Do snakes bite people? What to do if you have bitten a person? Distribution of the tiger snake

Meeting a snake is a pleasant event for few people. IN in rare cases reptiles, in defense, bite a person, however, not in all cases this poses a threat.

Most members of the snake family do not pose any danger, but there are some species with which you need to be extremely careful. Many people know that a snake bite will not cause harm, but whether this is true or not, the reader can find out by reading this article.

This type of snake is found everywhere, preferring to settle on river banks, marshy areas, forests and field plantings. It is a frequent visitor near villages and summer cottages, where it lives in little-used agricultural buildings or garbage heaps. It, like any other reptile, is attracted by the presence of food, so there are more snakes where small rodents, lizards, frogs and toads are found.

Snakes are diurnal animals; at night they mostly stay in shelters. Since they do not have poison and are quite weak, they are hunted by small mammals, for example, hedgehogs, cats, foxes, snakes and others. The size of reptiles depends on gender - females are slightly larger than males and can reach up to a meter in length.

The note. The longest snake seen in the forests of Russia reached almost three meters in size.

They reproduce in early summer, hiding the laid eggs in burrows. Animals love warmth; they can often be found basking in clearings, stumps, and various heaps.

IN sunny days The reptiles are quite active, hunt among herbaceous vegetation, avoid meeting people, and upon contact, as a rule, flee. Snakes are good swimmers and can spend long periods of time under water; for example, water snakes are good at fishing.

In spring and autumn they are less active due to cold air. In winter, several individuals gather, forming clubs, trying to find shelter under stumps and in hollows, but they can also be under floor niches, in basements, if these rooms are rarely visited by people.

Difference between vipers (black - Nikolsky, gray - steppe) from snakes (water and common)

The color of the common grass snake can vary from light gray to tarry, so it is not surprising to confuse it with a viper, which often happens during an unexpected encounter. But distinguishing the first from the second is quite simple.

It is enough to pay attention to distinctive characteristics, given below:

  1. The presence of yellow or orange spots on the back of the head, but this only applies to the common grass snake (see photo in the table below).
  2. Snakes, unlike venomous snakes, do not have a triangular head shape because they do not have venom glands. The head is oval, does not stand out much and blends smoothly into the body.
  3. All grass snakes have round eye pupils. Among the representatives of vipers they are cat-like - narrow and vertical.
  4. Color. Snakes are distinguished by a shiny tint, while vipers are matte (with the exception of Nikolsky’s black viper).

Table. Types of snakes in Eurasia:

Name and what it looks like Main differences Distribution area Danger to humans

There are two yellow or orange spots, color from gray to black Temperate latitudes of Eurasia. Found everywhere except in big cities. Can bite, not poisonous.

Unlike the above, representatives of this species do not have yellow “ears”, instead there is one black V-shaped spot. Usually snakes olive color with dark large dots arranged in a checkerboard pattern. Europe (south), Transcaucasia and middle Asia. Lives near bodies of water where it hunts. Can bite, not poisonous.

The front part of the body resembles the color of a tiger, the main part of the body is green with black stripes. Poisonousness depends on the food: if an animal eats a lot of toads that have toxin in their skin, then the snake is poisonous and can attack, otherwise it is less aggressive and tries to run away. Primorye, Khabarovsk region, Korea and Eastern China. There are toxins, but they are not lethal. If the bite is deep, the poison will enter the bloodstream, which will cause a reaction in the body similar to a viper bite.

Danger to humans

Of the three species presented in the table, the tiger snake can be dangerous; the rest, although they can bite, do not contain poison. All these snakes can live close to a person, but they themselves never attack first.

The most common individual is one that has two yellow spots or “ear”, as people most often say. This is the most widespread species, representatives of which are found in significant numbers in forests and coastal areas.

The animal avoids humans, and when they meet, they try to hide. If he fails to do this, then most likely he will take a defensive position - he will curl up in a half ring, hiss and throw himself.

In this case, you are more likely to get a bite. If his actions are not successful, the animal will begin to pretend to be dead, turning its belly up, opening its mouth wide, and will lie motionless for some time, and then again try to run away.

The snake is easy to catch. To do this, you can lightly press it down with a stick or grab it by the tail. As soon as he calms down and stops behaving aggressively, you can pick him up.

Note. The common one has an unpleasant, persistent odor. When caught, it releases even more foul-smelling substances, and it is also possible for the snake to defecate on a person. All these are natural defense mechanisms developed by nature. Without soap, it will be difficult to get rid of the smell, which must be taken into account if you want to play with the animal.

In the water, until it is picked up, it will not be able to bite, since there is no support for this, but if it ends up on the shore or is squeezed in the palm of your hand, then the animal, depending on its disposition, can cause trouble, which does not happen often. In all cases, the snake bites a person through his fault. If you do not touch the reptile, then it will not attack.

Peculiarities of tiger snake behavior

The pattern of behavior of representatives of this species is similar to its relatives, but with the difference that its aggressiveness will depend on its nutrition. Toxic substances poisonous frogs, which an individual feeds on, can accumulate in the glands, so the more such animals in the diet, the higher the degree of aggression.

When encountered, the tiger snake takes a defensive position, hisses, and a small hood is blown out in the chest part of the body, like a cobra. These snakes have small teeth, unlike vipers and other dangerous crawling reptiles, they do not have poisonous fangs.

When bitten, as a rule, the front teeth penetrate the skin, which does not cause significant harm, but if toxins from the back teeth enter the bloodstream, severe swelling, dizziness and nausea develop. Essentially, the symptoms will be the same as with a viper bite, however, fatal outcome unlikely. In this case, the victim should move less (preferably lie down), drink as much fluid as possible to reduce concentration harmful substances and their rapid removal from the body.

Important. The administration of an antidote in the form of serum is recommended only in exceptional cases, for example, with bites in small children, weak old people, or if a person develops a severe allergic reaction. For healthy person this will not be necessary because the medicine itself is a foreign protein, which can provoke an increase in the negative reaction.

If the clinic does not have anti-bite serum tiger snake, the patient will be prescribed symptomatic therapy:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • analgesics;
  • diuretics;
  • medications to eliminate the negative effects of poison on internal organs, which the doctor prescribes according to indications.

As a rule, negative manifestations do not last more than three days; the affected person recovers completely within 4-5 days.

Common grass snake bite

The yellow-eared snake is not poisonous or aggressive. To get a bite, you need to try hard, because when a person approaches, she makes herself visible (hissing, warning stance) and tries to hide.

An animal rarely bites, as a rule, if it is in pain, or the person’s behavior is extremely careless. Even if you are already caught and treated gently, a bite most likely will not occur. But if a reptile is treated roughly, it will begin to defend itself, which is natural.

If you do get bitten, then characteristic symptoms appear:

  • small marks remain on the skin;
  • blood will be released depending on the depth of the wound; if the snake makes a jerk or a sharp turn when biting, then the wounds may be deep and bleeding is possible;
  • slight redness of the skin around the penetration of the teeth;
  • Swelling and itching are possible, which is quite rare.

Usually there is no need to do anything, since the person is in nature, as a rule, in this case there is nothing at hand. You can apply a cloth to the skin, and once the bleeding stops, use celandine or plantain leaves.

If the victim has access to medicine or is at home, first aid instructions will be as follows:

  1. Rinse skin clean water. You can use soap, preferably baby or laundry soap.
  2. Dry the wound with a sanitary napkin and treat with hydrogen peroxide or rub with a swab soaked in a 70% solution of ethyl alcohol;
  3. If you have ice, applying it to the bite can reduce inflammation and pain. Instead of ice will do any frozen product wrapped in a clean cloth or plastic bag.
  4. After all procedures, lubricate the skin around the wound with a cotton swab dipped in iodine and apply a bactericidal patch.

As a rule, this is where the troubles end. Complications are possible when an infection occurs, which may be due to dirty skin or the penetration of microbes present on the snake’s teeth.

In this case, the following symptoms develop:

  • the skin around the wound becomes very red and warms up;
  • an inflammatory process develops, there may be suppuration or an unpleasant odor;
  • a temperature appears, which depends on the degree of the negative process;
  • Signs of dyspepsia and intoxication may appear.

If these symptoms occur, you should immediately go to the hospital to provide medical assistance to the victim.

How to Avoid a Bite

To avoid causing harm to a person, you just need to not touch him.

To do this, you should be careful when being in natural conditions:

  • do not walk barefoot on tall grass, especially along river banks or wetlands;
  • do not pick up branches and leaves with bare hands;
  • when picking mushrooms and berries, you need to use a stick to rake the forest floor;
  • do not create on garden plot garbage heaps of trimmed cultivated plants that lie for a long time without disposal;
  • fight frogs and rodents;
  • Do not provoke the discovered animal with a stick or other objects, trying to get a better look at it.

Important. Most the right way When meeting a snake, move a few meters away from it. A snake or another reptile never attacks first, but only for the purpose of its own protection.


In Eurasia you can find three types of snakes: common, water and tiger. The latter has toxic substances, and its bite in rare cases can be toxic, like a viper.

Snakes are usually very peaceful; in order to show aggression, they need to be provoked (inflicted pain or forced to defend themselves by improper behavior). Medical attention may be required if you are bitten by a tiger snake. In other cases, it is enough to disinfect the wound and apply an antiseptic plaster. If an infection occurs, it is recommended to go to the hospital.

A snake is a snake that belongs to the class of reptiles, the order Scaly, the suborder of snakes, the family Colubridae (lat. Colubridae).

The Russian name “uzh” may have come from the Old Slavonic “uzh” - “rope”. Moreover, the Proto-Slavic word supposedly comes from the Lithuanian angìs, which means “snake, snake.” According to etymological dictionaries, these words may be related to the Latin word angustus, which translates as “narrow, cramped.”

Types of snakes, photos and names

Below is short description several varieties of snakes.

  • Common already (Natrix natrix )

It has a length of up to 1.5 meters, but on average the size of the snake does not exceed 1 meter. The snake's habitat extends across Russia, North Africa, Asia and Europe, except northern regions. In southern Asia, the range boundary includes Palestine and Iran. Characteristic distinctive feature common snake- this is the presence of two bright, symmetrical spots on the back of the head, on the border with the neck. Spots with a black border are yellow, orange or off-white. Occasionally there are individuals with faint spots or no spots, that is, completely black common snakes. There are also albinos. The back of the snake is light gray, dark gray, sometimes almost black. There may be dark spots on the gray background. The abdomen is light and has a long dark stripe that stretches all the way to the snake's throat. Most often, the common grass snake is found along the shores of lakes, ponds, quiet rivers, in coastal shrubs and oak forests, in floodplain meadows, in old overgrown clearings, in beaver settlements, on old dams, under bridges and in other similar places. In addition, common snakes settle near human habitation. They make their home in the roots and hollows of trees, in haystacks, in burrows, in other secluded places, in gardens and vegetable gardens. They can settle in basements, cellars, barns, woodpiles, piles of stones or garbage. In poultry farms, snakes like moist and warm litter, and they get along well with poultry. They can even lay their eggs in abandoned nests. But snakes almost never settle near large domestic animals that can trample them.

  • Water snake (Natrix tessellata )

Much like his close relative an ordinary snake, but there are differences. It is more thermophilic and common in the southern regions of the habitat of the snake genus - from the southwest of France to Central Asia. Also, water snakes live in the south of the European part of Russia and Ukraine (especially at the mouths of rivers flowing into the Caspian and Black Sea), in Transcaucasia (very numerous on the islands of the Absheron Peninsula in Azerbaijan), in Kazakhstan, in the Central Asian Republics, up to India, Palestine and North Africa in the south and to China in the east. Outside of reservoirs, snakes are extremely rare. Water snakes live on the coasts of not only fresh water bodies, but also seas. They swim well, can cope with strong currents of mountain rivers, and stay under water for a long time. The water snake has a color of olive, olive-green, olive-gray or olive-brown with dark spots and stripes located almost in a checkerboard pattern. By the way, Natrix tessellata literally translates from Latin as “chess snake.” The snake's abdomen is yellowish-orange or reddish, covered with dark spots. There are also individuals that have no pattern or completely black water snakes. Unlike an ordinary snake, there are no “signal” yellow-orange spots on the head of the water snake, but often on the back of the head there is a dark spot in the shape of the Latin letter V. The length of the water snake is on average 1 meter, but the largest individuals reach 1.6 meters. With the onset of morning, water snakes crawl out of their shelters and settle under bushes or, literally, “hang out” on their crowns, and when the sun begins to get hot, they go into the water. They hunt in the morning and evening. During the day they bask in the sun on rocks, reeds, and in the nests of water birds. The water snake is non-aggressive and safe for humans. It is not able to bite at all, since instead of teeth it has plates to hold slippery prey. But because of its color, it is confused with a viper and is mercilessly destroyed.

  • Colchis, or big-headed already (Natrix megalocephala )

Lives in Russia in the south Krasnodar region, in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Abkhazia. Already lives in chestnut, hornbeam, beech forests, in thickets of cherry laurel, azalea, alder, where there are clearings and ponds, on tea plantations, near streams. Colchis snakes can be found high in the mountains. They are adapted to life in fast mountain streams. This snake differs from an ordinary snake in that it is wide, with a concave top surface head and the absence of light spots on the back of the head in adults. The body of the big-headed snake is massive, from 1 to 1.3 m in length. The upper body is black, the head is white below, the abdomen has a black and white pattern. In spring and autumn, the Colchis grass snake is active in daytime, and in summer - in the morning and at dusk. Snakes living in the mountains are active in the mornings and evenings. Colchis is no longer dangerous for humans. He escapes from his enemies by diving into the water, even despite the rapid current of the river. The number of large-headed snakes is small and in Lately decreases. This is due to uncontrolled trapping, a decrease in the population of amphibians due to the development of river valleys, and the destruction of grass snakes by raccoons. Conservation measures are necessary to preserve this species.

  • Viper snake (Natrix maura )

Distributed in Western and Southern Mediterranean countries, not found in Russia. Snakes live near ponds, lakes, calm rivers, and swamps. Snakes of this species got their name because of their color, similar to that of a viper: on the dark gray back there is a black-brown pattern in the form of a zigzag stripe, with large ocellated spots on the sides of it. True, some individuals have a color similar to water snakes, and there are also individuals with a solid gray or olive color. The snake's abdomen is yellowish, with reddish and black spots closer to the tail. The average length of the reptile is 55-60 cm, large individuals reach 1 meter. Females are larger and heavier than males.

  • Tiger snake (Rhabdophis tigrinus )

Lives in Russia in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, distributed in Japan, Korea, North-Eastern and Eastern China. Settles near water bodies, among moisture-loving vegetation. But it is also found in mixed forests, far from bodies of water, in treeless areas and on the seashore. The tiger snake is one of the most beautiful snakes in the world, the length of which can reach 1.1 meters. The back of the snake can be dark olive, dark green, blue, light brown, black. Juveniles are usually dark gray. The dorsal and lateral dark spots give the snake a striped appearance. Adult snakes have characteristic red-orange, red and brick-red spots between dark stripes on the front part of the body. The upper lip of the grass snake is yellow. The snake defends itself from predators by releasing a poisonous secretion from their special neck glands. The brindle snake is capable of, like, lifting and inflating its neck. When people are bitten by enlarged back teeth and poisonous saliva gets into the wound, symptoms are observed, similar to a viper bite.

Taken from:

  • Shiny tree snake (Dendrelaphis pictus)

Distributed in South-East Asia. It is found near human settlements, in fields and forests. It lives on trees and bushes. It is brown or bronze in color, with a light stripe bordered by black stripes on the sides. There is a black “mask” on the snake’s face. This Not poisonous snake with a long thin tail making up a third of her body.

  • Schneider's fish snake(Xenochrophis piscator )

It lives in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, some islands of Indonesia, western Malaysia, China, Vietnam, and Taiwan. Lives in small rivers and lakes, in ditches, in rice fields. The color of the snake is olive green or olive brown with light or dark spots forming a checkerboard pattern. The abdomen is light. Length 1.2 m. The head is slightly widened and has a cone-shaped shape. Non-venomous fishing snakes are aggressive and fast. They hunt mainly during the day, but often at night.

  • Eastern ground snake(Virginia valeriae )

Distributed in the eastern United States: from Iowa and Texas to New Jersey and Florida. It differs from other species in having smooth scales. A small snake, the length of which does not exceed 25 cm. The color of the snake is brown, tiny black spots may be observed on the back and sides, and the abdomen is light. Ground snakes lead a burrowing lifestyle, living in loose soil, under rotten logs and in leaf litter.

  • Green bush grass snake(Philothamnus semivariegatus )

A non-venomous snake that is found throughout most of Africa, excluding arid regions and the Sahara Desert. Green snakes live in dense vegetation: on trees, in bushes growing along rocks and river beds. The body of reptiles is long, with a thin tail and a slightly flattened head. The body of the snake is bright green with dark spots, the head is bluish. Scales with pronounced carinae. Active during the day. Not dangerous for humans. It feeds on lizards and tree frogs.

  • Japanese snake ( Hebius vibakari)

One of the species of snakes found in Russia, namely in Far East: in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories, as well as the Amur region. Distributed in Japan, Eastern China and Korea. Inhabits forests in these regions, thickets of bushes, meadows in the forest zone, abandoned gardens. The length of the snake is up to 50 cm. The color is uniform: dark brown, brown, chocolate, brown-red with a greenish tint. The abdomen is light, yellowish or greenish. Small snakes are light brown or more often black. The non-venomous Japanese grass snake leads a secretive lifestyle, hiding under the ground, stones and trees. It feeds mainly on earthworms.

The tiger snake, in terms of the structure of the skull and the location of the poisonous teeth, belongs to the posterior sulcatated snakes; it’s just that the large teeth are located in the depths of the oral cavity.

External signs of a tiger snake

The body structure is similar to an ordinary grass snake and reaches a length of 1 meter. In the back of the head, under the skin, 10-19 pairs of nucho-dorsal glands are visible, hidden under a small skin ridge.

The scales are covered with longitudinal ribs, which are clearly defined. Big eyes with a round pupil. The last two teeth in the upper jaw are large, curved backwards, separated from the remaining teeth by a small gap. The color of the tiger snake's skin is distinguished by its variegated shades.

This is one of the most beautiful reptiles from the collection of Russian herpetofauna. The upperparts are bright green, sometimes dark green or dark olive in color, grading to light brown or almost black tones. On the main background there are black stripes located across them, which are divided into lateral and dorsal spots. The edges of the scales located in front of the body are colored intensely red or orange-red. This feature of the skin is characteristic only of adult individuals. The sides of the head are decorated with 2 noticeable black spots. The first is on the temple, and the second is in the shape of a triangle, extending through the lower edge of the eye to the very upper jaw.

Distribution of the tiger snake

The tiger snake in Russia lives only in the Khabarovsk Territory and Primorye. It is found in Eastern China, on the islands of Japan, and lives in Korea.

Habitats of the tiger snake

The tiger snake sticks to wet habitats. Selects areas close to swamps, ponds, wet lowlands with thick grass cover. In the absence of water bodies, it inhabits deciduous and mixed forests, as well as wet meadows. In such areas this reptile species is quite numerous and widespread; On a permanent 3 km route, up to 44 individuals are caught.

Tiger snake nutrition

The basis of the tiger snake's diet consists of amphibians: toads and frogs, and sometimes fish.

Peculiarities of tiger snake behavior

Tiger snakes spend the winter in abandoned burrows of mouse-like rodents or in voids underground, forming aggregations of several hundred snakes.

They react to danger by raising their upper body vertically. This flat-necked defensive posture is similar to that of a cobra opening its hood.

In addition, tiger snakes make body throws towards the enemy, accompanying these body movements with a loud hiss. The caustic substance produced by the nucho-dorsal glands irritates the predator’s oral cavity, and it immediately abandons its prey. However, tiger snakes are not such harmless snakes and can inflict bites themselves, but the short teeth usually do not penetrate too deeply, the poison does not enter the blood. Posterior grooved snakes seem to chew the victim. But if the skin is scratched by long back teeth hidden deep in oral cavity, the poison enters the bloodstream and causes severe poisoning of the body.

Keeping a tiger snake in a terrarium

The conditions for breeding tiger snakes in captivity are the same, as are the features of breeding common snakes. The temperature in the terrarium is maintained within 28-30 degrees. Reptiles reproduce well in captivity, possibly without wintering, although experts recommend not disturbing the natural cycle of snakes. Mating usually occurs in February or March, but may occur later if wintering is prolonged.

After 48 days, the female lays 8-22 eggs; they differ in size 2.7-3.5 X 1.6-2.0 mm and weigh twenty grams. Embryos in eggs develop at a temperature of 27-30 degrees and ninety percent humidity. The incubation period is 34-38 days. Young snakes have a body length of 15-20 cm. A week after birth, the supper offspring molt. Young snakes grow quickly, and at the age of one and a half years they are able to give birth.

Poisonous properties of the tiger snake

Tiger snakes do not have real glands with poison, that is, developed from the upper jaw. A poisonous properties reptiles are determined by the Duvernois gland, which has evolved into salivary gland.

But, despite the obvious difference, the poisonous secretion has not lost its properties. Although the strength of the poison is less pronounced than that of other poisonous reptiles: copperheads, cobras, vipers. Therefore, the tiger snake is called a “conditionally poisonous” snake, meaning that its poisonous teeth are hidden deep inside the mouth.

Outdoor recreation is an opportunity to strengthen the immune system and recharge with bright emotions. But there is always a danger of encountering wild representatives fauna. It is worth knowing how to provide first aid for a snake bite and what consequences can be expected.

When can it bite?

The snake is a common species of snake living in the CIS countries, and does not belong to the poisonous group. At the same time, a reptile bite can cause serious problems with health. In some cases, a severe allergic reaction develops that is life-threatening. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly assist the victim. Snake bites can be especially dangerous for children, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems.

Already ordinary - non-poisonous species snake

As a rule, snakes do not behave aggressively. They can exist peacefully next to humans. A snake bites only when it feels danger to itself or its offspring. Often the cause of a bite is the inappropriate behavior of the person harassing the snake. If you touch a snake with a stick or try to anger it, it will defend itself.

IN summer period You can suffer from a snake bite in a body of water, where the reptile lives. The man does not look at his feet and steps on the grass snake. The snake triggers a defensive reaction. In this regard, bites are most often detected on the legs. In children preschool age bites can be observed on any part of the body. A child tries to pick up a snake and is injured as a result. In nature, it is necessary to supervise children with increased attention.

The tiger snake is a type of venomous snake. A reptile bite can be fatal. In Russia, such reptiles are rare. You can meet them in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories.

The bite of a tiger snake is fatal

Snakes become more aggressive during the mating season. This period lasts from April to May. Walking in the snake habitat at this time carries increased danger.

Many people confuse the snake with a viper, whose bites can lead to the development dangerous symptoms. Not excluded death. If you are bitten by a snake, you must take the victim to a medical facility as quickly as possible.

Video: how not to confuse a snake with a viper


Dangerous consequences develop if a person develops an allergic reaction to the saliva of a reptile. Most people compare a snake bite to an injury from a cat's claws. Teeth marks appear on the body - red dots. Slight hyperemia and edema may be observed in this area. The first few minutes after the bite, blood will ooze. The discharge can be quickly stopped. The difference between a poisonous snake bite is that a person additionally experiences a strong burning sensation at the site of injury. Pain appears within 10–15 minutes.

If a person develops an allergic reaction after being bitten by a grass snake, the swelling will be more pronounced. In addition, itching will appear at the site of the bite. To avoid complications, the patient must be treated as quickly as possible medical care. There is a high risk of developing angioedema.

I personally had to deal with a situation where, after being bitten by a snake, my brother’s leg became very swollen. The swelling subsided within 20 minutes after taking the antihistamine, even before the ambulance arrived.

At the site of the bite you can see puncture points from teeth

The bite of a tiger snake poses a great danger to health. These snakes have venom in their back teeth. There have even been recorded cases of death after a bite from such a reptile. The poison is especially dangerous for children and pregnant women. The patient exhibits signs of severe poisoning, such as:

  • severe itching in the bite area;
  • labored breathing;
  • muscle spasms;
  • limb spasms;
  • significant increase in body temperature;
  • general weakness and dizziness.

Symptoms will be more pronounced in weakened patients, as well as people prone to allergic reactions.

First aid for a snake bite

It is possible that the injury was caused by a viper or tiger snake. Therefore, the algorithm of actions should always be the same. First of all, you need to call ambulance or try to independently deliver the patient to a medical facility.

If you are not sure that the bite was caused by a snake, you should try to suck out the poison from the wound. This must be done in the first seconds of the incident. You need to press on the area around the wound with your fingers and begin to vigorously suck out the poison, spitting periodically. These actions should be performed for 10–15 minutes. Thanks to correctly provided first aid, it is possible to remove part of the poison.

Proper antiseptic treatment of the wound is important

To avoid infection, the wound must be carefully treated:

  1. Wash under running water and soap.
  2. Treat with an antiseptic. Hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine are suitable.
  3. If swelling is present, apply ice or another cold object.
  4. Treat the area around the wound with iodine.
  5. Allergy sufferers are advised to take an antihistamine (Tavegil, Diazolin, Suprastin).

Hydrogen peroxide will prevent the growth of bacteria in the wound

If a person is absolutely sure that he was bitten by an ordinary snake, it will be enough to carry out the correct antiseptic treatment of the wound. Even if the symptoms are not pronounced, in order to avoid unpleasant complications, you should consult a doctor. If a reptile has bitten a child or a pregnant woman, there can be no question of self-medication. It is necessary to get to a medical facility as quickly as possible.

Forecast and consequences

With proper first aid, the prognosis is favorable. But incorrect therapy can lead to serious consequences. When bitten by a tiger snake, death is possible. There is also a danger of wound infection. If the abscess is large, it may be necessary to amputate the affected limb.

If a few days after the bite the victim’s body temperature rises, the bite site becomes red and swollen, you should seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. There is a serious threat to life.

If a few days after the bite the wound begins to hurt and swelling appears, you should not hesitate to see a doctor.

How to protect yourself from a snake bite

Despite the fact that the bite of a common snake in most cases does not pose a serious threat to life, it is unpleasant to encounter a reptile. You can easily protect yourself from injury. He will never bite just like that. Even when meeting a person, the snake will prefer to crawl away as quickly as possible. Therefore, if you had to deal with a snake, you need to behave calmly and not make sudden movements.

You definitely shouldn't do this:

  • trying to pick up a snake;
  • catch it with a stick;
  • run after a reptile;
  • throw stones at the snake.

It will definitely bite if you step on it. Such snakes live near ponds in tall grass. Therefore, it is better to walk in such areas in high rubber boots.

Many people are interested in whether it is poisonous or not. If so, which species are dangerous and where are they found? And also first aid for a snake bite. There are several types of snakes, but in our area only the most common snake, the Common Snake, is mainly found. These snakes are buttery green in color with dark stripes, have round eyes and reach approximately 100-130 cm in length. They usually live near water and wetlands. Snakes eat insects small fish, frogs, rodents.

Common already

Eggs are laid in early summer, and the young emerge closer to autumn. People generally no longer attack people; this is done by vipers, which are very similar to them and therefore they are often confused. There were, of course, cases when he bit a person, but these bites are not dangerous even in mating season. Most often, for the purpose of self-defense, these reptiles emit a foul odor or pretend to be dead. Thus, it is clear that ordinary snakes are in no way dangerous to people and they are not poisonous. But there is still a species whose bite can take your life.

Tiger Snake

Yes, it is Tiger Snakes that are poisonous. If their saliva enters the human blood, poisoning will occur, the symptoms of which are similar to those of a viper bite. This snake also reaches about a meter in length, its physique is similar to ordinary snakes. The only thing that distinguishes it is that under the skin of its back, behind its head, it has about 19 pairs of nuchodorsal glands; they are visible from the outside as small ridges on the skin. There are two teeth in the mouth, which are greatly enlarged, bent back and separated from the rest of the teeth by a gap.

Tiger snake

They are the ones who bite through the prey. The Tiger Snake lives in Korea, Eastern China and the islands of Japan. But several years ago he was noticed in Russia, in Yaroslavl region. Then this news caused a lot of panic among local residents. They were afraid to go out into nature, walk in forests and parks, because in our country there is not even an antidote for this snake. There were also deaths. Scientists biologists said that this species crossed with ordinary snakes and therefore multiplied greatly. But it seems that in 2017 nothing was heard about Tiger Already. Most likely it became extinct in our climate, so there is nothing more to be afraid of.

First aid for a bite

If, nevertheless, someone is unlucky and he meets a Tiger Snake on his way, which bites him, then he needs to immediately call a doctor, and until he arrives:

  • Take a horizontal position and try not to move;
  • Let someone take care of sucking the poison out of the wound. This can be done using a rubber bulb, syringe, pipette. But if they are not at hand, then you can do it by mouth, if there is no damage to the mucous membrane;
  • Treat the wound with alcohol;
  • Bandage it tightly;
  • To drink a lot of water.

But even despite whether a person has been bitten by a poisonous person or not, it is still better to immediately contact a specialist to be absolutely sure that there will be no consequences.

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