What mushrooms are harvested at the end of October. mushroom calendar. How to collect mushrooms. for the Leningrad region and the northern places of Russia

With the onset of autumn, the world around is changing, changing its shades. This is especially noticeable in autumn forest. Walking along the forest paths, you can completely get enough of the various colors that nature itself generously endows us with. Among three months October is the brightest autumn. It is not so warm already, but on sunny days all the trees in the forest burn with gold. A walk in the forest, if desired, is carried out with benefit. Among the fallen leaves, you can see a mushroom that is trying to hide. Autumn is the period of mushroom picking. There is where to roam to fame and prepare mushrooms for the winter. Let's figure out first what mushrooms grow in October.

October Harvest!

In the middle month, the number of mushrooms begins to decrease, but their quality noticeably improves. Due to the fact that the nights are already cool, and there are fogs in the morning, the mushroom flies appear less and less. Mushrooms, respectively, retain their integrity. In this connection, the fungi that we collect in the fall are better stored, unlike those collected in the summer.

IN different regions countries, the diversity of mushroom species is still different. A lot depends on climatic conditions. When going for mushrooms, take a real mushroom picker with you, because if you are not professional in this matter, you run the risk of grabbing poisonous species, which are very similar to edible mushrooms. Therefore, do not take risks, but approach this issue with all seriousness.

In October woodlands can inhabit the following fungi:

The hat is funnel-shaped, the shape is correct. IN early age convex with curled edges. The young mushroom is dark olive in color, earthy. Darkens to a dark brown with age. The stem of the mushroom is thickened up to 8 centimeters in height of a cylindrical shape. It narrows towards the bottom. It is lighter than the hat. As it matures, it becomes hollow. The flesh of the mushroom is dense and brittle.

Autumn mushrooms begin to appear in the forests towards the end of August. You can collect them throughout the first half of September. Autumn mushrooms grow in waves. Depending on the weather conditions in each year there can be 2-3 waves of these mushrooms, the first of which is usually the most abundant. Another feature of the growth of autumn mushrooms is that they appear quickly and abundantly, and then disappear just as sharply. Therefore, lovers silent hunting» It is important not to miss the start of the collection.

In what forests is this species found?

Autumn can be considered a cosmopolitan of our latitudes. It can be found in almost any forest that is over 30 years old. Honey mushrooms grow on more than 200 types of trees. As a rule, these fungi appear in colonies on dry trunks, deadwood, stumps, roots and trunks of living plants. Most often, mushrooms are found on spruce and birch trees, a little less often they can be found on pines, aspens and oaks. - moderate band. Settling on dead wood, they destroy it. At the same time, the valuable elements of which it consists are returned to the biological. In the same place, autumn mushrooms can be collected up to 15 years in a row. After this period, the wood is completely destroyed by the mycelium.

Colonies of autumn mushrooms grow very abundantly. From one stump, you can collect several liters of these valuable mushrooms. Young mushrooms with an unopened hat are collected together with a leg. In grown mushrooms, only caps are cut off. Their legs nutritional value Dont Have.

There are many recipes for the preparation of these mushrooms. Honey mushrooms can be boiled, pickled, dried and salted, and also fried. When picking mushrooms, you do not need to pull out their legs “with the root” from the wood, so as not to damage the mycelium, which will delight you with a bountiful harvest next year.

Precautionary measures

However, when going to the forest, it is important to remember the precautions. Many have toxic doppelgangers Therefore, not a single year passes without poisoning. Before going into the forest, it is important to study the signs not only of the species that you plan to collect, but also similar to them, which are better to miss. If you're unsure if this particular mushroom is definitely edible, don't risk your health and leave it in the woods!

Myths about edible and poisonous mushrooms

You should not listen to "grandmother's" advice on how to distinguish a poisonous mushroom from an edible one. For example, some people seriously believe that poisonous species are not eaten by either forest animals or snails. You can see for yourself the fallacy of this statement - even fatal for people pale grebe slugs and insects eat without problems for their lives. Another "unmistakable" way to make sure that the gifts of the forest are edible is when they cooking heat a silver spoon (or onion) with them.

They say that if they do not darken, then this means that among the mushrooms there is not a single poisonous one. Of course, this is not true. Silver can darken, for example, from boletus, but will not change its color when heated with the same pale grebe. You can check it yourself, but it's still better not to make such experiments. There are also myths among the people that mushrooms become poisonous if they grow near rusty iron or snake nests. Such stories should be treated as folklore, interesting as folklore but of no practical value.

Do I need to know the signs of poisonous mushrooms?

No less absurd and dangerous are the convictions of some optimistic people who believe that poisonous mushrooms are rare, so do not bother yourself with their distinguishing features. In fact, about 90 of these species can be found in our forests, and about 10 of them are fatal to us.

Of course, this does not mean that in order to avoid mushroom poisoning, you need to buy them only in grocery stores. The purpose of this article is to show the reader the importance of knowing not only tasty and edible species, but also the signs by which they can be distinguished from poisonous counterparts.

Mushrooms-twins of autumn honey agaric

According to some indications edible species may be poisonous. And there are quite a few similar cases. Among the mushroom pickers, a couple of "autumn mushrooms - dangerous double". The name of an inedible relative is a false honey agaric. This is a generalized name for several species that have some resemblance to the autumn honey agaric. These mushrooms belong to the genera Hyfoloma and Psalitrella. Some of them are considered simply inedible, some are poisonous. Regarding individual species, there are still discussions about whether they can be considered conditionally edible. But there is no clear evidence that a person who eats them will not harm himself. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and limit yourself to collecting only autumn mushrooms. Moreover, there are a lot of them in the forest during the season.

Where do inedible and poisonous twins grow?

They grow in the same places as edible ones - on stumps, deadwood and living trees, so a novice mushroom picker can make a mistake. In order to be sure that the gifts of the forest you have collected can be eaten, you need to know the signs edible mushrooms and their dangerous counterparts.

Differences between false honey agaric and autumn honey agaric

A dangerous double can be easily distinguished from its edible counterpart.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the color of the hat. In edible honey agaric, it has a color from beige to yellowish-dark brown. Moreover, old mushrooms are usually darker compared to young ones. Parts of hats that are closed from the sun are usually much lighter. The dangerous double of the autumn honey agaric often has a bright defiant color.

Second hallmark- coloration of spores. In edible mushrooms, they are white, so on the hats of old mushrooms you can see white coating. This is the controversy. With their help, mushrooms are settled. The third thing to check is the presence of a membranous "skirt" on the leg of the honey agaric. false honey agaric autumn does not have it. This sign is the most important difference which is worth paying attention to. The “skirt” of the autumn honey agaric is the remnant of a protective cover that envelops a young mushroom. The dangerous twin of the autumn honey agaric does not have such a coverlet.

The fourth difference, which helps to highlight the dangerous twin of the autumn honey agaric, is the color of the plates on inside mushroom caps. At inedible species, with which it is better not to deal with, the plates are yellow if the mushroom is young, and greenish-olive in old ones. Autumn mushrooms are characterized by cream, beige or light yellow coloring of the plates.

The fifth difference is the surface of the mushroom cap. In autumn mushrooms, it is covered with small scales. Moreover, their color is usually darker than the hat itself. But old mushrooms lose their scales and become smooth. True, such overgrown mushrooms no longer have nutritional value, so they are not interested in mushroom pickers.

The sixth sign that will help distinguish an edible mushroom is its smell. Autumn mushrooms smell pleasant, and the smell of false ones gives off mold.


Knowledge of these signs will be enough to be able to distinguish the autumn honey agaric. A photo of a mushroom will help you not to make a mistake. But it’s even better to take an experienced connoisseur with you who will show you what autumn mushrooms look like. Once you see them with your own eyes, it will be difficult for you to confuse them with any other species. But there is a hole in the old woman, so do not forget the main rule of mushroom pickers: "If you're not sure - don't take it."

So autumn has come, it's time to walk through the forest and pick mushrooms. The weather, according to mushroom pickers, is the most favorable at this time. And it is not necessary to wait for rains, air temperature and high humidity soil contributes to the maturation of the most different types mushrooms. But what autumn month most suitable for mushroom pickers? Each month attracts in its own way, but what mushrooms can be collected in large quantities in October?

Mushrooms in the middle of autumn

Walking through the autumn forest, when the sun warms and the leaves rustle underfoot, mushrooms can be seen at almost every step. October is a great time for mushrooms: the nights are cool, and foggy in the mornings, which has a very beneficial effect on the quality of the mushrooms. Mushrooms collected in the October period will be better stored in the winter than those collected earlier.

In October, mushrooms should be looked for in the forest, because they prevail in glades in September, and October mushrooms grow under trees, in forest thickets and on stumps. So, what mushrooms grow in October:

Based on the list, this will be a good harvest, but remember that you need to go for October mushrooms before the first frost as long as the weather is favourable. Each type is delicious in its own way, and you can cook the most variety of dishes and blanks. But in order not to collect grebes in October, you need to study each species in detail.

Boletus, mushrooms and oyster mushrooms

Boletus mushrooms are edible mushrooms that grow optionally under birch trees. They can be found in deciduous forests absolutely anywhere. So, mushroom pickers often collect boletus on the edges and hillocks. The hat is dark brown, in the form of a semicircle. Inside is white pulp, which will immediately darken in the cut. The young mushroom is elastic and dense, the old one is watery and fibrous, and the stem becomes hard and inedible. Therefore, it is worth collecting only young mushrooms.

For the winter, you can make excellent canned food from boletus or simply dry them. Just imagine on a cold winter evening. It is worth inhaling the aroma of this dish, and you are already transported to the autumn forest.

The next type of mushroom that is harvested in October is boletus or porcini. It is considered royal among mushroom pickers because it has an amazing taste and aroma. in a pine or spruce forest. The cap is dark brown to purple. The flesh is white and very dense, which does not change color when cut. A basket of porcini mushrooms is a great variety of dishes. Pickles, fried and boiled mushrooms, as well as dried for the winter. This is a very valuable and expensive mushroom, so having collected a basket of mushrooms, you can consider yourself lucky.

What edible mushrooms are harvested in Volgograd region

Oyster mushroom is an unpretentious mushroom that is not afraid of frost. You can collect these mushrooms at the end of October, and in some regions even in December. Habitat - stumps, aspens, oaks, birches or poplars. So, wandering through the forest in search of delicious mushrooms, pay attention to stumps where young oyster mushrooms can hide. The shape of the oyster mushroom resembles an ear and belongs to oyster mushrooms.

A young mushroom has a convex hat with curved edges, but in adult mushrooms the edges are even. The legs of the fungus are dense and slightly bent down. Grayish in color, even ashy. From oyster mushrooms you can cook a lot of dishes. You can marinate, or you can fry with an onion, and they are also perfectly used in a salty form.

True connoisseurs of this mushroom try to grow oyster mushrooms at home. Simply place the spore bags in the cellar and voila! - all winter fresh mushrooms.

Honey mushrooms and mushrooms

Fans of honey mushrooms can find them on damaged trees, this is a favorite habitat for mushrooms. Often these are birches or aspens. On coniferous trees mushrooms are less common. In its shape, the cap of the fungus resembles a ball, the leg is thin and dense, up to 18 centimeters long. They range in color from cream to yellow, but sometimes have a red tint. Honey mushrooms can be either salted for the winter, or dried or fried. And also mushrooms are very tasty and just pickled.

Varieties of mushrooms in the Leningrad region

The next type of October mushrooms is mushrooms. It is simply impossible to miss them in the forest. A bright red color and a convex hat wrapped around the edges immediately gives out a mushroom, wherever it hides. Habitat - pine forests. The taste of the mushroom is not inferior to either white or any other. And when preserved, it retains its bright color. In many countries, sauces are prepared from mushrooms and added to a variety of dishes, and camelina oil is also especially popular with gourmets. This highly aromatic product is ideal for salad dressings or cooking.

Talkers and garlic

Talkers got their name because of the hats that look like a loudspeaker. Lives in a temperate climate. The taste of the govorushka is sweet with spicy notes. The leg is not eaten, but the hat is very tasty both in pickled form and fried or salted. You can determine the talker not only by the shape of the hat, but also by the floral smell.

Walking through the October forest, enjoying the last warm days, pay attention to the stumps. It is there that you can find garlic mushroom. It got its name from the garlic smell. The mushroom has a small convex hat and thin leg. The color is both brown and red. Usually these mushrooms are dried and used as a condiment.

Blues and waves

Purple rowing or cyanosis is an excellent mushroom that is consumed fried, salted, pickled. The color of the cap is purple in a young mushroom, and with age it becomes dark purple. The diameter of the cap reaches 15 centimeters, and the cylindrical leg reaches all 8 centimeters. It tastes fruity and sweet when raw.

If you want to tinker a little with mushrooms, but get a worthy reward in the form of an amazing taste, go to the birch forests for mushrooms. While processing, they require a lot of effort, but their taste is very rich in any preparation. You can recognize the mushroom by a convex pinkish hat up to 12 centimeters in diameter, which is framed by a fringe. The leg reaches 6 centimeters. Volnushki can be salted or fried, they will amaze your guests with an unforgettable taste. The work will not be in vain. For example, very tasty dish- baked volnushki with rice and vegetables.

Where do black and white truffles grow in Russia?

Chanterelles and greenfinches

A popular species among mushroom pickers is chanterelles. Firstly, they have a refined taste, and secondly, these mushrooms are not wormy. Mushroom brightly saturated yellow with curved wavy edges of the cap. The place of residence of chanterelles is coniferous forests. They are often eaten fried with potatoes. And their unforgettable aroma takes you to the forest path of a coniferous forest.

Who would have thought that there are edible green mushrooms. Yes, believe me, there is. Zelenukha or green rowing is a rich green mushroom that does not change even after processing. Habitat - pine forests. Their flat hats peek through the pine needles. The smell is nutty, and they taste very meaty. Just remember, you need to use greenfinch in moderation, otherwise you can earn poisoning.

Unusual butterflies and black milk mushrooms

Butterfish - mushrooms for an amateur. They live in pine or mixed forests, have a convex cap. Mushrooms grow on the edges in groups. Often, adult mushrooms are affected by worms, so you should look only for young fungi. Distinctive characteristic- it is strongly oily, so it is ideal for frying, boiling and pickling.

There are many types of mushrooms, because the periods of their collection vary. Today food industry well developed, mushrooms have learned to grow in artificial conditions. However, buying a product in a store is not as valuable as collecting and searching for it yourself. Where to collect mushrooms, when is it better to do it? These questions are of interest to many fans and avid mushroom pickers.

Young mushrooms most often have a hemispherical cap, in mature mushrooms it is umbrella-shaped. There is a bulge in the center, turning into a flat part, the edges are lowered down. The size of the hat can be different, ranging from 1 to 10 centimeters. On top of it are small scales that disappear when the fungus grows. Also, honey agaric has different colors of hats. They can be light yellow, cream, reddish with a dark center. The legs are very elongated. Their length can be 2 - 18 centimeters, diameter - no more than 2.5 cm. However, each type has its own personality.

Honey mushrooms belong to the variety edible gifts forests that have plates. They grow in summer, autumn, winter periods. At the same time, it is difficult to say exactly when to collect mushrooms.

Autumn fungus ends the season. It is considered one of the most commonly harvested and most common mushrooms. The collection begins in the last days of August, and does not last long, within 14 - 20 days. During this period, they bear fruit well. In the case of a dry summer, this interval may be missed or come a little later.

It has been observed that in the northern regions the globe often there is a second stage of reproduction, based on weather conditions. In these places, honey agaric grows until mid-October.

Summer mushroom picking starts in early June and ends in October. In specimens collected in summer, compared with autumn mushrooms, the hat is smaller. Its shade is yellow-brown, lighter towards the middle. Such a product belongs to category 4. It is well suited to dry, marinate, cook stew.

Winter honey agaric grows in small clusters and only on trees. It appears in autumn and remains under the snow in winter. If the climate is mild, mushroom picking can be carried out until March. They do not have strong taste characteristics, therefore it is better to use them for making stews, first courses, pickling.

Location of mushrooms

Every avid mushroom picker knows where mushrooms grow. They like to grow in old forests, where there are a lot of damaged and weakened trees, near stumps, in areas of wood that are dead and rotting. Most often these are hardwoods:

  1. Acacia.
  2. Poplar.

However, they are often located on spruce, pine, and fir trees. Even if the mushrooms liked some glade, it's not just that. It follows that deep underground are the roots that extend from the stump.

Honey mushrooms are permanent mushrooms. They do not prefer to "jump" from one place to another. If one day a family was found next to a fallen tree, then next year 100% you can harvest a good harvest from this place. And until a tree or a stump from it becomes rotten, mushrooms will bear fruit near them.

A completely different type is the meadow mushroom, which loves open, spacious, grassy meadows. Therefore, it is found in places such as:

  • fields;
  • gardens;
  • forest glades;
  • road edges.

Mushrooms grow almost until November.

This mushroom is quite sociable. They are looking for him in groups, picking up a full basket. It is noticed that for meadow mushroom frequent growth is characteristic not just in heaps, but with the formation of a circle. Such myceliums can have a fairly large area.

The breadth of the growth area of ​​honey mushrooms includes almost all forests, they are absent only in permafrost.

The more moisture in the forest, the greater the yield of mushrooms will be in it. However, it happens that a damp ravine is enough for them.

It is very important to be careful in such places so that the collected mushrooms are not confused with false mushrooms.

On which stumps do mushrooms grow that appear in summer? They are located on the stumps deciduous trees, logs, various remains of trees. They do not grow on living trees. The collection time is from early July to September. Mushroom is small. Its cap has a yellow-brown color, with dark edges, on which there are grooves. In wet weather, it shines through. Brownish stem.

The first real opening among mushroom pickers is considered autumn view. It can be found in big family or growing alone. Where to look for a forest gift? It lives on the trunks of trees, both living and dead. Also - on fallen trees and stumps, in damp forests. Moving onto tree trunks, honey mushrooms cause white rot to form in them, which leads to the death of the tree. They are collected from the end of summer to the beginning of winter. September is the busiest when average temperature is +10.

It can be found on weak or damaged hardwood trees, on wood. They are found along streams, in gardens, parks, on the edges.

Distinctive features of good mushrooms from poisonous forest products

Honey mushrooms, which cannot be eaten, make up a certain amount that looks similar to real mushrooms. In small groups, they grow in the same areas of the forest as edible ones:

  1. Trees that are littered.
  2. Hemp.
  3. Stem parts.

For this reason, they are easily confused with edible gifts.

False mushrooms are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Inedible.
  2. Conditionally edible.
  3. Poisonous.

The first main difference by which one can distinguish good mushroom from the bad, is the presence of a ring with a film (a skirt on a leg). It is the protection of a young product. Inedible mushrooms do not have such a ring.

There are also a number of other differences:

  1. A good mushroom has a fragrant mushroom smell, when a false honey agaric has an unpleasant, earthy smell.
  2. A hat of a bad product with a pronounced color. It can be sulfur yellow, pale red, depending on the species. Non-false mushrooms are characterized by a light brown color.
  3. To taste, false mushrooms are bitter.

An experienced mushroom picker will immediately remember distinctive features, which will help to recognize a bad mushroom, but for an amateur it is better to approach the collection with special attention. If there is the slightest doubt, it is better not to put such a mushroom in the basket.

The mushroom season begins in mid-April - early May. On the northern slopes of the ravines, in the forest thickets, where the sun rarely looks, porous snow still lies, and on the edges of broad-leaved and deciduous forests, warmed by the sun, morels appear on clearings and along forest roads. The mass growth of morels is observed from the first to the third decade of May. At the same time, you can collect lines. These mushrooms love pine forests, settle in clearings and roadsides on sandy soil.

Morels and lines are poisonous when fresh. Before eating, they are carefully processed: boiled 2-3 times, draining the broth, or dried.

In early June, the mushroom picker will meet the first russula. There are many varieties of cheesecakes. These are the most fruitful mushrooms and you can collect them until late autumn. Russula are easy prey, in other places of the forest there are a lot of them, and it seems that unusual flowers of a wide variety of colors and shades have grown in the emerald green.

In June, you need to look into the birch forests if you want the basket to be filled with the first boletus boletus, and in the sparse, light pine forests, you can collect butterflies. At this time, mossiness mushrooms are often green in the forest. From the second half of June, the growth of mushrooms noticeably increases: more than 15 species of cap mushrooms can already be found in the forest.

IN pine forests, overgrown with heather, aspen and often birch forests, very conspicuous mushrooms appear - aspen mushrooms. Their red hat is visible from a distance on a green carpet. These mushrooms grow until late autumn, but most of all they happen from the first decade of August to the second decade of October. In June, when the first warm rains pass, chanterelles will appear in abundance, settling in cheerful flocks on grassy and mossy forest clearings. At this time, you can search in the light pine forest and the king of mushrooms - boletus, and in early July, white mushrooms appear in birch forests.

In June, pigs are found, champignons are found in forest glades and edges, and in July families of milk mushrooms begin to come across in coniferous with birch and birch forests. It is necessary to take a closer look at the bumps, because under a layer of last year's needles and leaves, the mushroom often hides from the eyes of the mushroom picker.

Of course, August is considered the most mushroom month, and mushrooms are its best gift. From the first days of the month they pour out in young growth of spruce and pine forests. The second half of August and the first decade of September - Golden time for the mushroom picker: just have time to collect abundant harvests of mushrooms valuable for drying, pickling and pickling. At this time, there are a lot of boletus, boletus, boletus, mushrooms, milk mushrooms. Less valuable mushrooms also grow - volnushki, rows, podgruzdki. In August, you can meet autumn mushrooms, but their time has not yet come. There are many mushrooms in September, when other mushrooms begin to disappear. The sky frowns more and more often, watering the thinned forest with fine cold rain. Fallen leaves are everywhere - a flowery outfit of autumn, among which it is already difficult to find a mushroom, but honey agarics are in plain sight. Surrounding the stump, they climb up in a crowd, as if they were damp and cold on the ground. Until the first snow, you can carry these tasty and clean mushrooms from the forest with full baskets.

The mushroom calendar is capricious. No year coincides with another in terms of the number of mushroom species and their yield. Only the order of appearance of mushrooms is almost constant.

A real mushroom picker meets the sun in the forest with trophies in a basket. Early in the morning, when there is still no slanting sunlight, the mushroom is more visible. Those who are late can only get overgrown mushrooms and cut off mushroom legs. Walk slowly through the forest, some will run around it and return home with an empty basket, and mushrooms like to play hide and seek. Under a thick branch, in moss, among a pile of leaves, they often hide from the eyes of mushroom pickers, especially after a summer dry wind. In rainy summer, mushrooms settle in clearings and along the edges. If you find a mushroom, then circle around: mushrooms often grow in groups. No need to pull the mushroom out of the ground with the root, it is better to cut it with a knife without scattering forest floor. Save the mycelium - you will get a good harvest in the future.

The Russian writer S. T. Aksakov wrote that mushrooms have favorite places where they will certainly be born every year in greater or lesser numbers. And he had such places in mind, he did not come from the forest without mushrooms. “I always have a lot of noticed mushrooms, mostly porcini,” Aksakov said, “and I take them at the age I need, or leave them to reach their full development and beauty”

(S. T. Aksakov. Collected works, vol. 4. M., ed. art. lit., 1956, pp. 594-595.)

It is best to collect mushrooms in wicker baskets, stacking them with their caps down or sideways if the mushrooms are long-stalked. In buckets due to lack of inflow fresh air mushrooms can "burn" and deteriorate. You can not collect mushrooms in backpacks and bags - in this container they crumple and crumble.

Fresh mushrooms brought home must be sorted, cleaned and processed immediately, they cannot be stored.

Who, in an exciting mushroom hunt, did not have to wander in an unfamiliar forest, finding the way to the house! Of course, it is good to have a compass with you, but it is not always at hand. Therefore, when picking mushrooms, you need to pay more attention to the features of the area: a conspicuous tree, clearings, bends in the road, etc. It is useful to occasionally look back to remember the way back from the forest.

At night, it is easy to navigate by the moon. Full moon opposes the sun, which means that at 7 o'clock. it is in the west, at midnight - in the south and at 19 o'clock. - in the east. A straight line drawn through the two extreme stars of the Big Dipper, which has the shape of a bucket, will pass to the bright Polaris, which is always in our hemisphere in the north.

Do lonely standing tree the crown is always thicker and more magnificent with south side. On sections of stumps, the thickness of annual rings is wider to the south. Resin protrudes from the pine trunks on the south side, and moss and lichens grow on stones and trees from the north. Anthills are usually located on the south side of a tree or stump.

The sides of the horizon can be easily determined with the help of a watch. For this hour hand point to the sun.

A line from the center of the clock through the middle of the angle formed by the hour hand and the direction of the number 1 will indicate where north and south are. Before lunch, south will be to the right of the clock hand, and after lunch, to the left. Exactly at 13:00. the sun is in the south. The minute hand is ignored. The watch should be kept in a horizontal position.

Nature can help the mushroom picker determine the weather for the coming days. Before a bad weather, oxalis and forest grains droop, meadow clover folds its leaves, sweet clover smells strongly, and dandelion, thistle and coltsfoot flowers close. Yellow acacia flowers usually smell strongly in the evening. If their aroma is felt on a sunny morning, this is a thunderstorm.

Going to the forest for mushrooms, pay attention to your flower garden. Ipomoea, mallow, marigolds folded their petals and seemed to wither - it means that it will rain and you need to put on rubber boots and take a raincoat with you.

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