Nikita Presnyakov with his wife Alena Krasnova. Biography of Alena Krasnova - the wife of Nikita Presnyakov. Young couple expecting a baby

July 27, 26-year-old Nikita Presnyakov and his 20-year-old lover Alena Krasnova legalized the relationship. The couple signed at the Wedding Palace in Barvikha, and the main celebration took place at the Zhavoronki Event Hall, where more than 200 guests gathered.

Recently, the newlyweds gave their first joint interview after the wedding, in which they frankly spoke about their relationship: how they met, why they parted for six months and what plans they have for the future. “It was about three years ago, in the spring, in the village, near the local store. At that time, I had a period when we played hard rock and roll, often hung out in a big company, sat by the fire in the forest at night, played guitars. And in the morning, my friend and I were buying groceries, and suddenly Alena and her friend flies up on a quadric. We became interested, a friend says: “Oh, what girls, new ones! Who is this?“ We met and invited them to come with us in the evening - and we were sure that they would not come. But they arrived, we had a great time together by the fire, with music, ”Nikita told StarHit about the first meeting with Alena.


The grandson of Alla Pugacheva admitted that for more than a year he and Krasnova had not had any Serious relationships and they just met from time to time. “We didn’t have anything serious for a year, even a year and a half. I came to my beloved when she and her parents were vacationing in Bulgaria - we all had a great time together, ”said Nikita.

In addition, the newlyweds remembered the moment of their separation for six months. As it turned out, the reason for this decision was Alena's unpreparedness for marriage. Presnyakov said that his beloved had to weigh everything and think it over well before deciding on a meaningful relationship.

Despite the fact that Krasnova and Presnyakov got married, they are not going to have a honeymoon yet. Nikita is busy with the production, which is scheduled for release in September, and because of this he has to spend all his time in rehearsals. However, the couple admitted that as soon as they have free time, they will go on a trip. In addition, Alena and Nikita said that they want to have children, but so far they believe that they are too young for this. Krasnova noted that, perhaps, in three years they will take this issue more seriously.

The wedding of Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova took place. The couple is very happy and shares with their followers in in social networks photographs of have a good day their lives. If everything is clear with Nikita - he is the son of Christina Orbakaite, the grandson of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, a singer and a famous person, then who is Alena? This question is now being asked by many in Russia.

Krasnova said that her parents reacted differently to her marriage: her mother was completely against it, because she believed that Nikita was too old for her daughter. The father reacted well.

As for the parents of Alena Krasnova, they are quite wealthy people. Her dad, Boris Krasnov, is quite famous businessman.. Alena also has a sister who is 4 years older than herself.

Alena Krasnova is the wife of artist Nikita Presnyakov, model, star of the social network Instagram. Alena Krasnova CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH Alena was born on March 08, 1997 in Moscow. The girl's father is an accomplished businessman Boris Krasnov, and her mother is a housewife. Alena has two sisters: one is 4 years older than her, the second is 13 years younger. The girl is considered as the so-called "golden youth".

Alena Krasnova, the daughter of businessman Boris Krasnov, Krasnova received her secondary education in Moscow schools and the Ark-XXI school, one of the first private schools in the country. As a child, Alena was engaged in gymnastics, music, and also attended Alla Dukhova's school-studio "Todes", was interested in hockey. Alena Krasnova - RANEPA student

After Krasnova graduated from grade 11, the girl's parents offered her to go to England - to receive higher education. However, Alena chose to stay at home and entered the RANEPA. PERSONAL LIFE OF ALENA KRASNOVOY In 2014, Krasnova for the first time published joint photos on her Instagram page with the son of artists Kristina Orbakaite and Vladimir Presnyakov Nikita, clip maker and soloist of the rock band MULTIVERSE.

Shortly before this moment, Presnyakov Jr. broke up with his girlfriend, Kazakh Aida Kalieva, whom he met for about 4 years and even proposed to her.

Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova have been dating since 2014. Presnyakov and Krasnova met long before the relationship began: the dachas of Alena and Nikita's parents are nearby, so the young often crossed paths from a young age. On vacation A few months after the start of the relationship, the young broke up. Then Nikita told reporters that Alena does not have feelings for him and does not want to torment the artist with false hopes.

However, soon after that, the musician appeared at Krasnova's graduation ball, and Alena, in turn, began to attend events in which Presnyakov Jr. and his parents took part. In March 2017, Presnyakov proposed to his beloved. At that time, the young people already lived in the house where the artist spent his childhood - in village near Moscow Small Berezhki.

Wedding of Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova. Snippets Video not working? On July 27, 2017, 26-year-old Nikita and 20-year-old Krasnova got married. The holiday was held in a luxurious residence near Moscow.

The bride appeared before the guests in a magnificent lace dress with bare shoulders, and Presnyakov chose a classic tuxedo. Wedding Dress Alena made a splash The wedding, which was organized at her own expense by Kristina Orbakaite, turned out to be luxurious: the site was decorated with hundreds of fresh flowers, and the birthday cake alone cost 2 million rubles.

The wedding was attended by about 200 guests, including many celebrities - Valentin Yudashkin, Alexander Buinov, Philip Kirkorov, Dmitry Koldun. The latter presented the young with a motorcycle, on which Presnyakov Jr. rode right during the event. Many famous guests came to the wedding. The artist's grandmother Alla Pugacheva and Nikita's parents gave the newlyweds an apartment in Lubyanka for 60 million rubles and a plot in Malaye Berezhki.

The artist's mother and grandmother congratulated the young with a song, and the UmaTurman group and the Todes show ballet also performed at the wedding. Photo by Alena Krasnova with her father The young people themselves distinguished themselves: their wedding dance in the air under a flower dome impressed both guests and fans.

The bride of Presnyakov Jr., the grandson of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. The young beauty and native Muscovite became famous thanks to her romance with Nikita. Interesting Facts from the biography and Alena Krasnova, the bride of the musician, you will learn from this article.

Family of Alena Krasnova

The face of a petite beauty flashed in the press thanks to her affair with the grandson of the Diva. Little is known about the biography of Alena Krasnova (Presnyakov's bride).

The girl was born in Moscow 21 years ago. The date of her birth coincided with International Women's Day, so Alena was obliged to become the embodiment of beauty and femininity.

The girl was lucky to be born into a rich Moscow family. Many celebrities lived in the neighborhood of Primadonna in an elite village, including the parents of Presnyakov's bride Alena Krasnova. In the biography of lovers, this played a big role, since they had known each other since childhood.

Alena's father is a well-known businessman Oleg Krasnov. The mother takes care of home comfort and brings up her daughters, whom the Krasnovs have three. Alena is the middle of the beauties.

Childhood is golden

Journalists, studying Presnyakov's bride Alena Krasnova, ranked her among the so-called golden youth. Indeed, since childhood, the girl did not know the refusal of any whim, dressed in expensive branded clothes, attended closed parties. The son of Kristina Orbakaite was also related to the Moscow elite from childhood, so the union of two wealthy young people did not come as a surprise to anyone.

Parents provided the girl comprehensive development, all her undertakings were encouraged and supported. Krasnova attended a gymnastics studio, studied music and also danced at the Todes school-studio under the guidance of the famous Alla Dukhovaya. In the biography of Presnyakov's bride Alena Krasnova, there was even a place for hockey. The beauty admits that she sincerely supports her native team and is not indifferent to this sport.


The bride Presnyakova, whom we are considering, changed several educational institutions. What was the reason for this is unknown. Possibly a difficult character star girl provoked conflicts with teachers and peers. Or maybe the parents just chose the best of the best. In 2015, Presnyakov's bride Alena Krasnova, in whose biography Nikita already occupied a significant place, became a graduate of the prestigious Ark-XXI lyceum school.

Wealthy parents offered young Alena to pay for her studies in England, but choosing between a prestigious foreign university and love, the girl chose feelings. Alena herself on social networks said that she was not mentally ripe for moving to the UK.

Therefore, since 2015 she has been a student Russian Academy National economy And public service.

Personal life

In 2014, the media were full of headlines that the wedding of Christina Orbakaite's son, with whom celebrities were preparing, was not destined to take place. The couple officially broke up.

Soon new bride Presnyakova Alena Krasnova, whose biography had not previously interested journalists, posted a photo with a young musician on her Instagram.

From that moment on, the couple was often seen together. The girl accompanied Nikita at all social events, supported while participating in media projects. However, as the young man admits, Krasnova is not a fan of noisy companies and prefers to remain in the shadow of her man.

In 2015, Nikita attended the graduation ball of his chosen one. At that time, he had already officially introduced the girl to her parents not as a neighbor in the country, but as a beloved woman.

Nikita's father, Vladimir Presnyakov, was very happy with such a daughter-in-law and said that he was expecting a couple of grandchildren.

Alena's parents ambiguously perceived this union. Mom was very embarrassed by the age difference between lovers, but Alena’s dad was quite satisfied with the prospect of becoming related to the Prima Donna.

On the day of Alena's 20th birthday, the grandson of the Primadonna made her an offer, which he notified the fans through Instagram. By the way, the couple did not hide the entire layer of the love story, but, on the contrary, actively covered it on social networks.

Wedding of Nikita and Alena

On July 27, 2017, the solemn marriage of Nikita Presnyakov and his bride Alena Krasnova took place.

The magnificent wedding, which was attended by more than 200 people, took place in cottage village Larks. Among the guests who came to congratulate the newlyweds were famous artists Dmitry Koldun, Alexander Buinov, the king of the pop scene Kirkorov, the famous fashion designer V. Yudashkin and many others.

The celebration turned out to be wonderful. The newlyweds themselves surprised the guests with an unusual wedding dance under a flower dome.

Alena and Nikita received many expensive and exclusive gifts. In particular, the famous grandmother gave her grandson an apartment on Lubyanka and a plot in a holiday village.

Today Nikita and Alena live in the suburbs. The couple is thinking about children and a possible move to the United States after the young wife receives a diploma.

Alena Krasnova- wife Nikita Presnyakov. This beauty was born March 8, 1997 years old, married when she was twenty years old, Nikita Presnyakov at that time it was already twenty-six. Before becoming spouses, young people met for about three years. seventeen year old Alena Krasnova met a twenty-three year old Nikita Presnyakov in the village near the store, they had never seen each other before, or maybe they did, they just didn’t pay attention to each other, anyway Nikita sunk into the girl right away, not that he fell in love, but noted for himself that Alena Krasnova surprisingly pretty. While Nikita Presnyakov creepy rock and roll in the woods with a group of his friends, invited Alena and her sister in the evening to go to the fire, have fun. Nikita I thought that the girls would not come, but they became interested in the proposal of young musicians and in the evening they already adorned a friendly company of friends Nikita Presnyakov. That same evening Nikita And Alyona kissed for the first time. After all, near the fire, young people constantly play certain games and avoid kisses. beautiful girls almost impossible. Well then, let's go, let's go Nikita Presnyakov began to systematically knock wedges to Alene, although he claims in his interviews that it was not love at first sight.

Nikita Presnyakov- a romantic, he made a marriage proposal to his girlfriend very original way. On the twentieth birthday of his beloved, he arranged a flash mob. All the friends and relatives of this young couple gathered in a restaurant and arranged for Alena Krasnova whole musical. Of course, the birthday girl could not resist and agreed to become a wife Nikita. It is possible that this unique birthday has become one of the best in her life.

Many say that Alena Krasnova just a doll, they say, chose her Nikita Presnyakov for her appearance, but the newly-made husband himself claims that his Alenka has a very rich inner world, she has a crazy sense of humor, plus she cooks very well! At 20! Living in a posh mansion, taking photos for Instagram, paying so much attention to your appearance. He cooks well...

Certainly, Alena Krasnova is a representative of the golden youth, she is glamorous, stylish, fashionable, hangs out, relaxes, enjoys life, is used to attention, admiration. The world in which he lives Alena Krasnova, of course, is very different from the one in which other girls live, but at the same time she did not choose who to be born. Beautiful and beloved, why not? Each person draws his happy or not very happy ticket at birth, it depends on him further how he can manage his luck or how he can improve the initially difficult life situation, so that the spiteful critics can, if not rejoice, then at least just come to terms with because Alena Krasnova incredibly beautiful, rich, loving and loved!

They say that the wedding Nikita Presnyakov And Alena Krasnova was paid not from the pockets of the relatives of this young couple, they say, all this grandiose celebration was done for nothing by different brands that advertised themselves in this way. Dress, rings, palace, hall decoration, feast, wedding cake - all this is a gift to the newlyweds.

On this photo Christina Orbakaite with his daughter-in-law Alena Krasnova.

And in this photo, mom Alena Krasnova, that is, mother-in-law Nikita Presnyakov. Except Alenki This lady has two more daughters.

In this photo on the left sister Alena Krasnova, this girl's name is Yanina she is older Alena for 4 years. And on the right is an unfading mother.

And this is my little sister Alina Krasnova, the name of the girl Lisa. Lisa is younger than her middle sister by 13 years.


Far right in this photo - dad Alena Krasnova, this man's name is Roman Krasnov. In this photo you can also see dad Nikita Presnyakov, next to him is his wife Natalia Podolskaya, and to the right of Natasha Mother Alena Krasnova with my seven year old daughter Lisa.

On this photo Alena Krasnova with her husband's grandfather - Vladimir Presnyakov senior.

In this photo you see a sister Alena Krasnova on her wedding day.

And in this photo, first love Nikita Presnyakov, the name of the girl Aida Kalieva. got to know each other Nikita And Aida V 2010 year, three years later, the guy invited his girlfriend to become his wife. But at that time Nikita Presnyakov just started to become popular, participated in projects, toured, Aida could not stand this test, the couple decided to leave.

On this photo Nikita Presnyakov and his ex girlfriend Aida Kalieva, together they starred in a certain film in which they portrayed the newlyweds.

Former Nikita Presnyakov she was thin too!

After a gorgeous wedding, Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova have already given exclusive interview new status of husband and wife. Mostly celebrities talked about how they build their relationships, and how they divided housework.

Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova // Photo: Instagram

"Nikita - creative person. He works a lot. I try not to load it, and I take care of all household chores "- Alena confesses.

The only exception is dishwashing. The heir of high-profile musical families decided to do this household chore on his own. In fairness, it should be noted that Nikita does not wash the dishes himself, he loads the dishwasher. But this is also a rather responsible process.

“It seems to me that the beloved himself likes to pawn the dishwasher. Therefore, the dishes are behind him "- Alena Krasnova confesses.

The newly-made wife also said that she likes to exercise homework. She likes to clean up the house, and sometimes this process can take hours. At the same time, Alena cooks with pleasure, and already has her signature dish. Following her husband, the girl became a vegetarian, and is now improving her skills in this kitchen. Most of all, Nikita Presnyakov likes it when his wife cooks burritos with vegetarian sausages, which the musician brings from the USA.

“She is so good at cooking that I persuade her to seriously think about opening her own restaurant” - x flaunts the culinary talents of his wife Nikita.

Before getting married, Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova met for three years, and even managed to live together in the house of Alla Pugacheva in Malaye Berezhki. Now the newlyweds are gradually settling in an apartment on Lubyanka, donated by the Primadonna.

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