SCO and the new great horde. "Big Eight": is it still about the G8 or already about the SCO? The main points of the Ufa Declaration

The Chinese position on the prospects for the role and place of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in global world was expressed by Xi Jinping at the welcome dinner on 06/09/18 in the following wording: “Let's make the Qingdao summit our new start. And at this start raising the sails of the "Shanghai Spirit" , together overcoming the storm and storms, let's set off on a new campaign for the development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization!” At the same time, Xi called on the countries and peoples of the SCO to “live in peace and harmony, help each other and be friendly as members of one big family ».

Skypoliticians note with satisfaction that Xi’s wording corresponds to the principles of relations between countries and peoples of non-Western civilizations, proposed by them back in 2011. new era information society, where there is no longer a hammer and sickle, but white the sail is a symbol of movement towards beauty, far beyond the dream of the ideal of a just and lasting peace for all.

Here is Putin's 2012 election slogan: "Catch the Chinese wind in the sails of the Russian economy." And Lermontov's poetic masterpiece "The lonely sail turns white." And classical Chinese poetry with the same in an artistic way movement against the elements, where the storm is the driving force and the key to success. Here is the "Song of the Petrel" by M. Gorky calls the brave to "enjoy the battle of life"; “the power of anger, the thirst for passion and confidence in victory” are heard by those who argue with the wind.

It is noteworthy that the sail of the SCO at Xi Jinping on the shore yellow sea, like those of non-politicians, inflates Spirit of time and not just material interest and benefit.

Pleases non-politicians and Xi Jinping's thesis about family of nations . The point is not about the countries of the continental bloc, as in geopolitics. Not about the alliance of allies in opposition to the countries of the maritime bloc. But about the family of peoples of non-Western civilizations - the heirs of the Unified State of Genghis Khan "from sea to sea."

Where could Russia be? older sister"mentor, and China - the "big brother" patron of all kindred peoples of the same destiny mother earth and father in heaven.

The case is only for Russia's revenge from the position of a servant in a common European home to the status of wisdom that gives birth to meanings!

And the bitter truth of the moment boils down to this:

China is another (Middle-Earth) civilization that cannot give rise to ideas adequate to the worldview of the peoples of the biblical-Mediterranean civilization of Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Jerusalem.

China is a stubborn, industrious, scrupulous “Navel of the Earth”, which in centrifugal rotation absorbs innovations from the outskirts. According to the Law of Changes, the Center (yellow) occupied by the Middle State overcomes the North (black). The Center, on the other hand, overcomes the Light from the East, which Russia is called upon to “radiate” with a red-blue-white “tricolor” (see the flag in the intro).

So China is waiting for ideas from Russia, as from a spiritual mentor, but receives a gas pipeline. The gas pipeline is Russia's profit.

The Silk Road is also a profit. It is not for nothing that soulless people have always sat on the trade routes (Jewish masters of money affairs - Rahdonid merchants). The way to make a profit is known: to cash in on one, at the expense of others. So it turns out: instead of the Great Idea of ​​Development presented to China on the Path of Heaven, liberal Russia gives Deception. Well, a couple of technologies in the form of the C400, which the Chinese will take apart to the screw, and then assemble them at home. What else can we give? After all, the Chinese are waiting. Because they themselves cannot give birth to a dream for everyone, but the Russians can, because the destiny of Russia is Universality.

They did not wait for Medvedev: the symbol of Russia at EXPO-2010 in Shanghai was the "dunno". They didn’t wait for Patriarch Kirill (he gave a samovar) and they don’t wait for Putin (“a slave in the galleys”).

Because Putin is not spiritual mentor great country, but just a friend of the Middle Kingdom. Because he has no one else to be friends with. Everyone turned away. So the result of the visit will again be some kind of pipe or plane. And the Kremlin will not give the idea to China.

But there is non-politics, which has shown that it is capable and Museum of the Common Future for countries and peoples - heirs united state Genghis Khan to do. AND "mandate of heaven" Light from the East for acting Emperor Xi organize. And a symbol of the relationship of the new era "sail" already inserted into the brains of leaders.

Now about the perception of the SCO in China.

The official Chinese media talk about the SCO, first of all, as an instrument for implementing China's main foreign policy concept - "shaping the common destiny of mankind", announced by Xi Jinping in January 2017 in Davos.

Noting at the same time that the vast majority of participating countries, observer states and partner countries in the SCO dialogue carry out their interaction within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, as the main direction of “shaping the common destiny of mankind” for the peoples of non-Western civilizations.

As examples of such cooperation within the framework of the SCO, the Chinese media cite the Agreement on the Creation of Favorable Conditions for International Road Transport of 12.09.14.

Significant, at least 10 times, increase in the number of flights between China and the states Central Asia over the last decade. The creation by China of at least 21 trade zones economic cooperation outside its territory, which "contributes to the unification of regional interests."

Another important function of the SCO for China is called by the Chinese media positive value this organization in terms of strengthening "strategic mutual trust" between China and the Russian Federation.

The fact that China views the SCO primarily through the prism of its own interests foreign policy, that is, considers cooperation with other states within the framework of the SCO not as a goal, but as one of the instruments of its foreign policy - a completely normal position sovereign state which knows where and in what ways it aspires. The main thing is that for the rest of the “players” within the framework of the SCO, such a position of China should not come as a surprise or, moreover, as a disappointment.

If we talk about the intention of the planner, then the express assessment of the outcome of the SCO summit in Qingdao boils down to the following:

In 2020 for a short period - 12 years will be formally established within the framework of the SCO New Great Horde , where Xi will be the “great khan” (he has Mongolian roots in his family). Will Holy Rus' be able to become a conceptual mentor for the Chinese patron - and there is a fundamental question of the near future.

Xi's win: Putin will become the guardian of Eurasia (the symbol of militancy is a gift from the terracotta war with Putin's face). Russia, under sanctions, will crawl on its knees to the Xi court with gifts of local products (for money for reindustrialization).

Skypoliticians show how to become a mentor and maintain dignity. But in official instances, things are “not the best, but as always” according to interests, and not according to values.

For and on behalf of the Association Prophetic Oleg reasonable from the people
Report to the Moscow Club (shot in the war of meanings and nerves)
Performed by Andrey Devyatov and Alexander Shitov
No620 dated 06/12/2018

13 comments on “SCO and the New Great Horde”

    Yes, with a sail - you cleverly realized it! If you show the same dexterity, then pass the “sky politics” through V.V. Putin to the same address, maybe Confucianism will replace China.

    General Vladimirov. Putin's breakthrough There is a war going on, what are we doing?!

    P.S. Here, in the mobilization order, they prescribed me the position of commander of a tank company, there was never any military training after serving in the army. When the war starts, in order not to kill people, you will have to rip off your shoulder straps and join the ranks as a private.

    “The power of anger, the FLAME (I don’t crave!) passion and confidence in victory…”

    Fratello (from a previous thread):
    “From what sources do you have information that the GB elite has surrendered the country? As far as I know, after the GKChP coup of 1991, all representatives of the state security were taken out of the state, i.e. the organ of the KGB of the USSR, as such, did not fulfill its functions until January 1992.

    I don’t know if V.M. Shukshin said this or not:
    “As a kid, I still determined who was a front-line soldier and who was a rat. They didn’t wear the first awards, they drank silently on the 8th and 9th ... And the rats in schools in orders, and about their exploits in the newspapers. Now you rarely see a front-line soldier anywhere ... ".
    And my grandfather, a front-line soldier, was still closing in the kitchen, smoking and sobbing ... "

    So after all, preparations for the surrender and derirban of the country (perhaps unconscious - they wanted the best, but it turned out, as always) began long before Gorbachev (and not just the State Emergency Committee). Even under the KGB of Andropov (apparently not without his participation), the assets of the USSR began to be transferred abroad to decoy "cuckoos" (individuals) and assets in colossal volumes (tens and probably hundreds of billions of dollars). At the same time, an “Institute of Convergence” (or whatever it is - System Analysis, or something) was created in Vienna, through which all these young reformers (Chubais and others like them) were driven through. And Putin, as they say, in the control department of the Presidential Administration of Yeltsin (where he was “attached” by Kudrin and Chubais), apparently, was engaged in “collecting” these assets (and then, perhaps, when he became president, he was issuing and distributing assets to trusted persons). Yes, but, apparently, no one explained to him that the Russian Federation has absolutely nothing to do with these assets (although they are recorded on private individuals). These are the assets of the USSR, and the RF of democratic choice is not only not the successor of the USSR, but not even the successor of the RSFSR (after the execution of the Supreme Soviet, the supreme power of the RSFSR). And Western sanctions (primarily in the credit and financial sector) are by no means “for Crimea” (Crimea is just an excuse), but for financial swindle and financial speculation organized and carried out (by the FSB and other home-grown speculators-swindlers who seized " to free "together with Western swindlers - one "pound of dashing" is not enough for them ... they are eager to make "three pounds of dashing" out of every pound of dashing, that is, more than they inflated the "dollar mass" to tens of trillions of "empty zeros") under pledge of embezzled (simply - stolen) assets of the USSR, plus an attempt to carry out rearmament and create new tensions (after Gorbachev's detente) for other people's "dollars" ... When it "reached" the financiers of the global level that the assets were obtained fraudulently (in simple terms - thieves) way, then there were "sanctions".
    As already written:
    first, credit lines were closed (which were opened on the security of embezzled Soviet assets), then the freezing (but not withdrawal) of the assets themselves, then there are questions about the sources of capital large companies(All the same, with funds received on the security of stolen assets). And further down the list: the authorities (but not the people) of the Russian Federation are declared financial swindlers and currency speculators, then gangster-thieves and even terrorist (terrorizing "their" people, as well as near and far ...), which is rampant on the world stage (illegal trade weapons, drugs..., illegal gangs of "Wagners" walk and fight - from which Putin brushes off saying - yes, he has some commercial interests there ... yeah - with machine guns in his hands ... etc.) and, accordingly, it (the authorities) should “to control” (i.e. put in place), otherwise it already comes to the point that Putin “offered a roof” to Macron at SPbEF (they say “instead of the American one”) - well, it’s like he “confused the frames” or the “roof went” at the very “roof” - “brother from the 90s” with such a proposal and to the gentleman - he was already taken aback and, not knowing what to answer to such a quirk, he only said something incoherent ...

    If the "first face" does not know all this, then he is really nobody and nothing, and there is no way to call, and if he knows, but on blue eye carries a "blizzard" about "sanctions against all 146 million Russians" shielding his thieves, then he is a bastard and a scoundrel.

    But more about all this some other time.

    And, yes, as they say, those same gold bars with tungsten cores that were transferred / “returned” to China (I don’t remember for what reason) are also of Russian origin and those who transferred the “finger pointed” to the “source” of this “golden tungsten” ". After and, apparently, as a result of which, Putin's Russian Federation at its own expense began to build the "Power of Siberia" at an accelerated pace and, probably for the same reason, as they say, leased 1 million 880 (or something) thousand for 49 years hectare of forest. And this is also the reason for the “deflection” and “crawling on all fours” before acting. emperor comrade. Si. And we don’t care about TV, that intelligence “rubs crap” about “the greatness and worthy face of the Russian authorities.”

    And the sources of information - so they are now, one might say, open. It is only necessary to put the question correctly and the information “will find you by itself”.

    At the expense of front-line soldiers and WINNERS. The whole country won in the Second World War, and not just the “front-line soldiers”. Without an organized and massive rear, there was no victory in the war, b. So ALL Soviet people won, and not just those who were at the front. It was about WINNERS. Although, as the current situation shows, the current Kremlin with the Vlasov tricolor and a two-headed freak has already PRIVATIZED Victory, as neighbors in the republics say ... Putin is already credited with “victory in the Second World War” by his ass-lickers. Thieves and swindlers - they are thieves and swindlers. They have no respect or the slightest bit of trust.

    There is no grace for you in anything;
    With happiness you have discord:
    And you are beautiful inopportunely
    And smart you are out of place.

    Gennady (from the previous thread)

    I assure you that my grandfather and the sobbing old man “either Arina, or a stranger from Odessa” are not the same person (you can take my word for it).
    Most importantly, do not bury your revealed talent as a historian in the ground. Get down to your dissertation right away. The works of "world-famous science fiction writers", incl. which you so wittily addressed to me, help you!
    I am sure that the current intelligentsia will appreciate your masterpiece. Look and the title is ready "Elementary details from Soviet life."

    Monsignore, I didn’t go through academies, I didn’t finish them, so I won’t write dissertations - I’m a worker of synthetic labor.

    Andrei Petrovich,

    interested in the following general question. If you look at the Map of Europe from the Chinese side, then France is obviously the West (as well as Japan) - from France to China you have to sail through Japan

    Orange Holland is apparently also the West.

    But black and yellow Teutonic Germany - is it the West - or is it already the North? or East. After all, access there was through the Horde, on land?

    then it turns out that from the point of view of China, France-Holland and Rus' + Germany are fundamentally different spaces? Or is Holland also the North? or Germany is the West?

    can you help me sort it out? If France and Germany are two different worlds on the Chinese side, then both world wars get a logical explanation.

    Ahhh, now I understand! Brains from the same material as labor... And what were the hopes!

    You, apparently, have not learned how to draw historical parallels. I propose to recall the role of dissidents in the destruction of the country and compare them with the current conscientious bloggers, journalists with "leftist" convictions and other candidates for the presidency of the Russian Federation with foreign accounts. At the same time, link the visits of some Hollywood actors, their meetings with individual party leaders and the laying of flowers at the mausoleum, the activation of pro-Soviet sites with an allegedly patriotic platform, but for some reason with registration abroad.
    And for starters, look at the biography of the "patriot" Konstantin Semin, references to which are so fond of making a fan of the USSR with the nickname "technologist". Particularly interesting is the period of K. Semin's life since 2012 (I think you will find it yourself, and draw your own conclusions).
    PS: there is such a blow in boxing, it is called a “left hook”, an insidious blow, I must say ....

    Monsignore, so you are not a monsignor, but an ordinary tram boor?
    I deprive you of the title of "Monsignore" forever.

    Gennady, you won't believe it, but I'll survive.

    Those holding back, who are sitting in the Kremlin and around it, will not go on the attack - this is not their planid. Sons who saw big war, still afraid to go on the attack. Only with a change in the generation of the rulers of the Kremlin, when grandchildren come who have not seen the horrors of war and have not absorbed this horror with their mother’s milk, who are not afraid of death and defeat, then there will be someone to take up the unfurled banner and lead the regiments to attack. But not before.

At the SCO summit in Qingdao, China, they talked about free trade, the fight against diktat (hello America with its import restrictions) and, of course, countering terrorism. Roman Ishmukhametov chose the most interesting.

All together, the "Great Eurasian G8" represent almost half of the world's population, a quarter of the world's GDP and two-thirds of the territory of our continent. Established 18 years ago to solve regional problems, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization today is a global association with great responsibility.

— We have an increasing responsibility to ensure stability and security, as well as to promote development and prosperity in the region, Chinese President Xi Jinping said.

The market volumes of the SCO countries already significantly exceed the volumes of the G7 states. China and India literally set records in their economic development, and other countries of the association are equal to them. The core of the world economy is shifting from West to East.

While in Qingdao the leaders of the SCO countries expressed their firm "no" to trade protectionism, there were reports from Canada of possible limitation deliveries of European cars to the USA.

Vladimir Putin, who has repeatedly stated that he does not set as his goal a return to this closed club, repeated again - our country successfully works in others international associations such as twenty. And a possible productive dialogue with the West can hardly be helped by the unfounded accusations of the West in the poisoning of the Skripals or the incomprehensible wording "about destabilizing behavior" of our country, enshrined in the final communiqué following the meetings of the leaders of the "Big Seven".

- As for destabilizing actions, as well as with respect to other events, in particular - everyone showed solidarity with London over the well-known event in Salisbury. Nothing concrete is said again, everything is said that this happened with a high degree of probability. Solidarity in this regard arises on some shaky ground. It seems to me that we need to stop all this chatter and move on to specific issues related to real cooperation, Vladimir Putin said.

Syrian settlement, US withdrawal from Iran deal, North Korean nuclear program, the fight against terrorism - and these are only the most acute problems that cannot be solved without Russia. The Ukrainian conflict stands apart among them - Putin was asked to comment on the conversation with Petro Poroshenko. Is Kyiv going to comply with the Minsk agreements? There is cautious optimism in the president's words.

Since the initiative of this conversation came from the Ukrainian side, I think this is already showing interest in a settlement. In any case, I really hope so. We discussed issues related to the extradition of people who are being held by both sides, and discussed, on my initiative, the fate of the Russian journalist. It is still premature to talk about how this issue will be resolved, I would refrain, first of all, in order not to violate anything here and not interfere with anything, Vladimir Putin noted.

Putin's press conference was the result of a state visit to China.

Known in the world as the city of "sails" - Qingdao. Once upon a time, numerous ships left here for their dream. These days a new development was launched here. No one doubts that the high sails of the Shanghai spirit of cooperation will overcome any hurricanes and storms.

Another meeting of leaders Central Asia and their neighbors in the region - that is, the SCO summit in Qingdao (China) - in Once again raises the question: how viable is an organization in which both superpowers and smaller countries participate?

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization has always had this problem. It was created on the principle of a sandwich: large Russia and China—and the countries of Central Asia in between.

And here, for the first time, a huge India (and a more modest Pakistan) joined the team as full members of the organization. Who benefited from this? Were the interests of the Central Asian countries in the shadow of heavyweights with their own complicated relationship, does this situation harm the interests of other members?

Results of the SCO summit in Qingdao

To begin with, the results of the summit - and the results of the year of work of the SCO announced there - speak for themselves. 17 documents necessary for further integration of the economies of the member countries were agreed upon and signed.

And it is also impossible to assess whether numerous bilateral projects would have happened (for example, between Kazakhstan and China, but also for other pairs of states) if the SCO had not created a general atmosphere of stability and predictability in a complex and contentious region.

Results of the SCO summit for Tajikistan

During the two-day summit, Tajik President Emomali Rahmon held bilateral meetings with the leaders of the SCO member states. The talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping deserve special attention.

Politicians discussed trade and economic cooperation and security in Central Asia.

"We must regularly direct joint efforts to strengthen peace, security and stability, as well as the development of trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian relations within the SCO," said Emomali Rahmon, speaking at the Qingdao summit.

One of the outcomes of the summit was that the representative of Tajikistan, Dzhumakhon Giyosov, became the director of the Executive Committee of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of the SCO.

Outcomes of the parallel G7 summit in Quebec

But as far as geopolitics is concerned, it just so happened that there were two summits last weekend. Simultaneously with the "big East" in Qingdao, the "big West" - G7 met in Quebec, Canada. And here it was impossible not to be glad that we, the members of the SCO, were in the right place at the right time.

Before Quebec, let us recall, several lines of split in the "seven" were revealed, including on the issue of its truncated composition.

"Russia should be at the meeting, why are we having a meeting without Russia?" the President of the United States suddenly spoke out.

“You see, whether you like it or not, and it may sound politically incorrect, we have the control of the world in our hands,” he said. And he received the support of Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conti, but provoked fierce resistance from the leaders of Germany and Canada.

The G8 of the SCO overtook the G7 in terms of GDP

But even if Russia, represented by President Vladimir Putin, received an invitation to Quebec, Putin would not go there simply because he had his own summit, where the issue was also about ruling the world. In Quebec - "seven", in Qingdao - "eight".

The West cursed not only about Russia. the main problem"their" summit was called a trade war - the US against everyone. In Qingdao it was exactly the opposite. There is complete unanimity on the issue that sanctions and prohibitive customs tariffs do not work for us, they are not our method.

Perhaps the most interesting result of many years of work of the SCO became known as if by accident. At the final press conference, Russian President Vladimir Putin, as if casually, in response to a question, mentioned that, in general, the total countries GDP The SCO is larger than that of the G7 (if you count in terms of purchasing power parity of currencies). So any of the SCO members can say today that they are members of the most powerful international club in terms of economic volume.

India in the SCO as a sensation

And a few more words about geopolitics, especially related to the appearance of a new member in the SCO this year - India. Russian-Indian-Chinese diplomacy on the eve of Qingdao and at the meeting itself turned out to be virtually a sensation.

This, in fact, is about the virtuoso activity of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in building equal relations with all centers of power in the world. Last summer there was an Indo-Chinese border conflict in Doklam (in the Himalayas). Further, India joined the Australia-Japan-US alliance, and it began to appear that the Asian giant would be involved in the growing pressure on China's southern maritime borders - recall the recent incident between the US and Chinese air forces and navies in the South China Sea.

The "roll to the West" had its own logic - the country's negotiating positions must be strong, teeth must sometimes be shown, at least in a smile. But then there were two summits before the current summit in Qingdao. That is, Modi first asked for an informal meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Wuhan, and then came to Vladimir Putin in Sochi. In all cases, it was about the common sense of the foreign policy of the three powers.

Following two surprise meetings, Modi spoke last week at the annual Asian Security Forum in Singapore (known as "Shangri-La"), where he made quite clear his neutral, balancing position in all naval games near China's borders.

And about the meaning of relations in the Delhi-Beijing-Moscow triangle, Indian analysts said: “India needs Russia to maintain a strategic peace with China, to guarantee India’s geopolitical rise ... Russia can serve as a bridge of stability for India with China. Moreover, Russia can help India to become a major power, and this is another reason for India to firmly hold the hand of Putin."

And - in contrast - on the day the SCO summit ended, it became known how the G-7 summit in Canada ended. Trump left without waiting for the end. And he did not sign the final document.

Let's remember that in the SCO there are a lot of disputes and disagreements between large and small countries. But no one slams the doors. The SCO, as a negotiating platform, softens any contradictions. And supports general principles and rules of the game in the region. Namely, such: disputes should be resolved by diplomacy, trade should go to the common benefit, sanctions and trade wars do not belong here.

Almost two dozen important documents, including a joint declaration of the participants, were signed following the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which ended in Qingdao, China.

For the first time we gathered in an expanded format after the accession of India and Pakistan to the SCO. Vladimir Putin answered journalists' questions on the final day of the forum.

Vladimir Putin's cortege stopped at the press conference hall a few minutes after the signing of the final communiqué by the leaders of the SCO G8. One of the first questions was about the results of the summit.

“As for the efficiency of the SCO in its expanded composition, this is not in doubt so far. I welcome the fact that we finally agreed to expand the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to include India and Pakistan. I hope that all the countries of the region will use this organization both for deeper work in a multilateral format and for resolving bilateral issues. As for expansion, we agreed that the current structure is optimal,” Putin said.

The President spoke with reporters for about 20 minutes. Most of the questions were on the international agenda. Putin was asked about the results of negotiations with Chinese President Xi Jinping, about the G-7 summit in Quebec. Does Russia want to return to this club? How will the president comment on the lines from the final communique of the seven - in which Russia is urged to "stop destabilizing the world and undermining democracy"?

“As for Russia's return to the G7/G8. We didn't get out of it. Colleagues at one time refused to come to Russia for well-known reasons. Please, we will be glad to see everyone here in Moscow. I do not think that it is my duty to comment on everything that happened at the G7. As for destabilizing actions, just as with respect to some other events, in particular, everyone showed solidarity with London over the well-known event in Salisbury, nothing concrete was said again. Everything says that with a high degree of probability this event happened. Solidarity in this regard arises on some very shaky ground. It seems to me that we need to stop all this creative chatter and move on to specific issues related to real cooperation,” the president said.

The question about Vladimir Putin's relationship with Donald Trump is raised again. When can we expect full-fledged bilateral negotiations, or at least a meeting of the two presidents?

“The President of the United States himself has repeatedly said that he considers such a meeting expedient. And I confirm. This is how it really is. Of course, a personal meeting is required. As soon as possible. As soon as the American side is ready, this meeting will take place immediately. Well, based, of course, on my work schedule,” Putin replied.

The journalists did not bypass the telephone conversation between the Russian president and the Ukrainian. Poroshenko called Putin directly to China. Was the case of the Russian journalist Kirill Vyshinsky discussed? Will the call help him get home?

“We discussed issues related to the extradition of people who are being held by both sides. Discussed already on my initiative and the fate of the Russian journalist. Well, it's too early to talk about how this issue will be resolved. I would refrain, first of all, so as not to violate anything here and not interfere with anything,” the Russian leader said.

Outside of politics, colleagues asked Putin about hockey – did you watch the Stanley Cup final? The President knows about Ovechkin's victory, taking the opportunity to send congratulations. I didn't watch the game itself. Worked at the summit.

The second main day of the SCO summit takes place in the picturesque yacht port of Qingdao. The place is already famous by the Chinese, in 2008 the Olympic regatta was held here.

The leaders of the SCO countries flocked the day before, so today at 9 am local time everyone is on the red carpet. The extended membership includes both observers and dialogue partners. Among others, in the front row, the heads of India and Pakistan are the new permanent members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

“Our meeting is being held for the first time in this format after the expansion of the SCO, with the participation of the leaders of all eight member states. The summit has historical meaning. With the expansion of the permanent membership of the organization, we have become even stronger and stronger,” said Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Only eight of China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan impoverish almost half of the world's population.

In a narrow, and after a wide, composition, the participants of the summit talk about cooperation in the customs sphere - the removal of administrative barriers that are tiresome for business, the problems of global governance and world trade are also on the agenda.

Vladimir Putin invites all SCO countries to join the Russian-Chinese agreement on the Eurasian Economic Partnership. Yet in the spotlight international security, the fight against cross-border drug trafficking and terrorism. The Russian president tells his colleagues about the successes in Syria.

“It was possible to largely suppress terrorist activity in this country. thus opening the way to a political settlement. I would like to note that the Syrian government controls today the territory where 90% of the population of this country lives. Damascus follows the agreements reached in January in Sochi,” Putin stressed.

The eighteenth SCO summit is coming to an end, China is transferring the burden of chairmanship to Kyrgyzstan. The next meeting will be held in Bishkek exactly in a year.

Ruslan Kostyuk

Results of the SCO summit: "Shanghai spirit" is getting stronger

On June 9 and 10, the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was held in Qingdao, China. It is obvious that this summit meeting can be regarded as one of the main international political events of this year.

Don't mind others

The SCO, established 17 years ago, despite its "youthful" age, has long earned a high reputation in world politics. The charter of the organization - the charter of the SCO, adopted, by the way, at the summit in St. Petersburg back in 2002 - provides for the following goals and objectives of the association: strengthening mutual trust and good neighborliness between the participating countries, promoting their effective cooperation in political, trade, economic, scientific , technical and cultural fields, in the fields of education, energy, transport, tourism, protection environment and ensuring peace and security in the region. important task The SCO is recognized and "moving towards the establishment of a democratic, just and rational international political and economic order".

As Russian President Vladimir Putin noted in a recent interview, the resources at the disposal of the SCO “we will not be used to confront anyone, but to ensure the necessary conditions for comprehensive and multifaceted cooperation”.

The SCO approached the Qingdao summit as an intergovernmental international organization with permanent collective bodies. This is primarily the Council of Heads of State, which just met in China. The CHS meets annually and makes decisions on all critical issues affecting the activities of the organization. There is also the Council of Heads of Government, which also considers topical issues of economic cooperation once a year. Within the framework of the SCO, in addition, a mechanism has been worked out for meetings of heads of parliaments, secretaries of security councils, ministers of the interior, defense, foreign affairs, economy, and transport of the member countries of the organization. There is also a Council of National Coordinators of the SCO Member States.

The organization has permanent bodies: the secretariat is located in the capital of China, and the executive committee of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) is in Tashkent. Since 2016, a well-known Uzbek diplomat, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan, Rashid Alimov, has been appointed SCO Secretary General for a three-year term. But the director of the executive committee of the RATS is the representative of our country Evgeny Sysoev.

SCO Global Profile

When Vladimir Putin talks about the colossal resources of the SCO, it is not just beautiful words. At first, the organization included only the states of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) plus the "global" powers - China and Russia, which have vital interests in this region. However, last year, two leading countries of South Asia, India and Pakistan, were accepted as full members of the SCO. In addition, four states (Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran and Mongolia) have the status of observer states in the SCO, and countries such as Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cambodia, Nepal, Turkey and Sri Lanka are dialogue partners. According to Rashid Alimov, with the entry of India and Pakistan, the SCO acquired a global profile. We are witnessing important processes associated with the crystallization of a new type of organization, whose activities are based on mutual respect, deep dialogue of cultures and civilizations, striving for joint development and prosperity. Today the SCO is one of the world's largest transregional international organizations claiming to be universal.

But even without observer countries and dialogue partners, the SCO is a truly global world player. After all, the states directly involved in its activities are almost a quarter of the world's gross domestic product, a sixth of world trade, 43% of the population and 23% of the territory of our planet.

As you know, the SCO was created primarily in the name of achieving regional stability and security in the Central Asian zone. Moscow and Beijing, extremely concerned about the difficult security situation in Central Asia in the early 2000s, managed to involve all the post-Soviet states of this zone (except for Turkmenistan, which was set on full neutrality), in a common foreign policy project, which was natural. Indeed, practically all the Central Asian republics have experienced and are experiencing real problems with such phenomena as terrorism, Islamist extremism, and in some cases there are also separatist tendencies.

Last year alone, the list of extremist organizations banned in the SCO member countries increased by almost 35 items, and their total number exceeded one hundred. According to the RATS, more than 900 people suspected of extremism or separatism were put on the international wanted list. Conducted at the level of the SCO and a joint fight against drug trafficking. So, according to official data, in 2011-2017. more than 460 tons of various drugs were seized in the member countries of the organization.

At the same time, it must be remembered that the SCO was not and is not a collective military-political alliance like NATO or the CSTO. It is difficult, for example, to talk now about friendship between India and Pakistan.

Don't forget the economy

At the same time, we can state a certain "unfreezing" of relations between Delhi and Islamabad, as well as a noticeable progress in relations between individual Central Asian republics (for example, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan) in the past few years.

The nature of the strategic partnership between Russia and China was more than clearly confirmed by Vladimir Putin's state visit to China, which began a little before the forum in Qingdao. It is safe to say that the SCO factor itself contributes to all these positive processes of rapprochement between its member countries.

But since this organization is not a military-political alliance, it is not surprising that in the past few years the SCO has been increasingly involved in trade, economic and transport projects. It is clear that the governments of the countries participating in the organization have different political and economic "philosophy". But all the member states of the organization are set for a mutually beneficial economic partnership. Thus, the SCO members managed to reach an agreement on creating favorable conditions for international road transport. In fact, about 15 thousand kilometers of highways were exempted from excess tariffs for the unhindered movement of vehicles and the transportation of goods. In the future, the SCO member states will sign a similar agreement on railways.

The organization also adopted documents aimed at encouraging foreign direct investment. By the way, the share of the SCO countries in the world market accounts for 11% of foreign direct investment, that is, there is a really great potential for the implementation of joint trade and economic projects.

Objectively at the forefront this process is China. The leadership of the PRC, at the global level, risked throwing down the gauntlet to the white house in criticism of Trump's "conservative" protectionism, has made it clear more than once that he is in favor of strengthening the economic component of the SCO. At the same time, Beijing is not against the movement of the organization towards a free trade zone, which would be beneficial for the Chinese economy.

Russia here, of course, has a different instrument of Eurasian integration, I mean the Eurasian economic union. But the SCO and the EAEU do not oppose each other and are not direct competitors. By the way, both the SCO countries and the EAEU states are of interest to China from the point of view of its ambitious One Belt, One Road project.

Additional acceleration

The summit on June 9 and 10, which was held for the first time in the Eurasian G8 format, confirmed the intention of the member countries of the organization to strengthen the trade and economic dimension of the SCO. This is evidenced, in particular, by the statement on trade facilitation, which provides for the reduction of customs formalities related to the import and export of goods. As if in contrast to what was happening almost in parallel at the G7 summit, the SCO member countries unanimously came out in favor of creating favorable conditions for trade and investment. At the same time, the concept of cooperation in the field of environmental protection was adopted in Qingdao. Specific plans and programs for cooperation between the member countries in the field of tourism, support for small and medium-sized businesses were also approved.

Speaking at the summit, Rashid Alimov noted that with the entry of India and Pakistan into the organization, "the energy of the" Shanghai spirit "has received additional acceleration." In a joint statement by the heads of the SCO member states, it was stated that the partners' strategic cooperation in the field of politics, security, trade and economy will continue. The action plan for 2018-2022 was approved. on the implementation of the provisions of the agreement on long-term good neighborliness, friendship and cooperation of the SCO member states. Already this year, Chelyabinsk will host the first forum of heads of SCO regions. Work also continues on the creation of a development bank and an organization fund.

It is quite natural that the topic of collective security was not forgotten in Qingdao either. The countries participating in the organization adopted a joint program on countering terrorism, separatism and extremism for 2019-2021, and also approved an anti-drug strategy for 2018-2023.

The CHS Forum, based on the charter of the organization, once again spoke in favor of democratization international relations, for "forming a human community of shared destiny".

According to the members of the CHS, the settlement of the situation in Afghanistan, Syria, in general in the Middle East and on the Korean Peninsula is possible within the framework of generally recognized norms and principles international law. All SCO countries also stressed the importance of implementing a comprehensive action plan to resolve the situation around the Iranian nuclear issue. In addition, it was stated that it was necessary to maintain a consensus on the adoption of a UN convention on international terrorism.

The chairmanship of the SCO was transferred from China to Kyrgyzstan. This means that the 2019 summit will be held in Bishkek. One can only assume that this year the "Shanghai spirit" will only strengthen in the work of the SCO.

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