Project vitamin kaleidoscope. Entertainment on the theme "visiting vitamins" Day of vitamins in kindergarten planning

From June 18 to June 22, Health Week is taking place in our kindergarten. June 20 is Vitamin Day.

Summer is the season of vitamins. Therefore, it is very important to once again remind children of the benefits of vegetables, berries, fruits for our health, and continue to form the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

Educators and teachers-specialists made thematic plans for this day. All organized activities were connected by one storyline: "Vitamins and their benefits for our health."

The children of the 2nd early group became a friendly family of vegetables and fruits that are good for our health. They introduced Doctor Aibolit, who came to them, to all the inhabitants of their family and played interesting games with him.

A doctor came to visit the children of the younger group and told them that animals in the forest also need vitamins. The little creators gladly agreed to make wonderful vitamins for them, which they then presented to the animals.

The teacher of the middle group had a conversation with the children about what vitamins are and what foods they contain. And then the children began to be creative: they depicted the vitamin they had chosen on their own.

Pupils of the senior group received a letter in which there were a large number of riddles, poems about fruits and vegetables. All mysteries were easily solved.

Vitamin Day has become very informative and interesting!

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Kindergarten Teremok «» Ak-Dovurak

Entertainment Scenario

"Our friend Vitaminka"

Prepared by the teacher

Saaya Sh.S.


Target: consolidating children's knowledge about vitamins, their benefits for human health, the content of certain vitamins in vegetables and fruits


    Raising children's interest in maintaining their health;

    To expand the knowledge of preschoolers about nutrition, its importance, the relationship between health and nutrition;

    To give children a general idea of ​​health as a value that must be constantly taken care of, to teach them how to protect their health and take care of it;

    To form the positive qualities of the child's personality, moral and cultural behavior - motives for promoting health.

preliminary work : looking at illustrations depicting healthy people, plot pictures “Healthy eating”, didactic games “Vitaminka and her friends”, “What is useful, what is harmful”, “Good is bad”, “Determine what vitamin is contained in the product”, plot - role-playing games "Hospital", "Shop", "Pharmacy", excursion to the store, drawing useful and harmful products.

Equipment : dummies of fruits and vegetables that are good for health, split pictures of food, tennis balls, baskets, skittles, rackets, clubs, balls.

Teacher: Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you in our beautiful and cozy hall. And we gathered today with you for a reason! I was informed by phone that our kindergarten "Iskorka" really wants to visit one important guest, and our guest's name is Vitaminka!

Hear, our guest is already coming...

A surprised Sweet Tooth appears in the hall

Sweet Tooth: Oh, what are you all here for? Why didn't they call me?

Educator: Excuse me dear, but who are you?

Sweet tooth: Who, who. Didn't you find out? Sweet tooth!

I love sweets, marmalades,

Lemonade, chewing gum, chocolates.

I can't stand milk porridge

Cutlets, sour cream and casserole!

Educator: Oh, sweet tooth! How can you eat like that. You don't care about your health at all.

Sweet tooth: Yes, how I care. I eat great!

For breakfast - a large bar of chocolate

For lunch I eat a kilo of marmalade.

And dinner is the most useful and delicious,

The marshmallow cake is the best!

Educator: And you call this taking care of your health!? Is this the right food?

Sweet Tooth: Of course you're right! I came up with this menu myself.

Educator: When Vitaminka comes to visit us, she will tell you about proper nutrition. By the way, something is delayed our guest. Sweet tooth, have you met Vitaminka? We are waiting for her on our holiday.

Sweet Tooth: No, I didn't see anyone. Something I'm hungry, I'll go have some sweets to eat.

Sweet tooth leaves

Educator: Listen, guys, someone is singing a song.

Cheerful Vitaminka enters the hall.

Educator: This is Vitaminka! Hello Vitaminka! And we have already gathered for a long time, but you are not there!

Vitaminka: Sorry guys. I worked out in the gym, and got so carried away that I completely forgot about the time. Are you guys into sports?

Children: Yes!

Vitaminka: Do you do gymnastics in the morning?

Children: Yes!

Vitaminka: Do you like physical education?

Children: Yes!

Vitaminka: Then I propose to play a game.

Children gather in a circle. Vitaminka conducts physical education

We won't rush
Stretching the lower back
We won't be in a hurry.
Turn right, turn left
Look at your neighbor. (Turn of the body to the side)
To become even smarter
We will twist our neck a little.
One and two, one and two
Head is spinning. (Rotation of the head to the sides)
One two three four five,
We need to stretch our legs. (squats)
Finally, everyone knows
As always walking on the spot. (Walking in place)
Is there any benefit to warming up?
Well, it's time to take a seat. (Children sit down)

Educator: Well done guys. Vitaminka, what an interesting game you played with the guys. We have a fun Vitaminka, really guys!

Children: Yes!

Vitaminka: Never lose heart

And a smile on your face

Because I accept

Vitamins A, B, C

My friends, do you take vitamins?

Children: Yes!

Sweet Tooth enters the hall, groans and holds on to his stomach

Sweet Tooth: Oh, oh, oh! What a pain in the stomach!

Educator: What happened, Sweet Tooth, did you overeat sweets?

Sweet tooth: I overate a little ...

Educator: How many did you eat? One, two?

Sweet Tooth: A whole box of chocolates...

Vitaminka: Is it really possible to eat so many sweets? Guys, what do you think? (referring to children)

Children: No!

Vitaminka: Let's tell Sweet Tooth why you shouldn't eat so many sweets.

Children's answers

Vitaminka: I'll tell you friends

About useful products

And about the benefits of vitamins

What do we need!

Vitaminka goes to the first easel, which displays food cards and the vitamin A symbol

Where can you find vitamin A?

To see and grow

Both carrots and apricots

They carry vitamins.

And also in beets and melons,

In parsley, pumpkin and cabbage.

I propose to draw the letter A with your finger in the air.

The vitamin goes to the second easel, which has food cards and the vitamin B symbol.

Rich in vitamin B

Nuts, grains and bananas

Rice, raisins, peas and fish

Liver, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese.

Vitamin B is essential for digestion and good head function.

Let's draw the letter B in the air with our finger.

Vitaminka: Sweet tooth remembered what foods to eat so that the stomach does not hurt. The benefits of vitamins should not be forgotten.

Sweet Tooth: Yeah, I get it. Candy alone will not make you healthy.

Sweet tooth sneezes loudly

Educator: And what are you, Sweet Tooth, sneezing?

Maybe you don't take vitamin C?

Orange, lemon and garlic

Help to be healthy, my friend!

The vitamin goes to the third easel, which has food cards and the vitamin C symbol.

Vitaminka: And there is also a lot of vitamin C in blackcurrants, rose hips, cabbage, onions, spinach, radishes, dill, cranberries.

Sweet tooth: I love oranges

And I don't want to get sick

I will drink tea with lemon

Chop the garlic and onion into the soup!

Vitaminka: And now I want to ask the children, what kind of vitamins do you like?

Children's answers

Educator: You see, Sweet Tooth, even children know about healthy foods. Vitaminka, were you pleased with the answers of our children?

Vitaminka: Well done, your guys, they made me happy.

Many useful products you know

Use them correctly

Now we want to play with you

Learn more about the benefits of vitamins

Educator: We learned a lot about vitamins, and now let's play.

1 relay race "Transfer the item"

Children are divided into two teams. There is a table in front of the teams with dummies of food on it. Opposite the teams sit Sweet Tooth and Vitaminka with baskets. The task of the players is to transfer useful products to Vitaminka in the basket, and harmful products to Sweet Tooth. The team that completes the task faster wins.

2 relay "Collect the item"

Children are divided into two teams. Opposite the teams sit Sweet Tooth and Vitaminka. In front of each character there is a table with envelopes containing split pictures of food products. The task of the players is to get the picture and collect it, the Sweet Tooth team collects 1 picture on the table depicting products that contain vitamin A, the Vitaminki team - pictures depicting healthy foods that contain vitamin C. The child names the product that he collected and returns to the place, passes the baton to the next player. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

3 relay "Vitamin tennis"

Educator: Let's remember what vitamin is contained in the egg? (vitamin B). That's right, vitamin B. The task of the relay is to move the ball with a tennis racket to the baskets that are in the hands of our heroes. When the ball is in the basket, the participant returns to his place and passes the racket to the next participant. Since we will replace the egg with a ball, it cannot be dropped accordingly. The team that completes the task faster wins.

4 relay "Athletes"

To be healthy, you need to strengthen your body not only with vitamins, but also play sports. And now we will check which team is the most athletic. Skittles are in front of the teams. Each child has a club in their hands. With the help of a club, the child rolls a small ball, runs around the pin, returns to the place, passes the baton to the next participant. The team that does it faster wins.

Sweet Tooth and Vitaminka announce the results of the relay races. Teams are awarded medals "Healthy".

Educator: Both teams showed themselves to be fast, dexterous, smart. You have done an excellent job.

Sweet tooth: To be strong, dexterous, healthy, cheerful -

Do not eat chips and drink Coca-Cola.
Eat an apple, plums, lemon, oranges -
Fruits and berries contain vitamins.

Vitaminka: We can cope with a runny nose, flu, sore throat -

Not chips will help, but those vitamins,
What live in berries, fruits, vegetables,
In cheeses, cottage cheese, milk and borscht...

Educator: Everyone likes a juicy, ripe pear,

Strawberries, blueberries, currants to eat ...
In various products - from fish to raspberries,
Vitamins are essential for life.

So our holiday has come to an end, and we hope, guys, that you have learned a lot of new and useful things.

Vitaminka: See you soon friends!

Sweet Tooth: Bye guys!


1. Golitsyna N.S. "Life safety for older preschoolers" work system - M., "Scriptorium 2003", 2012

2. Tarasova T.A., L.S. Vlasova "Me and my health" - a program of classes, exercises and didactic games (A practical guide for the development and strengthening of healthy lifestyle skills in children from 2 to 7 years old) - M., "School Press", 2008

3. Shorygina T.A. Conversations about health - M., Creative Center Sphere, 2005

Natalia Stepanova
Thematic week "Vitamin"

Theme week« Vitamin»

(10.07 - 14.07)


To form in children ideas about proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.



1. continue to introduce children to the concept « vitamins» and their role in human life;

2. consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as their importance in nutrition;


1. develop logical thinking;

2. develop children's creative abilities;

3. develop memory;

4. develop attention.


1. to educate children in a culture of nutrition, a sense of proportion;

2. educate the desire for a healthy lifestyle;

3. to cultivate the ability to interact and communicate in the process of joint activities;

4. educate the ability to reasonably express their opinion.


Opening weeks« Vitamin» .

Conversation with children "What's happened vitamins.

Examination of illustrations and dummies of fruits, vegetables and berries. A conversation about their significance and benefits for humans.

Reading a poem by S. Mikhalkov "About a girl who ate badly".

Didactic game "What grows where".

Role-playing game "Grocery store"- fix the names of useful products and store departments where you can purchase these products.

mobile game "Run away from the virus".

Conversation with children "What does proper nutrition mean?"; "Most Healthy Foods".

Invite the children to draw their favorite "correct, useful" products and meals.

Reading D. Mamin - Siberian "The parable of Milk, oatmeal and gray cat Murka".

Didactic game "Useful and harmful products".

Role-playing game "Chefs"- fix the names of vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as healthy dishes that can be cooked from them.

sedentary game "Edible - inedible".

Conversation with children "Why do you need to eat porridge?", “What is porridge cooked from and how to make porridge tasty?”.

Invite the children to guess from which cereals you can cook semolina, millet, buckwheat, oatmeal and wheat porridge.

Offer children coloring pages and stencils "Vegetables, fruits, berries".

Didactic game "Find the Extra".

Role-playing game "We cook porridge"- fix the names of cereals and porridge, which is cooked from them.

mobile game "Harvest in the garden and vegetable garden".

Conversation with children “What does lack lead to vitamins in the human body?

Solving riddles about vegetables, fruits and berries.

Reading Poems by Yunna Moritz "Peas", "Eggplant", "Pepper".

Didactic game "Which vitamin hid in the products.

Role-playing game "We cook compote"- fix the names of fruits and berries.

mobile game "Baba sowed peas".

Learning and discussion proverbs: "Onion from seven ailments", “If you go for berries, you will find health.

finger game "Cabbage".

Fairy tale dramatization "Turnip".

Didactic game "Find by description".

Mobile game - relay race "cook cabbage soup".

Final event - invite children to create a collective collage « Vitamins are our friends» through various means of artistic expressiveness: pencils, felt-tip pens, colored paper and cardboard, plasticine, etc.


Stepanova N. V., Volkova V. L.

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Topic: "We need vitamins - they are important for everyone's health."

TO the synopsis was prepared by the teacher-defectologist of the first

qualification category of childrengarden number 24 "Fidgets" group

No. 7 Malysheva Elena Mikhailovna.


introduce children to the concept of "vitamins", the main sources

vitamins - fruits, vegetables and berries and their importance for the body.


* to form in children an idea of ​​​​how vitamins affect

the human body, about their benefits and significance for human health;

* talk about healthy foods that contain vitamins,

* develop attention, thinking, imagination, active and passive


* To educate in children the desire to take care of their health.

Integration of educational areas:

Cognition; Communication; Reading fiction; Music;

Physical Culture.

Leading educational area: Cognition.

Activities : playful, experimental, communicative, reading


Preliminary work:

1) Examination of illustrations, dummies, natural vegetables, fruits and berries.

2) Solving riddles about fruits, vegetables, berries;

3) Drawing on stencils and coloring vegetables, fruits and berries;

4) Didactic games: "What grows where?" ; "Split into groups";

“Guess from the description”, etc.

5) Drawing up a description story according to plan.

6) Reading fiction: L. Tolstoy "Roots or tops";

According to Y. Ponyasov "Cunning Cucumber"; L. Tolstoy "Bone"; To Sukhomlinsky

"Granddaughter of the old cherry".


1) Illustrations depicting fruits, vegetables, berries.

2) Models and natural vegetables, fruits and berries.

3) Cards for a didactic game.

4) Basket.

The course of direct educational activities:

I.Organizing time:

(The song of Little Red Riding Hood from the movie "Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf" sounds).

Guys, do you hear? What a wonderful song. And who sings it? (children's answers)

II. Main part:

Little Red Riding Hood: Hello guys! My name is Little Red Riding Hood. I have a beloved grandmother, she is old and often sick. And now she has a cold. He doesn’t tell me fairy tales, doesn’t knit stockings, doesn’t bake pies, but all the time he sneezes, groans and gasps. When my grandmother is sick, my mother and I bring her gifts. What would she collect as a gift this time, so that she would recover quickly? How to help her?

I think, Little Red Riding Hood, that the guys and I can help you put together a healthy and tasty present for your grandmother. Really guys?

Little Red Riding Hood: I will be very grateful.

Indeed, sometimes it happens that people get sick, but we must try to be healthy. If you want to be healthy, cheerful, strong, efficient, if you want to fight various microbes, not succumb to any diseases, you need to do exercises every day, walk outside, eat more healthy foods.

Guys, what useful products do you know? (children's answers).

Why do we call them useful? (children's answers).

Yes, indeed, berries, vegetables and fruits are the main sources of vitamins and minerals. Most vitamins are not formed in the human body and do not accumulate, but come only with food. In nature, vitamins are formed in plants, so fruits, vegetables, and fruits serve as the main source of vitamins for the body for people. Every blade of grass, every leaf catches the sun's rays - the source of life. A sunbeam will fall on a green fruit, berry, vegetable and go out, but will not disappear, with its help, the necessary vitamins will appear in every berry, every fruit, every vegetable.

Let's play the game "Gifts of the Red Sun". (children guess riddles and put riddles-gifts on the sun's rays.)

In the summer sunny garden

Ripe fruit in plain sight.

Just don't be lazy

Try to guess them.

Somewhere far south

It grows in winter and summer.

Will surprise us

Thick-skinned …(a pineapple) .

yellow citrus fruit

Grows in sunny countries.

But it tastes sourest,

And his name is...(lemon) .

He looks like a red ball,

Only now it does not rush galloping.

It contains a useful vitamin -

This is ripe...(orange) .

Twins on a thin branch

All vines are native children.

Every guest in the house is happy.

This is sweet…(grape) .

All boxers know about her

With her, they develop their blow.

Even though she's clumsy

But it looks like a fruit...(pear).

Here is a pod - a huge house,

Brothers settled in it.

Every brother is a buffoon

And this pod is...(peas) .

Family lives underground

Dad, mom, kids darkness.

Just dig it a little -

Instantly appears...(potato) .

Sleeping in the garden under the leaf

Yes, he still snores.

Sees the fifth sweet dream

Couch potato - …(squash) .

Our purple master

One of the vegetables.

He is the French Comte de Jean,

And in Russian - …(eggplant) .

Who sprawled among the beds,

Who doesn't like to play hide and seek?

Here is Emelya - a simpleton,

White-sided ... (zucchini).

Whatfor a creak, what for a crunch?

What is this bush?

How to be without a crunch,

If I ….( cabbage)

It's round and red

Like the eye of a traffic light.

There is no juicier among vegetables ... ( tomato)

The sun helps our fruits, berries, vegetables to ripen. Let's take a break and imagine that we are all one big sun. (Children hold hands, form a large circle, follow commands pfoodgiver. They stretched the beams up, reached out, hugged each other, etc.

Well done boys. And now, let's closefor, together we say: "The red sun shines brightly, bring us gifts." (the teacher takes out the dressing with vegetables, fruits and berries).

Look at this dish - various vegetables, berries and fruits have gathered here. And here are the baskets in which vitamin products live. (The teacher tells and lays out the products in baskets depending on the content of vitamins)

The first basket-Vitamin A : good for skin, vision, teeth, bones and found in carrots, beets, potatoes,red sweet pepper, red tomato, green onion.

The second basket-Vitamin IN : strengthens the body, necessary for the functioning of the nervous system, found incabbage, carrots, corn, banana, pear, pomegranate, pumpkin, green peas, strawberries, onions.

Third Basket-Vitamin C : hardens the body, has a beneficial effect on teeth and bones, found in oranges, tangerines, lemon, currants, cranberries, cabbage,sea ​​buckthorn, raspberries, mountain ash, wild rose, strawberries, kiwi, lemon, garlic.

So all the products scattered in their baskets. And Little Red Riding Hood's basket is still empty, so let's each of you put in the basket the gift for your grandmother that he considers the most useful and tell us the vitamin that it contains. (children's answers, for example; “I put carrots - this is a vegetable, it contains vitamin A, it is good for vision, skin, teeth and bones).

Well done guys, how many vitamin gifts you have prepared for your grandmother.

Little Red Riding Hood: What smart guys you are, now I know about healthy vitamin products, and I will always bring them to my grandmother so that she does not get sick.

And also Little Red Riding Hood, our guys will tell you what you can cook from these products for your grandmother. Really guys?

Tell the guys what can be cooked from vegetables? (children's answers).

What can be prepared from fruits? (children's answers).

What can be prepared from berries? (children's answers).

Well done boys! How many healthy and tasty dishes were named. Your mothers, participating in the “Health Week”, brought us many wonderful tasty, healthy, vitamin recipes. Today we will try to prepare vitamin drinks according to their recommendations.

Game: "Vitamin drinks".

Strong boys will prepare juice from oranges, tangerines, lemons. And the beautiful girls will prepare a berry juice. (children prepare vitamin drinks, treat each other).

Do we have delicious drinks? Let's pour our drinks for grandma too, let her recover faster.

III.Final part: .

Guys, let's once again remind Little Red Riding Hood everything that we ourselves learned in the lesson about vitamin products. (children's answers).

Little Red Riding Hood: Many thanks to you guys, from me and my grandmother. And here are the gifts from our fabulous forest. (Gives children walnuts). Nuts are also a very useful product.

Thanks Little Red Riding Hood. But we will learn about what different nuts are rich in in the next lesson.

Synopsis of GCD "Vitamins strengthen the body" (senior preschool age)

Program content:
1. Continue to consolidate children's knowledge about the benefits of vitamins for our body.
2. Introduce the concepts of "vitamins A, B, C, D, E" and the products in which they are contained.
3. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the need for vitamins for the human body, about the benefits of products that contain vitamins.
4. Develop speech, attention, memory, exercise in guessing riddles.
5. Cultivate the desire to be healthy.

Integration areas: cognition, communication, music, fiction, physical development.

Preliminary work: talking about fruits and vegetables, looking at pictures, describing them; games "4th extra", "Find out the taste, smell", "Wonderful bag".
Material: "Vitaminka" doll, pictures of fruits and vegetables and foods containing vitamins, multi-colored petals with vitamin groups (magic chamomile), "Ladybug", a basket of vegetables and fruits (you can use dummies).
GCD progress:
Educator: Guys, today we will learn about the most useful products. Do you know what are the most useful products? (vegetables, fruits, berries).
- Guys, why are vegetables, fruits and berries so useful? (they have a lot of vitamins)
Mysterious music sounds, the guest of "Vitaminka" appears.
Vitaminka: Hello guys! My name is Vitaminka.
Don't get carried away with chocolate food
Very sweet, salty
Oh, beware.
Only vegetables and fruits
Very tasty products!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Educator: Yes, guys, vitamins are necessary, like the sun, air, and water - you can’t argue with that ...
Vitaminka: I really love riddles. What about you guys? (Yes) If you guess the riddle, you will see the answer.
Tall children lay down in the garden,
All the guys are well done and are called ... (cucumbers)
Ivan ordered a purple caftan,
It was better not to have a caftan than a caftan for ... (eggplant)
Walked along the garden along the fence
The army is brave patrol.
Holds the peaks of a hundred hands
Growing bitter... (onion)
The red maiden was born in a dungeon,
She threw her scythe out the window deftly.
Autumn is coming, pull out ... (carrot)
The round brothers are languishing in the house,
In the green house they are not bad at all.
They are boiled in broth and called ... (peas)
Teacher: How to call in one word all these pictures - answers? (vegetables) This fruit is oblong,
Rich in vitamins.
It is boiled, it is dried.
It is called… (pear)
He has orange skin
What looks like the sun.
And under the skin - lobules,
Did you count how much?
Let's give everyone a share
We'll eat everything bit by bit. (orange)
red, ruddy,
I grow on a branch.
Adults love me
And, of course, kids. (apple)
Among the emerald leaves
Many wonderful clusters are ripening.
They are made up of berries
They have a wonderful scent
And we call them... (grape)
Even though it's very sour.
We put in tea ... (lemon)
Educator: How to call all these pictures in one word - answers? (fruits)
Vitaminka: All vegetables and fruits contain a lot of useful substances. When we eat them, our body receives a large supply of vitamins so that we are healthy and do not get sick.
Educator: In autumn, a large harvest of fruits and vegetables ripens. It is not possible to keep everything fresh. Long storage may spoil them. What do adults do to keep the harvest for the whole winter? (preserve vegetables, fruits, cook jam, make compotes ...)
Vitaminka: You can also dry fruits. Dried fruits are called dried fruits. Even when dried, they retain many vitamins. You have probably seen and tasted raisins - these are dried grapes, dried apricots - dry apricots. A very tasty and healthy compote is prepared from dried fruits, which you get for lunch.
Educator: Guys, what time of the year do you think we get the most vitamins? (summer, autumn)
Physical education:
We stand in the garden (sipping - arms to the sides)
We marvel at nature.
Here is the salad, and here is the dill (touch the left foot with the right hand and vice versa)
Let's work with you
Let's declare a fight to weeds -
We will root out
Yes, squat lower (forward bends, squats)
We go to the orchard (walking in place)
Inhale the aroma of apples (deep breaths)
We want to pick them from the tree (alternately raise the right, then the left hand up)
But we can't get them from the branches (shrugs, hands out to the sides)
We will take the ladder with you (imitate climbing stairs)
We will collect all the apples (imitate picking apples)
Educator: Guys, look at our magic chamomile, the main vitamins are written on its petals, which are indicated by capital Latin letters. On the reverse side of the chamomile are drawn products that contain these vitamins.
Vitamin A is a vitamin of growth and vision, it is abundant in butter, liver, vegetables and red fruits, such as carrots and apricots.
B vitamins are very important for the functioning of the brain and the whole body, they are contained in butter, meat, bread, cereals.
Vitamin C protects the body from various diseases, strengthens blood vessels. This vitamin is found in all fruits and vegetables, most of all in blackcurrants, rose hips, lemons, oranges, sauerkraut, garlic and onions.
Vitamin D is necessary for our bones, it is very abundant in the liver, meat, animal fats.
Vitamin E is very important for the development of the body, it is found in animal and vegetable fats, cereals and other products.
Vitaminka: Guys, who's buzzing around there? Yes, this is a ladybug that flew on a magic chamomile. Let's play with her and with our magic chamomile. You will need to guess which vitamins are in the fruits, vegetables and foods on offer. (Pictures with drawings are used. For correct answers, children receive chips from colored paper. Whoever gets more chips wins the game).
Vitaminka: Guys, you played so well, and now guess another riddle.
It comes in all colors
It has a lot of vitamins
I'm always ready to drink it
After all, there is no better drink!
He is carrot and tomato,
And the taste and color is pleasant.
So that you can become healthy,
Drink more fruity... (juice)
V-l: Well done, you correctly guessed the riddle of our Vitaminka. Did you know that juice is not only very tasty, but also a healthy drink, and it can also be an excellent medicine. For example, onion juice - from a cold, with a sore throat, and if with honey, then with a cough. Cabbage juice helps relieve pain. Radish juice is used for coughing.
Vitaminka: Guys, you are so great! You correctly said that there are more vitamins in summer and autumn. The lack of vitamins in the body is called beriberi, so in winter and spring, vitamins must be bought at a pharmacy. They need to be consumed in certain doses, how many of you know how? (1-2 tablets per day), and when using vitamins bought at a pharmacy, you must carefully study the instructions.
Educator: Guys, vitamins are substances that our body needs for proper functioning and assimilation of food, they increase efficiency, resistance to diseases, and promote growth. If there are not enough vitamins in food, a person begins to get sick, becomes lethargic, weak, sad.
Vitaminka: Guys, I didn’t come to you empty-handed and brought you a gift, and you yourself can guess what it is for, because today you learned so many interesting things about vitamins. (Vitamin distributes apples to children. Children and the teacher discuss what vitamins are in apples, how they are useful).

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