Red black snake name. Snakes - types and names. The most striking species

If you're afraid of snakes, don't go into the jungle. Mowgli.:)

Selection beautiful photos snakes - poisonous and not so poisonous - from all continents.

Keeled grass snake. The snake is non-venomous, and in the photograph the snake is yawning after a hearty lunch to reset its jaw and restore its breathing.

Jameson's Mamba, graceful green snake two meters long, the poison of which has a nerve-paralytic effect. Muscles fail respiratory system and the victim slowly but surely suffocates. Then the snake eats it. Lives in Africa. There is also a black mamba, its length is 4 meters, which is just as poisonous as the green one, but they are more afraid of it. There is a belief that if a black mamba crawls across the path, expect death. Either she will crawl back and bite you, or you will simply die from an accident. It is believed that a mamba's bite is fatal, but this is not the case. If you take the serum within an hour after the bite, survival is guaranteed. It is almost impossible to escape from the snake; the mamba moves at a speed of 11 km/hour.

Jason's Mamba. Photo by Matthias Klum for National Geographic

Rainbow boa constrictor, lives in South America, there are especially many boa constrictors in the Amazon region. It feeds on small animals, the largest animal that can suffocate is big rat. If they sense danger, they may bite, but they are not poisonous.

Non-poisonous Mexican king snake from the family of colubrids. Lives in Mexico, sometimes found in Texas.

The vine (sharp-headed) snake lives in Venezuela. Since it is very beautiful and non-poisonous, it is often kept in terrariums. A snake bite is toxic but not fatal. The main thing is to take action in time.

The weevil lives in North and South America. It is completely safe for humans. Timid and fearful, at the slightest danger they release a stinking liquid and crawl away. In general, these are such reptile “skunks”.

Yellow bellied snake. Its official name is two-colored bonito, it lives in the salty sea ​​water in water areas. Very poisonous, lives on Far East. This is the only representative of its kind; it absorbs air with its entire body and rarely gets out. It hides in algae, from where it emerges, bites the victim, stuns it with its tail, and then strangles and eats it. In general, this is three in one, a kind of sea cobra-boa constrictor, and also a dangerous fighter.

Rainbow shieldtail. A very rare snake from South America. A total of three specimens were caught; very little is known about snakes of this species; it is not even clear whether they are poisonous or not, but in general, shieldtails are mostly non-venomous. In the sun, the skin of the rainbow shieldtail shimmers like a precious sapphire.

Texas snake or white rat snake. As the name implies, it lives in Texas and also in Mexico. Not dangerous, not poisonous, nobly beautiful. An ideal specimen for keeping in a home terrarium.

Baird's rat snake. A very beautiful chameleon snake. On pebbles and sand it has a reddish-rusty color, and on the ground it becomes steel-colored, the scales cast as polished metal. Very rare color.

Red tide

Changes color

Metal shimmer

Albino coral snake found in Texas, a rare subspecies of coral snakes. Poisonous. The color is as if Russian patterns are embroidered on the skin.

A coral snake that lives on the Hindustan Peninsula. Rare case mimicry, when the color of a coral snake is longitudinal and not transverse.

The redhead is an extremely beautiful and poisonous snake that inhabits Vietnam, the islands of Malaysia and Indonesia. Very poisonous, can eat other snakes. The two-striped ferruginous snake is similar in color to it, the upper stripe of which is not blue, but dark blue, almost black. Also poisonous, and also very dangerous. And he also eats snakes.

Carpet python. Beeline style snake, no less. And why the company didn’t choose such a logo would be funny. Lives in Australia and Indonesia. Not poisonous, but can easily choke.

Möllendorf's snake, a non-venomous snake common in Southeast Asia.

The rainbow snake lives in the southeastern United States and feeds on marine life and small amphibians. Non-aggressive, but if it senses danger, it can bite. Not poisonous.

The king collared snake is native to the United States and Mexico. Typically, these snakes are gray with dark or cream-colored spots on the undersides that turn bright red and orange near the tail.

The common garter snake has the rudiments of true viviparity. The California subspecies of this snake is endangered.

Many people are scared of snakes. At the same time, it is simply impossible not to note their features and uniqueness. Cold-blooded animals amaze with their behavior, in an original way movement, the strength of the toxic substance and unusual appearance. Snakes are classified as chordates. Reptiles are included in the order Scaly, suborder snakes. The existence and well-being of cold-blooded animals is greatly influenced by the ambient temperature. The study of snakes reveals the unpredictable traits of reptiles and is gaining a growing audience that cannot help but fall in love with this population.

Characteristics and structure of snakes

Until recently, science knew of 3,200 species of snakes, and only 410 species were poisonous. The most interesting and unusual feature Cold-blooded animals have a unique body structure. An adult can grow up to nine meters in length. The smallest snakes grow up to 10 cm. The same fluctuations apply to the weight of representatives of the squamate order, starting from 10 g and reaching 100 kg. Home distinctive feature males is theirs a long tail; they also grow smaller in size.

The variety of body shapes is simply amazing. There are individuals that have long and thin body, or, conversely, short and thick. Those snakes that live near the sea have a flattened appearance and often resemble a ribbon. The skin of cold-blooded animals is predominantly dry, completely covered with scales or peculiar scutes. IN different parts The surface of the body is different, for example, on the sides and on the back the scales are small and resemble tiles (as they overlap each other). The belly of most snakes is “studded” with wide semi-circular plates.

The snakes' eyelids are motionless and seem to be able to hypnotize their prey. Reptiles never blink and even sleep with their eyes open. The unique structure of the skull allows even the smallest individuals to open their mouths enough for a small rabbit to fit into it. This is because the upper jaw is connected to neighboring bones and is movable, while the elements of the lower jaw are connected by a ligament that stretches.

Due to the unusual body, the structure of the organs is also unique: they are all elongated and elongated closer to the head. Skeleton in total has about 200-400 vertebrae, each of which is movable and connected by ligaments. The snake glides along the ground due to the movement of the scutes located on the belly. Thanks to the keratinized layers of the epidermis, cold-blooded animals move quickly without difficulty.

Despite all the features of snakes, reptiles have poor eyesight and hearing. In return, nature rewarded them with an excellent sense of smell and touch. Not last role in orientation in space it is performed by a tongue that is forked at the end. Many researchers call it a “sting.” Opening its mouth, the snake catches the air with its tongue and various particles and elements of the atmosphere stick to it, then the reptile brings the organ to a certain place located in the mouth and smells and tastes.

In most cases, snakes use their venom for self-defense, and this is also one of the ways to kill the victim.

Nutrition and hibernation of snakes

What snakes eat depends directly on the size of the cold-blooded animal. The main diet of reptiles consists of rodents and some types of insects. But the fact remains that all snakes are carnivorous. For individuals, it is considered a real delicacy to have breakfast with small chicks or eggs. Thanks to the ability to climb trees, they can easily destroy bird's nests and enjoy their meal.

Meals are not eaten every day. Snakes cope well with hunger and, provided there is water nearby, individuals can go without eating for months. The peculiarity of reptiles is their endurance and patience. Snakes hide among the foliage, wait for prey along the road or on the ground, but the hunt is patient and, as a rule, effective. Animal-eaters swallow food from the head, but with caution, so as not to be injured by the sharp teeth of the victim. Before this process, individuals try to immobilize the animal by squeezing its body with their rings.

Food is digested within 2-9 days. The speed of the process depends on the health of the individual, temperature environment, the size of the victim. To speed up digestion, many snakes expose their abdomen to the sun.

Snakes do not like cold weather, so at the end of October - beginning of November they leave for the winter. Individuals can choose a rodent burrow, a haystack, tree roots, cracks, crevices and other places as a home. If reptiles are near people, they hide in basements, sewer systems, and abandoned wells. Animal hibernation may be interrupted or not occur at all (if cold-blooded animals live in tropical or tropical areas).

Towards the beginning of April, representatives of the scaly order begin to crawl out of their shelter. Exact time“coming out of torpor” depends on the level of humidity, temperature and other factors. Snakes bask in the sun almost all spring. in summer daytime animals prefer to be in the shade.

Numerous families of snakes

Experts have differing opinions regarding the number of families in the suborder of snakes. Here is the most popular classification of reptiles:

  • Colubridae - this family has more than 1,500 species. Among them are a wide variety of snakes, differing in color, shape, pattern and habitat. Representatives of this group grow from 10 centimeters to 3.5 meters. These include aquatic and terrestrial, burrowing and arboreal cold-blooded animals. More than half of the snakes are non-venomous and are often kept in terrariums. At the same time, false snakes are considered poisonous representatives of this group, as they have large teeth with grooves along which a dangerous substance flows.
  • Vipers - the family includes more than 280 species. Most often, viper snakes are found on continents such as Asia, North America, Europe and Africa. The body length of cold-blooded animals varies from 25 cm to 3.5 m. Representatives of this family have light zigzag or rhombic patterns on their sides and back. All individuals have long fangs that secrete poison.
  • Aspids - there are about 330 species of snakes. This group of reptiles is poisonous. Individuals grow from 40 cm to 5 m in length. Cold-blooded animals can be found on continents such as Asia, Africa, America and Australia.
  • Blind snakes - the family includes about 200 species. Snakes of this group live almost throughout the planet.

Thanks to their ability to adapt, snakes can be found in any part of the world. Despite belonging to the same family, animals have a variety of shapes, colors, differ in color, habitat and other characteristics.

The most striking representatives of snakes

Among the wide variety of snakes, the most striking subspecies are considered to be snakes, vipers, adders, sea snakes, pitheads and cold-blooded pseudopods. The following reptiles are considered the most interesting and unusual.

Hamadryand (king cobra)

If you collect all the snakes together, the hamadryand will be superior to the rest. This type of animal-eating animal is considered the largest, even gigantic and poisonous. King Cobra grows up to 5.5 meters, there is currently no antidote for its bite. The terrible poison kills the victim within 15 minutes. In addition, it is hamadryands that can eat their own kind. Females can fast for three months, carefully guarding their eggs. On average, cobras live about 30 years and most often they can be found in the territory of the state of India and the islands of Indonesia.

Desert taipan (fierce snake)

It is quite possible to meet a land killer in the desert or on the plains of Australia. Quite often, individuals of this species grow up to 2.5 meters. The venom of a cruel snake is 180 times more powerful than that of a cobra. The color of a cold-blooded animal depends on weather conditions. So, in hot weather, taipans have straw-like skin, and in cold weather, they have dark brown skin.

Black Mamba

The maximum height of a black mamba is 3 meters. The representative of reptiles is considered the fastest (individuals can move at a speed of 11 km/h). A poisonous snake kills its victim in just a few seconds. However, the animal is not aggressive and can attack a person only if it feels threatened. The black mamba got its name because of the color of its mouth stripe. The skin of a predator can be olive, green, brown shades, sometimes with an admixture of metal.

Cassava (Gabon viper)

Large, thick, poisonous - this is how one can characterize the Gaboon viper. Individuals grow up to 2 meters in length, and have a body girth of almost 0.5 meters. Main feature Animals have a unique head structure - it has a triangular shape and small horns. This type of snake can be classified as calm. Females are viviparous.


Anacondas are included in the boa constrictor family. These are the largest snakes, which can be 11 meters long and weigh 100 kg. The “water boa” lives in rivers, lakes, and creeks and is a non-poisonous reptile. The main food of cold-blooded animals is fish, waterfowl, iguanas and caimans.


A giant non-venomous snake reaching 7.5 meters in length. Females differ from males in their powerful bodies and large sizes. Pythons prefer to feed on small and medium-sized mammals. They can easily swallow a leopard or jackal and digest the prey for many days. Snakes of this type hatch eggs, maintaining the desired temperature.

Eggeaters (African egg snakes)

The animals feed exclusively on eggs and grow no more than 1 meter in length. Due to the unique structure of the skull, small snakes easily swallow large prey. The cervical vertebrae break the shell, and the contents of the eggs are swallowed, while the shell is coughed up.

Radiant snake

Non-venomous snakes with excellent body color. Individuals grow up to 1 meter and feed on lizards and small rodents.

Worm-like blind snake

Small representatives of reptiles (length does not exceed 38 cm) look like earthworms. They can be found under stones, in bushes, and rocky slopes.

Non-venomous snakes

Non-venomous snakes include the following representatives of cold-blooded animals:

Common snake

Ordinary already - distinctive features are yellow or orange spots located on the sides of the head;

Amur snake

Amur snake - the length of the animal can reach 2.4 m, belongs to the colubrid family;

Common copperhead

Also to the number non-venomous snakes include the tiger and reticulated python, milk snake, corn snake, yellow-bellied snake and aesculapian snake.

Tiger python

Reticulated python

Milk snake

Yellow-bellied Snake

Poisonous snakes


The viper is one of the most dangerous poisonous snakes. The length of individuals rarely exceeds two meters.

This one lives in Asia dangerous predator, like efa. Snakes of this type are afraid of people and warn them of their presence by hissing. Cold-blooded snakes grow up to 80 cm and are viviparous snakes.

A special place in the list of poisonous snakes is given to rattlesnake (pit-headed) representatives of reptiles. They are one of the most dangerous animals on the planet and are known for their tail, which acts as a “rattle.”

Snake Reproduction

Cold-blooded animals like to be alone. But in mating season they become very friendly and loving. The “dance” of males can last many hours before the female gives consent to fertilization. Most snakes are oviparous animals, but there are some species that give birth to live young. A snake clutch can reach 120,000 eggs (per this process influenced by the habitat and type of reptile).

Sexual maturity in snakes occurs in the second year of life. The female is searched for by smell, after which males wrap around the body of the chosen one. Surprisingly, parents of newborns do not pay the slightest attention to them.


Snakes are extraordinary creatures, differing from each other in size, shape, skin color and habitat. Unique body structure interesting image The life and character of individuals makes them a bright object for research.

Imagination with its quantity and diversity. Snakes are included in the class of reptiles, the order Scaly. In the suborder of snakes, different scientists identify from 8 to 20 families. This discrepancy is associated with the discovery of new species and difficulties in their classification. The most numerous families include:

Snakes are familiar to many peoples, because they have colonized all continents, except, of course, Antarctica, since they are cold-blooded. Most snakes prefer warm climate, they live at the equator and in the tropics. As we move towards the poles, the number of snakes decreases. And only the common viper is capable of living in cold climates. Snakes live in a wide variety of places. Sea snakes live in the ocean. This is a whole family, most species of which even breed their offspring far from the shore. Some species of colubrids, slates, and vipers lead a burrowing, underground lifestyle. Snakes have mastered deserts and steppes, forests and mountains, rivers and lakes. Woody image Some species of colubrids, pitheads, asps, and boas lead their lives. There is even a species of snake that can fly from one tree to another in a gliding flight - this is the decorated tree snake.

Snakes are enough unusual creatures, with an original appearance and unique, enchanting ways of movement. Their amazing behavioral features and the toxicity of many representatives have always attracted the attention of people. Snakes are the heroes of many myths and legends, often causing superstitious fear. To date, about 3,000 species of snakes have been discovered! Let's consider species of snakes famous for some peculiarities.

The common snake is the most common species of non-venomous snake in Eurasia. There is a distinctive mark on the head - a pair of light spots. The common one lives where it is humid, there are bodies of water, basks in the sun for a long time, and deftly climbs trees. He swims and dives well and can stay under water for a long time. When a person approaches, it tries to hide, hisses, but rarely bites. If picked up, it can stain the “invader” with belching and fluid from the cloaca, and then very skillfully pretends to be dead. It feeds on newts, frogs, and toads. The toad does not run away from the snake, but tries to scare it - it swells up, rises as high as possible, because a large toad is difficult to swallow, and the poison of its skin is harmful to the snake. But these tricks do not always save the toad.

The reticulated python is the longest snake, the length recorded by scientists is 12 meters. These pythons live in Asia. The reticulated python can climb a tree for prey and loves water. The mother python is very responsible - she protects and warms her clutch, raising the temperature own body, by tensing the muscles. These are generally peaceful creatures, but they are capable of hunting poultry and piglets. And here it is close relative– the tiger python, reaching 8 meters, often lives in Indian homes, helping to fight rodents.

Anaconda is the heaviest snake, its weight can reach two centners! This snake is very strong, because there are no large bones in its body, and such a decent weight falls mainly on muscles. The anaconda's nostrils are closed with special valves, thanks to which it can remain under water for a long time. It was once called a water boa. The anaconda gives birth to live young - it is ovoviviparous. Many Indian tribes value anaconda meat and skin.

Poisonous snakes

The common viper is the most common venomous snake in Russia and the most famous in Europe. It lives from forest-steppe to forest-tundra natural area, in the taiga zone. Vipers often live in pairs on an area of ​​2-4 hectares. However, dozens of individuals can gather for the winter, forming “snake centers.” Two factors contribute to this. Firstly, it is not so easy to find a reliable shelter, and secondly, together it is easier for them to keep warm. In particular harsh winters cold-blooded animals can die en masse, which almost never happens with vipers. Even a temporary cold snap will not take them by surprise - they will hide in their winter shelters located below the freezing zone. IN hibernation vipers can stay for six months, waking up in early spring. They bask in the sun's rays at dawn and dusk, which helps them digest food, but they avoid direct rays. Juvenile vipers feed on insects, while the diet of adults is dominated by rodents. The bite of a common viper is not fatal to humans; it never attacks first, but hisses and makes false attacks in order to scare away. The viper has tubular poisonous teeth; when at rest, they lie in the mouth parallel to the palate. The teeth are movable - the mouth opens and they become perpendicular to the palate. Since they are quite large, this snake strikes with them like a knife. The venom paralyzes the snake's prey and speeds up the digestion process.

Sand epha is the owner of one of the most valuable poisons; it is used to create not only serums, but also medicines. On the sand, as if especially for snake catchers, she leaves her “autograph” - separate lines with a hook at the end, located parallel to each other, but at an angle to the line of movement. Sand is a poor support for the snake’s body, which is why this “sideways move” was developed. The snake pulls up the back part of its body and throws it forward and to the side, leaning on its side and not touching the sand with the middle part of its body, pulls up the front part. The movement itself is asymmetrical, in order to make the load on the muscles equal, the snakes crawl forward first on one side or the other. Efa is small (a little more than half a meter), its threat pose is two moving half rings and a hiss. The attack can be so lightning fast that even experienced hunters cannot always cope with this snake.

The king cobra is one of the most famous snakes, it is also the largest of all poisonous ones - up to 5.5 meters. This cobra's diet includes snakes of other species. The threat pose is a raised front part of the body and an inflated hood. When biting, the cobra injects a significant amount of poison, which is potent. The quantity and quality of this poison can kill an elephant. However, she can regulate its secretion and, when biting a person, covers the ducts of the poisonous glands. Scientists suggest that the cobra saves its venom for real prey. A swift bite is impossible for a cobra - the teeth are short, in order to sink them deeper and inject poison, you have to repeatedly clench your jaws. Cobras make their nest on a mountain of leaves. The future offspring are often looked after by a couple; they immediately attack a potential enemy of their clutch.

Snakes can be found on 5 continents. They are only absent in Antarctica. The vast majority of them do not pose a threat to humans. And only 10% (about 350 species) pose a danger to human life and health. We invite you to take a closer look at the snake kingdom and find out which of its representatives can be kept at home.

Varieties of snakes

In nature, 3631 species of snakes are known to exist. They are all predators. However, not all of them threaten people’s lives and health. In this material we will look at some types of poisonous, non-venomous and sea snakes.

The most dangerous and poisonous

Poisonous snakes belong to 3 families:

  1. Vipers.
  2. Colubridae.
  3. Aspidae.

Vipers are found in Eurasia, Africa, North and South America. Representatives of this family have a rounded-triangular head and a blunt nasal end. The fangs from which the poison is released are located behind the upper jaw.

When biting, these reptiles open their mouths 180 degrees and expose their fangs, and then inflict swipe jaws. The color of vipers varies depending on living conditions.

The most famous and dangerous of this family are rattlers, common viper, efa, and viper.

Did you know? According to statistics, snakes inflict fatal bites on 30-40 thousand people every year on the planet. People die the most from this cause in Burma and Brazil. In America, about 8 thousand deaths are recorded per year; in Europe, 1 person dies from a snake bite every 3-5 years.

Among the colubrids, a person should be wary of only 2 species - the boomslang and the vine snake (gray arboreal). These reptiles live in Africa. Boomslang has a slender body 2 m long and a short head. Its color is green. The wine snake has a thin and elongated profile, a long tail, and a narrow head. The color of the scales is gray with brown.
The aspid family includes 2 subfamilies: cobras and sea snakes, 61 genera and 347 species. In appearance, they resemble grass snakes - they have a slender build, smooth scales, and scutes on the head. Body length varies from 0.4 to 5.5 m. Their body color can be different.

Large arboreal and terrestrial individuals are most often characterized by gray, sandy, brown, and green colors. For small ones - a contrasting combination of colorful colors: red, black, orange, yellow.

Adders live in Australia and Africa. The most dangerous of them are the reticulated brown snake, the Philippine cobra, and the Indian krait.

Did you know? Most dangerous snake On the planet, McCoy's taipan is considered to be a member of the aspid family. It can be found in Australia. With one bite, it is capable of releasing 44 mg of poison. This dose could kill 100 people.

Not dangerous to humans

There are many more snakes that are harmless to people than there are dangerous ones. The most famous of them are snakes - reptiles with a body length of up to a meter, gray with olive or brown with black. His back is dotted with dark spots, and there are light spots on his neck.
These reptiles live throughout Europe, western Africa and Asia. They usually settle closer to bodies of water. May be found in mountainous areas.

Another harmless reptile is the snake. You can meet him in the steppes, semi-deserts, forests, on the banks of rivers in Central Asia, in the Caucasus, Far East, in North America. It reaches a length of 2 m. There are 30 species of it.

It can show aggression towards humans, bite them (some species even for no reason), but it has no poison.

Despite its terrifying appearance, the common copperhead is harmless to people. It grows up to 70 cm in length. It has a powerful body, a flattened head and smooth scales. The upperparts are brownish with gray or gray with reddish. It has longitudinal dark spots.

Quite often the copperhead is mistaken for a viper. The habitat of this snake is Europe, Kazakhstan, Asia Minor, the Caucasus, Northern Iran, Russia.

A person should not be afraid of a collision with a brittle spindle. She inhabits European countries, Algeria, Asia Minor, Northern Iran, Caucasus. This is a small snake with a body up to half a meter long, brown or gray colors with bronze.


Sea snakes are classified into the subfamily of adders. There are 56 species of them on the planet. They have bodies 1.2–1.4 m long and weigh 0.9–1.3 kilograms. Their appearance may vary depending on living conditions.

Thus, there are individuals with small thin heads, which they need to search for food in narrow crevices. However, the structure of all sea snakes differs from land snakes.

They have a laterally flattened tail, fewer ventral scales, big size right lung, the oral mucosa is designed in a special way, which allows the reptile to consume oxygen dissolved in water. The colors of marine reptiles are usually bright with a pattern in the form of rings.

Sea snakes feed on fish, which are killed with a highly toxic poison. These reptiles rarely pose a danger to humans. They do not attack in water. Their teeth can hurt fishermen who pull them out of tangled nets. But such cases are rare.

The habitat of marine reptiles is the Indian and Pacific oceans, the Red Sea. They mainly inhabit the shores and can travel 50–60 km from the water.

The most dangerous snakes for humans are Dubois, Belcher, Enhydrina, and the yellow-lipped flat-tailed snake.

First aid for poisonous snake bites

Herpetologists unanimously claim that snakes never attack first. When they meet people, they try to run away. A reptile can bite when it feels unprotected, if it is disturbed or provoked, and it cannot retreat or take cover in time. The snake protects itself with its bite.

If the reptile does inflict a bite, then timely first aid, as well as quickly performed medical procedures, increase a person’s chances of surviving, recovering quickly and subsequently not having to fight with negative consequences from the action of poison.

If poison enters a person’s bloodstream, it is necessary to:

  1. Carefully remove the snake from the person's skin and take precautions to prevent it from biting anyone else.
  2. Carefully place the victim on the ground or mat. Explain to him that he needs to move less.
  3. Call an ambulance.
  4. Start sucking out the poison. If available, use suction or a bulb. If there are no such devices, suction by mouth. With your hands you need to make a fold in the area of ​​the bite and open the wounds. Grab the bitten area with your teeth and suck out the poison, spitting it out periodically.
  5. Immobilize the bitten limb. If present, remove jewelry from it. Secure with a splint or bandage, attaching it to the body or healthy limb.
  6. Disinfect wounds. You can use hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate solution, chlorhexidine, brilliant green. After disinfection, cover the wounds with a sterile bandage.
  7. Tie a tight bandage above the bitten area.
  8. Apply ice or cold to the bite area.
  9. Administer an antihistamine to the victim. Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, Pipolfen, Loratadine, Levocetirizine, Prednisol, Dexamethasone are suitable.
  10. While he's driving ambulance Give the bitten person warm liquid to drink.
  11. In case of loss of consciousness or respiratory arrest, perform indirect cardiac massage and artificial respiration.
  12. If you have anti-snake serum on hand, it should be injected as soon as the bitten person is in a lying position. If the snake belongs to the viper family, then Antigyurza serum is injected intramuscularly (500 IU, 1500–3000 IU depending on the degree of poisoning). The drug is administered in 3 stages, observing the reaction of the victim’s body. If bitten by a reptile from the slate family, the drug Anticobra is administered.

What types are suitable for keeping at home?

So, we looked at what types of snakes there are and which of them pose a danger to humans. In this section we will provide a list of those reptiles that can be kept as pet.

Exotic lovers in the house most often contain:

  1. . This is a small snake with a beautiful bright body color. Its advantages are that it is non-aggressive. Allows himself to be picked up and gets along well with his owner.
  2. . This pet will require a large terrarium. These pythons are slow. They are interesting to watch.
  3. Rainbow boa constrictor. This reptile reaches a maximum length of 2 m. Its body is painted in bright colors, and its scales shimmer beautifully in the sun. The character of these reptiles is usually complex.
  4. Imperial boa constrictor. This reptile reaches a maximum length of 2 m. It is beautiful in appearance. Non-aggressive towards humans.
  5. - small in size and agile, with a variegated body color.

All of the above species do not pose a danger to humans because they do not have poisonous glands. However, those who like to tickle the nerves manage to have dangerous snakes in the house.

Important! If you are planning to purchase a snake, especially a poisonous one, as a pet, you must understand that this comes with a huge responsibility.

The most popular among them are:

  1. . A massive reptile with a body length of up to 9 m. It is not poisonous, but is capable of suffocating a person with its body.
  2. Diamondback rattlesnake. It can be up to 2 m long. Its poison leads to the death of people.
  3. King Cobra- one of the most dangerous snakes on Earth. It can have a body up to 5 m in length. Its venom contains neurotoxins.
  4. Ordinary gherarka. A small snake with a body length of up to 1 m. When aggressive, it is capable of releasing poison, which, if prompt assistance is not provided, leads to the death of a person.
  5. Blue dubarus. A very handsome looking bastard. Its poison is very toxic, and if it enters the human body it is lethal.
  6. Black Mamba. Another representative of the snake kingdom, which is considered one of the most dangerous reptiles on the planet. Its distinctive feature is its black mouth, which it displays to intimidate. Its bite is painful and fatal.

The most striking species

In this section we have selected for you the names and short information about snakes that are found in post-Soviet countries.


In different parts of Russia you can meet merman and an ordinary snake, common copperhead, yellow-bellied snake. We have already written about these representatives in the subsection “Non-dangerous snakes”.

Rare and very beautiful species are the leopard snake, the pallas snake and the four-striped climbing snake. They are not poisonous. But the danger to humans is represented by common, steppe and Caucasian vipers, viper, common copperhead, stone and Ussuri vipers.


Most of the snakes living in Ukraine are harmless. These are the yellowtail, the eastern spindle, the Caspian snake, the leopard snake, the Aesculapian snake, the Palassov snake, the common snake and the water snake.

When staying on the territory of Ukraine, people should be wary poisonous bites steppe and common vipers, Nikolsky's viper. The latter is easy to recognize among her relatives, since her body is completely black, which gives her a particularly terrifying appearance.


But Belarusians are lucky. In the vicinity of their country there are only 3 species of snakes: the common snake, the common copperhead and the common viper. As you already know, only the latter species threatens humans. The copperhead is quite rare and is even listed in the local Red Book.


Kazakhstan has a more acceptable hot climate for reptiles. Therefore, there are many more species here. These are 2 types of boas, 10 types of snakes, 2 types of grass snakes, a copperhead and an arrow snake. The latter is so named because of its appearance- her body is very thin, pointed, with high speed movement.

Despite the fact that it still has poisonous glands, it is generally accepted that it is not dangerous due to its peaceful nature and lack of aggression towards people.

Four species pose a threat to human health and life: steppe and common vipers, Pallas's viper and viper.
Thus, there is a wide variety of snakes found throughout the world. The vast majority of them are not dangerous to people. However, there are also those whose bite can be fatal. When visiting areas where these reptiles live, safety precautions should be observed.

If a snake bites, the victim must receive first aid medical care and deliver to the first aid station as quickly as possible.

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The snow has long melted, the cold has finally receded, which means that connoisseurs of active outdoor recreation, summer residents and lovers village life begin to think about their own safety. The forest is not only a source fresh air, beautiful views, mushrooms and berries. Its shady massif serves as a home for a variety of creeping reptiles.

Snakes are cold-blooded reptiles. Their habitat is scattered across all continents, with the exception of Antarctica. The catalog containing the name of snakes contains about three thousand species. In the territory Russian Federation their numbers are limited. According to official data, only ninety species live on our territory. Among them there are individuals that pose a threat human life, as well as those who are completely harmless. Types of snakes and their names are of interest to many people who want to protect themselves and their loved ones.


This is perhaps the most well-known animal to Russians, falling into the category of “poisonous snakes”. This species has different names. They are often influenced by the reptile’s habitat. Common viper can be found in forests and forest-steppe zones. Favorite places to live are swamps, clearings, and areas near water bodies. It is most widespread in the European territory of the state, in Siberia, and the Far East.

It is small in size compared to others. Typically, it reaches a length of no more than seventy-five centimeters. But closer to the north there are individuals that grow up to one meter. The viper does not attack a person without reason. When meeting him, he usually tries to run away. Only in case of a threat does it take a defensive position: it hisses menacingly and makes warning throws. For this reason, you need to avoid sudden movements if you encounter a viper.


By nature they are completely harmless creatures. Very often they die at the hands of a person who has not studied the names of snakes, their descriptions and differences from each other. very similar to poisonous viper. People who confuse them with each other purposefully kill reptiles, wanting to protect themselves from being bitten. Snakes are widespread throughout the European part of the state, with the exception of the polar regions. Very common in the Far East, near Lake Baikal and Siberia. The name of snakes often influences the naming of the area in which they live. So, in Ukraine there is the city of Uzhgorod and the river Uzh, named after this animal.

They reach a length of ninety centimeters. They prefer to live near bodies of water, in which flowing water. Unlike Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians are in no hurry to kill snakes. Residents tame them. These harmless creatures are actually very easy to make contact with. And it won’t be difficult for a person to make friends with them. Cold-blooded snakes are naturally excellent mousecatchers. They can even be used on the farm.

Copperhead, or yellow snake

This reptile received its name due to its color. Contrary to popular belief, it is not poisonous snake. She lives throughout the state. IN Lately man began to destroy more and more natural places her habitat. This has led to the fact that the number of individuals of this species is rapidly declining. In addition, copperheads, like snakes, are destroyed by people themselves, mistaking them for poisonous snakes.

The length of the reptiles is relatively small, only seventy centimeters. Common habitats: forests in the Federation. Copperheads especially liked the edges of deciduous, coniferous or even mixed forests. The most favorite habitat is one that is well warmed by the sun's rays. It is extremely rare for copperheads to be found in open areas.


A direct relative of the viper. It belongs to its family, which means it is similarly poisonous. Compared to the viper, the viper is very large snake, with well-developed muscles. The length of the individual reaches one and a half meters. Lives in the southern territory of Siberia. The venom of the viper has many properties that allow doctors to appreciate and widely use it to create medicines. This snake itself is very brave. But despite this, she never attacks a person unless he himself provokes her. If the collision occurs unexpectedly, for example, a viper is stepped on, it immediately attacks the offender, like other snakes. Photos and names of other members of the family, for example the Armenian or big-nosed viper, can be found in any encyclopedia.


The name of the snakes in this category will be presented below. There are three types: Ussuri and stony. They are characterized by their habitat. The common copperhead lives over a fairly wide area from the mouth of the Volga River all the way to the banks Pacific Ocean. It reaches seventy centimeters in length, the color is dirty gray or brown with large dark spots located along the ridge. The head is covered with scutes, which is how the snakes got their name.

The animal's venom contains hemotoxins, which provoke heavy bleeding and widespread necrosis. In addition, it contains a certain percentage of neurotoxins that have a strong effect on nervous system human body, as well as causing paralysis. Fatalities after the bite of the copperhead was not officially recorded. However, this does not mean that you can safely provoke a snake when you meet. The bite is extremely painful, as are its consequences.

Tiger snake

The name of this species of snake comes from its characteristic color. Lives in the Far East. It has a bright green color with dark stripes across the body. In the front part of the body, the spaces between them are painted red. They reach a little more than a meter in length. They prefer to live in fairly damp places. They hunt frogs and fish.

Poisonous teeth tiger snake are located deep in the jaw, that is, they are created for prey that has already entered the mouth. If for any reason a snake manages to bite a person, he will suffer painful poisoning, very similar to the effects of viper venom. The bleeding is difficult to stop. After a bite, the victim should immediately consult a hematologist so that he can prescribe a course of special therapy.

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