun, the rest of the time it hides under old stumps, in crevices, etc. The snake is non-aggressive, and when a person approaches, it tries to use its camouflage coloring as much as possible, or to move away. Only in case of unexpected appearance of a person or in case of provocation on his part can she try to bite him. This cautious behavior is explained by the fact that it requires a lot of energy to reproduce venom in conditions of changing temperatures.


The mating season is in May, and the offspring appear in August or September, depending on the climate. The viper is viviparous - the eggs develop and the young hatch in the womb. Usually up to 8-12 young individuals appear, depending on the length of the female. It happens that during childbirth, the female wraps herself around a tree or stump, leaving her tail hanging, “scattering” the baby snakes onto the ground, which from the first moment begin an independent life. Juveniles are usually 15-20 cm long and are already poisonous. Many people believe that only born individuals are more poisonous, but this is not true. It is also not true that young individuals are more aggressive. Just after being born, snakes usually moult. Subsequently, molting of young and adults occurs 1 - 2 times a month. Before their first hibernation in October-November, they never eat, since before hibernation they must digest all the food they eat in order to avoid problems with metabolism.


The common viper is deadly poisonous, and its venom is similar to that of rattlesnakes. However, it produces a much smaller amount of poison compared to the latter, and for this reason is considered less dangerous. The bite is rarely fatal. However, a person who is bitten should seek medical attention immediately.

The venom contains high molecular weight proteases with hemorrhagic, hemocoagulating and necrotizing effects and low molecular weight neurotropic cytotoxins. As a result of the bite, hemorrhagic edema, necrosis and hemorrhagic penetration of tissues in the area of ​​​​injection of the poison occur, accompanied by dizziness, lethargy, headache, nausea, and shortness of breath. Subsequently, progressive shock of complex origin, acute anemia, intravascular coagulation, and increased capillary permeability develop. IN severe cases dystrophic changes occur in the liver and kidneys.

In spring, viper venom is more toxic than in summer.

Enemies in nature

The main enemies of the viper in nature are storks, herons, kites, eagles and owls. On the ground are hedgehogs, wild boars, or large rodents. Also, snakes often die under the hooves of cattle in pastures or at the hands of humans, including under the wheels of vehicles.



  • “Amphibians and reptiles of the USSR”, A. G. Bannikov, I. S. Darevsky, A. K. Rustamov, ed. "Thought", 1971


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Class - Reptiles

Squad - Scaly

Family - Viper snakes

Genus/Species - Vipera berus. Common viper

Basic data:


Length: females - up to 80 cm, males - up to 60 cm, newborn cubs - 16 cm.


Puberty: from 3-4 years old.

Mating season: April May.

Number of cubs: 5-20.


Habits: Common vipers (see photo), with the exception of the winter and mating season, stay alone.

What it eats: small rodents, lizards, frogs and chicks.


The following species of viper snakes live in Europe: steppe viper V. ursini, aspis viper V. aspis, snub-nosed viper V. latasti, Armenian viper V. xanthina, viper V. lebentina and long-nosed viper V. ammodytes.

The common viper belongs to the viper snake family and inhabits most of Europe. She easily adapts to different conditions. The viper lives in sand dunes and mountainous areas, on hills and in forests. It can also survive in humid and cold climates.


The common viper spends its entire life in a fairly small area. She knows her own area very well and can easily find prey there. Near bodies of water, the viper catches frogs, lizards and water rats. However, its main prey are mice, shrews and other small rodents. Using a sensitive sense of smell and reacting to air vibrations, the snake searches for prey on the ground. She also hunts birds whose nests are located on the ground. When a victim approaches a distance convenient for attack, the viper attacks with lightning speed and injects poison into it. Often the victim manages to escape, but the snake catches up with him, since after a few minutes the poison begins to take effect.

The viper swallows its prey whole, starting from the head. Vipers also prey on lizards, among which most often the viviparous and spindle. Young individuals feed on insects.


The viper's lifestyle depends on the time of year. In spring and autumn, the reptile enjoys basking in the sun, and in summer it remains in the shade from morning to evening. Prefers wooded areas, mainly mixed forests. In the mountains, the viper also inhabits the bushes of coniferous trees.

The viper is a nocturnal animal. During the day, she rests in various shelters. High in the mountains it often hunts during the day. The common viper is not very dangerous; it attacks only if a person steps on it or carelessly grabs it with his hand. At the beginning of winter, snakes hibernate. They spend the winter under stones, rock ledges or in burrows small mammals. When the air temperature drops, the snake burrows even deeper to shelter from the cold. Often several snakes share one shelter together.


During the mating season, males seek the favor of females and start fights for the right to mate. Two males stand opposite each other, raising the front part of their body, then circle around and kick until one of them manages to pin the opponent to the ground. The winner tries to interest the female and attract her attention. Fertilized eggs, surrounded by a leathery membrane, develop in the female’s body for about 3 months. Shortly before birth, the cubs gnaw through the membrane of the egg while still in the mother's body. Newborn vipers, numbering 5-20 individuals, look like miniature copies of their parents, their length is 9-16 cm. The mass birth of vipers occurs in August.

From the first minute of birth they are completely independent, and yet they remain with their mother for several months. The cubs feed on worms and insects. In the northern and central parts of the range, females give birth every other year. By winter, young vipers, together with adult individuals, hide in rotten stumps or under tree roots.


Vipers are found from March to October. In spring and autumn you can watch them sunbathing. In areas where vipers are found, warning signs were previously posted stating that snakes should never be handled. A viper bite causes death only in exceptional cases, but always causes vomiting and diarrhea. Young children and people whose bodies are weakened are at greatest risk if they are bitten. Particularly dangerous is a bite to the head and blood vessels located close to the surface of the skin. The common viper is peaceful and non-aggressive. Seeing that she is being watched, she always rushes to hide or, hiding, lies calmly.


The viper is a medium-sized snake, length - 60-80 cm. It lives in forests among dense thickets. Hunts at night, sleeps in a hiding place during the day or basks in a quiet place. For the winter it hides in rodent burrows, under stumps and snags. It feeds on small rodents and frogs. Young vipers are born at the end of summer - 5-14 (sometimes 18) and 10-15 cm long. Babies and adult snakes have poisonous teeth, their bite is dangerous (sometimes there are even deaths). But the viper never attacks a person without a reason; on the contrary, it avoids meeting him as best it can. Incidents of bites occur solely due to human negligence. Therefore, you should not walk barefoot in the forest; when looking for mushrooms, you should stir forest floor with a stick - then there will be no trouble from these reptiles. Snakes are useful because they kill many rodents; their venom is used in medicine. Dried viper venom retains its quality for at least 25 years.

  • The viper can inflate chest. So, basking in the sun, it increases the surface of its body.
  • Vipers find a place for wintering among the roots of trees. They use the same shelters year after year.
  • In the north, the winter shelter of the viper is underground at a depth of up to 2 m.


Cubs: 5-20 cubs are born, covered thin skin which they soon lose.

Female: slightly larger than the male, the stripe on its brown body is slightly lighter.

Eyes: the vertical pupil detects any horizontal movement.

Male: a dark zigzag stripe is visible on its gray, brown or red-brown body.

Ears: the inner ear and eardrum are missing. Snakes are deaf and only detect air vibrations.

- Habitat of the common viper


These snakes are not found in Iceland, Ireland and most of Southern Europe. Distributed throughout Central and Northern Europe up to the Arctic and the Far East.


Due to the reduction of natural habitats, the common viper is facing extinction. The hedgehog is hers natural enemy, it is insensitive to viper venom.

The snake is poisonous. Common viper, snake's reaction to movement. Full HD 1080p. Video (00:01:16)

When attacked, the snake curls up and pulls its neck into the middle of the resulting flat circle, so that with each bite it quickly extends it by 15, at most 30 cm. Retraction of the neck is always a sign that the viper wants to bite; immediately after the bite, it quickly retracts its neck again , preparing for the next attack. When a viper gets angry, it puffs up so much that even the thinnest one seems fat. When attacking, the viper focuses primarily on lightning speed, rather than accuracy. When attacking, she often misses, but immediately makes the next attempt until she achieves her goal. You have to be careful, as the viper never attacks silently.

Black viper. Viper bite. Video (00:02:42)

Viper, common viper. Video (00:04:06)

The viper snake is poisonous. The viper is distinguished by a zigzag pattern on its back. The viper loves to bask in the sun. The viper is a dangerous snake. Stay away from vipers.

Common viper. Nikolsky's viper. Poisonous snakes. Video (00:08:00)

I will catch a viper and tell you many interesting facts about it

How not to confuse a snake with a viper? What to do if you are bitten by a viper. Video (00:03:41)

What is the difference between a snake and a viper? What is the difference between a viper and a snake? How to distinguish a snake from a viper, the difference between a viper and a snake. How not to confuse a snake with a viper, a viper bite can help. It's a viper of differences and similarities. Viper and UZH Similarities and differences. WHAT TO DO IF A POISONOUS SNAKE BITE. WHAT HAPPENS IF A SNAKE BITES
The best prevention against a bite is the absence of contact with the viper, so you should not find out whether the snake is poisonous or not, first of all you need to distance yourself.
The viper's eyes see poorly and dimly no further than two meters. Despite the fact that the snake is deaf, it perfectly feels the vibrations of the soil with its whole body, thereby feeling the approach of a person.
Snakes love secluded places like moss, stumps, etc. Even the viper is not aggressive, and attacks only when they sense danger; in most cases, they are ready to escape from the conflict. Snakes are cold-blooded, the sun's rays are an important part of their digestion, pay attention to this to avoid an unwanted encounter when they bask in an open area.

Common viper. Video (00:01:09)

The common viper (Vipera berus) is a snake of the viper family (Viperidae). Body length can reach 70 cm. In addition to Russia, it is distributed throughout almost all of Europe and North-Eastern China. It lives in swamps, forest clearings, and along river banks. Overwinters in underground burrows. It feeds mainly on mouse-like rodents and frogs, and young snakes on insects. Poisonous, but cases fatal outcome extremely rare.

Common viper May 9, 2014 Video (00:01:57)

Vipers. Video (00:21:13)

Children's popular science film about vipers from the series \

Poisonous snakes from the viper family have perfectly adapted to existing in any climatic conditions and landscapes. Vipers live in Europe, Russia, Asia, Africa, North and South America. Vipers do not live only in Australia, New Zealand and other islands of Oceania.

Basically, vipers lead a sedentary lifestyle, occasionally making forced migrations to their winter habitats, which are several kilometers along the way. Vipers spend most of the summer basking in the sun or hiding in the heat under stones, uprooted tree roots and in rock crevices.

Where and how do viper snakes winter?

Wintering of vipers begins in October-November. For winter “apartments”, various burrows are selected, going into the ground to a depth of 2 m, where the air temperature remains above zero. At high population densities, several hundred individuals often accumulate in one burrow. The duration of wintering depends on the area: northern species of vipers overwinter for up to 9 months a year, the inhabitants temperate latitudes They emerge to the surface in March-April and immediately begin to reproduce.

Viper venom - consequences of a snake bite and symptoms

Viper venom is considered potentially dangerous to humans, and the bite of some members of the viper family can be fatal and lead to fatal outcome.

Nevertheless, viper venom has found its use, because it is a valuable raw material for the manufacture of medicines and even cosmetics. The poison is a cocktail of proteins, lipids, peptides, amino acids, sugar and salt of inorganic origin. Preparations obtained from viper venom are used as a painkiller for neuralgia and rheumatism, for hypertension and skin diseases, to relieve asthma attacks, for inflammatory processes and bleeding.

The viper's venom enters the human or animal body through the lymph nodes and instantly enters the blood. The consequences of a viper bite are manifested by burning pain, redness and swelling form around the wound, which disappear after 2-3 days without any serious consequences. In case of severe intoxication of the body, the following symptoms appear 15-20 minutes after a viper bite: the bitten person feels dizziness, nausea, chills, and rapid heartbeat. With increased concentrations of toxic substances, fainting, convulsions and coma occur.

Viper bite - first aid

What to do if bitten by a viper:

  • First of all, immediately after a viper bite, be sure to provide rest to the bitten organ (usually the limbs), securing it with something like a splint or, for example, simply tying your arm in a bent position with a scarf. Limit any active movements to avoid the rapid spread of viper venom throughout the body.
  • A viper bite is dangerous and can be fatal to humans, so in any case, regardless of the severity of the victim’s condition, you should call an ambulance!
  • By pressing your fingers at the bite site, try to slightly open the wound and suck out the poison. This can be done with your mouth, periodically spitting saliva, but the method is only permissible if there is no damage to the oral mucosa in the form of cracks, scratches or ulcers. You can try to reduce the concentration of poison in the wound using a regular glass glass, using it according to the principle of placing medical cups. The venom is sucked out continuously for 15-20 minutes.
  • Then the viper bite site should be disinfected with any available means: cologne, vodka, alcohol, iodine, and a clean, lightly pressing bandage should be applied.
  • If possible, it is advisable to take an antihistamine tablet to reduce the allergic reaction to the viper venom.
  • Take as much liquid as possible - weak tea, water, but avoid coffee: this drink increases blood pressure and increases excitability.
  • In case of serious injury, as first aid after a viper bite, a person is given artificial respiration and prolonged cardiac massage.

Sometimes vipers are confused with representatives of the colubrid family - snakes and copperheads, which often leads to the killing of innocent animals. You can distinguish a poisonous snake from a harmless one by a number of signs.

How is it different from a viper? Similarities and differences of snakes

Oh - this is non-venomous snake, the viper is poisonous and deadly to humans. The similarity between a snake and a viper is obvious: both snakes can have a similar color and can be encountered by a person in a forest, meadow or near a pond. And yet, these reptiles have certain characteristics by which they can be distinguished:

  • The appearance of the snake and the black viper differs, despite the same skin color. U common snake there are 2 yellow or orange spots on the head, similar to miniature ears, but the viper does not have such markings.

  • You should not focus solely on the color of snakes, since both snakes and vipers can be similar in color. For example, the color of a water snake can be olive, brown or black, with various spots. In addition, the black water snake does not have yellow markings on its head, making it easily confused with a pit viper. The color of the viper can also be olive, black or brown, with a variety of spots scattered throughout the body.

  • And yet, if you look closely at the spots, you can see the following difference between snakes: in snakes the spots on the body are arranged in a checkerboard pattern, many types of vipers have a zigzag stripe on the back, running along the entire body, and there are also spots on the sides of the body.

  • Another difference between a snake and a viper is that the pupil of a viper is vertical, while in snakes it is round.

  • The viper's mouth contains sharp teeth, which are clearly visible when the snake opens its mouth. Snakes have no teeth.

  • Longer than a viper. The body length of the snake is usually 1-1.3 meters. The length of the viper usually varies between 60-75 cm, although there are species reaching 3-4 meters (bushmaster). In addition, vipers look much more well-fed.
  • The tail of the viper is shortened and thick, while that of the snake is thinner and longer. In addition, in vipers the transition from the body to the tail is clearly defined.
  • Vipers differ from snakes in the triangular shape of the skull with clearly defined brow ridges; snakes have an oval-ovoid skull.

  • The anal shield of the viper is solid, while in the grass snake it consists of 2 scales.
  • When meeting people, snakes try to retreat and hide; the viper will most likely show complete indifference or aggression if you step on this poisonous snake or simply brush against it.
  • Snakes love damp habitats, so they can often be found near bodies of water, where they swim and catch frogs. Vipers feed primarily, so they choose other habitats: forests, steppes, dense grass.
  • The viper is a poisonous snake, the copperhead is not poisonous.
  • Many vipers have a dark-colored zigzag stripe running along their backs, while copperheads have a “scattered” pattern of specks or dark spots on their backs. But there are also black vipers that do not have stripes.

  • The viper's head is triangular in shape with pronounced arches above the eyes. Copperheads have a narrow, elongated head.
  • The viper's mouth contains teeth with which the snake bites its prey. Copperheads have no teeth.
  • The pupil of the copperhead is round, while that of the viper is vertically slit-shaped.

  • The anal shield of the copperhead consists of a pair of scales, but in the viper it is solid.
  • Having noticed a person, the copperhead will hasten to hide in a shelter; the viper will either not pay attention to the person, or will begin to attack.
  • The mouth of a viper and snake contains teeth, but the bite of a poisonous viper is dangerous and can be fatal, and the bite of a snake, although painful, does not cause mortal danger, since the snake does not have poisonous glands.
  • In the viper, the head and body are separated by a shortened bridge that imitates the neck; in the snake, there is no cervical interception.
  • The back of most vipers is either plain, black, or has a dark stripe running in a zigzag along the entire back. The color of the runner can be plain, with transverse dark spots on the back or in a mesh.

  • The snake has a distinctive pattern on the top of its skull - a dark stripe between the eyes; the viper does not have such decoration.
  • The viper is much shorter and looks more plump than the snake. Snakes can grow up to 1.5 meters in length, and the standard size of vipers is 60-70 cm. Only the largest vipers have a body length reaching 2 meters.

Types of vipers - photos and descriptions

Modern classification distinguishes 4 subfamilies of vipers:

  • pit vipers, they are also rattlesnakes or rattlesnakes (Crotalinae): they are distinguished by the presence of 2 infrared pits, which are located in the recess between the eyes and nostrils;
  • toad vipers(Causinae): belong to the oviparous type of snakes, which is rare among all members of the family;
  • Viperidae(Viperinae) - the most numerous subfamily, whose representatives live even in the Arctic (common viper);
  • azemiopinae- subfamily represented unique gender and the species is the Burmese fairy viper.

To date, science knows 292 species of vipers. Below are several varieties of these snakes:

  • Common viper ( Vipera berus)

a relatively small representative of the family: the body length is usually in the range of 60-70 cm, however, in the northern part of the range there are individuals more than 90 cm in length. The weight of the viper varies from 50 to 180 grams, with females being slightly larger than males. The head is large, slightly flattened, the muzzle is rounded. The color is quite variable and multifaceted: the color of the main background of the back can be black, light gray, yellow-brown, reddish-brown, bright copper. Most specimens have a pronounced pattern along the back in the form of a zigzag stripe. The viper's abdomen is gray, brown-gray or black, sometimes supplemented with whitish spots. The tip of the tail is often colored bright yellow, reddish or orange. This species of viper has a fairly wide habitat. The common viper lives in the forest belt of Eurasia - it is found from the territories of Great Britain and France to the western regions of Italy and eastern Korea. It feels comfortable in hot Greece, Turkey and Albania, while also penetrating the Arctic Circle - found in Lapland and in countries on the coast of the Barents Sea. On the territory of Russia, the common viper lives in Siberia, Transbaikalia and the Far East.

  • Long-nosed viper(Vipera ammodytes)

differs from other species by a soft, sharp, scaly outgrowth at the tip of the snout, reminiscent of a snub nose. The length of the viper is 60-70 cm (sometimes 90 cm). The body color is gray, sandy or red-brown (depending on the species); a zigzag dark stripe or a series of diamond-shaped stripes runs along the back. The long-nosed viper lives on rocky landscapes from Italy, Serbia and Croatia to Turkey, Syria and Georgia.

  • Steppe viper (western steppe viper) ( Vipera ursinii )

a poisonous snake that lives in lowland and mountain steppes, alpine meadows, ravines and semi-deserts. Steppe vipers are found in the countries of southern and southeastern Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Albania), Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia (in the Caucasus, southern Siberia, Rostov region, Altai). The length of the viper with a tail reaches 64 cm, females are larger than males. The color of the snake is brown-gray, with a dark brown or black zigzag stripe running along the ridge. Dark spots are scattered on the sides of the body.

  • Horned keffiyeh(Trimeresurus cornutus, Protobothrops cornutus)

stands out among its relatives with small horns located above the eyes. The body of the viper, up to 60-80 cm long, is colored creamy-light green and dotted with dark brown spots. The snake spends almost its entire life in trees and bushes, descending to the ground only to mate. The horned keffiyeh is a typical inhabitant of the south and southeast of Asia, living in China, India and Indonesia.

  • Burmese fairy viper, or Chinese viper(Azemiops feae)

oviparous species, very rare among vipers. I didn't get my name thanks to fairy tale character, and in honor of the zoologist Leonardo Fea. The length of the viper is about 80 cm. Large, snake-like scutes grow on the snake’s head. The top of the body is greenish-brown, the bottom is cream, the head is most often yellow, with yellow stripes on the sides. Found in Central Asia in southeast Tibet, Burma, China and Vietnam.

  • Noisy Viper(Bitis arietans)

one of the most beautiful and most dangerous species African vipers. The bite of a noisy viper is fatal in 4 out of 5 cases. The snake got its name from the indignant hissing it makes in case of danger. The body of the viper is disproportionately thick with a girth of up to 40 cm and a length of about 2 m. The color of the viper can be golden yellow, dark beige or red-brown. Along the body there is a pattern consisting of 2 dozen brown marks in the shape of the Latin letter U. The noisy viper lives throughout Africa (except for the equator), as well as in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula.

  • (Bitis nasicornis)

It is distinguished by a special decoration on the face, consisting of 2-3 vertically protruding scales. The body is thick, can reach a length of 1.2 m, and is covered with a beautiful pattern. Along the back there are blue trapezoidal patterns with a yellow border, connected by black diamonds. The sides are covered with black triangles alternating with olive color diamonds with a red border. The viper's head with bright blue “cheeks” is covered with black arrows with a yellow edging. Prefers to settle in the damp, swampy forests of Equatorial Africa.

  • Kaisaka, or labaria (Bothrops atrox)

the largest viper of the spearhead genus, growing up to 2.5 m in length. Distinctive feature The kaisaki has a lemon-yellow chin, which is why the snake is nicknamed “yellow beard.” The slender body is covered with gray or brown skin with a diamond-shaped pattern on the back. The caisaca lives throughout Central America, Argentina and the coastal islands of South America.

  • Diamondback rattlesnake(Crotalus adamanteus)

record holder among rattlesnakes for the amount of “milk yield” of venom (660 mg from one snake). A large viper can grow over 2 m in length and weigh more than 15 kg. Along the back, painted in brown tones, there is a series of 24-35 black diamonds with a brilliant shine and a light yellow border. This viper lives only in the USA: from Florida to New Orleans.

  • Gyurza, or Levant viper(Macrovipera lebetina)

the most dangerous and poisonous viper, the poison of which is second only to poison in toxicity. It belongs to the oviparous type of snakes. The body length of an adult viper can reach 2 meters, the weight of the viper is 3 kg. The body color is gray-brown, with dark spotting, subject to variability within the range. Some individuals have a black body with a purple tint. The viper is widespread in dry foothill areas, as well as on the outskirts of large cities in North-West Africa, Asia, Transcaucasia, Dagestan and Kazakhstan.

  • African pygmy viper ( Bitis peringueyi)

smallest viper in the world, body length adult does not exceed 20-25 cm. Due to its modest body size, it is a relatively safe species of viper that lives in the deserts of Namibia and Angola.

  • Bushmaster or surukuku ( Lachesis muta)

the biggest viper in the world, rare view, reaching a length of 3-4 meters with a body weight of 3 to 5 kg. Inhabits wet rainforests South and Central America.

They call it a viper poisonous snake with a short and thick body. This reptile belongs to the viperolidae family, the order of squamates. The word "viper" has direct relation to the concept of "reptile". In ancient times, this was the name given to all animals considered disgusting by humans.

Common viper


  • The body length sometimes reaches two meters, and the weight of the largest individual today is seventeen kilograms.
  • Her skull is round-triangular in shape, somewhat thickened on the sides. The snout is blunt, and the temples protrude forward.
  • The eyes are small and the pupils are vertical, allowing them to contract or dilate throughout the eye. The roller of scales on the upper eyelid gives the viper an angry and serious appearance.
  • Modified scales grow at the tip of the front part of the head. In some vipers, such scales are located above the eye sockets, which is why the snake looks somewhat horned.
  • The color of the skin depends on the area in which the viper lives. But they are all painted with intricate designs.

Its color originally provided camouflage for hunting and protection from enemies. Thus, the desert viper is painted in yellow-sand tones with brown ornaments, and the tree viper has greenish skin and completely invisible against the background of leaves.

Anyone's pride poisonous snake– her fangs, which contain glands with poison. The teeth are usually four centimeters long and are located on the upper jaw. A special feature of the structure of teeth is their mobility in the mouth. They grow on a movable bone that gives them the ability to rotate like on hinges.

Habitats and lifestyle

They live on almost all continents. The largest number of them can be found in Africa, Asia and Europe. The habitats of reptiles are also very diverse. She thrives in wet swamps, arid steppes and hot deserts. A relatively small population of vipers lives in northern forests, preferring rocky terrain. Hence such a large variety of these snakes.

Usually these reptiles live and crawl on the surface of the earth, but there are also individuals who prefer life underground. Atractaspis, a viper of the genus Stiletto viper, is a representative of underground species.

The most common species is the common steppe. The geography of its habitat includes Asia and Europe. A small population has been spotted in the Far North. But the most a large number of steppe vipers live in the steppes of Kazakhstan. The reptile lives in rodent burrows, rock crevices and tree hollows. Leads a sedentary lifestyle, trying not to go far from its usual habitat. Often having overwintered in a hole, it leaves the house and lives in the open air until the cold weather.

To feel comfortable, the reptile tries to choose a territory where it will have no competitors in the search for prey. To do this, the viper can even make a long journey of two or three kilometers.

In order not to die from frost, vipers can burrow one meter or more into the ground. They usually winter in groups, but can also be alone.

As soon as the sun warms the earth in spring, the snake crawls out of its holes and basks with pleasure on the warm stones. At such moments she is often discovered random people. Unfortunately, meeting her is not safe and often ends with a snake attack. Viper venom in most cases leads to death.

Length steppe viper a little less than a meter, and the male is shorter than the female. Her head and the rest of her body are clearly demarcated, which gives her a certain elegance. There are two shields on the muzzle: one parietal and the other frontal. The skull is round oval with a movable upper jaw and the same teeth. The teeth themselves are hollow inside with poisonous glands. During a bite, the venom fills the dental cavities and penetrates through the wound into the victim.

A special feature of the steppe viper is the stripe running along its back. It can be either smooth or zigzag. The skin color is sandy or gray with a bluish pattern. Moreover, males have skin of the following shades: purple, gray or blue. That is, all cool colors. While females are brighter and painted in warm colors: yellow, red, sand and green.

You can also distinguish a male from a female by the following characteristics: the bottom of the tail of males is light, and there are light spots on the lips. Females have bright yellow undertails and red and pink spots on their lips.

Their color does not begin to appear immediately, but only after a year, and reptiles are born all equally brown.

Viper and so on

Snakes have always lived next to humans while vipers left and still leave as soon as a person settles in the neighborhood. True, recently, due to hopelessness, they, on the contrary, began to be noticed in holiday villages near burnt forests. But it's more likely forced relocation, after all Forest fires drive the inhabitants of the forest to people.

Unfortunately, very often people confuse snakes and grass snakes. To an ordinary person It can be difficult to distinguish them, and if they are not nearby, then it is completely impossible. Serpentologists have collected the main signs of difference that can help you:

In order to attack its prey, the viper has to make several lunges. Low vision prevents her from focusing on the silhouette of the target of attack. In addition, the snake’s venom is formed rather slowly, and it tries to save it and not waste it for any reason. This can play into the hands of the person who encounters the viper. In most cases, it simply crawls to the side.

Upon closer examination, you can notice other differences between the grass snake and its poisonous counterparts. For example, by scales, which in snakes are not divided into two parts like in snakes. There are other signs, but they are not so important when meeting a viper. It will not be possible to notice them quickly, but approaching the unknown reptiles are strictly prohibited.

Snake venom, as already mentioned, is extremely dangerous. Even a dead snake viper has it for a long time retains its properties. If you are overcome by curiosity and want to pick up a non-living reptile, do not touch its teeth, they are still poisonous. Snakes do not have poisonous teeth at all.

What to do if you are bitten

This poisonous reptile feels the approach of a person with his body. Lying on the ground, vibrations are clearly transmitted to her, by which she understands that they are approaching her. She sees poorly, since her vision radius covers no more than two meters.

It is important to understand that snakes and snakes themselves are not aggressive and people are not of interest to them until they feel threatened. Rather, on the contrary, the snake will try to avoid a collision with a person as much as possible.

Snakes spend most of their time in the summer and spring, as well as in early autumn, basking in the sun. To do this, they choose stumps and stones. This behavior of reptiles is no coincidence; with the help of sunlight they stimulate digestion processes. Because of their cold-bloodedness, their metabolic processes are slowed down.

If a bite does occur, adhere to the following rules of conduct:

To prevent this from happening, take care of your own safety. The best way to protect yourself from snake bites is to wear clothing that protects your limbs. Be sure to wear tall boots, thick fabric trousers and wool socks. There should be a stick in your hands.

  • Cut the wound to extract the poison.
  • Cauterizes and carries out various manipulations other than sucking out the poison.
  • Lubricate the wound with iodine or treat it with a manganese solution.

What do they eat

Most often, small rodents become victims of reptile venom. And also, snakes are happy to pass on their small relatives - frogs and lizards. Chicks left unattended or dropped from the nest also become food for vipers.

Baby snakes, due to their small size, are content with eating beetles and caterpillars.

How do they reproduce?

The difference between vipers and other snakes is that she is viviparous. It's pretty a rare event among the serpentine order. The cubs mature in the womb and are born in August. The mating season for snakes takes the entire month of May. Childbirth in vipers is very interesting. The female wraps herself around the tree so that her tail hangs down freely. Newborn cubs simply fall to the ground during birth and quickly crawl away. They immediately molt, after which they become poisonous and completely independent.

At one time, up to twenty babies are born to a viper. They will become sexually mature only in the third year of life, and snakes live for about fifteen years. At the end of life, vipers acquire quite impressive sizes.

Active period in snakes comes during the day when they hunt, and after it they bask in the sun while digesting their prey.

Types of vipers

The most common species found in our country are: common viper, steppe viper and Nikolsky viper. Among them, the most common is the common viper.

It can be found in almost all climatic zones. There is no area where a snake could live. Its length is a little more than half a meter. There are black individuals, but most often it is gray with a dark zigzag pattern on the back. Its bite is extremely dangerous.

The steppe snake is slightly smaller in size than an ordinary snake, and its color is distinguished by the presence brown shades in the ornament. Despite its name, most often steppe the viper can be found in the forests

Nikolsky's viper has a body length reaching eighty centimeters. Its color is dark and practically without patterns. The body in the abdominal area is somewhat expanded, which is why it looks like a barrel.

Viper bite - dangerous phenomenon which is advisable to avoid. If contact with a snake does occur and it attacks, it is important for a person to understand what to do in order to prevent unpleasant consequences. And it would also be nice to know what poisoning with viper venom can lead to.

What does a viper look like?

Various reptiles are found almost everywhere to the globe. Some of them are absolutely harmless, others can seriously harm your health. Vipers are among the latter. Their poison negatively affects the body. A viper bite can cause many unpleasant sensations. To avoid it or take appropriate measures in time, you need to understand what the enemy looks like and be able to recognize it among many other “creeping reptiles.”

How to distinguish a viper from a grass snake? There are several main features:

  1. Size medium viper does not exceed 80 cm, while snakes can grow up to a meter or more.
  2. Vipers do not have yellowish or orangish spots on their heads, but grass snakes do, but the poisonous reptile has a stripe on its back.
  3. Snakes, as a rule, are black-gray-brown, while vipers can be black, blue, brown, black, and towards the tail the color always changes to yellow.
  4. The skin of snakes is covered with triangles, and that of vipers is covered with a zigzag pattern.
  5. Vipers have a triangular head, while snakes have an oblong head.
  6. The pupils of a predator are vertical, while those of harmless reptiles are round.
  7. A pair of poisonous teeth are clearly visible in the front of the viper's head.
  8. Predators are active at night, while snakes are active mainly during the day.
  9. Snakes live near rivers and reservoirs, and vipers live in forest belts, among stones.

Does a viper attack a person?

Many are sure that snakes are natural-born killers who will overtake their prey, no matter where it hides and no matter how quickly it tries to escape. In reality, getting a viper bite is not so easy. Although these reptiles do not like people, they will never be the first to attack them in life. Vipers are very shy, so they will do everything possible to avoid a meeting, and if you do have to make contact - when you step on them, accidentally grab them, poke them with a stick - before they bite, they will warn you with a hiss or false throws.

Does a viper attack in water? Sometimes snakes bite in water bodies, but, as practice shows, in most cases this is done not by poisonous representatives of the species, but by harmless snakes. Snakes pose a serious danger only in tropical countries, where an impressive number of different marine reptiles live in rivers and lakes, which not only move through the water, but can also calmly hunt in such conditions.

Is a viper bite dangerous for humans?

This is a common question - can you die from a viper bite? They are asked by all those who either live next door to these reptiles or have recently had the opportunity to encounter them. You can actually die from the venom of a predator, but death occurs no more often than in 1% of all incidents. More precisely, death occurs from bee or wasp stings much more often. What does this indicate - is a viper’s bite fatal or not? More likely no than yes. An adult body will cope with the poison in about a week, but all victims still need to provide first aid.

Viper bite - consequences for humans

The effect of a viper bite on a person’s condition depends on several factors:

  1. Predator size. The longer the snake, the more poison it contains, the more serious the viper’s bite will have consequences.
  2. Height and weight of the victim. The stronger a person is, the easier it will be for the body to cope with the problem.
  3. Bite site. The most difficult injuries are those that occur in the neck and shoulder area.
  4. Immunity and general state the health of the victim. In the presence of cardiovascular diseases, for example, shock may occur, the heartbeat will accelerate, and the poison will spread noticeably faster throughout the body.

Viper bite - symptoms

For people who know the main signs of the problem, in order to distinguish a viper bite, they only need one photo. What does injury look like? Immediately after the attack, a couple of dots appear on the skin. These are marks from poisonous teeth. All accompanied by pain and burning. Over the next few minutes, swelling begins to develop, the epidermis turns red and becomes hot to the touch.

Swelling spreads very quickly. It is accompanied by other symptoms of a viper bite in humans - weakness, dizziness, decreased blood pressure, tachycardia, fever, chills. Some victims experience nausea and vomiting. If suddenly a person has snake venom, then you need to be in a hurry to provide help. Otherwise, the swelling may reach the larynx and cause asphyxia.

What to do if you are bitten by a viper?

Since this can happen to anyone, anyone should know how to neutralize a steppe viper bite. The features of first aid are always taught in life safety lessons, but it would be useful to repeat them. It is important to understand that first aid for a viper snake bite should be provided as soon as possible. Moreover, it must be carried out by professionals. Before the same, you should try to position the victim so that the head is lower than the pelvis and the legs are raised. This will improve blood circulation and prevent complications in the brain.

What to do if you are bitten by a viper - first aid

We must not forget that first aid for a viper bite should be provided very quickly. Basic Rules:

  1. The site of injury must be carefully examined. If a snake bites through clothing, it must be removed - there may be a lot of poison in the fabric. If droplets of poison remain near the wound, they should be carefully wiped off so that they do not enter the blood.
  2. When treating the wound, you need to grab it tightly with your hands, and when poison starts oozing from it, it should be sucked out, spitting periodically. If all the rules are followed, in a quarter of an hour it will be possible to remove half the poison from the body.
  3. If there is swelling, the wound should be treated with an antiseptic, but not brilliant green. It will make inspection difficult later.
  4. It is better for the victim to drink a lot and not move, so that blood circulation does not increase and the poison does not spread as actively.
  5. A sterile bandage with hydrogen peroxide should be applied to the injury site.
  6. Before specialists arrive, the patient’s temperature and blood pressure should be monitored.

What should you not do if you are bitten by a snake?

It wouldn’t hurt to know the list of things that are strictly prohibited to do after being bitten by a viper:

  1. Do not cut or pick at the wound. Such actions contribute to infection, muscle damage, and severe bleeding. Sometimes the latter even lead to death due to severe blood loss.
  2. Do not pour acid into the wound.
  3. There is no need to cauterize the bite site. It won’t help burn out the poison, but high temperatures will injure the muscles.
  4. The bandage on the wound should not be too tight - the tissues swell after a snake attack.
  5. Do not apply a bandage over the wound, as this promotes tissue death.
  6. The victim should not be given alcohol or coffee.
  7. It is prohibited to use painkillers until specialists arrive.

Antidote for viper bite

An antidote for a viper bite should be available in every clinic, hospital and paramedic station. The product contains components that effectively neutralize the poison. It does not act too quickly - the main symptoms may disappear after a few hours. During this period of time, the victim should be under the supervision of a specialist.

Viper bite - treatment

Therapy in this case should be comprehensive and include not only specific, but also detoxification and symptomatic treatment. IN in some cases artificial ventilation and resuscitation measures can be performed. As a rule, the recovery course consists of:

  1. Detoxification by introducing a solution of sodium chloride, glucose, Refortan.
  2. Preventing the development of an allergic reaction. For this purpose, the following antihistamines are prescribed for a viper bite: Pipolfen, Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, Hydrocortisone.
  3. To eliminate the neurotoxic effects of the poison, drugs such as Galantamine and Prozerin are prescribed.
  4. Prevention of hepatic and renal failure with Eufillin, Gepadif, Berlition, is mandatory.
  5. Ephedrine, Caffeine, Cordiamine are used to stimulate cardiac and respiratory activity.

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