Koko: The gorilla who redefined human uniqueness and gorillas. Primates - monkeys Which monkey has the longest arms

Great apes are called chimpanzee, pygmy chimpanzee (bonobo), gorilla and orangutan. Like man, they belong to a large zoological series of primates, or higher animals. Of all representatives of the animal world, their physique and behavior are most similar to people. Many hidden features, such as blood types or gene structure, also coincide with ours.

Great apes live in the tropics of Africa and Asia. Their species differ in lifestyle and habitat. Chimpanzees, including pygmy ones, live in trees and on the ground.

Chimpanzees live in African forests of almost all types, as well as in open savannahs, but bonobos can only be found in the rainforests of the Congo Basin. Two subspecies of the gorilla - the western coastal, or lowland, and eastern lowland - prefer the tropical rainforests of Africa, and the mountain gorilla prefers forests with temperate climate. Gorillas are very massive and do not often climb trees, spending almost all the time on the ground. They live in family groups, the number of members of which is constantly changing. Orangutans, on the other hand, are often solitary. They live in the humid and swampy forests of the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan, climb trees perfectly, slowly but deftly move from branch to branch, hanging on disproportionately long arms reaching to the ankles.

All great apes can at least sometimes get up on their feet, then their dexterous hands are free. Great apes of all kinds are very intelligent creatures and more or less often use various objects as tools, which no other animals can do. They have a very developed facial expression, in many ways reminiscent of a human.


When the researchers placed a mirror in the gibbon's cage, something unexpected happened. The monkey approached him with interest, saw its reflection and, squealing loudly, ran into a corner. Then she grabbed a mirror and started throwing it from side to side. There is no doubt: she did not recognize herself and, most likely, she thought that some other gibbon intended to do something bad to her. Other animals behave in a similar way in this situation.

Only great apes, when they are in front of a mirror, act like sentient beings. This was confirmed by the experience with the orangutan Suma. At first, she, too, was frightened of her reflection in the mirror. Then she began to make faces, close her eyes with her hands, peeping through the cracks between her fingers. Standing on her head, she carefully studied the upside down world in the mirror. While eating, Suma stuck a tomato skin to her cheek. When she saw herself in the mirror, she touched the skin with her finger and shook it off. This clearly proved that Suma recognized herself in the mirror, and this is a high intellectual achievement for an animal.

Lemurs and lower apes unable to identify with the reflection in the mirror. This is within the power (or rather, in the mind) only of great apes, but they also differ mental faculties Note: Chimpanzees take an average of one day to start recognizing themselves, orangutans take 3 days, and gorillas take 5 days. High degree intelligence of great apes is also proved by other experiments.

One day they were shown a treat that was hung so high between the trees that the monkeys couldn't just climb up and get it. Several cubes of various sizes were also placed in front of them. The monkeys quickly realized that by placing the cubes on top of each other, you can build a tower out of them, climb up and thus get to the desired food. It should be added that, when erecting a tower, the monkeys placed the largest cubes at the base, and the smallest ones at the top.

They decide more challenging tasks: for example, they open a box with a screwdriver, take out a key from it, open another box with it, where they eventually find a reward. However, animals often confuse researchers, offering specific "monkey" ways to solve problems that a person could not think of. For example, instead of building a tower of cubes, some monkey will knock down a delicacy by throwing a stick at it, or, swinging on a rope, will fly several meters in his reward.

In any case, great apes always think about the problem and find a solution, and sometimes more than one. Scientists regard this course of action as evidence enough developed intellect.


People have long dreamed of being able to talk to animals. So again and again they tried to teach captured baby apes to speak. But no one has been successful. Monkeys have never been able to utter anything but a few slurred words, and certainly their vocabulary was no match for that of talking parrots.

In the mouth and pharyngeal cavity of great apes, some sound-producing elements of the organs that correspond to the organs of human speech are missing. For this reason, they cannot develop the skill of pronunciation of finely modulated sounds. They express their emotions in different ways (in total, these monkeys make no more than 30 types of sounds): fear or threat - with sharp, piercing cries, passionate desire - with panting, a call for attention - with the sound "uh-uh", discontent - with grumbling and joy is a screech. The monkey learns about the mood of another animal and learns its skills by observing it. Facial expressions, gestures, posture - these are the means by which great apes convey essential information to each other. Therefore, the researchers tried to “speak” with the monkeys in the sign language that deaf and dumb people use to communicate with each other. After a short time, the young monkeys learned a whole series of signs, and it was already possible to have real conversations with them.

Professor Allan Gardner says to the four-year-old chimpanzee Washoe in the language of the deaf and dumb: "Please - give - me - a newspaper." Before following the order, the monkey replies: "Please - give - me - an apple." That is, she asks for a reward in advance, but after that she does exactly what is required of her.

A little later, Gardner asks: "Please - give - me - a refrigerator." A task impossible even for a very strong monkey. What is Washoe doing? She, grinning, replies with a gesture: “You are strange” - and does not budge.

The perception of beauty.

If you give the monkeys paper, paints and a brush, then most of them immediately begin to draw with great enthusiasm. In this case, the monkeys act very carefully. When drawing, they rarely climb over the edge of the sheet, quite skillfully divide the plane of the paper into parts. There are paintings that are quite strongly reminiscent of works of modern abstract art.

Repeatedly managed to exhibit such works at art exhibitions, and no one guessed that their authors were great apes. Experts in art made the following verdict on the works of the Congo chimpanzee: "These compositions are distinguished by an amazing rhythm, full of dynamics and harmony both in form and in color."

Great apes willingly draw, without demanding rewards, which are usual in other experiments. They themselves know whether the picture is completed or not, and categorically refuse to continue the finished, in their opinion, work, even if they are persistently asked about it. They seem to insist that the slightest touch will spoil the picture. If, in the midst of the creative process, a brush or paper is taken away from the monkeys, they are frankly angry.

Researchers of animal behavior believe that monkeys have an aesthetic sense, however, in its infancy. Watching free-living chimpanzees tropical forest, they saw how, during sunset, the monkeys sat on the edge of the clearing and, captured by this spectacle, peered into the evening glow. In addition, many great apes like to hang a vine around their necks as decoration.

Everything about everything. Volume 3 Likum Arkady

Is a chimpanzee a monkey?

A chimpanzee is a monkey, but special, the most intelligent of all monkeys! Monkeys belong to the most highly organized order of mammals, called primates, which includes humans. The whole body of monkeys is covered with hair, they usually live in trees and instead of claws on each of the five fingers of the hind and front paws they have nails.

All monkeys can be divided into 4 main groups: lemurs, Old World monkeys (baboons, etc.), New World monkeys (spider monkey, howler monkeys, etc.) and great apes (gorilla, orangutan, chimpanzee and gibbon) . Of the three great apes: the gorilla, the orangutan, and the chimpanzee, the chimpanzee is the most human-like. This monkey is smaller than both the gorilla and the orangutan, but more “intelligent” than them. The body of a chimpanzee, devoid of a tail, is very similar to a human.

True, chimpanzees have 13 pairs of ribs, while humans usually have 12 pairs. The dark skin of the chimpanzee is covered everywhere except on the palms and face with coarse black hair. Chimpanzees live in small groups in the forests of Central Africa, east of Sierra Leone to Lake Victoria. They are very easy to tame and take root well in the zoo. Sometimes they become so attached to their favorite caretakers that they even cry and call them when they are sick!

Chimpanzee scholars claim that there are at least 20 different sounds that can be classified as "chimpanzee language". On the ground, chimpanzees move on four legs, leaning on the ground with their knuckles to support the body. A male chimpanzee can weigh up to 70 kg and reach a height of 1.5 m, although most chimpanzees are slightly smaller.

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Animal monkey - special kind mammals, which in its structure is similar to humans. The animal belongs to the order of primates, suborder dry-bearing.

Adults can reach a height of up to 2.5 meters, the smallest monkeys do not exceed 15 centimeters. Most large view This animal is gorillas, especially males.

The weight of such a large primate varies from 250-280 kg, while very small monkeys can weigh only 200 grams.

Monkeys that live in trees are distinguished by a special elongated back, which allows them to wrap themselves around branches, and also allows them to jump and climb trees well.

Certain species of monkeys have a long tail, usually longer than the entire body, it allows you to keep your balance and move easily through the bushes. Monkeys that live on land have a much shorter tail, and those primates that are similar to humans have no tail at all.

The body of monkeys is covered with hair, their color can be from light red to black, it all depends on where the monkey lives, what species it belongs to.

Monkeys, like humans, when they reach a certain age, turn gray, can go bald, this applies more to males.

Monkeys have fairly developed limbs, especially the upper ones, they, like humans, have five fingers, only the tips of the fingers are covered with rough nails. Also, the development of the limbs largely depends on how and where the monkey lives, it is believed that the most developed primates are those that live in trees.

Teeth in primates are similar to those of humans, but monkeys with a narrow nose have a different oral cavity, also in narrow-nosed and broad-nosed monkeys different amount teeth, the first 32, the second 36.

These mammals are different developed brain, they are quite smart, especially anthropoid species able to understand well, as well as meaningfully perform some actions.

They communicate with each other with special, special signals, which consist of individual sounds and mimics. The most noisy monkeys, you can hear their squeak for hours.

Their facial expressions are also well developed, they can express their discontent, joy, love, they can even tease.

Where do certain types of primates live?

Monkeys live all over the world in separate parts of countries and continents. Densely populated by monkeys Gibraltar, Asia, Japan, China, Africa (with the exception of Madagascar), in the tropics South America, Australia.

Chimpanzees can be found in the Western part of America, gorillas live in Africa, Mauritania, Guinea. Orangutans love moist forests, therefore they inhabit Sumatra and Kalimantan.

The species of howler monkeys lives in the southern parts of Mexico, Brazil, Argentina.

There are quite a lot of monkeys and gibbons in Asia and Africa. Gibbons love the climate of India, Malaysia, and also humid tropics in Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, China.

Hamadryas inhabit all parts of Africa, but baboons live only in certain parts of it - Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia.

How and how long do monkeys live?

Some species live on trees with dense crowns, it is comfortable for them to hide there, as well as shelter from rain and sun. Monkeys defend their place, so if another tries to drive her off a chosen bush, she will respond with aggression and a strong squeak.

Monkeys living on the ground move everywhere, they usually do not occupy separate places, they live in packs in the general territory of the forest.

Primates can live up to 45 years on average.

What do primates eat?

Monkeys are a special kind of animals that eat everything in a row, the diet consists of where they live, on land or on the ground. Monkeys living in trees feed on leaves, fruits, buds, nuts, and also eat large insects.

Primates leading a terrestrial lifestyle consume plant roots, shoots, they especially love fern leaves. Special species, in addition to fruits, eat fish, mice, lizards, and also like to feast on beetles, grasshoppers.

Types and photos of monkeys

The Black Howler Monkey is a member of the arachnid family. The primate got this name because of its roaring sounds that can be heard 6 km away.

The males of such monkeys are black in color, while the female, on the contrary, is light brown. Howler monkeys live in Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina.

Mourning capuchin is a special species of primates representing the chain-tailed family. The weight of such a monkey varies from 3 to 4 kg.

The coat of the animal is light brown in color, on the head there is a black crest of a triangular shape. Such primates feed on insects, tree shoots. They live in Brazil, Suriname.

White-handed gibbon - this type of monkey is similar to humans. Adults reach a height of 65 cm, weigh up to 5 kg. The color of such primates is brown, sandy, sometimes even light beige.

Such monkeys feed on insects, leaves, fruits. The species lives in China.

There are a lot of monkey breeds, they all live in different parts of the world. The animal gets along well with people, can be trained, specially trained monkeys help people with disabilities move around.

Photo of monkeys

most developed, most smart monkeys- humanoid. So the word begs - humanoid. And all because they have a lot in common with our species. You can talk a lot about great apes, for a long time and with enthusiasm, simply because they are really close to our species. But first things first.

In total, these animals are distinguished by 4 types:

  • gorillas,
  • orangutans,
  • chimp,
  • bonobos (or pygmy chimpanzees).

Bonobos and chimpanzees are very similar to each other, but the remaining two species are not at all similar to each other or to chimpanzees. However, all great apes There are many things in common, for example:

  • they don't have a tail
  • similar structure of the hands of the upper limbs and human hands,
  • the volume of the brain is very large (at the same time, its surface is full of furrows and convolutions, and this indicates high level the intelligence of these animals)
  • There are 4 blood types
  • bonobo blood is used in medicine to transfuse a person with a suitable blood type.

All these facts speak of the "blood" relationship of these creatures with people.

Both species of gorilla and chimpanzee live in Africa, and this continent, as you know, is considered the cradle of all mankind. The orangutan, according to scientists, our most genetically distant relative among the great apes, lives in Asia.

common chimpanzee

Chimpanzee social life

Chimpanzees live, as a rule, in groups, on average 15-20 individuals. The group, which is headed by one male leader, includes females, males of all ages. Groups of chimpanzees occupy territories that the males themselves protect from intrusions of neighbors.

In places where there is enough food for the comfortable living of the group, chimpanzees are sedentary. However, if there is not enough food for the whole group, then they wander in search of food for quite long distances. It happens that the territories of residence of several groups intersect. In this case, they unite for a while. It is interesting that in all conflicts, the advantage is given to the group that contains more males and which, in this regard, is stronger. Chimpanzees do not create permanent families. This means that any adult male has the right to freely choose his next girlfriend from adult females, both of his own and of the joined group.

After an 8-month gestation period, a female chimpanzee gives birth to one completely helpless cub. Up to a year of life, the female carries the baby on her stomach, after which the baby independently transplants to her back. For a whole 9-9.5 years, the female and the cub are practically inseparable. His mother teaches him everything that she herself can, shows him the world and other members of the group. There are cases when teenagers are sent to their “kindergarten”. there they frolic with their peers under the supervision of several adults, usually females. When the baby is 13 years old, the chimpanzee enters the period of adulthood and begins to be considered independent members of the pack. At the same time, young males begin to join the struggle for leadership,

Chimpanzees are quite aggressive animals.. Conflicts often occur in the group, which develop into even bloody fights, which often end fatal. Greater apes can establish relationships with each other through a wide range of facial expressions, gestures and sounds with which they convey their approval. These animals express friendly feelings through sorting out wool from each other.

Chimpanzees get their food on the trees, and on the ground, and there, and there, feeling in their place. Their food includes:

  • plant food,
  • insects,
  • small living creatures.

In addition, hungry chimpanzees as a group can go hunting and capture, for example, a gazelle for joint food.

Skillful hands and a smart head

Chimpanzees are extremely smart, they are able to use tools, and deliberately choosing the most handy tool. They are even able to improve it. For example, to climb into an anthill, a great ape uses a twig: it selects a twig of the right size and optimizes it by breaking off the leaves on it. Or, for example, they use a stick to knock down a high-growing fruit. Or to hit her opponent during a fight.

To break a nut, the monkey puts it on a flat stone specially selected for this purpose, and with another, sharp stone, breaks the shell.

To quench their thirst, the chimpanzee uses a large leaf and uses it as a scoop. Or he makes a sponge from a pre-chewed leaf, lowers it into a stream and squeezes the water into his mouth.

When hunting, great apes can stone their prey to death, a hail of cobblestones will also await a predator, for example, a leopard, who dares to open a hunt for these animals.

In order not to get wet when crossing a pond, chimpanzees are able to build a bridge out of sticks, and they will use wide leaves as an umbrella, a fly swatter, a fan, and as toilet paper.


Good giants or monsters?

It is easy to imagine the feelings of the person who first saw a gorilla in front of him - a humanoid giant, frightening aliens with menacing cries, beating his chest with his fists, breaking and uprooting young trees. Such encounters with forest monsters gave rise to horror stories and tales of the fiends of hell, whose inhuman strength carries mortal danger if not for the human race, then for his psyche.

Unfortunately, this is not an exaggeration. Such legends, which pushed the public to the fact that these humanoid creatures began to be treated too wrongly, at one time caused an almost uncontrolled, panic extermination of gorillas. The mind was threatened total extinction, if it were not for the labors and efforts of scientists who took under their protection these giants, about whom in those years people knew almost nothing at all.

As it turned out, it seemed these terrible monsters are the most peaceful herbivores who only eat plant food. Besides they are almost completely non-aggressive, but demonstrate their strength and, moreover, use it only when there is a real danger and if someone comes to their territory.

Moreover, to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, gorillas try to scare off offenders, it doesn’t matter if the other is a male, a ruler of another species, or a person. Then all possible means of intimidation come into play:

  • cries,
  • pounding your chest with your fists,
  • cutting down trees, etc.

Features of the life of a gorilla

Gorillas, like chimpanzees, live in small groups, but their numbers are usually smaller - 5-10 individuals each. Among them is usually the head of the group - an older male, several females with cubs of different ages and 1-2 young males. The leader is easy to recognize: It has a silver-gray coat on its back.

By the age of 14, the male gorilla becomes sexually mature, and instead of black hair, a light stripe appears on his back.

An already mature male is huge: it has a height of 180 cm and sometimes weighs 300 kg. The one who turns out to be the eldest of the silver-backed males becomes the leader of the group. On his powerful shoulders rests the care of all family members.

The main male in the group gives signals to wake up at sunrise, and to sleep at sunset, he chooses the path in the thickets, along which the rest of the group will go in search of food, regulates order and peace in the group. He also protects all of his people from threatening dangers, of which there are a huge number in the rainforest.

The younger generation in the group is raised by their own mothers. However, if the baby is suddenly orphaned, then it is the leader of the pack who takes them under his wing. He will wear them on his back, sleep next to them and make sure that their games are not dangerous.

When protecting orphaned cubs, the leader can even go out to duel with a leopard or even with an armed man.

Often the capture of a baby gorilla entails not only the death of his mother, but also the death of the head of the group. The remaining members of the group, deprived of protection and care, young animals and helpless females are also on the brink of the abyss, if one of the lone males does not take responsibility for the orphaned family.


Orangutan: features of life

"Orangutan" is Malay for "forest man". This name refers to large great apes that live in the jungle on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan. Orangutans are from amazing creatures on earth. They differ in many ways from other great apes.

Orangutans lead tree image life. Although their weight is quite significant, 65-100 kg, they climb trees remarkably even at a height of up to 15-20 m. They prefer not to go down to the ground.

Of course, due to the gravity of the body, they cannot jump from branches to branches, but at the same time they are able to confidently and quickly climb trees.

Almost around the clock, orangutans eat by eating

  • fruit,
  • foliage,
  • bird eggs,
  • chicks.

In the evenings, orangutans build their own dwellings., and each - his own, where they settle down for the night. They sleep, holding on to a branch with one of their paws, so as not to break down in a dream.

For every night, orangutans settle in a new place, for which they again build a “bed” for themselves. These animals practically do not form groups, preferring a solitary life or life in pairs (mother - cubs, female - male), although there are cases when a pair of adults and several cubs different ages almost form a family.

The female of these animals gives birth to 1 cub. His mother takes care of him for about 7 years, until he is old enough to live on his own.

Up to 3 years, the orangutan cub eats only mother's milk, and only after this period the mother begins to give him milk. solid food. She chews leaves for him, thus making vegetable puree for him.

She prepares the baby for adulthood, teach him to climb trees correctly and build a dwelling for himself to sleep. Baby orangutans are very playful and affectionate, and they perceive the whole process of education and training as an entertaining game.

Orangutans are very smart animals. In captivity, they learn to use tools and are even able to make them on their own. But in the conditions of free life, these great apes rarely use their abilities: the incessant search for food does not give them time to develop their natural intelligence.


Bonobo, or pygmy chimpanzee, is our closest relative

About our own existence close relative- bonobo - few people know. Although the set of genes in the pygmy chimpanzee matches the set of human genes by as much as 98%! They are also very close to us in the basics of social-emotional behavior.

They live in Central Africa, in the northeast and northwest of the Congo. They never leave the branches of trees, and move very rarely on the ground.

Characteristic features of the behavior of this species - joint hunting. They can wage war among themselves, then the presence of power politics is revealed.

Bonobo lacks sign language so characteristic of other beings. They give each other vocal signals and they are very different from the signals of the second species of chimpanzee.

The voice of the bonobo consists of high, sharp and barking sounds. For hunting, they use various primitive objects: stones, sticks. In captivity, their intellect gets the opportunity to grow and prove themselves. There, in the possession of objects and the invention of new ones, they act as real masters.

Bonobos do not have a leader like other primates. Distinctive and characteristic feature pygmy chimpanzee is also what at the head of their group or the whole community is a female.

The females stay in groups. They also include cubs and juveniles under 6 years of age. Males keep aloof, but nearby.

Interestingly, almost all aggressive outbursts in bonobos are replaced by elements of mating behavior.

The fact that they are dominated by females was revealed by scientists in an experiment when combined with groups of monkeys of both species. In groups of bonobos, the females are the first to start eating. If the male disagrees, then the females join forces and expel the male. While eating, fights never occur, but at the same time, mating is sure to happen just before eating.


According to many wise books, animals are our smaller brothers. And we can say with confidence that the great apes are our brothers - neighbors.

How many species of monkeys live on our planet, what do they eat, what are the features of their life? We read about all this and watch TV shows with pleasure. And this is not surprising, because we are descended from a common ancestor. We have a lot of similarities not only in appearance and skeletal structure, but also in behavior.

What types of monkeys are there?

Zoologists define two groups of primates, and these animals are classified according to them. They are divided into New World and Old World primates. The first group includes monkeys living in Central and South America, and the second - in Asia and Africa. And each group has its own distinctive features. New World monkeys have a tail with which they can hold on to branches while moving through trees, and a wide nose. African and Asian primates very often do not have a tail, but even if they do, the animals do not use it as some kind of fifth limb, their nose is narrow. These two groups include more than one hundred and sixty species of monkeys.

Primates of South and Central America

The following monkeys (species) live in this area: monkeys, tamarins, capuchins, squirrel monkeys (56 species), owl and night monkeys, titi, sakis and Uakaris (41 species), howler monkeys, spider and woolly monkeys.

African and Asian primates

These continents are home to the most a large number of primates - more than 135 species. If you list all kinds of monkeys, the list will be huge. They are combined into broader categories: baboons, thin-bodied, colobus, mandrills, macaques. There is another category that includes the following types of great apes: gorilla, chimpanzee, orangutan, bonobo (pygmy chimpanzee) and gibbon.


These monkeys belong to the marmoset family. They live in the warmest regions of South America: Brazil, Costa Rica, the Tamarin basin is very easy to distinguish from other monkeys by the main characteristic distinctive feature are whiskers, although there are also beardless representatives of this species. Some actually have lion's mane. And because of their very unusual appearance these animals are constantly hunted - poachers catch tamarins for sale on the black market. That is why this species is threatened with extinction.

In length, the body of a tamarin reaches from eighteen to thirty-five centimeters, with a tail - from twenty-three to forty-four centimeters, they weigh up to a kilogram. If you list the types of small monkeys, then tamarins will head this list. Their main habitat is the highlands of Brazil. In these places, the monkeys feel great: a mild, humid climate, an abundance of food. Tamarins live in small groups of 5-10 individuals, so it is easier for them to find food and defend themselves from predators. At night they sleep on tall trees, and with the onset of the morning they begin to lead an active lifestyle: they look for food, look after each other.

Tamarins are omnivores - they are happy to eat both lizards, snails, insects, bird eggs, and plant foods - tree leaves, fruits, nuts and nectar. The food obtained is equally distributed among all members of the flock. If a stranger gets into their territory, then they all kick him out together, making frightening grimaces. The young are taken care of by the whole group. Toddlers up to four months of age constantly move on the back of their father. The monkeys talk to each other all the time, thereby informing each other about the food found and about the approach of the enemy.


They belong to the monkey family. These are very small and funny monkeys. Types of monkeys: real and green, hussar, talapoin and others (23 in total). The body size is usually small (like a cat), the coat is thick and very soft. The color of these monkeys is very diverse: olive, gray-green, light gray, brown, red, blue, black. The muzzles are slightly elongated, some representatives of this species have mustaches, sideburns and beards. The tail is usually twice as long as the body. Ischial calluses are small.

These primates live mainly in forests. Monkeys feed on both plant foods and animals. The diet includes young tree branches and leaves, fruits, succulent grass, insects and small vertebrates. Monkeys flee from enemies. It should be noted that the greatest danger to them is the people who catch them for sale. Monkeys are well tamed, but for this you need to take cubs. An adult monkey, once in captivity, is practically impossible to train.


This one combines more than thirty subspecies. The species of these primates form four groups. These monkeys live in Brazil and Honduras. Most of the time is spent on the tops of tall trees. The body length of the animal reaches fifty centimeters. The head is round, with prominent cheekbones. The color of the muzzle is usually pink or white color. On the top of the head there is a black crest, similar to a hood (in fact, because of this similarity, the animal got its name).

Primates live in groups of 10 to 30 individuals. Together they get food, defend themselves from enemies and take care of their offspring. Capuchins are omnivorous: they eat both plant and animal food. It should be noted that these monkeys are very smart. They can crack nuts with a stone, beat fruits on tree branches. Having caught, they clean off the mucus from it, wiping it on a tree. For up to three months, capuchin cubs spend all the time on their mother's back, crawling onto their chest to feed on milk. From the age of six months, they begin to lead a more independent lifestyle, eat adult food, but do not move far from their mother.

howler monkeys

Howler monkeys are the largest primates in the New World. They are the size of a dog. These monkeys have a long and very tenacious tail, which they constantly use when moving through the trees.

The body of the primate is covered with thick but short hair. Long hair only on the cone-shaped head. The jaw protrudes forward, somewhat similar to a dog's. The neck is very short, so it seems that it is absent altogether. These primates spend most of their lives in trees. During the day they climb under the very tops, where they look for food, and at night they go down lower, settling for the night in the dense branches of small trees. Howler monkeys are very afraid of water, as they absolutely cannot swim.

Monkeys feed on tree buds, leaves, succulent shoots and fruits. Howler monkeys unite in flocks, which number from five to forty individuals. The female, as a rule, gives birth to one cub, which she feeds up to 18 months. Young and childless females help to look after the baby.


The second name is yellow baboon. The length of the body reaches seventy-five centimeters, and the length of the tail is about sixty centimeters. The color of the coat is yellow - hence the name of the primate. Baboons live in East and Central Africa (in mountainous and steppe regions). They eat, like most primates, plant and animal food. The diet of baboons includes bulbs, succulent grass, fruits, nuts, insects, lizards, bird eggs, etc.

Baboons never live alone. The group includes up to eighty individuals. There is a clear hierarchy in the pack, several adult males dominate. In case of danger, they come to each other's aid. Between males and offspring are established friendly relations. mature cubs female remain in the flock, but young males are forced to leave. Interestingly, often herds of ungulates join a flock of yellow baboons. The fact is that baboons have very sharp eyesight, so they can warn of danger in time.


This is the largest species of primate that does not belong to the group of great apes. They live in West Africa. Sexually mature males have a very beautiful and bright color. They have a bright pink nose and stripes on the muzzle. blue color. Females and young males do not have such a bright color. The weight of males sometimes reaches fifty-four kilograms. The females are much smaller.

The diet of primates includes both plant and animal food. Mandrills eat more than one hundred and thirteen species of plants.

These monkeys live in families, which include one male and ten to fifteen females. Each family is assigned a territory of fifty square meters, which they mark with an odorous secret. Pregnancy of females lasts two hundred and twenty days. Babies are born from April to December, at this time there is a lot of food, so the females have time to feed them. The bond between mother and calf lasts a very long time. Until the age of three, the baby comes to spend the night with his mother.


Gorillas are the largest great apes. These primates live in Africa. Until recently, the habitat of these monkeys was difficult to access. But the natives always knew about the neighborhood of these animals and tried not to meet them, believing that they have a ferocious disposition.

The growth of gorillas reaches almost two meters, and weight - from one hundred and forty to two hundred kilograms. The body is square. The color of wool and skin is black. As males age, the fur on their backs turns gray. Like all primates, gorillas are diurnal. These monkeys feed exclusively on plant foods. They prefer stems and leaves, but fruits make up a small proportion of the diet.

Gorillas have a very calm, even phlegmatic character, despite their intimidating appearance. The female mates only with the leader of the herd, the pregnancy lasts eight and a half months. At first, the cub rides on the mother's back, and then walks side by side, holding on to her fur. Life expectancy is thirty to thirty-five years, but some individuals live for half a century.

The rarest types of monkeys

Man is very careless about the environment. Many animals were on the verge of extinction, including monkeys. Some species include such a small number of individuals that scientists around the world are sounding the alarm. Thus, the Society for the Protection of Animals took custody of drills - primates that are listed in the Red Book. The population of these animals has no more than ten thousand individuals. All monkeys (species do not matter) are exterminated by man at a catastrophic rate. And if this continues, the planet may lose these wonderful animals.


Currently pet monkey- not uncommon at all. Many pet stores sell these exotic animals. But it should be borne in mind that not all types of primates take root well at home. Here are some types of domestic monkeys that adapt well to captivity: tamarins, monkeys, gibbons, marmosets, capuchins. These primates are unpretentious in content, but certain rules must be followed. So, they should have a spacious cage, proper nutrition. In no case do not hit the animal and do not shout at it, otherwise it will close in itself, be aggressive and boring. IN bad conditions monkeys die very quickly.

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