3 most poisonous snakes. The most poisonous snakes in the world. Black Mamba. Dendroaspis polylepis

Some of the most dangerous creatures on the planet - poisonous snakes, for which most people have an irresistible hostility, like spiders or rats. Snakes live on almost all continents, with the exception of Antarctica and a few large, northern islands such as New Zealand and Ireland.

Most species of these reptiles are not poisonous, but there are also special specimens whose poison can easily kill an adult. In many reptiles, the venom is so complex that scientists still cannot create an effective antidote.
In this rating we will tell you about the most poisonous snakes in the world, an encounter with which can result in a painful and very painful death.

1. Malay krait

This one looks beautiful snake, is painted alternately with black and yellow rings and looks quite harmless. But don't be fooled, because behind the attractive coloring lies one of the most scary killers, which has killed more people than all the elephants, leopards and tigers in Asia combined.

The Malaysian krait is the most aggressive venomous snake in the world. And unlike other reptiles, which bite their prey once and immediately try to escape, the little krait attacks several times to be sure that its enemy is poisoned. Most of the dead were people from rural areas, because the krait likes to make nests for itself near human habitation. The snake is “armed” with neurotoxic venom, chemical composition which is similar to the venom of a cobra, only the krait has a much more powerful venom.

After the bite, paralysis occurs, and then the victim dies within a few minutes to 2-3 hours after the attack, depending on the amount of poison injected. An effective antidote has not yet been found against the bites of this snake. Even with modern treatment, more than 50% of bites are fatal.

2. Death Snake (Acanthopis antarcticus)

Despite its scientific name, the Australian death snake has no connection with Antarctica. But it has a very bad reputation, and local residents They call it “snake death with a scythe.”

This short and thick snake from the outside resembles a poisonous sausage. It grows up to 1.7 meters in length, has a dark brown or gray color with colored stripes on the sides. The head is thick and short, triangular in shape.

One of the most poisonous snakes in the world lives in the arid regions of Australia, where it preys on small vertebrates, lizards and frogs. Acanthopis antarcticus is a very cunning predator that hides among leaves and grass, waiting for its prey. As a rule, the snake hunts at night, and after the breeding season, the female crawls into a hole, where 20 “cute little snakes”, already deadly poisonous, await her.

To kill an adult, only 10 mg of the poison of a deadly snake is enough, but usually the reptile, along with saliva, injects at least 180 mg of poison into the victim in one bite. In less than 6 hours, respiratory paralysis occurs, followed by inevitable death.

3. Coral adder

The coral adder is native to the North American continent and is one of the most poisonous snakes on the planet. In general, there are 48 subspecies of coral snakes and the most terrible of them is the harlequin coral snake. Many scientists believe that these snakes are among the most beautiful on the planet. Their scales are alternately colored bright yellow, red and black.

Coral snakes reach a length of 1.5 m, do not really like sunny color and hide in the shade of tree leaves. These reptiles lead night look life, but are often very active in the evening and at dawn. The female lays 5-7 eggs, from which offspring hatch within 60 days. The venom of these snakes is very strong, but fortunately for humans, snakes have a very narrow mouth opening and small teeth, so the snake can rarely inject enough venom to kill its prey.

However, every year in the United States alone, 15-25 asp bites are recorded, of which 5-7 end in death. fatal.

4. Beaked Sea Snake

The beaked sea snake lives in sea ​​waters and feeds mainly on fish. Unlike its mythical counterparts - sea serpents, this reptile is small in size and rarely reaches a length of more than 1.2 m.

But this reptile is rightfully considered one of the most terrible killers on the planet, annually sending several thousand people “to the next world”!

The snake's glands constantly contain enough poison to kill 50 people, which is twice as much as king cobra or a deadly viper. Contrary to its gloomy and dark reputation, the snake's coloration is vibrant. The snake's skin is decorated with shades of green, yellow and gray mixed with black.

The beaked sea snake is an extremely aggressive reptile., which is usually found in warm waters Quiet and Indian Oceans. It has a pair of very sharp and large fangs that can easily bite through the thick skin of large animals. This snake is responsible for the majority of deaths of divers and ordinary swimmers in the ocean, while 90% of victims who are bitten do not live to see the next day.

5. Tiger snake

The South Australian tiger snake is small in size and rarely reaches a length of more than 2 meters. The snake leads a sedentary lifestyle and hunts small animals, mainly rodents and frogs. The reptile's coloring is very bright, black or dark brown with yellow stripes, which is why it is nicknamed tiger.

The tiger snake is recognized as one of the most poisonous snakes in the world due to the large amount of venom contained in its glands, which would be enough to kill hundreds of people. During a bite, the reptile injects a huge dose of neurotoxin, which in a matter of seconds affects nervous system, and if the victim is not immediately given an antidote, he is doomed to a quick death within a few minutes.

But it is worth recognizing that the tiger snake is not aggressive and will never be the first to attack a person. In all tragic cases, people either set up tents in the habitat of these reptiles; there were cases when snakes attacked children who threw stones and sticks at them and bit careless daredevils who wanted to catch them with their bare hands.

6. Taipan

The taipan is large in size and can grow up to 4 meters. Australia is considered the homeland of this poisonous snake, although taipans are also found in New Guinea and Tasmania. Reptiles are colored light green or dark brown; less commonly, taipans are completely black. They lead a diurnal lifestyle, wildlife They hunt marsupials, mammals, rabbits and rats. Female taipans lay up to 20 eggs.

Coastal taipans are especially dangerous; their neurotoxic venom is so strong that almost immediately after a bite it paralyzes the human nervous system. The average time after an attack on a victim until his death is no more than 90 minutes and if the victim is not given an antidote in time, death will occur in 100% of bite cases.

The taipan is very aggressive and can attack a person himself, even if he did not bother him. Before throwing, he curls up into several rings and makes several false attacks towards the victim. Then a rapid rush occurs, the snake covers a distance of 3-4 meters in one second, practically not giving the slightest chance to escape to the unfortunate one.

7. African black mamba

The black mamba, nicknamed on the African continent “black death” and “avenging insults,” is one of the largest venomous snakes on the planet. Its length can reach 4.5 meters, and the amount of poison that the snake injects when biting is 400 mg, with a lethal dose for humans being only 15 mg.

Mamba is very aggressive and can chase its prey, as it is also considered to be the most fast snake on the continent. It can reach speeds of up to 20 km/h. The first symptom of poisoning is local pain at the site of the bite, the victim experiences tingling in the mouth and extremities, tunnel vision and double vision, severe confusion, fever, increased salivation (including foaming at the mouth and nose) and severe ataxia (lack of muscle control).

To save a victim from a black mamba bite, it is necessary to administer an antidote immediately after the attack, otherwise the chances of a successful outcome are not great. Death from the bite of this poisonous snake occurs within 2-3 hours.

8. Eastern brown snake

The eastern brown snake is one of the most aggressive snakes found in Australia. It reaches a length of 2 meters and hunts advantage in daytime. The diet of these reptiles is no different from their counterparts: rabbits, marsupials, frogs and birds.

Most brown snakes live in the province of Victoria, where greatest number victims from their bites. The brown snake is an extremely vicious, fast and strong snake, so when encountering it, it is better to try to get around it as far as possible.

According to research by international expert Steve Irwin, this snake is responsible for the majority of human deaths in Australia in the wild. The brown snake has enough venom to kill 200 people, and the reptile's venom is considered the second most toxic in the world.

9. Inland Taipan

This subspecies of poisonous snakes was discovered by scientists relatively recently, in 2007 and just like most others poisonous species, lives in Australia. This reptile is also called a ferocious or cruel snake. It feeds mainly on mammals and lives in hot, dry plains, hiding in cracks and small breaks in the ground, making it difficult to spot.

The venom of this snake is very toxic and one bite is enough to kill an adult within a few minutes. But unlike its other taipan brothers, the ferocious snake, despite its name, is not very aggressive and, if threatened, tries to run away or hide.

10. Philippine cobra

Cobras themselves are very venomous creatures, but the Philippine cobra is especially different. Not only is its venom considered one of the most powerful in the world, but this snake is also capable of shooting its venom into the eyes of its offender at a distance of up to three meters!

The toxin affects the respiratory and cardiac functions of the victim and ultimately leads to death from respiratory paralysis. The cobra does not attack humans unless there is a direct threat to its life or the safety of its offspring.

Philippine cobras rarely grow more than 1 meter, only a few specimens reach a length of 1.5 meters, and live mainly on the islands of the Philippine archipelago: Mindoro, Masbate and Luzon.

Today on Earth you can find about two and a half thousand snakes, but mortal danger carry only 250 species. Every year, about five million people around the world suffer from their bites, 3 percent of those bitten die, and about 5% become disabled. Today we will tell our readers about the most dangerous and poisonous snakes that exist on earth.

What is the most poisonous snake in the world?


In most cases, the poison will not cause danger, because very weak, but there have been cases when people died after a while. Therefore, if a bite occurs, you need to seek help, even if the location of the bite does not bother you.


The poison is several times stronger than the venom of a viper and when it enters the bloodstream, it almost immediately destroys the cells of the body. Scientists conducted an experiment on ducks. After being bitten by this snake, they experienced paralysis within 1-2 minutes, and after 15 minutes they died. Most often they can be found in Africa, on branches and in bushes.

8. Oriental or harlequin asp

Dangerous to human life. If medical assistance is not provided within 24 hours after the bite, the likelihood of death is very high. Length from 90 to 100 cm, they can most often be found in the southern United States, feeding on insects and lizards.


The next snake belongs to the viper family and is called Sandy Efa. It feeds on small rodents, sometimes birds, and most often lizards and scorpions. The average length is from 55 to 60 cm, in some cases reaching 75 cm.


The snakes listed above are found on land, but this one can be found in the water. It is considered not aggressive, but even so its venom is 5-6 times stronger than the venom of a cobra. Capable of diving to a depth of one hundred meters and staying there without air for about five hours. You can meet her off the coast of India, the Arabian Sea and also on the islands of Madagascar.


The venom is less toxic than that of previous snakes, but a larger amount of venom is injected when biting. It is less aggressive, in 80 percent of cases it stalks its prey in ambush.


A very aggressive and poisonous snake; when bitten, 50 percent of people die, even if a special vaccine is used. You can find them in small burrows, bushes, and also in private houses, where they very often crawl. Habitat: South Asia and Australia.

3. Taipana - Oxyuranus scutellatus

One of the three most poisonous snakes on the planet. Its length ranges from three to 3.5 meters, and its large teeth, 1 cm long, inject such an amount of poison that the victim dies within a few minutes. Most often found in Australia.


It ranks second in the ranking of the most poisonous snakes. The main food is small mammals. Also found in Australia, it is most often found in fields and dry plains. One bite can kill about a hundred people or a quarter of a million mice.

1. Tiger snake - the most poisonous snake in the world

She received this name because of her tiger coloring.

With one bite it can kill 400 people.

After the poison enters the blood, literally within a few seconds it paralyzes all nerve endings and the victim dies due to cardiac arrest.

It lives in Australia and mainly feeds on birds, frogs and mice.

One female can give birth to at least 50 baby snakes.

Up to two meters long.

The chance of a person surviving a bite is very small, but in any case it is necessary to seek help as soon as possible, or try to suck out the poison from the bite site yourself.

The most poisonous snake in the world is the taipan. But there are other snakes that are no less dangerous.

Top 7 most dangerous snakes in the world

There are more than 3 thousand species of snakes on our planet, about 750 species of which are poisonous, but only the second part of them can kill a person.

Many of them are afraid of people and avoid meeting them. The list of the most dangerous snakes in the world includes:

  • Black Mamba;
  • Taipan;
  • Fierce snake;
  • Tiger snake;
  • Malay Krait;
  • Mulga;
  • Egyptian cobra.

Many of the poisonous snakes are several times more dangerous than the cobra we know.

Black Mamba

The snake got its name thanks to its black mouth, and it itself is most often dark olive in color. It lives in Africa, where it is one of the most poisonous. The length of the Mamba reaches up to 2.7 meters; there are specimens up to 5 meters. The bite of such a snake kills a person in 20-30 minutes.

black mamba photo

It is interesting that this species bites not just once, but several times. She is able to bite up to 12 times in a row. The amount of poison she releases at one time can kill 25 people. The Black Mamba is one of the most fast snakes in the world, it can reach speeds of up to 20 km/h on level ground.


This snake is dangerous not only because of its neurotoxic venom, but also aggressive behavior. After the invention of the antidote, only 40% of those bitten survive. Its venom causes the blood to clot and clog veins and arteries. With this effect of the poison, death occurs within 12 hours, but not earlier than 4 hours after the bite.

taipan photo

Taipan sprays 44 mg of toxic substance at a time. It grows up to 2.5 meters in length, color: red with iridescent tints. Lives in northern Australia and New Guinea. Feeds on small mammals. It is considered a distant relative of the Black Mamba.

Fierce snake

Such a snake is very rare, as it is very afraid of people. There were no deaths from the venom of this snake, but it is 50 times stronger than the venom of the Cobra. At one time, the Cruel One can bestow 100 mg of poison on a target, enough to kill 100 people. It takes effect within 45 minutes and is fatal.

cruel snake photo

Distributed in Central Australia. Lives in places with dry plains and fields. The length of the snake is 1.5 - 1.9 m, the color is light yellow with a brown pattern. Belongs to the genus Taipans.

Tiger snake

It is especially dangerous during the molting or mating season. In normal times, she will avoid meeting people. But if someone does find it, she will warn about herself for a long time. It grows up to 2 meters in length. The amount of poison injected is enough to kill 400 people.

tiger snake photo

The color most often matches the color of its surroundings. It lives in the south and east of Australia, also in New Guinea and on the island of Tasmania. It lives in forests and also in open fields. It feeds on frogs and mice.

Malay Krait

Krayt has one of the most toxic poisons. One bite can kill up to 45 people. About 10 thousand people suffer from this snake every year. The snake waits for the victim to come as close as possible and attacks. Its bite leaves no marks and is practically painless.

malayan krait photo

Only 50% of those bitten survive. Death can occur within 20 minutes. Up to 2.5 meters long. They are active mainly at night. Often found in Indonesia and southeast Asia.

Mulga Mulga or Brown King

One of the most poisonous snakes. She does not show aggression, but any movement in her direction can be assessed as a threat. There have been cases when a snake chased an offender or prey. She usually bites more than once, and does not always spray poison.

Snakes leave no one indifferent, causing either delight or panic. They inhabit the entire Earth, excluding only Antarctica, Ireland, New Zealand. These are some of the most dangerous creatures, and we must not forget that only about 8 percent of all snakes in the world are poisonous. They attack infrequently, because humans are too large prey for them.

If you want to know which snake is the most poisonous in the world, and this question is relevant and arouses undoubted curiosity, then we will try to answer it. But scientists have no consensus on how to rank these deadly beauties. Introducing the top 10 most poisonous snakes in the world.

10 Rattlesnake

The rattlesnake is often listed last on this list. The animal lives in North America. For a long time The mortality rate from the bite of this snake was very high, but much has changed since then; as a result of timely assistance, the victim will almost certainly survive.

The poison helps to change the blood formula, preventing it from clotting, which causes extensive bleeding. The bitten person experiences severe malaise, nausea, drooling, and suffocation. After some time, paralysis sets in.

This snake is called a rattlesnake because of the thickening on its tail that resembles a rattle (it can be clearly seen in the photo), and strange sounds, which produce scales.

Some researchers believe that the tenth place should be taken by the spiny tail - not the most dangerous Australian snake with poison that inhibits the functioning of the lungs. Now an antidote has been developed, so people die from bites quite rarely, whereas previously every second person died.

9 Enhydrina hook-nosed sea snake

One of the most poisonous snakes living in water, the enhydrina, can be found near Madagascar, Seychelles, as well as in the Arabian Sea, off the coast of India. She is an excellent swimmer, moves very quickly, dives to considerable depths, and can not surface for five hours.

At the sight of a person, enhydrina usually rushes into the water and tries to hide. Its venom is eight times stronger than that of a cobra, but it is never ranked higher, because this creature is not at all aggressive; on the contrary, the hook-nosed snake itself suffers from the aggression of fishermen who prepare food for themselves from the meat of this snake.

Some scientists completely exclude enhydrin from the ranking, giving ninth place to boomslang - African snake with a beautiful emerald color and the most dangerous poison(paralysis after its bite in a bird occurs within minutes); Boomslangs come in olive, brown, and black colors.

This reptile is an amazing conspirator: it has an excellent ability to mimic tree branches. And since Boomslangs prefer birds out of all game, their hunt is always successful. Another bird, gaping, may even sit on a snake, mistaking it for a branch.

But even if you are not so lucky, the boomslang has a lightning-fast throw: it can grab prey right on the fly.

8th place in the list of the most poisonous snakes - Harlequin adder

Most researchers give eighth place in the ranking of the most poisonous snakes in the world to the harlequin adder. It received its name for its unusually bright and spectacular coloring, consisting of stripes of red, black, yellow or orange.

This creature lives in Mexico and some areas of the United States and feeds on frogs, lizards, and insects. The reptile is not very large (up to a meter long), does not show much aggressiveness, prefers to flee.

If a snake has bitten, it can be very dangerous: despite its short teeth, the asp is capable of injecting poison deeply, as it clenches its jaws tightly.

So, the efa crawls strangely, somehow sideways, leaving traces that suggest cuneiform writing. When it sees a person or a large animal, the efa tries to scare it by emitting a strange crackling sound that occurs when special rings hit each other.

The epha's pupil is elongated, like a cat's. In addition, the efa is a viviparous snake: it brings from 10 to 15 small efas at a time. They live in desert places and, although very poisonous, never attack people without aggression from the latter.

7 Philippine cobra

A snake inflating its collar really amazes the imagination of anyone who has seen it, and the poison has a nerve-paralytic effect, so it is extremely dangerous. There is nothing special about the cobra's collar: the animal is trying to scare off the enemy in this way, solving the matter peacefully.

Markings on the nape spectacled snake, according to scientists, perform the same function. Cobra venom is very strong, and such a significant dose is injected that it is even wasteful: 250 mg! It's enough to kill several average-weight people.

Death can occur within half an hour after an accident, although effective antidotes have existed for quite some time. Beginning paralysis respiratory system sometimes it can no longer be stopped.

It is surprising that the Philippine cobra not only bites, but also spits poison with precision, hitting the enemy at a distance of up to three meters.

6 Tiger snake

The sixth position is occupied by the tiger snake. The beauty lives in Australia and tries not to catch people's eyes. If this happens, the tiger snake can behave extremely aggressively, having a lightning-fast throw and very strong poison, paralyzing cardiac activity.

The two-meter-tall gray or reddish creature has faint stripes all over its body and hunts insects, rodents, and small reptiles. This reptile is also viviparous; one brood can contain up to 30 snakes.

I tiger snake so strong that it kills a small animal in a few seconds, and an adult man lasts about an hour, up to a maximum of a day. Even the antidote does not always work, so the mortality rate is very high.

5 Black Mamba

The black mamba rightfully belongs to the most dangerous snakes in the world, which is also one of the largest and largest of them, reaching a length of 5 meters. The giant lives in the vastness of South Africa.

It is surprising that it received its name not at all for the color of its body, which is actually gray or olive, but for its color oral cavity. It looks really scary, and is used by the mamba for precisely this purpose: to scare away large enemies.

There are many different species of snakes in the world. Some of them pose a danger to human life. Snake venom enters the human body through touch or bite, and sometimes you can become poisoned by eating snake meat.

It’s impossible to talk about all poisonous snakes at once; let’s focus on the most famous of them. So, I present to you ten the most poisonous snakes in the world.

Top 10 most poisonous snakes in the world

Belcher's sea snake is the most poisonous snake in the world. The snake got its name from explorer Edward Belcher and is also sometimes called the striped sea snake. A snake rarely attacks a person; in order to provoke it to bite, you need to try very hard, so cases of a Belcher sea snake bite are extremely rare. You can meet her in the waters of South-East Asia and Northern Australia.

The victims of bites most often were sailors who caught the snake in nets along with fish. However, it is known that only a quarter of the bitten sailors died, since the snake rarely injects its venom completely. One milligram of Belcher's snake venom can kill 1,000 people - it is the most toxic snake venom in the world.

The inland taipan or fierce snake today ranks second in our ranking of the most poisonous snakes in the world. The taipan lives in Australia and is distinguished by its ability to change color depending on the time of year. It can be difficult to see the snake, as it prefers soil breaks and cracks.

The taipan is the most venomous land snake in the world. The maximum recorded yield of poison is 110 milligrams, which is enough to kill 100 people or, for example, 250,000 mice. This snake is fifty times more poisonous than a cobra. Fortunately, the inland taipan is not too aggressive, and it can be seen extremely rarely. There have been no recorded cases of human deaths from a taipan bite, although it can kill an adult in 45 minutes.

In third place is the eastern brown snake, which lives in Australia, Indonesia and New Guinea. The venom of this snake can cause bleeding, muscle paralysis, kidney failure, and cardiac arrest. There are cases where a person died instantly after being bitten by a snake.

Unfortunately, the eastern brown snake prefers to live near settlements, so cases of bites are common. The snake moves quickly and can be aggressive: it chases its prey and attacks repeatedly. The venom contains neurotoxins and blood coagulants. The eastern brown snake reacts to movement, so when encountering one, you should remain calm and, if possible, not move.

The Malayan Blue Krait is certainly worthy of our rating. It lives in Southeast Asia and Indonesia. The color of the snake resembles a zebra or a traffic cop's baton - a dark background with bright white stripes. More than half of blue krait bites are fatal, despite antivenom. The krait is a nocturnal predator, which is why it is more active at night.

The venom of the Malayan blue krait is a neurotoxin 16 times more potent than that of the cobra. When it enters the human body, it causes convulsions and paralysis, which lead to death. Before receiving the antidote, the mortality rate from bites was 85%, however, the antidote does not guarantee survival. death usually occurs 6-12 hours after a krait bite.

The most dangerous black mamba lives in many parts of the African continent. As you know, the snake is very aggressive and usually its throw is extremely accurate. The black mamba is the fastest land snake in the world, capable of reaching speeds of up to 20 kilometers per hour. This terrible snake is capable of 12 bites in a row.

The venom is a fast-acting neurotoxin. During one injection, the snake releases an average of 100-120 milligrams of poison. If the poison reaches a vein, then 0.25 milligrams of poison per 1 kilogram of body is enough to kill a person. Initial symptoms of a bite: pain in the bite area, tingling in the mouth and limbs, double vision, severe confusion, fever, increased salivation, ataxia (lack of muscle control). If the victim does not receive medical care, symptoms rapidly progress to severe pain in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting, paralysis. Eventually, respiratory arrest, coma and death occur. Depending on the nature of the bite, death occurs in the range from 15 minutes to 3 hours. Without an antidote, the mortality rate is 100% - this is the most high level mortality rate among all venomous snakes.

The tiger snake lives in southeastern Australia. Its disposition is quite peaceful - the snake attacks only if it is disturbed, but in the event of an attack it strikes with unerring accuracy.

Snake venom is a powerful neurotoxin that causes internal and external bleeding and muscle paralysis. Most often, the death of the victim occurs precisely because of heavy bleeding. Before the creation of an antidote, the mortality rate from a tiger snake bite was 60-70%. Death from the bite can occur within 30 minutes, but usually occurs within 6 to 24 hours.

The Philippine cobra, as the name suggests, lives in the Philippine Islands, mainly in fields and jungles. This is a relatively small brown snake that can reach 1 meter in length.

The Philippine cobra is the most poisonous among cobras. It differs in that it is capable of throwing poison at a distance of up to 3 meters. The poison is a neurotoxin that leads to disruption of cardiac and respiratory functions. Human death can occur within 30 minutes after the bite. Symptoms of poisoning include headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness and seizures.

Many of our readers have probably heard about the viper. This snake is found throughout most of the world. Prefers damp places, forest edges, river banks, swamps, lakes, and climbs mountains. Mainly nocturnal, most active after rains. The viper is a very fast snake.

The initial symptoms of viper poisoning are pain at the site of the bite and swelling of the affected part. Symptoms such as bleeding (especially from the gums), falling blood pressure and a decrease in heart rate. Superficial necrosis of the affected area often occurs; in a third of cases, vomiting and facial swelling are observed. If there is no antidote within 1 to 14 days, death occurs from blood poisoning, respiratory or heart failure.

The viper-like death snake lives mainly in New Guinea and Australia, preferring rocks and dry places. The snake both in appearance and in appearance behavioral factors very similar to a viper, hence its name. A deadly snake can lie in ambush without moving for up to several days, waiting for its prey. She eats rodents small birds, can attack other snakes. The snake's head has the shape of a triangle with a sharp neck, its body is short and thick.

At one time, the viper-like death snake typically injects 40-100 milligrams of neurotoxic venom. Untreated bites are among the most dangerous in the world. The greatest danger to life occurs 24-48 hours after the bite, so due to the slow progression of symptoms, antivenom can be quite effective.

Last in our ranking the most poisonous snakes in the world A rattlesnake that is easily identified by the special rattles or rattles on its tail. The rattlesnake is very poisonous and neither clothing nor shoes can protect you from its bite. The snake lives mainly in North America, prefers dry and rocky areas, burrows of rodents and birds. By nature, the snake is lazy, although it can crawl quickly. It announces itself with a characteristic rustling noise created by a rattle.

Young rattlesnakes are most venomous due to their inability to control the amount of venom injected. I rattlesnakes is a powerful coagulant and causes difficulty breathing, paralysis, and severe bleeding. A snake bite is always dangerous and requires immediate medical attention. However, antivenom is usually very effective and reduces mortality by up to 4%.

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