Who eats the Portuguese boat. Physalia, or Portuguese boats. Physalia either approaches the shore when the wind drives it, then turns the other side and slowly sails away. She is very dangerous - her poison acts quickly and flawlessly.

The bite of a jellyfish is very unpleasant and cruel. Jellyfish are armed with nematocysts. Upon contact with the tentacle, millions of nematocysts penetrate the skin and inject venom. But only the poison of some species causes an adverse reaction in humans.

Effects range from mild discomfort to severe pain and death. Most jellyfish stings are not fatal, but box jellyfish (Irukandji jellyfish) such as sea wasps can become lethal, causing anaphylaxis (a form of shock). In the Philippines alone, jellyfish kill between 20 and 40 people a year.


The Portuguese man-of-war has a close resemblance to a jellyfish, in fact it belongs to the siphonophores. In fact, it is a colony of the smallest individual organisms working in tandem as a "single" organism (sort of like coral reefs).

Their tentacles can grow up to 50 meters long, bigger than a blue whale!

In most cases, the jellyfish sting itself is not fatal, although the venom sometimes interferes with the heart or lungs, and can potentially lead to death.

Most portuguese man-of-war bite deaths are actually caused by swimmers panicking as they drown while trying to swim to shore.

These ocean dwellers cannot move on their own. They are swimming large groups where the wind and currents take them.

Dangerous but very beautiful

If you were asked to talk about the most dangerous animals on earth, you would probably start by describing stereotypical killing machines such as lions, tigers, bears (oops!), sharks, crocodiles, alligators, other large animals with terrible teeth and claws.

Because these animals have long been associated with danger and, of course, they should be taken seriously. Nature, however, is complex. Not all hazards are clear.

In fact, for many of the most dangerous animals on earth, you wouldn't even think to be afraid until it's too late.

Claws, razor-sharp teeth, sure are scary, but mother nature has provided some marine life much less obvious weapons, also deadly (if not more): poisons and toxins.

There are countless animals that release toxins into their victims in order to incapacitate them.

For some, this is a way to get prey, others use it as a means of self-defense. Either way, the results for the victim are the same - excruciating pain and death.

The Portuguese boat (lat. Physalia physalis) only looks like a jellyfish. In fact, this is a whole colony of heterogeneous organisms coexisting together.

© Photos by Matty Smith; Aaron Ansarov Photography

So, portuguese boat consists of four types of polyps. The first polyp is a floating shell (pneumatophore), which in appearance resembles a transparent air bubble that shimmers in the sun. The sink is continuously filling atmospheric air enriched with carbon monoxide, which is secreted by a special gland.

This gas-filled bubble, which can be up to 30 centimeters long, rises above the water, allowing the organism from the siphonophore order to stay afloat. A multi-colored comb, flaunting on the shell, performs the function of a sail. Other polyps of marine physalia are hidden under the water column. They are grouped, although they are responsible for different functions.

Dactylozooid polyps are trapping tentacle threads with many stinging cells, the poison of which is also dangerous for humans. The tentacles, whose length in an extended position sometimes reaches 50 meters, are responsible for the defense and food of the Portuguese boat. Along the entire length of the tentacles are dotted with microscopic poisonous capsules that sting and paralyze prey, in particular fish and other small marine life. Other members of the colony are already responsible for digesting food.

Each tentacle has contractile cells that help pull the catch to the third type of polyps - gastrozooids. When caught prey appears, the tubular "stern" bodies expand and cover the entire surface of the prey. Coating their prey in digestive juices, they dissolve the prey's flesh, absorbing the nutrients.

The last type of polyps - gonozooids - performs the function of reproduction. Physalia are found in pale blue, pink, purple or purple. Moreover, they are characterized by bioluminescence.

In a person, even a short-term contact with a Portuguese boat can cause a sharp burning sensation and pain shock. IN severe cases there is difficulty breathing, loss of vision and hearing. A lethal outcome is not ruled out.

Don't touch poison boat either in ocean waters or on land. Even in a dried state, the thread of the Portuguese boat has a stinging ability.

The few creatures that are resistant to the venom of the Portuguese man-of-war are the tiny shepherd fish that live in its formidable tentacles.

As a rule, Portuguese boats slowly drift in warm waters of the oceans, straying into groups of a thousand or more individuals. The colony moves solely under the influence of wind and current. Only in the event of a threat can the Portuguese ship “blow off” its gas bubble in order to hide under water for a short time. Most of the time it's unique. sea ​​creature can be found on Saturday tropical waters Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Class - hydroid

Detachment - Siphonophores

Family - Jellyfish

Genus/Species - Physalia physalia

Basic data:


Length: the body is 9-35 cm long, stinging threads are usually up to 15 m long, in extremely rare cases they can reach a length of 30 m.


It usually reproduces asexually by budding. Polyps separate from the main colony in order to then establish new ones.


Behavior: drifting into the sea.

Food: all small fish.

Lifespan: a few months.


Among the siphonophores, many different species are distinguished, a number of which are known as physalia. Only in mediterranean sea found at least 20 different species of this jellyfish. Other jellyfish are close relatives of physalia.

The “Portuguese boat” or “Portuguese warship” (as the physalia jellyfish is sometimes called for the resemblance of its body to this ship) is actually a whole colony various types polyps of the same species. Each of the polyps in the colony has its own function.

Portuguese boat jellyfish video


Physalia (see photo) often swim in warm seas numerous groups, often numbering several thousand jellyfish. The bubble of the jellyfish body, transparent and shining in the sun, rises about 15 cm above the water and looks like a small sail. It is surprising that the jellyfish is able to move even against the wind, without turning off the chosen path. The physalia jellyfish is usually found close to the coast, but in the warm season it willingly moves with the flow in the direction of the earth's poles. Powerful winds blowing from the sea towards the coast can throw this jellyfish onto land.


It is not known for certain how the Physalia jellyfish reproduces. All that scientists have found out is that physalia reproduces asexually and there are polyps in the colonies that are responsible for reproduction. It is they who establish new colonies.

Since jellyfish have the ability to reproduce without interruption, a huge number of jellyfish are born in the seas and oceans. It is assumed that this jellyfish is able to reproduce in another way - it is believed that the Physalia jellyfish, a Portuguese warship, when dying, throws whole bunches of jellyfish organisms into the ocean, in which reproductive products are formed that serve to create new jellyfish.


The tentacles of the jellyfish are armed with many poisonous capsules. The capsules are very small, each a twisted empty tube covered with fine hairs. With any contact, for example, with a fish passing by, the stinging mechanism is activated. Physalia venom is similar in composition to cobra venom. Exposure to the venom on fish leads to their death, in humans, burns from the venom of the Portuguese man-of-war lead to severe pain, fever, chills, shock and breathing problems.


  • Physalia - is a joint colony of modified jellyfish and polyps, so closely related to each other that they show all the features of a holistic organism.
  • "Portuguese boat" this jellyfish was nicknamed by sailors of the XVIII century, who talked about a jellyfish that swims like a medieval Portuguese warship.
  • The most poisonous variety of physalia lives in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, its poison represents mortal danger for a person.


An air sac (pneumatophore) rises above the water, which serves as a sail for the physalia. It is filled with a gas that differs from the surrounding air by a higher content of nitrogen and carbon dioxide and a lower content of oxygen. During a storm, the gas from the bubble can be released, due to which the physalia can sink under water. Also, physalia is characterized by the phenomenon of bioluminescence. She is one of only two species that glow red.

Often small perches swim among the tentacles of the physalia. These fish are in symbiosis with the Portuguese boat, since they are insensitive to the poison of the physalia, they receive protection from enemies from it, as well as the remnants of food from its table, and the prey itself swims into the tentacles of the physalia, seduced by the sight of harmless fish.

- area of ​​physalia


Physalia jellyfish lives in warm seas and oceans, most often the Portuguese boat can be found in Cuba and in the bays of the North Atlantic Ocean, as well as in the subtropical Pacific and Indian Oceans.


It is not known how physalia is affected by pollution of the seas and oceans. But in this moment The disappearance of this jellyfish is not threatened.

Portuguese warship, physalia, bluebottle jellyfish - most famous titles this jellyfish. Lives in warm waters (Florida, Cuba, Mediterranean Sea, Australia, Japan). Often the Gulf Stream brings them to the shores of England and France. When they accumulate off the coast of England and France or, for example, near the beaches of Florida, television, radio and the press warn the population of the danger.

Jellyfish are poisonous even when washed ashore. The shoots reach a length of up to 10 meters (which is like a thread in the sand).
The "Portuguese boat" got its name from the multi-colored swim bladder, which is shaped like the sail of a medieval Portuguese sailing ship. The lower part of the bubble is blue, and the upper one is bright red, while the bubble constantly shimmers with purple colors. The bell of this jellyfish shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow from blue to purple, similar to a rubber cap.

Beauty, however, is deceiving.
"Portuguese boats" are often mistakenly attributed to jellyfish. In fact, they belong to the order of siphonophores ("physalia siphonophora"), which can only move under the influence of the force of the wind and the current of water. The length of the tentacles of the "Portuguese boat" can reach 50 meters, and contact with them threatens lethal outcome.

The poison of the "boats" is very dangerous. Allergy sufferers are especially affected by it, who are advised to immediately consult a doctor in case of contact with physalia, otherwise the case may be fatal. The most common consequence of contact with the "boat" is prolonged pain at the burn site and inflammation of the wound. A person may develop nausea, chills, pain in the heart.
If a person touches it, blisters will appear on the skin as if burned. It will hurt for 5 hours. Rubbing the mucus will not help, on the contrary, it will only get worse.
Doctors strongly advise not to wash off the poison of the "Portuguese boats" fresh water because it will only make the pain worse. A reliable remedy that will relieve an unpleasant burning sensation is three percent vinegar, which must be moistened with the affected areas.
The general condition will also worsen and will last for several days. Seeing this beauty in the water, immediately swim away from her as far as possible. Turtles feed on these jellyfish.

In any case, if you feel a sharp pain, like from a whip or electric shock, you can safely scream. Firstly, from surprise, and secondly, you may urgently need help. The poison of the physalia is very close in its action to the poison of the cobra. The introduction of even a small dose under the skin of laboratory animals ended tragically for them. If you are allergic, then help should be immediate, if not, then you still need to be prepared for some unpleasant consequences.

First of all - a rather long pain at the site of the burn, followed by inflammation of the wound. Muscle twitches, chills, nausea, vomiting may develop, all of which can respond with pain in the heart. Our famous traveler Yuri Senkevich described his condition after contact with the "ship" as severe and rather long. And the worst thing is that sea ​​water then it irritates the wound for a long time, and if such a nuisance happened in the first days of rest, then it’s up to you to decide what to do. The only thing that can be safely advised is to consult a doctor, and not be content with the ointments that you will be offered at the hotel (along with sympathetic looks).

In the event that you are not on a tour, and for some reason you do not have insurance, do not despair. In most countries there are free hospitals, and some of them will give odds to Russian paid ones. And no policy is required, which is interesting.

dangerous beauty
So, burns are far from always fatal, although the Portuguese warship is considered the second most dangerous jellyfish in the world (in the strict sense of the word, this is not quite a jellyfish, but a whole colony of one to two hundred jellyfish and polyps).
A doctor is desirable, more precisely, even obligatory in order to remove intoxication and infection. The trace remains, perhaps for a lifetime, but fades, turns pale over the years ... And who knows, maybe it will become a wonderful memory, or, it is possible, a subject of some pride for you?

Even if you are an excellent swimmer, water is always not the most native element for a person. Of course, you should not be afraid and get lost in it, you just need to strive to love, know and understand it. Like so many other things in life, I guess.

There are many poisonous animals and microorganisms in the world. Often they seem beautiful and you just want to touch them. One of these interesting creatures the globe is a physalia that is found in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans. They can be found even in the English Channel. With its appearance, it is very reminiscent of jellyfish, which are found in abundance in the seas of our country.

Physalia - a jellyfish or not?

Physalia is a colonial hydroid from the siphonophore order. Outwardly, it is very similar to a jellyfish, but it is not. It belongs to another group of invertebrate organisms - siphonophores.

In total, there are about 160 species of this order in the world, which live mainly in tropical waters. jellyfish physalia it is one of the species that are dangerous to humans and can even lead to death.

Physalia - danger, poison

The usual size of the physalia is up to about 35 centimeters, while the stinging tentacles, which contain stinging cells, can reach incredible sizes - up to 50 meters. It is these cells that are the most dangerous in the colony. Their venom is similar in composition to cobra venom and can cause fever, shock, and difficulty breathing in humans.

A person exposed to poison in water can drown from pain shock or loss of consciousness. They are dangerous because they move in large colonies that can easily devastate everything in their path.

Physalia: description of the Portuguese boat

Physalia is named after Dr. Marie Physalix, who first discovered and described it. Physalia (Portuguese boat) consists of two sections: siphosome and pneumatophore.

A pneumatophore is a bubble filled with atmospheric air that allows the body to stay on the surface. If necessary, excess air is removed and the poisonous physalia is immersed in water. Groups of zooids depart from the pneumatophore, which are divided into 3 types:

    Gonozooid - sexual zooid;
    Gastrozoids - nourishing;
    Dactylozoids are trapping. It is in them that the tentacles are located, which branch out. It is in them that the development of reproductive cells occurs, which then separate from the maternal individual and begin an independent life.

Their main diet consists of small fish, larvae and squid. Physalia itself makes up the diet of some of sea ​​turtles and shellfish.
The life span of an individual is several months. breeds jellyfish physalia asexually. Physalia moves with the help of wind and current. However, with the help of the siphosome, it serves as a rudder and is able to regulate the direction of the colony and move even against the wind.

Poisonous Physalia in Phuket

They are found mainly in large groups numbering thousands of individuals. The pneumatophore of the jellyfish resembles a small sail, for which the name Portuguese boat is often found. This name was given by sailors in the 18th century.
Physalia is found in tropical seas and is often found in the vicinity of Phuket and neighboring beaches, where they are brought by the monsoons blowing from May to October in those parts. At this time, it is more dangerous than the garbage dumped into the sea, which then forms in.

In September-October 2016, 4 beaches were even closed in Phuket for 2 weeks. This was due to the fact that they were found in in large numbers- more than 400 individuals. Fortunately, there were no human casualties.
The photo shows the habitat of physalia.

Physalia poison: how to protect yourself

In case of contact with physalia, it is recommended to see a doctor. There is a lot of conflicting advice regarding first aid for a burn. It could be flushing sea ​​water, vinegar, hot water followed by ice application.

If physalia were found on the surrounding beaches, it is recommended to refrain from swimming during this period. Often they are thrown ashore, so you should carefully walk along the beaches so as not to get on one of them. Even separately lying tentacles, which also cause burns, are dangerous.

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