In social ecology, the main directions are highlighted. Ecology is social. Methods of social ecology

SOCIAL ECOLOGY is a branch of science that studies the relationship between human communities and the surrounding geographic-spatial, social and cultural environment, the direct and side effects of production activities on the composition and properties of the environment, the environmental impact of anthropogenic, especially urbanized, landscapes, and other environmental factors on physical and mental health of a person and on the gene pool of human populations, etc. Already in the 19th century, the American scientist D.P. Marsh, having analyzed the various forms of destruction of the natural balance by man, formulated a program for nature conservation. French geographers of the 20th century (P. Vidal de la Blache, J. Brun, 3. Martonne) developed the concept of human geography, the subject of which is the study of a group of phenomena occurring on the planet and involved in human activities. In the works of representatives of the Dutch and French geographical school of the 20th century (L. Febvre, M. Sor), constructive geography, developed by Soviet scientists A. A. Grigoriev, I. P. Gerasimov, analyzes the impact of man on the geographical landscape, the embodiment of his activities in the social space.

The development of geochemistry and biogeochemistry revealed the transformation of the production activity of mankind into a powerful geochemical factor, which served as the basis for the identification of a new geological era - anthropogenic (Russian geologist A.P. Pavlov) or psychosoic (American scientist C. Schuchert). V. I. Vernadsky's doctrine of the biosphere and noosphere is associated with a new look at the geological consequences of the social activity of mankind.

A number of aspects of social ecology are also studied in historical geography, which studies the links between ethnic groups and the natural environment. The formation of social ecology is associated with the activities of the Chicago school. The subject and status of social ecology are the subject of discussion: it is defined either as a systematic understanding of the environment, or as a science of the social mechanisms of the relationship between human society and the environment, or as a science that focuses on humans as a biological species (Homo sapiens). Social ecology has significantly changed scientific thinking, having developed new theoretical approaches and methodological orientations among representatives of various sciences, contributing to the formation of new ecological thinking. Social ecology analyzes the natural environment as a differentiated system, the various components of which are in dynamic balance, considers the Earth's biosphere as an ecological niche for mankind, linking the environment and human activity into a single system "nature - society", reveals the human impact on the balance of natural ecosystems, raises the question on the management and rationalization of the relationship between man and nature. Ecological thinking finds its expression in various put forward options for the reorientation of technology and production. Some of them are associated with the mood of ecological pessimism and aparism (from the French alarme - anxiety), with the revival of the reactionary-romantic concepts of the Rousseauist persuasion, from the point of view of which the root cause of the ecological crisis is scientific and technological progress in itself, with the emergence of the doctrines of "organic growth ”, “sustainable state”, etc., who consider it necessary to sharply limit or even suspend technical and economic development. In other options, in contrast to this pessimistic assessment of the future of mankind and the prospects for nature management, projects are put forward for a radical restructuring of technology, getting rid of miscalculations that led to environmental pollution (the program of alternative science and technology, the model of closed production cycles), the creation of new technical means and technological processes ( transport, energy, etc.), acceptable from an environmental point of view. The principles of social ecology are also expressed in ecological economics, which takes into account the costs not only for the development of nature, but also for the protection and restoration of the ecosphere, emphasizes the importance of criteria not only for profitability and productivity, but also for the environmental validity of technical innovations, environmental control over planning industry and nature management. The ecological approach has led to the isolation within the social ecology of the ecology of culture, which seeks ways to preserve and restore various elements of the cultural environment created by mankind throughout its history (architectural monuments, landscapes, etc.), and the ecology of science, which analyzes geographical distribution of research centers, personnel, disproportions in the regional and national network of research institutes, media, funding in the structure of scientific communities.

The development of social ecology served as a powerful impetus for the advancement of new values ​​to humanity - the preservation of ecosystems, the attitude to the Earth as a unique ecosystem, a prudent and careful attitude to living things, the co-evolution of nature and humanity, etc. Tendencies towards an ecological reorientation of ethics are found in various ethical concepts: the teachings of A. Schweitzer on a reverent attitude to life, the ethics of nature by the American ecologist O. Leopold, the cosmic ethics of K. E. Tsiolkovsky, the ethics of love for life, developed by the Soviet biologist D. P. Filatov, and others.

The problems of social ecology are usually referred to as the most acute and urgent among the global problems of our time, the solution of which determines the survival of both humanity itself and all life on Earth. A necessary condition for their solution is the recognition of the priority of universal human values ​​as the basis for broad international cooperation of various social, political, national, class and other forces in overcoming the environmental dangers fraught with the arms race, uncontrolled scientific and technological progress, and many anthropogenic impacts on the environment. person.

At the same time, the problems of social ecology in specific forms are expressed in regions of the planet that are different in their natural-geographical and socio-economic parameters, at the level of specific ecosystems. Taking into account the limited sustainability and self-healing capacity of natural ecosystems, as well as their cultural value, is becoming an increasingly important factor in the design and implementation of the production activities of man and society. Often this forces us to abandon previously adopted programs for the development of productive forces and the use of natural resources.

In general, the historically developing human activity in modern conditions acquires a new dimension - it cannot be considered truly reasonable, meaningful and expedient if it ignores the requirements and imperatives dictated by the environment.

A. P. Ogurtsov, B. G. Yudin

New Philosophical Encyclopedia. In four volumes. / Institute of Philosophy RAS. Scientific ed. advice: V.S. Stepin, A.A. Huseynov, G.Yu. Semigin. M., Thought, 2010, vol.IV, p. 423-424.


Marsh D.P. Man and nature, trans. from English. SPb., 1866; Dorst J. Before nature dies, trans. from French M., 1908; Watt K. Ecology and management of natural resources, trans. from English. M., 1971; Ehrenfeld D. Nature and people, trans. from English. M., 1973; Interaction of nature and society. Philosophical, geographical, ecological aspects of the problem. Sat. Art. M., 1973; Man and his environment. - "VF", 1973, No. 1-4; Commoner B. The closing circle, trans. from English. L., 1974; He is. Profit technology, trans. from English. M., 1970; Ward B., Dubos R. There is only one earth, trans. from English. M., 1975; Budyka M. I. Global ecology. M., 1977; Dynamic balance of man and nature. Minsk, 1977; Odum G., Odum E. Energy basis of man and nature, trans. from English. M., 1978; Moiseev N. N., Aleksandrov V. V., Tarko A. M. Man and the biosphere. M., 1985; Problems of human ecology. M., 1986; Odum Yu. Ecology, trans. from English, vol. 1-2. M 1986; Gorelov A. A. Social ecology. M., 1998; Park R. E. Human Communities. The City and Human Ecology. Glencoe, 1952; Perspectives en Ecologie Humaine. P., 1972; Ehrlich P. R., Ehrllch A. H., Holdren J. P. Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions. S.F., 1973; Lexikon der Umweltethik. Gott.-Dusseldorf, 1985.

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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education




Essay on ecology

social ecology

2nd year students

full-time education

Potkina Tatyana Nikolaevna

Moscow 2012


1. Social ecology, its subject

1.1 Social ecology definitions

1.2 Subject matter

1.3 The problem of developing a common understanding of the approach to understanding the subject of social ecology

1.4 Principles of social ecology

2. Stages of development of social ecology

2.1 First stage

2.2 Second stage

2.3 Third stage

3. Environmental education

3.1 The essence of environmental education

3.2 Three components of environmental education

3.3 The main directions of environmental education

4. Technical process as a source of social and environmental problems

4.1 Conflict of technology and ecology

4.2 Socio-ecological problems of our time

4.3 Ecological content of scientific and technological revolution


List of source and references


In the 1960s and 1970s, it became obvious that the range of problems of modern ecology had expanded enormously, that it had long been beyond the scope of traditional biological science - ecology, which was first mentioned back in 1868 by the German biologist E. Haeckel in the book "Natural history of origin. It does not fit, if only because the environmental tension begins in the field of technology. Therefore, both technology and technical sciences are directly related to the environmental problem. But the socio-economic principle is an even broader position, which allows a large-scale and comprehensive outline of the true range of interests and problems of modern ecology.

The priority name was different - social ecology. This term, introduced into scientific circulation by Soviet philosophers, has become quite widespread, both in the USSR - Russia, and in the West. It is understood as an interdisciplinary complex of environmental management, the principles of organizing human activity, taking into account objective environmental laws.

The concept of social ecology is closely related to the essence of the teachings of V. I. Vernadsky and T. de Chardin about the noosphere - the sphere of the mind - the highest stage in the development of the biosphere, associated with the emergence and formation of civilized humanity in it. It is the inseparability of the latter from the biosphere that points, according to Vernadsky, to the main goal in building the noosphere. The task is to preserve the type of biosphere in which man originated and can exist as a species.

So, the question of the term "social ecology" is more or less clear. However, its content and structure continue to be debated. It is clear that social ecology must incorporate the relevant parts of the natural, social and technical sciences. According to this principle, the scheme of G. A. Bachinsky, an ecologist from Lvov, was built.

The links between geography and ecology are traditional and diverse. In the 1920s and 1930s, American geographers called geography human ecology, in the 1930s the famous German geographer K. Troll introduced the term "geoecology" and already in the 1960s and 1970s it became widespread in the West. Finally, in the 70s, Academician V. B. Sochava wrote about "human ecology as a key concept in geography." The term "geoecology" can be explained as follows: geographers deal with the structure and interaction of two main systems: ecological (connecting man and the environment) and spatial (connecting one area to another through a complex volume of flows). The synthesis of these two approaches is the essence of geoecology. Any global problem cannot be solved without its preliminary “regionalization”, without a detailed consideration of the state and regional situation, finding specific ways to solve it in a given place and in given conditions (natural, economic, social). It is no coincidence that the first global models (D. Meadows and others) were criticized precisely for their “total” globality, for the lack of “regionalization”. However, for maximum generalization, identification of universal and most pressing environmental problems, another approach is possible - a global one. The inseparable connection of such approaches is emphasized by the well-known slogan, widely used in the modern world - "think globally, act locally."

1. Social ecology, its subject, principles and issues

1 .1 Definitionssocialecology

Social ecology (or socioecology) is a complex of scientific disciplines that examines the relationship in the "society - natural environment" system and develops the scientific foundations for optimizing the human living environment. The terminology in this area is not well established. From the point of view of some scientists, social ecology should study the relationship of society with the geographical, social and cultural environment; according to the position of others, this is a section of human ecology that considers the relationship of social groups of society with nature, etc. At the same time, in some cases, socioecology includes human ecology, in others, socioecology itself is part of human ecology. Nevertheless, social ecology is a scientific direction recognized all over the world. It achieved a similar status in the system of sciences due to the elimination of biological determinism in the definition of its subject. This was facilitated by a change in the understanding that ecology is not only a natural science, but also a human science.

Social ecology analyzes the attitude of man in its inherent humanistic horizon from the point of view of its correspondence to the historical needs of human development, from the perspective of cultural justification and perspective, through the theoretical comprehension of the world in its general definitions, which express the measure of the historical unity of man and nature. Any scientist considers the main concepts of the problem of interaction between society and nature through the prism of his science. The conceptual and categorical apparatus of socioecology is being formed, developed and improved. This process is diverse and covers all aspects of socioecology, not only objectively, but also subjectively, reflecting scientific creativity in a peculiar way and influencing the evolution of scientific interests and searches of both individual scientists and entire teams.

1 .2 Itemstudysocialecology

The subject of the study of social ecology is the identification of patterns of development of this system, value-ideological, socio-cultural, legal and other prerequisites and conditions for its sustainable development. That is, the subject of social ecology is the relationship in the system "society-man-technology-environment".

In this system, all elements and subsystems are homogeneous, and the connections between them determine its immutability and structure. The object of social ecology is the "society-nature" system.

1 .3 ProblemworkingsunifiedapproachTounderstandingsubjectsocialecology

One of the most important problems facing researchers at the present stage of the formation of social ecology is the development of a unified approach to understanding its subject. Despite the obvious progress made in the study of various aspects of the relationship between man, society and nature, as well as a significant number of publications on social and environmental issues that have appeared in the last two or three decades in our country and abroad, on the issue of what exactly this branch of scientific knowledge studies, there are still different opinions.

In the school reference book "Ecology" A.P. Oshmarin and V.I. Oshmarina gives two options for defining social ecology: in the narrow sense, it is understood as the science “on the interaction of human society with the natural environment”, and in the broad sense, the science “on the interaction of an individual and human society with natural, social and cultural environments”. It is quite obvious that in each of the presented cases of interpretation we are talking about different sciences that claim the right to be called “social ecology”. No less revealing is the comparison between the definitions of social ecology and human ecology. According to the same source, the latter is defined as: “1) the science of the interaction of human society with nature; 2) ecology of the human personality; 3) the ecology of human populations, including the doctrine of ethnic groups. One can clearly see the almost complete identity of the definition of social ecology, understood "in the narrow sense", and the first version of the interpretation of human ecology.

The desire for the actual identification of these two branches of scientific knowledge, indeed, is still characteristic of foreign science, but it is quite often subjected to well-reasoned criticism by domestic scientists. S. N. Solomina, in particular, pointing out the expediency of breeding social ecology and human ecology, limits the subject of the latter to consideration of the socio-hygienic and medical-genetic aspects of the relationship between man, society and nature. With a similar interpretation of the subject of human ecology, V.A. Bukhvalov, L.V. Bogdanova and some other researchers, but strongly disagree with N.A. Agadzhanyan, V.P. Kaznacheev and N.F. Reimers, according to whom this discipline covers a much wider range of issues of the interaction of the anthroposystem (considered at all levels of its organization from the individual to humanity as a whole) with the biosphere, as well as with the internal biosocial organization of human society. It is easy to see that such an interpretation of the subject of human ecology actually equates it with social ecology, understood in a broad sense. This situation is largely due to the fact that at present there has been a steady trend of convergence of these two disciplines, when there is an interpenetration of the subjects of the two sciences and their mutual enrichment through the joint use of the empirical material accumulated in each of them, as well as methods and technologies of socio-ecological and anthropoecological research.

Today, an increasing number of researchers tend to broaden the interpretation of the subject of social ecology. So, according to D.Zh. Markovich, the subject of study of modern social ecology, understood by him as a particular sociology, is the specific relationship between a person and his environment. Based on this, the main tasks of social ecology can be defined as follows: the study of the influence of the environment as a combination of natural and social factors on a person, as well as the influence of a person on the environment, perceived as the framework of human life.

A somewhat different, but not contradictory, interpretation of the subject of social ecology is given by T.A. Akimov and V.V. Haskin. From their point of view, social ecology as part of human ecology is a complex of scientific branches that study the relationship of social structures (starting with the family and other small social groups), as well as the relationship of man with the natural and social environment of their habitat. This approach seems to us more correct, because it does not limit the subject of social ecology to the framework of sociology or any other separate humanitarian discipline, but emphasizes its interdisciplinary nature.

Some researchers, when defining the subject of social ecology, tend to emphasize the role that this young science is called upon to play in harmonizing the relationship of mankind with its environment. According to E. V. Girusov, social ecology should study, first of all, the laws of society and nature, by which he understands the laws of self-regulation of the biosphere, implemented by man in his life.

1 .4 Principlessocialecology

· Mankind, like any population, cannot grow indefinitely.

· Society in its development must take into account the measure of biospheric phenomena.

· The sustainable development of society depends on the timeliness of the transition to alternative resources and technologies.

Any transformative activity of society should be based on an environmental forecast

· Development of nature should not reduce the diversity of the biosphere and worsen the quality of life of people.

· The sustainable development of civilization depends on the moral qualities of people.

· Everyone is responsible for their actions before the future.

We must think globally, act locally.

· The unity of nature obliges humanity to cooperate.

2. Stages of social ecology development

2 .1 Firststage

The population explosion and the scientific and technological revolution have led to a colossal increase in the consumption of natural resources. Thus, at present, 3.5 billion tons of oil and 4.5 billion tons of hard and brown coal are produced annually in the world. At such a rate of consumption, it became obvious that many natural resources would be depleted in the near future. At the same time, the waste of giant industries began to pollute the environment more and more, destroying the health of the population. In all industrialized countries, cancerous, chronic pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases are widespread. Scientists were the first to sound the alarm.

The starting point of modern social ecology can be called the book by R. Carson “Silent Spring”, published in 1961, dedicated to the negative environmental consequences of the use of DDT. The prehistory of writing this work is very revealing. The transition to growing monocultures required the use of pesticides to combat the so-called agricultural pests. The order received by the chemists was fulfilled and a potent drug with the desired properties was synthesized. The author of the invention, the Swiss scientist Müller, received the Nobel Prize in 1947, but after a very short time it became clear that DDT affects not only harmful species, but, having the ability to accumulate in living tissues, has a detrimental effect on all living things, including the human body. Freely moving over large areas and hardly decomposing, the drug was found even in the liver of penguins of Antarctica. With R. Carson's book, the stage of data accumulation on the negative environmental consequences of scientific and technological revolution began, which showed that an ecological crisis is taking place on our planet.

The first stage of social ecology can be called empirical, since the collection of empirical data obtained through observation prevailed. This line of environmental research subsequently led to global monitoring, i.e. monitoring and collecting data on the environmental situation on our entire planet.

Beginning in 1968, the Italian economist Aurelio Peccei began to annually gather in Rome major experts from different countries to discuss issues about the future of civilization. These meetings were called the Club of Rome. In the first reports to the Club of Rome, simulation mathematical methods developed by MIT professor Jay Forrester were successfully applied to the study of trends in the development of socio-natural global processes. Forrester used research methods developed and applied in the natural and technical sciences to study the processes of evolution, both in nature and in society, occurring on a global scale. On this basis, the concept of world dynamics was built. For the first time in a social forecast, components that can be called environmental were taken into account: the finite nature of mineral resources and the limited ability of natural complexes to absorb and neutralize the waste of human industrial activity.

If the previous forecasts, which took into account only traditional trends (production growth, consumption growth and population growth), were optimistic, taking into account environmental parameters immediately turned the global forecast into a pessimistic version, showing the inevitability of a downward trend in the development of society by the end of the first third of the 21st century due to the possibility of exhaustion of mineral resources and excessive pollution of the natural environment. Thus, for the first time in science, the problem of the possible end of civilization was raised not in the distant future, as various prophets repeatedly warned about, but within a very specific period of time and for very specific and even prosaic reasons. There was a need for such a field of knowledge that would thoroughly investigate the discovered problem and find out the way to prevent the coming catastrophe.

2 .2 SecondthisP

In 1972, the book "Limits to Growth" was published, prepared by the group of D. Meadows, who created the first so-called "models of the world", which marked the beginning of the second model stage of social ecology. The special success of the book "Limits to Growth" is determined by its futurological orientation and sensational conclusions, there and by the fact that for the first time material relating to the most diverse aspects of human activity was assembled into a formal model and studied with the help of a computer. In the "models of the world", the five main trends in world development - rapid population growth, accelerated industrial growth, the widespread zone of malnutrition, the depletion of irreplaceable resources and environmental pollution - were considered in conjunction with each other. The authors of "The Limits to Growth" proposed a cardinal solution to overcome the threat of an ecological catastrophe - to stabilize the population of the planet and at the same time the capital invested in production at a constant level. Such a state of “global equilibrium”, according to the Meadows group, does not mean stagnation, because human activity that does not require a large expenditure of irreplaceable resources and does not lead to environmental degradation (science, art, education, sports) can progress indefinitely. Supporters of "global balance" do not take into account, however, the fact that the growing technical power of man, increasing his ability to withstand natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, sudden climate change, etc.), which he is not yet able to cope with, stimulated precisely by production goals, at least for the present.

The assumption that the government of all countries can be forced or persuaded to keep the population at a constant level is clearly unrealistic, and from this, among other things, already follows the impossibility of accepting the proposal to stabilize industrial and agricultural production. You can talk about the limits of growth in certain directions, but not about absolute limits. The task is to foresee the dangers of growth in any direction and to choose ways of flexible reorientation of development for the fullest possible realization of the set goals.

2 . 3 Thirdstage

After the 1992 international conference on the problems of the planet Earth in Rio de Janeiro, which was attended by the heads of 179 states and at which for the first time the world community developed an agreed development strategy, we can talk about the beginning of the third global political stage of social ecology.

3. environmental education

3 .1 essenceecologicaleducation

Environmental education is a purposeful influence on a person at all stages of his life with the help of an expanded system of means and methods, which aims to form environmental consciousness, environmental culture, environmental behavior, environmental responsibility. The need to educate the members of society of certain attitudes of behavior in relation to nature arose in humanity at the earliest stages of its development.

One of the most important tasks of environmental education is the formation in nature users, every citizen and society as a whole of persistent attitudes towards rational environmental management, the ability to see behind the solution of individual problems, the environmental consequences of interference in natural processes are distant, a sense of responsibility to current and future generations for the impact of their own actions. on the ability of nature to be the environment for human existence.

Environmental education is a continuous process of study, upbringing, self-education, accumulation of experience and personal development, aimed at the formation of value orientations, norms of behavior and special knowledge regarding the preservation of the environment and nature management, implemented in environmentally competent activities. Very important for understanding the specifics of environmental education is the thesis that it should not act only as a system of prohibitions on certain actions. In addition to calls that nature should be loved and protected, it is necessary to learn competent and professionally integrated environmental management.

3 .2 Threeconstituentsecologicaleducation

In a more detailed consideration in the process of environmental education, three relatively independent components, both in terms of methods and goals, can be distinguished: environmental education, environmental education and environmental education proper. They represent certain stages in the process of continuous environmental education in the broadest sense.

Environmental education is the first degree in environmental education. It is designed to form the first, elementary knowledge about the features of the relationship between society and nature, about the suitability of the environment for human habitation, about the impact of human production activities on the world around.

Environmental education is a psychological and pedagogical process of influencing a person, the purpose of which is to form a theoretical level of environmental consciousness, which in a systematic way reflects the various aspects of the unity of the world, the laws of the dialectical unity of society and nature, certain knowledge and practical skills of rational nature management.

The goal of environmental education is to equip a person with knowledge in the field of natural, technical and social sciences, about the features of the interaction between society and nature, to develop in it the ability to understand and evaluate specific actions and situations.

The highest level is ecological education - a psychological and pedagogical process, the purpose of which is to form in an individual not only scientific knowledge, but also certain beliefs, moral principles that determine his life position and behavior in the field of environmental protection and the rational use of natural resources, ecological culture individual citizens and society as a whole, In the process of environmental education, a certain system of environmental values ​​is formed, which will determine the thrifty attitude of man to nature, will encourage it to solve the problem of the global environmental crisis. Firstly, it provides not only the transfer of knowledge, but also the formation of beliefs, the readiness of the individual for specific actions, and secondly, it includes knowledge and the ability to carry out, along with nature protection, also rational nature management.

The specificity of environmental education lies in the development of an ideological attitude to the complex, integral system "society-nature", the attitude of the individual to which is impossible without effective, direct and indirect participation in its functioning. The complex nature of environmental education emerges from the specifics of the object of reflection of environmental consciousness at the level of both public and personal, its functioning.

The main principle of ecological education is the principle of the material unity of the world, which organically includes the problem of social and ecological education in the system of forming a scientific worldview. Among others, one can also distinguish the principles of complexity, continuity, patriotism, a combination of personal and common interests.

3 .3 Maindirectionsecologicaleducation

In the system of environmental education, the following main areas can be distinguished:

1. Political. Its important methodological principle is the provision on the correspondence between the relations between people prevailing in society and the attitude towards nature that prevails in it, which emerges from the basic law of social ecology. This direction contributes to the formation of environmental consciousness and environmental culture and a scientific approach to assessing both specific environmental problems in different socio-political systems, and the nature of these systems themselves.

2. Naturally scientific. It is based on a scientific understanding of the inseparable unity of society and nature. Society is inextricably linked with nature, both in its origin and existence. Socially, society is connected with nature through production, without which it cannot exist. Nature creates potential conditions for man to satisfy his material and spiritual needs. These needs are realized only through expedient activity. In the process of production, a person creates his own flows of matter and energy, which disorganized the cycles of energy and matter exchange that exist in nature and have been polished for billions of years. Thus, there is a violation of the mechanisms of self-reproduction of the main qualitative parameters of the biosphere, those objective conditions that ensure the existence of man as a biological being. These violations are generated by the limited knowledge available about the patterns of development of nature, the inability to take into account all the possible consequences of human activity.

3. Legal. Ecological knowledge, developing into convictions and actions, should be closely combined with the active participation of the individual in the observance by himself and others of the norms of environmental legislation, in which general public interests should be reflected. The state, as the main mechanism for regulating and coordinating the common interests of the individual and society in their relationship with nature, has the exclusive right not only to create environmental legislation, but also to enforce actions against individuals or their groups aimed at observing these laws.

This direction is closely connected with the formation of environmental responsibility, and not only legal, but also moral.

4. Morally aesthetic. The current ecological situation requires from mankind a new moral orientation in relations with nature, a revision of certain norms of human behavior in the natural environment. In societies that are at the industrial stage of development, morality directs nature users to the predatory exploitation of natural resources, to meet the needs of members of society, regardless of the environmental consequences of production activities. In the transition to the industrial stage of development, when there is a qualitative leap in the productive forces, the formation of an ecological imperative, which should become the norm of moral regulation of specific ways of developing nature, is one of the most urgent requirements.

5. Worldview. Environmental education cannot be effective without forming the basis of the worldview in an appropriate way. In order for an individual to take part in a real rank in eliminating the threat of an ecological crisis, for this to become his internal need, his ability to give scientifically sound answers to the question of the essence of the world, nature, man, the goals and limits of human knowledge and the transformation of the surrounding natural world, about the meaning of human existence.

The main goal of environmental education is the formation of an environmental culture, which should include an environmental imperative, a system of environmental values ​​and environmental responsibility.

4. Technical process as a source of social and environmental problems

4 .1 ConflicttechnologiesAndecology

If our ancestors had limited their activity only to adapting to nature and appropriating its finished products, then they would never have left the animal state in which they were originally. Only in opposition to nature, in constant struggle with it and transformation in accordance with its needs and goals, could a creature be formed that passed the path from animal to man. Man was not generated by nature alone, as is often claimed. The beginning of a person could only be given by such a not quite natural form of activity as labor, the main feature of which is the production by the subject of labor of some objects (products) with the help of other objects (tools). It was labor that became the basis of human evolution.

Labor activity, having given man enormous advantages in the struggle for survival over other animals, at the same time put him in danger of becoming in time a force capable of destroying the natural environment of his own life.

It would be wrong to think that human-induced environmental crises became possible only with the advent of sophisticated technology and strong demographic growth. One of the most severe ecological crises took place already at the beginning of the Neolithic. Having learned to hunt animals well enough, especially large ones, people, by their actions, led to the disappearance of many of them, including mammoths. As a result, the food resources of many human communities were drastically reduced, and this, in turn, led to mass extinction. According to various estimates, the population then decreased by 8-10 times. It was a colossal ecological crisis that turned into a socio-ecological catastrophe. A way out of it was found on the paths of transition to agriculture, and then to cattle breeding, to a settled way of life. Thus, the ecological niche of the existence and development of mankind has significantly expanded, which was decisively promoted by the agrarian and handicraft revolution, which led to the emergence of qualitatively new tools of labor, which made it possible to multiply the impact of man on the natural environment. The era of "animal life" of man turned out to be completed, he began to "actively and purposefully intervene in natural processes, rebuild natural biogeochemical cycles."

Pollution of nature acquired significant dimensions and intensity only during the period of industrialization and urbanization, which led to significant civilizational changes and to a mismatch of economic and environmental development. This discrepancy has taken on dramatic proportions since the 1950s. of our century, when the rapid and hitherto unthinkable development of the productive forces caused such changes in nature that lead to the destruction of the biological prerequisites for the life of man and society. Man has created technologies that deny life forms in nature. The use of these technologies leads to an increase in entropy, a denial of life. The conflict between technology and ecology has its source in man himself, who is both a natural being and a bearer of technological development.

4 .2 Socio-environmentalProblemsmodernity

The environmental problems of our time can be conditionally divided into local, regional and global in terms of their scale and require different means and scientific developments of different nature for their solution. An example of a local environmental problem is a plant that dumps its industrial waste into the river without treatment, which is harmful to human health. This is a violation of the law. The nature protection authorities or the public should fine such a plant through the courts and, under threat of closure, force it to build a sewage treatment plant. It does not require special science.

An example of regional environmental problems is the Kuzbass - a basin almost closed in the mountains, filled with gases from coke ovens and fumes from a metallurgical giant, or the drying up Aral Sea with a sharp deterioration in the environmental situation along its entire periphery, or high radioactivity of soils in areas adjacent to Chernobyl.

To solve such problems, scientific research is already needed. In the first case, the development of rational methods for absorbing smoke and gas aerosols, in the second, accurate hydrological studies to develop recommendations for increasing the flow into the Aral Sea, in the third, elucidation of the impact on public health of long-term exposure to low doses of radiation and the development of soil decontamination methods.

However, the anthropogenic impact on nature has reached such proportions that global problems have arisen that no one could even suspect a few decades ago. Atmospheric pollution is occurring at a rapid pace. So far, the main means of obtaining energy remains the combustion of combustible fuels, therefore, oxygen consumption increases every year, and carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, as well as a huge amount of soot, dust and harmful aerosols enter in its place.

The sharp warming of the climate that began in the second half of the 20th century is a reliable fact. The average temperature of the surface layer of air has increased by 0.7 ° C compared to 1956-1957, when the First International Geophysical Year was held. There is no warming at the equator, but the closer to the poles, the more noticeable it is. Beyond the Arctic Circle, it reaches 2°C. At the North Pole, the water under the ice has warmed by 1°C, and the ice cover has begun to melt from below4. Some scientists believe that warming is the result of burning a huge mass of fossil fuels and releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which is a greenhouse gas, i.e. hinders the transfer of heat from the Earth's surface. Others, referring to climate change in historical time, consider the anthropogenic factor of climate warming negligible and attribute this phenomenon to increased solar activity.

No less complex is the environmental problem of the ozone layer. The depletion of the ozone layer is a much more dangerous reality for all life on Earth than the fall of some super-large meteorite. Ozone prevents dangerous cosmic radiation from reaching the Earth's surface. If not for ozone, these rays would destroy all life. Studies of the causes of the depletion of the ozone layer of the planet have not yet given definitive answers to all questions. The rapid growth of industry, accompanied by global pollution of the natural environment, has posed an unprecedentedly acute problem of raw materials. Of all types of resources, fresh water is in the first place in terms of the growth of demand for it and the increase in the deficit. 71% of the entire surface of the planet is occupied by water, but fresh water makes up only 2% of the total, and almost 80% of fresh water is in the Earth's ice cover. In most industrial areas, there is already a significant shortage of water, and its deficit is growing every year. In the future, the situation is also alarming with another natural resource that was previously considered inexhaustible - the oxygen of the atmosphere. When the products of photosynthesis of past eras - combustible fossils - are burned, free oxygen is bound into compounds.

4 .3 ecologicalcontentscientific and technicalrevolution

The basis for the interaction of the natural environment and human society in the process of production of material goods is the growth of mediation in the production relation of man to nature. Step by step, a person places between himself and nature, first the substance transformed with the help of his energy (tools of labor), then the energy transformed with the help of tools of labor and accumulated knowledge (steam engines, electrical installations, etc.) and, finally, more recently between by man and nature, the third major link of mediation arises - information transformed with the help of electronic computers. Thus, the development of civilization is ensured by the continuous expansion of the sphere of material production, which first embraces tools, then energy, and, finally, in recent times, information.

The first link of mediation (manufacturing of labor tools) is associated with a leap from the animal world to the social world, with the second (the use of power plants) - a leap into the highest form of class-antagonistic society, with the third (creation and use of information devices) is connected the conditionality of the transition to a society of qualitatively a new state in interpersonal relations, since for the first time there is the possibility of a sharp increase in people's free time for their full and harmonious development. In addition, the scientific and technological revolution necessitates a qualitatively new attitude to nature, since those contradictions between society and nature that previously existed in an implicit form are exacerbated to an extreme degree.

At the same time, the limitation on the part of the energy sources of labor, which remained natural, began to have a stronger effect. A contradiction arose between the new (artificial) means of processing matter and the old (natural) sources of energy. The search for ways to resolve the contradiction that arose led to the discovery and use of artificial energy sources. But the very solution of the energy problem gave rise to a new contradiction between artificial ways of processing matter and obtaining energy, on the one hand, and the natural (with the help of the nervous system) way of processing information, on the other. The search for ways to remove this limitation was intensified, and the problem was solved with the invention of computing machines. Now, finally, all three natural factors (substance, energy, information) have been covered by artificial means of their use by man. Thus, all natural restrictions on the development of production, inherent in this process, were removed.


Social ecology studies the structure, features and trends in the functioning of objects of a special kind, objects of the so-called "second nature", i.e. objects of an artificially created subject environment interacting with the natural environment. It is the existence of a "second nature" in the overwhelming majority of cases that gives rise to environmental problems that arise at the intersection of ecological and social systems. These problems, socioecological in their essence, act as the object of socioecological research.

Social ecology as a science has its own specific tasks and functions. Its main objectives are: the study of the relationship between human communities and the surrounding geographic-spatial, social and cultural environment, the direct and secondary impact of production activities on the composition and properties of the environment. Social ecology considers the Earth's biosphere as an ecological niche of humanity, linking the environment and human activities into a single system "nature-society", reveals the human impact on the balance of natural ecosystems, studies the management and rationalization of the relationship between man and nature. The task of social ecology as a science is also to offer such effective ways of influencing the environment that would not only prevent catastrophic consequences, but also make it possible to significantly improve the biological and social conditions for the development of man and all life on Earth.

By studying the causes of degradation of the human environment and measures to protect and improve it, social ecology should contribute to the expansion of the sphere of human freedom by creating more humane relations both to nature and to other people.

List of sources and literature

1. Bganba, V.R. Social ecology: textbook / V.R. Bganba - M.: Higher school, 2004. - 310 p.

2. Gorelov Anatoly Alekseevich. Social ecology / A. A. Gorelov. - M.: Mosk. Lyceum, 2005. - 406 p.

3. Malofeev, V.I. Social ecology: Textbook for universities / V.I. Malofeev - M .: "Dashkov and K", 2004.- 260 p.

4. Markov, Yu.G. Social ecology. Interaction between society and nature: Textbook / Yu.G.Markov - Novosibirsk: Siberian University Publishing House, 2004.- 544 p.

5. Sitarov, V.A. Social ecology: a textbook for students. higher ped. textbook institutions // V.A. Sitarov, V.V. Pustovoitov. - M.: Academy, 2000. - 280 p.

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What color is the grass or sky on a clear summer day? What color is orange or lemon? Probably, any person from early childhood will answer these questions without thinking twice. And here is the question: “What kind of color is it -“ withered rose ”or“ marengo ”? - will make many think before answering. Although it is one of the common favorite colors in fashion design. A good secondary education level is also required, and even better - artistic special training in order to distinguish the color of "Pompeii" from the color of "Syracuse" or the color of "Kuindzhi" from "Van Dyck". Well, to the question: “What color is the“ thigh of a frightened nymph ”or“ the song of a lark ”?” - only the authors of these names will certainly answer. But the names of these colors and others like them have already sounded more than once from the Parisian catwalks of high fashion, and, probably, many non-Parisians would like to know out of curiosity, and maybe sew something for themselves in the color of the “nymph”. Unfortunately, neither the color printing of magazines, nor the broadcast on television will be able to convey the true color. And then they come to the rescue main color characteristics, which can be used to choose any color. True, simple seamstresses do not really use them, but professional fashion designers, textile workers, designers, as well as military and criminalists, manufacturers of paints and precision measuring devices cannot do without them.

Hue, lightness and saturation- subjective basic characteristics of color. They are called subjective because they are used to describe visual sensations, in contrast to the objective, determined with the help of instruments.

Color tone - the main characteristic of chromatic colors, is determined by the similarity of a given color with one of the colors of the spectrum. Color tone denotes a person's own color sensations - red, yellow, yellow-red, and each of these sensations is generated by radiation of a certain wavelength (A.). So, for example, a red color tone corresponds to a wavelength of 760 nm, and blue-green to 493 nm. When we look at a red rose and a yellow dandelion, we see that they differ in color tone - red and yellow.

Achromatic colors have no hue. "Color tone" in color science and "tone" in painting are different concepts. Artists change the color tone or tonality with white paint, which reduces the intensity of the color, increasing its lightness. Or by applying layers of paint one on top of the other. The concept of "tone" is also used in drawing. In the visual arts, terms such as halftone, undertone, shade . A semitone is a darker or lighter tone. For example, blue and light blue. A subtone is an admixture of another color in the main color tone, which creates a shade. For example, magenta is a shade of red, namely red with a blue undertone.

Lightness. When we look at two green leaves on the same branch of a tree, we see that they can be the same in color tone, but one can be lighter (lit by the sun) and the other darker (in the shade). In these cases, the colors are said to differ in lightness.

Lightness - a characteristic of colors that determines the proximity of chromatic and achromatic colors to white. Rated by reflectance (p), measured as a percentage or nits (nt). In the lightness scale, the lightest color is white. The darkest is black, between them are gradations of pure gray. Among the spectral colors, the lightest is yellow, the darkest is violet.

Lightness is characterized by the degree of brightness of direct or reflected radiation, but at the same time, the feeling of lightness is not proportional brightness . We can say that brightness is the physical basis of lightness. Very often in the floristic literature these concepts are confused.

Brightness (radiation power) is an objective concept, since it depends on the amount of light entering the observer's eye from an object that emits, transmits or reflects light. In everyday life, the difference between brightness and lightness is usually not noticed, and both concepts are considered almost equivalent. However, one can notice some difference in the use of these terms, which also reflects the difference in both characteristics. As a rule, the word "brightness" is used to characterize especially light surfaces, strongly illuminated and reflecting a large amount of light. So, for example, snow lit by the sun is a bright surface, and the white wall of a room is light. The term "brightness" is predominantly used to evaluate light sources. Finally, this term is often used to characterize color, referring to such qualities of the latter as saturation or purity.

Saturation. If we compare two transparent glasses, one filled with orange juice and the other filled with water slightly tinted with orange dye, we will notice a difference in orange saturation. (Yes, and the taste of these drinks are also very different).

Saturation is a characteristic of colors, which is determined by the content of pure chromatic color in a mixed one (P), expressed in fractions of a unit. Pure chromatic colors are spectral colors. Their purity is taken as one. The lower the saturation of a chromatic color, the closer it is to achromatic colors, and the easier it is to find an achromatic color corresponding to it in lightness. Therefore, sometimes in the florist literature there is a definition of saturation as “the degree of difference of a given chromatic color from a gray color of the same lightness. The combination of hue and saturation is called chromaticity .

Thus, all chromatic colors are evaluated by parameters, the numerical definition of which makes it possible to characterize all possible combinations of color emissions.

That is, anywhere in the world it is possible to determine with almost 100% accuracy what is the color loved by Parisian designers - “the color of the thigh of a frightened nymph”. (If, of course, they will kindly tell the world the color parameters - the main characteristics of this color.)

1 The concept of social ecology

2 Social and environmental interaction

3 Socio-ecological education

4 Environmental aspects in Hughes' sociology


List of used literature


Social ecology is the science of harmonizing relations between society and nature.

Social ecology analyzes the attitude of a person in its inherent humanistic horizon from the point of view of its correspondence to the historical needs of human development, from the perspective of cultural justification and perspective, through the theoretical understanding of the world in its general definitions, which express the measure of the historical unity of man and nature. Any scientist considers the main concepts of the problem of interaction between society and nature through the prism of his science. The conceptual and categorical apparatus of socioecology is being formed, developed and improved. This process is diverse and covers all aspects of socioecology, not only objectively, but also subjectively, reflecting scientific creativity in a peculiar way and influencing the evolution of scientific interests and searches of both individual scientists and entire teams.

Social ecology's approach to society and nature may seem more intellectually demanding, but it avoids the simplification of dualism and the immaturity of reductionism. Social ecology attempts to show how nature slowly, in phases, transformed into society, without ignoring the differences between them, on the one hand, and the degree of their interpenetration, on the other. The everyday socialization of young people by the family is no less based on biology than the constant care of medicine for the elderly is based on established social factors. We will never stop being mammals with our primal instincts, but we institutionalized them and followed them through various social forms. Thus, the social and the natural constantly penetrate into each other, without losing their specificity in this process of interaction.

The purpose of the control work is to consider the environmental aspect in social work.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of the following tasks:

Define social ecology;

To study socio-ecological interaction;

Designate socio-ecological education;

Consider environmental aspects in Hughes' sociology.

1 The concept of social ecology

One of the most important problems facing researchers at the present stage of the formation of social ecology is the development of a unified approach to understanding its subject. Despite the obvious progress made in the study of various aspects of the relationship between man, society and nature, as well as a significant number of publications on social and environmental issues that have appeared in the last two or three decades in our country and abroad, on the issue of what exactly this branch of scientific knowledge studies, there are still different opinions. In the school reference book "Ecology" A.P. Oshmarin and V.I. Oshmarina gives two options for defining social ecology: in the narrow sense, it is understood as the science “on the interaction of human society with the natural environment”, and in the broad sense, the science “on the interaction of an individual and human society with natural, social and cultural environments” . It is quite obvious that in each of the presented cases of interpretation we are talking about different sciences that claim the right to be called “social ecology”. No less revealing is the comparison between the definitions of social ecology and human ecology. According to the same source, the latter is defined as: “1) the science of the interaction of human society with nature; 2) ecology of the human personality; 3) the ecology of human populations, including the doctrine of ethnic groups. One can clearly see the almost complete identity of the definition of social ecology, understood "in the narrow sense", and the first version of the interpretation of human ecology. The desire for the actual identification of these two branches of scientific knowledge, indeed, is still characteristic of foreign science, but it is quite often subjected to well-reasoned criticism by domestic scientists. S. N. Solomina, in particular, pointing out the expediency of breeding social ecology and human ecology, limits the subject of the latter to consideration of the socio-hygienic and medical-genetic aspects of the relationship between man, society and nature. With a similar interpretation of the subject of human ecology, V.A. Bukhvalov, L.V. Bogdanova and some other researchers, but strongly disagree with N.A. Agadzhanyan, V.P. Kaznacheev and N.F. Reimers, according to whom this discipline covers a much wider range of issues of the interaction of the anthroposystem (considered at all levels of its organization from the individual to humanity as a whole) with the biosphere, as well as with the internal biosocial organization of human society. It is easy to see that such an interpretation of the subject of human ecology actually equates it with social ecology, understood in a broad sense. This situation is largely due to the fact that at present there has been a steady trend of convergence of these two disciplines, when there is an interpenetration of the subjects of the two sciences and their mutual enrichment through the joint use of the empirical material accumulated in each of them, as well as methods and technologies of socio-ecological and anthropoecological research.

Today, an increasing number of researchers tend to broaden the interpretation of the subject of social ecology. So, according to D.Zh. Markovich, the subject of study of modern social ecology, understood by him as a particular sociology, is the specific relationship between a person and his environment. Based on this, the main tasks of social ecology can be defined as follows: the study of the influence of the environment as a combination of natural and social factors on a person, as well as the influence of a person on the environment, perceived as the framework of human life.

A somewhat different, but not contradictory, interpretation of the subject of social ecology is given by T.A. Akimov and V.V. Haskin. From their point of view, social ecology as part of human ecology is a complex of scientific branches that study the relationship of social structures (starting with the family and other small social groups), as well as the relationship of man with the natural and social environment of their habitat. This approach seems to us more correct, because it does not limit the subject of social ecology to the framework of sociology or any other separate humanitarian discipline, but emphasizes its interdisciplinary nature in particular.

Some researchers, when defining the subject of social ecology, tend to emphasize the role that this young science is called upon to play in harmonizing the relationship of mankind with its environment. According to E. V. Girusov, social ecology should first of all study the laws of society and nature, by which he understands the laws of self-regulation of the biosphere, implemented by man in his life.

2 Social and environmental interaction

L.V. Maksimova identifies two main aspects in the study of human relations with the environment. First, the whole set of influences exerted on a person by the environment and various environmental factors is studied.

In modern anthropoecology and social ecology, environmental factors to which a person is forced to adapt are commonly referred to as adaptive factors. These factors are usually divided into three large groups - biotic, abiotic and anthropogenic environmental factors. Biotic factors are direct or indirect effects from other organisms inhabiting the human environment (animals, plants, microorganisms). Abiotic factors - factors of inorganic nature (light, temperature, humidity, pressure, physical fields - gravitational, electromagnetic, ionizing and penetrating radiation, etc.). A special group is anthropogenic factors generated by the activities of man himself, the human community (pollution of the atmosphere and hydrosphere, plowing fields, deforestation, replacement of natural complexes with artificial structures, etc.).

The second aspect of the study of the relationship between man and the environment is the study of the problem of human adaptation to the environment and its changes.

The concept of human adaptation is one of the fundamental concepts of modern social ecology, reflecting the process of human connection with the environment and its changes. Initially appearing in the framework of physiology, the term "adaptation" soon penetrated other areas of knowledge and began to be used to describe a wide range of phenomena and processes in the natural, technical and human sciences, initiating the formation of an extensive group of concepts and terms that reflect various aspects and properties of adaptation processes. man to the conditions of his environment and its result.

The term "human adaptation" is used not only to refer to the process of adaptation, but also to comprehend the property acquired by a person as a result of this process - adaptability to the conditions of existence. L.V. Maksimova believes, however, that in this case it is more appropriate to speak of adaptability.

However, even under the condition of an unambiguous interpretation of the concept of adaptation, its insufficiency is felt to describe the process it denotes. This is reflected in the emergence of such clarifying concepts as deadaptation and readaptation, which characterize the direction of the process (deadaptation is the gradual loss of adaptive properties and, as a result, a decrease in fitness; readaptation is the reverse process), and the term disadaptation (disorder of the body's adaptation to changing conditions of existence) reflecting the nature (quality) of this process.

The subject of study of social ecology

The subject of the study of social ecology is the identification of patterns of development of this system, value-ideological, socio-cultural, legal and other prerequisites and conditions for its sustainable development. That is, the subject of social ecology is the relationship in the system "society-man-technology-environment".

In this system, all elements and subsystems are homogeneous, and the connections between them determine its immutability and structure. The object of social ecology is the "society-nature" system.

The problem of developing a unified approach to understanding the subject of social ecology

One of the most important problems facing researchers at the present stage of the formation of social ecology is the development of a unified approach to understanding its subject. Despite the obvious progress made in the study of various aspects of the relationship between man, society and nature, as well as a significant number of publications on social and environmental issues that have appeared in the last two or three decades in our country and abroad, on the issue of what exactly this branch of scientific knowledge studies, there are still different opinions.

In the school reference book "Ecology" A.P. Oshmarin and V.I. Oshmarina gives two options for defining social ecology: in the narrow sense, it is understood as the science “on the interaction of human society with the natural environment”, and in the broad sense, the science “on the interaction of an individual and human society with natural, social and cultural environments”. It is quite obvious that in each of the presented cases of interpretation we are talking about different sciences that claim the right to be called “social ecology”. No less revealing is the comparison between the definitions of social ecology and human ecology. According to the same source, the latter is defined as: “1) the science of the interaction of human society with nature; 2) ecology of the human personality; 3) the ecology of human populations, including the doctrine of ethnic groups. One can clearly see the almost complete identity of the definition of social ecology, understood "in the narrow sense", and the first version of the interpretation of human ecology.

The desire for the actual identification of these two branches of scientific knowledge, indeed, is still characteristic of foreign science, but it is quite often subjected to well-reasoned criticism by domestic scientists. S. N. Solomina, in particular, pointing out the expediency of breeding social ecology and human ecology, limits the subject of the latter to consideration of the socio-hygienic and medical-genetic aspects of the relationship between man, society and nature. With a similar interpretation of the subject of human ecology, V.A. Bukhvalov, L.V. Bogdanova and some other researchers, but strongly disagree with N.A. Agadzhanyan, V.P. Kaznacheev and N.F. Reimers, according to whom this discipline covers a much wider range of issues of the interaction of the anthroposystem (considered at all levels of its organization from the individual to humanity as a whole) with the biosphere, as well as with the internal biosocial organization of human society. It is easy to see that such an interpretation of the subject of human ecology actually equates it with social ecology, understood in a broad sense. This situation is largely due to the fact that at present there has been a steady trend of convergence of these two disciplines, when there is an interpenetration of the subjects of the two sciences and their mutual enrichment through the joint use of the empirical material accumulated in each of them, as well as methods and technologies of socio-ecological and anthropoecological research.

Today, an increasing number of researchers tend to broaden the interpretation of the subject of social ecology. So, according to D.Zh. Markovich, the subject of study of modern social ecology, understood by him as a particular sociology, is the specific relationship between a person and his environment. Based on this, the main tasks of social ecology can be defined as follows: the study of the influence of the environment as a combination of natural and social factors on a person, as well as the influence of a person on the environment, perceived as the framework of human life.

A somewhat different, but not contradictory, interpretation of the subject of social ecology is given by T.A. Akimov and V.V. Haskin. From their point of view, social ecology as part of human ecology is a complex of scientific branches that study the relationship of social structures (starting with the family and other small social groups), as well as the relationship of man with the natural and social environment of their habitat. This approach seems to us more correct, because it does not limit the subject of social ecology to the framework of sociology or any other separate humanitarian discipline, but emphasizes its interdisciplinary nature.

Some researchers, when defining the subject of social ecology, tend to emphasize the role that this young science is called upon to play in harmonizing the relationship of mankind with its environment. According to E. V. Girusov, social ecology should study, first of all, the laws of society and nature, by which he understands the laws of self-regulation of the biosphere, implemented by man in his life.

Principles of social ecology

  • · Mankind, like any population, cannot grow indefinitely.
  • · Society in its development must take into account the measure of biospheric phenomena.
  • · The sustainable development of society depends on the timeliness of the transition to alternative resources and technologies.
  • Any transformative activity of society should be based on an environmental forecast
  • · Development of nature should not reduce the diversity of the biosphere and worsen the quality of life of people.
  • · The sustainable development of civilization depends on the moral qualities of people.
  • · Everyone is responsible for their actions before the future.
  • We must think globally, act locally.
  • · The unity of nature obliges humanity to cooperate.
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