The most poisonous snake in the desert. The most poisonous snakes. African black mamba

Today there are more than 3,000 species of snakes in the world. However, the most frightening fact is that almost a quarter of them are poisonous. If you are going on vacation, make sure that the paradise you have chosen in the tropics is not the habitat of one of the heroines of our rating of the most dangerous snakes peace.

It is quite difficult to identify the most dangerous snake - a date with any of these poisonous reptiles is unlikely to leave Nice memories. Contrary to popular belief, a snakebite is quite easy to provoke. Even a person who accidentally touches a twig on the ground, which then catches this reptile, can bring danger to himself. Therefore, be extremely careful when walking in the steppes or any other unfamiliar areas.

Now we will tell you about the most dangerous snakes, which are most undesirable to meet, and whose bite is the worst thing imaginable.

Fierce Snake or Taipan

It’s not for nothing that we named this species first in the top most dangerous snakes. According to scientific data, this is the most poisonous snake in the world. It secretes such a toxic poison that 100 adults can die from its bite. The same dose can kill 250 thousand mice, for example. The length of its teeth reaches 1.3 cm. The average dose of poison released is slightly more than 40 mg, but facts up to 100 mg have been recorded. Since the power of the venom is so great, this snake is something everyone should fear. It is 180 times more poisonous than a cobra and 10 times more poisonous than a rattlesnake.

Before the introduction of the antidote, deaths from Taipan bites accounted for 90% of cases - it occurred within 45 minutes. Fortunately, today with timely help you can avoid fatal outcome, but the period will still be very painful.

Reptiles of this species live in the dry plains and fields of Australia. This is mainly East Queensland and the northern neighboring states.

Malayan blue krait

This type of snake itself is very aggressive. They hunt their own kind and can even kill another snake from the krait family. These snakes lead night image life, therefore it is at this time that they become the most dangerous. The toxicity of their venom is 16 times greater than that of cobras.

The bite of a krait causes convulsions and paralysis quickly develops. Literally 6-12 hours after this, death can occur. Before the introduction of an antidote, almost 85% of cases were fatal. Although today, even with the administration of serum and medical care, the probability of recovery is 1:2. This is a very small and frightening indicator.

Most often, this member of the top most dangerous snakes can be found in and South-East Asia. They are quite common there, so be careful in any of the countries in these regions.

Black Mamba

The description of this type of snake is simply terrifying. First of all, what is striking is that this is the most fast snake in the world (she can move at speeds of up to 20 km/h). In addition, they are unusually cruel and aggressive - in one attack the Black Mamba can inflict up to 12 bites.

These extremely dangerous snakes strike with extraordinary accuracy. Their venom is a fast-acting neurotoxin, so it quickly produces visible symptoms. Not only is there pain at the bite sites, but convulsions may also begin, confusion may occur, tingling in the mouth and even foam from it. If medical assistance is not provided in a timely manner, other less pleasant symptoms will be added (nausea, vomiting, possibly even coma). Without the administration of serum with antidote, almost 100% of cases are fatal, occurring within 20-30 minutes.

Black Mambas are distributed across the African continent: mainly in the regions from Ethiopia to South-West Africa, as well as from Somalia to Senegal.

Mulga or Brown King

These snakes have a characteristic brown color and also have a length of up to 3 m. The most interesting thing is that these snakes are poisonous even when not sexually mature age. The Mulga has become famous for its unpredictable nature, as it has been known to stalk its prey for long hours. Although, despite its aggressiveness, this type of snake does not always spray venom. Sometimes they may just attack and not bite.

In one bite, this type of snake can release up to 150 mg of poison, which is a lethal dose for humans. The proportion of deaths is quite high, so it is imperative to seek medical help.

Mulga lives in Australia, in almost all its states. An exception may be Tasmania and Victoria. Deserts, pastures, light forests are the main areas where you can find this one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. However, it is known that it is better to freeze and not move - their reaction mainly occurs to movements.

Green rattlesnake

The “rattlers” themselves already have a bad reputation. However, this snake is the most dangerous among them. The main reasons for her terrifying image are that she is excellent at camouflage and, above all, she can climb trees. Rattlesnakes are usually not very long, but the characteristic sound they make immediately scares away possible aggressors. However, the Green Rattlesnake can be more than 1 m long. Its venom is deadly to humans - its main destructive force is that it thins the blood.

These reptiles are found on the northern Pacific coast of America. In the USA it is considered the most aggressive and poisonous snake. It has also been spotted in Canada (British Columbia), as well as in the northwestern regions.

Be especially careful when going on a trip where you could potentially encounter any of the top most dangerous snakes. Read in advance the rules on how to behave when meeting a snake - this will add confidence on your trip.

Snakes, scientifically speaking, are a suborder of the class of reptiles of the order Scaly. Snakes can be found on all continents of the Earth, except cold Antarctica.

There are venomous species of snakes, but most snakes are not venomous. Venomous snakes use their venom primarily for hunting, and for self-defense, they only use it when absolutely necessary.

Many Not Poisonous snakes first they strangle their prey (snake and boa constrictor, for example), and then swallow the prey whole.


The largest snake existing in nature is the anaconda.

Again, scientifically speaking, anacondas are a genus of snakes consisting of several species. And the largest species of snake is giant anaconda, the photo of which you see above.

The largest giant anaconda caught weighed 97.5 kg with a length of 5.2 meters. This snake was caught in Venezuela in wild jungle. Residents of remote villages claim that they have seen larger anacondas, but there is no evidence of the existence of larger specimens.

Like the other three species of anaconda that we will discuss below, the giant anaconda spends most of its time in the water. Anacondas prefer bodies of water without current or with weak current. They are found in lakes, oxbow lakes, quiet rivers Amazon and Orinoco basins.

The anaconda does not move far from water. Mostly anacondas crawl ashore to bask in the sun.

As we wrote earlier, anacondas belong to the subfamily of boas. Now let's talk about boa constrictors.


Boas are primarily large ovoviviparous snakes. The boa constrictor subfamily is mainly known for the genus common boa constrictors. The most typical representative of this genus is the species of the same name, “common boa constrictor.” Individuals of this species reach 5.5 meters in length.

Boas strangle their prey by wrapping rings around them.

Boas of this species can have an unusual color, given the fact that they are very unpretentious in their maintenance; they are often kept in terrariums.

But it is popular to keep another type of boa constrictor in terrariums - dog-headed boa constrictors.

Dog-headed boas have beautiful red-orange coloring when young and bright green coloring when mature. The length of this type of boa constrictor does not exceed three meters.

Another representative of brightly colored boa constrictors is the rainbow boa constrictor.

This type of boa constrictor is also popular among those who like to keep snakes at home.


Some of the most famous snakes are cobras. Science identifies 16 species of cobras, many of which are quite large.

Cobra has an amazing skill; it can lift its body into a vertical position. If the cobra is large, then in this position it can be on a par with a person.

Cobras are venomous snakes. Their bite can be very dangerous to humans.

Cobras are heat-loving snakes; they never live in countries where snow falls in winter.


Vipers are the inhabitants of our latitudes. Vipers are poisonous snakes, the mention of which causes fear in people.

Vipers can have a very diverse range of colors. Each subspecies can be very different in appearance from other subspecies, while all subspecies of vipers have a characteristic zigzag on their backs.

Vipers are active during the day, they love the sun and spend a lot of time basking in the sun.

If the viper smells a person, it prefers to move away. These are absolutely non-conflict snakes and if you don’t touch them


One of the most peaceful snakes of our nature is the snake. This snake is easy to recognize by yellow spots on the head.


They are no longer poisonous and there is no reason to be afraid of them. Snakes live on the banks of calm bodies of water, such as lakes and swamps, creeks and oxbow lakes.


It is worth noting that there is a subspecies of snakes that lives far from bodies of water.


Copperheads are small snakes that live on the edges of forests. Copperheads feed mainly on lizards, sometimes insects.


Although copperheads have poisonous teeth, their size is too small and their mouths are not capable of grabbing a person. Maybe by the finger of your hand. But even in this case, their bite does not pose a serious danger.

Externally, the copperhead looks like a small viper. The diamond and zigzag patterns on the backs of copperheads are very similar to those of the pit viper.


Snakes are a generalized name for several species of snakes.

The Caspian snake is known in our area - it is a fairly large snake, it is not poisonous, but very aggressive.

Caspian snake.

It is precisely because of their aggressiveness that snakes are not liked. Although they do not pose a threat to life, and if you meet them, you can simply continue on your way.

On the islands of Japan you can find island snakes, which are distinguished by their unusual colors. This species is a resident of the sea coast.

We will end our story with a description of one of the most big snakes planets - python.

The python can reach a length of four meters, which is about a meter less than the anaconda, but still impressive.

Despite big sizes, pythons are very dexterous and smart predators. Outwardly, they could be classified as boa constrictors, but pythons are a separate genus of snakes.

Pythons live in Asia and Australia, and can also be found in some regions of Africa. Pythons always settle not far from bodies of water, although their life may not be connected with water. There are types of pythons that spend most of their time in the crowns of trees.

Cat snakes

Cat snakes are a genus of small snakes that are distant relatives of grass snakes. The genus consists of 12 species, which are distributed in Africa, southern Europe and southwestern Asia.

One species lives in Russia - the Caucasian cat snake. These snakes in Russia can only be found in Dagestan.

There are many dangerous animals on the planet - African crocodiles, poisonous spiders, large predators like lions and sharks. However, one category stands out in particular. Yes, these are the same snakes - dangerous and poisonous, large and beautiful animals that exist in all corners of the earth, and a meeting with which can end a human life.

These reptiles live on all continents except Antarctica, and on many large and small islands. The largest of the currently known ones are the python and the anaconda, the smallest is Leptotyphlops carlae, only 10 cm long. Most known snakes are non-venomous, but those that have a toxin in their arsenal fully compensate for the lack of it in their relatives.

Below in the article are the TOP 10: the most poisonous snakes on the planet.

Schlegel's prehensile-tailed bothrops

This beauty seems rather funny, but its poison is very toxic - it destroys blood vessels and red blood cells. In Costa Rica, about 6 people die every year from the bites of the ciliated viper (another name for it).

Bothrops, along with some of the species listed below, are the most venomous snakes in the world. Why are they dangerous?

The ciliated viper is found in the Central and South America, and grows up to 50-60 cm. It does not specifically attack people; its main food is hummingbirds, small rodents, frogs, and lizards.

However, if someone is unlucky, they will experience very unpleasant sensations - acute pain, the bitten area swells, and internal bleeding may occur. When bitten by an adult snake, medical attention is necessary, otherwise death is possible.

Black Mamba

The black mamba lives in many parts of the African continent - in the list of “the most dangerous snakes in the world” it, like no other, deserves to occupy the first line. Her throw is extremely accurate, and her poison is toxic. She is very fast - the black mamba can move at a speed of 20 km/h, that is, faster than many people run.

This beauty does not like meeting people and tends to avoid them; her main diet is rodents. However, she is very aggressive and, when backed into a corner, will rush to attack - despite the fact that the mamba can make up to 12 bites in a row, this scenario makes meeting with her in highest degree dangerous.

This is, without exaggeration, the most dangerous snake in the world - the rating of poisons gives it first place, since in the absence medical care black mamba victims die 100% of the time. An antidote exists and in most cases the person can be saved, however, given that death occurs within 15 minutes to 3 hours, time is short.

White-lipped keffiyeh

This snake can be found in India, China, Malaysia and many Indonesian islands. Lives mainly in trees and rarely comes down to the ground. Males of this species grow up to 61 cm, females - up to 82 cm. Their main food is small amphibians and mammals, birds, and less often - lizards.

The white-lipped keffiyeh uses abandoned bird nests, hollows, cracks as shelters, and hides right in the middle of the foliage. Its place in nature is the floodplains of rivers and streams, woodlands and shrubs, rainforests, flat areas and foothills, bamboo thickets, plantations, sometimes lives in the vicinity of cities and towns.

The venom of the white-lipped keffiyeh is complex; it has neuroparalytic and fibrionolytic effects. Keffiyehs are also not the most dangerous snakes in the world: few deaths from their bites have been recorded, some even keep them in terrariums as pets. However, meeting her in wildlife, where it is difficult to detect and get out of the way in time, can end sadly.


The most dangerous snakes on our planet can look harmless or even very beautiful. And a clear confirmation of this are the kraits. This genus of poisonous snakes has 12 species, among which the yellow-headed krait is considered the most poisonous. He has small teeth, but this is a dubious advantage in places where people wear light clothing.

Snakes of this species live on the islands of the Malay Archipelago, South Asia and Australia. They love dry places full of shelters, and often crawl into people's homes, as a result of which meetings of both occur quite often.

The average length of the edge is 1.5-2 meters. They are active mainly at night and at dusk, feeding small mammals, lizards, amphibians and snakes.

Krayt is capable of killing 10 people with one dose of his poison. If you ask a reptile expert to name the ten most venomous snakes on the planet, he will definitely mention the krait.

Reticulated brown snake

The reticulated brown snake accounts for 80% of snake bites in Australia. On average, these reptiles grow up to one and a half meters in length, making them one of the most dangerous snakes on the continent. Firstly, it hunts during the day, which coincides with the period of human activity, and, secondly, it has a complex poison, which is a mixture of neurotoxins with anticoagulants (affecting the entire body and the liver and kidneys in particular).

The reticulated brown snake attacks without warning. She is a selective and highly adaptable hunter, fully deserving of a place on the "world's most dangerous snakes" list. She is capable of living in suburbs and towns. Residents and visitors of Australia can find a thin flexible body in a barn, shed, garage, even in their own closet - it climbs anywhere in search of rodents.

African boomslang

A tree snake that can grow up to 3 meters in length. Boomslang lives in the south and southwest of Africa, and its venom is very toxic - when it enters the bloodstream, it immediately begins to destroy cells.

Cases of this snake attacking a person in last years Only 23 were registered; when encountered, it prefers to crawl away rather than attack.

This reptile usually hides in bushes or tall grass; it also climbs trees well and is able to imitate branches with its coloring. Its main food is birds; the boomslang will also not refuse to feast on eggs. Moreover, he has an excellent reaction - he is able to grab a bird on the fly. The death of the famous zoologist Carl Patterson Schmidt in 1957 is associated with the African boomslang.

Black-necked cobra

Known for its ability to spit poison. The black-necked cobra is found in the savannas of Africa, its body color varies from light brown to dark brown, its throat and neck are black.

The black-necked cobra is widely known for its peculiarity: when it encounters something it considers dangerous, it rises above the ground and “shoots” a stream of venom. During one pass, the snake releases about 3.7 mg of toxin. In a state of severe irritation, the black-necked cobra is capable of shooting up to 28 times in a row, using up to 135 mg of venom - almost its entire supply from the poisonous glands. The target of “shots” is always the eyes - local residents and tourists from time to time become victims of such encounters.

Arizona adder

This is one of the smallest snakes of the slate family, its length reaches only 40 cm. Its body color is very memorable - alternating black, red and white rings. Arizona adders are not the most dangerous snakes in the world: to get into trouble, it is not enough just to meet one, you also need to behave extremely stupidly.

This colorful snake lives in the desert areas of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico and is known for its unusual behavior - when something threatens it, it hides underground, leaving only its tail curled in a loop outside, and makes flapping sounds. A person who meets her can simply leave - however, when trying to pull out the adder or grab it by the tail, problems are guaranteed.

Thin teeth 8 millimeters long bite almost painlessly. Moreover, the effect does not occur immediately - symptoms of poisoning appear 8-24 hours after the bite.

The Arizona adder, the only relative of the cobra in North America, injects a small amount of venom, but quite enough to kill. Without an antidote, muscle paralysis can occur, which ultimately leads to cardiac arrest and death.


The taipan genus includes three species of very poisonous snakes - the taipan itself, the fierce snake and Oxyuranus temporalis, discovered as recently as 2007.

They are all pretty large snakes, whose bite is very dangerous, - before the advent of an antidote, they died from their poison in 90% of cases.

The coastal taipan is Australia's largest venomous snake and, according to various estimates, ranks third or fourth in toxicity. Due to its aggressive nature, high speed of movement and size, it is undesirable to meet with it - in the state of Queensland, where taipans are most often found, every second person bitten dies, and death can occur in 4-12 hours.

And if someone asked an Australian what the most dangerous snake in the world is, he might well hear the answer - the taipan, and its closest relative - the cruel snake. And it's hard to argue with that.

This animal is an inhabitant of Central Australia, prefers cracks and breaks in the soil in dry plains and deserts and feeds mainly on small mammals. The snake grows up to 1.9 meters in length and is the only Australian species known on this moment, which changes color depending on the time of year.

The venom of a cruel snake is enough to kill 100 people or 250,000 mice - among land species This one is the most poisonous. Fortunately, this snake is not at all aggressive - most documented cases of bites were caused by carelessness of people.

King Cobra

The average body length of this beauty is 3-4 meters, the largest of those caught reached 5.71 m. The king cobra lives for about 30 years, continuing to grow all this time. Thanks to the diet of this snake, the most dangerous reptiles in the world should also be afraid of it - after all, it feeds mainly on other types of snakes, not disdaining poisonous ones, for which it was given the name Ophiophagus hannah.

There are several exceptional features characteristic of this reptile:

  • She can regulate the amount of poison when she bites - in most cases she bites a person without toxin (as some scientists believe, she does not want to waste precious poison on someone who is not prey).
  • The snake with its respiratory system can make sounds. Of the currently known reptiles, only the king cobra and the Indian rat snake can do this.
  • The female makes a nest for the eggs, which is uncharacteristic of snakes of other species, and guards it throughout the entire incubation period - about 100 days. During this time, the cobra is able to do without food.
  • The venom of a hamadryad can even kill an elephant if it bites its trunk or fingers (the only places vulnerable to snake teeth).

Candidates for the title

Of course, the most poisonous snakes in the world, the top ratings for which are regularly compiled by various experts and popularizers, are not all included in this list. In fact, there are many dangerous ones. In addition to those mentioned, the bites of the rattlesnake, sand epha, viper-shaped death snake, Philippine cobra, tiger, and eastern brown snake are very toxic.

The latter prefers to live near settlements and can be very aggressive - cases of bites and persecution by this reptile are not uncommon.


The well-known rattlesnake is capable of biting through both clothing and shoes, and although it “kindly” announces its presence with the crack of its tail, not all of its “victims” can escape. Representatives of this category are not the most dangerous snakes in the world, but an encounter with them can result in death - although a vaccine exists, people who are bitten die in 4% of cases.

In fact, rattlers are an entire subfamily of venomous snakes, which includes approximately 224 species. Their sizes vary greatly.

The rattlesnake prefers to avoid people; it attacks if it is in danger or has nowhere to run. It hunts mainly at night, although it can crawl out to bask in the sun during the day. For the winter, these snakes often gather together, warming each other and hibernating in a kind of snake ball.

Sandy efa

This is a small snake, up to 75 cm long, that lives mainly in clay deserts, abandoned ruins, thickets of bushes, and on river cliffs. It feeds mainly on small rodents, as well as birds, toads and frogs, lizards; young individuals also eat scorpions, scolopendras, and darkling beetles.

There is so much talk about sand faffs that they are already becoming a legend. According to rumors, the bite of this snake can kill a company of soldiers, and the vaccine, although it saves from death, does not completely cure the consequences of the bite (a person may remain crippled). If an African wanted to name the seven most dangerous venomous snakes on his continent, the epha would definitely be among them.

In reality, every year in Africa many people die from the poison of the sand epha. This death is far from pleasant - the poison reduces the amount of fibrinogen in the blood, causing bleeding - at the site of the bite, from the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth.

But this snake itself does not attack people - most deaths occur due to human carelessness. She very rarely crawls into homes, and warns of an attack with a characteristic rustling sound that she makes with her tail.

07/2/2014 at 16:36 · Johnny · 266 920

Top 10 most poisonous snakes in the world

Many people sympathize with snakes and even, quite often, keep them as pets. Meanwhile, snakes are one of the most terrible and dangerous living creatures on the planet, and this is not surprising. Many species of these reptiles obtain food by biting their prey and injecting poison, which is produced by special glands. This is what it's all about main danger snake. A bite from any reptile can lead to death. However, snakes very rarely attack a person first; more often, this happens if they are provoked or disturbed.

10. Rattlesnake

The only snake in our ranking whose homeland is North America. It can be easily recognized by the thickening in the tail, which resembles a rattle. This snake is capable of striking at a distance of 2/3 of its body length. The species from the eastern part of the continent is considered more dangerous. Individuals who have not reached sexual maturity are more dangerous than adults due to their inability to regulate the amount of toxin administered. Most species of rattlesnakes have hemotoxic venom that damages tissue, destroys organs and causes blood to clot (coagulopathy). In some cases, after a snake bite, scars remain on the body, even with timely treatment.

General symptoms: difficulty breathing, excessive salivation, extensive hemorrhages, paralysis. Untreated rattlesnake bites, especially large species, almost always leave serious injuries and can result in death. Timely medical care reduces the likelihood of death to 4%

9. Australian Spinytail

Habitat of the spinytail, Australia and New Guinea. These reptiles hunt their relatives, other snakes, attacking them, as a rule, from ambush. The Australian spinytail is similar in appearance to rattlesnake: the same triangular head shape and short, squat body. When bitten, the snake often injects from 40 to 100 mg of poison. Since, according to its properties, the spiny tail venom is a neurotoxin, it is considered the most dangerous because it causes paralysis respiratory organs, as a result of which death can occur within 6 hours.

The antidote used for a stingtail bite works quite effectively, reducing overall symptoms and alleviating the condition of the victim. Before the invention of the antidote, the mortality rate from its bite was 50%.

Interesting fact: the snake's throwing speed during an attack is 0.13 seconds.

8. Viper

Vipers are found in many parts of the planet, but perhaps the most poisonous species, the sand ephas, which lives primarily in the Middle East and Central Asia, in particular: India and China. These snakes hunt at night and become especially active after rain.

Symptoms of viper venom getting into the blood: swelling of the affected area, pain in the bite area, bleeding often occurs, decreased blood pressure and slowing of heartbeat, in severe cases Blisters may appear and extensive tissue and muscle necrosis may develop. Nausea, vomiting and facial swelling occur in approximately 30% of cases. Aching pain, not only in the affected area, can last from 2 to 4 weeks. Within 1 to 14 days, death may occur from sepsis, cardiac or respiratory failure.

7. Philippine Cobra

The Philippine cobra is one of the deadliest species of cobra. It is noteworthy that this reptile is capable of “spitting” venom at a distance of up to 3 m. Just like the Australian spiny tail, the cobra has a neurotoxic venom that causes paralysis of the respiratory and cardiac systems, resulting in death within 30 minutes from the moment of the bite. Damage to the skin from a bite is minimal.

TO general symptoms relate: nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, cramps, diarrhea.

6. Tiger Snake

Habitat Australia. Tiger snake venom is also a neurotoxin. After it enters the bloodstream, it causes localized pain at the site of the bite, tingling, numbness, sweating, and after some time suffocation and death occur. Most often, this snake, when meeting a person, tries to hide as quickly as possible, but can become dangerous and attack if it is caught by surprise or driven into a corner. The tiger snake attacks with lightning speed and without missing a beat.

5. Black Mamba

The black mamba is found in many parts of the African continent. These reptiles are known to be very aggressive and strike with incredible accuracy. Interesting fact, the black mamba is the most... fast snake in the world. It can reach speeds of up to 20 km/h. The venom of these snakes is a fast-acting neurotoxin. The black mamba can bite up to 12 times in a row, and one bite is enough to kill 10 to 25 adults.

Symptoms of a black mamba bite: sharp pain at the site of the bite, less noticeable than from the bite of snakes with hemotoxic (rattlesnake) venom. The victim then experiences tingling in the mouth and extremities, double vision, confusion, trembling, possibly foaming at the mouth and nose, and severe convulsions. In the absence of medical attention, symptoms progress rapidly: pallor appears, strong pain in the stomach, nausea and vomiting, respiratory arrest, soon followed by coma and death. In the absence of an antidote, the mortality rate from black mamba venom, almost 100%, is one of the highest. Depending on the nature of the bite, death can occur in just 15-30 minutes.

4. Taipan

The taipan lives in Australia. This snake can be compared to the black mamba in morphology and behavior. When it enters the bloodstream, the poison promotes the formation of blood clots, thereby blocking arteries and veins. It is so strong that it can kill up to 12,000 guinea pigs. In addition, the poison also has the properties of a neurotoxin. Until the advent of antivenom, there were no known survivors of a taipan bite. Even with proper medical care and timely administration of the antidote, the victim is guaranteed to stay in the intensive care unit.

3. Malayan Blue Krait

The Malayan or blue krait is by far the deadliest of the snakes of this species. Found throughout Southeast Asia and Indonesia. Half of the cases of Malayan krait bites end fatal, even with timely medical care and administered antidote. This snake hunts and kills other snakes, including the krait family. They become more aggressive at night, because... are nocturnal. However, in most cases, when meeting a person, they try to hide. The snake's venom is 16 times stronger than that of a cobra. When bitten, convulsions occur and paralysis develops quite quickly. Before the advent of antivenom, 85% of blue krait bites were fatal. Death can occur within 6 to 12 hours.

2. Brown King or Mulga

The habitat of this reptile, like many other poisonous snakes, is Australia. The eastern variety of the Brown King is considered the most dangerous. 1/1400 ounce of this snake's venom is enough to kill a person. The poison, even of immature individuals, can kill a person. This snake has a difficult character and can become aggressive very quickly. There are cases when the Brown snake pursued aggressors for quite a long time, repeatedly biting them. Despite mortal danger In half of the attacks, the Brown Snake does not inject venom into the body of the victim and generally tries not to bite if possible. Since these snakes react to movement, when meeting them it is better to freeze and stand still.

1. Taipan or Fierce Snake

The taipan is the most poisonous snake on our planet. Its venom is the most toxic of all snakes living on land. The venom produced by this snake is enough to kill 100 people or 250,000 mice. The toxicity of its venom is 10 times higher than that of a rattlesnake and 50 times more than that of a cobra. Fortunately, the taipan is not aggressive, and moreover, it is quite rare in the path of humans in the wild. No fatalities have yet been reported from encounters with this snake, but an adult could potentially die from a taipan bite within 45 minutes.

+ Belcher's sea snake

Found in the waters of Southeast Asia and Northern Australia, the Belcher's sea snake is the most venomous sea snake in the world. It has such a strong poison that literally a few milligrams is enough to kill 1000 adults. This is a very dangerous snake, but despite this, less than a quarter of its bites contain poison, and it is also quite peaceful. Most often, fishermen suffer from its bite because they have to take their nets out of the water while fishing.

Readers' Choice:

Greetings, dear readers of the site “I and the World”! Many of you know the danger snakes pose. But it turns out that there are people who are not fully aware of this danger and keep poisonous reptiles in their homes. We will tell you in today’s article how right they are or not. You will find out which are the most poisonous snakes on the planet, we will present a photo with a description of these reptiles, you will learn how to behave in the habitats of such specimens in order to return from a trip, as they say, alive and healthy.

So, the top 10 opens with the Rattlesnake of North America

Why rattling? It got its name from its thickening that resembles a rattle. And when he wants to scare someone away, he begins to rattle this rattle, warning of his approach. If you meet her, try to pass by as quickly as possible, because, sensing danger in you, she will not stand on ceremony. She is able to reach you at a distance of 2/3 of her body length.
Young snakes attack more often, but adults attack less often. Probably because they don’t want to waste their poison, which damages tissues and destroys internal organs, and the victim's blood stops clotting. If help comes on time, there will be no death in 4% of cases. Yes, very encouraging information!

9th place – Spiketail, which lives in Australia and New Guinea

Spinytails ambush other snakes and even their own relatives. The throw speed reaches 13 seconds. Having bitten the victim, the individual injects up to 100 mg of poison, causing respiratory arrest and death, after about 6 hours.

It is clear who can defeat her in battle, it is another Spiketail, stronger and more agile. A timely administered antidote works perfectly and alleviates the condition of the victim, and this, of course, pleases.

8th place, lives in South and Southeast Asia

The king cobra is the largest of the most dangerous on earth. Large, beautiful, with a black shiny color, it is called royal. There is an unpleasant scientific fact: scientists conducted dangerous experiment, and although there were casualties, it was possible to prove that one cobra is capable of killing 23 people and one elephant weighing one ton at a time. Can you imagine what a lethal dose is in one portion of poison? king cobra?

Sandy efa is in seventh place

This is a species of viper found in Central Asia, India and China. Efa hunts at night and is especially active after rain. If Efa bites, then the pressure decreases and the heart rate slows down. Tissue death occurs not only at the site of the bite. If Efa bites at night, a sleepy person will not understand why the bite site ache and where such symptoms come from. This condition can last up to 4 weeks and if no antidote is administered, death occurs from suffocation or cardiac arrest.

6th place is rightfully occupied by the Swamp or Chain Viper

Known as Russell's viper. Arthur Conan Doyle wrote well about her habits in his story “The Speckled Band.” This land snake is indeed very dangerous. This type of viper lives in many places in India, Bangladesh, Thailand, is found in Cambodia, etc.

Long, up to 1.60 meters, with a colorful pattern, it is very similar to a beautiful ribbon sliding among the sands. It crawls out to hunt at dusk, so it is difficult to notice. One dose of poison reaches 260 mg, but only 60-70 mg is enough for a person. After a bite, blood oozes all over the body and death occurs within 2 weeks. The antidote was developed by Indians and is quite effective.

In fifth place is the Black Mamba

It is no coincidence that Mamba is in the top five of the rating. The black mamba is so aggressive that it attacks without warning both day and night. It lives in Africa and is so black that even its teeth are the color of night. And it crawls at the speed of a fast running person - up to 20 km/h. It can bite several times in a row and each injection of venom kills up to 25 people. The victim begins to experience double vision, speech becomes confused, consciousness becomes cloudy, foam appears at the mouth and convulsions appear. If you do not help in time, coma occurs, and then death within half an hour.

4th place – Tiger snake

This individual lives in Australia, and is named so due to its color. Tiger snake pretty cunning. Seeing a person in the distance, she will not crawl into a secluded place, but will wait for her victim to be sure to bite, even if she is not in danger. Attacks instantly and does not miss. This is such a snake essence! The bitten area tingles, the person begins to sweat heavily, and soon begins to choke. The bite is fatal, and no antidote has yet been invented.

In third place is the Ribbon Krayt

These beautiful views with bright colors are found only in southern India and China. He loves to be in the water and does not go out onto land just for the sake of hunting. The nights never sleep and if you love night fishing or want to swim in the middle of the night, be prepared to meet Krayt. She will not feel sorry for anyone, and even any small snake is ready to attack and bite if you touch her cubs. Like this caring mommy! One Krayt is capable of killing several dozen people at once.

2nd place – Brown King

Where do these scary crawling kings live? Like many poisonous individuals, it lives in Australia. The venom of even immature baby snakes kills a person almost immediately. While calmly basking in the sun, she can become aggressive at any moment. She has a very interesting character, if you can talk about a snake. The brown king pursues the offender for a long time, constantly biting his legs, but does not inject poison, as if mocking him. Usually reacts to movement, so if you see a Brown Snake, freeze and wait for it to crawl past.

And in first place you see the Australian Taipan

The Taipan snake is considered the most cruel of the venomous snakes. Wikipedia believes that it is too cruel to humans, it attacks first and can kill up to 100 people at a time. The poison blocks the veins and arteries with blood clots and blood naturally stops flowing to the heart. The victim dies in one and a half seconds. And the antidote simply won’t have time to work. If you see her while traveling, run like hell and forget about the photos of this “beauty.”

We presented the ten most dangerous snakes in the world. Many venomous reptiles live in the desert. Dangerous individuals are also found in Russia: Rattlesnake, Efa, various vipers. Look at the pictures, try to remember them by sight, and do not show aggression when meeting them. But you better be in dangerous places with a guide who knows how to do the right thing.

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