Everything about the bodies of the most interesting. The character of the Taurus girl. Taurus in love

Stubborn. Hardhead. Unbending. The same man who will easily survive the zombie apocalypse, because he himself behaves approximately like a zombie: I see the goal - I don’t notice obstacles, I think about the same as a revived ghoul - that is, in no way. The only available way to make Taurus change his mind is to shoot him in the head. All other methods, from affectionate persuasion to blackmail and threats, theoretically, can be used for quite a long time without the slightest risk to your own precious person, but there is about zero practical sense in this. Remember: shoot through the head.

Positive traits

He loves comfort and, more importantly, knows how to provide it for himself (and loved ones) on his own “from and to”: he will earn for himself Vacation home with a fireplace and a Big Black Jeep of the “I’m eating like on a sofa” system, while meekly cooking borscht, washing floors and cleaning a cat’s litter box, because he is uncomfortable in the dirt and without food. He’s not afraid of a damn thing, except for a hangover (which, however, he regularly organizes for himself, because (see above) without whiskey, it’s somehow not pleasant enough to sit by the fireplace). In a mysterious way, he combines in one nature a tendency to laziness and fanatical hard work: if he forces himself to get up from the sofa, he will move mountains. His sense of duty had grown to such an impressive length that if it had been an Organ of Valor, he would have tripped over it. In general, Taurus is an incredibly kind fellow with a good sense of humor. He loves and knows how to make friends and take care.


Negative qualities

Pathologically greedy: everything that got into the raking hooves must remain there, otherwise he does not play. Does not tolerate criticism and valuable instructions. Taurus is the worst of all possible earthly incarnations of a chthonic monster named Strong Business Executive: it is possible that little Taurus are immediately born in a cap, tie and with a party member certificate in tightly closed fists. At the competition of slow-witted people, he will take second place - when he realizes that the winner is annelids brought to the pedestal, it seems, for a reason. Can't stand being ignored: of all possible ways to attract everyone's attention chooses a dull mumbling. In general - a boring, stuffy and incredibly dreary beaver.


He wants to be a romantic and for some reason thinks he can, although he never goes beyond the cliches of third-rate melodramas - like a broom of 70 roses on a third date and a ring in a glass of brut (fortunately, he himself owns first aid skills). On the other hand, if a woman endures a stuffy candy-bouquet period and lets Taurus into the next level, she will get a really good romantic: of course, he will continue to carry brooms, but he will never forget to buy her favorite wine or hang washed pillowcases. She avoids scandals for any reason, except for one thing - jealousy: on this topic, she would not mind throwing plates, but she is afraid, and therefore, again, she mumbles dejectedly for hours and revels in evidence of her sweetheart’s infidelity sucked from her finger.


Slow and sad. However, what can not be taken away is the quality: he cannot stand the very fact of the presence of an unsatisfied partner in bed, because - see the “uncomfortable” item, and at the same time the “shoot through the head” item. In the sense that if your orgasm suddenly breaks down, Taurus will rather drill an artesian well in you than retreat from the intended goal. Heavenly bodies recommend in this case to simulate an orgasm, because it is known for certain: imitation of deep sleep or hypoglycemic coma does not help. He is frankly afraid of risky sexual experiments, but he doesn’t show it: from a direct question, he hides behind hugs, and next time he cuts more diligently. Cuts better.


Everything for the house, everything for the family, everything for the beloved wife and the precious backbiters. If you know where his red button is and never press it, you can blow his brains out for decades with complete impunity. Prefers wife to play role caring mother and a strict mentor, periodically doing him a-ta-ta. To the point of trembling in the hooves, he is afraid of changes and the loss of what he has acquired by overwork, therefore, as a rule, he does not change, and even more so does not get divorced on his own initiative. At the initiative of his wife, however, not very much either: despite the fact that in love Taurus is pathologically jealous, in marriage he is able to ignore the legs of his wife's lover sticking out from under the bed - if only there was no war.


Taurus + Aries

The rarest chance for a happy life together, and then under certain conditions: the young lady-Aries should be at least under ninety, Taurus - no more than 25. But even in this case, it is possible that Aries will regularly hit Taurus with a stick to turn faster. And he thought faster too.

Taurus + Taurus

It's very boring from the outside. Inside - absolutely harmonious: everyday comfort, indispensable prosperity, understanding from a half-word, excellent sex. He is well aware of how dreary it can be, and therefore meekly demolishes plates flying at his head. She is well aware that there is not the slightest reason to throw plates, but it's nice that you can.

Taurus + Gemini

The rarest union that the Heavenly Office creates in order to pinch the tail of the especially presumptuous Gemini: they, like moths, fly into the light of sincere Taurus care, and then full Pe comes. Order. Constancy. Planning. Oh yeah baby, look into the eyes of the monsters. Everything ends, however, well: the Gemini run, losing slippers, and Taurus simply does not have time to understand what it was.

Taurus + Cancer

Great union! Cancer bakes a cake with one claw, writes an immortal novel with another, Taurus hangs all base material tasks on one horn, gently scratches Cancer under the neck with another, managing not to violate her personal boundaries. Peace, happiness and well-being of the air.

Taurus + Leo

Grandpa Darwin is turning in his grave, looking at this union: the queen of the zodiac food chain, instead of devouring the ideal victim, accepts his courtship. Because no one serves better than a Taurus. Taurus, in turn, without waiting for at least some encouragement for his selfless service, turns around and leaves. What for the Lioness, as you understand, is a sudden and vile blow, which means a complete defeat and the collapse of all hopes. The rabbit ate the carrot, in general.

Taurus + Virgo

The case when for some reason an honored neurosurgeon is offered to dissect frogs together with freshmen. No, Virgo, in principle, does not mind, she just does not understand - why? Well, what did she not see there, huh?

Taurus + Libra

Perhaps the strongest and happiest zodiac couple, whose secret of happiness lies in the inviolable commandment "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." Taurus provides required level comfort and well-being, Libra pours aesthetics, sparkles and rainbow unicorn manure from above. Beauty and splendor come out.

Taurus + Scorpio

Nothing will come of it. Theoretically, it would be convenient for Scorpio to live with Taurus, but practically it is the convenience of a luxury prison cell: everything is available for life, only there is no life. The victim does not even twitch when they are tormented - well, what good is that at all ?!

Taurus + Sagittarius

It is senseless and merciless: the jealous Taurus will try to turn on the “home construction” mode, which the freedom-loving Sagittarius young lady understands quite unambiguously. As the command "Release the kraken!". And this abyss will swallow Taurus in one moment, oh yes.

Taurus + Capricorn

The perfect couple. The reference “kvadish, praktish, good” is diluted with rare interludes on the subject “I am the power here!”, But in general, both understand that this is so - only so that the public in the face of jointly acquired children and cats does not get completely bored.

Taurus + Aquarius

Only sex, but, by the way, excellent: Taurus saws with high quality, Aquarius carefully and painlessly for Taurus shifts the pile towards experiments and the sky in diamonds. In all other areas of love, Taurus both wants and injects, and Aquarius rolls his eyes and writes to his girlfriend in the messenger: “Call urgently and say that you broke your leg, otherwise I will die of boredom.”

Taurus + Pisces

A strong and certainly eternal union. Rybka, sensing guaranteed stability and submission, will grab and drag him under a snag. Taurus will eventually find a certain charm in the fact that they poke him with a stick all the time: such, you know, such an amazing, incomprehensible woman!

Each zodiac sign has its own secrets, and Taurus is no exception.

Bucataria Noastra publishes as many as 30 facts about this wonderful sign that you might not know:

1. For Taurus, family always comes first.

2. Angry Taurus can be calmed by music.

3. Taurus are laconic, but by the expression on their faces, everything is immediately clear.

4. Unlike others, when Taurus confesses his love, he does it sincerely.

5. Taurus will always be there in the most difficult moments.

6. Sometimes Taurus impresses others with his diligence, and sometimes he can lie all day in front of the TV.

7. Angry Taurus? May God have mercy on you!

8. Taurus believes that no matter how much he falls, he can always get back on his feet.

9. Do not try to disturb the sleeping Taurus!

10. Taurus is lucky: they have both intelligence and beauty.

11. Taurus do not like loud sounds, except for music.

12. Taurus will always be faithful to you until you offend him.

13. Do not try to seduce Taurus or make him fall in love with you. This will give exactly the opposite result.

14. To convince a Taurus of something is an impossible task, especially when he is 100% sure that he is right.

15. Taurus create their own worlds, incomprehensible to others.

16. You will never know what is on the mind of a Taurus, because he does not share his innermost thoughts with anyone.

17. Taurus love to pamper their loved ones, but not with money spending, but with symbolic gifts.

18. Taurus will always listen to you, but not always agree.

19. Taurus love to entertain and make people laugh.

20. For some reason, Taurus usually have a rather narrow social circle.

21. Taurus needs you to believe in him when he doubts himself.

22. Never tell a Taurus what he should or shouldn't do, because he will act contrary to you.

23. This is the most stubborn sign of the Zodiac. Without any doubt.

24. Taurus can explode, but only if you bring it.

25. Taurus doesn't care what outsiders think of him.

26. Taurus will always prefer rest to cleaning the house.

27. Taurus will never whisper behind your back. He will speak to your face.

28. If you have already managed to piss off Taurus, it will be very difficult to calm him down.

29. Tauruses have mood swings when they shut themselves off from the whole world.

30. Taurus have an excellent memory and absorb new information like a sponge.

Do you know Taurus people?

Facts about men - Taurus with our readers shared a tarologist and clairvoyant Marianna Abravitova.

Venus, the ruler of Taurus, gives these people a special charm, and when they fall in love, they love deeply and completely. This is a truly beautiful quality, and acquaintance with Taurus can turn into real happiness. It's not uncommon for a Taurus to shower his beloved with gifts, leave a rose on her pillow every night, and arrange expensive romantic dinners for her. However, love must come to him.

Taurus men really love sex, but the problem is getting into bed. They often feel that their strong sexual passions must be contained in order for them to have the peace and simple happiness they seek. As a result, you can never call them playboys. They actually tend to sublimate their sexual energy and funnel it into their career or whatever they see as constructive. Most of them prefer to hide their animal nature. This means that if you are a woman who is interested in having sex with a Taurus, you will have to patiently work your way through his obstacles.

Unfortunately, letting go of a relationship, even if everything goes wrong, is just as difficult for Taurus as getting into a relationship. In fact, it may take years for a particularly sharp gap to be bridged.

Fact 1: A typical Taurus is a reliable, ambitious, sensual and practical man. But most Taureans are very stubborn about everything that concerns their life prospects.

Fact 2: In an effort to secure their future and maintain a high status in society, Taurus tends to become materialistic.

Fact 3: Taurus are often very reserved, they usually do not express their opinions or their judgments with particular zeal.

Fact 4: They are very fond of their material possessions and protect its integrity.

Fact 5: Taurus is a consistent person, he is not afraid to take responsibility for his actions and for his chosen one.

Fact 6: He is a simple person, he does not need much attention. He doesn't like it when you change plans at the last minute. He may seem cranky or upset for no reason, but he is just trying to solve his problems on his own.

Fact 7: Taurus likes to dominate and is out of control.

Fact 8: Taurus will never let anyone dictate how to live.

Fact 9: If a Taurus man loves you, he will do everything to please you.

Fact 10: When a Taurus wants something, he will make you think you want it too, so you go after him. He always gets what he wants!

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Each person has his own zodiac sign, which is determined depending on the date of birth. It is influenced by the day and month of birth. Each sign has its own characteristics, description, strengths and weak sides, compatibility. In this article we will consider the type of the Zodiac Taurus.

Common features

The main characteristic of a person whose zodiac type is Taurus is practicality, determination, possession. He is determined and self-confident. And since it belongs to the Earth type, it is called upon to deal with material matters. Such a person tries to master all aspects of life, to get wealth to achieve heights. For him, the satisfaction of his needs is one of the main tasks, as well as convenience in everything, the pleasure of life.

He is active in his work and likes to get results. He needs money not for the sake of owning papers, but in order to satisfy his needs. As no one else appreciates the beautiful, beautiful and expensive things and objects, stylish clothes, well-groomed appearance. For the sake of emotional and material stability, he is ready to go to great lengths.

Taurus does not really like to understand himself, look for reasons and relationships, since he devotes time to a greater extent to achieving his goals. He likes to plan his life for many years ahead and cannot stand those who prevent him from doing this.


If your child is a Taurus, then from childhood he is very persistent, purposeful, cheerful. He likes to devote time to art, music, drawing. From the young age he shows perseverance in achieving his goal.

And he will behave this way, even if his parents consider the goal frivolous and unnecessary. If the baby decides something, then this is for a long time. So, the child of the Taurus sign, who decided not to go to kindergarten, will be almost impossible to convince.

Shouting, scolding, punishing - all this does not work with Taurus, and often gives the opposite results. If he wants something, he will get it. Taurus does not perceive standard parental techniques and you will have to turn on your mind and imagination completely in order to convince him of something.

Among not the most best qualities- slowness. And this slowness is noticeable only in comparison with other children: it may seem that Taurus is unhurried and switches from one task to another for too long. Although this quality is not a minus at all.

Taurus is solid and does everything for sure, his pace will always be a little slow, no matter what is expected of him, but the result of the actions will be impressive. With this feature, you just need to come to terms. If you rush him, then the result will be deplorable: everything will fall out of his hands and his nerves will fail.

For children of this sign, as well as for other representatives earth element, changes are very dangerous, which they perceive with caution, because they are strongly attached to the house, parents, friends, environment. Even in adulthood they will choose the proven "old" over the promising and unknown "new".

Both children and adults love to travel and experience new cultures, but they do so only when a warm home awaits them.

For such a child, one should not spare money for education, familiarization with culture, since he will appreciate it and be able to use it in the future.

STARS & FATE (Claire Petulengro)

Kind, generous and attractive people cannot but have shortcomings, even if they are minor. One of these shortcomings is the feeling of possessiveness and jealousy caused by it. This is due to the fact that Taurus attaches great importance to personal relationships. It is not easy to win their love and friendship, they appreciate the sincerity of feelings. I must admit that Taurus are subject to the influence of the moment. They are very generous towards others and have a broad outlook on life. They do not always think logically and often give in to impulse. Impulsivity can make them run away from the crown or throw themselves into the arms of a stranger. Later, they begin to think more seriously about their actions and do not refuse to accept responsibility.​

Taurus love expensive clothes and always look very elegant, although they sometimes lack taste and artistry. They are quite conservative and do not rush for fashion. Taurus have a unique sensitivity, they are very worried about what impression they make on others. They often marry at a young age, as it is too difficult for them to resist the temptation to become adults, serious people. Although Taurus love to have fun, they rarely change partners one after another. They are drawn to people who are not like them, to those with whom they are least expected to be seen. Taurus people need stability and security. If you are not able to manage their finances wisely, it is better not to contact them. Do not deceive the good old Taurus. Taurus want to know that they can return to their beloved home, filled with their favorite things, which villains and bailiffs will not encroach on. As a rule, Tauruses live in the same city all their lives and enjoy universal respect. It takes a lot of effort to get them to move. good reason. Taurus are very sexy and can persuade their partner to do anything with just one sultry look. Taurus often have an unusual voice, and they know how to use it. The voice is what attracts in Taurus at the first meeting. Remember at least the sexy voices of Jack Nicholson and George Clooney, which no woman can resist. Football player David Beckham also has a very unusual voice. Taurus are well aware of this and skillfully use their strengths. Another one attractive feature Taurus - their great smell. Taurus know how to use perfumes and colognes. Taurus have excellent flirting abilities. A languid look from under thick eyelashes is an irresistible means of seduction for both men and women. Taurus will never miss an opportunity. They love their job. Unhappy Taurus makes only incorrect choice careers. Taurus succeed in show business, sports and politics. As a rule, they choose the path in childhood. Actresses Michelle Pfeiffer and Tori Spelling, tennis player Andre Agassi and Prime Minister Tony Blair are brilliant proof of this. Taurus love to be in charge. They will make every effort to become bosses and make decisions, and not just dutifully obey someone else's will. But what I like most about these people is their ability to furnish their home. They know how to perfectly raise children, in the house of Taurus it is always warm and cozy. Their children are happy both at home and at school. But I would not advise making Taurus angry. When Taurus is angry, it is better not to get in his way. An unlucky Taurus is easy to recognize. Steam is literally coming out of his ears!​

Don't be afraid to talk to Taurus. At first glance, they may seem rather harsh, but the most important thing is to communicate with them on an equal footing. A menacing look is just a defensive position, because Taurus is most afraid of disapproval. They value consistency. An ex-girlfriend will always be included in the list of Merry Christmas greetings, and her phone will never be crossed out of the Taurus address book. Such habits greatly annoy jealous partners. Taurus are very fond of the usual order of things. Many signs may find it boring to eat fish for dinner every Tuesday and spend every Sunday in the same park. Taurus love to eat well, and this love only intensifies with age, which leads to fullness. To save Taurus from excess weight, invite him to work out in a sport that he likes. Then oh extra pounds Taurus will quickly forget.​

Be kind to Taurus, and he will take you to unthinkable heights. But if you offend a stubborn bull, you will regret it bitterly. Taurus will not hesitate to publicly insult or humiliate you. Taurus is very straightforward, he does not like to look at life through rose-colored glasses, which other signs of the zodiac tend to. Taurus love to work with their hands, they have perfect order in the garden, and all the neighbors envy their crops. I have a Taurus girlfriend. When she comes to our Scorpio house, she immediately rushes to save the plants, which my husband and I carefully flood. Taurus loves the simple pleasures of life. Even the famous Taurus love to cook. Nothing pleases them quite like a well-prepared meal. They will gladly invite friends over for a dinner that you have planned just for two. But don't worry: when you're alone, Taurus will tell you about their romantic plans.​

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