The most poisonous and dangerous animals. The strongest poisons in nature and the most poisonous animals. (12 photos) Rare poisonous animals

Powerful fangs, sharp teeth, good physical strength are the main features of many animals. Some of them use their poison when attacking or defending.

The TOP 10 most poisonous animals on the planet include:

box jellyfish

This animal got its name due to its cubic shape. Over the past 60 years, the box jellyfish has claimed up to 6 thousand lives. Its poison is considered the most deadly in the world. Toxins quickly affect the heart and the NS, including the skin.

In this case, the victim experiences severe pain, falling into a state of shock. The victim dies or drowns, the heart stops. If you immediately treat the wound with vinegar or acetic acid, the victim will have a chance to survive. The box jellyfish lives in the sea waters of Australia and Asia.

2. King cobra

Cobra is the longest and poisonous snake in the world. Its length reaches 5.6 m in length. Literally, Ophiophagus translates as "snake eater", as it devours other snakes. One bite can be fatal to humans. She can kill an adult Asian elephant for 3 hours if the bite was made in a vulnerable area, for example, in the trunk. Of the representatives of snakes, there are also more poisonous ones. But the king cobra produces the most venom. It lives in the dense mountain forests of the South and South-East Asia.

3. African Leiurus quincestriatus

Many species of scorpions are safe for humans, as their stings act not only locally, causing pain and anemia. Leiruses, unlike other scorpions, are considered dangerous scorpions, as their venom is considered a powerful cocktail of neurotoxins that causes intense and severe pain, including fever, coma, paralysis, and death. Leiruses are common in North Africa and in the Middle East.

4. Taipan

One taipan bite contains as much poison as it can kill 100 adults or an army of 250,000 mice. This neurotoxic venom is 200-400 times more venomous than that of the common cobra.

45 minutes after the bite, an adult is declared dead. But there is an antidote. At the same time, the snake is shy and quickly crawls away from any danger. She lives in Australia.

5 Poison Frog

It lives in the rain forests of South and Central America. She must not be touched, although she is beautiful. The frog is rich in poison and can kill 10 adults. Previously, local tribes used this poison to lubricate the tips of their arrows.

6 Ring Octopus

The octopus is small in size, but very poisonous. It lives in coastal waters near Australia and further north, closer to Japan. The blue-ringed octopus has a light color. It belongs to the dark brown octopus groups.

If you disturb him, pulling him out of the water, he will darken. The rings will become shiny, taking on the color of an electrician. From this feature, the shade of the octopus appeared.

Its poison is very strong. It can kill a person and more than one - up to 26 adults in a few minutes. If left untreated, the patient experiences numbness, speech and vision difficulties.

7. Beware of the Brazilian Wandering Spider

This spider got into the Guinness Book of Records as it was able to kill more people who were bitten by spiders. But the Brazilian Spider is dangerous not only for its poison, but also for its behavior: it does not sit in one place.

He moves quickly on the ground, hiding in a building, a boot, a car. This increases the risk of being bitten.

8. Fish Ball

This fish is considered the second most poisonous vertebrate animal on earth. Fugu fish meat is considered a delicacy for the Japanese and Koreans, but the problem is that the surface of this fish and some of its organs are poisonous. The poison causes paralysis and suffocation, including lack of oxygen. Therefore, this fish is cooked only by licensed chefs.

9. Snail - Cone

The snail looks nice and cute, but it is deadly. A drop of her poison can kill 20 people. Signs of a bite: pain, swelling and numbness. Paralysis and respiratory failure often occur. There is no antidote. In total, 30 cases of human deaths from the poison of this snail have been recorded.

10. Fish - Stone

This is the most poisonous fish. Its venom causes severe pain, which can lead to limb amputation. With pain, shock worries, tissues die. In the absence of medical assistance, death is declared. Fish are full of toxins. She lives in tropical waters Indian and Pacific Ocean, Red Sea.


tropical climate

Opens the top 10 most poisonous animals on the planet poison stingray. About 2,000 people die every year because of the marine life. However, this creature is not aggressive. Problems arise due to the inconspicuousness of the slopes. As a result, people often step on representatives of the marine fauna, which is why they are forced to dig into the legs of offenders with a poisonous sting. Stingray venom contains more than 10 toxic substances that paralyze and excite convulsions. As a result, the person experiences dizziness and loses consciousness. If help is not provided in time, a person may choke, and poison is already dangerous!

Pacific Ocean

Just a twelve-centimeter octopus is the most dangerous of its kind. Another name for the blue-ringed octopus is the pygmy killer. The name fully corresponds to the description of the creature. One of the most beautiful and poisonous octopuses is capable of killing up to 30 people with its poison. At the same time, the inhabitant underwater world is very aggressive. A nerve agent is concentrated in its tentacles, which, when it enters the bloodstream, instantly destroys cells. Even with the provision of instant assistance, the probability of saving the victim is low.

South Sakhalin

The most dangerous sea creatures include a fish called Fugu. Instead of ordinary scales, this fish has many spines that contain poison. In a calm state, these spines are in a smoothed form. That is, Fugu does not entail danger. But, if the creature feels danger, then it inflates and protrudes poisonous needles. One dose of tetrodoxin is enough to kill 40 people. It is worth noting that this fish is a popular delicacy. At the same time, the slightest mistake of the cook can lead to the death of the client!

South America

The Brazilian spider is one of the most poisonous animals on the planet. It's about about an insect that was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The most dangerous spider in the world is capable of causing a long and very painful erection in men with its poison, which can torment people for up to several days. Often a bite leads to instant death. Such spiders are found in the territory South America, in Brazil and other countries. In fact, that's why the name is...

Central America

In our country, not everyone knows how dangerous frogs can be. Bright to that confirmation is the dart frog, the skin of which is represented by poisonous glands that produce poison. The substance contains batrachotoxin, which does not have a protein formula. In fact, this is the reason for its danger. After contact with the skin, the poison simply penetrates the epidermis and blood. As a result, a person experiences terrible pain, paralysis. Death overtakes an infected person extremely quickly. Due to the lack of proteins, there is no antidote!

The most poisonous animal on Earth is the golden frog, whose poison is more dangerous than that of the poison dart frog. As in the case of the previous example, there are glands that produce poison that does not contain a protein structure. Representatives of Colombia are dangerous with just one touch. Upon contact with the skin, their alkaloids from the glands easily penetrate through the upper integuments into the blood. As a result, a strong arrhythmia occurs, heart failure develops.


The most venomous snake is the Taipan, which lives in Australia. One bite of this creature is enough to kill up to 50 people. After the penetration of the poison into the blood, the victim has only 30 minutes to administer the antidote. Actually, for this reason, travelers take an antidote with them on a hike during excursions. This is a necessary measure, because the snake is as aggressive as it is poisonous. You should be extremely vigilant when spotting a snake. Abrupt actions and reactions draw Taipan's attention.

Not all insects, amphibians, mammals, and marine life are harmless, some of them have a terrible ability, namely, to destroy the enemy with the help of highly toxic substances contained in their saliva or subcutaneous layer. You will find the top 10 most poisonous animals on the planet in our article.

Terrible leaf climber

The terrible leafcreeper is a small yellow frog that lives in tropical forests Colombia. In appearance, she is very beautiful, but a drop of her poison, secreted by the skin, can instantly kill 10-15 people. Sometimes the toxins of this little frog are compared to potassium cyanide, but it is 1000 times weaker. The size of the leaf climber is approximately 2-5 cm. Both males and females are equally poisonous. Scientists say that the pesticide of the terrible leaf climber is not terrible for intact skin, but if there is at least one minor scratch on the skin, then the toxic substance instantly enters the bloodstream and stops cardiac activity. Unfortunately, there is no antidote for this moment. "Meeting" with this amphibian is 100% fatal. Be extremely careful if you see a cute bright yellow frog, but better bypass it, in order to avoid tragedy. Symptoms that may occur after a leaf crawler bite are:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • itching and burning at the bite site;
  • nausea, vomiting with an admixture of blood.
leaf climber

Brazilian wandering spider

The Brazilian wandering spider is also called "banana", as it loves to feast on this fruit most of all. "Banana" spiders feed on their relatives, butterflies, small birds, lizards, and some fruits. Their average size is 9-10 cm. The habitat of this terrible creature is South America, namely Brazil. Very often, wandering spiders live near human habitation, due to which they can hide in clothes, laundry baskets, wardrobes, and fruit boxes. In 2016, a terrifying incident occurred in the UK: a man who bought bananas in one of the chain supermarkets was bitten by a spider that came to England from Brazil. This is a killer insect, its poison is the most highly toxic among other inhabitants of our planet. The substance with which brazilian spider attacks its prey, is considered one of the strongest neurotoxins that deeply affect the central nervous system person. Fortunately, from the bites of this terrible creature an antidote has been developed. Symptoms that appear immediately after the injection of toxins can be considered:

  • shortness of breath, shortness of breath;
  • numbness of some muscles;
  • pain at the bite site.

brazilian spider

Lonomia caterpillar

Lonomia is a small butterfly that is absolutely harmless to humans, but its caterpillar is extremely poisonous and deadly. Lonomia usually live in the tropical forests of South America, as well as urban areas. Their appearance allows them to disguise themselves, so it is very difficult to detect such a caterpillar. The body of this insect is covered with a huge number of sharp spikes containing a highly toxic poison that kills the victim in a matter of seconds. A substance injected into the blood interferes with blood clotting, causing kidney failure, bleeding in the brain and most organs. Very often, harmless tourists who are unaware of its danger die from the poison of lonomia. The first symptoms appear within 1-10 hours after the alleged bite. Depending on the amount of toxin received, the symptoms may be as follows:

  • burning and itching of the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pain throughout the body;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages.

If you suspect a lonomia needle prick, then seek medical help immediately, because there is a special antidote that can save a life. If the poison is not pumped out in time, a lethal outcome is guaranteed. Be vigilant when traveling to tropical countries, pay attention to every little thing, never, under any circumstances, touch with your hands those animals and insects about which you know nothing.

poisonous caterpillar

warty fish

Wart fish is sometimes called stone because of its external resemblance to corals, stones lying at the bottom of the sea. The rockfish is the most venomous species. marine life, it belongs to the order of warty. Its usual habitat is Coral reefs and algae. This fish injects its poison due to the pointed spikes located on its back. The average size adult is 30-50 cm. The color is usually dark green or brown, so the wart easily hides in sand, vegetation and stones. Stone fish live in the Red Sea near the Seychelles, which is why tourists become their frequent victims. The wart can spend about a day without water, as a result of which it is often confused with an ordinary stone and stepped on with its foot. Releasing its sharp spikes, it injures a person or animal and injects a highly toxic substance into its bloodstream. The main signs of a stone fish injection are:

  • shock state;
  • paralysis of the limbs;
  • labored breathing;
  • heart failure.

In case of untimely assistance, a fatal outcome can occur. If you are bitten by a wart fish, immediately seek medical help, because now there are a lot of life-saving medicines.


tree climber

The poison dart frog is a small multi-colored frog (blue, green, red) that lives on trees that grow on the banks of tropical rivers, lakes and small reservoirs. They feed on worms, vegetation and some insects. The average size of this dangerous creature is 2-8 cm. The bite of the poison dart frog is deadly, and there is no antidote today. Its venom is considered one of the fastest acting toxins in the world. One drop of dart frog venom can kill 10 adults. A toxic substance is released from the skin and instantly enters the bloodstream to a potential victim. The main symptoms that can occur after a poison dart frog bite are:

  • darkening in the eyes;
  • itching and burning at the bite site;
  • dizziness, nausea, vomiting with an admixture of blood.

tree climber

blue ring octopus

Blue ringed octopuses are some of the most beautiful invertebrates on the planet, but for all their beauty, they are very poisonous. Their appearance is striking in its extravagance: yellow skin, which has many black and blue rings, glows in the dark. The average size of these animals is 10-30 cm. There are 3 varieties of such octopuses, and scientists have assumptions about the presence of the 4th species, but there are not enough facts yet. These creatures live in the coastal zone of Australia and Japan. The main diet of blue-ringed octopuses are: small crustaceans, shrimps, crabs, small fish. The poisonous substance that the blue-ringed octopus releases from its tentacles affects the central nervous system and causes a complete cardiac arrest. An attack on a person or any animal usually occurs while swimming in the water. This creature pounces on its potential victim, bites it and injects toxins into the blood. The symptoms of a blue ring octopus bite are:

  • shortness of breath, suffocation;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • temporary loss of vision.

As such, there is no antidote, but if you seek medical help in time, you can avoid death.

blue octopus

Scorpion leiurus quincestriatus

scorpion leiurus got his unusual name due to the color of the body, which can be either light yellow or dark sand. Its size varies from 9 to 12 cm. Quinckestriatus usually live in East India, Pakistan, North Africa, and also on the Arabian Peninsula. These scorpions feed on various beetles, cockroaches, jerboas. The venom of leuuruses is highly toxic, it can kill a small insect in 5 seconds. The toxins are found in the sharp tip of the scorpion's tail, with which it stings its potential prey. The danger of this poison for the human body is extremely high. When bitten, the following symptoms may appear:

  • redness and itching;
  • overexcitation of the central nervous system;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • headache and vomiting;
  • convulsions, spasms;
  • abdominal pain.

In order to avoid sad consequences It is recommended that you seek immediate medical attention.

poisonous scorpion

cubic jellyfish

The cube jellyfish lives in the coastal waters of Australia and is considered one of the most poisonous marine life. It got its name from its cubic dome. In appearance, this creature is transparent and practically merges with sea ​​waters. Its size can reach 40 cm. This jellyfish is very often called the "sea wasp", because when it meets a potential victim, it stings it like a wasp and injects its poison. Usually scuba divers, vacationing tourists and some waterfowl suffer from the bites of this aquatic inhabitant. Fatal outcome can occur in the case of several simultaneous bites. There is an antidote for sea wasp toxins. Try to seek medical help as soon as possible. After you have been stung by a box jellyfish, the following symptoms may appear:

  • dizziness;
  • redness;
  • burning.

cubic jellyfish


The platypus is considered the most venomous mammal in the world. Its habitat is the Australian jungle. The average size of a platypus is no more than 40 cm. Its poison cannot cause death to a person, it will only cause severe pain for several hours. With their toxins, platypuses can only kill a small animal. The toxic substance is located in the spurs located on the hind legs. Do not approach or provoke the platypus, as these animals are too irritable and aggressive, which cannot be said by their appearance. When bitten, the following symptoms may occur:

  • pain;
  • burning;
  • loss of consciousness.


Ant Maricopa

Maricopa ants are considered one of the most poisonous small insects. Their size varies from 5 mm to 1 cm. The color is usually red or yellow-red. natural environment The habitat of these ants is the USA, namely Arizona, the California deserts, Texas and Utah. The maricop anthill is very difficult to miss, as it can reach up to 2 meters in height. Sometimes these creatures move to the city limits, which makes them extremely dangerous for humans. Their venom is weak enough for humans, but very strong for animals. For example, it will take up to 12 simultaneous bites to kill an adult rat, and the lethal dose of a poisonous substance for humans will be approximately 200-300 bites, which is almost impossible. 1 bite causes severe pain and burning that does not go away within 4 hours. If attacked by a Maricop ant, seek medical attention immediately.

Ant Maricopa

Our article presented a list of the most dangerous and poisonous creatures on the planet. Be careful and considerate when traveling to exotic countries Because not all animals are harmless. Never touch anything that you have no idea about, for the sake of your safety. But, if it suddenly happened that you were bitten by some poisonous insect, amphibian or mammal, seek medical attention immediately.

Many people know about poisonous snakes and spiders, have heard about dangerous fish and jellyfish. But it turns out that even beetle larvae and corals are in mortal danger. Their poison brings with it a quick and painful death. Who possesses this terrible weapon will tell our top 10 most poisonous animals in the world.

10 Dread Leaf Climber

A small frog up to 4 cm in size. It is painted in bright colors: yellow, orange, black-orange. Her skin is completely covered in batrachotoxin. A simple touch is enough to deliver a lethal dose of poison. So far, no antidote has been found. The terrible leaf climber lives in moist forests South and Central America.

9 wandering spider

Distributed in tropical South and Central America. Spider venom contains a strong neurotoxin, the action of which leads to paralysis and suffocation. The amount of poison required for lethal outcome 2 times less than the famous black widow. This spider can crawl into a house, car, bag. The spider is aggressive and always ready to attack. Due to the presence of an effective antidote, the number of deaths is low.

8 Fugu

This fish lives in the waters of the northern coast of Australia and Japan, as well as on the southern coast of China. The poison is found in the skin and internal organs. There is no antidote. 60% of poisoning is fatal, but dishes from this fish are still very popular in Japan and Korea.

7 taipan

Taipan McCoy is the most venomous snake on land. The habitat of this snake is the central part of Australia. They live on dry plains, hiding in crevices. They grow mainly up to 2 m. Its poison is 180 times stronger than that of a cobra. The snake prefers to avoid meeting with a person. Its cousin, the coastal taipan, is fast and aggressive. Its poison leads to respiratory arrest and disrupts blood clotting. Death occurs within 4-12 hours. There is an antidote, but despite this, every second bitten one still dies.

6 warty

It is also called stone fish. It lives in the shallow waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. A row of spikes grows on its back, which release the toxin. The poison causes paralysis and death of the limbs, the victim of the injection experiences severe pain. If the injection was very deep, then a person without medical care will die in a few hours.

5 blue ringed octopus

You can meet in the waters of Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines and New Guinea. Its body is covered with large blue rings. This small octopus has an aggressive disposition and strong poison. Tetrodotoxin paralyzes the victim's body, later causing respiratory and cardiac arrest. There is currently no antidote, but this effect is temporary. Therefore, it is necessary to start artificial respiration as soon as possible, even if it seems that the person is already dead.

4 geographic cone

Cones are predatory gastropods. All species are poisonous. However, the geographic cone is the most poisonous. Distributed in the waters of Australia, in the east of Southeast Asia and China. If you take the shell in your hands, then the mollusk instantly sticks spikes into your hand. Snail venom has a nerve-paralytic effect. There is no antidote. The only way to provide first aid is to bleed profusely from the bite site.

3 sea ​​wasp

This deadly jellyfish lives on the coasts of northern Australia and Indonesia. Its tentacles are completely covered with stinging cells. In addition to excruciating pain from burns, jellyfish venom causes damage to the nervous system and heart. Deaths have been reported in as little as 4 minutes. There is an antidote, but its timely administration is difficult, because, as a rule, the victim is far from the coast.

2 Coral polyps Palythoa toxica

These polyps produce paliotoxin, a cytotoxic poison. It causes paralysis of the respiratory muscles and tachycardia. Just a few minutes separates the victim from death. This substance is three hundred times more dangerous than poison karakurt. Although there is no antidote for poison, it is possible to help the victim. Unfortunately, few people live to see a doctor's help. dangerous kind coral polyps can be found in the Indian and Pacific oceans.

1 Diamphidia larva

Diamphidia is a species of leaf beetle, relatives of the Colorado potato beetle. The beetles themselves are not poisonous, but their larvae contain the strongest poisonous substance, diamophotoxin. The toxin destroys a huge number of red blood cells in a short time, which leads to a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood by 75%. African tribes hunters have used it for hundreds of years to process arrowheads. Hitting just one poisoned arrow is enough for an animal weighing up to 500 kg to be paralyzed.

A highly toxic poison that paralyzes the body and stops the heart - a weapon of defense and hunting for many representatives of the animal world. Thanks to advances in science and medicine, the deaths getting smaller and smaller. However, scientists are still working on many antidotes and cannot yet please humanity with success.

It seems that our fears of animals are related to two main themes: animals with large, pointed teeth, which are only looking for an excuse to eat us alive, and animals that, seemingly harmless at first glance, are equipped secret weapon so deadly that it seems that half the world has a fear of them. They are venomous animals that, when attacked or defended, can inject deadly toxins through their stinger.

Unlike many factors taken into account when ranking the most dangerous animals for humans, the strength of the poison can be measured, which has been done. It is characterized by the so-called LD50 (average lethal dose), which basically tells us how much poison it takes to kill the average person (or mouse). The most powerful of these natural toxins are nearly 1,000 times more deadly than poisons such as arsenic and cyanide.

Poisonous vs. Toxic

Today there is a lot of confusion about which animals are poisonous and which are toxic. Poisonous creatures are often called toxic and vice versa. Both types have toxins and both types can be considered dangerous, they differ in how they do it. The victim needs to swallow (eat) the toxin, or they can absorb it through their skin when touched. However, the venom is injected into the victim with a bite or sting.

Photo. frog dart frog

Thus, animals such as poison dart frogs and puffer fish, which have some of the deadliest toxins in nature, are not venomous, they are toxic. Here we will consider poisonous animals that actively inject their poisons as a result of an attack. However, for most people, pictures of puffer fish may seem funny, while at the same time, only a few people find the tarantula a funny animal...

Video. Terrible leaf climber, dart climber

Without further ado, let's take a look at some of the most venomous animals on Earth.


At least in theory, there are no insects that can kill you with a single sting (unless you suffer from allergies), but there are several insects that can sting you so painfully that you could possibly die! To a large extent, we should be grateful to the work of Dr. Justin Schmidt, which helps us determine the degree of pain caused by even the smallest poisonous creature. He voluntarily allowed himself to be stung by a range of insects, and as he writhed in pain on the floor, he also managed to record detailed description bite effect. At the same time, he managed to compose, which starts with 0 (absence of any pain) and ends with a painful 4 (“I want to die”). Just to give you an idea of ​​the sting of a common wasp and a bee, on a scale this equates to about 2.

Photo. tarantula hawk

To prove his fearlessness, Schmidt allowed himself to be stung by a wasp like a tarantula hawk. Yes, this monster lives off spider meat and is not afraid to fight the biggest and hairiest of them all. With a stinger up to 8 mm (1/3 inch) long, it is one of the largest wasps on Earth.

Unsurprisingly, her sting scores a 4 on the Schmidt Index, meaning that the pain was "...very excruciating, which just disables the ability to do anything except, perhaps, scream...". He also described the sting itself as "Dazzling, brutal, shockingly electrifying. It's like a working hair dryer dropped into your bathroom."

However, Schmidt did not describe the bullet ant bite. Apparently, it will be so painful that it will be necessary to draw up a new scale. The bite of the admittedly large Central American ant was given a 4+ on the scale. Apparently the pain was so severe that after he endured the pain for a very short time, Schmidt rushed off to find the nearest tavern and start drinking. 12 hours later, he was still suffering from severe pain attacks.


The Brazilian wandering spider is considered the most dangerous spider on the planet. As its name suggests, it loves to roam and is well known for getting into shoes, cars, and even clinging to people all over the world from banana bunches.

Photo. Brazilian wandering spider

What makes this spider so dangerous? According to the Guinness Book of Records, its bite is the strongest of any spider. Its lethal neurotoxin is about 20 times stronger than that of the notorious black widow spider and equal in strength to the venom of some deadly snakes. The effects of a bite from a wandering spider begin with severe pain and this can lead to fatal consequences due to respiratory paralysis and asphyxia. A less serious but apparently painful symptom from a bite from this spider can be an erection that lasts several hours!

Competing for first place is also the most dangerous spider, . This fearsome spider is notorious along east coast Australia because of its formidable fangs and powerful atracotoxin. This spider's venom is admittedly twice as deadly as cyanide, and it attacks the nervous system by preventing nerve impulses from passing through. Symptoms of a bite from this spider can include breathing and circulation problems, muscle spasms, tears, salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, and possibly death.

Perhaps the most infamous of all spiders is the black widow ( close relative Australian redback spider), which is responsible for the largest number bites than any other spider. Up to 10,000 bites a year are recorded in Australia and one of her favorite spots is under the seats of outdoor toilets! The venom of these spiders is only inferior in strength to the Brazilian wandering spider, and only the small size of black widows did not lead to many deaths. Also, a painful bite leads to a secondary condition known as latrodectism, which can result from the bite. This potentially fatal condition causes symptoms such as swelling, abdominal cramps, nausea, and sweating.

There is one good news for all arachnophobes: an effective antidote has been developed for all the bites of these spiders.


There are about 1,500 species of scorpions, and they all have venom that they inject through a stinger at the end of their tails. However, only about 20 species have venom that is potentially lethal to humans and most of them are from the same family, Buthidae. Unfortunately, these bad guys are giving other scorpions a bad name. IN North America scorpions are responsible for more deaths than snakes, and in Tunisia it is estimated that androctonus has historically resulted in up to 400 deaths annually.

Photo. yellow tree scorpion

The above figures give a hint as to which of the most dangerous of all scorpions is Androctonus fat-tailed (lat. Androctonus). These scorpions live in the semi-desert regions of the Middle East and Africa and are named so because of their thick tails! Their scientific name gives the best clue to its nature, the name comes from Greek word"killer of men". At around 10 cm (4 inches) long, these deadly scorpions live up to their name.

Fat-tailed scorpion venom is a powerful neurotoxin that can be compared in strength to king cobra. The sting of one of these scorpions can certainly be fatal, but if you're lucky, you may just experience convulsions and hypertension, pass out.

With its frankly frightening name, the deadly hunter (lat. Leiurus quinquestriatus) also deserves special mention. For a small scorpion less than 6.5 centimeters (3 inches) in size, it is armed with a nasty stinger. Its deadly venom is a powerful cocktail of neurotoxins, and this scorpion's sting is truly excruciatingly painful. As a rule, one bite of a stinger is not enough to kill a healthy adult. However, severe allergic reactions are not uncommon, and those suffering from heart disease are at particular risk from the sting of the deadly hunter (yellow scorpion).

In the absence of an effective antidote, the Indian red scorpion (lat. Hottentotta tamulus) is commonly cited as the most dangerous scorpion, and statistics confirm this. another reason mortal danger of this scorpion is its appearance in densely populated areas, which increases the amount of contact with people. Add mortality, which is 8-40%, and then you can safely consider it one of the deadly dangerous scorpions with which it is very difficult to avoid contact.

Video. Indian red scorpion

The poison of the Indian red scorpion acts mainly on the heart and lungs. Along with sweating, vomiting, convulsions, abnormal heart rhythms, and unconsciousness, a bite can lead to pulmonary edema and death. Fluid accumulates in the lungs, causing suffocation!

sea ​​creatures

While the means mass media and the entertainment industry has been hammering us into an insane fear of sharks for years, the statistics don't really back that up.

The sea is home to many of the most venomous creatures in the world, and for good reason. First, this dangerous place for life, which is why small animals have evolved to develop deadly poisons as a defense. In addition, do not forget that the ocean is the cradle of life, it was from here that life came to the land part of the earth and therefore all animals living in the ocean had more time to evolve and develop various methods of protection and hunting. On the other hand, creatures that use poison for hunting live here, they want to immobilize their prey as quickly as possible so that they do not swim away and, as a result, their poison has become incredibly strong.

First of all, this applies to sea snakes, they are mentioned a little lower. In this section, we will look at those who primarily use poison for defensive purposes.

Photo. warty

Of the variety of fish, there are only a few species that can be described as poisonous and most of them are not particularly dangerous. The main exception to this rule is the scorpion family. These include the beautiful lionfish and the ugly wart.

The wart (lat. Synanceia) is considered the most dangerous. She is armed with 13 sharp spikes on her back and a powerful neurotoxin. Warthog loves to swim near the coastline and it may seem that she is literally waiting for someone to step on her. And when it happens, they know about it! The bite is considered so painful that the victims have asked to have their leg cut off. One person described the feeling of being bitten: "as if every joint, wrist, elbow and shoulder was under a sledgehammer for about an hour."

If the bite site is not treated, death can occur. Luckily, there is an effective antidote, which means that for almost 100 years, no one in Australia has died from its bite.

Video. What is dangerous blue-ringed octopus

The blue-ringed octopus is one of the ocean's most humble killers. These small iridescent blue-ringed octopuses have a particularly dangerous toxin in their venom, tetrodotoxin. This is the same poison that pufferfish and poison dart frogs have, and is over 1,000 times more potent than cyanide. There is no known antidote for blue-ringed octopus venom, their powerful neurotoxin can quickly paralyze respiratory system. In the case of severe intoxication, the only treatment is to connect the victim to a life support system until the person can breathe on their own.

One of the most poisonous animals in the ocean is the cone snail. These rather small mollusks are armed with a hollow, spiny harpoon that is capable of injecting the strongest poison. It is estimated that one drop of this deadly conotoxin is enough to kill 20 adults. Unlike sea creatures larger than a cone, it uses its venom to hunt its prey. The good news is that the snail doesn't move very fast!

Video. Box jellyfish - Sea wasp

Another sea creature that uses its venom equally well for hunting and defense is the box jellyfish. In fact, there are quite a few types of box jellyfish, but they are all armed with thousands of tiny stinging cells and strong venom. Of all the types, the most dangerous view the Australian sea wasp (lat. Chironex fleckeri) is considered. Not only is she large in size, she has the second most powerful poison among all creatures on Earth! One individual has enough poison to kill 60 adults. Although many of the creatures on this list are theoretically dangerous to humans, the sea wasp has killed many people over the years, and has also stinged painfully countless times.


Most people, myself included, had no idea until recently that there was such a thing as venomous mammals. In fact, there are quite a few of them. Some of them just use plant poisons, while others actually actually produce their own poison.

Photo. Platypus

Considering the many other strange features of this animal, it's no surprise that this creature is half bird, platypuses are also capable of stinging like bees! The male platypus is armed with a set of horn-shaped "spurs" on its hind legs. They have channels through which poison from special glands enters a sharp tip, which is used to inject the toxin.

The platypus is believed to use its sting primarily against competing males, and the peptide of the toxin is known to be more concentrated during the breeding season. However, over the years a sufficient number of people have been stung by this animal and therefore they have gained some experience with these animals. Although they are cute, platypuses are best avoided.

Its venom is not considered lethal to humans, but is reported to cause excruciating enough pain to immobilize the victim. Not only does the pain not respond to the effects of morphine, but it can last for several weeks. One of the victims, Keith Payne, former soldier, who received England's highest award, the Victoria Cross, described the pain as worse than being hit by shrapnel.

Video. Platypuses are poisonous and dangerous

by another group poisonous mammals is a few members of the shrew family. How and why these small, mouse-like creatures became so venomous is the subject of some debate, but what may really surprise you is that shrews are actually partially carnivorous. They actually eat mice, fish, frogs and other small vertebrates.

It is assumed that the shrew's venom helps it to hunt larger animals and some evidence suggests this. Delivered through its elongated incisors, a single American short-tailed shrew can kill 200 mice.

Perhaps the cutest animal on this list is the slow loris (lat. Nycticebus coucang). Found in the forests of Southeast Asia, these small primates are unusual in many ways, and not just because they are possibly poisonous and toxic. The slow loris secretes a kind of toxin from a gland near the armpit, an alkaloid. It is used for two purposes: firstly, they lick their young with this secret, which makes them toxic to predators. The toxin can also be transmitted through venomous bite. Laurie is known for staying away as he will bite, apparently to maximize the transfer of the toxin. Little is known about the nature of this toxin. Some studies report that it is possible that the lory acquires it from the ants and centipedes that enter its diet and that it becomes fully activated when mixed with saliva.


Just for a change, we will exclude Australia, which apparently does not have dangerous poisonous lizards. There are very few truly venomous lizards, which is surprising given the number of venomous snakes. A few years ago, it was thought that there were only two poisonous species of lizards, but recent studies have shown that there are more of them, they are just not dangerous to humans.

Photo. Komodo dragon (dragon)

Perhaps the last thing you would like to see this big and greedy lizard is that it was poisonous, it is komodo dragon(komodo dragon). Until 2009, no one really knew that . Previously, researchers believed that the preferred way to kill this giant lizard's prey was through bacteria transmitted by an infected bite. The Komodo dragon would then track down the prey, following it like a shadow of death until it collapses to the ground a few days later.

However, Australian biologist Brian Fry has found evidence that the Komodo dragon does indeed have venom, which it secretes from glands in its mouth. The venom contains some compounds similar to those of the inland taipan, which cause a rapid drop in blood pressure and shock. While the injection mechanism may not be as efficient as that of a snake, this is why a Komodo dragon is likely to inject a sufficient amount of venom when it bites.

In past komodo dragons thought to be lethal, but the venom is actually far less effective on humans than it is on their normal prey.

Video. How do Komodo dragons hunt?

Perhaps the most poisonous lizard for humans is the Arizona gila monster, which lives in Mexico and the US deserts. Again, the Arizona gila does not have subcutaneous fangs like a snake, but instead relies on grooves in its teeth to inject venom. Given that its neurotoxin is as strong as that of deadly coral snakes (asps), this is not the best thing that can happen to you.

The immediate symptoms of a bite are severe pain and a feeling of weakness due to a drop in blood pressure. Further consequences may be: protrusion of the eyes and internal hemorrhage. Fortunately in Lately there were no reports of fatal bites.


Of all the animals on Earth, snakes are the most closely associated with venom. There's a good reason for this, not only do snakes have the strongest venom, they also have the most advanced delivery system. This deadly combination is incredibly effective on any kind of animal. One study reports that 50,000-100,000 people are killed by snakes worldwide each year.

Photo. coastal taipan

Although this article is about the most venomous animals on the planet, it is interesting to note that the snake with by far the strongest venom of them all is responsible for very few deaths. Also known as a fierce snake due to its formidable venom, the inland taipan is very fast, accurate, and almost always injects venom with a bite. We must be lucky that this snake is an inhabitant of the scorched desert of central Australia. The average inland taipan has enough venom to kill 100 people, with a bite potentially resulting in death within 45 minutes. In the absence of proper antidote treatment, the mortality rate is 80%. Not only is the venom a powerful neurotoxin, it also contains tissue-destroying myotoxins and anticoagulants that cause internal bleeding.

The same is true for many sea snakes. They have incredibly powerful venom, but rarely bite humans. Of all these snakes, the Dubois sea snake (lat. Aipysurus duboisii) has the most deadly venom, but still it is not as strong as that of the inland taipan.

Much more dangerous snake, which is considered a close relative of the fierce snake, is the coastal taipan. Although the venom of this snake is much weaker than that of the inland taipan, it is much more aggressive and is able to deliver much more venom in one bite. One source states that one bite contains enough venom to kill 59 men and, if left untreated, the mortality rate is 100%.

Statistically, the most dangerous snake in the world had to be one of the "Big Four", four species Indian snakes, which are responsible for the majority of deaths. This Indian cobra, Indian krait, Russell's viper and sand efa.

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