"Dora": how the biggest gun of the Second World War fired at the cities of the USSR. Artillery is the god of war? Artillery of World War II Artillery of World War II

female name"Dora" the Germans called the most gigantic gun of World War II. This artillery system with a caliber of 80 centimeters was so huge that it moved only along railway. She traveled half of Europe and left an ambiguous opinion about herself.

Dora was developed in the late 1930s at the Krupp plant in Essen. the main task super-powerful guns - the destruction of the forts of the French Maginot line during the siege. At that time, these were the strongest fortifications that existed in the world.

"Dora" could fire shells weighing 7 tons at a distance of up to 47 kilometers. The fully assembled "Dora" weighed about 1350 tons. The Germans developed this powerful weapon while preparing for the battle for France. But when the fighting began in 1940, the most big gun World War II was not yet ready. In any case, the Blitzkrieg tactics allowed the Germans to capture Belgium and France in just 40 days, bypassing the Maginot defensive line. This forced the French to surrender with minimal resistance and the fortifications did not have to be stormed.

"Dora" was deployed later, during the war in the East, in the Soviet Union. It was used during the siege of Sevastopol to shell the coastal batteries that heroically defended the city. The preparation of the gun from the traveling position for firing took a week and a half. In addition to the direct calculation of 500 people, a security battalion, a transport battalion, two railway trains for the transport of ammunition, an anti-aircraft division, as well as its own military police and field bakery.

A German gun as high as a four-story house and 42 meters long fired concrete-piercing and high-explosive shells up to 14 times a day. To push out the largest projectile in the world, a charge of 2 tons of explosives was needed.

It is believed that in June 1942, "Dora" fired 48 shots at Sevastopol. But due to the long distance to the target, only a few hits were obtained. In addition, heavy blanks, if they did not hit the concrete armor, went into the ground for 20-30 meters, where their explosion did not cause much damage. The supergun did not show the results that the Germans had hoped for, having “swollen” a lot of money into this ambitious miracle weapon.

When the resource of the barrel came out, the gun was taken to the rear. It was planned to use it under besieged Leningrad after repairs, but this was prevented by the deblockade of the city by our troops. Then the supergun was taken through Poland to Bavaria, where in April 1945 it was blown up so that it would not become a trophy for the Americans.

In the XIX-XX centuries. there were only two weapons, with a large caliber (90 cm for both): the British Mallet mortar and the American Little David. But the "Dora" and the same type "Gustav" (which did not take part in the hostilities) were the largest caliber artillery that participated in the battles. It is also the largest self-propelled units ever built. Nevertheless, these 800 mm guns went down in history as "a completely useless work of art."

The Third Reich developed many interesting and unusual projects"Wonder Weapon" For example, .

In the early 1930s, the Škoda concern from Pilsen in Czechoslovakia was able to design, develop and produce the most modern artillery armament, which had nothing to do with the models that formed the basis of its products in the First world war. In 1933, a series of 149-mm howitzers appeared, the first of which was K1 or mod. 1933, wholly exported to Turkey, Yugoslavia and Romania. The K1 149 mm howitzer was completely constructed from modern parts and had a heavy forked frame. She could be towed by horse or mechanical traction. But when towing, the gun barrel had to be removed and transported as a separate cargo ..

In parallel with the howitzer mod. 37 of a completely new design used prototypes of the former 220-mm Skoda from the First World War. At that time, in terms of the production of heavy weapons, Skoda was second only to the Krupp concern in Europe, and in terms of its combat effectiveness it was the first. And after Czechoslovakia gained independence in 1918, the production of classic howitzers resumed. The super-powerful guns that performed well in World War I were heavy to transport, had a low rate of fire, and were expensive to operate. armies of new independent states lighter guns were needed...

Among the requirements for the new German artillery park, designed to make up for the loss of guns in the First World War, was the advisability of using long-range guns in corps, rather than field artillery batteries. It was this project that was set by the General Staff of the then underground German defense industry. And in 1926, the Krupp and Rheinmetall concerns presented prototypes of such a gun, and in 1930, the first production prototypes of the 105-mm howitzer K 18. As a result of a series of studies and tests, the 105-mm howitzer K 18 had a production barrel " Rheinmetall" on the bed of the concern "Krupp" ..

The main arms concerns producing artillery pieces, in Germany since the beginning of the 20th century there were Krupp and Rheinmetall. They safely, without destroying the production complex, survived the First World War, which could not be said about their markets. In the 1920s, advanced research was carried out, and by the time the Nazis came to power in 1933, new projects were ready. Moreover, the new government invited both concerns to each competition. But the customer faced difficulties in choosing the best project, since the presented prototypes of both companies met all the requirements.

When in 1933 the Wehrmacht needed a new heavy cannon for divisional artillery, the project of the Rheinmetall concern won. Using the already developed frame of the 150 mm sFH 18 howitzer, he proposed a cannon that had the longest range in the world at that time - 24,500 m (26,800 yd). The new howitzer did not immediately go into production, since at that time the main attention of the German industry was paid to the production of heavy sFH 18 howitzers. Serial production of the 150-mm gun (150-mm K18) began only in 1938. The 15-cm K18 gun, which entered service with the German troops, fully met the conditions modern combat according to their tactical characteristics ..

The Germans came to the possession of the gun, which later became known as the 150-mm K39 gun, in a somewhat roundabout way. At first, in the late 1930s, the gun was designed by the Krupp concern in Essen and was intended for one of their traditional customers - Turkey. The new gun was originally designed as a dual purpose gun to be both a field gun and a coastal defensive gun. To this end, he was given a forked frame and - an innovation for that time - a removable turntable, which made it possible to make a horizontal guidance angle of 360 degrees, which was especially important in the defense of the coastal strip. Two of the ordered guns were ready by 1939.

In the field of artillery design during both world wars, the Krupp concern from Essen is considered the undisputed leader. It was he who developed the famous guns of World War II. One of the novelties was the bed with "double damping rollback". The recoil forces were first perceived by the conventional brake mechanism, and then by the bed, sliding backwards on rail guides mounted on a carriage. These efforts were extinguished with virtually no displacement relative to the ground, which increased the accuracy of shooting. Krupp was the first to use a firing platform on which the barrel could rotate with the frame.

In 1935, Rheinmetall began designing a heavy long-range gun firing a heavy long-range projectile, which was an official order from the military command of the German army. In 1938, the first samples of the German super-heavy 240-mm K 3 gun were produced. Its massive frame with “double recoil damping” was fixed on a firing table capable of turning 360 °. The vertical pointing angle of the table was 56 ° and made it possible to fire at the most powerful fortifications, ensuring the greatest efficiency of fire. The design of this gun was equipped with the latest developments.

In the late 1930s, the Italian army made an attempt to completely renew its artillery fleet. It should be noted that at that time the entire artillery park of the Italian army looked more like a museum of artillery exhibits than like military artillery pieces. Guns of modern and well-designed design were chosen, namely a 149 mm cannon and a 210 mm howitzer. The howitzer was designed and developed military organization STAM (STAM). However, the Ansaldo company was directly involved in the production of this tool. The gun was named as follows: 210-mm howitzer mod.35. It should be emphasized that the prototype of this model was created in 1935.

152-mm howitzer-gun of the 1937 model (ML-20, GAU index - 52-G-544A) - Soviet howitzer-gun of the Second World War period. This gun was mass-produced from 1937 to 1946, was or still is in service with the armies of many countries of the world, was used in almost all significant wars and armed conflicts of the middle and end of the 20th century. This gun was armed with the most powerful Soviet self-propelled artillery installations of the Great Patriotic War- SU-152 and ISU-152. According to some artillery experts, the ML-20 is among the best designs.

In 1941, the Red Army was armed with many high-barreled 152-mm howitzers mod. 1930 despite the modernization, which, in general. affected not only given type guns, they lacked range. Later, there was a general idea that these howitzers should be replaced, and it is necessary to develop new type guns this class. This replacement took place in 1938. So, in 1938 there was a completely new model, which had a long 152-mm barrel AND a new solid frame. The M-1O howitzer (field howitzer of 1938), produced by factories in Perm and Votkinsk, became famous..

The heaviest of the Soviet field guns of the Second World War, the 203-mm howitzer of the 1931 model was designated V-4. It was a very powerful weapon. However, the main disadvantage of this howitzer was very big mass. The howitzer was among the few guns mounted on a caterpillar tractor chassis, produced in large quantities in the country in the 20s and 30s. The result of the fact that this howitzer was placed on a tracked tractor chassis was general policy Soviet leadership 20s - 30s, aimed at the development of tractor factories, so the use of tractors..

By the end of the 1930s, the British Main Artillery Headquarters decided to update the fleet of medium field guns. At that point in time, it became obvious that the guns that were in the British artillery arsenal were either outdated or did not meet the necessary standards put forward by the command British artillery. A new 4.5-inch gun was taken into consideration, having the same frame as the projected 5.5-inch howitzer. Mainly, this gun met the main requirement of that time - the firing range. So, the estimated range was 18290 m.

Between the First and Second World Wars, Great Britain did not pay due attention to the development of artillery. And when the need for heavy guns arose in 1940, only low-range 8-inch howitzers left over from World War I were available. As a temporary measure, it was decided to change the liner in the barrels from 8-inch to 7.2-inch, put the existing beds on wheels with pneumatic tires and develop new series shells. This is how the 7.2-inch howitzer appeared. It should be noted that in part, when changing the 8-inch howitzer to a new gun, some problematic issues have been resolved.

In 1939, the US Army returned to the project of creating a 203 mm gun and a 240 mm howitzer on a single bed. It should be emphasized that initially this project was developed immediately after the end of World War I, in 1919. However, at that time it was decided not to start production of this weapon. The first guns appeared only in 1944, and the production of howitzers that were less difficult to manufacture began already in May 1943. The 240 mm M1 howitzer was a massive gun mounted on an enlarged frame of the 155 mm M1 gun.

After joining World War I heavy guns received by the US Army were the British 8-inch howitzers Mk VII and VIII, which subsequently began to be produced in the US by order of the UK. The US Army became interested in this high-precision gun and decided to start production of its own model after 1918 under the auspices of the Westerwelt Council, which also recommended the adoption of the 155 mm M1 gun. In this case, the howitzer and gun would have to have one bed, M1. Despite the recommendations presented by the Westerwelt Council……

After entering the First World War, among the heavy guns received by the US Army were the British 8-inch howitzers Mk VII and VIII, which subsequently began to be produced in the US by order of the UK. The US Army became interested in this high-precision gun and decided to start production of its own model after 1918 under the auspices of the Westerwelt Council, which also recommended the adoption of the 155 mm M1 gun. In this case, the howitzer and the cannon would have to have one frame, M1 Despite the recommendations presented by the Westerwelt Council ..

37mm anti-tank gun sample 1930 (1-K) was developed by the German company Rheinmetall and transferred to the latter under an agreement between Germany and the USSR. In fact, it was similar to the German Pak-35/36 anti-tank gun with interchangeable ammunition: armor-piercing, fragmentation shells and buckshot. A total of 509 units were manufactured. TTX guns: caliber 37 mm; barrel length - 1.6 m; height of the line of fire - 0.7 m; firing range - 5.6 km; initial speed - 820 m / s; rate of fire - 15 rounds per minute; armor penetration - 20 mm at a distance of 800 m at a meeting angle of 90 °; calculation - 4 people; the speed of transportation on the highway - up to 20 km / h.

Airborne gun mod. 1944 had a shortened barrel recoil and was equipped with a specially designed 37-mm BR-167P sub-caliber projectile (weight - 0.6-07 kg.). The gun was disassembled into three parts: a swinging part, a machine tool and a shield. The two-wheeled machine had sliding beds with fixed and driven coulters. Shield in stowed position on wheels was placed along the movement of the gun. The gun was transported in Willys (1 gun), GAZ-64 (1 gun), Dodge (2 guns) and GAZ-A (2 guns) cars, as well as in the sidecar of a Harley Davidson motorcycle. From a motorcycle it was possible to fire at speeds up to 10 km / h. In 1944-1945. 472 guns were made. TTX guns: caliber - 37 mm; barrel length - 2.3 m; weight - 217 kg; projectile weight - 730 g; fire line height - 280 mm; maximum firing range - 4 km; rate of fire - 15-25 rounds per minute; muzzle velocity - 865 - 955 m / s; armor penetration with a caliber armor-piercing projectile at an angle of 90 ° at a distance of 500 m - 46 mm, with a sub-caliber - 86 mm; shield thickness - 4.5 mm; calculation - 4 people; the time for transferring the gun from marching to combat is 1 minute.

The gun of the 1932 model was created by replacing the barrel of the 37-mm anti-tank gun of the 1930 model. The gun was transported both by horse-drawn and mechanical. In the transport position, a single-axle ammunition box clung, and behind it the gun itself. The 19-K gun had wooden wheels. The gun adapted for installation in a tank received the factory designation "20-K" (32.5 thousand guns were produced). In 1933, the gun was modernized - the weight in combat position decreased to 414 kg. In 1934, the gun received pneumatic tires, and the weight increased to 425 kg. The gun was produced in 1932-1937. A total of 2974 guns were produced. TTX guns: caliber - 45 mm; length - 4 m; width - 1.6 m; height - 1.2 m; clearance - 225 mm; barrel length - 2.1 m; weight in combat position - 560 kg, in marching position - 1.2 tons; firing range - 4.4 km; rate of fire - 15-20 rounds per minute; armor penetration - 43 mm at a distance of 500 m; calculation - 5 people; the speed of transportation on the highway on wooden wheels is 10 - 15 km / h, on rubber wheels - 50 km / h.

Cannon arr. 1937 was put into service in 1938 and was the result of the modernization of the 19-K anti-tank gun. The gun was mass-produced until 1942.

It differed from the previous model in the following innovations: semi-automatic worked when firing all types of ammunition, a push-button descent and suspension were introduced, an automobile wheel was installed; cast parts of the machine are excluded. Armor penetration - 43 mm at a distance of 500 m. To improve armor penetration, a 45 mm sub-caliber projectile was adopted, which pierced 66 mm armor at a distance of 500 m along the normal, and when firing at a distance of 100 m - 88 mm armor. A total of 37,354 guns were made. TTX guns: caliber - 45 mm; length - 4.26 m; width - 1.37 m; height - 1.25 m; barrel length - 2 m; weight in combat position - 560 kg; in the march - 1.2 tons; rate of fire - 20 rounds per minute; initial projectile speed - 760 m / s; direct shot range - 850 m; weight of an armor-piercing projectile - 1.4 kg, maximum firing range - 4.4 km, carriage speed along the highway - 50 km / h; calculation - 6 people.

The gun of the 1942 model (M-42) was created as a result of the modernization of the 45-mm gun mod. 1937 Modernization consisted in lengthening the barrel (up to 3.1 m) and strengthening the propellant charge. Shield cover armor thickness has been increased from 4.5 mm to 7 mm for better protection calculation from rifle armor-piercing bullets. As a result of modernization, the muzzle velocity of the projectile increased from 760 to 870 m/s. A total of 10,843 units were produced. TTX guns: caliber - 45 mm; length - 4.8 m; width - 1.6 m; height - 1.2 m; barrel length - 3 m; weight in combat position - 625 kg; in the march - 1250 kg; projectile weight - 1.4 kg; initial speed - 870 m / s; maximum firing range - 4.5 km; direct shot range - 950 m; rate of fire - 20 rounds per minute; speed of transportation on the highway - 50 km / h; armor penetration - 51 mm at a distance of 1000 m; calculation - 6 people.

The 57-mm anti-tank gun of the 1941 model (ZIS-2) was created under the leadership of V. G. Grabin in 1940, but its production was suspended in 1941. Only with the advent of heavily armored German tanks in 1943 mass production was resumed under a new designation. The gun of the 1943 model had a number of differences from the guns of the 1941 issue, aimed at improving the manufacturability of the gun. The towing of the gun was carried out at the beginning of the war by a semi-armored Komsomolets tractor, GAZ-64, GAZ-67, GAZ-AA, GAZ-AAA, ZIS-5 cars, from the middle of the war, land-supplied - Lease semi-trucks "Dodge WC-51" and all-wheel drive trucks "Studebaker US6". Based on the ZIS-2, the ZIS-4 and ZIS-4M tank guns were created, which were installed on the T-34. The gun was also used for armament anti-tank self-propelled guns"ZIS-30". The gun was equipped with ammunition in the form of a unitary cartridge with shells: caliber and sub-caliber armor-piercing; fragmentation and buckshot. The weight of the projectile ranged from 1.7 to 3.7 kg, depending on its type, the initial velocity ranged from 700 to 1270 m/s; armor penetration - 109 mm at a distance of 1000 m at a meeting angle - 90 °. A total of 13.7 thousand guns were fired. TTX guns: caliber - 57 mm; length - 7 m; width - 1.7 m; height - 1.3 m; barrel length - 4.1 m; clearance - 350 mm; weight in combat position - 1050 kg; in the marching - 1900 kg; rate of fire - 25 rounds per minute; highway transportation speed - up to 60 km / s; fire line height - 853 mm; firing range - 8.4 km; direct shot range - 1.1 km; the thickness of the shield cover was 6 mm; calculation - 6 people.

Structurally, the ZiS-3 was an overlay of the barrel of the F-22USV divisional gun model on the light carriage of the ZiS-2 anti-tank 57-mm gun. The gun had suspension, metal wheels, with rubber tires. To move by horse traction, it was equipped with a unified limber model 1942 for regimental and divisional guns. The gun was also towed by mechanical traction: trucks of the ZiS-5, GAZ-AA or GAZ-MM types, a three-axle all-wheel drive Studebaker US6, light all-wheel drive Dodge WC vehicles. The ZIS-3 gun was put into service in 1942 and had dual purpose: divisional field gun and anti-tank gun. Moreover, to fight tanks, the gun was used more in the first half of the war. The gun was also armed with self-propelled guns "SU-76". During the war, divisional artillery had 23.2 thousand guns, and anti-tank units - 24.7 thousand. During the war years, 48,016 thousand guns were fired. TTX guns: caliber - 76.2 mm; length - 6 m; width - 1.4 m; barrel length - 3; weight in the stowed position - 1.8 tons, in combat - 1.2 tons; rate of fire - 25 rounds per minute; armor penetration of a projectile weighing 6.3 kg with initial speed 710 m / s - 46 mm at a distance of 1000 m; barrel survivability - 2000 shots; maximum firing range - 13 km; transition time from transport to combat position - 1 minute; the speed of transportation on the highway is 50 km/h.

The artillery of the Second World War was striking in its pace of development. The warring countries started it with old weapons, and completed it with a modernized arsenal. Each state has chosen its own path in the development of its troops. What this led to is known from history.

What is artillery?

Before you begin to consider the artillery of the Second World War, you should understand what it is. This is the name of the branch of the army, which involves the use firearms twenty millimeters or more in caliber. It is designed to hit the enemy on land, water and in the air. The word "artillery" means a weapon, devices for firing, ammunition.

Operating principle

Artillery of the Second World War, as well as of the early period, is based on a physical and chemical process, when the energy of burning a charge of gunpowder in the barrel is converted into the energy of the movement of the ammunition. At the time of the shot, the temperature in the barrel reaches three thousand degrees.

Only a quarter of the energy is spent on the movement of the projectile. The rest of the energy goes to secondary work and is lost. A stream of gases passes through the channel, which forms a flame and smoke. A shock wave is also formed in the channel. She is the source of the sound.


Artillery guns of the Second World War consist of two key parts: the barrel, including the bolt, and the gun carriage. The barrel has a pipe structure. It is necessary to throw a mine and make it fly in a given direction. Inner part called a channel. It includes a chamber and a leading part. There are rifled barrels. They give the projectile rotational motion. But smooth barrels have a longer flight range.

The shutter is a device that sends an artillery shot into the chamber. It is also necessary for locking / unlocking the channel, firing a shot, ejecting a cartridge case. The shutter is wedge or piston.

The barrel is mounted on a special machine - gun carriage. It performs several functions:

  • gives the trunk a vertical and horizontal angle;
  • absorbs recoil energy;
  • moves the tool.

The gun is also equipped sighting device, shield cover, lower machine to ensure immobility.

Combat properties

The artillery of the Second World War has become more advanced than in past centuries. Used this type of troops for the following combat properties:

  • The power of ammunition. In other words, this is an indicator of the effectiveness of the projectile at the target. For example, the power of a high-explosive projectile is characterized by the area of ​​the destruction zone, a fragmentation projectile by the area of ​​the fragmentation zone, and an armor-piercing projectile by the thickness of the armor being pierced.
  • Range - the longest range a gun can throw a mine.
  • Rate of fire - the number of shots fired from a gun in a certain time. It is necessary to distinguish between combat rate of fire and technical.
  • Fire maneuverability - characterized by the speed with which you can open fire.
  • Mobility - the ability of a weapon to move before a battle and during its conduct. Artillery has an average speed.

Shooting accuracy is also important. Artillery of the period of the Second World War is characterized by accuracy and accuracy.

Artillery tactics

Countries with artillery used it in various tactics. First of all, on the offensive. This made it possible to suppress the enemy's defenses and constantly support infantry with tanks at the breakthrough sites.

Strategists have developed a method called a fork. The first shot is fired and slightly overshoots the target. This is followed by a second shot that misses the target slightly. If the target is captured, the gunners proceed to aimed shooting. If shortcomings are found, tactics are continued until sufficient accuracy is achieved.

Artillery fire can be used for cutting. It is used to repel attacks. Typically, the cutting fire extends to 150-200 meters. Also, with the help of artillery, you can determine the location of the object.

In terms of its duration and scale, counter-battery firing stands out in particular. It is the firing of cannons from indirect positions at an enemy who is also using artillery. A battle is called successfully completed when the enemy artillery is suppressed or destroyed. A feature of counter-battery firing is the remoteness of the target from the front line. To determine the exact coordinates, the help of scouts who work on the front line is required. It is also possible to use aircraft, aerial photography, radar station.

Guns are fired different ways. The most destructive is the volley. It is a simultaneous firing of several guns. The volley creates a strong impression of a psychological nature, and also leads to serious destruction. Such fire is resorted to if the weapon is well aimed and there is a need for such actions.

There are many others tactics on the use of artillery. It is possible to single out more debilitating fire when the guns fire for a long time for one purpose.

Artillery at the beginning of the war

Artillery has evolved over the centuries. Significant changes took place before the First World War, as well as during its battles. The changes that were made to the guns served as the basis for the artillery of World War II.

The role of heavy guns began to increase in the conduct of hostilities. They were especially used during offensive operations. Artillery perfectly broke through the enemy defenses. The number of guns was constantly increasing in the armies of all countries. Their quality was also improved, especially power and range. To increase the effectiveness, an instrumental reconnaissance service appeared.

After the First World War, the states worked on the accumulation of military power. Artillery was working on improving performance characteristics old equipment, created new tools.

The Soviet artillery of the Second World War, like that of other countries, consisted of old, partially modernized guns. The tactics of their use were also outdated. In the USSR, there were attempts to create universal field guns. Each country at the beginning of World War II had its own attitude to artillery.

German artillery of World War II

It is no secret that Germany was preparing for war long before it began. By the beginning of hostilities, the guns of the aggressor country met the requirements of the era. However, by the end of the war, there was a shortage of large-caliber guns.

The naval artillery of the Wehrmacht of the Second World War was created in the prewar years. Therefore, German sailors could engage in battle with the enemy at sea, despite their numerical superiority. The fact is that other countries have practically not been engaged in the modernization of ship weapons.

As for the German coastal artillery of the Second World War, it was assembled from large-caliber naval specimens of its own production, as well as those captured from the enemy. Most of them were released before the First World War.

The best during the war years was flak. It was distinguished by its quality and quantity.

In 1941-1942, the country was unable to resist heavy tanks enemy. Experts have been developing anti-tank guns. By 1943, they adapted anti-aircraft guns for these purposes. More problems did not appear in battles.

The leading place was occupied by self-propelled artillery installations. They were created in Germany on special projects. In the USSR, no less attention was paid to self-propelled artillery mounts.

Artillery of the USSR of World War II

By World War II, the Soviet Union launched the production of aircraft guns, which, in terms of their characteristics, corresponded to the requirements of the era. However, the aiming system remained a problem. It could not be resolved throughout the war.

The naval artillery of the USSR during World War II consisted for the most part of medium-caliber guns created before the First World War. guns large caliber preserved from the pre-war times of tsarist Russia.

The artillery of the USSR of the Second World War was insufficient for coastline. But even those few guns made a significant contribution to the defensive ability of the army at the beginning of the war. Thanks to coastal guns, the defense of Odessa and Sevastopol held out for a long time.

The country had numerous and fairly modern mobile heavy artillery. But due to unprofessional command, it turned out to be ineffective. The most backward type of weapon in question was anti-aircraft artillery. The situation changed little even towards the end of the war.

Regarding the rest of the guns, the USSR was able to establish production during the war. By the end of World War II, the country was competing with Germany. The army gave preference to guns that covered with their fire large areas. This was due to the fact that soviet soldiers did not yet know how to shoot at targets. Therefore, the command attached great importance to the development of rocket artillery.

British artillery

Old copies were modernized in the country. Due to the fact that the industry was unable to establish production, the UK was unable to create medium-caliber aircraft guns. This led to an overload of aviation with large-caliber guns.

Also, the UK did not have large-caliber coastal guns. They were replaced by medium-caliber guns and ships. England was afraid of the German fleet, so it produced coastal small-caliber guns. The country did not have specialized equipment to withstand heavy tanks. Was few and self-propelled artillery.

US artillery

The United States was at war pacific ocean. To do this, they used aircraft guns. During the war years, the country was issued a large number of anti-aircraft installations. In general, the country coped with the amount of artillery that they had. This was due to the fact that there were no fighting. In Europe, the US military used British guns.

Artillery of Japan

The country fought mainly with a weapon created before the First World War or in the interwar period. Despite the rather young anti-aircraft guns, they were obsolete, so they could not provide significant resistance to enemy aircraft. anti-tank artillery limited to small caliber guns. In its infancy was a jet branch of the troops.

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