Social management - goals, objectives, functions. Social management: concept, features and functions

Administrative law regulates relations in the field of organization and functioning of public administration, i.e. carried out on behalf of society, the state.

Management, according to the generally recognized definition included in encyclopedic dictionaries, is: a function of complex organized systems of any nature (technical, biological, environmental, social), ensuring the preservation of their structure (internal organization), maintaining a mode of operation aimed at realizing their program goals.

Objects of social management

a) Things (managing things)
b) Phenomena and processes (process management)
c) People (people management)

The subject of social management a person acts (operator, manager, manager, etc.) or a collective entity - administration (directorate, leadership, command, etc.).

social management- this is the management of numerous and diverse social processes occurring in human communities (societies): tribe, clan, family, various kinds public associations people, finally, in the state as the broadest and most complex stable human community.

The process of social management speaks power. Regarding the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in the system of managing all the affairs of society and the state, there are three main types of social management associated with administrative and legal regulation:

a) public
b) municipal
c) state

The main scope and application of the norms of administrative law is public administration, realizing the prerogatives of the state by its bodies and officials V common system social management.

In a broad sense public administration is understood as the activity of any state bodies of all branches of state power, since the common goal and content of the activities of both the entire state as a whole and any of its bodies is any organization, a certain streamlining public relations.

In the narrow In the organizational and legal sense, public administration is understood as only one specific type of state activity related to the implementation of executive state power as one of the branches of state power, carried out by a system of special state executive bodies or state administration bodies. Public administration in a narrow organizational and legal sense and is the main object of administrative and legal regulation and the scope of the norms of administrative law.

Types of social management:

1. State administration, i.e. administration relating to the affairs of the state, is carried out by state executive bodies and civil servants.

2. Local self-government - carried out by the bodies of municipalities and municipal employees.

3. Public administration - intra-organizational management of the affairs of public associations, including cooperatives.

4. Non-state management of the affairs of private organizations (joint stock companies, companies, concerns, holdings, etc.).


Relevance of the research topic. The peculiarity of social management as an independent direction in modern scientific development largely due to the fact that its most important backbone component (along with political, economic, sociological, etc.) is the sphere of people's spiritual life, the state of social and individual consciousness. Any social subject management necessarily operates in a certain spiritual environment (along with the socio-economic, political and other environments). This specific environment is distinguished by sufficient independence and largely determines the analytical, informational, organizational and other capabilities of management entities.

It has long been known that the success of managerial activity, in particular, is due to subjective factors. In turn, the quality of this subjectivity largely depends on the state of the spiritual culture of society as a whole, its individual subjects, starting from the state, region and ending with each individual person, manager. Research in the field of social management has determined the regularity of the significance and increase of the subjective factor in management. This situation is determined by the factors of increasing the volume of intellectual property, increasing the importance of the information resource in management, and the emergence of intelligent control systems.

The relevance of the work is due to the fact that the processes of dissemination of information from the phenomenon of modern political reality have transformed into one of the leading trends in world political development, having a significant impact on the functioning of various social systems, both on international level as well as on a national scale. At the same time, information itself in the last decade has acquired the role of the most significant resource community development, the competent use of which largely ensures the effectiveness of the management of social systems and processes. Because of this, information support of management processes is becoming the most important type of support for virtually all areas of society without exception.

The purpose of the work is to study the information support of social management.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. To study the features of social management as one of the types of management. social management information support

To reveal the tasks and functions of social management.

Describe the concept of information in social management.

Conduct a classification of information support in social management.

Consider the information support of management on the example of the "Department of Social Protection of the Administration of the Gafury District of the Republic of Belarus".

The object of the work is the informational aspect of social management.

The subject of the work is the essence, content, characteristics and features of the information support of social management.

The degree of scientific development. Among the works devoted to the issues of information support in social management, the studies of such authors as V.A. Gorbukhov, G.E. Zborovsky, V.S. Ivanova, E.A. Neretina, I.M. Slepenkova and others.

When writing the work, systematic, logical methods were used scientific research. Theoretical provisions of the theory of management, management, social management were used.

The information base of the course work was educational and methodical, monographic, legislative and normative literature, materials of the periodical press.

The structure of the course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references and sources, and an application.

1. Theoretical foundations of social management in society

1 Social management: meaning and principles

Any human labor is management, and since a person is a social, social being, human labor is a social, individual management. There are types of management where people interact with each other, where one person leads other people. This is called collective social management. Collective social management includes management of production, management of society, management of the state, etc. Any control, as already mentioned, has two subsystems - the control and the controlled. The nature of their connections is such that one subsystem is the control one for the other. These subsystems, managing and managed, must be interconnected, combined into one system - organization.

In management there is always a command - the impact of the control system on the controlled one. In management, there is a message, information. Therefore, we can say that management is an impact with the help of information.

The goal of control is some kind of change in the controlled subsystem. Since management is an impact with the help of information commands, a controlled system must have a mechanism that turns commands into real actions. This mechanism is driven only by feedback in the control. Thus, the goal, the team and feedback are the main components of any management, including social management.

It should be noted the following: social management as one of the types of management has its own specifics, as well as features common to all levels and types of management. In order to designate management in society, the term "social management" is used. Social management is an organizational activity to ensure the achievement of social goals and objectives through certain methods. G.V. Atamanchuk interprets social management as the interaction of the governing system with the managed one. He believes that management is “a goal-setting (that is, conscious, guiding, thoughtful), organizing and regulating the impact of people on their own social, collective, criminal life, both directly (in forms of self-government) and through specially created structures (the state, public associations, parties, firms, cooperatives, associations, etc.)" .

Management in society differs from biological and technical management, as it implies the development of programs, the formation of motivation and activity among the subjects, to work effectively to achieve the set goals. Management in living nature does not have a subject, because at the level of an organism its genetic program controls, which is a means of control, and this program controls the processes that occur in the body. Technical systems also contain control programs and processes that are organized by control programs. Governance at the community level is subjective. A distinctive feature of such management is that the management program is developed by the subjects of management consciously, "represents a certain information image, involves the organization of people's activities to implement the management project" .

The most important elements of social management are:

) the subject of management;

) managed entity;

) control object;

) the purpose of management;

) project activities.

Social management is characterized by the presence of many subjects. The subjects of social management include state and municipal bodies, as well as public organizations. At the federal level and at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the main subjects of government are state authorities, which can be legislative, executive, judicial. As for local governments, they carry out the direct implementation of decisions developed at the state level. federal authorities authorities and authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation.

The subject of management is individuals who are able to develop a program of action and implement this ability. Managed entities are people who implement programs created by management entities. The subjects of management are controlled by a specific information program, which consists of norms and rules adopted in the relevant field of activity.

Information is the information that needs to be kept in mind in order to process materials and energy well. The essence of management in a social system is the purposeful processing of information.

The subjects of management develop programs to resolve certain issues. Such developed programs act as regulators of the actions of controlled subjects. Controlled entities executing programs may be fully guided by the norms and goals provided for by the program, and may differ from the prescribed programs. Thus, if the programs chosen by the subjects of control cannot be perceived by the performers as a guide to action, then control in this case may not take place. This is the most important difference between social management and all other types of management.

The object of control is the activity of people organized by means of a control program. In social management, thus, following from the definitions, the object of management and the managed subject do not coincide. The project created by the subject of management is aimed at the activities of managed subjects who are able to understand the program and implement it. The controlled subject, which implements the program developed by the subject of control, does this not automatically, but consciously.

Management is characterized as a systematic impact of the subject of management activity on social facility. The subject of social management includes separate groups of persons or specially created bodies. And as a social object of management, one can consider society as a whole, its individual areas: economic, social, cultural, specific organizations, and so on.

Depending on the object of management, the levels of social management can also be distinguished: state, municipal, management at the organization level (management). The object of management in public administration is civil society as a whole; in municipal government - the local community; in management - communities of hired workers.

The purpose of management is the creation and preservation of a certain state of the object of management, the organizational state of activity. The key to understanding the control device is to understand that it serves to obtain a certain end result, to achieve what is called the goal. We can say that management is a mechanism for achieving the goal. Thus, the goal is an integral element of the management system.

The goal of social management is to achieve optimal conditions for various types of social activity for given conditions, to satisfy the needs of people due to their existence. A few of the simplest examples can be given. The purpose of the medical institution is the treatment of patients. The purpose of the activity of the doctor of this medical institution is to diagnose the patient, prescribe treatment for him, perform an operation, etc. Since both qualified doctors and medical equipment are needed to treat patients, Medical equipment, medical drugs, attendants who care for the sick, then we can say that the creation of a project for a medical institution, which includes all the necessary quantitative and qualitative characteristics, in this case is the goal of social management. If the goal of the doctor in our case is to treat the patient, then the goal of the subject of management medical institution- organizing the activities of doctors and attendants in such a way that the treatment process becomes more and more effective.

Management is called upon not only to lead to the goal, but to do it in the best possible way under the circumstances. For example, the goal of any enterprise is to improve the quality of goods or services produced.

Target management is designed to lead the organization and all its divisions towards a single ultimate goal. With the help of target management, this final, common goal is divided into partial intermediate goals, which are brought to each unit, up to the workplace. The task of target management is to coordinate the movement towards the final goal, distribute the resources necessary for this, make it possible to control the results as you move towards the goal. Target management is the main mechanism that directs the activities of the organization from morning to evening every day.

The aim of social management is a positive reconciliation of order and progress.

It is noted that at the level of the municipality, the goal is much more difficult, since it is necessary to achieve the optimal ratio different types activities, services provided, their quality and quantity, to create opportunities to meet the diverse needs in the relevant territory, as well as the coherence of the actions of the governing entities themselves.

The project of managerial activity in the social sphere is an ideal image that contains information about which groups of the population are in dire need of help and support from the subjects of management, how relations between them should be regulated, how the norms that lie in the basis of such relations, and more. The project of management activity should contain target images and technology for achieving these goals.

The purpose of social management is to study the activities of government bodies, state and public, primarily as social systems, the entire complex of selection, placement, formation of managerial personnel, relationships and interactions that develop between employees of the management apparatus and their subordinate employees and organizational structures.

The focus of his attention is the study and improvement of the social mechanisms of systematic, based on reliable knowledge, the impact of the subject of management on the social object in order to preserve its qualitative specificity and integrity, ensure its normal functioning, and successful movement towards a given goal.

Tasks that are designed to achieve the goal of social management:

The study of the real facts that make up the living, constantly evolving fabric of managerial activity; facts that reveal the features of the interaction of those people who manage various social communities and organizations, and those who, without occupying leadership positions, are not included in management activities and are forced to obey the first, to carry out their orders, orders, instructions.

From the huge and diverse accumulation of real facts of management activity, to single out the most important, typical on this basis, to identify trends in the development of management processes, their changes depending on the changing socio-economic, political, socio-cultural conditions of people's life, the development of their groups and communities, society as a whole.

The need to explain why certain innovations appear in the system and structure of management activities, due to what circumstances new practical ways of implementing them in management processes arise.

Building the most likely directions, scenarios for the development of management activities in the future, that is, a forecast for its improvement, which means that, having determined the most likely trajectory for the further development of management activities, social management is able to successfully solve the fifth task.

Isolation of the main tasks of social management allows us to determine its main functions:

Goal-setting in management permeates and determines all stages of management work: informational, organizational, regulatory, coordinating, control.

Goal-setting determines the content of all the rest, unites, combines them and is implemented in all areas of social management and underlies the main principle of management - a systematic approach. Therefore, the main goal of the territorial formation and the corresponding types of management is determined by the main goal of society as a whole as a system of a higher order.

Genuine goal-setting is based on the knowledge of the objective laws of the development of society. As the main defining goals of society, its individual subsystems are now recognized as the main mission of providing a high quality of life for people.

Comprehensive targeted programs and projects make it possible to correlate goal-setting with available resources, highlight priorities and direct them towards achieving the main goal.

Programs are very diverse in nature, purpose, volume, time, and tasks to be solved. There are nationwide programs that cover all spheres of life, functional programs that solve a group of problems in an industry, region, and local community. They contain program subtypes. A special place among them is occupied by scientific and technical programs and projects involving the creation of new ideas, technologies and models of equipment.

Today, the program-target method of management is widespread all over the world and in many ways has become decisive among other methods. It combines various management functions: informational, cognitive, prognostic, strategic and others. All of them receive organizational and financial support.

Strategic goal setting management in modern conditions determine the content side of management on a conceptual long-term basis, make it possible to coordinate individual programs and projects, concentrate resources on the main areas, distribute them taking into account development prospects, identify priority programs and projects that will have to make a "breakthrough" in anti-crisis management.

Actual technologies of strategic development are well known and developed in the West. These include strategies: penetration, accelerated growth, transition, stabilization and survival, growth, etc. Russian scientists have proposed a strategy for the development of the local community and the formation of real local self-government.

All of them require completion to the level of regional and federal strategic management, which is especially important for Russia. The process of developing and implementing management strategies has a number of stages, the technologies of which are known, but not yet sufficiently used in Russian management practice, which intensifies the crisis in management.

value impact.

The peculiarity of the science of social management of social management is that it is a sphere of people's spiritual life, largely depends on the state of social and individual consciousness. Therefore, the degree of controllability of public affairs is determined by culture, traditions, ideology, moral norms, integrity of thinking, etc. This dependence increases as the maturity of society itself increases and social progress develops.

In the management of public affairs, it is very important to maintain a balance between the measures of administrative-legal, power-force, spiritual and moral regulation. Violation of this balance usually leads to the widespread phenomenon of social anomie in our society today. Goal-setting in society always has a value-moral aspect. If the goals are immoral, unspiritual, then goal-setting activity itself loses its meaning.

Normative regulation and modeling in the management of public affairs is closely related to spiritual, moral and ideological regulation and orients the subjects of management quantitatively and qualitatively in assessing the state of social processes and development trends. Usually in sociology, the understanding of the social norm is associated with a special kind of prescription that regulates people's behavior in any socially significant situations. They may take the form of legal norms or exist in the form of social rules, indicators, customs and traditions. The assessment of the standard is determined by the nature of its connection with the indicators of forecasts, calculations and social programs. Modeling as a method of studying various processes and phenomena, developing options for management decisions describes the structure of objects, the process of its functioning and development. Simulation modeling, which repeats the functions or development of social phenomena, deserves special attention today.

Information support of social management permeates all spheres of human life, serves as a conductor of all knowledge and opinions, a universal tool for communication, mutual understanding and cooperation, forcing conflicts and tension, asserting stereotypes of thinking and behavior.

Contractual information is necessary for all stages of management: from setting goals to implementing social control measures, evaluating the effectiveness of decisions made and correcting them. Therefore, without the necessary information support, there is no effective social management. There are certain laws and principles of modern collection, storage and analysis of information that you need to know. Ignorance of the elementary rules in this area or their perverted use turns information from a great benefit of social progress into the same evil, and can become a brake on making a managerial decision.

2. The importance of information support for social management

1 The concept of information in social management

Information is understood as information obtained as a result of data processing, which are signals from which information is extracted. From the point of view of classical information theory, the concept of "information" is defined through a measure of reducing the uncertainty of knowledge about an event. This concept is scientific and was first given in the 50s of the twentieth century in the works of K. Shannon and N. Wiener on information theory in connection with the development of a new scientific direction - cybernetics. Initially, information theory emerged as a quantitative mathematical theory.

The concept of "information" in recent decades has become one of the most used categories of modern scientific thought and is found in almost all areas. scientific knowledge: the science of thinking, nature, society, in legal aspects.

There is a continuous process of rethinking (deepening and expanding) this concept. If at first information was understood as information transmitted by people orally, in writing or in any other way, then by the end of the 20th century. information began to be regarded as a universal substance that permeates all spheres of human activity, serving as a conductor of knowledge and opinions, a tool for communication, mutual understanding and cooperation, affirming stereotypes of thinking and behavior. This is the definition given by UNESCO.

With the development of production and the acceleration of the pace of development of society, information acquired the properties of a commodity and became an object of market relations, the significance of which required their legal regulation.

Many scientists still use the term "information" narrowly within the technical areas of scientific knowledge, however, such an idea of ​​the essence of this concept does not express its comprehensive understanding. In the process of exchanging messages and news, the main attention should be paid not only to the quantitative analysis of the transmitted message, but also to its content. The information contained in the conceptual form is not at all the one that is studied in mathematical and statistical information theories.

The term "information" has been used in journalism for more than 50 years, where it is one of the central and most general categories. In addition, the mathematical methods of information theory are used in physics, chemistry, geography, geology and a number of other sciences. inanimate nature. Information ideas are applied in biology, where it is assumed that the very appearance of life was associated with the transformation of genetic information; in psychology, physiology of nervous higher activity, pedagogy. The concept of "information" has taken a special place in a long series of social sciences - management theory, economics, politics, etc.

Social information - orienting knowledge about the state of the social system, the process of meeting the information needs of society based on the application information technologies. Information is the most valuable intellectual resource in the life support system of society, the most important part of its intellectual property, the share of which is constantly growing. We can say that information is the infrastructure of intellectual property, because intellectual property originates from information as a fundamental basis.

The importance of information (the processes of its collection, storage, processing and use) is especially great in the management of public affairs and social processes.

Reliable information is necessary for all stages of management: setting goals, assessing a problem situation, making management decisions, organizing and regulating the management system. The subject of management must also be informed about the results of the implementation of the decisions taken, on the basis of which he corrects past decisions and makes new ones, taking into account previously made miscalculations and non-optimal actions.

Therefore, the collection and processing of information, its effective use is a necessary component of management. The information used in the management of society is, by its very nature, social. Reflecting social relations (in a broad sense), relations and processes of any type and level, it is the highest, most complex and diverse type of information.

The use of social information is associated with the highest type of expediency - conscious expediency, inherent only to a thinking person, consciously acting. The content of social information is logical thinking. Its material carrier is an audible or visible word, sign, speech, which represent the highest type of signal ("signal of signals").

The primary source of social information is society, its different areas and aspects of life.

2.2 Structure of information support in social management

Information is classified on various grounds:

spheres public life(economic, social, political, spiritual and cultural);

sources of income (internal and external);

material carriers(paper, electronic, electric);

forms of media (means mass media- radio, television, print - books, newspapers, magazines);

periods of use (conditionally constant - reference, normative and variable - operational information);

types of basic management functions (predictive, organizational, control and training, regulatory);

the nature of the representation (quantitative and qualitative).

Not all knowledge can be considered as information; for understanding its essence, its semantic content is of great importance. Information is usually subject to certain requirements:

) completeness - a reflection of fully managed processes;

) reliability - formation on the basis of objective data;

) efficiency - receipt in time sufficient to make a timely decision;

) the inadmissibility of unused information ("noise") that complicates decision-making;

) transparency - impossibility various interpretations;

) cost-effectiveness when collecting information, the maximum possible safety, the greatest aggregation (compression) when transmitting over more high level management.

It is important to emphasize that the information that a person has can be ordinary, empirical, allowing a person to navigate in his Everyday life, and systematized, scientific. For the implementation of management functions, scientific information is necessary, and its nature depends primarily on the specifics of the management object, on the tasks that are set for it, and also on the competence of the managing subject. If the object of management is society as a whole, and the solution involves the transformation of its essential aspects, comprehensive information is needed on the state of all spheres of public life: economic, socio-political, spiritual, family and domestic. If we are talking about the management of some particular sphere of society, then the information should reflect, first of all, the state of this sphere. Say, to manage the economy, production and economic information is mainly needed, the political sphere - political information, etc.

Management of any sphere of public life, any object is also the organization of people's labor - indispensable components of any social system. Therefore, management necessarily involves the collection and processing of social information regarding the state of relations of large groups of people - classes, nations, production and other teams, as well as individuals. For example, when managing the production and technical activities of an enterprise, it is important to have data on the state of the “social microclimate” inherent in it, that is, about the people who work at this enterprise, about the relationships that have developed between them.

The information used in the management of social systems is a complex set, the interaction of various information flows. This includes: initial information necessary for the development and adoption of management decisions; the decisions themselves, or management teams that predetermine the organization of control and managed systems; regulatory information presented by various kinds of parameters, regulations, laws, instructions, technological maps etc.; operational information received during the operation of the system and characterizing its state; external information coming from other systems that are communicatively (functionally or structurally) connected with this system; control and accounting information characterizing the course and results of the system operation. Selecting from a variety of information data that is essential for management is an important and difficult task.

All information can be divided into flows within a given system, between its components (internal information), and flows of information circulating between a given system and external environment, with which it is in functional relationships (external information).

Information of the internal order provides interaction between the links of the system, unites them into a single whole, ensures their movement towards the system facing common purpose. Information of the external order establishes the communications of the given system with other systems that have various kinds of influence on it.

Of particular importance is the circulation of information between the object and the subject of management. Information of this kind includes two types of flows: flows circulating through channels of direct communication - from the subject to the object (direct information); flows circulating through feedback channels - from the object to the subject (feedback information). Proper organization of direct information ensures the timely and high-quality receipt of various kinds of commands (initial, corrective, controlling, etc.) from the subject to the object, and feedback information - the receipt of data on the state of the object and the achievement (or failure) of the task set for it goals.

The optimal flow of information flows is when, with a minimum of primary objective information, a maximum of information useful for management is achieved, as a result of which the effective functioning of the system is ensured.

It is very difficult to solve the problem of optimum information, since social systems, due to their multicomponent nature and variety of internal and external interactions, are a wide network of alternatives, not so much equally probable as multiprobability. Naturally, the optimal amount of information about the social system is presented in natural terms quite large. In addition, part of the information coming from the object to the subject is lost, part is distorted as a result of a number of interferences, not only of a technical nature, but also of a psychological one, since the choice of messages for transmission, as well as the reception of messages by a person, are clothed in a subjective form and to a certain extent depend on his personal experience, competence, mental characteristics. Hence, the method and technique of collecting primary data, their representativeness, reliability and high throughput channels for the passage of information, methods and techniques for receiving and processing information.

The development of a system of measures that expand the possibilities for the most efficient use of information is an important condition for success in management. Among these measures, of paramount importance is the thorough preparation of the subject of management for the perception, evaluation of information, the development of the ability to assess its social significance, to choose from the flow of information the most generally significant, the most social, since this type of information is invaluable in management. The collection and processing of social information is unthinkable without the use of modern technical means.

3. Information support of management on the example of "Department of social protection of the Administration of the Gafury district of the Republic of Belarus"

The Department of Social Protection of the Administration of the Gafury District of the Republic of Belarus is a territorial body of the Department of Social Protection of the Population, exercising powers on the territory of this municipality in the field of social support and social services for elderly and disabled citizens, citizens, including children in social precarious position or other difficult life situation, providing measures of social support to war and labor veterans, victims of political repression, the poor and other categories of citizens.

The Department of Social Protection of the Population consists of the following departments:

department of accounting and reporting;

Department of Labor and Social Affairs;

Department for Organization of Work with Veterans, Elderly Citizens and Rehabilitation of the Disabled;

department of social support for families and children;

Department technical support management activities;

department of appointment and payment of social benefits, subsidies and compensations.

The information support system cannot be considered in a frozen form, since in this case neither the role of information flows in the activities of the institution, nor changes in the system itself under the influence of conditions are taken into account. In the Department of Social Protection of the Administration of the Gafury District, a model of information support for management was created. During the preparatory phase, a tree of management goals and objectives was built, and the final results of the work were established. The general goal of a social service institution is to meet the needs of citizens in social services.

Based on the general goal, as well as regulatory documents regulating the activities of social service institutions, the following were proposed as the main goals:

  1. Identification of the need for specific types of social services, analysis of the real and forecasting of the future need for them.
  2. Provision of socio-economic assistance.
  3. Provision of social and medical assistance.
  4. Provision of social and legal assistance.
  5. Provision of psychological and pedagogical assistance.
  6. Prevention of neglect of children and adolescents.
  7. Assistance with family planning problems.
  8. Providing assistance to children with disabilities.
  9. Conducting social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations.
  10. Staffing.
  11. Economic support.
  12. Logistics.
  13. Management organization.

Each of the main goals was divided into a number of smaller ones, and those, in turn, into sub-goals, etc. Thus, it can be seen that the general goal can be achieved with a combination of smaller, specific sub-goals. Informing managers to ensure that an effective decision is made should also take place for each specific area of ​​activity. All information flows should be formed into a single information system that ensures the achievement of the general goal.

As an example, in Table. 2.1 shows the tree of goals and objectives of work on the provision of socio-economic assistance.

Table 2.1 Tree of goals and objectives for providing socio-economic assistance to families and children

Objectives of the first level1 2Identification and analysis of the causes of social disadvantage. Improving the standard of living of the residents of the district Goals of the second level 1.1 1.2 Participation in the collection, study of processed information. Forecasting the development of the situation on the territory. 2.1 2.2 2.3 Organization of cooperation with various organizations and individuals to raise funds for the provision of material and natural aid needy. Providing material (clothing) assistance to low-income families. Advice on family self-sufficiency, improvement of their financial situation and level of security. Assistance in the organization of family business. Goals of the third level Identification of factors that will ensure social required level life of low-income families. Assistance in finding employment, obtaining or improving qualifications. Creating a database of vacancies. Advice and assistance in obtaining benefits, allowances and other payments. Creation of a database of low-income families. Assistance in improving living conditions. Creation of an exchange office of things.

In order to develop an effective organizational structure of an institution, it is not enough to have only the goals of the activity, it is also necessary to determine its final results. This was done taking into account the regulatory documents, as well as the developed tree of goals of the social service institution. For each division, based on its goals, its own result of the work was singled out, according to which it was possible to judge the effectiveness of its activities. After all, only based on the results achieved, it is subsequently possible to identify trends, the effectiveness of management activities, and determine reserves for planning for the future.

The analysis of the final results of the work of a social service institution was understood as the consideration of the final state of the activities of each unit as a whole, as well as practical actions to achieve this result. Carrying out such an analysis involved the development of criteria, evaluation indicators, on the basis of which comparison, evaluation and conclusions would be made, as well as the development of forms and methods of analysis. It is more expedient to present the results in the form of tables, graphs, charts, diagrams, since it is these forms that allow you to visually present the work done, analyze it, and not just make a brief report. Based on the results of the problematic analysis of the results, it became possible to put forward the most significant goals for development, clarify them through specific tasks and activities of the annual plan. This made it possible to get away from formalism in setting goals, planning and monitoring. For our study, the following point is most important: the selection of indicators for the final analysis of the work of a social service institution made it possible to determine the directions for collecting information that is really necessary to achieve management goals.

The formulation of a system of goals and the definition of the final result of the work of a social service institution is the starting point for designing an information support system, as it allows you to highlight the main directions for collecting information, but in order to determine the directions of information flows, it is necessary to clearly present the organizational structure of the institution.

The information support system is an internal basis in relation to the organizational structure, since with given information flows, the organizational structure can change within insignificant limits and in certain directions.

The optimal organizational structure should ensure the consistency of all links of the managing and managed subsystems, which is achieved by a clear distribution of job and functional responsibilities, efficient use opportunities for each coemployee, a harmonious ratio of vertical and horizontal links.

To build an information support model, the following work was done: data were collected and analyzed, reflecting the information support system existing in practice; studied and analyzed the elements that are the components of this system; relationships are established and links between these elements are identified; the differences in service functions of different employees and departments were studied; the role of each structural unit and each employee in the formation of information flows is revealed.

In preparation for the formation of the information support model, the possibility was established to determine the dependence of the optimality of a management decision on the volume and reliability of information and the time spent on its collection and processing; methods of working with information are defined; their dependence on the stage of work with it is established.

It was revealed that the structure of the information support model consists of a certain set of elements: the direction of collecting information and requirements for it, the methods of its collection, processing and storage, the direction of information flows, the functional responsibilities of structural units and individual employees in the formation of information flows. In turn, the management information system consists of the following set of elements: the content of information, its collection, processing and storage. All elements of the system have a fairly clear relationship, which is determined by the leading element of the system - the content of the information used in management. It is the content of information that determines the connection of the remaining elements: collection - processing - storage.

Information support system (a system for collecting, processing, storing and using a set of information characterizing internal state and external relations "Department of social protection of the Administration of the Gafury district of the Republic of Belarus" for the purpose of effective functioning and development) has the following purpose:

providing employees of all levels with the information necessary for the qualitative performance of their duties (determine the directions of the information collected, necessary for all categories of employees and channels for its transmission);

determination of the types of work on information support that must be performed;

establishing the functions of departments and individual employees to perform all types of work with information;

determination of the frequency of collection and the form of storage of the collected information.


It has long been obvious that effective management is possible only on the basis of a thorough study of all information that is even remotely related to the managed system. In turn, the implementation of a management decision requires competent information support, which in its content, intensity, technologies used and other characteristics varies depending on the stage of its implementation.

The concept of "information" at the end of the XX century. has become one of the most used because information permeates all spheres of human activity, serves as a conductor of all knowledge and opinions, a universal tool for communication, mutual understanding and cooperation, escalating conflicts and tension, asserting stereotypes of thinking and behavior.

As a result of the information revolution, information becomes the most important resource not only for management, but for the entire social life.

Social information is orienting knowledge about the state of the social system, the process of providing the cognitive needs of society based on the use of information technologies.

There are certain laws and principles of modern collection, storage and analysis of information that you need to know. For example, it is very important to understand that there should not be a lot of information, it should not contain unused information that complicates the work of making a decision.

Information must be formed on the basis of objective data, arrive within a time frame sufficient to make a timely decision, etc. Ignorance of elementary rules in this area or their perverted use turns information from a great benefit of social progress into the same evil that can become a brake on making a management decision.

Thus, the need for social management is primarily due to the division of labor and the need for its cooperation. Therefore, management is a necessary condition for the existence and development of society.

In modern society, among the many conceptual models of which the understanding of it as " information society", the quality of information support of decisions largely determines their success.

All of the above in the work allowed us to draw the following conclusions.

The peculiarity of social management as an independent branch of social life is that it is a sphere of people's spiritual life, largely depends on the state of public and individual consciousness. Therefore, the degree of controllability of public affairs is determined by such regulators of public life as: culture, traditions, ideology, moral norms, integrity of thinking, etc. This dependence increases as the maturity of the society itself, the development of social progress.

The essence of social management is defined as the process of influencing social processes to achieve the set goals. Its purpose is to study the activities of governing bodies as social systems, to study and improve the social mechanisms of systematic, based on reliable knowledge, the impact of the subject of management on a social object. The tasks of social management are: the study of real facts, the detection of development trends, the explanation of innovations, the construction of effective directions, the formation of evidence-based recommendations for management activities. The functions of social management are: goal setting, development of complex targeted programs and projects, strategic goal setting, value impact, normative regulation and modeling in the management of public affairs, information support for social management. All these elements make it possible to effectively manage social life.

The concept of "information" at the end of the XX century. has become one of the most used because information permeates all spheres of human activity, serves as a conductor of all knowledge and opinions, a universal tool for communication, mutual understanding and cooperation, escalating conflicts and tension, asserting stereotypes of thinking and behavior. As a result of the information revolution, information becomes the most important resource not only for management, but for the entire social life. Social information is orienting knowledge about the state of the social system, the process of providing the cognitive needs of society based on the use of information technologies.

Reliable information is necessary for all stages of management: from setting goals to implementing social control measures, evaluating the effectiveness of decisions made and correcting them. Therefore, without the necessary information support, there is no effective social management.

There are certain laws and principles of modern collection, storage and analysis of information that you need to know. For example, it is very important to understand that there should not be a lot of information, it should not contain unused information that complicates the work of making a decision. Information should be formed on the basis of objective data, arrive in time sufficient to make a timely decision, etc. Ignorance of the elementary rules in this area or their perverted use turns information from a great benefit of social progress into the same evil that can become a brake on making a managerial decision.

The results obtained in the course of the study of information management on the example of the "Department of Social Protection of the Administration of the Gafury District of the Republic of Belarus" made it possible to put forward the following recommendations aimed at improving, increasing the efficiency of information support for the management of social service institutions for the population:

to concentrate all the main types of information activities in the department of primary reception of information, analysis and forecasting;

on the basis of local networks currently used in social service institutions - for an accountant, office management, personnel department, manager, psychologist - it is necessary to create an integrated information system based on modern computer technology equipped with automated data input and output tools, the use of network technologies, reduction traditional paperwork.

List of used sources and literature

Akimova, T.A. Theory of organization / T.A. Akimov. - M.: UNITI., 2013. - 240 p.

Alekseyonok, A.A. Social management. Tutorial/ A.A. Alexeyonok. - Eagle: Publishing house ORAGS, 2012. - 80 p.

Andreeva, I.V. Organizational behavior / I.V. Andreeva, V.A. Spivak. - M.: Delo, 2013. - 327 p.

Atamanchuk, G.V. Theory of Public Administration: A Course of Lectures / G.V. Atamanchuk. - M.: Omega-L, 2011. - 638 p.

Vershigora, E.E. Management: Textbook / E.E. Vershigora.- M.: Infra-M, 2011.- 283 p.

Vikhansky, O.S. Management: person, strategy, organization, process: Textbook / O.S. Vikhansky, A.E. Naumov.- M.: Infra-M, 2010.-320 p.

Gorbukhov, V.A. Fundamentals of social management: textbook / V.A. Gorbukhov. - M.: FORUM, 2011. - 224 p.

Diatchenko, L.Ya. Social typologies in the management of social norms / L.Ya. Diatchenko. - M.: Route, 2012.- 373 p.

Zborovsky, G.E. Sociology of Management: Textbook / G.E. Zborovsky, N.B. Kostina. - M.: Eksmo, 2012. - 426 p.

Ivanov, V.S. Fundamentals of social management / V.S. Ivanov. - M.: Academy, 2012. - 462 p.

Ignatov, V.G. Formation of state and municipal management / V.G. Ignatov. - Rostov-on-D.: Phoenix, 2013. - 396 p.

Medynsky, V. G. Management Theory: Textbook / V. G. Medynsky. - M.: Infra-M, 2013. - 293 p.

Neretina, E.A. Management of social processes / E.A. Neretina. - M.: Academy, 2011. - 320 p.

Slepenkov, I.M. Fundamentals of the theory of social management / I.M. Slepenkov, Yu.P. Averin. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2013.- 411 p.

Social Management: Textbook for High Schools / Ed. V.N. Ivanova, V.I. Patrushev. M.: Higher school, 2010. - 189 p.

Control Theory: Textbook / Ed. ed. A.L. Gaponenko, A.P. Pankrukhin. - M.: Publishing House of the RAGS, 2011. - 558 p.

Control theory. Textbook / Ed. Yu.V. Vasilyeva.- M.: Finance and statistics, 2012.- 608 p.

Management of social processes in the region / Ed. N.M. Gorbukov. - M.: RAGS, 2011. - 362 p.

Frolov, S.S. Sociology of enterprises / S.S. Frolov.-M.: Academy Press, 2011.-524p.

Encyclopedia of managerial knowledge. Fundamentals of modern social management: theory and methodology. / Ed. V.N. Ivanova. - M.: Taurus, 2012. - 522 p.


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social management- type of management, the process of influencing society, social groups, individuals in order to streamline their activities, increase the level of organization of the social system.

Common features social management:

  • 1) exists where there is a joint activity of people and their communities;
  • 2) provides an orderly impact on participants joint activities;
  • 3) is aimed at achieving a specific management goal;
  • 4) is characterized by the presence of a subject and an object of management;
  • 5) the subject of management is endowed with a certain power resource;
  • 6) the object of control is a subject subject, whose conscious-volitional behavior must change in accordance with the instructions of the subject;
  • 7) is implemented within a certain mechanism.

Kinds social management: public administration, local (municipal) self-government, public self-government.

Elements social management: the subject of management, the object of management, managerial links (direct links and feedbacks).

Subject management can be individual or collective.

There are such objects management as a person (individual), collectives (social groups), the state (society as a whole).

Direct connections - purposeful organizing influence of the subject of management on the managed object.

Feedback - a channel of information impact of the control object on the control subject in order to inform about the fulfillment of the management tasks assigned to it.

Management cycle - a set of interrelated, logically determined management stages, characterized by certain tasks, composition of participants.

Stages of the management process:

  • * analysis of the management situation;
  • * development and decision-making;
  • * organization and execution of the decision;
  • * monitoring the implementation of the decision;
  • * Summing up, making adjustments.

Features of social management:

1. This is the management of people: individuals, groups, society as a whole. This is a special type of human relationship.

Social management can only be reduced to the management of people (conscription for military service, admission to universities). But often it serves as a means of influencing things, a means of ensuring the coordinated activity of people in the process of production, transportation, and distribution of material goods. The subject of management influences social relations, things through the will and consciousness of people. Organization always consists in streamlining some activity.

2. Human actions are conscious, expedient, volitional. Will- the regulating side of consciousness, directing human activity to achieve the goal. And the second essential sign of social management is that it is carried out by influencing the will of people.

3. The third feature of social management is a high degree of autonomy, independence, free will of the governed, who are capable of self-organization. Objects of social management - people, collectives, nations have the will and consciousness, the ability to analyze the environment, choose certain behaviors. The variety of human needs, interests, tastes, inclinations is endless, each person has his own mindset, life experience, his own peculiarities of thinking, experiences. Human behavior, as a rule, cannot be rigidly determined, it is probabilistic in nature.

In social systems, not only a certain combination of subjects and objects of control is possible, but even a change in their places and social roles.

  • 4. The fourth feature is that people are managed consciously. In this process, ideal goals and programs for their implementation are developed, and the means for implementing programs (organs, communication systems, etc.) are consciously created.
  • 5. It is also very important that humanity has learned to accumulate and store information outside the individual, to transmit it through social education. People have created special means by which they consolidate, preserve and transmit the experience of generations, turn individual experience into a collective one, they use technical devices for the rapid transmission of information over long distances, for its processing, etc. social management public leadership

Therefore, the specificity of social management also consists in the use of an extra-genetic, extra-organic system of means for collecting, processing and transmitting information. It is characterized by the presence of supra-individual devices, that is, special control systems, technical means, special communication channels, "languages" (codes).

An important means of managing a person is the word, which is the immediate reality of thought, its material form. And for coercion, a variety of means are used: a whip and a club, firearms and water cannons, punishment cells and medical sobering-up stations, prisons and camps ...



E.S. Reichert, Lecturer in the Department of Legal Support for Business

activities of SUSU

Management takes place in all systems of the material world: technical, biological and social. The similarity of control processes in these systems was revealed and shown by cybernetics - the science of the general patterns of obtaining, storing, transmitting and processing information, which develops general principles for creating control systems. Management problems are also studied by a number of applied sciences, such as management philosophy, management sociology, organizational behavior, management psychology, history of management, law and management, etc.

All the variety of approaches to the definition of the concept of "management" is due to the versatility and complexity of this unique phenomenon, which is very difficult at the present stage of development of management science to express a single definition. Therefore, different authors see this phenomenon in different ways and formulate the definitions of management in their own way. The most common is the definition of management as a targeted impact of the subject of management on the object in order to transfer it to a qualitatively new state.

Yu.M. Kozlov singled out a number of significant points characterizing management:

1. Control - function organized systems of various nature (biological, technical, social), ensuring their integrity, i.e. achievement of the tasks facing them, preservation of their structure, maintenance of the proper regime of their activities.

2. Management serves the interests of the interaction of the elements that make up this or that system and represent a single whole with tasks common to all elements.

3. Management is the internal quality of an integral system, the main elements of which are the subject (control element) and the object (control element), constantly interacting on the basis of self-organization.

4. Management involves not only the internal interaction of the elements that make up the system. There are many interacting integral systems of various hierarchical levels, which implies

implementation of managerial functions, both intra-system and inter-system nature. In the latter case, a higher-order system acts as a subject of control in relation to a lower-order system, which is an object of control within the framework of interaction between them.

This statement appears to be in conflict with the previous statement. Still, management is always an internal quality of an integral system, since not only the simplest elements can act as an object and subject, but also representing complex mechanisms of interaction of several subjects and objects, which in turn form mini systems and subsystems. What is a system? It seems that this is a set of interrelated elements that function in a coordinated and purposeful manner. Therefore, if interrelations arise between a system of a higher order and a system of a lower order, as a result of which one system can have a regulatory effect on another system, we can speak of the existence of a macrosystem. And management in this case acts "again as an internal quality of an integral system.

5. Management in its essence is reduced to the control action of the subject on the object, the content of which is the ordering of the system, ensuring its functioning in full accordance with the laws of its existence and development. This is a purposeful ordering influence, implemented in the relations between the subject and the object and carried out directly by the subject of management.

6. Management is real when there is a certain subordination of the object to the subject of management. Consequently, the control (ordering) impact is the prerogative of the subject of control1.

H.A. Kurtikov offers new approach to the definition of the concept of management: Management is the process of creating a targeted interaction between the subject and the object of management in order to achieve socially significant results.

In this definition, there is a fundamental important differences. As the author himself points out, firstly, the “impact” of the subject of management

on the object from a one-sided phenomenon turns into their "interaction", which is more consistent with the dialectic of social systems. Secondly, the introduction of the category of “achieving socially significant results” into the definition of management orients management practice towards a clear understanding of the social mission of each management system, increases the opportunities for an objective assessment of the quality of work of all those involved in this type of activity at all levels of the management system2.

However, social philosophy was adopted as a theoretical and methodological basis; as a result, the resulting concept is more consistent with the definition of social management than with the concept of management in general.

Management as a process of the influence of the subject on the object of management is unthinkable without a management system, which is understood as a mechanism that provides the management process, i.e. a set of interconnected elements that function in a coordinated and purposeful manner. The elements participating in the management process are combined into a system using information links, more specifically, according to the feedback principle3. The control system includes the subject and object of control as the largest structural elements. However, the transformation of numerous diverse and disparate elements into a system is achieved only when interdependent connections and continuous relationships are established between them, and a level of self-regulation and organization is reached that allows solving the tasks and goals set, and qualitatively performing managerial functions. In the “system”, which is an integral and complete formation, each of its structural elements, having relative autonomy and independence, solves a separate problem and performs a specific function. This process is ultimately aimed at ensuring the functioning of the system as a whole.

The presence of information relations in the management system (the so-called direct and feedback links) is due to its formal hierarchy, complexity of construction, special relations between structural elements, between subjects and objects of management. "Forward and reverse links" characterize the direct impact of the subject of management on the objects of management, which are not a passive party in the management process and inform the subject of management about the problems, results of activities.

In this case, we can talk about the seventh sign of management - the presence of not only direct, but also feedback between the subject and the object of management.

Based on the foregoing, I would like to propose the following concept of control.

Management is a purposeful process of interaction between the subject and the object of management, in which the subject of management has a regulatory effect on the object of management.

Traditionally, the following types of management are distinguished:

1) mechanical, technical management (management of equipment, machines, technological processes);

2) biological management (management of vital processes of living organisms);

3) social management (uprashze-nie social processes, people and organizations).

According to D.N. Bakhrakh4, many types of management of the means of production remain outside this classification: water resources, movable property, cars, horses, technological processes, etc. A person also consciously controls himself, his feelings, actions, and this, of course, is not biological control. As a scientific hypothesis, he proposes to distinguish five types of management:

1) biological;

2) technical;

3) individual;

4) social;

5) management of the means of production.

I would like to pay special attention to social management. As an objective reality, management is a universal phenomenon, since it takes place in all societies, countries, in all spheres of public life of people and at all times of human civilization. Management is much "older" than the state. It arises there and then, when there is a social need for it. Therefore, the genesis of management in social communities can be understood as a type of labor historically isolated from group joint activity.

Any group interaction in order to achieve the desired result objectively presupposes a certain division of efforts in the group, distribution of roles, coordination and regulation of individual actions. The larger the community of interacting people, the greater the social need for

management, the greater the social significance of the personal qualities of the person performing this organizing activity. The main carriers of social and managerial phenomena are people - subjects and objects of management, interacting in specific communities of various scales. The subject of management is an organic structural and functional component of the social management system. This is an individual or a group of people endowed with authority to make managerial decisions, to exert a strong-willed, intellectual and moral influence on others. The control object is that part of the system that materializes the goals of management, executes management decisions, and ultimately ensures the implementation of the social mission of a particular management system5.

Social management has its own distinctive characteristics that separate it from other types of management. As features of social management D.N. Bachrach proposed the following6.

People management. The object of influence can be one person, a formal or informal group, a state and public organization, etc. Man is a social being, he always lives and acts among his own kind. Any joint activity means organization, it requires streamlining, the efforts of individuals must be harmonized in time and space, subordinated to a single goal. The management of people exists along with the management of things, but the latter is not related to social management.

It assumes the unity of will of the participants in joint activities regarding a specific goal. Such unity can be achieved through voluntary consent or the subordination of one will to another. The ability to subjugate the will of others is called power. Power is a vertical, hierarchical coordination of actions, the most important, essential means of control.

Autonomy of control objects. The objects of social control people, collectives, nations have the will and consciousness, the ability to analyze the environment, to choose a certain behavior.

Social management is carried out consciously. The main points of consciousness of management: the ideal goal; ideal program its implementation; conscious construction of organizational structures. Target

human action is an ideal model of the required future, anticipating the desired states of the system. Conscious control involves an ideal anticipation of the result of the use of certain means and a certain order of achieving the goal.

Thus, social management is a conscious purposeful process of interaction between people and their associations, in which some people and their associations have a regulatory impact on other people and their associations.

Consistency is an objective property of all complex objects that have to be dealt with in the management process. Of particular interest is the concept social system". It is defined as a structural element of social reality, a certain integral formation, the main elements of which are people, their connections and interaction. This is an association of people who jointly implement a certain program or goal, acting on the basis of certain norms, procedures and rules. In contrast to the general concept of "system", a social system has a number of additional significant features: a hierarchy of element statuses, the presence of self-government mechanisms in the system, the self-awareness of subjects and objects of management, a system of values, formal and informal relations, etc.7. Relying on this concept, we can give the following definition: Social management is the management of social systems.

Management activity consists of certain functions of social management, each of which is an autonomous part of its content. In the literature on management, the term "function" is used in various meanings, but most often as a task, the main direction of the subject's activity, or as a special type of management activity8. In the first case, one speaks of personalized functions, and in the second, of functions in general. Functions are divided into general and special.

General functions are general, typical types of interaction between subjects and objects of social management. General functions are understood as stable, relatively independent, specialized types of management activities in general. General managerial functions include: forecasting, planning, regulatory control, methodological guidance, structural function, work with personnel, financing, operational regulation

lirovanie, accounting, control, office work. General management functions are specified in the functions of individual bodies, structural units, positions.

Along with general functions and their numerous modifications, there are special ones, i.e., such types of organizational activities that are brought to life by the characteristics of the objects of influence. This is, for example, the technical preparation of production in industry, design in construction, pricing, many state bodies, a number of public organizations are actively engaged in educating the population, propaganda and agitation. Separate state bodies exercise coercion.

In society, management methods act as methods, techniques for implementing objective laws based on the use of management tools. Methods of activity are means of achieving goals, methods of managing means, methods, methods of purposeful influence on a controlled system. The set of methods used in the management process, their combination is one of the most important quality indicators of management. The skillful use of a variety of methods in a particular setting testifies to the skill of the subject.

The concept of method, first of all, is associated with activity, with the process. But not with any activity, but with a purposeful one. Such activity acts as a set of techniques, ways to achieve the intended result. The method can be understood as a way of purposeful influence of the subject of management on the team, group or one person9. Ways and means of purposeful influence on people depend on many factors, such as: the nature of industrial relations, historical conditions, features of the managed object, the level of culture, etc. In addition, the choice of method depends on the goals and objectives that need to be solved. Only a small number of social relations strictly require the use of a specific method. In most cases, the goal is achieved by various means. The subject of management must apply the most effective and appropriate methods in each specific case.

By the nature of the impact, management methods

leniya are divided into methods of persuasion and coercion. Closely related to this classification, but does not coincide with it, is the division of methods into dictatorial (authoritarian) and democratic. The latter are primarily based on persuasion, but also involve coercion. With regard to the management system as a whole, and especially to its individual parts, the allocation of basic and auxiliary methods is of some importance.

Recently, a number of authors propose to distinguish three groups of methods: economic, organizational and administrative (administrative) and socio-psychological10. The last group of methods has its own internal classification. In particular, social methods include11:

Methods of social rationing, which allow you to streamline social relations between social groups, teams and individual workers by introducing various social norms. These are the rules of the internal work schedule, rules of intracompany etiquette, forms of disciplinary action;

Methods of social regulation are used to streamline social relations by identifying and regulating the interests and goals of various collectives, groups and individuals. These include contracts, mutual obligations, systems of selection, distribution and satisfaction of social needs;

Methods of moral stimulation, which are used to encourage teams, groups, individual workers who have achieved certain success in their professional activities.

Psychological methods are divided into:

Methods of acquisition of small groups - allow you to determine the optimal quantitative and quality relationships between employees, taking into account psychological compatibility;

Labor humanization methods psychological impact colors, music, expansion of creative processes, etc.;

Methods of professional selection and training are aimed at vocational guidance and training of people who, in terms of their psychological characteristics, are most consistent with the requirements of the work performed.

IN AND. Mukhin proposes to classify socio-psychological methods according to the hierarchy of social processes, which includes society, collective, group, personality12.

At the level of society, there are methods of managing social and mass processes based on information management. This is control, when the control action is informational in nature, i.e. the subject of management is given an information picture, focusing on which, he chooses a line of behavior. Today, according to the author, the main information carrier for a person is the TV or computer screen. The speed of creating pictures, concepts-images is so high that there is no time to think about the information received. Psychologists have found that 15-20% of the population is able to critically assimilate information. In addition, up to 75% of people have increased suggestibility. Therefore, the application modern ways mass media ensures the controllability of society.

It seems that we can go further in these statements, because information affects not only society as a whole, but also its specific individual. Therefore, we can talk about a new method of social management - the method of information impact.

Like all real-world phenomena, methods have their own form. From this point of view, they can be divided into organizational and legal (in the literature they are often called simply legal) and organizational. In some cases, the managerial will is clothed in legal forms and expressed in acts containing general norms and rules, or in individual prescriptions, permits, orders. But even state bodies do not always clothe the will in legal forms and make extensive use of purely organizational actions (explanations, instructions). Public organizations mainly use non-legal, organizational methods of activity.

Great importance has a division of methods into flexible and rigid, creative and template, state and public. Methods of management activity can be divided into general, used in the performance of all or most management functions, and special, used in the implementation of individual functions.

But all of them are fundamentally the same, since they are means of implementing a single whole purposeful impact on society (collective, group), in order to achieve

its gradual transfer to a new qualitative state.

Social management includes several types, differing in goals, objectives, functions, subjects and their powers, as well as management procedures:

1) public administration (management in the field of organization and functioning of the state);

2) local government (municipal government, local self-government, communal government);

3) public administration (management in public associations and Not commercial organizations);

4) commercial management (management in commercial organizations created for the purpose of making a profit).

Each of these species has its own specifics and may be a topic for further, deeper study.

1 Alekhin A. P., Karmolitsky A. A., Kozlov Yu. M. Administrative law Russian Federation. Textbook. M.: Publishing house MIRROR, 1996. S. 4-5.

2 Public administration: fundamentals of theory and organization. Textbook. In 2 vols. T. 1 / Ed. V.A. Kozbanenko. M.: "Statute", 2002. P.14

5 Starilov Yu.N. General Administrative Law Course. In 3 vols. Vol. 1: History. The science. Item. Norms. Subjects. M.: Publishing house NORMA, 2002. S. 137-138.

4 Bahrakh D.N. Basic concepts of the theory of social management. Perm, 1978, p. 6.

5 Public administration: fundamentals of theory and organization. Textbook. In 2 vols. T. 1 / Ed. V.A. Kozbanenko. M.: Statut, 2002. S. 15-16.

6 Bahrakh D.N. Basic concepts of the theory of social management. Perm, 1978. S. 7-12.

I Public Administration: Fundamentals of Theory and Organization. Textbook. In 2 vols. T. 1 / Ed. V.A. Kozbanenko. M.: Statute, 2002. P.24.

8 Bahrakh D.N. Basic concepts of the theory of social management. Perm, 1978, pp. 64-67.

9 Bahrakh D.N. Basic concepts of the theory of social management. Perm, 1978, pp. 74-82.

10 Fundamentals of management theory. Textbook/V. I. Mukhin M.: Exam, 2002. S. 96.

II Fundamentals of social management: Textbook / A.G. Gladyshev, V.N. Ivanov, V. I. Patrushev and others. Ed. V.N. Ivanova. M.: Higher school, 2001. S.50-51.

12 Fundamentals of management theory. Textbook / V.I. Mukhin. M.: Exam, 2002. S. 105.

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