Every person was known. What famous people say about their life’s work (favorite work). The Man with the Golden Arm

One of the most fundamental conclusions made by Erickson after for long years observations is that each individual is unique. People differ psychologically and even in the type of their perception. They react differently to the same stimuli, resulting in their unique personalities.

Erickson's admiration and respect for the unique qualities of each individual prevented him from trying to impose any attitude or behavior on his patients, repeatedly convincing him that no theory by itself could accurately describe all people at once. He believed that careful observation of an individual reveals a person's general patterns and tendencies, which will be described in the following pages. But he could not accept the possibility that each individual could truly understand and explain all the unique manifestations of these patterns in his or her personality. He believed that the best we can hope for is an assessment of a person's general qualities, using it as a guide in observing how those general qualities manifest themselves in each individual case. People behave according to their own behavior patterns, and therefore one should simply recognize the uniqueness of one's individuality. To do otherwise is to project one's artificial and arbitrary limitations onto one's unique individuality, and this, as Erickson believed, the patient has every right to resist.

I think we should all realize that every individual is unique... No identical people. I can say with confidence that in the three and a half million years that man has lived on earth, there have been no two identical fingerprints and no two identical people. Even twins differ greatly in their fingerprints, in their resistance to disease, in the psychological structure of their personality.

(Zeig, 1980, p. 104)

As I have learned over 50 years of life, every person is different. And I always meet a new person as a unique person, emphasizing his (or her) individual qualities.

(Zeig, 1980, p. 220)

Each patient who comes to you represents a completely different personality, a different attitude towards the world, based on his own experience.

(Haley, 1967, p. 534)

I think that any psychotherapeutic approach based only on theoretical premises is erroneous, since each personality is different from the other.

(Zeig, 1980, p. 131)

No one can truly understand another person's individual learning and response patterns.

(Erickson, 1980, Vol. 1, 6, R. 154)

Although each individual is unique in his experiences, individual cases often clearly illustrate different aspects of overall configurations of trends and patterns. The purpose of psychotherapeutic work is to show these tendencies, and not at all to prove any specific ideas.

(Erickson, 1953, p. 2)

The need for a correct assessment of the subject as an individual with a unique individuality, which must be treated with respect, is absolutely obvious. Such appreciation and respect is the basis for awareness and distinction between conscious and unconscious behavior.

(Erickson, 1980, Vol. 1, 6, p. 146)

The famous American doctor of psychology, Ryan Nemets, is convinced that every person can become much happier by identifying the strong traits of their character. According to the researcher, there are many ways to become happier. We know some of them: awareness of the meaning of life, construction good relations with others. But people have no idea that their strong character traits can become trigger gaining success and achieving prosperity.

The doctor of psychology said that he was recently asked what research I would like to tell as many people as possible. The scientist replied that you can influence your well-being by identifying your strengths and using them, or influence your depression by identifying your strengths and using them. The scientist spoke about this in detail in a publication on Phycology Today.

In the article, the psychologist presents as an argument a meta-analysis by researchers Nicola Schutte and John Maloof from Australia. Experts studied the impact of increased use strong traits person in Everyday life. In one such study, participants were asked to identify one of their strongest personality traits and then use it every day for a week. Research has shown that using your strengths makes you happier, increases your life satisfaction, and reduces depression.

What does this mean for you and me? There is not a person on this planet who cannot apply in life best features of your character. “By using the virtues that he possesses, a person improves his well-being and gets rid of negative emotions" explains Ryan Nemec. Therefore, you need to increase your strength of character and constantly grow.

The psychologist also explains that if you become a happier, less depressed person, the positive effect will be felt by everyone around you. This is reported in another American study. During the work, experts found that happy people have happy friends, and friends of friends also feel happy. That is, your happiness can spread to others. “Too much happiness is not selfishness,” the scientist adds.

The main conclusion is to determine your strengths, develop them and expand the horizons of use. If you are inquisitive, ask your neighbors or relatives how they are doing - they will be pleased by your concern. If you know how to find mutual language with others and manage your business easily, show more empathy towards your family members.

I recently met a colleague. He looked at me for a long time, in surprise, and finally said: “You are so similar!” It turned out that Sveta Kuzina works as a correspondent for Argumenty i Fakty. Not only does he write on the same topics as me, but we are like two peas in a pod. Later, at one of the press conferences, I saw it: indeed, an exact copy! I didn’t dare approach: I was afraid that “the roof would go crazy” if I talked to myself. And once we in “KP” published a photograph of the artist Alexandra Zakharova and a school teacher very similar to her from a provincial town. Readers were asked to guess which of them was Zakharova. It turned out to be impossible to do this.

Surely many have heard about such obsessions. But the most famous cases involve celebrities. So, at the end of the second - beginning of the third century AD, Emperor Maximin lived in Rome, absolutely similar to Adolf Hitler. And not only externally. Both were cruel rulers. Maximin was finished off by mutinous soldiers embittered by his rule. And Hitler had to commit suicide so that the whole world would not tear him apart.

The busts of Mao Zedong and the ruler of the ancient Egyptian city of Thebe, Montuemhet, placed side by side are also indistinguishable. But Montuemhet lived seven centuries before the birth of Christ. And both subjected their people to severe trials.

His own mother would not have distinguished Pushkin from the Roman emperor, philosopher and writer Marcus Aurelius. In addition to the fact that they were visited by almost identical thoughts about the soul and fate, both had a similar character.


I have been haunted by the thought for a long time: how many identical people walk around the world? - says the geneticist, doctor, author of books on cloning and genetic engineering Nikolay DEGTYAREV. - It’s no coincidence that we constantly come across celebrity doubles. What if there are doubles? famous personalities, then the unknowns must also have them. I began to think about the scheme by which different genetic material is sorted, selected and fixed. It’s no secret that some children are completely different from their parents, as if they had been tossed around like a cuckoo. Experts know that in these cases, recessive genes appear that are “dormant” in every person. But why did they decide to awaken on this particular occasion? Or is the set of genes not as large as we used to think?


To the question: “What makes nature create copies?” “Academic science does not have an exact answer,” explains Nikolai Denisovich. - The most common version: doubles are people with an identical genetic structure. For some unknown reason, nature “throws out” several identical “versions” of one person, whose DNA matches down to the smallest detail. Such twins are called biogenic, that is, they have the same DNA, but their biological parents are different. But why does nature repeat itself?

We are accustomed to believing that the development of life on the planet proceeds as an uncontrollable process,” says Degtyarev. - And we believe that the birth of a new life is the result of a random union of some egg and some sperm. But if everything is so random, then why does genetic selection occur? Why, for example, can sick people have healthy children? Obviously, the appearance of identical children is also programmed by nature for its special purposes. A special tasks She has very simple ones: stability and survival.

This means that the appearance of a double somehow guarantees the possibility of survival of at least one necessary copy of some gene! It is this gene, hidden among others, that requires replication. But he “wants” to replicate not among others who can suppress him, but in a special “calculated” model. And nature “sculpts” several identical children. One can grow up in America, another in Australia, a third in Turkey, without knowing about each other. Some of them may die in infancy, and some may be infertile. But at least one of the twins will reach puberty and give birth to offspring. For a gene that wants to survive, there is nothing more important than this offspring and the transmission of itself through generations.


Some scientists call the phenomenon of doubles “secret kinship.” If you apply a simple mathematical analysis, then any person after 8 generations will become a descendant of 256 relatives related by blood. Calculate how many relatives there will be after 30 generations? Million! And all these family ties are formed on the basis of the transfer of genetic material. Of course, genes are shuffled and mixed, like cards in a deck. But sometimes, due to the theory of probability, the same cards appear! And cases of such similarity are no exception - this is the rule of genetics. Therefore, perhaps almost every person has a double. We simply live in complete ignorance of the fact that somewhere hundreds of kilometers away lives our genetic analogue with the same appearance and character. And at some stage, when the double and the original find themselves in the same living conditions, and similar destinies develop.

“I’m sure that doubles appear for a reason,” Degtyarev sums up. - They fulfill their purpose in the world. Only we don’t really know what task is embedded in our DNA. If we focus on the teachings of the mystics, then, in their opinion, it turns out that a person appears in the world not in one copy, but in a series. Sometimes it's two people, and sometimes it's twenty. And each “copy” is given the same task. But all doubles go through stages of “rejection”.

At the first stage, copies with gross violations are removed: either with hereditary diseases, or with character traits that do not allow proper development. It is believed that such copies did not live up to the trust, and they are “removed.” The rest grow, mature, gain experience, and prepare for their mission. But if at this stage of improvement two copies meet each other, then something like annihilation can occur - the copies disintegrate. A man met his double, felt fear, and one of the copies must leave. Usually either by accident or by murder. (This, it turns out, is why I was afraid to approach Sveta Kuzina from AiF. - S.K.) These “departures” are very strange. In the normal course of things they should not have happened. People who avoided “planned deaths” then talk about how they felt desire enter some house or take some train, or simply cross the street in the wrong place. But they were able to overcome this desire. And then it turned out that a maniac was waiting at the entrance, the train was going downhill, and a drunk driver was driving onto the road. If the doubles do not meet, then both go towards their goal at the same time. But over time, one may be distracted by immediate problems, something in his destiny will go wrong. And he will leave the leadership path.

Mystics call these accidents fate. In some ways they are right. If doubles follow their own line of development, if they have to grow into something, become someone, then not everyone can reach the finish line. There cannot be two Pushkins or Pugachevs.

EVERY value

T.F. Efremova New dictionary Russian language. Explanatory and word-formative



To A every

1. m.


2. pronoun

1) Any of his own kind; any.

2) One of a series of events that occur repeatedly in a certain sequence.

S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova Dictionary Russian language



EVERY, -th, -oe (plural use: 1) when combining cardinal numerals with nouns; 2) with nouns that do not have units. h.), will determine. Anyone, any of their own kind. Every five days. Every day. K. third excellent student. On day(for everyday use). Listen to everyone(noun). Everyone and everyone, everyone and everyone(noun; everyone, everyone without exception).

Small Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language



Aya, oh, places

1. (pl. h. every -y is used only with words that have a plural form. h. with value units h., as well as when combining cardinal numerals with nouns).

One of a number of similar ones, taken in a row, without choice, without omissions; everyone, anyone.

Every time. Every five days. Every day.

He knew every person, every family, every lane of this large working outskirts. Kataev, Catacombs.

2. in meaning noun every, -Wow, m. ; each, -Ouch, and.

Every person.

To each his own.

- Everyone will choose an activity according to their desire, and one will become a gardener, the other a surgeon. Fedin, Extraordinary Summer.

EVERY stress, word forms

Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak


Stress, word forms, paradigm:



to each,

to each,


by everyone

Origin, etymology:

dial kazhny, kazhinny, skin; kazhiden "daily", Sevsk. (Conversion), Ukrainian every, every, every, every, blr. kozhdy, kazhen, kozhen, kozhny, other Russian. every m., every f., every wed. r., old glory. every day, every time ἕκαστος, kyizhde (Sup.), Czech., Slavic. každý, Polish. każdy, v.-luzh. kоždu, n.-luzh. koždu, kuždy. Wed. cslav. whichever way. Original declension paradigm: kazhdo (or -zhde), gender. n. whomever, date p. komouzhdo, w. R. every (for details, see Diels, Aksl. Gr. 207), etc., other Russian. to everyone (gram. 1398, 1400), etc. assumes we are already modern. forms; see Cut. I, 1173. Cf. other Russian kolizhdo ὅστις along with kolizhdyi.

Praslav. *kъžьдо or *kъžьde contains *kъ (see who), žе (see also) and -ьде – relative adverb. (cf. where). Wed. Goth. ƕarjis "which": ƕаr "where", lit. kur̃s, kurìs "which": kur̃ "where". The final -o could have appeared under the influence of who; Wed Vasmer, ZfslPh 20, 321 et seq. But it is possible that -do is connected by alternation with -da. Others associate -žеде with wait; see Mi. EW 62; Golub 98 et seq. The convergence of Otrembsky (PF 12, 187) is incredible: -žьdo from lat. hīс, hos. He attracts and lit. -gi in kàsgi “who, what” and sees in -do a stage of alternation to when.

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