Read ancient manuscripts. What the Egyptian spell book, the scroll from the oasis and other ancient manuscripts told about, which were deciphered quite recently. Nudes in the water

Ancient books revealing secret knowledge.

Since ancient times, people have been attracted by the opportunity to use some secret knowledge in order to gain power, wealth, or become dedicated. 10 ancient books of our review are devoted to magical practices, which set out complex and mysterious rituals that are the key to communicating with otherworldly spirits.

1. "Black Hen"

The grimoire "The Black Hen", which was written in France in the 18th century, tells about the study of magical talismans - special objects engraved with mystical words that protect the owner and give him mystical power. This book is generally believed to have been written by an unknown soldier in Napoleon's army who claimed to have received the knowledge from a mysterious magician during an expedition to Egypt.

"Black Hen" includes detailed instructions about how to build talismans out of bronze, steel, silk and special inks. Also have detailed descriptions summoning genies, creatures of smoke and fire that can bring the owner true love. If the owner's ambitions are a little more cynical, then the grimoire will tell you how to make talismans that will force any silent person to tell all their secrets. The pinnacle of the mystical teachings of the book is the creation of a black chicken that is able to find treasures.

2. Ars Almadel

The book "Ars Almadel" is the fourth part of the "Lesser Key of Solomon", also known as "Lemegeton". This book, which is a demonology grimoire compiled in the 17th century by an unknown author, describes how to build the Almadel, a magical wax altar that will allow communication with angels. Almadel talks about four heavens, or "choirs", each of which is inhabited by unique angels with their own abilities. The text gives the names of the angels of each Horus (for example, Gelomiros and Afizira), how to properly direct your requests to them, and also when it is best to call them.

3. Picatrix

Picatrix is ​​an ancient grimoire of astrological magic. Originally written in Arabic under the title "Ghayyat Al-Hakim" in the 11th century, it consists of 400 pages of astrological theory. It also contains spells and rites on how to direct the occult forces of the planets and stars to achieve personal power and enlightenment. Picatrix is ​​perhaps best known for its obscene magical recipes. These horrific and potentially deadly recipes are designed to induce an altered state of consciousness and "get out of your body". The ingredients used in the recipes are clearly not for the faint of heart: blood, bodily secretions and brain matter mixed with lots of hashish, opium, and psychoactive plants.

The Greek magical papyri, which date back to the second century BC, listed a variety of spells, rituals, and divination. These include instructions on how to summon a headless demon, open doors to the underworld, and protect yourself from wild beasts. Perhaps the most coveted of all the spells in the book was a description of how to get a supernatural assistant from the other world who will do all the orders of the caster. Most often in papyri there are spells that help predict the future. One of the most famous rites described in the papyri is the Liturgy of Mithras. This ceremony describes how to ascend the seven higher planes of existence and commune with the deity Mithra.

5. Galdrbook

The Icelandic grimoire "Galdrbuk", which was written in the 16th century, is a collection of 47 spells compiled by several magicians. Like most Icelandic magic of the period, Galdrbuk relies heavily on runes, which have magical properties when carved into objects, as well as drawn on the body or paper. Among the runes described in the Galdrbuk, there are those with which you can gain favor influential people, instill fear in enemies and make someone fall asleep.

Most of the spells found in Galdrbuk are "light spells" designed to protect the caster and to cure various ailments. For example, it is described what runes to treat fatigue, problems during childbirth, headaches and insomnia. Other spells are rather peculiar. Spell 46, called "Farth Rune", sends a wild flatulence attack on the enemy. Spell number 27 is for drawing on someone's food, after which the victim will get sick and be unable to eat all day. Rune 30 is designed to destroy other people's animals. There are also descriptions of runic wands for protecting a house from unwanted visitors, catching thieves, and winning a lawsuit.

6. Magical Arbatel

Compiled in the late 16th century by an unknown author, Arbatel De Magia Veterum is a comprehensive reference book of spiritual advice and aphorisms. Arbatel is also considered a book for mystical self-help. The book has a series of rituals to summon the seven heavenly rulers and their legions who rule over portions of the universe.

For example, the ruler of Bethel will bring miraculous medicines, and Peleg will help the warriors achieve glory. However, the ability to perform these rituals will only be granted to a person who "came from the womb to work magic", and for everyone else it will be useless. The Arbatel also mentions other beneficial elemental spirits that exist on the other side of the veil. physical world, including pygmies, nymphs, dryads, sylphs, and sagans.

7. Ars Notoria

"Ars notoria" - Solomon's grimoire, compiled in the 13th century. It does not contain any spells or potion recipes. The book is designed to focus on learning, developing memory, and making sense of difficult books.

8. Pseudomonarchy of demons

"Pseudomonarchia Daedonum" was written by the famous 16th century physician and demonologist Johann Weyer, who was greatly inspired by his former teacher, the German occultist Heinrich Cornelius, better known as Agrippa. The book is a catalog of 69 noble demons that occupy significant places in the hierarchy of Hell, as well as methods for summoning them. For example, Marquis Naberius comes in the form of a raven and "makes a man capable of all the arts." President Foras will help you find lost things or treasures. Haagenty can turn water into wine, Shaxx can lead any horse, and Abigor can predict the outcome of any war and the fate of soldiers.

9. Book of Honorius

Also known as "Liber Juratus Honorii", The Book of Honorius is a medieval grimoire primarily devoted to ritual protective magic. The work is rumored to have been written by Honoria of Thebes, a mysterious, possibly mythological figure whose existence is questioned. The book begins with a sharp critique of catholic church. Church, a staunch enemy of the dark arts. She is allegedly corrupted by the devil, whose goal is to doom humanity by ridding the world of the benefits of magic.

The cursed book has high requirements for its adherents. In total, only three copies of this book can be made, it is accidentally impossible to own it - in order to acquire the book of Honorius, you need to find a worthy wizard and inherit the grimoire on his grave. Also, the adept should avoid female company. Like many other grimoires, the rituals of this book are mainly aimed at summoning angels, demons and other spirits in order to gain knowledge and powers.

10. Book of Abramelin

Written in the 15th century, The Book of Abramelin is one of the most famous mystical texts of all time. This is the work of Abraham von Worms, a Jewish traveler who allegedly encountered the mysterious magician Abramelin while traveling to Egypt. In exchange for 10 florins and a promise to be pious, Abramelin presented this manuscript to Abraham, who then passed it on to his son Lamech.

There is only one ritual described in the grimoire, but it is very difficult. The ritual consists of 18 months of prayers and purification, and is only recommended for men in good health between the ages of 25 and 50. With regard to women, an exception can only be made for virgins. If all the steps of the one and a half year ritual are followed exactly, then the adept will come into contact with his holy Guardian Angel, who will endow him with necromancy, divination, foresight, control of the weather, knowledge of secrets, vision of the future and the ability to open locked doors.

This text had a profound effect on the famous occultist Aleister Crowley, who claimed to have experienced several supernatural experiences after he underwent a ritual and entered the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a 19th century British magical order. Crowley later used the book as the basis for his system of magic.

No less interesting and useful knowledge can be obtained from documentary evidence of events that took place thousands of years ago.

The historical past today is practically systematized. Science knows periods, major events and outstanding personalities. However, centuries continue to keep secrets. Gaps in knowledge about the existence and life of previous generations are contained in the secret manuscripts of history, which have not yet been understood and deciphered by scientists. Perhaps their discovery will change the understanding of the universe and time. Today, ten of the most mysterious are distinguished from the most famous specimens.

1. Voynich Manuscript

The 250-page book, found in the 15th century, contains images of plants, space objects and naked women. The plot of the story or individual stories has not been unraveled by historians and other scientists. Although one researcher claims to have deciphered 10 words from the text of an old edition.

Discovered an antique book in 1912 by Wilfid Voynich. Analysis of the content showed that some of the characters have distinctive features real language. Whether Voynich speculated on the find, presenting it as a valuable artifact, or whether this document is a real cultural treasure remains a mystery. The object is in storage at Yale University.

Voynich manuscript

2. Handbook of ritual rites

The history of the ancient manuscript on 20 pages began about 1300 years ago. It is written in the ancient Coptic language of the Egyptian Christians. It contains many magical spells and formulas, including love spells, as well as spells for black jaundice and instructions for conducting exorcism sessions.

The text may have been written by a group of Sethians, an ancient Christian sect led by Seth, who claims to be the third son of Adam and Eve. IN ancient message there is an indication of a certain mysterious figure - Baktiota, whose identity is unknown.

Researchers who translated and analyzed the text ancient book-manuscripts, named it provisionally " Handbook of ritual rites". It is currently housed at the Macquarie University Museum of Ancient Cultures in Sydney, Australia. The manuscript was transferred in 1981 from the private collection of Michael Fakelmann. Where he got the text from is not disclosed.

Directory of ritual rites

3. Code of Grolier

The so-called Grolier Codex, named after the New York club where the copy was exhibited, presents the writings of the Mayan peoples with ancient hieroglyphs that demonstrate the number system and religious beliefs of the civilization. The content contains a description of observations of the movement of the planet Venus. A collector from Mexico named Josue Saenz claims that he acquired the manuscript from Madoders in the 1960s. Scientists are still arguing about the authenticity of the artifact.

Recent studies have shown that the paper on which the Code is written is approximately 800 years old. The illustrations are painted with a blue paint characteristic of Maya, which still cannot be synthesized in the laboratory. This confirms the value of the historical document. Along with other signs, for example, the content of hieroglyphs and images, such a conclusion speaks of the authenticity of the ancient message.

Grolier Code

4. Copper Scroll

The library of ancient manuscripts is represented by Hebrew text on several sheets. They were discovered in the cave of Qumran in the Judean Desert, along with other scrolls. Dead Sea. The text indicates the places of storage of a huge amount of treasures with silver, coins, gold and vessels. The message dates from about 70 AD, that is, the time when the Roman army besieged and destroyed the shrines of Jerusalem. It is believed that this is the oldest manuscript, the contents of which are unknown to science.

Researchers do not get tired of arguing about the reality and mythical nature of the described treasure. To date, the jewels mentioned in the text have not been found either in Israel or in Palestine. If the scroll is authentic, then perhaps the treasures were found in ancient times.

Copper Scroll

5. Popol Vuh

The title of this manuscript translates as " Legal Counsel's Book". It contains a mythical story told by the descendants of the Mayan peoples who settled in Guatemala. According to their legends, the forefathers of all living things, Tepev and Kukumatz, created the Earth from a water void, endowed it with animals and plants. Michael Coe of Yale University told about this in the book Maya, Thames and Hudson, 2011.

The book indicates that the founders of the world experienced difficulties in creating people. At the end, it is described that they got the twin heroes Ahpu and Xbalanque. They traveled a lot and became the masters of the underworld.

The earliest surviving copy of the Popol Vuha dates from 1701. The codex was written in Spanish by the priest Francisco Jimenez from the Dominican Republic. A copy is held by the Newberry Library in Chicago.

Popol Vuha manuscript

6. Treatise of the judgments

The codex contains the first Hebrew text indicating the location of treasures from King Solomon's temple. It tells about the fate of the Ark of the Covenant. The scripture indicates that these artifacts " cannot be found until the coming of the Messiah, the son of David...«

The earliest copy dates from 1648. It was made by James Davil, a professor at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, who studied and translated this ancient manuscript.

When analyzing the content, he relied on traditional methods of biblical exegesis (interpretation) to understand where the treasures might be. Under his pen, history took on the appearance of a fantastic adventure, rather than a real guide to finding valuable artifacts.

Treatise of the Courts - an ancient manuscript

7. Gospel of Judas

In 2006, the National Geographic Society published a third-century translation of a text called the Gospel of Judas.

The secrets of an ancient manuscript are revealed in relation to the biblical figure of Judas Iscariot, who, according to the New Testament, betrayed Jesus. The manuscript, written in the Coptic language used by Egyptian Christians, describes Jesus asking Judas for betrayal so that he could be crucified on a cross so that he could ascend to heaven.

However, experts disagree on the translation and interpretation of the text. Aprel DeConick, professor of religion at Rice University in Houston, says the text actually contains an indication that Judas was a "demon". Analysis of the manuscript and comparison of its content with the Gospel confirmed that the text is authentic. The research was carried out by a team led by Joseph Barabe of the McCrone Association in Illinois.

Gospel of Judas

8. Dresden Codex

The age of the artifact is about 800 years. It is composed of 39 illustrated pages with texts. Research, the results of which were published in 2016, indicates that the Codex records the phases of the planet Venus, according to which the ancient Maya performed their rites.

"This people really had complex rites, which were tied strictly to the calendar, - said the historian of the University of California, Santa Barbara, Gerardo Aldan. “Probably, they were active, the periods of which were associated with the phases of Venus.”

The codex was transferred to the Royal Library of Dresden, Germany, in 1730. How he got to Europe is unknown. It is known that many texts belonging to the Maya culture were destroyed by Christian missionaries seeking to eradicate any other mention of another faith.

Dresden List

9. Gospel of Mary Lota

The manuscript is written in Egyptian Coptic and is approximately 1500 years old. The Gospel does not tell about the life of Jesus, but his name is mentioned in 37 predictions.

The text contains a story about the creation of the scripture: " The gospel of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, from Gabriel the Archangel, who brought good news from the One who will go ahead and receive according to his heart and be exacted from him.

The message of antiquity is kept at Harvard University. It was deciphered and the details published in 2014 by Anna Marie Luijengic, professor of religion at Princeton University. In his book " Forbidden Oracles. Gospel of Mary Lota” she says that the gospel is a prediction, an attempt to predict the future. A person looking for an answer could choose one of 37 oracles to find a solution to their problem. How the system worked remains unknown.

The edition was donated to Harvard in 1984.

Gospel of Mary Lote

10. Liber Linteus

Ancient texts found in silk bedspreads Egyptian mummy. They were written in the Etruscan language used in Italy in antiquity. The artifact dates from around 200 BC. The mummy with the robe is in the Zagreb Museum in Croatia.

The meaning of the message of antiquity is not clear. It is presented as a ritual calendar, although there are only six months in it, said Lammert Bouke van der Meer, a professor at the University of Leiden in the book “ Prayers, places and rituals in Etruscan religion(Brill, 2008).

It was typical for ancient Egypt reuse materials for wrapping mummies or making death masks. At that time, trade in the Mediterranean was widespread. Nothing unusual in the fact that the fabric came from Italy to Egypt is not seen.

Liber Linteus

They probably contained Egyptian magic spells, but the text is written in a language unknown to science. Who knows, maybe any of these ancient manuscripts can turn the prevailing ideas about the universe and history.

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More than a thousand years ago, a warlike caliphate was located on the territory of modern Mauritania and partially neighboring states. The ruler of the caliphate had a personal magician, astrologer and soothsayer at the court. The astrologer had extensive knowledge in various areas of secret knowledge and was highly respected by the ruler.

He recorded all the results of magical practices and observations of nature in his "Book of Knowledge", which was inherited from other great magicians. The astrologer caliph had a servant, very inquisitive and sly, who also kept his book and was going to pass it on by inheritance.

The book of the servant, of course, was not at all like the “Book of Knowledge” of the astrologer, but nevertheless ... By a strange coincidence, the book of the astrologer and the book of the servant fall into the hands of two, approximately the same people who live in our country today and do the same thing.

Inspired by ancient texts, book owners go to hot Africa for adventure.

Egyptian manuscript

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The journey into the past continues. Two of our contemporaries - father and son - go to the nineteenth century, to Egypt, to look for an ancient manuscript that can shed light on the mystery of the intertemporal portal. To do this, you will have to cross deserts, penetrate the dungeons of Alexandria and the crypt of an ancient Christian monastery, fight Arab rebels on the streets of Basra.

Meanwhile, in Moscow in 1887, their friends encounter other newcomers from the future - those who are ready to lie, betray and shed blood to realize their own political ambitions. Novice detective Yasha, high school student Nikolka and their friends face a fierce battle with extremists from the twenty-first century, as well as with a Belgian adventurer who is trying to get the secret of passage to the future at any cost.

Chronicles of Pan Belsky. Book one. Manuscript "Sorcerer"

Yuri Tsygankov Thrillers Absent

In books one finds knowledge and makes discoveries, books create a dream... But is there always truth in a book? Prince Belsky, in his hunt for the ancient manuscript of Vseslav the "Sorcerer", does not neglect anything that will allow him to get closer to his dream, generated in childhood by the books he read.

Rushing into search adventures, he is ready to go against his conscience, break the rules, make sacrifices, perceiving the world through the prism of his own criteria of virtue and reasonable expediency. After all, there is something in the manuscript that will allow him to find protection for his beloved ...

Or not? Or is it all a figment of his imagination? Just a fetish? Dream ghost?


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The young herbalist Alida has a long way to go and a difficult choice on which the fate of the entire kingdom depends: to give the page to the magicians of the Magistrate or to make an alliance with the dark forces? What is she willing to do to fulfill the most cherished desire?

Chronicles of Pan Belsky. Book one. Manuscript "Sorcerer". Allegedly written by Vseslav himself

Yuri Tsygankov Missing No data

In books one finds knowledge and makes discoveries, books create a dream... Prince Belsky in his hunt for the ancient manuscript of Vseslav the "Wizard" does not neglect anything that will allow him to approach his dream, generated in childhood by the books he read.

He is ready to break the rules, make sacrifices, perceiving the world through the prism of his criteria of virtue and reasonable expediency. After all, there is something in the manuscript that will allow him to find ... Or is it all a figment of his imagination? Ghost of a dream?

Heirs of ancient manuscripts

Maxim Udovichenko Historical Adventures Sahara trilogy

More than a thousand years ago, on the territory of modern Mauritania and partially neighboring states, there was a warlike khalisrat, with all the attributes of ancient Arab culture, including astrologers, magicians and soothsayers. By a strange coincidence, ancient books fall into the hands of two approximately identical people living in our country today and doing approximately the same thing.

Inspired by ancient texts, book owners go to hot Africa for adventure. For help in the creation of the book, I express my gratitude to all those who have contributed. I hope that the story described in the book will seem fascinating to you and will not make you bored.

Alexander Georgiev Children's adventures Absent

Sometimes people who work with antiquities get sick with the dream of magic. Ancient manuscripts burn their hands. It seems that for the sake of power and authority, everything is possible - to raise the ghost of the black sorcerer from the grave, to make human sacrifices. And if chance gives into the hands of a dangerous ambitious man who calls himself the Master, the mighty ancient artifact- the fat is in the fire.

A fun summer camp for young archaeologists turns into a battlefield for good and evil, a werewolf roams the area, mysteries multiply. But even the Magister is not easy to cope with fifteen-year-old schoolchildren who are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of friends. Moreover, an admirer of Sherlock Holmes, a young rural district policeman, intervened in the matter.

He is a romantic, and that is why it is so difficult to fight him. Who will prevail in the last battle, in the depths of the night forest, on the Sorcerer's Tomb? The book is a finalist for the 2013 Vladislav Krapivin International Children's Literary Prize.

Weapons and military armor of Europe. From ancient times to the end of the Middle Ages

Ewart Oakeshott Documental literature Missing No data

The large-scale work of Ewart Oakeshott, a recognized specialist in the history of weapons and an expert of world significance, reflects a huge historical period - from the middle of the Bronze Age, covering the era of the Great Migration, the times of the Vikings, chivalry until the beginning of the Renaissance.

Along with the description of many types of weapons, special attention is paid to the analysis of the development and improvement of the classic knight's sword, the features of its manufacture, as well as the classification of blades, spears, cross guards and pommel. In addition, Oakeshott recreates the era of feudalism in detail, considering the evolution of military armor and the varieties of medieval estates.

The book is addressed not only to specialists, but also to those who would like to get to know the most interesting hypotheses about the origin and development of various types of weapons. The publication is supplied with a large number of illustrations, exact copies from rare manuscripts made by the author's hand.

Passing through the walls

Alexander Sivinsky urban fantasy Passing through the walls

Secret societies and mythical monsters.. Ancient manuscripts that hold stunning secrets of the future.. Sinister krakens and ruthless guardsmen.. Werewolves in the service of Chinese intelligence; rickety samurai bikers with an unstable psyche; fine vestals; great and small combinators; revived clay blocks.

And also a cascade of fights, an avalanche of chases, and finally, an opportunity to save civilization.

Atlantis and Ancient Rus'

Alexander Asov Story Great secrets of Rus'

This book is about disaster Flood and the search for Atlantis around the world and, above all, in the Black Sea. The secrets of the Atlanteans and Hyperboreans, the Caucasian elves, as well as the mysterious builders of dolmens, occupy the historian, translator of the Book of Veles and other ancient Slavic manuscripts, as well as the marine geochronologist Alexander Asov.

Why, after the release of millions of copies in Russia of these studies about the Atlanteans of the Black Sea, are they repeated by the Americans, who made this topic a world sensation? What is the famous oceanographer Robert Ballard looking for at the bottom of the Black Sea? And will the discovery of the Black Sea Atlantis be made by Russian researchers? For more information about the studies of Atlantis and the Vedas of Rus', see the live journal AM.

Asova: http://alexandr-acov. livejournal. com.

Chinese cup

Svetlana Smolina Contemporary romance novels Missing No data

He and she. An eternal story in the dilapidated scenery of a small Moscow apartment. He is used to getting his way and keeping everything under control. She is not going anywhere and is out of control. But how to share a woman to whom an unknown force is pulling you with other men? And how to let go, if without it the world begins to crumble, like an ancient manuscript from an accidental touch? In order for the story of resentment and doubt to have a happy ending, He must forget who She was, and She must believe Him.

Everything but honor

Vsevolod Glukhovtsev Fighting fiction Absent

Anton Stoletov and Roman Zlobin, a couple of reckless young scientists, are looking for an ancient manuscript in the basement, called the "Magic Tablet". After deciphering it, they find out that it is possible to penetrate into a parallel reality, where the story took a completely different path.

True, for this they had to run a collider domestic production. As a result, Anton and Roman find themselves in a gloomy medieval world, where the magic kings of the Merovingian dynasty subjugated all of Europe. And in the famous Ardennes Forest, the Cursed Land was formed, inhabited by all sorts of evil spirits and full of magical artifacts.

The royal governor, Count Guntar, instructs two Russians to penetrate the Cursed Land in order to find traces of a mysterious killer who keeps the whole kingdom at bay ...

The Diaries of the Son of Man, or the Chronicle of the Qumran Manuscripts

Alexander Kholin Historical Adventures Absent

In the years when the Great Patriotic War ended, one of the Jewish shepherds, grazing goats in the Dead Sea region in Israel, discovered ancient amphorae in a cave that opened after the earthquake, in which, instead of the expected gold, he found ancient scrolls.

He managed to sell several of the manuscripts on the black market, while the rest were confiscated from him by the government. No one else saw the Qumran manuscripts, but there was a rumor that these scrolls were once written by Jesus Christ himself. All black archaeologists rushed to rummage through the many caves near the Dead Sea, but no one found anything to this day.

However, Russian archaeologists were lucky: in their hands were the diaries of the Son of Man, but they had to flee from their pursuers. A dilemma arose before the fugitives: either to be followers of Jesus Christ, or, following his path, to choose an alternative path of development.

But so far, all three had to secretly leave Israel, because the militants from the Vatican and the Freemasons staged a hunt for archaeologists, wanting to get unique documents for their own purposes. Apparently, the Jesuits were afraid of the publication of texts, while the Freemasons, on the contrary, wanted to debunk the Christian faith.

Mystery of the ancient manuscript

Erica Orloff Contemporary romance novels Absent

After going on vacation to her beloved uncle in New York, 16-year-old Callie hoped that this summer would be special and necessarily romantic for her. So when her uncle, an expert on medieval manuscripts, invites her to study the history of one manuscript, Callie falls into despondency, but everything changes when she meets the son of a professor of ancient manuscripts, Augustus, and the story told in the manuscript turns out to be a love story of the famous Abelard and Eloise.

A ball of short threads

Elena Sadykova Modern Russian literature Absent

I spent part of my life in the Arab East. Life there is arranged quite differently from the way tourists see it. But that's not the point. I would like to discuss with the reader that today a lot of things in our lives are arranged completely differently than we are used to or would like to see ... The events in the book begin at the moment when the heroine is trying to escape to the ends of the world in order to free herself from the encroachments of her annoying husband.

Once in a foreign country, she finds herself in a whirlpool of unusual and dangerous incidents. Secret laboratories in the desert and forbidden experiments, human trafficking and the latest brain research - this is not all the details of the engine called the modern economy.

Borders don't matter now. Enormous funds are pumped into the post-industrial economy of death, and financial pumps do not stop their work even for a minute. Unexpectedly witnessing a mysterious murder, the heroine uses the ancient manuscript of Abu Ali Ibn Sina to radically change her life.

To understand what is happening around, you need to unravel the tangle of past and present events.

A sword through the centuries. The Art of Weapons

Alfred Hutton Reference literature: other Missing No data

The author tells about the history of fencing and the development of bladed weapons, covering the period from the Middle Ages to the 19th century. You will learn about two-handed sword, rapier, dagger, saber, broadsword and dueling sword. The book is supplemented by fragments of ancient manuscripts.

Dark seduction

Brenda Joyce Horror and Mystery time lords

The powerful leader of the Scottish clan Gillian Malcolm was among the chosen ones. He heroically overcame time and entered Claire Camden's New York bookstore in order to dark forces missing a precious page from an ancient manuscript that the demons were hunting for.

Malcolm had to take Claire back in time because he couldn't leave her unprotected, trapped between good and evil. Claire was passionately attracted to Malcolm to the point of madness, but she did not even guess how bottomless the power of his masculine nature was and how huge and strong the evil to which he declared war.

Byzantine manuscript

Mikhail Palev Modern detectives Private detective Valery Tavrov

A long time ago, the Angel guarding the Gate between the worlds entrusted his secret to a mortal, after which he dismantled the Gate and hid it in the form of sparkling plates in different places Earth. The Order of Preachers has been trying for eight hundred years to find the plates in order to assemble the Gate and lock it forever.

The only document describing the ritual of gathering the Gates is the Byzantine manuscript. Those who dream of fame, wealth and power are also looking for an ancient scroll, and ritual murders are committed during the search. In our time, because of him, a young girl dies, the journalist Viktor Bren disappears without a trace and inexplicably.

The private detective Taurov undertakes to unravel this mysterious case by negligence ...

viking heritage

Ludmila Miloslavets Action: Other Under the sign of the black dragon No data

Ancient manuscript and hidden treasures. A strange message from an ancestor - a formidable Viking ... Michel de Morel is on the verge of amazing adventures, in which he was involved by mysterious seekers of ancient artifacts. Before you go over the threshold own house Think about where the chosen path will lead you.

Lucifer's box

Natalia Alexandrova Horror and Mystery Artifact Detective

Since the beginning of time, Lucifer has played his game great game. Kings and priests, aristocrats and commoners, millionaires and beggars - they all dance to the tune of the Master the same dance - the Dance of Death! In the old days, he ordered her image to painters and sculptors, now actual art is in vogue.

And hundreds of famous and unknown artists of modern times create their masterpieces from living material. Jack the Ripper, Chikatilo, Boston Strangler... One such "artist", who leaves verses from an ancient manuscript dedicated to the Dance on the bodies of his victims, is being sought by the Tallinn police and restorer Dmitry Starygin.

In addition to the desire to help the investigation, Starygin has another interest: in the engravings of the Dance of Death, the place where the legendary box of Lucifer is hidden is encrypted ...

Round dance with death

Natalia Alexandrova Modern detectives Restorer Dmitry Starygin

Dmitry Starygin, a talented world-famous restorer, did not like mysticism and believed that everything in life has simple, realistic explanations. However, fate seemed to mock his practical worldview, and from time to time Dmitry Alekseevich got into amazing stories that were difficult to explain with logic and common sense.

So a business trip to Tallinn at the invitation of an Estonian colleague received an unexpected development. Professor Saar was killed, and on his body the police found a sheet torn from an ancient manuscript with an engraving and verses in Latin. In addition to the desire to help the investigation, Starygin also had another interest: one of these engravings was the key to the cache, in which, according to legend, the treasures of Lucifer have been kept for several centuries.

Previously, the book was published under the title "Lucifer's Box".


Gennady Marchenko historical fiction survivor

Efim Sorokin conquers Las Vegas, but at the same time, the Motherland also needs his services. To help the USSR in the war, it is necessary to steal treasures from an ancient Indian temple. The journey turns out to be full of adventures, where the hero now and then has to risk his life.

His desired triumph

Sharon Kendrick Short romance novels Harem – Harlequin

Jane Smith works in the archives of the Kafala Embassy in London. She is an ordinary modest girl with good education and ordinary appearance. Her life passes among books and ancient manuscripts. One day, Jane receives a strange proposal - to enter into a short-term fictitious marriage with the ruler of Kafala, an arrogant and proud man whom she despises.

Experiencing serious financial difficulties, Jane agrees to the deal, but after a few days she begins to regret her decision...


Abbe Werth Modern Russian literature Absent

The world of victorious Carthage, our days. A historian studies an ancient manuscript, while his little daughter prepares for initiation.

unknown abroad

Maxim Udovichenko Historical Adventures Sahara trilogy

The owner of the Stargazer's Book of Knowledge, Aristarchus, is the first to go to hot Derrick. Inspired by ancient texts and stories about treasures and treasures, he certainly wants to search for them. But the circumstances in which he finds himself do not give him the opportunity to achieve what he wants.

Soon, in a very strange way, the owner of the second ancient book joins Aristarchus. This book is a continuation of the adventure novel "The Heirs of the Ancient Manuscripts" - the first book of the Sahara trilogy.

prince of lies

Andrey Vladimirovich Smirnov Combat fantasy Lewis Telmarid

This book tells of ancient times, when the first civilization of Kelrion came to a close. The power of the Solar Gods seemed unshakable, the Princes of Darkness were overthrown and captivated a long time ago. The story begins almost casually: Edrik Mardelt, on a mission from an immortal sorcerer, sets out east across the desert in order to find an old manuscript; towards him, pursued by the authorities and his own nightmarish memories, a black magician is moving, having lost his mind in the underground city of demons.

Two people who do not suspect that they are destined to meet and free the Father of Lies - the first of the nine overthrown Princes, whose return marks the beginning of a great war between Light and Darkness.

Secrets of the Russian Magi. Miracles and mysteries of pagan Rus'

Alexander Asov Story Great secrets of Rus'

Magi, keepers of the ancient Russian spiritual tradition, with its truly great secrets - this book is about them! The reader will discover a half-forgotten, largely mysterious history of the Russian communities that have guarded from the pagan era to the present day the secret knowledge contained in the sacred manuscripts of the Slavs.

About the miracles associated with these monuments of ancient literature, which happen even today, and about the modern life of the keepers of the tradition, Alexander Asov, a writer, translator and interpreter of the Russian Vedas, tells in an amazing confessional book.

Purely Russian crime

Alina Kuskova Modern detectives Absent

In a nice Russian town on the banks of the legendary Volga, an old manuscript was stolen from a local museum. The abduction was preceded by strange and mysterious events. First, a copy of the ancient mummy of Pharaoh Tutankhamun's adviser sneezed, he was echoed by a stuffed prehistoric mammoth, and the culprit of this epidemic was an ordinary plastic ... hedgehog! Andrei Turovsky - a famous detective, a handsome heartthrob - descended into the town and made a real sensation there.

And yet the province did not immediately reveal to him all its secrets.

Yes, Mr President!

Lev Gursky Modern detectives Missing No data

Can a medieval manuscript influence the outcome of the presidential elections in Russia at the beginning of the twenty-first century? Maybe if the creator of the ancient manuscript is a famous alchemist who penetrated the essence of things, and the writer of the novel about all these events in present-day Moscow is Lev Gursky, the author of the popular ironic thrillers Change of Places, Trajectory of the Spear, Nobody but the President and others.

As in previous books by Gursky, the plot here balances on the verge of reality and fiction, and it is not known which is more. As before, the book is populated by many episodic characters; the prototypes of most of them are known to everyone, but the minority still needs to be deciphered ... As for the two main characters of the novel of different sexes - a specialist in the restaurant business and the closest adviser to the President of Russia - they will approach the solution from different sides, from page to page.

However, the main secrets will, of course, be hidden until the very end.

Types and methods of weaving furniture

Ilya Melnikov Hobby, Crafts weaving

From time immemorial, people have been engaged in weaving various products, which have not undergone significant changes to this day. So, two wicker chairs found in the tomb of Tutankhamen are quite consistent with modern design. Old manuscripts brought to us information that in ancient rome also knew wicker furniture.

In Italian museums, a copy of a bed woven from willow twigs, which was made in the 2nd century AD, is carefully preserved. In the modern world, this furniture is made from many materials, but one of the most popular is willow. In this book, the reader can learn about all the known types and methods of weaving willow furniture, as well as ways to connect all the elements into a single structure.

Aleppo Code

Matti Friedman historical literature Chase collection

Before us is a documentary detective story that describes the journey of the "Aleppo Code" - the unique Jewish Bible of the tenth century, which Maimonides himself used - from a cache in the synagogue of an ancient Syrian city to just formed State Israel.

The author, Associated Press journalist Matti Friedman, collected many documents and eyewitness accounts that allowed him to put forward an original version of what happened to this manuscript, when a mob of rioters threw the holy book out of the looted and burned Aleppo synagogue and it was found already in Israel, far away. not complete.

Where did the hundreds of sheets of the sacred text disappear, which are of great value, not only spiritual, but also quite material? They were destroyed by a rampaging crowd of Arabs? Stolen by dishonest couriers and agents of the Israeli immigration service? What is the role of the officials of the new state in the fate of the manuscript? The author offers completely unexpected answers to these questions.

Secret and unknown. Issue #1

Dmitry Naydenov stories Secret and unknown

The audiobook "Secret and Unknown" contains stories about the most mysterious phenomena and incredible events, unusual finds and inexplicable phenomena. Secrets of ancient civilizations and undeciphered manuscripts, unique natural phenomena and strange anomalies, mysteries of space and time travel, people with superpowers and unexplored possibilities of the human body, disappeared continents and secrets sea ​​depths, ghost ships and hidden treasures, fulfilled predictions and prophecies, unexpected scientific theories and hypotheses.

The audiobook includes more than 50 stories that were heard at the Zvezda radio station as part of the educational popular science program "Secret and Unexplored".

From the history of the study of Greek manuscripts in Europe in the 18th - early 19th centuries: Christian Friedrich Mattei (1

G. A. Tyurina Biographies and Memoirs Montfaucon

The life and works of H. F. Mattei belong to one of the brightest pages in the history of Russian-German scientific and cultural ties. This scientist stood at the origins of the teaching of ancient literature at Moscow University, and his scientific research made a significant contribution to the development of both European and Russian science.

Among his merits are the creation of the first complete printed catalog of Greek manuscripts of the Moscow Synodal and Printing Libraries, the publication of many works of ancient and patristic literature that had not been published until that time, and critical editions of the texts of Holy Scripture.

However, despite the richness of the scientific heritage of X. F. Mattei, his figure still remains outside the framework of his era, outside the history of European science and culture at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries. In the proposed study, the biography of X.

F. Mattei, an assessment of his activities as a teacher, scientist and one of the first collectors of manuscripts of his time is given, the origin of the manuscripts of his collection is established. The appendix publishes for the first time the surviving parts of his correspondence with D. Runken and M.

N. Muravyov.


Tamara Vepretskaya Fighting fiction Absent

The disappearance of Nikolai, the brother of the heroine of the novel by Elena Vetrova, turns out to be mysteriously connected with the history of the lost ancient Spanish city of Tartessus, with a mystery old manuscript and the salvation of some shrine. Together with the author of the manuscript, you will visit a medieval Spanish castle, enjoy the luxury and splendor of the city-palace of the Caliph of Cordoba, become participants in the struggle between Arabs and Christians in Spain, and witness the death of a powerful enlightened caliphate.

Finally, you will be transported to Kievan Rus, where, in the fiercest fratricidal struggle, the heyday of Rus' was born: the era of Yaroslav the Wise. While searching for her missing brother, Elena will meet her true love. Following the heroine, you will experience incredible, fantastic adventures.

This novel is a journey through both space and time that will conquer all who love history, wandering and adventure.

swan and dragon

Natalie Jacobson Adventure: other dragon empire No data

Princess Rose is destined to be sacrificed to the golden dragon. But fate is whimsical. The golden dragon is able to turn into a young man of amazing beauty. Once he was human. Now he is the ruler of an entire empire inhabited by magical creatures. But how he became a dragon, and who commands them himself, remains a mystery.

Rose loves his gloomy castle, full of living sculptures, ancient magical manuscripts and mysterious whispers. Edwin offers her a deal: he is sure that she alone can help him free himself from a creature that has been imposing its will on him for centuries, and in return he will help her solve all her difficult problems.

Rose has a lot of them. She has enemies, she is hunted by both people from a hostile kingdom and supernatural beings, and she is also under a spell that was recently cast on her. She cannot return home, because war has been declared on her kingdom.

In addition, more than anything, she wants to stay in the enchanted world of Edwin and learn all his secrets.

Worm infestations

Marianna Bogdasic Medicine Absent

Here she is still loved and expected, here is work, friends, here native walls will help to forget about everything ... But suddenly the past reminds of itself again - Olga and her son from France are brought as a gift an ancient watch book, a precious relic of the count's family, with the advent of which Mysterious and bloody events begin to occur in their lives.

Over time, Olga gets the feeling that she will know about the upcoming changes in advance - one has only to open the page of a medieval manuscript ... How, in what way, under the influence of what mysterious forces, the fate of Olga Kolesnikova intertwined with the fate of Countess Elinor Pomar de Rabussy?

Sun in the constellation Leo

Olga Horny Detective fiction No data

An archaeological expedition, unexpectedly for everyone, discovers an ancient state in northwestern Africa, the legends about which have long excited the public. The best linguists are sent to excavations to decipher the manuscript, which can shed light on the mystery of the death of the great Elijah.

At this very time, some members of the expedition begin to have similar and very strange dreams about last princess Elijah - Miriam...

Darkness of Ages

Alexander Svistunov Thrillers Missing No data

"Darkness of Ages" is the gateway to a mysterious and frightening world where ancient legends come to life. These chilling stories have come down to us in the chants of shamans, the meager memos of secret societies, the magic-soaked manuscripts, and the dark tales that mothers have told their rebellious children in a variety of languages ​​for centuries.

Here you will find cursed kings and bloodthirsty monsters, enchanted treasures, the darkest nooks and crannies of the human soul. Even heroes cast shadows here.

Panjara. stories

Galina Dolgaya historical literature Missing No data

The stories in this collection are like revelations coming from ancient world. Their voice sounds in the finds of archaeologists and in historical manuscripts, in legends and traditions passed from mouth to mouth. You just need to be able to listen. The author's fantasy is intertwined with history, and its pages come to life on the verge of reality and dream.

Fire and blood. Dance of death

George Martin foreign fantasy fantasy masters

Tyrion Lannister has not yet become a hostage of cruel fate, Bran Stark has not yet become a cripple, and the head of his father Ned Stark has not yet rolled off the scaffold. Not a single person in the Realms dares even to suggest that Daenerys Targaryen will ever be called the Mother of Dragons.

Westeros did not bring the neighboring states into submission, and the Iron Throne, which, according to the saying, was forged in blood and fire, was far from being satisfied. As ancient as the world itself, history descends from the pages of decrepit manuscripts, and only we septons can separate true events from pathetic fables, and truth from slanderous slanders.

Sit close to the fire, good listeners, and you will learn: - how King's Landing became the capital of capitals - how glorious deeds beyond imagination were accomplished - and how brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers lost their minds in a bloody struggle for power - how the dragon tribe gradually gave way to dragons in human form - and also many others were old - funny and inexpressibly terrible, rattling iron armor and playing song pipes, filling our hearts with pride and sadness ...

It is from there that terrible ghosts come and kidnap people, it is there that the laws of space and sometimes time do not apply. The few daredevils who dared to visit the Wild Land returned to the world of the living, and none of them returned, remaining the same. That is why Miguel understands that Prince Kevin will definitely ride north, wanting to reveal his secrets, and is preparing to join the restless heir to the throne.

After all, the boys know that not only horrors lurk in the Northern Mountains. At times, a beautiful White Deer descends from their slopes to call after them those who are pure in soul and brave in heart. Read The Legend of Stone Miguel. A story in which truth and fiction, paganism and Christianity, darkness and light intertwined like patterns on the page of an ancient Celtic manuscript.

The ancients recorded their knowledge on scrolls, artifacts, and even on cave walls. But after millennia, people have already forgotten how to understand the long-forgotten alphabet. And sometimes knowledge was deliberately encrypted using complex ciphers that were understandable only to the elite (people. Today, there are many ancient scriptures, pictograms and ciphers that scientists still have not been able to decipher. But every time ancient ciphers are “cracked”, this almost always reveals the most interesting new information. In this review, a story about what 10 recently deciphered ancient artifacts told, which allow you to "look with one eye" into secret societies, lost libraries, learn about worldviews and ancient rituals.

1. Egyptian Book of Spells

In 2014, after decades of research, scientists finally deciphered the Egyptian codex, and they were amazed to find that it was a spellcaster's handbook. Beautifully illustrated pages contain spells for the Egyptians "for all occasions": for love, business success, cure for black jaundice or exorcism. The 1300-year-old parchment mentions Jesus, as well as an unknown divine figure called "Bactiotha".

Some invocation rituals are even associated with a vanished religious movement, the Sethians (Setians), who in this codex refer to Seth or Set (the third son of Adam and Eve) as the "living Christ". Of course, it may seem that the Egyptians were discouraged by the presence of different religions during this period, but researchers believe that this document demonstrates the transition of society from other belief systems to Orthodox Christianity. Who owned and used this book remains a mystery. Nobody knows where she came from.

2. Scroll of Ein Gedi

Ein Gedi is a desert oasis located on the western shore of the Dead Sea. It has been inhabited by various communities of people for almost 5000 years. Although perhaps best known as the hideout of David when he fled from King Saul, Ein Gedi was once home to a Byzantine Jewish village. At some point, the entire village burned down, including the synagogue with its mosaic floor. In 1970, archaeologists discovered a charred scroll at the site where the Ein Gedi Synagogue used to stand. It was so badly preserved that it was not even possible to unfold it, let alone read it.

Nearly 50 years later, modern technology has done the impossible, allowing a 1,500-year-old damaged scroll to be read without unrolling it. Everyone was stunned when the text turned out to be unknown verses in the Book of Leviticus. Now this scroll is recognized not only as the oldest biblical text since the Dead Sea Scrolls, but also as the oldest Torah document that was discovered in the synagogue during archaeological excavations.

3. Real Shakespeare

A 400-year-old botanical book may contain an extraordinary treasure - a portrait of William Shakespeare. This is the only portrait known to have been created during the life of the famous playwright (when he was about 33 years old). Currently rare book The Herball caught the attention of historian and botanist Mark Griffith while he was researching the life of John Girard. Griffith became convinced that the four faces depicted on the title page were not just decorative images, but rather long-forgotten portraits of real people. Griffith spent a long time deciphering the heraldry and symbolism surrounding the portraits before he was able to determine the real identities of these people. They were the author of the book, another well-known botanist, the Lord Treasurer of Queen Elizabeth and... Shakespeare.

4. Glyph T514

Most of the Maya glyphs have already been deciphered, but some of them still keep their age-old secrets. Glyph T514 was found in a royal tomb in southern Mexico that had sat undiscovered for over 1,700 years. A picture of a tooth (to be more precise, an image of a jaguar molar) could not be deciphered for more than 60 years.

Researchers understood its meaning only by studying real jaguar skulls and other glyphs. The discovery also finally suggested the name of the chamber where the ruler Pacal was buried - "House of Nine Sharp Spears". The glyph turned out to be associated with warriors invading neighboring cities and capturing people there. This finding helped researchers determine the frequency with which wars were fought between 700 and 800 BC. During this period, there were actually not many wars, despite the fact that the Maya were warlike.

5. Eye Society

A secret brotherhood obsessed with healing eyes was discovered when researchers studied its only surviving relic, the Codex Kopiale, an 18th-century book that is both beautiful and strange. Finished in gold and green brocade, the 105-page book is entirely handwritten. The book mostly consists of abstract, never before seen symbols, although there are also Greek and Roman letters. The only readable phrases were "Philip 1866" and "Copyrales 3" (which gave the manuscript its title). An international team of cryptographers tried unsuccessfully to decipher it, trying 80 languages ​​before it was determined that the strange characters were just a ploy designed to fool any would-be decoders. In fact, they didn't mean anything.

Discarding useless signs, cryptographers tried German, since the book was found in Berlin, and the name "Philip" is written in german style. This helped crack the code. The deciphered book told about a German secret society called the Oculist Order. The manuscript contains records of their politics and rituals (including the eyebrow-plucking ceremony), as well as discussions of Freemasonry. The researchers believe that the members of the group were not necessarily doctors, despite their obsession, as the eye is a symbol of power in many secret societies.

6. Winged monster

Cave painting in Utah documented how ancient people saw pterodactyls. Discovered in 1928, the bright red pictograms were created by American Indians about 2,000 years ago. Some time after this discovery, a man circled one of the images with chalk and stated that it looked like a "strange bird". Although illegal today, it was common practice then to outline cave paintings in chalk to make the image clearer. However, this changes the chemistry of the rocks and damages the art. As for this picture, later the experts recognized the image of a pterodactyl.

In the 1970s, rock climber Polly Schaafsma described a "beak with sharp teeth," and geologist Francis Barnes said the pattern looked like a flying reptile, whose fossils are actually found in the region. The mystery was solved when modern technology proved that the "winged monster" was not one image, but five overlapping images.

When the scientists photographed the drawing using DStretch, a tool that can separate images by differentiating them by different pigments, they found that there was no mysterious ancient pterodactyl. Instead, the pictograms depict a tall man with big eyes, lower man, dog, sheep and serpentine creature.

7. Scrolls of Herculaneum

When Mount Vesuvius famously destroyed Pompeii in AD 79, it also destroyed the nearby city of Herculaneum. During the excavations of this city in 1752, a library was discovered. Most of the 1800 scrolls were so burned by the eruption that they were little more than unreadable carbonized blocks. More than two centuries later, archaeologists used X-rays to read parchments too fragile to be unrolled.

Although the Herculaneum papyri have no secret symbols or hidden messages, they are remarkable as they remain the only complete library ever recovered from ancient times. For example, they found a real treasury of lost prose and poems by the famous Greek philosopher Epicurus. There are even texts that were completely unknown to philosopher-scientists. Not only has this allowed researchers to gain a deeper understanding of ancient Greek and Latin writings, but it has also changed what scholars know about the history of ink.

When fragments of the scrolls were analyzed, the ink was found to contain large amounts of lead. "Metallic" ink was once thought to have appeared around 420 AD. in Greek and Roman manuscripts, but the Herculaneum scrolls predate this date by a couple of centuries.

8. The fate of the Ark of the Covenant

Although Hebrew is not a mysterious language at all, a recently translated text revealed what happened to the famous Ark of the Covenant after King Solomon's temple was sacked. The document, called the "Treatise on the Judgments," claims that shortly before the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II destroyed the temple, the Ark was taken to a safe place. With the help of the prophets, the sacred relic and other treasures were saved by the Levites.

As for the treasures of the temple, the Treatise says that they were hidden throughout Israel and in Babylonia. Even less is said about the exact location of the Ark. The site is said not to be revealed "until the day of the coming of the Messiah, the son of David." Some believe that the Treatise is not really a document, but rather just a "compilation" of legends. This is understandable given the claims that some of the treasures were made of gold (taken from the walls of the Garden of Eden) and ended up in the hands of angels. It is possible that at least one historical aspect is true - the Ark was hidden before Nebuchadnezzar could get his hands on it.

9. Phaistos Disc

Researchers have been trying to decipher the 4,000-year-old Phaistos Disc since its discovery in 1908. Found on the island of Crete in a palace called Phaistos, a disk with a diameter of about 15 centimeters is made of baked clay. Both sides are adorned with 45 symbols that appear in different combinations in 241 segments.

After a six-year study conducted at Oxford University, it was possible to decipher about 90 percent of the data. It soon became clear that the disc was engraved with a prayer in honor of a Minoan mother goddess. According to researchers, one side of the famous artifact is dedicated to a pregnant woman, and the other side is dedicated to a woman giving birth.

10 Voynich Manuscript Breakthrough

Deciphering the famous Voynich manuscript has finally moved on dead center, though not by much. Linguistics professor Stephen Bucks decides to find recognizable plants and signs of the Zodiac in an illustrated medieval book, and then look for their names next to the images. For example, he determined the word "Taurus" after he found an image of this constellation. Plant names began to emerge when Bax compared the manuscript to medieval herbal books. Thus, the words "juniper", "coriander" and "helloweed" were found next to their illustrations, as he suspected.

In all, he deciphered 14 characters, allowing him to read six more words. While Bax's breakthrough is still far from deciphering the entire book, it proves that the unknown alphabet is not the complex 15th-century hoax that some have claimed. It is indeed an extremely complex cipher or language.

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