Irina circle personal life after death. Son of Mikhail Krug: biography, family and interesting facts. Eldest son of Mikhail Krug

Irina Krug and Sergei Belousov have been together for 13 years. But in the first days of 2018, the singer said that she was thinking about divorce. More recently, in an interview, the actress admitted that everything had improved in their relationship, and the divorce was postponed.

The famous singer Irina Krug became famous thanks to her talent, beautiful songs, voice and music. For a long time after the death of her first husband, she was worried and did not want to have any relationship, until Sergei met on her way.

Irina Krug and Sergei Belousov met in 2006. A relationship began that grew not only into light flirting, but also into marriage. Famous singer and musician Mikhail Krug passed away in 2002. The permanent death was caused by gunshot wounds that became incompatible with life. Doctors were unable to save the singer. The wife, Irina Krug, was very upset about the death of her husband.

For many years I didn’t want to start any relationship. According to her, it was simply impossible to find someone like Mikhail, since there are simply no such people on the planet. Their relationship began in 1999, when Irina worked as a waitress in one of the restaurants. Their meeting turned out to be fatal. Mikhail had feelings for the young girl, and the flame of love burned in her heart. Irina moved with her daughter from her first relationship to Mikhail to Tver and worked as a dresser for him.

Their wedding took place in 2001. Their relationship was sincere, bright and intense. But a fairy tale cannot last forever. After the birth of his son Alexander, Mikhail, he was killed by criminals who broke into the house. Irina experienced the death of her beloved husband for a long time. Thanks to her children and hope for a better life, she lived and sang songs for the audience.

Irina Krug is divorcing her husband Sergei: meeting with Belousov

In 2006, her fate introduced her to businessman Sergei Belousov. According to Irina, she doesn’t even know what attracted her to this young guy. They have different characters and outlooks on life. But in their marriage a son, Andrei, was born. Irina Krug had to endure a lot of grief and condemnation. Some accused the singer of building a career for herself thanks to her famous surname, while others young wife. But the woman turned out to be very strong and confident. She built a career as a singer, created new family. Not everything was going smoothly in the relationship; frequent scandals and misunderstandings forced Irina to think about whether it was worth living together anymore.

In January 2018, Irina Krug said that she wanted to file for divorce and continue living on her own. Although she and Sergei have been married for 13 years, it turns out that not everything is as good as it seems at first glance. The singer's fans were shocked by this message; they could not believe that the couple would separate.

A few days ago, Irina Krug said that a divorce from Sergei was avoided. Everything got better in their family. Despite her busy touring schedule, she devotes time to her beloved husband and children. My daughter is already working, Alexander, who is now 16 years old, is interested in music, and the youngest Andrey is still going to school. Thanks to a joint vacation with her beloved man and children in Dubai, divorce was avoided. Fans hope that everything will work out in the lives of Irina and Sergei.

Irina Krug is perhaps one of the most famous female singers Russian stage. She is known primarily for being a widow. famous Michael Circle. Irina won music awards several times, receiving various awards. She really became famous after the death of her husband, when she released her debut album, dedicated to her deceased husband.

The many difficulties that she encountered did not break her, but quite the opposite - they gave her strength and allowed her to gain fame not only in her native Russia, but also beyond its borders.

Height, weight, age. How old is Irina Krug

Since her musical debut, Irina has been able to win quite a large army of fans. And many of them are interested in all the details about this woman. Some even like to compare themselves with their idols, which is why they want to know her height, weight, age. How old is Irina Krug? This question is probably quite logical. Because at first glance it seems that she is older than she actually looks.

Now the singer is 41 years old, and she really looks younger. If you look at the photo of Irina Krug in her youth and now, you can see that the difference is very small. Great looks A good figure also helps her maintain her figure - with a height of 166 cm, Irina weighs only 50 kg.

Biography of Irina Krug

Irina's date of birth is March 29, 1976. The singer's hometown is Chelyabinsk. Her father was a military man, and her mother was a draftsman.

The biography of Irina Krug has been of interest since an early age. Since childhood, Irina’s parents noted her interest in great art. Like most girls of those years, she dreamed of becoming an artist, acting or performing in the theater. To bring the girl’s dream closer, her parents sent her to study at a local theater club. Besides acting future singer I was very interested in figure skating and went to the skating rink quite often. Where she not only just skated, but also tried to perform some tricks or figures. But she did not become a professional figure skater - Irina did not pass the age selection. After graduating from school, Irina’s life turns upside down, making her forget about her career as a professional artist.

After graduation, Ira got married and gave birth to a daughter, Marina. Unfortunately or fortunately, this marriage was short-lived and fragile. The husband, who worked as a dentist, suddenly became interested in drugs. After the divorce, Irina had to earn money on her own so that she would have enough for both herself and the child.

At the age of 21, Irina began working in one of the most prestigious restaurants as a waitress. There there was a meeting that became a turning point in her life.

Mikhail Krug took her to work for him, and just a few years later, from a dresser she became first his lover, and then his wife. Mikhail adopted Irina's daughter. Before getting married, they lived without stamps for about a year.

And one summer, that well-known tragedy happened - Krug was killed by unknown bandits in his own house.

Irina found several unreleased songs of her husband and decided to publish an album where she would sing these songs herself. Irina has never studied vocals with anyone. Mikhail himself dreamed of a quiet old age, so he also did not want his wife to connect her life with show business.

Mikhail’s longtime friend, Vladimir Bocharov, helped in recording the album. In 2004, Irina Krug made her debut. Just a year later, the singer was awarded the “Chanson of the Year” music award. And two years later, Irina released another album.

In 2007, Irina married businessman Sergei Belousov. She continues to perform at music competitions and festivals, winning more and more awards and prizes. Her audiography consists of eight albums, with which she still performs, and all her concerts are sold out. An interesting point is that from time to time at her performances Irina performs songs that Mikhail Krug himself once sang. As if making it clear that the memory of him is alive.

Personal life of Irina Krug

The personal life of Irina Krug has been the subject of media discussion for quite some time. Among other things, when she walked down the aisle in Once again, then came under a barrage of accusations that she was betraying memory ex-husband. Irina explains this as a way to return to a measured life and let love into her heart again.

Soon after the wedding, Irina and her husband move to Moscow, they have a son together. This is already Irina’s third child. Irina often says that she often dreams about Mikhail. Sometimes she asks him for advice when she finds it difficult to make a choice.

Irina Krug's family

As mentioned earlier, Irina Krug’s parents were in no way related to art. Both Irina’s father and mother belonged to working professions, but they supported their daughter’s craving for the world of beauty and helped to develop her talent at least a little. But her dreams of acting Olympus were hindered by her too early first marriage, which Ira’s parents were not happy with.

Currently, we can say that Irina Krug’s family is her third husband and three wonderful children born from each husband. From Mikhail Krug, Irina also gave birth to a son.

Children of Irina Krug

In total, Irina Krug has three beautiful children - adult daughter and two young sons. It is also impossible not to add that during his second marriage, Krug also lived in native son singer - Dmitry. Irina gave birth to Mikhail another son - Sasha. Irina was glad that at least her second child would have a calm and well-fed life, because the woman remembered how in the late nineties she had to constantly look for a better job in order to raise little Marina.

All children of Irina Krug found mutual language with her third husband, which could not but please her.

Son of Irina Krug - Alexander

Irina Krug’s son, Alexander, was born in 2002, in Irina’s second marriage to Mikhail Krug. It’s sad, but newborn Sasha was not able to sufficiently get to know his daddy, and he didn’t really have time to take up raising his own son. Sashenka was only a month old when Mikhail died.

After tragic death Mikhail Alexander stayed with his mother, and when Irina walked down the aisle again, he quickly became close to his stepfather, so there were no problems with upbringing.

Son of Irina Krug - Andrey

Irina Krug’s son, Andrei, was born in Irina’s third and final marriage to Sergei Belousov. He was born only in 2013 and is almost four years old. On the Internet you can find several pictures of the whole family.

According to the singer, Sergei picked her and Andryusha up from the maternity hospital in a luxurious limousine and with a bouquet of flowers. It is not surprising that the woman was in seventh heaven. It is noteworthy that with youngest child Irina was almost never on maternity leave, and returned to work at the end of the year.

Daughter of Irina Krug - Marina

The daughter of Irina Krug, Marina, became the first-born of the then future singer. She was born into her first marriage, which also quickly broke up, leaving Irina with a baby in her arms and without a penny in her pocket. The woman took on any job just to feed her daughter.

When Irina moved to live with Mikhail, she took Marina, which the singer himself was only too happy about. There is information that Krug even officially adopted Marina. Now Marina Krug has already grown up

Former husband of Irina Krug

Irina actually got married for the first time only after school. Although the girl’s parents were not happy with such haste, this marriage seemed very successful to Irina herself. Irina Krug’s ex-husband, although his name remains unknown, came from a decent family and worked as a dentist. But very soon after the birth of his daughter Marina, the man began to use alcohol and drugs. This was the reason for the breakup of a short and unhappy marriage.

Relatives said that this was partly to blame early age future chansonnier. There is information that this person is currently dead.

Irina Krug's ex-husband - Mikhail Krug

Even many of those who did not listen to chanson still at least once heard the name of the recognized king of chanson. They met at the prestigious Malachite restaurant, where Irina worked as a waitress at that time. The meeting excited Ira very much, because she heard that Mikhail is quite picky when it comes to food, and can even throw a scandal if he doesn’t like something.

Then Mikhail decided to invite Irina to his position as a costume designer. Of course, she didn’t believe it, and about a month passed before she finally agreed. Moreover, it is worth noting that even the director of the establishment himself contributed to this.

Irina's second marriage again did not last long. After living for about a year in civil marriage, they finally decided to legalize their relationship in 2001. And almost a year later, Mikhail was shot by bandits who snuck into his house at night.

It is impossible not to mention that Irina Krug’s ex-husband, Mikhail Krug, was previously married and has another son.

Irina Krug’s husband – Sergei Belousov

Irina Krug’s current husband, Sergei Belousov, is quite famous and successful man. She and Irina got married five years after the death of the Circle. Of course, many immediately began to accuse the singer of insulting the memory of her ex-husband. But Irina herself tried to present it in a different way. She will remember Mikhail, no matter who she is with and no matter what last name she bears, but she needs to try to move on with her life and try to open her heart to new love.

Sergei Belousov quickly managed to find a common language with Irina’s children, and for many years now they have been living in Moscow as one family.

Irina Krug nude

It is impossible not to mention such a topic as “Irina Krug naked.” I must say that this topic was quite actively discussed on the Internet, and not even only by Irina’s fans. However, we immediately note that even the most skilled hacker will not be able to find such pictures of naked Irina.

All that is available to the eyes of fans and other sophisticated users is photoshop, retouched photographs and other similar fakes, which, one way or another, show naked Irina Krug to her fans and not only. Moreover, you don’t need to be a professional to create such fakes.

Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Krug

Like most artists of our time, Irina Krug does not want to lag behind fashion, so she created a personal profile on the popular social network Instagram. There fans will be able to find many photos and videos from Irina’s everyday and other life.

Of course, her profiles in in social networks contain enough a large number of data that can tell fans about the singer’s concert and personal life, as well as her biography. Irina Krug’s Instagram and Wikipedia are mainly aimed at helping new fans get to know their idol better.

Irina Krug is not only a famous and beloved pop performer of Russian chanson. This happy one beautiful woman is the mother of three wonderful children, namely eldest daughter Marina Glazko, sons Alexander and Andrey. As you know, today she is the owner prestigious award"Chanson of the Year" However, on the way to stunning success, she had to go through many unpleasant moments and overcome difficult obstacles.

Biography of Irina

Ural Chelyabinsk is the city in which Irina was born on March 29, 1976. The singer always speaks only of the kindest and kindest about her homeland. good words. IN certain moments the singer’s life is being “covered” Nice memories about the bright and joyful days spent in this working-class town.

Happy childhood

As a girl, Irina Krug bore the last name Glazko, which she changed upon marriage to Vorobyova.

The biography of Irina Krug is quite interesting and diverse. The girl was born into an ordinary and unremarkable family. Her mother was a draftswoman, but her father was a military man, so there was no need to talk about violation of order and discipline in the house.

The sweet girl Ira, like many of her peers, I had one dream - to become an actress and become famous throughout the world. Her creative inclinations and abilities for art were visible to the naked eye from the very early childhood, therefore, without thinking twice, her parents sent her to study in a theater club. At that time he was in the Chelyabinsk House of Creativity.

However, the irresistible desire and restless desire to participate in theatrical performances was not understandable and justified for all relatives and acquaintances, because in reality Ira was different:

  • timid character;
  • indecision;
  • self-doubt.

Even during a school lesson, when going to the blackboard, she was constrained by awkward shyness.

Becoming a famous actress, it turns out, was not the only thing cherished wish future singer. If her friends, playing with dolls, tried to sew beautiful outfits for them, then the girl was more interested in treating their teeth. And, it should be noted, this desire did not go away without a trace. Even now, the chanson singer does not ignore people with snow-white smiles.

In addition, the future star saw herself as a successful figure skater. The girl never missed programs broadcasting competitions between figure skaters moving beautifully on the ice. The reason for visiting the skating rink with girlfriends was not only a fun time, but also a great opportunity:

  • learn new movements;
  • improve already acquired skills;
  • feel like the star of the stage.

But how many tears did the girl have to shed when she heard that attending figure skating classes was impossible. Irina Krug, whose age at that time became the only obstacle to the implementation of her cherished dream, for a long time she could not come to terms with the failure that befell her. Her only support was her parents, who consoled her as best they could.

Youth and first disappointment

School years were the most memorable for Ira, because it was within the walls of the school that the girl met her first love. Her chosen one was a high school student, with whom she fell madly in love. Luckily for her, these feelings turned out to be mutual. The couple was sure that these feelings were real and forever.

Soon after graduating from school, the life of a young beauty changes dramatically. All the dreams about acting career fade into the background. The goal of an attractive girl is to create a family, so she gets married. The birth of her daughter Marina was the happiest moment in her life for Irina.

Ira soon becomes a student at a trade college, which at that time was considered very prestigious educational institution. Immediately after graduation, the girl is hired to work in the youth fashion department of the central department store. From time to time she had to advertise expensive cars. However, this profession did not bring the girl any pleasure. Irina had a complete lack of interest in work, so she gradually began to become disillusioned with her choice.

Ira’s husband studied to become a dental technician, which the girl herself saw as a sign of fate for herself, because she had dreamed of this profession since childhood. But the woman could not live with this man under the same roof, since the kind and sensual relationship between the spouses very soon began to fade away. The husband's kindness and devotion gave way to anger, instability and misunderstanding. The reason for all this was the use of the spouse narcotic substances. In addition, the woman began to learn about her husband’s infidelities.

Youth is a time when you can change something and turn your life in the right direction. So Irochka tried to “bring her husband to his senses.” For some time she forgave him everything, felt sorry for him. The boiling point was the moment when the man swung a knife at his wife. Unable to withstand such bullying and fearing for the life of her daughter, Irina decided to leave.

At that time, the girl’s parents no longer lived together, and during the divorce, the father left the mother a one-room apartment. It was empty because the girl’s mother got married for the second time, so Ira and her daughter moved there.

Working in a department store did not bring in enough income to feed myself and my little daughter. A neighbor next door offered the future singer a job at the Malachite restaurant. It was not easy to get there, but the woman put in a good word for the girl, after which Irina began her new job.

Fateful meeting

The meeting between Irina and Mikhail Krug took place in a restaurant where the girl came to work as a waitress. One fine evening crooner Chanson came to the establishment for dinner, and Irina was assigned to serve his table.

Mikhail immediately liked the young waitress, so without hesitation he invited her to join his friendly and successful team. For the girl it was like a lightning strike in the middle of a clear sky, she was tormented by questions:

  1. Why does a nationally renowned artist need an ordinary waitress from Chelyabinsk?
  2. Is it impossible to find educated and experienced people in the whole of Moscow?

She had to refuse such a tempting offer, explaining this fact by the fact that she had no one to leave her young child with. Mikhail did not answer anything to this and simply left the city. However, very soon the singer returned to the city, and this time Ira simply could not resist agreeing to this job with such a high pay.

New life and work

Irina herself says in her autobiography that her new and interesting life begins after she left her mother’s daughter with her stepfather and went to Moscow. As Krug promised, Irina got a job as a costume designer with a decent salary.

After some time, Irina began to notice the singer’s gaze on her. She felt that Mikhail was not indifferent to her. Mikhail himself could not immediately admit his sympathy to Irina, since in his life path I got burned many times. Living together in the same house, they are quite for a long time they didn’t become close, but were just friends and partners.

After some time, Mikhail and Irina got together, and in 2001 they got married. Being married to Mikhail Krug, Irina truly felt like a loved and happy woman. She liked to do everything in the new house: cleaning and cooking. For the sake of her beloved man, she was ready to do anything.

In addition to Ira, her daughter Marina and Mikhail, Dmitry, the artist’s son from his first marriage, also lived in the house. Ira immediately warmed up to him. A happy family life gradually removed Irina from touring life. She became a caring and loving wife.

Soon Ira became pregnant. In 2002, the couple had a son, Sasha. But this joy was overshadowed terrible tragedy, which happened right in the house of Mikhail and Irina Krug. The cause of death was a gunshot wound to the husband that occurred in the house in the middle of the night.

Irina's creativity

First perform your songs dead husband Irina flatly refused. She considered this a very responsible task that she could not cope with. However, wanting to preserve the bright memory of her loved one, Irina still decides to continue his great work.

Today, the famous singer constantly tours, delighting her fans and fans of the deceased king of chanson with wonderful songs. People really fell in love with her and really enjoy attending her concerts.

Personal life

After the death of her husband, Irina Krug’s personal life improved only a few years later. One day at a hairdresser, Irina met an attractive man. It turned out to be Sergei Belousov. I couldn't help but like a young promising businessman with great hopes and a great future.

In 2006, the couple decided to get married, and 7 years later the woman made Belousov happy with the birth of her son Andrei.

The eldest daughter Marina is studying at the institute, and the son Alexander is studying at school and is very passionate about sports.

The biography of Irina Krug, the personal life and children of the singer have always been and are of great interest to the common people. Today it is a successful, established and happy woman. Irina does what she loves, gives her fans wonderful songs and, of course, manages to raise her beloved children.

All yours free time Irina Krug prefers to give hers to her family. Home comfort, a calm atmosphere and the love of loved ones - that’s all the young queen of Russian chanson needs.

Attention, TODAY only!

It is noteworthy that Mikhail Krug never thought of Irina as a singer. It was easier for the singer to buy karaoke for his wife; he did not see her on stage. Fate is unpredictable, and now the singer is alive in her songs. But what is known about the biography of Irina Krug? What was her life like before and after? famous husband?

The ordinary life of a future star

The future star was born in Chelyabinsk, into a simple family of an officer and a draftswoman. Since childhood, little Ira shone with talent, studied in the theater group of the city cultural center, and dreamed of connecting her life with creativity. But the girl’s dreams were not destined to come true. Irina got married early and gave birth to a daughter. But due to her husband’s addiction to alcohol, the marriage broke up, quite at a young age Irina was left alone with a small child in her arms. In 1997, the future singer got a job as a waitress at the famous Chelyabinsk restaurant Malachite.

Meeting with the Circle

Irina had heard well about the work of her future husband. Former spouse I adored chanson, and especially Krug (like many at that time). But Irina was not his fan; she listened to Tatyana Bulanova.

One day, after a concert, Krug and his team of musicians came to the Malachite restaurant, where the girl worked, for dinner. Irina was instructed to carefully ensure that the artist was satisfied with everything. The girl approached the task responsibly and made sure that the singer did not add onions and garlic to his food, which he could not stand. Mikhail apparently liked the service so much that he invited the young, courteous waitress to go on tour with him as a costume designer. Irina was very surprised, but refused the star, arguing that she had a little daughter in Chelyabinsk. Colleagues did not believe Irina; everyone decided that she had simply made up this story. And the future celebrity did not understand why the famous Russian chansonnier was interested in a simple waitress from Chelyabinsk. However, later a second offer was received, this time from the director of the Circle, to which Irina agreed.

For a whole year, the relationship between Krug and Irina did not go beyond business. They addressed each other exclusively by first and patronymic. A year passed before Mikhail took the girl and her daughter to live with him, and they began to live together. Krug accepted Irina’s daughter Marina as his own, the girl even called him dad. Some time later, Mikhail and Irina signed. Moreover, it was quite spontaneous: when they went out to buy groceries, the singer suddenly took his unsuspecting lover to the registry office. They signed their names in tracksuits. As Irina Krug’s biography says, she was so worried and taken aback by what was happening that she didn’t even notice that the stamp was placed on the wrong page.

In 2002, there was one more person in the Krug family - their son Sasha was born. But the boy, unfortunately, never remembered his dad.

Death of husband and start of career

Unfortunately, family happiness didn't last long. Rokov summer evening Mikhail Krug was killed in his own home. At night, criminals sneaked into his house and destroyed the peaceful and quiet life of the family. His wife had a presentiment of trouble - she asked the artist to hire security, Irina was worried about the excessive openness of the Circle - gatherings were constantly taking place at home, the doors might not be locked even at night. But the husband just laughed it off and laughed, did not believe that something bad could happen. As it turned out, in vain - in one of summer nights It was not guests who came to the house, but murderers. Mikhail selflessly saved Irina from the bullets, but, unfortunately, was unable to save himself. Even in the ambulance, the artist, famous for his cheerful disposition, laughed it off and consoled his uneasy wife. On the way to the hospital, the singer died from his wounds.

After some time, the famous singer-songwriter invited Krug’s widow to sing the material that her deceased husband did not have time to perform. Unexpectedly for everyone, in 2004 Irina Krug released her debut album. Soon the aspiring singer was nominated for the Chanson of the Year award. Irina Krug was presented as the discovery of the year. After some time, in the spring of 2006, the girl released another album, which, like the first, was a success among general public. Vadim Tsyganov became the producer of Irina Krug.


Solo albums Duet albums Collections
"The First Autumn of Separation" (2004) “Hello, baby” (with Alexey Bryantsev) (2007) "What Was" (2009)
"To you, my last love"(2006) “Bouquet of White Roses” (with Viktor Korolev) (2009) “Love is not scary” (2011)
"Pretty Boy" (2008) “If it weren’t for you” (with Alexey Bryantsev) (2010) "Romances" (2011)
"Love Island" (2009) “Love Story” (with Mikhail Krug) (2011) « The Snow Queen", vinyl (2015)
"I can read it in your eyes" (2010) “City Meetings” (with Viktor Korolev) (2011)
“Love is not scary” (2012) “Roman” (with Viktor Korolev) (2011)
"Chanel" (2013)
Mother love (2015)
I'm waiting (2017)

Loving is not scary

Time passed, Irina not only realized herself in creativity, but also found happiness in her personal life. The singer married businessman Sergei Belousov, who was completely unrelated to creativity. As one would expect, many began to condemn Krug’s widow for another marriage. Irina herself says that she did not betray either her deceased husband or his memory. According to her, Mikhail would like happiness for her. The singer admits that Mikhail often comes to her in her dreams, is invisibly present nearby and in general, this is the best thing that has happened to her in her life. According to her, people who condemn her do not understand what it is like to be left without a husband with two children in her arms. The couple purchased an apartment in Moscow because it was impossible for obvious reasons to stay in the house where the tragedy occurred. Irina’s children accepted Sergei, which is important for her. And in September 2013, Irina had a third child - son Andrei.

Irina Krug: biography, personal life, children

Currently, Irina has three children - daughter Marina, son Alexander (born in 2002), and younger son Alexey (born in 2013). Reading the biography with a photo of Irina Krug, looking at this beautiful, successful and well-groomed woman, it's very hard to believe that she mother of many children. Despite her busy tour schedule, Irina always tries to devote time to her children and takes their photographs with her on tour. According to the singer, with the birth of her third child, her life completely changed. “I have become more tender and sentimental,” says Irina.

Irina Krug: biography, children

Despite the marriage and the birth of a child, everything was not always smooth in the family of Irina Krug and Sergei Belousov. In an interview with journalists, the singer repeatedly mentioned a possible impending divorce and discord in her relationship with her husband. According to Irina, quarrels occurred mainly because of the dissimilarity of the spouses. But, despite all the disagreements, the singer managed to overcome the discord in family life. It is worth noting that Irina Krug willingly shares details of her biography, personal life and photos. On this moment Irina is doing well, she continues to delight her fans, tours Russia with a new album, and is raising children. Photos of flowers from fans of her work and her husband regularly appear on social networks. Most recently, the singer vacationed in the UAE. Irina Krug is a living example real woman, who, after everything she had experienced, was able not only to realize herself as an individual, but also to find personal happiness.

Today Irina Krug is a popular singer and a happy wife. After the death of her husband, Mikhail Krug, the woman was left alone and without any help or support, and besides, she was financially limited, but she was able to lift herself out of this difficult situation. Now Irina Krug’s husband is Sergei Belousov, he helps his wife a lot in her career and life. Irina has been married to Sergei for more than ten years, their personal life is successful, the spouses always support each other.

Irina Krug's husband Sergei Belousov - photo

The biography of Irina Krug’s husband is not common information, since both Irina and her husband try not to advertise their personal lives. After Ira got married for the third time, everyone turned against her, saying that it was ugly in relation to Mikhail Krug, so now the woman does not discuss the topic of personal relationships with journalists. Although she says that she is sure that Mikhail agrees to this marriage, since she had a vision in which he was in the form of an angel.

Little is known about the man, only that the name of Irina Krug’s husband is Sergei Belousov, his age is three years younger than his famous wife, he used to live in Tver and had a family there car business. The future spouses met for the first time in a hair salon, but the first meeting was limited to only glances at each other. Sergei liked Irina, but he did not dare to meet her.

A few months later, the young people met again in the same hairdressing salon, this time Seryozha was braver and came up to meet the singer. After several dates, the couple realized that they were attracted to each other, and soon Sergei proposed to Irina. There was no wide wedding celebration; the newlyweds got married and celebrated the event in a narrow family circle.

Ira says that this marriage makes her happy and young. According to her, the new marriage gave her everything she wanted, a young, caring and cheerful husband who helps and empathizes with her in everything. But she never forgets about Mikhail and his photo stands in a prominent place in their apartment as a tribute to this talented singer. She still remembers the tragedy with tears in her eyes.

After the wedding, Sergei left his business to become his wife’s director. They bought a small apartment in Moscow, because Sergei insisted that Ira and the children needed a change of environment so as not to remember the bad things. Also recently, the singer casually said about country house in the Moscow region, where she likes to relax. Irina kept her surname Vorobyova, and for her pseudonym - Krug. Mikhail’s family reacted positively to the singer’s choice, and they supported her and did not condemn her at all. In the photo Irina Krug with her husband Sergei.

Previously, Irina Krug repeatedly spoke about a possible divorce from her husband, but in last time everything worked out well and there are no disagreements in the family, maybe they were just getting used to each other, since Sergei’s character is very different from Mikhail and Irina needed time to get used to it.

Irina's children circle

In her first marriage, Ira Krug had a daughter, Marina, now in 2018 she is an adult girl, living independently from her parents. Son Alexander from his second marriage with Mikhail Krug is also already an adult, he studies at cadet school. Alexander received Sergei very well and they became friends, although Irina was very worried that the boy would not want to find a common language with his stepfather.

And in 2013, a son, Andrei, was born into the family of Sergei and Irina. Irina Krug’s husband picked her up from the maternity hospital in a luxury car and with a huge bouquet of flowers. The singer says that the third child seemed to give her additional forces, she even feels younger.

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