Alexander Dobrovinsky personal life. Lawyer Dobrovinsky biography. Beginning of legal practice

“Girls, now you too will be stunned by my new hairstyle!” - this is how Alexander Dobrovinsky greets his employees at the reception in the chic office of his law firm. We look at each other with the secretary and freeze in anticipation, but then he takes off his hat, and we smile - no special changes, just a neat haircut. Everyone would like a sense of humor like Dobrovinsky. His office can easily be confused with a museum: at the entrance to the building in the Last Lane, in the center of Moscow, you are greeted by four-meter tall Atlanteans propping up a canopy - by the way, the author is the architect Andrei Nalich, the father of the same singer Pyotr Nalich who blew up the Internet in 2007 song Guitar. The walls of the hall are decorated with art objects, including “Student” by Alexander Deineka, and a portrait of a naked Carla Bruni, and more than two hundred pens donated to the lawyer. Alexander Dobrovinsky invites me into his office, asking the secretary to bring a cup of tea, and takes his workplace at the desk.

“Shocked by the divorce!”

Was the news about Vladimir Putin's divorce expected? This is a common thing for public people abroad, but here it is the first precedent!

I'm completely shocked! This is confirmation that Vladimir and Lyudmila Putin are normal people. And that's great! It’s not great, of course, that they are getting divorced, it’s great that they openly announced it. On our throne, for the most part, there were some kind of mannequins who did not allow themselves to show feelings. Vladimir Vladimirovich and Lyudmila Aleksandrovna are the same people as all of us - neither the end of a relationship nor love is alien to them.

From your professional point of view, if this is a “civilized divorce,” as Lyudmila Putina called it, will the application be followed by a division of property?

I suspect that there is an agreement between them - whether it is expressed in the marriage contract or it is done without papers, but, apparently, everything has already been decided. For example, I leave the Spassky Gate for you, and take the Borovitsky Gate for myself... But there is no divorce stamp in my passport yet! If they have no complaints against each other, and the children are already adults, then they will not go to court, but they will have to visit the registry office.

Do you think a new marriage is possible for the president? Dmitry Peskov said that Vladimir Vladimirovich has long devoted himself to the country!

We have no reason not to believe Dmitry Sergeevich - he is a serious person, but no one prohibited marriages without registration.

In general, where do you get such awareness? For example, you were the first in Russia to confirm the death of Berezovsky and stated that he committed suicide. Were you friends?

No, he and I were not friends. In general, I thought Boris was a little crazy. Having information is power, so about twenty people in Russia and about the same number in the West work with me on a regular basis - they quickly report news in areas that may interest me. For information such as the death of Berezovsky, you have to pay dearly!

A few years ago, your name was associated with any show business showdown, but now you are less involved in this whirlpool. Have you earned a name and that's enough?

I am not interested in where a person is from, I am only interested in himself! I have the opportunity to work with people from show business. Many business relationship grew into a strong friendship, like with Philip Kirkorov. But ordinary people among my clients there are about fifty percent, like any star lawyer. And the only person I know is the photographer Zhenya Guseva, whom I defended in the case against Valery Meladze. Our conversation is interrupted by a phone call. Alexander Andreevich puts him on speakerphone: “Darling, hello. For the first time in 35 years, I didn’t congratulate you first due to the fact that I sent a nice bouquet with a note, in it everything I think about you.” A pleasant female voice is heard from the receiver: “At your feet, beautiful Elena, you have to throw chinchillas and diamonds, but I throw pathetic flowers. A cat who loves you forever”... Thank you, dear, what “pathetic flowers” ​​these are, a gorgeous basket! Thank you! Adore". Dobrovinsky laughs: “I have a tattoo with your birthday date on one of my interesting place, well, you know! Kisses!” – This is the ex-wife, we saved great relationship. My current wife is not jealous at all. Marina and I have been together for more than twenty years; our two daughters are growing up. Both are far from us - they study abroad. The youngest at school in Germany wants to become a prosecutor, and the eldest at the Faculty of Law will be a lawyer. I am constantly in touch with them - text messages, calls, they even consult me ​​about clothes and boys. Let's get back to our questions...

Okay... Would you like to protect one of the world celebrities - to share the property of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher or the children of Madonna and Guy Ritchie?

You have hit the mark! This month I’m flying to Monaco to meet a super-duperstar - this woman is number one in France. Her child was taken away from her, we’ll come to an agreement - we’ll return it together. I’m sure this scandal will be in all the world’s media! So we continue to blur the boundaries: the office in London is operating successfully, and we will soon open in St. Petersburg and Monte Carlo.

“If you know how to laugh at yourself, there’s nothing scary”

Besides writing humorous sketches about trials, family and everything that happens, what other hobbies do you have - golf, collecting?

Ha, I still can’t understand: I’m a lawyer whose hobby is collecting, or a collector whose hobby is advocacy. I have about twenty collections - paintings, graphics, a collection of erotica (why not remember at your leisure how I went through the pre-conservative period of the development of our civilization), Soviet jewelry (a cameo with Trotsky or cufflinks with Lenin), posters, furniture, a collection of pens, cigarette cases , books, rare cars, propaganda (revolutionary icon). Everything dates back to the 20th century. Of particular value to me are memorabilia - things famous people, in my collection there is a pocket watch of King Edward VIII of England, things of Joseph Stalin and Nadezhda Krupskaya. The greatest pride is the medals of the legendary hockey player Anatoly Tarasov and his badge of an honored coach. The title was taken away from him, but he did not give up the badge. They were given to me by his daughter, the charming figure skating coach Tatyana Tarasova. My wife also became infected with my hobby - she retrained from a dentist to become an art historian and has been teaching the most fashionable courses in the capital for five years. She also organizes amazing trips abroad, but not tourist routes, but finds something exceptional.

Being a gallant gentleman and a socialite, Alexander was always courteous to the fair sex - and never went beyond the bounds of decency. Even gossip about his affair with TV presenter Yulia Baranovskaya (former common-law wife football player Arshavin) gradually subsided: the couple really had a lot in common - but not adultery, but a bill. Secular chroniclers had already decided that such an exemplary family man It’s not worth following, but here the star master of divorces unexpectedly got himself into trouble.

Dobrovinsky often appears surrounded by fans, and there is nothing strange about this: in addition to his other advantages so beloved by women - such as wealth and a big name - he recently made his film debut. And not just anywhere, but by Stanislav Govorukhin - in the stylish black-and-white film “Weekend,” which quickly became fashionable. There are more than enough spectacular young ladies among his clients (Little Red Riding Hood Yana Poplavskaya, former sausage queen singer Angelica Agurbash, Mata Hari of the 21st century Goga Ashkenazi, Ekaterina Liepa, Lada Dance and many others - beautiful, rich and famous). Therefore, the appearance of Alexander with new passion At first, no one was alarmed - society columnists decided that this was just another client.

However, the couple became more frequent: starting in March, they appeared here and there, absorbed in each other and not paying attention to anyone. And this is the courteous gentleman that Dobrovinsky has proven himself to be! The ladies of secular Moscow were offended - and rumors spread throughout the Mother See.

MK photojournalist Natalia Gubernatorova was the first to react. An interesting blonde, she entered a lawyer's office disguised as a client, hiding equipment in a folder with papers. While waiting for the owner of the establishment, I tried to ask the office staff, but they remained professionally silent.

But then, thanks to her journalistic luck, that same stranger emerged straight from the master’s office - and in an embrace with him.

Then it turned out that the couple was not particularly encrypted (or so relaxed). The brunette clung to Alexander, and he enthusiastically showed her new additions to his famous collection of paintings (opening day at Dobrovinsky right in the office) and told the lady about his new grandiose undertaking - a historical epic from the life of Grigory Alexandrov and Lyubov Orlova (in their house Sasha visited as a child and described it in his book “Dobrovinskaya Gallery”). However new project promises to become not a book, but a museum exhibit - such rare facts and photographs are collected there. A creative group of historians, art historians and artists also met here, discussing requests to the British Museum and other most significant museums world, where there may be exhibits related to Alexandrov’s life at different stages of his creative path- and even these people already knew the unknown brunette!

Where did she come from in the life and in the office of Alexander Dobrovinsky?

Are you an artist? - Natalia threw out her fishing rod.

No, I’m a writer,” the stranger readily responded.

This is my Zhanna! - Dobrovinsky corrected his friend.

Then it turned out that next to the master all this time was Zhanna Golubitskaya, the author of 7 books for women (“A Man as an Object”, “One Woman in big city", "Reports from high heels", etc.) And, at the same time, it became clear how she managed to get closer to Alexander: she was looking for materials for her new book about the behavior of men during the division of property. At first, for the purity of the experiment, she also wanted to pretend to be a client, but, Having read “The Dobrovinskaya Gallery”, I realized that Dobrovinsky would understand it, like a writer’s writer without any tricks. And so it happened.

It was in March,” Zhanna Golubitskaya clarifies. - And now I’m really getting a divorce. I fell in love with Alexander! - and the writer looked at the lawyer with inexpressible tenderness.

But he's married! - the MK photo correspondent couldn’t stand it; who else but she is aware of the matrimonial arrangements of secular Moscow.

So what! - Zhanna responded easily. - You understand, when I’m next to you a real man, everything else becomes unimportant! I call Alexander my Messir. Do you know why? An incredible power emanates from him - but not ordinary, as with formal power - but something downright unearthly! I have always dreamed of meeting a man who is truly influential, powerful, strong, generous and that his main erogenous zone there was a brain. From whom, like Bulgakov, you don’t need to ask for anything - he will offer it, he will give it. My Messire can do anything - I feel it! He is extraordinary: he should live in the era of picaresque novels - in in the best sense this word! In times of enchanting adventures, court passions, duels of honor and love that flares up from an ankle accidentally seen at a ball beautiful lady! And my Messire is also kind: in divorces, he always takes the side of the unhappy spouse. He is very subtle - he immediately senses who is having the hardest time breaking up. It’s usually harder for women, so he often protects his wives. Well, then, my Messire conducts seminars on love and is an experienced nudist, so he knows how to make a woman happy in all forms - both mentally and physically. What else does a woman need for complete happiness?

“I don’t know,” Zhanna answers. - When Messir is next to you, this answer is quite normal. If your lover is an expert in love and divorce, you don’t have to think about anything at all. I only know that I met the Man of my dreams, who led me into a fairy tale. As a child, I thought that my prince should live on Arbat (because I myself was born there, but moved long ago, and now I want to go back) and drive a Rolls-Royce. Imagine, it came true! My Messir lives on Arbat and has a hammam right in his apartment, which I adore. Such fateful coincidences! Yes, now I will get divorced for the rest of my life, just to be close to Messire.

Alexander, what do you say? - I couldn’t believe the press photographer’s ears.

But the mysterious and unpredictable Messire pretended that he did not hear the question. But everyone saw how that very piece of the devil - which is so often mentioned in his connection - flashed in his eyes.

Based on press release materials

Photo by Jan Coomans

Our first heroine -

curator and art expert Marina Dobrovinskaya.

The wife of the famous lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky, Marina chose a career in the art world over the image of a society lady. She realized in time that it was in the world of art that she could feel truly happy. And that means successful. Our meeting took place in the apartment of Marina and Alexander, where we were able to see their famous collection in person.

Marina, Lately I've heard a lot about your art tours. Tell me, are they part of the educational program of the Phillips auction house or are these your own ideas?

These are all my ideas. Educational program- also my idea, which I simply proposed to the auction house. It seems to me that they were very happy and are still happy that such courses exist in Moscow. The idea of ​​trips is not new, they are already 7 years old, the same age as my program. I call it educational; people who are already quite educated in this regard come to us. And we started traveling from the first year. This is an integral part of the program, since hearing one theory is not enough. You always want to see everything with your own eyes. Agree, it’s nice, after listening to a series of lectures, to go to this city, country and see for yourself the masterpieces that you were told about.

So these trips are directly related to the courses? Is it pointless to travel without preparation?

This happens to us, anything is possible. But I always try to warn people who haven't taken the course that they will be faced with something they're not quite used to. For example, contemporary art, which, I am convinced, you need to prepare to get acquainted with.

And if a person is savvy, familiar with the era and authors about whom he was told, will he be interested? Why is it worth going specifically as part of your project, and not visiting the chosen city and museum on your own?

Of course, we also go to museums, but not to permanent exhibitions - you can really see it for yourself. The trips that I organize are aimed at places that you just can’t get to. They include meeting artists and their studios, trips to museum storerooms, some special exhibitions and galleries where you can communicate with people of art. If we go to a museum, then the curator or the director himself meets us there. We have a personal approach.

How do you develop a program for the year - do you know in advance which cities you will visit as part of the courses and taking into account exhibitions?

Everything turns out differently. I organize all the trips myself, there are only four of them a year, maximum five. Some things take me three months to prepare, but there are others that take a year to prepare. We have two parallel courses in our courses: classical applied art, that is, old masters, and the history of contemporary contemporary art. In any case, the trip “covers” those places and artists that a person has already heard about. It's always interesting.

I would like to hear about the organization of your courses: how many times a week they take place or whether it is difficult to fit them into your schedule. And what period is discussed in lectures on contemporary art?

The courses are designed for academic year from the beginning of October to the end of May. I try to make them convenient for people with children. After rest, September - difficult month: you need to make a schedule, get organized and solve some everyday problems. It is better to start studying in October. During school holidays we also take a break: this is a week during the November holidays, two weeks during New Year and then rest for May. The cycle is convenient for everyone. A total of 30 lectures per academic year on classical history and 30 on modern history. Lectures are held 2 times a week: Tuesday - classics, Wednesday - modern and contemporary art. We begin the cycle on classical art from antiquity to the mid-19th century, modern and contemporary art - from the mid-19th century to today, including the art of video art and performance, that is, what is especially relevant today. Everything is taken into account. The lecturers we give change every 5 classes so that you can hear new topics and opinions, because each specialist has his own “strong point”. It is important to hear completely different people. Listening to one, even a wonderful one, is wrong. The classical part is structured a little differently: there is my favorite lecturer who teaches 15 classes at once, and then there are thematic lectures in blocks of 5 classes.

And has this been in demand for all 7 years?

We started with a narrow circle, which initially included my friends and acquaintances. And still 90% are women, but now men are also interested, gradually we no longer fit into the small gallery where we started classes. So we moved to the lecture hall at TSUM. Then it became crowded there too, and now we are based in Ostozhenka in a hall with 130 seats in the Olga Sviblova Museum of Photography.

So this is already a serious school?

Yes, although I didn’t expect it myself. Despite the fact that I understood how necessary and interesting it was. Seven years ago, when I started doing courses, there was nothing like this in Moscow. There were some courses at the Pushkin Museum and at the Tretyakov Gallery. But not about modern art, only classics, and there was a lot of censorship. I do everything very Western, I don’t have any censorship. Artists and art critics can speak any words and express any opinions, and I welcome this.

How did all this begin, how did this project of yours suddenly come to life?

It started with the fact that I left my profession - by first education I am a dentist. After working in dentistry for 18 years, I left because youngest child I was sick a lot. Since my husband and I are passionate about art and collecting, I decided to find some courses myself and do something. I found a program at the Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts - it was pure classics, the courses lasted two years, and I went there 4 times a week. In the end, I wrote my thesis and received a diploma.

What topic?

I collect Soviet glass, I have a favorite artist - Vladimir Muratov from Gus-Khrustalny, he, unfortunately, has already died, but I knew him and bought several works from him. I believe that he is an absolutely brilliant artist with a very refined taste, and it was about him that my thesis was about. Then I realized that courses should exist, but they should be different, not so boring, and I made my own program. At that time, I was very friendly with the Sotheby’s auction house; they were building an office in Moscow and offered me to take a position with them.

Were you friends as a collector?

Yes, my husband and I are their clients. I didn’t like their proposal then; I don’t see myself sitting in an office and writing reports. In response, I suggested organizing courses in Moscow. They have courses in London, but they're a little different target audience- for future employees, they cultivate professionals there. And I offered to give lectures for amateurs and clients. But the decision was never made. It was then that I met Simon de Pury, at that time the owner of Phillips de Pury, a company that deals only with contemporary art. Simon was wildly delighted with my idea and immediately decided that such courses should be organized in Moscow. A week later, he sent me a financial director from New York, who signed an agreement with me. And since then I've been with Phillips.

If we are talking about a full-scale educational course, then the choice of cities for travel is very large. How did you create a shortlist of places you visit often?

There is no such list; any city can entice you with its culture. We even went to St. Petersburg. It is interesting, of course, to travel around Europe. Since I do everything myself, organizing a trip to some new town takes up to a year. For example, New York is coming soon, and I have been preparing this trip for a long time. This is not easy, because I always go for very few days: to Europe - 3 and a half days, to New York - 5 days. Why? First of all, there is a lot of material to watch. Everything should be at the right time and not for too long, so that the person does not get tired or bored. Every 5 minutes - thought out and organized. In three and a half days we watch a lot, plus lunches and dinners, sometimes trips to the opera or theater. The program is very rich. After these three days, it seems that you have been on the trip for two months, but, of course, it is difficult to leave for so long - we all have little time, we all have families. In addition, if a person sees and hears too much, it is difficult to remember the information and it is easy to become confused. Everything must be proportional. I tried a lot before coming to this format, and now it seems ideal to me.

I understand this very well from my previous work. We need to make sure that everyone is happy, so that people have the opportunity to rest and exhale, change clothes before dinner. I understand the work that goes into this.

Yes, it's not that simple. But I really like it, I get great pleasure myself and never repeat anything. Although I have a favorite city - Brussels, to which we will go for the fourth time, it is a real treasure trove of art, culture, incredible tasty food, and each time the trip can be completely new.

Tell us about your Brussels! I also love this city, but usually, after being there for one day, I go somewhere to Ghent or Bruges. And suddenly you tell me that you will be there for the fourth time...

Firstly, we always go there at the end of January to attend the BRAFA antique fair. I think this is one of the best art fairs in Europe. The prices are good and the items are of high quality, there are excellent galleries participating - many from Paris, and in Paris they have completely different prices. We usually come to the fair on the first day, for the vernissage, after which there is dinner, which the queen sometimes attends. The Collectors Society is very interesting! Then - Ghent, my favorite city, I never miss it. The drive is only about 40 minutes, and you should definitely see the Ghent Altarpiece of the van Eyck brothers. I consider it one of the wonders of the world in art, you can look at it endlessly. Ghent also has a wonderful museum of modern art with an amazing director, who met us himself last time and told us everything. He showed me the exhibition and even took me to the storage room and took out the hidden Kabakov.

Ghent Altarpiece of the Van Eyck Brothers

By the way, I was always interested to know: is it possible to purchase something from museum storerooms?

No, museums do not sell anything, they only buy for their collection. If you need to sell something, then through an auction, but rarely. They keep everything in storage and gradually change the exhibition; they can get some things for exhibitions, or lend them to other countries and cities.

Ghent also has a wonderful design museum. Sometimes we go to Antwerp - to the Museum of Modern Art and the Fashion Museum, where there are always excellent exhibitions. This time we will definitely go to the outskirts of Antwerp to the studio of Wim Delvoye, a contemporary artist, the most famous work which - tattoos on the backs of pigs. His things were recently exhibited at our Pushkin Museum, interspersed with the main collection, and his Gothic sculptures looked great.

Works by Wim Delvoye

In Brussels there is Villa Ampan - an unrealistically beautiful building in the Art Deco style, built by Count Ampan. After his death, the villa was sold, and whoever lived there even had a Soviet embassy. As a result, it was bought by the Boghossian family - jewelers from Geneva from the Bogart company. They restored the villa very beautifully and created an exhibition space: 3-4 exhibitions a year, each better than the other. Impossible to miss.

Villa Empain

Also, everyone knows about the Rene Magritte Museum, but few people know that there is also his house-museum in Brussels. This artist was very modest, he lived with his wife on the outskirts of the city, his apartment and studio were preserved in the original! What else? Museum Island in the center of Brussels - Royal Museum with an amazing collection, music museum. Everything is nearby. We also visited the studio of the sculptor Isabelle Tilges, she is French, but has lived in Belgium for a long time. Creates very exquisite sculptures. Then we were in the studio of the artist Isabelle de Beaugrave, she makes costumes, dishes, and furniture from paper. You can purchase artists’ works in the studio, or they will give you the address of the gallery where you can do this.

Works by Isabelle de Borchrave

Approximate cost of her work?

From 2-3 thousand euros, some things - up to 20 thousand... We also had dinner at the home of Gerald Wattlet, a famous decorator. He is also a television cook, he has his own show. I met Gerald at the Belgian embassy in Moscow, told about the project, about the trip to Brussels, and he invited us to his home for dinner and said: “I’ll cook for you.” I clarified that there are 17 of us in the group! He didn’t even raise an eyebrow: “No problem, I’ll cook for 17 people.” He has an amazing apartment, eclectic and beautiful, and great dinner. I will remember the chicken fricassee for a long time!

We also visited the comics museum; Brussels cannot be imagined without it. And next year we will definitely go to the arsenal building, where the Belgian bag factory Delvaux is located, which has existed since 1869. This is my favorite brand royal family. The workmanship is not inferior Hermes bags- beautiful work, exquisite models. The factory employs 200 people, each 40-50 years old. Plus - a museum of bags. They usually don’t like to let visitors in there, but they will make an exception for us. Also on the program is an old brewery, which was bought by a collector who, among other things, deals with interiors. He created an interior showroom and included his incomparable collection there. He collects everything: from antique statues and Chinese vases to Anish Kapoor; the collection contains some masterpieces.

Marina, many people are interested in you as a media person; they know you not just as a wife famous husband, namely as Marina Dobrovinskaya. What is your attitude towards this?

I take this very calmly. And I don’t at all strive to get into the gossip column. What I do is more important to me, and not what they say about me as a person.

Looking at you, you understand that you have achieved something high level self-awareness, culture and attitude to life. Therefore, it is very interesting, what does quality of life mean to you? Let's say a 5 star hotel? Is it primarily service or decor?

This is absolute convenience. For me, luxury is the right mattress, the right wardrobe, the right bath with the right shower. For my taste, W hotels with open showers without partitions are inconvenient - beautiful, but inconvenient. In Brussels I love the former Conrad, now it is Steigenberger, in Paris I love Le Meurice, Hotel Georges V. For me it is important where the hotel is located so that it can be conveniently reached from there. If I'm traveling with a group, I see if the bus can park next to the hotel - narrow streets are not suitable, because then our ladies in stiletto heels will walk on the cobblestones.

Prince de Galles opened relatively recently, door to door to Georges V. Both hotels are luxurious, but in different ways.

I haven't been there, I need to see how modern and comfortable it is. Not long ago we were in Israel, one day in Jerusalem at the Mamilla Hotel. It is very beautiful, with a chic restaurant on the roof and in the garden, but the rooms are terribly uncomfortable, open showers without partitions...

Do you have your own chef?

There is an assistant who cooks when I'm not there. But I cook for my daughters and husband myself. But I don’t like it for myself.

What are your food preferences? My one daughter eats meat, the other doesn’t, my husband loves to eat, I’m always looking for new diets...

When traveling with a group, we simply go to good restaurants so that it suits everyone. I myself haven’t eaten meat for 3 years, but I do eat fish, and going to a restaurant is not a problem for me, I will always find something I like. But I never mix, say, protein with the wrong carbohydrate, I don’t eat fish with rice or potatoes. And I try not to eat flour, I just don’t like sweets. I prefer salty. Pizza tastes better than sweets to me.

How do you feel about macrobiotics (a nutritional doctrine based on Taoism, which suggests that foods contain yin and yang energy, the balance of which should be adhered to - approx.)?

You need to donate blood and understand your individual characteristics. It is not suitable for some people, and, on the contrary, they need to eat a lot of proteins. Regular milk can be replaced with milk made from almonds, buckwheat, soy...

But soy milk tastes like soy.

Yes, the real taste will be missing. But I have a great attitude towards soy. My friend Ira Azarova opened the Fresh restaurant, and this cuisine really suits everyone. There is milk and goat cheese, so the restaurant is still not vegan, but it is vegetarian. Huge selection, everything fresh. I love yogurts, I make them myself in a yogurt maker. I buy Russian goat milk, I take 1 goat yogurt as a starter and cook it.

In general, everyone laughs that sanctions contribute to the development of the philosophy of eating local products.

You know, this would be possible if we lived in Azerbaijan, where everything grows. This is unrealistic for us. Tomatoes do not grow, and cucumbers only in summer. And in winter we need cucumbers and salad. Don't eat only potatoes and apples. Apples, by the way, don’t always grow.

What are you interested in, what, for example, do you read?

I love art magazines - I bring many of them from my trips. I really like Beaux Arts. And travel magazines. In Russia I read Conde Nast Traveler, Geo, the German collection of Merian magazines... Now, by the way, I am working on my guidebooks, I think they will be ready next year.

How did the idea for their creation come about?

Thanks to travel, as I was always looking for unusual, semi-private places. I didn’t come across anything similar, so I decided to make an art navigator myself: it will include galleries, hotels, and restaurants. So that a person can open a book and find out where, for example, to go in London in order to connect his entire trip with art: museums, hotels, bookstores... If you come with children, I will tell you about thematic master classes for them.

When can we expect these guides to be released?

In February-March 2015 there will most likely be Paris and Brussels. They are written by journalists or art journalists, each about their own city. I make guidebooks only in Russian and initially only for Russia. There will be only 500 of them - limited edition. Not much, but there are reasons for that. They will also contain secret addresses that can only be reached with this guide as a key!

If we take New York, for example, what kind of places will they be?

Most likely, the Tiffany & Co. studio. Or the storeroom of some museum. Something unusual that you can’t get into on your own. In Paris it will be the Cartier Museum and their atelier. I won’t reveal all the secrets just yet. The guide will be without photographs, but with drawings by the artist; he specially creates a series of illustrations for the city. So sign up for the waiting-list. It will cost about 10,000 rubles, a lot has already been reserved, but you can still buy it.

Marina, if we return to you personally, you are considered very elegant woman, did you specifically work on the image?

It so happened that from the age of 13 I lived in Germany, then 8 years in Italy, then in France. Living in Italy, especially in Milan, you cannot help but find something Italian. It seems to me that everything happened to me by itself. The taste was instilled in me by the countries where I lived.

Which style is closer to you?

Italian. It is there, it seems to me, that style is truly visible, it is in everything and everywhere. There is no ugliness anywhere, at least I don't see it.

But in Russia?

In Russia I pay attention to other things. As for my family, yes, in terms of taste, I can decide that it should be this way and not another. I recommend something for my daughters. Although they already know everything themselves.

And are you satisfied with their taste?

Not always, they are young, and teenagers often want to get pink bangs - let them go through it, I think it’s normal. But I never try to change or correct anyone, and in no case will I impose anything if the person himself has not come for advice. It couldn't get any worse. But even if they ask for recommendations, you also need to be careful: if they come to you for advice, this does not mean that they will like your answer.

This is wise, but in your diplomatic answer it is read that there may be something annoying in those around you.

- “Tense” is not the right word, I can just note to myself. In our country, not everyone knows yet what it means to “be in place”, “to be in moderation”; there is a story about overdressing. They dress, act or speak pompously and carefully. There's no getting around this. I prefer to be tolerant.

This is the key to harmony.

And life will be boring if everyone sees and does everything the same way. By standards.

If someone asks you for advice: I want to be like you, what should I do?

- “Study, study and study.” Read, learn languages, enrich yourself. This is real wealth. And something that no one will ever take away from you. This is especially important for women. She is interesting to children, girlfriends, and men when she is educated and busy.

13 September 2010, 14:53

To get an appointment with Alexander Andreevich Dobrovinsky, you need to go over the heads of the leaders. Literally: the path to the chambers of Moscow's most famous lawyer is lined with carpets with portraits of Lenin, Stalin and Molotov. “It’s funny to watch how indifferently the young people step on the carpets and how the old guard shifts from foot to foot in confusion,” smiles the owner of the office in Posledny Lane. The office is a little more luxurious than its wealthy visitors have a right to expect. Art Deco mixed with social art: the contrast of beige and black varnish, many paintings and shelves into which the collector Dobrovinsky moved porcelain trumpeters and Palekh Red Army soldiers who had long been unable to fit into the apartment. “You see, I am a complete hedonist. And since I spend most of my life at work, I want it to be good here. In general, I do everything for pleasure. Including talking to you. But as soon as I get tired of it, I’ll tell you honestly about it.” I hear these words about the second minute of the conversation. As soon as you turn on the TV, you immediately understand: there is no lawyer more in demand today. A gentleman in a bow tie rescued the ex-owner of Arbat Prestige, Vladimir Nekrasov, from prison. In the case of the inheritance of the shot Shabtai, von Kalmanovich defends his interests eldest daughter Liat and wife Anna. To this day, he defends the wallet of the Ural raw materials oligarch, whose infidelities his ex-wife estimates at nine zeros. But the cases of two fathers, who quite seriously believe that living with their mothers for their children is harmful and even dangerous, received nationwide resonance. Ruslan Baysarov signed a settlement agreement with Kristina Orbakaite, according to which eleven-year-old Denis remains with him. At the time of renting out the room, Senator Vladimir Slutsker also received the right to live with Misha and Anya. Now the spouses have to determine the order of communication with the children and divide property. “I was not given the opportunity to speak in court,” Valentin Yudashkin is surprised. The fashion designer is in a delicate position - his good friends and clients long years are both the lawyer himself and Olga Slutsker. – It’s terrible when children are isolated and put in a situation of choice. I would advocate that both mother and father have the opportunity to communicate with their children to begin with. I saw Dobrovinsky in the Baysarov case. Then a compromise was found. I think Alexander Andreevich will do everything possible now.” Compromise is good, but in the eyes of many, lawyer Dobrovinsky will forever remain a man who takes children away from their mother. Does this stigma bother him? Not at all. “People who talk like that are not my clients. I do my job and I don't care who I represent. There are no emotions in business. If I see that I can help, I do it. No, no, no." To prove that he is not at all a pro-father lawyer, Dobrovinsky says that he acted on the side of the wife of the founder of Renaissance Capital, Tina Jennings, and the wife of the aluminum king Lev the Black, Lyudmila. And both ladies have everything covered in chocolate. And just yesterday, a doctor from the Sklifosovsky Institute approached him with a salary of sixty thousand rubles: “The wife of a rich man left him, and he is fighting for his two children to stay with her. I found money only for a consultation and asked for practical advice so that I could conduct the process myself. I will protect him for free." I notice that, in theory, it was not a doctor who should have rushed to Dobrovinsky, but an oligarch. “And he will probably come. But one of the commandments of a lawyer is that if a person told me something, I do not even have the right to listen to the other side.” But immediately after the trial, Alexander Andreevich Slutskerov accepted a tempting offer from a certain businessman: “He will pay me a certain amount a month so that I never go against him.” Dobrovinsky can say as much as he wants that he had no emotions in this matter, but his rivals were overwhelmed by emotions. But Olga Slutsker’s friends, Svetlana Bondarchuk, Albina Nazimova, Yulia Bordovskikh, who were present at the closed sessions, unanimously claim that the trial was turned into a farce. Both the senator and his defense lawyer joked. For example, when Olga’s now deceased lawyer Geralina Lyubarskaya asked to postpone the consideration of the case because she was going on vacation, Dobrovinsky noted that the vacation was probably maternity, and the pause would last for nine months. Geralina Vladimirovna was sixty-nine years old. “The late Mrs. Lyubarskaya addressed my client directly in court as a horned senator. She wanted to piss him off,” Dobrovinsky explains. – That day the process had already ended, and we were simply discussing the date of the next meeting. Lyubarskaya said she was going on vacation. It was a tactical move - it was important for her to gain time. Well, naturally, I couldn’t resist. It was a good joke and I'm sticking to it. But the fact that Geralina Vladimirovna died is a tragedy.” Some of my colleagues blame Dobrovinsky personally for this tragedy. But this won’t bring him down either: “I don’t feel guilty. I think she knew she was going to lose." In the professional community, opinions about Alexander Andreevich are very contradictory. “The legal community primarily evaluates the building of a legal position, the ability to argue for a non-disclosure policy and vice versa - Dobrovinsky has obvious gaps here,” one of the most famous metropolitan lawyers comments on condition of anonymity. – But his ability to “break through” the structure and willingness to go ahead is undeniable. Objectively, he achieves results.” “The profession of a defense attorney is full of temptations, but it is necessary to remember that there is a moral bar below which he has no right to fall,” says Sergei Vladimirovich Berezovsky, father of Olga Slutsker, a veteran of the legal profession with half a century of experience. “I have to admit that Alexander Dobrovinsky simply ignores the ethical code.” It is unlikely that in the Slutsker case, Dobrovinsky’s penetrating resource was more powerful than that of the senator, who came to court as if it were his own home - he ran to open the gates to his official territory bailiff. But in public affairs, the framing, the smokescreen, is sometimes more important than the essence. And here Dobrovinsky performed in all his glory. He took the fire and brought the client out from under the attack. He shocked, made fun of him, threw his phone, put two fingers together in the Victory sign. Even, according to eyewitnesses, he deliberately picked his nose. Behind the emotions there was a cold calculation. And it worked. “At one point, nine lawyers acted against me and my assistant. And they all focused not on winning the trial, but on tearing apart Dobrovinsky’s lawyer. These people recorded my every word. Sometimes it got to the point of absurdity. An example: the judge forbade us to use mobile phone. I'm sitting and sending SMS. At this moment someone says: “Kick Dobrovinsky out of the hall, he’s using the phone.” My language is known, my sharpness of thinking is also known. I answer: “I don’t use a phone. I calculate the fees, it’s a adding machine.” The opponents hesitated, a minute passed, and suddenly Olga Sergeevna’s lawyer, Mr. Koblev, jumped up and, for no apparent reason, shouted: “And I earn more than Dobrovinsky!” The judge looks at him, his eyes bulging, - what, where, why? You see, the whole team wanted to win against me and de facto Volodya - for me this is the best compliment in my entire career.” We meet on Friday evening, and Dobrovinsky is dressed in casual Friday: a dark blue knitted vest, a tweed jacket, a plaid shirt with his personal initials embroidered on the cuffs. Even the motley bow tie that he had put on many years ago so as not to stand out - for in America and France all the servants of Themis wore butterflies - flew away, making room for an equally beautiful silk scarf. “I never tire of repeating the following to my subordinates. First, you have to sell your face at social events. Secondly, you must be remembered. Monograms, watches, butterflies – it doesn’t matter.” Thirdly, do not learn codes by heart - better than a computer no one knows the laws. And finally, do not bend the situation to the law, as ninety-nine percent of your colleagues do. We must adapt the law to the situation, as Solomon taught me.” Solomon Schwartzman is a New York lawyer of Odessa origin, for whom Dobrovinsky, when he came to America, carried a briefcase for free. It was this old man who sent the persistent, altruistic young man to law courses. And later he contributed to his admission to the reputable Parisian business school INSEAD. Here, however, a certain glitch arises: in the legal community, Dobrovinsky is known as a person without special education. Moreover, he is almost reproached for stealing his Harvard diploma. So was there Harvard? “It was around 1994, and in an interview with a journalist I explained that I received an MBA from INSEAD. They asked me what it was, and for clarity I answered: “It’s like Harvard.” And since then it has been stuck in our heads,” explains the lawyer. Education is not the only controversial point in his biography. Dobrovinsky is a mythologized personality. Why? He, of course, says that about everyone successful people legends are made, and envy is to blame. Undoubted acting skills Alexander Andreevich's roots go back to the early seventies, when he completed four courses at the Faculty of Economics of VGIK. The young man went into cinematography for the company of a friend and against the will of his family, who saw in him the hope of domestic biochemistry. “And I came to VGIK, met in the foyer the famous cameraman Boris Volchek and the legendary “Chapaev” - actor Boris Babochkin. And actress Alexandra Khokhlova, the wife of the founder of editing Lev Kuleshov, also went there. And I liked it all so much that I took it and did it. Having learned about this, my mother said: “You are hopeless, Sasha, I am leaving this country.” The ballerina mother left for France forever, leaving her son to use a luxurious two-room apartment on Gorky Street. And the everyday life of the golden youth began: a penny car, shoulder-length hair, a corduroy jacket, bell-bottoms, clogs, five hundred dollars a term from mom and a student card, with which you could take any young lady you liked to the House of Cinema, even while watching “Cabaret.” » sit her on your lap. In the fourth year, two letters fell out of Sasha’s mailbox. One, from my mother, smelled of Chanel and invited me to permanent residence in Paris, the other called me to the military registration and enlistment office. “I went, and some major told me: you have the honor of being assigned to the naval fleet. And this is three years of service. The argument that my Jewish mother believed that only those who know how to swim drown, and did not teach me how to swim, did not make an impression.” A month later, Dobrovinsky landed at Charles de Gaulle airport. In Paris, he made acquaintance with the famous St. Petersburg lawyer Lev Adolfovich Aranson, who told him everything about who he should be. And at the same time, being a major collector, he introduced himself to antiques: “I began to speculate. I read a lot and slowly began to understand the subject. Since I am a born marketer, I bought things that were not in demand at that time. And then fashion began for them.” This is how the debut collection of opium pipes was collected and sold for fabulous money - they skyrocketed in price after the film “Once Upon a Time in America.” Dobrovinsky was drawn there, to America, by two circumstances: love and the confidence that this was the promised land. Way to American dream, as usual, lay across a taxi rank in Manhattan. The turnover was two hundred dollars a day: seventy went to rent a car, thirty for gas and food. There was a hundred left, which Sasha put aside for a future lesson :). I slept in the car, took a shower at the station and reminded myself of my childhood idol D’Artagnan: not a penny of money, but everything was fine. One day he opened the New York phone book. I found twelve Dobrovinskys: eight lawyers, three doctors and one rabbi. I called the first lawyer and said: “My last name is also Dobrovinsky, but I don’t want money. I want to treat you to coffee". “He didn’t speak Russian at all. At first he treated me with caution, but gradually warmed up to me and, when he found out that I had relatives in Odessa, he said: there is one very serious lawyer with a building on some fifty street. He is also from Odessa and speaks Russian. After some time, I was introduced to this very guru of the legal profession. “I will make a man out of you, but you will earn money yourself,” Solomon promised. Dobrovinsky continued to drive a car to make ends meet and carry a briefcase for free for his patron. In the States, as you know, everyone is a specialist in something. Alexander did not like prisons: they smelled bad and they were far from New York. The prospect of sitting in hospitals and putting victims in plaster casts Business Cards I didn’t like it either. I was intrigued by the most complex thing possible - maritime law: an explosive Anglo-Portuguese-Dutch mixture of terms that would not be dreamed of in a nightmare. Soon the first case was won and the first one hundred and fifty thousand dollars were earned. And Solomon Shvartsman called his protégé onto the carpet: “So, where do you live there? In Brooklyn? So that I don't hear this. Move to the Upper East Side, in the seventies, drive a BMW, wear a white or blue shirt, a yellow tie, or better yet, a bow tie with a yellow sparkle.” A list of restaurants was issued where you had to regularly show your face, and a list of stores like Ralph Lauren where you were supposed to dress. The pen had to be Montblanc, the briefcase was allowed to be chosen by yourself - the main thing was that it was not made of crocodile skin, because that would be bad manners. And again Solomon called him. “You know, I’m not disappointed in you. You're not an idiot. You will grow into a man. But since you came from red Russia ( Soviet Union he couldn’t pronounce) and you don’t have business skills, you need to get an MBA.” In 1983, Alexander returned to Paris and entered INSEAD: “Teach:) was insanely expensive, in the end I didn’t even have money to buy pencils”. But the graduate was happily hired by a large law firm. One of her clients was a Geneva billionaire, again of Odessa origin, owner of Inter Maritime Bank - Bank of New York, Bruce Rappoport. It was he, after working with Alexander, who uttered the fateful phrase: “I pay your lousy office ten thousand a day for the work that you do alone. Let me pay you three, and you will move to Geneva.” Rappoport flew to Russia a lot: he said that you can always make good money from a mess. And Alexander in tears ex-wife Lena, with whom he is on excellent terms today, eventually moved from Switzerland to Moscow. In the capital, Dobrovinsky proudly announced that he was a corporate lawyer. Fellow lawyers with a salary of sixty rubles a month were very surprised and asked who it was. It was useless to indulge in explanations in the early nineties. Alexander was actively partying, eating up everything he earned with Rappoport, and packing his suitcase to return to his wife. “One day, a healthy guy knocked on the door of the apartment that I rented from the hockey player Fetisov. He asked if I knew what tolling was. I said I know. And then he asked: “Can you fly with me to Krasnoyarsk and tell the boys? How much does it cost? I figured out how much it should cost in the West. I didn't want to lose my first client. And for some reason he said in English: “Five, OK?” He asked again: “Fifty thousand dollars? Good enough." The “healthy guy” was called Mikhail Chernoy - together with his brother Lev, they controlled a significant part of the aluminum sector of Russia. Dobrovinsky flew to Krasnoyarsk and thus met half of the current Forbes top ten. Cases rained down on him one louder than the other. For one and a half million dollars, he returned Purneftegaz to Rosneft: “When I named the amount of the fee, my colleagues gasped. But I didn't care. I thought that social status lawyer in Russia is greatly underestimated. And it was I who raised him." Dobrovinsky acted on the side of Mikhail Cherny and Iskander Makhmudov against Alfa Group in the battle for Nizhnevartovskneftegaz (according to rumors, four hundred and fifty million dollars were at stake). Participated in the conflict around the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, where the issue price was thirty percent of the shares of Magnitogorsk. Finally defended the owner oil company“Birkenholtz” by Evgeny Rybin, who waged a long-term lawsuit with the then all-powerful YUKOS. “Once, in a public place, a very famous Moscow man came up to me, took out a pistol, put it to my head and said: “Rybin, consider himself dead, and you will be next. Why do you need it?". I was afraid for my two daughters. I came home - I will never forget that night - and told Marina that we would have to leave. Marina asked only one question: “How much time do I have to pack my suitcase?” No where, no why. We took the first flight to Bulgaria, then to Israel. I lived there until 1999 and received citizenship(another myth about Dobrovinsky - the press writes that in addition to Russian he has two more citizenships - Greek and French). The poetess Zinaida Gippius once uttered a phrase brilliant in its simplicity: “If you need to explain, then... there is no need to explain.” This phrase tells everything about the relationship between Dobrovinsky and his third wife. “I doubted that I would be lucky enough to meet a woman who wouldn’t have to tell anything about herself. And suddenly - Marina." Seventeen years ago, their future mother-in-law introduced them: “She deceived Marina, called her from Paris, said that she needed to draw up some documents. My wife, like all normal people, hates being introduced to a scope. As soon as the deception was revealed, my mother-in-law, whom I adore, said: if you don’t like it, you’ll be friends.” A month later I already proposed to Marina. “Our meeting was like the intersection of two parallel lines”, continues Dobrovinsky. It turned out that they lived nearby not only in Moscow (he on Tverskaya, she on Stoleshnikov), but also in Paris and New York. Dobrovinsky was proud that after so many years of emigration he did not insert the words “shopping” and “parking” into his tasty Russian speech. And Marina, knowing six languages, does not have the habit of mixing them. “She went to the same school as me. This is exactly how I imagined the woman next to me. She has an amazing sense of tact. If she walks into a restaurant and sees me with the girls, she doesn’t come up or even say hello. He knows that I’m working." A dentist by profession, a year ago Marina organized art history courses at the Phillips de Pury auction house. According to her husband, the enterprise is brilliant from a marketing point of view. TSUM, champagne, lectures after seven in the evening, when who are the main buyers of the store? That's right, men... Girls learn to distinguish Galliano from Saryan, do less nonsense, and spend less time on their brains. And the husbands are happy. “How much time do I still have?” – I ask after two hours of conversation. “Yes, as much as you like”, - Dobrovinsky seemed to have forgotten how he threatened to end our interview at the first sign of displeasure. And we go to look at the collections. Former pride, Soviet propaganda porcelain has now faded into the background: “I collected the largest collection in the world and calmed down”. Now all of Dobrovinsky’s thoughts are occupied by agitlak - Palekh boxes, on which, instead of iconographic subjects, are depicted, for example, the life of Trotsky. And also agitation - just try to imagine an airplane propeller made of mammoth bone: one end is carved in the shape of the pilot Chkalov in a helmet, the other is Stalin in a cap, and on the blades is written “Stalin’s falcons - the pride of the USSR.” But that's not all. A new collection is coming. The name has not yet been invented, but by analogy with its predecessors, I would suggest “propaganda jewel”. Let's say, a marvelous gold powder compact with enamel, on which are drawn a man and a woman in caps and with guns at the ready. And in Russian: “We won’t give up Madrid!” - There is nowhere to put it. I'll probably have to buy a bigger dacha after Slutsker, the lawyer complains. – Does the fee allow it? – Children allow everything. How much are you willing to give for children?- Yes, everything that is, probably. “And that’s what everyone who comes into my office says.”– Well, given the number of cases won, you could have retired a long time ago and calmly collected your campaign... – You’ll have to do some more work. I want my daughters and Marina not to cry at my funeral, but to smile - reading the will. __________________________________________________________________________ Source - magazine

Date of birth September 25 (Libra) 1954 (64) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @alexanderdobrovinsky

Alexander Dobrovinsky is a famous Russian lawyer, owner of a bar association in Moscow. He became famous for defending the interests of Vladimir Slutsker, Valery Meladze, Boris Berezovsky, Ruslan Baysarov, Philip Kirkorov, Alexey Mordashov and other famous people in Russia and abroad. To prove the uniqueness of the famous lawyer, in 2003 Alexander was awarded an award as the best lawyer in Russia.

Biography of Alexander Dobrovinsky

In life famous lawyer there were ups and downs. However, this did not stop him from becoming the best Russian lawyer, whom politicians, show business representatives, athletes and artists turn to for help.

Dobrovinsky was born in Moscow in 1954. The head of the family, Abram Alexandrovich, passed away when little Sasha turned 14 years old. Mother Lucy Rubenovna soon remarried. Her husband was Andrei Bogdanovich Ayvazyants, who soon adopted the boy.

Upon receiving the passport, Alexander returned his father's surname. However, for the sake of respect for his stepfather, he left his middle name Andreevich.

After graduating from school, Alexander entered the Faculty of Economics of VGIK. In his third year, the young man decided to leave educational institution and move to France, where his mother had long since settled.

Away from his homeland, Alexander was engaged in various activities: he worked as a waiter, then as a manager of the French restaurant “Regal”. The future lawyer graduated from business school there. However, Alexander could not sit still in his sleep. He decided to move to the USA, where he received a law degree. After the collapse of the USSR, Dobrovinsky returned to Russia and opened his first legal agency. The office specialized in divorce proceedings and corporate law. At the same time, Alexander tried his luck in other fields - cinema, radio, journalism, banking.

I turned to Alexander Andreevich for help CEO Severstal Alexey Mordashov, chief editor Russian magazine Forbes Maxim Kashulinsky, businessman Ruslan Baysarov, Philip Kirkorov, who was accused of beating journalist Yablokova, and other famous personalities.

In 2011, Dobrovinsky took up a case related to the newspaper " TVNZ”, which filed a lawsuit against singer Valery Meladze, who allegedly beat a journalist.

In 2012, Dobrovinsky opened a legal branch in London.

Alexander is Russian champion golf course, president of the Moscow golf club and an avid collector of Soviet porcelain, expensive lacquered boxes, antique photographs, paintings, medieval Tibetan iconography and smoking accessories.

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