Pharaoh snake experiment. How to grow a huge sand snake: a fascinating experiment. More dangerous snake or sulfanilamide viper

Belief in miracles is born in childhood. With a delighted look, the child catches every movement of the magician, with bated breath follows the hat with a rabbit, with trepidation and hope awaits a gift from his beloved magician. A spectacle, faith in a miracle are necessary for children, and adults will not hurt to introduce a little fairy tale and delight into everyday regularity. How to do it? It's not that hard! You can please children, for example, with the appearance of a huge wriggling snake made of ordinary sand. Entertaining chemistry will come to the aid of children's animators, holiday organizers, creative parents, caring teachers.

An ordinary miracle is a pharaoh's snake made of soda and sugar, growing out of burning sand. This will be remembered for a long time! An elementary trick is easy to carry out at home, observing fire safety precautions.

And this monster appears from a harmless soda!

In one of the biblical parables, it is said that the staff of Moses turned into a snake when it touched the sand at the feet of the ruler. The spectacular display of power impressed the pharaoh in antiquity. Today, schoolchildren are surprised by the pharaoh snake, demonstrating a chemical reaction, as a result of which the ingredients increase in volume quickly and many times over. What are these incredible substances? No magic, just sand, soda, sugar and alcohol.

Ordinary sand is poured onto a ceramic plate. This material is abundant on the banks of rivers. The top of the mound is leveled, a recess is made in it. The slide is saturated with alcohol. You will have to run to the pharmacy for ethanol in advance and stock up on at least two bottles, since sand perfectly absorbs liquid. A mixture of soda and powdered sugar is laid out with a spoon on a significantly moistened mound. Proportion 1:4. For example, a spoonful of soda to four tablespoons of powdered sugar. These ingredients are in every kitchen. If there is no powder, it can be made in half a minute by pouring granulated sugar into a coffee grinder.

Everything is ready, it remains only to heat the components. It is safer to use a long-handled oven lighter, as it is easier to ignite alcohol, sugar and soda, because they can flare up instantly.

Gluconate-born snake looks like a monster from a horror movie

Essence of focus

When the flame engulfs the entire hill, the ingredients will begin to blacken, shrink, and then increase dramatically in size, forming into a curving thick snake. Under the action of high temperature, a chemical reaction of decomposition of soda occurs, it decomposes into water vapor and carbon dioxide. It is the gases obtained as a result of this process that loosen and swell the mass, forming a snake - a black product of sugar combustion.

The experience itself lasts a few minutes, but the impressions of the sight of the curving body of an almost real reptile are remembered for a long time. Soda is the safest trick ingredient, but there are other substances that can be used to display monsters.

Other experiments

Pharaoh snake from potassium permanganate

Manganese crystals are amazingly beautifully dissolved in water, gradually coloring the liquid in a soft lilac color, it seems that marvelous flowers have blossomed. It is this ability of the substance to color that is useful to the magician to demonstrate an unusual bright lilac-white snake, somewhat reminiscent of toothpaste for a giant.

Important! The experiment is carried out in a bathtub or sink, on an open lawn or sandy beach. There will be a lot of substances, so you should not risk an expensive carpet or a new sofa.


  • potassium permanganate from a pharmacy;
  • a glass of tap water;
  • liquid soap or "Fairy" for washing dishes;
  • 30% hydrogen peroxide or one tablet of hydroperite from a pharmacy, diluted with water.

Lilac manganese crystals (a teaspoon) are dissolved in water, then a foaming dishwashing detergent or ordinary liquid soap (also a spoon) is poured in. The mixture is best prepared in a narrow tall glass vessel or vase. And the final touch - peroxide!

Attention! The reaction is immediate and violent. A white-lilac dense foam, similar to an exotic python, literally erupts from a glass. The column of this mass first rushes up, and then folds into large rings.

Real sand viper

Urotropin snake

Urotropin is an antiseptic. Tablets must be bought at the pharmacy. You will also need a concentrate of an aqueous solution of ammonium. On one tablet of urotropin, 10 drops of ammonium should be dripped from a syringe or pipette, then dried. And so repeat 4 times. Tablets are dried at room temperature, they can not be heated.

When the urotropin dries, the tablet is set on fire on a ceramic saucer. The temperature rises, a reaction occurs, black balls appear, quickly merging into one tight mass, which begins to wriggle and grow. What happened from the pill? Carbon, carbon dioxide, nitrogen - in general, gases that loosen the porous mass.

This is important to consider! The experiment will fail if you mix not tablets (they contain talc and paraffin), but pure urotropin and ammonium nitrate.

Pharaoh's snake from calcium gluconate

One of the simplest and most accessible tricks is to set fire to calcium gluconate tablets with dry fuel. A gray spotted snake will gradually form from each tablet. And if you set fire to the whole blister, you get huge octopus crawling forward with tentacles. The tiny starting material expands 15-20 times to form an oxide of calcium, carbon, water, and carbon dioxide. Isn't this magic?

Experiments are carried out only under the supervision of adults.

Sulfanilamide snake

If there is an expired streptocide or fthalazol, biseptol or sulgin in the home first aid kit, then you can call the spirit of the viper. For a chemical experiment, it is enough to place a sulfanilamide tablet on dry fuel and set it on fire. The mass will swell, expand, and a noble viper with a metallic sheen will appear from the middle. However, the nature of this reptile is extremely insidious, it is really poisonous. The pungent smell of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide formed can be harmful to health.


Chemical experiments should be carried out carefully, observing elementary safety rules:

  • the experimenter puts on gloves, a dressing gown;
  • the surface must be fireproof;
  • a bucket of water or sand is placed within reach;
  • for toxic gases, a fume hood must be provided;
  • if the experiment is carried out on the street, then the direction of the wind is taken into account;
  • spectators do not come closer than 2 meters;
  • there should be a remedy for burns in the first-aid kit;
  • All experiments are carried out by an adult, children only watch.

And this is a whole octopus or hydra.

It is better to see and do it once than to hear or learn a hundred times. The child will remember the emotions that he experienced during the demonstration, plunge into the atmosphere of magic. A small everyday miracle out of nothing is quite accessible to everyone with the right organization.

Video: sand snake

Video: making a three-headed hydra

How to involve children in chemistry? - Show an interesting, spectacular, stunning experiment! "But such an experiment requires equipment, materials, knowledge," you say. And ... wrong! For a minimal but equally spectacular pharaoh serpent, you just need to go to the pharmacy, and then to the Hunter / Fisher or hardware store. And observe some precautions, the same as, for example, when launching fireworks, that is, be careful with fire.

Just such an experiment - the classic "Pharaoh Serpent", which appears as if from nowhere, sways, sometimes hisses, sometimes sparkles and always impresses. Pharaoh snakes include a large number of chemical colorful demonstrations with various reagents and equipment. I will try to tell you about the easiest in terms of availability of chemicals and safety for humans, but not always the easiest in terms of preparation, so do not be too lazy. Although the first "snake" will be for the lazy too :)

A small historical digression

I have come across a dozen explanations of where the name "Pharaoh Serpent" comes from. Three of them are most often mentioned:

  1. After the victory of the army of the pharaoh Narmer of the Southern kingdom over the army of the Northern kingdom, it was as if a handful of priests from the North did not want to recognize Narmer as the winner, demanding divine evidence. And then the pharaoh's scepter turned into a huge smoky snake and devoured them.
  2. The magician, priest and prophet Zarathushtra had two eldest sons: Urvatat-nara and Hvara-chitra. They argued among themselves who should be a warrior and who should be a farmer. Then Zarathushtra turned his wand into a fiery-smoky snake, turning its head towards Hvara-chitra, and its tail towards Urvatat-nara. The wise and cunning Zarathushtra said that the tail points to the farmer, and the head - to the warrior. True, there is not a word about the pharaohs in the explanation :)
  3. From the Bible: "And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying: if Pharaoh says to you: do a miracle, then you say to Aaron: take your rod and throw it before Pharaoh - it will become a serpent. Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh, and did as And Aaron threw his rod before Pharaoh and before his servants, and it became a serpent. Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods, and Pharaoh's heart was hardened, and he did not listen to them, just as the Lord had said." "Exodus" Chapter 7. Verses 8 - 13.

Perhaps there is some truth in each of the explanations. I suspect that the priests and "magicians" of antiquity could well be able to create such snakes, fooling the flock and spectators and convincing them of their power :). Be that as it may, we are not going to fool anyone, about each "snake" it will be told why and how it turns out.

Well, now let's move on to our snakes.

The simplest pharaoh snake or gluconate python

It really is the easiest to do. Yes, and you will need materials for a maximum of 60 rubles. Buy a pack of dry fuel tablets from a hardware store or a store that sells hunting and fishing equipment. In a pharmacy, buy calcium gluconate tablets, the cheapest, without a shell. You will also need matches (a lighter is also suitable, but it is more convenient to set fire to a dry fuel tablet with matches).

Attention! Show only in a fireproof place! Make sure that children do not come close to a burning dry fuel tablet!

It is better to conduct the experiment in calm weather or in a wind-sheltered place. Place a dry fuel tablet on a non-combustible surface, place a calcium gluconate tablet on top. Set fire to dry fuel (in the video, the tablet is set on fire only from one side, as a result, the "snake" leans to one side, if you want a more direct "snake", try to set fire to the tablet simultaneously from different sides), watch. A tablet of dry fuel burns from 8 to 13 minutes, as a rule, all this time the "snake" will grow. The maximum length of a snake that I have ever recorded is a little over 30 centimeters.

What happens to calcium gluconate during heating? The reaction is simple:

Ca 2 + O 2 → CO 2 + Ca (OH) 2 + H 2 O + C

I deliberately did not equalize the coefficients:

  • not calcium hydroxide is formed, but an oxide, but, as a rule, calcium oxide has time to react with the water released in the reaction

More dangerous snake or sulfanilamide viper

Have you burnt all the dry fuel tablets yet? Then go back to the pharmacy and buy the cheapest of the sulfonamides in the form of tablets of 0.5 grams (maybe there are more? Then you can take more) without a shell. For example, streptocid, sulfadimethoxine, sulgin, etazol, ftalazol, sulfadimezin, norsulfazol, etc. Biseptol do not take - expensive. Or look in the first aid kit, maybe even there is an expired one - even better: your conscience will not torment you.

Attention! Show only in a fireproof place! Poisonous gases are emitted in the experiment! It is best to conduct the experiment under power or outdoors with a light wind blowing from you. Make sure that children do not come close to a burning dry fuel tablet!

So, put a tablet of dry fuel on a non-combustible surface, put a sulfanilamide tablet on top. Set it on fire, move in the direction from which the wind is blowing or push the draft glass and turn on a weak outflow. Depending on which sulfanilamide you bought, the snake will have a different thickness. By the way, this snake can be controlled (do it only under traction!) - you can pick up its tip with tweezers and drag it slightly - it will lose weight and stretch. During the combustion of sulfanilamide, toxic gases (sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, possible small amounts of sulfuric anhydride and nitrogen oxides) and non-toxic gases (carbon dioxide, nitrogen) are released, which swell the mass of forming carbon. Such a snake, in addition to a colorful demonstration, also has more mundane qualities: instead of fumigating a gray room, you can use a couple of such snakes. Rats do not enter the premises for a very long time, which was "fumigated" by the sulfanilamide viper, they leave the holes in which this such snake was set on fire. However, remember that after fumigating the room, it is better not to be in it for a while, you risk getting poisoned!

The snake has a metallic hue and looks a lot like giant steel shavings. After combustion, it is safe.

Well, let's write the combustion reaction of sulfanilamide using the example of sulfadimethoxine:

C 12 H 14 N 4 O 4 S + O 2 → CO 2 + N + SO 2 + H 2 O + C + H 2 S

I again did not equalize the coefficients:

  • in some cases, hydrogen sulfide is partially or completely oxidized to sulfur dioxide and water
  • nitrogen oxides and sulfuric anhydride (SO 3) can be released
  • how much of the carbon burns to form carbon dioxide depends on the conditions

sand snake

You will need washed (clean) dried sand, preferably coarse, pure alcohol, soda and sugar. This experiment is relatively safe (on a small scale) to be done in a kitchen, for example, but you still need to remember the safety precautions when working with alcohol and fire.

Create a sand slide on a plate with a depression at the top (in fact, the larger the slide and the wider the diameter of the depression, the thicker and longer the snake will turn out. But do not overdo it - firstly, it is more dangerous, secondly, it can break into pieces), soak it in alcohol. Pour the previously prepared mixture of baking soda and sugar into the recess (the ratio of soda and sugar is 1: 4). You can be guided by an approximate ratio: for a glass of sand, you need to take half a teaspoon of soda and 2 teaspoons of sugar. Set the hill on fire. The alcohol will catch fire, the "slide" will take on the flame. Gradually, the mixture at the top will begin to turn black and soon a black serpentine mass will climb out of the "crater" - our snake.

Now about what happens in the experiment: sodium bicarbonate turns into carbonate with the release of carbon dioxide and water vapor:

2NaHCO 3 \u003d Na 2 CO 3 + H 2 O + CO 2

alcohol burns in air again with the formation of carbon dioxide and water:

C 2 H 5 OH + 3O 2 \u003d 2CO 2 + 3H 2 O

sugar burns with a lack of oxygen, forming carbon dioxide, water and carbon (the reaction is not equalized due to the fact that the amount of oxygen is unknown):

C 12 H 22 O 11 + O 2 → CO 2 + H 2 O + C

Actually, coal, together with sodium carbonate, foamed with gases and create a snake effect.

On this I am not going to complete the material. There are other options for creating a pharaoh snake, which I will talk about later.

Pharaoh snakes are a number of reactions that are accompanied by the formation of a porous product from a small volume of reactants. These reactions are accompanied by rapid evolution of gas. As a result, the reaction looks like it is creeping out of a mixture of reagents big snake and crawls on the table like a real one.

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The most spectacular snake crawls out during the decomposition of mercury thiocyanate. A small piece of this substance is capable of spawning a monster just giant size. But getting it or getting it to conduct an experiment, if you, of course, do not have chemists you know, will be difficult. Yes, and the mercury vapor released during this reaction is very dangerous, so it is categorically not recommended to conduct such an experiment at home.

For an independent experiment, there is a special "home" pharaoh snake, all the ingredients of which are in every home, well, or they are not at all difficult to get. Just imagine, all you need is powdered sugar, baking soda, ethyl 96% alcohol (the same one that is in first-aid kits for external use) and dry river sand.

3-4 tablespoons of dry sifted river sand are poured into a dinner plate and a hill is made from it with a recess at the top. Then prepare a mixture consisting of 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. The sand is impregnated with alcohol and the prepared reaction mixture is poured into the recess of the slide. Then the hill is set on fire. The alcohol will burn. After 3–4 minutes, black balls appear on the surface of the mixture. When almost all the alcohol is burned, the mixture turns black, and a thick black "viper" slowly crawls out of the sand. At the base, it is surrounded by a collar of burning alcohol.

It is even easier to conduct an experiment if you simply buy calcium gluconate tablets in a pharmacy and set them on fire. All the substances necessary for the reaction are already contained inside them. But the effect will not be so amazing.

Home holidays are not complete without exciting practical jokes, jokes and small performances. Everyone wants to surprise guests, but what if it is not possible to arrange fireworks, and the protracted evening promises to be languid? It's time to conduct simple and exciting experiences that will remain in the memory of guests for a long time.

To conduct the experiment at home, you will need simple ingredients that can be found in any kitchen.

Soda powder for fun chemistry experiments

The properties of soda are known not only in cooking and in industry - they can be successfully used to carry out harmless and quick tricks, which will enchant with their entertainment. One of the most simple tricks available even for kids - inflating a balloon worn on the neck of a bottle of soda and vinegar.

Another very simple and common experience for the little ones is a volcanic eruption. The child himself can also participate in this experience - he will have to mold a real volcano with a deep vent from plasticine. Soda, diluted with a well-lathering detergent, is placed at the bottom of the volcano, and a small amount of vinegar is poured on top. Soda will begin to rage, soapy lava will run out of the volcano, and the eruption will not stop until all the soda is extinguished.

Such simple experiments, unfortunately, impress only kids. In order to please children of 8-11 years old, they need to show a serious and dangerous chemical reaction that will give rise to a real monster, like from a horror movie - a pharaoh's snake.

"Pharaoh Serpent"

The basic principle by which this experiment takes place is a series of chemical reactions accompanied by an increase in the volume of the ingredients involved in the reaction. All changes occur so quickly that one gets the impression of the appearance of a snake, which wriggles and rushes up. A biblical parable played a certain role here, according to which the staff of Moses turned into a snake as soon as it fell into the sand. A similar rebellious snake can be repeated at home.

During the reaction, the resulting substance rapidly increases while writhing like a snake.

For the sake of justice, we note that the most spectacular experience is manifested with mercury thiocyanate, ammonium nitrate and potassium dichromate. Strong acidic compounds can also be added here. A chemical reaction with such ingredients would be remembered for a long time, but these ingredients are not only inaccessible to an ordinary person, they are poisonous enough and harmful for home use. However, this does not mean at all that the focus is canceled - not at all, all the necessary ingredients can be found at home.

How the experiment is carried out

To conduct the experiment, you will need a certain amount of sugar, alcohol, soda and sand. If there is powdered sugar, then it is better to use it, because the sugar will still have to be ground in a coffee maker or blender.

So, we pour a small hill of sand and soak it with alcohol, gradually pouring pure 96% ethanol into the sand. Then we make a recess at the top of the hill. In a separate bowl, mix soda and crushed sugar well to get a uniform consistency. Soda must be taken four times less sugar. For example, for 1 tsp. a spoonful of soda needs 4 tsp. Sahara. The resulting mixture is poured into a recess in the sand. Then comes the most crucial moment - you need to set fire to sugar, soda, alcohol and sand. This must be done carefully, preferably with a match, to control the flame and rotate the match all over the place.

When ignited, they will begin to occur chemical reactions, reinforced high temperature. Outwardly, the sand will begin to turn into dark balls, and when the alcohol burns out, the mixture will become almost black, and the so-called pharaoh's snake will begin to form from it.

The secret of this experiment is simple - sugar and soda will react, the soda will decompose into carbon dioxide and steam, which will lead to the “movement” of the mass, and the body of the snake will be formed from the remains of the fire. Set fire to a similar mixture a second time - and the snake will have the same girlfriend!

During the combustion of alcohol, the reaction of decomposition of soda and sugar occurs. Soda decomposes into carbon dioxide and water vapor. Gases swell mass, so our "snake" crawls and wriggles

The pharaoh snake experience is quite simple, yet spectacular and always amazes everyone around. It's hard to even believe that the ingredients we use in cooking have such magical properties. However, it is sugar, soda and alcohol that can provide a mini-show at a home party.

Fun games with chemistry experiments

An experiment can be carried out on children's day birth, after preparing all the components. From this trick, children can triple the real quest - to hide the components necessary for the pharaoh's snake, and invite the children to find them. Access to each ingredient will not be easy, the participants of the quest will have to solve a number of puzzles and tasks with ingenuity, win several contests and show off their talents. Only after that, at each stage, they will receive the coveted components for experience.

Security questions

When conducting experiments, it is important to remember safety precautions. It's best if everything dangerous activities will be held by adults. To conduct the experiment, it is necessary to use a clean table surface, where to place fireproof material in case a burning particle falls. When we set fire to the mixture, it is recommended to monitor the level of fire - the sand should not ignite too much, otherwise it means that the proportions are not correct.

When conducting any experiments, it is important to protect your eyes and hands from negative external influences, so your hands should be in rubber gloves, and your eyes should be protected by goggles.

All experiments are carried out so that if a threatening situation arises, it can be immediately neutralized. Therefore, just in case, near the place of the magical action, you need to keep a bucket of water or sand. If the experience gets out of hand, water or sand can put out the fiery flames.


MBOU "Sukhobezvodnenskaya secondary school"

Area of ​​expertise: chemistry

Work theme:

"Pharaoh snakes" in chemistry

Scientific adviser:Chelnokova O.V., teacher of chemistry

MBOU "Sukhobezvodnenskaya secondary school"

Nizhny Novgorod Region

g.o. Semyonovsky

P. Dry anhydrous



II. Theoretical part…………………………………………………………... 4

  1. 1. Pharaoh snakes in history. ………………………………4

1.1 Pharaoh snakes in the history of Egypt ……………….…4

1.2 The meaning of snakes for ancient egypt.…………………………..4

  1. 2. Pharaoh snakes in chemistry ………………………………………4

2.1 The first steps in obtaining a pharaoh snake…………………..4

2.2 The experience of F. Wöhler……………………………………………..……..5

2.3 Types of "Pharaoh snakes"……………………….……………..5

III. Practical part……………...………………………………………..........7

3.1. Methodology.………………………………………….7

3.2. Conducting a chemical experiment……………………….7

3.3. Addiction appearance"Pharaoh snake" from the conditions

Conducting a chemical experiment ………………………… 8

3.4. Results of the experimental part…………………..………9


V. Literature…………………………………………………………..…………....10


VII. Review…………………………………………………………………………… 15

I. Introduction.

"You are familiar with the old parable

About the insidious snake..."

(G. Heine, "Book of Songs")

One of the biblical traditions says how the prophet Moses, having exhausted all other arguments in a dispute with the pharaoh, performed a miracle by turning the rod into a writhing snake... The pharaoh was disgraced and frightened. A moment - and the rod is again in the hands of Moses in its usual form. Moses received permission to leave Egypt, and the world received another riddle.

The snake (or serpent) is an extremely common symbol in the culture of Ancient Egypt.

“... Of the many animals depicted in the art of Ancient Egypt, the snake was the most sacred and revered. Usually two snakes were depicted, crowned with two royal crowns - Upper and Lower Egypt, respectively. Pharaohs were often depicted with a snake on their foreheads. And the most sacred symbol was the image of two snakes on a winged disk ... "

Many years have passed, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, until, at the end of the 19th century, chemists managed to come up with something similar to the miracle created by Moses - Wöhler's "Thiocyanoate Snake".

Problem :

How did you manage to get the "Pharaoh snake"?

What is needed for this?

What are the signs of this "miracle"?

How many types of "Pharaoh snakes" can be obtained and what conditions are necessary for this?

And most importantly, is it possible to do this in a school chemistry lab?

Object of study: conditions for the appearance of "pharaoh's snakes"

Item : "pharaoh snakes" in a chemical laboratory

Hypothesis : If you change the proportions in the composition of the "Pharaoh's snake" and the conditions for conducting a chemical experiment, then the "Pharaoh's snake" will turn out with new physical properties

aim of our research is the study of material about pharaoh snakes, their composition, methods of obtaining and conditions for their appearance during a chemical experiment

Tasks :

  1. to study the history of the origin of the concept of "Pharaoh snakes"
  2. study the composition of the "pharaoh snakes"
  3. get the "pharaoh snake" in the school chemistry lab and at home

4. to reveal the dependence of the appearance and composition of the "pharaoh snake" on the proportions of the components and conditions for obtaining

Facilities: 1. The study of theoretical material.

2. Conducting a chemical experiment

3. Analysis.

result research will be:

  1. Material about the connection of the historical concept of "pharaoh's snakes" with the history of a chemical experiment.
  2. Identification of the conditions for the appearance of the "Pharaoh snake" and its appearance
  1. II. Theoretical part

1. Pharaoh snakes in history

  1. 1.1. Pharaoh snakes in the history of Egypt

“The snake was associated with spiritual rebirth and resurrection. In an ancient Egyptian text, she herself recalls this: “I am the snake Sata, I die and am born again.” (A. Alford)

In the system of hieroglyphs, the image of a snail or horned snake phonetically equivalent to the letter F, and the sign that conveys the movements of the snake is Z. Both of them “refer to the original and space forces". The snake, like other reptiles, is also used when referring to the original - the most primitive - levels of life: it is the reptiles that are the first to greet the god Ra when he appears above the surface of the primeval waters of Nunz. (M. Kasperavičius)

According to the "Book of the Dead": the serpent is a symbol of the Earth, the snake shedding its skin is a symbol of the continuation of life after death


In the Pyramid Texts, the hieroglyphic sign "serpent" is equipped with many knives in order to neutralize the dangerous animal.

Many Egyptian deities have a serpentine appearance:

Amon, as a prabog, appears in the form of the snake Kematef;

Mehent - " Surrounding the Earth", which performs the function of a world serpent holding the earth on itself;

Kerastis - horned viper;

With the head of a snake are depicted: the god of the earth Geb - sometimes;

Female deities with the head of a snake;

The snake as an attribute: Osiris - according to Egyptian Book his dwelling rested on the water, and the walls were made of living snakes.

1.2 Significance of snakes for Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt is characterized by the use of the image of a snake as a social classification sign of the sacred king (cobra as a symbol of the highest divine and royal wisdom and power, knowledge, gold). The cobra (goddess Uto) together with the vulture (Nekhbet), depicted on the double crown of the pharaoh, symbolize the power of the pharaoh over the united country and the divine protection of the pharaoh.

Kushite and Meroitic kings and queens are usually represented wearing crowns with the image of a cobra, similar to the crowns of the pharaohs. Pottery of local production is characterized by the symbol of a winged snake.

In Hellenistic Egypt: two snakes next to the solar disk personify the goddesses Nous and Logos, who drove out the enemies of the god Ra; a snake with a lion's head - protection from evil. (See Appendix No. 1)

2. Pharaoh snakes in chemistry

2.1 First steps in obtaining a pharaoh snake

With sulfur, synerode forms a remarkable substance known as rhodanic acid (thiocyanic acid, HCNS). One of its compounds with mercury, which gained great fame in the 19th century due to its special properties. This is mercury thiocyanide (mercury thiocyanide), which was used to make small, highly flammable cones that were known as pharaoh snakes.

The composition for the preparation of snakes was prepared as follows: sodium thiocyanate was poured into a weak solution of mercury nitrate, while mercury thiocyanate precipitated in the form of an abundant precipitate, which was a white, flammable powder. It was collected on a filter and made into a hard dough by trituration with a solution of gum in water. Then adding to this dough a small amount of sodium nitrate, it was made into cones or cylinders about 2.5 cm high, and dried thoroughly over a water bath. When such a snake egg dries out completely, a cub hatches from it: as soon as you touch it with an ordinary lighted match, the thiosinogenous compound swells little by little, the cylinder grows before our eyes and turns into a yellowish mass, which expands and stretches from 45 to 60 cm in length . You might think that a real snake wriggles in front of you, just born from its tight dungeon, where it was compressed from all sides.

The residue formed after this chemical process, containing, among other things, synergistic mercury and paracyan (polymer of cyan, (CN)2) is poisonous, and therefore it was thrown away or burned. It has a loose structure and disintegrates into powder at the slightest touch.

During the decomposition process, mercury thiosine is released into in large numbers sulfur dioxide, accompanying the birth of pharaoh snakes with an unpleasant, suffocating odor.

Obviously, in our time, such amusements cannot be popular due to the fact that very toxic substances are used and formed for their manufacture and use.

2.2 F. Wöhler's experience

Centuries and millennia passed, alchemy gradually turned into the science of chemistry ... Finally, chemists of the 19th century managed to come up with something similar to the miracle of the "Pharaoh's snake" - Woehler's thiocyanate snake

One day in the autumn of 1820, a very young medical student at the University of Heidelberg, Friedrich Wöhler, mixing aqueous solutions ammonium thiocyanate NH4NCS and mercury nitrate Hg(NO3)2 found that a white precipitate precipitated from the solution. Wöhler filtered the solution and dried the precipitate of the resulting mercury thiocyanate Hg (NCS) 2, and then, out of curiosity, set it on fire. The sediment caught fire and a miracle happened: a long black-and-yellow "snake" crawled out and grew out of a nondescript white lump, wriggling, and growing. Mercury thiocyanate after ignition rapidly decomposes to form black mercury sulfide HgS, yellow bulky carbon nitride C3N4, carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Rapidly escaping gases force a snake, consisting of solid reaction products, to “crawl”. It is simply amazing that from 1 g of ammonium thiocyanate and 2.5 g of mercury nitrate, a snake 20–30 cm long is obtained in skillful hands. However, mercury salts are poisonous, and handling them requires care and attention. (See Appendix No. 2).

2.3 Types of "pharaoh snakes"

Black (pharaoh) snakes, sometimes called glowworms, are small tablets or sticks that, after being set on fire, burn, forming long black snakes from the products of combustion. The most dangerous when burning these tablets is the resulting, in some cases, toxic smoke, but, on the other hand, no fire or explosion.

1 .Sulfanilamide snake

A very simple way to obtain "pharaoh's snakes" is the oxidative decomposition of sulfanilamide drugs (for example, streptocide, sulgin, sulfadimethoxine, etazol, sulfadimezin, fthalazol, biseptol). During the oxidation of sulfanilamide preparations, many gaseous reaction products (SO2, H2S, N2, water vapor) are released, which swell the mass and form a porous "snake". The experience is under pressure! 1 tablet is placed on a tablet of dry fuel medicinal product and ignite the fuel. In this case, a brilliant "pharaoh's snake" is highlighted gray color, which can be called because of its appearance and " graphite snake».

2. Gluconate snake

To obtain a gluconate snake, it is enough to bring a tablet of calcium gluconate, which is sold in every pharmacy, to the flame. A snake will crawl out of the tablet, the volume of which far exceeds the volume of the original substance. Decomposition of calcium gluconate having the composition Ca2. H2O leads to the formation of calcium oxide, carbon, carbon dioxide and water.

From "calcium gluconate" tablets, a light gray "snake" with white spots, approximately 10–15 cm long, can be obtained, which, when obtained, twists into a spiral.

The light shade of the "snake" is due to the formation of calcium oxide during the reaction. The disadvantage of the resulting "snake" is its fragility. It crumbles fairly easily.

3. Dichromate snake

10 g of potassium dichromate K2Cr2O7, 5 g of potassium nitrate KNO3 and 10 g of sugar are mixed and then ground in a mortar. The resulting powder is moistened with ethyl alcohol and collodion and pressed into a glass tube 4–5 mm in diameter. It turns out a “stick” of the mixture, which, when ignited, first black, and then green snake, which also creeps out and wriggles like thiocyanate: it burns at a speed of 2 mm per second and lengthens 10 times! The combustion reaction of sucrose in the presence of two oxidizing agents - potassium nitrate and potassium dichromate - is rather complicated; ultimately formed black soot particles, green chromium oxide, a melt of potassium carbonate, as well as carbon dioxide and nitrogen. The gases inflate the mixture of solids and cause it to move.

4 . nitrate worm

3-4 tablespoons of sifted river sand are poured into a dinner plate, a hill is made from it with a recess at the top and a reaction mixture is prepared, consisting of 1/2 teaspoon of ammonium nitrate and 1/2 teaspoon of granulated sugar, thoroughly ground in a mortar. Then another 1/2 tablespoon of ethyl alcohol is poured into the recess of the slide and 1 teaspoon of the prepared nitrate-sugar mixture is poured. After that, it remains only to set fire to alcohol. Immediately, black balls of charred sugar appear on the surface of the mixture, and after them a black, shiny and thick "worm" grows down the hill. If the nitrate-sugar mixture was taken no more than 1 teaspoon, then the length of the worm will not exceed 3-4 cm. And its thickness depends on the diameter of the recess of the slide.

5. Sparkling snake

Mercury thiocyanate is mixed with a small amount (a few drops) of starch paste, a stick is formed from the resulting mass and ignited after drying. The resulting snake will burn with a beautiful, blue, sparkling flame. During combustion, mercury sulfide will be formed, unlike thiocyanate, this is a non-toxic substance (mercury sulfide is insoluble), but anyway, such an experiment is best done outside the home.

6 . Soda - sugar snake.

Mix powdered sugar and baking soda in a 4:1 ratio. From the resulting mixture, something like a tubercle (mound) is formed and a small depression is made in the center. A few drops of alcohol or some other organic combustible reagent are dropped into this recess. Set fire to the top of this tubercle with a match or lighter. At first there will be a barely noticeable combustion with scattering of black balls, after the reaction is established, there will be a continuous growth black snake.

7. Green pharaoh snake.

We need ammonium nitrate: powdered sugar: ammonium dichromate (2:1:1). Mix the ingredients, add some water and form a stick, let it dry (you can use a hair dryer to speed up the process). Once dry, light one end on fire and watch a green snake grow instead of a black one. Green color associated with the formation of chromium (III) oxide. Chromium(III) oxide is a carcinogen, so experiment outdoors. (See Appendix No. 3).

III. Practical part

3.1. Methodology.

Having studied the theoretical material on the production of various types of "pharaoh snakes", we found that they contain substances that are not available and have a harmful effect on the body. The "dichromate snake" contains chromium compounds that have a toxic effect; "Nitrate worm" contains ammonium nitrate, when it enters the body, acute oxygen starvation occurs; "sparkle snake" contains mercury compounds, which are dangerous and prohibited in the school laboratory; "Green Pharaoh Serpent" contains chromium (III) oxide, which is a carcinogen. Therefore, for conducting a chemical experiment, we chose those types of "Pharaoh's snakes", the composition of which is available and does not have a harmful effect on the body.

A) Making the device and "tablet".

To do this, take two medical syringes (10 ml each) and cut off the lower part from one of them, where the needle is attached. The syringe is filled with the mixture. The piston is removed from the other syringe and the mixture is pressed. Then squeeze the pill out of the syringe. The resulting tablet is placed on dry fuel and set on fire.

B) Substances: calcium gluconate (C 6 H 11 O 7) 2 Ca ; validol with sugar (C 12 N 22 O 11 ) sulfadimitaxin; copper oxide II (CuO); baking soda; ethanol; sugar.

C) Equipment: tripod, mesh, mortar, dry combustibles, glass rod, pestle. (See Appendix No. 4).

3.2. Conducting a chemical experiment

Experience number 1. Calcium gluconate (C 6 H 11 O 7) 2 Ca + sulfadimitaxin = Grey, shiny "snake" with white head, expected result. As a result of the experiment, a “snake” turned out to be darker, very fragile when touched, it disintegrates.

) + Calcium Gluconate (C 6 H 11 O 7) 2 Ca = Grey-black with a "head" and spots white color, Expected Result. As a result of the experiment, the white “head” and the dark body of the “snake” are clearly expressed.

Experience #3 Calcium gluconate (C 6 H 11 O 7 ) 2 Ca + Copper II Oxide (CuO) = Grey, with red, yellow and green spots, expected result. As a result of the experiment, the “snake” has a well-defined white “head” and red, yellow and green spots, fragile.

(See Appendix No. 5)

Experience No. 4 Gluconate snake

Decomposition of calcium gluconate, having the composition of Ca2, upon ignition. Expected result: light - gray snake with white spots. As a result of the experiment, the snake is light gray with a white head, twists into a spiral, fragile.

Experience No. 5 Sugar - soda snake

Powdered sugar and baking soda in a ratio of 4: 1, in the form of a slide, a few drops of medical alcohol in the center, the mixture is set on fire. Expected result: black balls and a black snake. As a result of the experience, many small, black, twisted snakes. (See Appendix No. 6)

3.3. The dependence of the appearance of the "pharaoh snake" on the conditions of the chemical experiment


(proportions of substances)

The appearance of the "Pharaoh snake" according to the description of the experience

The appearance of the resulting "Pharaoh snake"

Conditions that need to be changed to achieve the desired result

Experience number 1. Calcium gluconate (C 6 H 11 O 7) 2 Ca + sulfadimitaxin (1:1)

Grey, shiny with a white head

"snake", expected result

Dark loose mass, fragile, crumbles

The initial mass is not sufficiently moistened, it takes time

Experience number 2. Validol s (C 12 H 22 O 11 ) + Calcium Gluconate (C 6 H 11 O 7) 2 Ca (1:1)

Grey-black with "head" and white spots, expected result

Clearly expressed white "head", swirling body, several snakes appear at the same time

It is necessary to maintain a constant burning

Experience #3 Calcium gluconate (C 6 H 11 O 7 ) 2 Ca + Copper II Oxide (СuO) (1:1)

Grey, with red, yellow and green spots

well-defined white “head”, red, yellow and green spots on the body, fragile

It is possible to increase the content of copper II oxide and it is enough to moisten the mass

Experience No. 4 Gluconate snake (1 tablet)

light gray snake with white spots

the snake is light gray with a white head, twists into a spiral, fragile

Needs constant heating

Experiment No. 5 Sugar - soda snake (1: 1)

black balls and a black snake

many small, black, twisted snakes, hard

It is necessary to moisten the entire mixture with ethyl alcohol

3.4 Results of the experimental part.

As a result of a chemical experiment, I received "pharaoh's snakes" in a school chemical laboratory and at home. Revealeddependence of the appearance and composition of the "pharaoh snake" on the proportions of the components and the conditions for obtaining

During the chemical experiment, I made the following conclusions: appearance

"Pharaoh snakes" depends on the composition of the mixture, compliance with the proportions and conditions of the chemical experiment. The mixture tablet should not be too dry, as the "snake" becomes even more fragile. For wetting, add water drop by drop, stirring the mixture, with excess water, the tablet must be dried. Maintain constant burning for best results.

IV. Conclusion

As a result of the study, I studied materials on the origin of the concept

"Pharaoh snakes" in history and chemistry, their meaning and place in the culture of Egypt. The history of a chemical experiment to obtain "pharaoh snakes" was studied, the possibility of obtaining different types"serpent". Making the device and conducting a chemical experiment to obtain five types

"Pharaoh Serpents" in a school chemistry lab.

The dependence of the appearance of the "snake" on the composition and proportions of the components of the mixture and the conditions of the chemical experiment was studied. The choice of the “Pharaoh snake” depended on the availability of the components and their safe effect on the body. Thus, the hypothesis about the influence of conditions on physical properties"Pharaoh snake" was confirmed.

V. Literature

  1. Entertaining tasks and effective experiments in chemistry / B.D. Stepin, L.Yu. Alikberova, 2nd ed. stereotype. - M.: Drofa, 2006. 430 p. ill.
  2. Chemistry at school: journal// №2 2007

VI. Appendix No. 1.

Egyptian pharaohEgyptian queen

Snakes in Egyptian culture

Application number 2.

Friedrich Wöhler

"Pharaoh Serpent"

Application No. 3.

Types of "pharaoh snakes"

Application No. 4.

Preparatory stage.

Application No. 5.

Experience number 3.

Experience number 2.

Experience #1

Application No. 6

Experience No. 5 (Mixture) Experiment No. 4 Experiment No. 5 (Mixture after combustion)


The project work is dedicated interesting topic- pharaoh snakes, as a historical concept in chemistry. The author of the work sets himself the task: to study the theoretical material, to find the first steps in the history of a chemical experiment to obtain pharaoh snakes, to obtain pharaoh snakes in a chemical laboratory, to analyze the dependence of the appearance of the “snake” on the composition, proportion, and conditions. To solve the problem, the student sets herself the following goals: to find out what pharaoh snakes are, how they were obtained, to evaluate the real and safe possibility of obtaining them in a chemical laboratory. After analyzing the extensive material and the possibilities of the school laboratory, a chemical experiment was carried out to obtain five types of "pharaoh's snakes". The student came to the conclusion that this experiment is possible, which confirmed her hypothesis.

Thus, project work"Pharaoh Serpents" in chemistry allowed the student to engage in independent research work and has a cognitive interest not only among the project participants, but also for students, increasing interest in the study of chemistry, subject teachers, can be used in the classroom, as informational and practical material.

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