What does the name Bronislav mean? Bronislav (male name). The influence of a name on health

The male name Bronislav has Slavic roots and means “glorious protector.” It is quite rare in Russia, but is much more popular in Poland.

Characteristics of the name Bronislav

Phonosemantically, this name gives the impression of something durable, strong, and mobile. This meaning partly coincides with the real character of Bronislav, who is most often a very strong and independent person. In childhood, and especially in adolescence, the owner of this name gives parents a lot of trouble due to the fact that he tries to do everything in defiance of his family and teachers. Such a rebellious disposition subsides over time, and the adult Bronislav shows a completely calm and balanced disposition. However, he is still looking for other ways of self-expression: striving for leadership, being interested in politics or business, looking for success and people’s attention.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

This name is suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign Aries, Virgo, Sagittarius or Capricorn. Aries (March 21-April 20) is a sign with enormous driving energy, so Bronislav, under its influence, will become focused on great achievements, very active, impatient and even aggressive. Virgo (August 24-September 23) - calm and balanced, under its influence Bronislav will be a practical, calm and very self-confident analyst. Sagittarius (November 23-December 22), on the contrary, will endow Bronislav with relaxedness, a love of risk and travel. And Capricorn (December 22-January 20) will make Bronislav a sober and prudent person, persistently moving towards his goal.

Pros and cons of the name Bronislav

How strong and weak sides are present in the decision to name the child Bronislav? The advantages of this name are its rarity, strong energy, and good compatibility with Russian surnames and patronymics. Bronislav’s independent and purposeful character may seem both a plus and a minus to many parents, and a minus in its pure form can be considered the fact that it is very difficult to choose abbreviations and diminutive forms for this name (for example, Bronislavs are called Bronya, Bronechka or Slava, Warblers).


Bronislaw is in good health, despite the fact that he is susceptible to frequent colds, as well as stress, which often accompanies his hard work.

Love and family relationships

To marriage with someone who is loving and enjoys high female attention Bronislav has a difficult attitude: he is always trying to find himself the ideal woman, which would fit all his criteria, so he spends a long time looking through brides. In the end, the owner of this name chooses a strong-willed and independent woman, which he later succumbs to in all matters relating to family and home.

Professional area

As for the professional sphere, work for Bronislav is a very important component of his life. He can successfully prove himself in almost all areas, but what is closest to him is politics, diplomacy, economics and scientific activity.

Name day

Bronislaw – there is no time popular name among the Slavic peoples, which is now rare. The fate of people with this name is significant; they are endowed with important and necessary qualities. When choosing this name for a child, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the features and characteristics inherent in its bearers.

Bronislav is a name with Slavic roots. Much later, a female version of the name appeared - Bronislava. Not often, but you can still find this name among Russian girls.

According to legend, a boy named Bronislav has positive qualities. It is especially suitable for babies born in spring.


From Old Russian it is translated as “glorious in defense” or “to defend glory.” Experts believe that the meaning of the name Bronislav can endow a guy with many masculine qualities that will gradually manifest themselves as the boy grows up.

In the old days, it was believed that a name had a certain effect on a person’s emotional and mental state. Influencing the psyche, it also affects the actions performed by a person. Accordingly, this is superimposed on his fate line.


A person with this name is a strong and confident person who strives to stand out in everything. His destiny is bright, but often unpredictable. Bronislav is not in good health and is prone to frequent colds and stress.

Work is very important for a man named Bronislav. He can be successful in many fields and industries. He gives preference to science, economics, politics and diplomacy. A man will be successful if he connects his life with the following professions:

  • engineer;
  • chemist;
  • physicist;
  • mathematician;
  • diplomat;
  • attache;
  • ambassador;
  • manager;
  • marketer;
  • politician;
  • banker.

Bronislav will feel great in the role of a teacher, but if the salary does not suit him, then he will not go to work at school.


A characteristic feature of a boy will be cunning. From childhood, he will grow up stubborn and his classmates will have to endure his antics, and his family will have to endure his whims. By nature he is a real bully. Most often he looks like his mother.

Bronislav has an independent character and is always overly confident in himself. He does not like it when his pride is hurt; in such situations he becomes aggressive. These features are especially evident during the transition period. Bronislaw often finds himself at the center of conflict.

Throughout his life, Bronislav will not compromise on his principles. He always achieves his goal and at the same time he is accompanied by luck and luck. A man with this name manages to show flexibility of character in any difficult situations. He will cope perfectly with the most difficult tasks.

The time of year is also reflected in the character of a boy with that name. Those born in winter are distinguished by courage and excellent intuition. They are wary of choosing friends and are very collected in extreme situations.

Guys whose birthday is in the spring have open character and ingenuity, they have wonderful oratorical abilities. They prove themselves in business and in leadership positions and easily advance through career ladder, but at the same time they do not want to obey someone.

If a boy is born in the summer, then he will definitely be a fan of everything beautiful. WITH childhood he shows interest in girls and already, as a teenager, he will be a ladies' man. For summer Bronislaw, comfort is important.

The most serious Bronislav celebrates his birthday in the fall. He does well in school, loves exact sciences and treats everything responsibly. His negative trait is considered tearful, he often makes concessions.

To determine character, the zodiac sign is important, which can greatly influence the boy and his fate:

  • Capricorn is a careerist. He approaches everything responsibly. Material values ​​are more important to him than love. You can always rely on him.
  • If Bronislav's zodiac sign is Pisces, then he is a child at heart for the rest of his life, just as restless and irresponsible. Serious relationship it's not about him. He will end any business with a joke.
  • Aries is quick-tempered, difficult to negotiate with, and rarely keeps his word.
  • If Bronislav was born under the sign of Gemini, then he is smart and easy to communicate with. He has many friends, but he cannot stand loneliness.
  • Leo is a romantic and a conqueror of women's hearts. But he is not created for a long and strong relationship.
  • Libras do not have leadership skills. This boy is very shy and prefers to remain in the shadows.
  • Sagittarius is positive, but optional and indecisive. He is an idealist and is often disappointed in life.
  • Aquarius will achieve any goal for the sake of his ambitions. He longs to bask in the glory.
  • Taurus is a kind boy with a good sense of humor. He is smart, but as he gets older he prefers to be too dominant, which not everyone will like.
  • Cancer is emotional, but subject to rapid change. He needs a girlfriend he can rely on. He does not like to lie and will not lie for the sake of self-interest.
  • Virgo is a loner in life. A guy under this zodiac sign loves to fantasize, is interested in art and has creative abilities.
  • Scorpio is vain and arrogant. He often conflicts and has his own opinion on everything. It's hard to argue with him, but he will make a very loving father.

Name day

According to the Catholic calendar, Bronislaw celebrates name days on August 18 and September 1. In Orthodoxy, he does not have a name day, so he celebrates Angel Day on his actual birthday.

Name color

Bronislav will bring good luck green color, purple will also be lucky for him.

Name flower

The plant symbol of the name Bronislav is basil. The word is of Greek origin and is translated as “king” or “lion.” In ancient times, people revered this herb and traditionally used it to heal royalty. To this day, basil is considered the king of aromatic herbs.

According to legend, this grass is a symbol of love and family well-being. Many peoples call it the herb of immortality for its beneficial qualities.

Church name, calendar

There is no guardian angel and patron name in the Orthodox calendar, since it is Catholic.

Translation of name, in different languages

Despite the fact that the name Bronislav has no synonyms, foreign language analogues are still common:

  • in Belarusian: Branislav;
  • in Czech: Bronislav;
  • in Bulgarian: Branislav;
  • in Polish: Bronisław;
  • in Ukrainian: Bronislav.

Full name, shortened and affectionate

Full name: Bronislav. Briefly we can call it: Armor or Glory. Affectionate form name - Bronik, Bronislavushka or Bronislavchik.

What names are suitable for patronymics?

If a man’s name is Bronislav, then the girl will receive the middle name Bronislavovna, and the guy will receive Bronislavovich. Fun fact that there are two forms of patronymic for this name. Two more acceptable forms have the right to exist: Bronislavich and Bronislavna. This patronymic is combined with many Russian and foreign names.

Boy names for patronymic Bronislavovich:

  • Matvey.
  • Arkhip.
  • Ivan.
  • Alexander.
  • Andrey.
  • Michael.
  • Maksim.
  • Plato.
  • Nikolai.
  • Egor.
  • Leonid.
  • Nazar.
  • Kirill.
  • Dmitriy.
  • Konstantin.
  • Nikita.
  • Novel.
  • Denis.
  • Semyon.
  • Anton.
  • Mark.
  • Emil.
  • Victor.

Girls' names with patronymic Bronislavovna:

  • Maria.
  • Emilia.
  • Anna.
  • Daria.
  • Victoria.
  • Elizabeth.
  • Varvara.
  • Marina.
  • Pauline.
  • Ksenia.
  • Catherine.
  • Alexandra.
  • Veronica.
  • Arina.
  • Sofia.
  • Valeria.
  • Yesenia.
  • Christina.
  • Faith.
  • Taisiya.
  • Alina.
  • Valentina.
  • Diana.
  • Julia.
  • Olga.

Name compatibility

Bronislav often difficult relationships with representatives of the fair sex. In love, he is a dual nature. His priorities are romance and passion. But at the same time, he may turn out to be a womanizer who changes girls like gloves. The reason for this is the desire to find your soul mate. And until he finds it, he will not rest.

Bronislav likes girls who are leaders. He will quickly get bored with calm and self-possessed women. His ideal is the one who will dominate the family. Since the search future wife take a lot of time because of his pickiness, then he marries late.

Girls whose names are Nina, Carolina, Varvara, Polina, Larisa, Yana, or Daria will have ideal compatibility with the name Bronislav.

But women named Maria, Anna, Tatyana, Agata and Veronica are clearly not suitable for him. Such relationships will not last long.

The meaning of the name Bronislav is interpreted as “famous defender” since the name is formed from two components “harrow and glory”. The origins of the name Bronislav are ancient Slavic, and it is pronounced with emphasis on both the second and third syllables, depending on the territory in which it is used. Bronislav also has a similar-sounding female name, with the letter “a” added to the end of the word. IN orthodox calendar the name Bronislav was not entered; it is listed only in the Catholic name book.

From the moment he perceives the world and the birth of intellect, our hero begins to be cunning, fussy and stubborn, which causes a lot of trouble for his family. In most cases, boys named Branislav are similar in appearance to their mother.

In any team starting from kindergarten, our hero is cocky and impudent both with his peers and with his elders. In most cases, all his manipulations are carried out out of spite or in spite of something.

But our Bronislav does not lack self-confidence. From an early age, the boy considers himself independent, so he acts as he sees fit.

Named after Bronislav, he sets goals for himself and confidently fulfills them; for a boy, the main thing is to want to do it; nothing will come of it under a stick. If you offend a guy with something, he will quickly react to it; you won’t envy the offender. Our hero will hurt his pride, and may also use physical force.

IN high school and university The bearer of the name Bronislav, without a twinge of conscience, can conflict with teachers, regardless of their age and status. Even though the boy fights back against the offenders, the insults remain in his soul, he heals them already in mature age personal self-affirmation and independence.

matured Bronislav is calmer, but does not deviate from his principles. He can be called lucky, because fate often brings him pleasant surprises. Some people with the name Bronislav display complexity in their character in the form of isolation. But they are able to analyze the situation and choose the important, discarding the unimportant.

  • Winter Bronislaws are more decisive, athletic and collected. This is mainly noticeable in unusual and difficult situations.
  • Spring Bearers of the name are more open, savvy and talkative. This allows them to engage in social and political activities.

Our hero is also susceptible to the negative effects of alcohol, so he should drink alcohol prudently so as not to become addicted. A person named Bronislav proves himself to be a sweet and cheerful conversationalist. And what he really won’t tolerate in a conversation is superiority and infringement of his merits.

For him, a conversation on equal terms is constructive and pleasant. Bronislav does not like idle talk and talking about anything, so he tries to avoid companies that will not touch upon the topics he needs.

Professional affiliation

Bronislaw Komorowski (Polish politician, President of Poland from August 6, 2010 to August 6, 2015)

When entering a profession, the name Bronislav predicts its bearer to rely only on himself and not require outside help and support.

  • The best option for our hero would be an individual work activity or business. After all, control and instructions are unacceptable for Bronislav.
  • A persistent and persistent man will achieve success quite quickly, but he prefers to work only with proven partners, and there are few of them.
  • He can express himself in engineering, mathematics, history, medicine.

Love and family ties

A man named Bronislav knows how to present himself and be the center of attention. Our hero’s pride does not allow him to marry early, since for a long time he cannot make a choice. A self-confident man becomes timid and helpless alone with the woman he loves. Only when he feels this way will he definitely marry.

In family our hero hands the reins of power into the hands of his wife, whom he trusts completely. The described person treats his children and wife with love and respect. The ideal wife maintains everyday life in in perfect order, which Bronislav really likes. Our hero is not one of those men who cheat on their wives; his principles do not allow him to even think about it.

Forms of the name Bronis

Short form of the name Bronislav. Bronya, Bronik, Slava, Slavik.

The diminutive Slava is also a short form for many masculine ones (Beloslav, Borislav, Radoslav, Bratislav, Yaroslav, Mstislav, Svyatoslav, Vyacheslav, Radoslav, Stanislav, Vysheslav, Istislav, Rostislav, Ladislav, Gorislav, Vladislav, Danislav, etc. .) and female (Beloslava, Yaroslava, Miloslava, Voislava, Wenceslava, Bronislava, Dobroslava, Cheslava, Svyatoslava, Svetislava, Miroslava, Gorislava, Vaclava, Vladislava, etc.) names.

Name Bronislav in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 馬林諾夫 (Mǎ lín nuò fū). Japanese: ブロニスワフ (Buronisuwafu). Georgian: ბრონისლავ (bronislav). Yiddish: בראָניסלאַוו (Brʼányslʼaww). Ukrainian: Bronislav. English: Bronislaw (Bronislaw).

Origin of the name Bronislav

Name Bronislav - Slavic name, derived from the words “boronit” (“to defend”) and “slava,” means “glorious in defense.” The accent in the name Bronislav can be either on the letter “i” or on the letter “a”. The female name Bronislava is derived from the male name Bronislav.

Character of Bronislav

Cunning and stubbornness have been evident in Bronislav since childhood. In character and appearance the boy is very similar to his mother. At school he behaves quite cockily and does a lot of things to spite his elders. The owner of this name is independent, active and self-confident. He knows how to achieve the tasks set for himself. If someone tries to hurt his honor, Bronislav can become aggressive. It will not be easy for the offender to cope with the moral pressure of such a man. In a number of cases, he himself, without noticing his enthusiasm, is capable of violating acceptable measures of resistance. This usually occurs during adolescence. IN teenage years Bronislaw may be seen instigating conflicts with teachers. School grievances often affect his pride. Having matured, Bronislav will try to assert himself through his own independence.

With age, Bronislav begins to show calmness. At the same time, he remains a fairly principled person. Having successfully graduated from the institute, Bronislav becomes a mathematician, engineer, historian, surgeon, pilot or teacher.

The mystery of the name Bronislav

This man loves comfort, adores beautiful things and laziness. In childhood he is predisposed to a variety of diseases, but in adult life his health becomes unusually strong. The boy Bronislav is nervous and easily gets into conflicts. He often throws tantrums at his parents and doesn’t like going to kindergarten or school. He is difficult to study, causing a lot of trouble.

Adult Bronislav is always the center of attention. Everyone loves him - he always has pleasant company, he knows how to carry on a conversation and find mutual language even with strangers. At the same time, such a man does not make much effort to be the center of attention. He enjoys life, carefree, but knows what he needs in life and achieves his goals.

IN family life Bronislav is a wonderful father and husband. He loves his wife and helps her in everything. He creates coziness and comfort in his home, his family is happy.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Zodiacality: Virgo, Gemini
Color name: motley
Radiation: 97%
Planets: Mercury
Stone-mascot: emerald
Plant Bronislaw: basil
Totemic animal Bronislaw: fox
Basic features character: will, intuition, logic.

Additional characteristics of the name

Vibration: 112,000 vibrations/s.
Self-realization(character): 93%
Psyche: a complex person who tries to calculate all her actions in advance.
Health Bronislav: As a child, he was susceptible to many diseases, mentally unstable, and susceptible to hysterics.

Numerology of the name Bronislav

Holders of the name number 7 show talents in the field of philosophy, science, art or religion. “Sevens” perfectly understand other people, which determines a large number of leaders among them. Also, “sevens” often become excellent teachers. Their guidelines in life are restraint, dignity and seriousness. Sevens are always reserved, do not like to show their emotions, are averse to tomfoolery, but they have a good sense of humor and are famous for their irony. In business, “Sevens” rarely show themselves with positive side. Money matters are not their strong point; money in general is not their primary interest; “Sevens” find the meaning of life in the intangible area.


Planet: Mercury.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo.
Color: Variegated, changeable, mixed.
Day: Wednesday.
Metal: Mercury, bismuth, semiconductors.
Mineral: Emerald, agate, porphyry, topaz, glass, rock crystal, sardonyx.
Plants: Basil, parsley, walnut, celery, valerian.
Animals: Fox, monkey, weasel, stork, parrot, nightingale, thrush, lark, ibis, flying fish.

Name Bronislav as a phrase

B Buki
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
Oh He (Oh, Oh)
N Our (Ours, Yours)
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
With Word
L People
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
In Vedi

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Bronislav

Characteristics of the name Bronislav according to B. Khigir

Translated from ancient Slavic - “glorious defender”. In childhood, they are stubborn and cunning, with an unstable nervous system. They are very similar to their mother both in appearance and in character. At school they are cocky, stubborn, and do everything out of spite. Adult Bronislaws are calmer. Stubborn and principled, they study well and successfully graduate from college. By profession - mathematical engineers, historians, waiters, administrators, teachers, pilots, surgeons. They go through brides and don’t get married for a long time because they love themselves so much.

They are lucky in life, they are flexible and know how to do business. In the family, non-leaders prefer to cede this role to their wife. Winter Bronislaws are complex people and not very talkative. Choose your friends carefully. Good analysts, they think through everything in advance. They have good intuition and are brave. In extreme situations, they are collected, always stand for what is right and often suffer because of this. They go swimming and jogging, but only for health. They love memoirs and adventure literature. Hardworking. Spring - with an open character, cunning, make a career in in a good way words, excellent speakers, they have beautiful handwriting. Some Bronislaws are lazy, like to sleep in the morning, and react calmly to difficult situations.

Characteristics of the name Bronislav by season

“Winter” - especially “December”, the undisputed leader in all games, has a hard time withstanding competition and does not tolerate objections. This irritates many children and they don’t want to play with it. At school he is a capable student and has an excellent memory, but it is difficult to get him to study at home. Stubborn, he never immediately admits his mistakes, he will never apologize for anything, but after some time, if you don’t put pressure on him, he himself understands that he was wrong and will try to resolve the conflict. He likes to bring friends home and show off his toys, but he is not greedy and allows everyone to play with them. He does not tolerate loneliness; parents should not forbid him to bring their children if they themselves are not able to be with him always. Otherwise, he will disappear at someone's house and get out of control. Bronislav is fond of swimming, it is very useful for him nervous system, makes him more collected and purposeful.

“February” is very decisive, knows what he wants to achieve in life, there is no hassle with him. Bronislav's discipline may be poor, teachers often complain about him, but in terms of academic performance he is always among the first. “Autumn” is more balanced and serious. He studies well and has good discipline. An eternal fighter for justice, his peers often get it for lying or betrayal. The defender of all the offended, but only he always gets it from adults. He does not consider it necessary to make excuses and silently endures punishment. Talented in exact sciences, is interested in philosophy. A good entrepreneur, head of an enterprise.

“Spring” is uncollected, it is difficult for him to focus his attention on one thing. But he is very talented. He has a strong sense of humor, makes excellent parodies, is musical, and flexible. He cannot sit in one place, his whole life is in motion, spinning on one leg. However, he is on time everywhere, the soul of any company. His friends respect him, and he is also popular with girls. He is interested in politics. He has well-developed intuition, is perspicacious, and rarely makes mistakes in forecasts. Can prove himself in the diplomatic field.

“Summer” Bronislav is generous, loving, and extremely sexy. WITH early childhood you can notice his special attitude towards girls. If he likes a girl his age, he will hang around her all day long, trying to please, to forestall her every desire. Attentive, helpful and with people of the opposite sex at an older age. His eyes radiate reverence for the girl he likes, even if the age difference is great. Bronislav loves everything beautiful, comfort, pleasant company. Always in the center of attention, without making any special effort at all. Everyone loves him, but it seems that he does too. He is cheerful, carefree in appearance, he knows what he wants to achieve, and knows how to get along well in life.

Positive traits of the name

Independence, determination, activity, perseverance in achieving goals, mobility, mental agility, speed of reaction. Bronislav knows how to stand up for himself and for his loved ones. An adult Bronislav is balanced, calm, self-confident, he does not strive for leadership, does not try to achieve success at the expense of others. Bronislav is not selfish, but independence and independence are important to him. He is not alien to the desire to have fun and joke.

Negative name meaning

In his youth, Bronislav can be aggressive. Quarrels and conflicts often arise through his fault. He does not like to obey parents and teachers. He firmly and decisively prevents any attempts to attack his independence, honor and dignity. Often uses humor as a defense, and his defense quickly turns into offense. In adolescence, conflicts with law enforcement agencies.

Choosing a profession by name

In this case, Bronislav does not expect help, but relies only on his own strength. Individual activity and entrepreneurship are most successful for him, since he does not tolerate control and power over himself. Among the Bronislaws there are many scientists, doctors, and folk craftsmen.

The impact of a name on business

Perseverance and perseverance help Bronislav achieve success in the material sphere of life. He tries to conduct financial affairs with only a few partners, while relying on his intuition. In his youth, he will have to face financial difficulties; until the age of 37, he needs to work hard and overcome various obstacles, and after 37 years, Bronislav will experience good luck, prosperity, and financial success.

The influence of a name on health

Bronislav may have many health problems and is prone to food poisoning, fish, crayfish, crabs, and mussels are especially dangerous. Often his relatives and doctors will consider Bronislav a hypochondriac and will not believe his ailments or stories about the symptoms of illnesses.

Psychology of a name

Bronislav is characterized by seriousness both in his approach to business and in communicating with people, but outwardly he is not inclined to express his feelings and thoughts. He is sometimes difficult to understand and often does not receive the love and affection from people that he deserves. Bronislav's isolation forces people close to him to seek an approach to him. You must prove to him your reliability. WITH a devoted person he can be good and cheerful. Bronislav respects the rights of others to self-determination, but will not allow himself to be led. The main thing in relations with Bronislav is mutual benefit.

Famous people named Bronislav

Bronislav Kuznetsov ((1931 - 1985) Soviet orientalist, Tibetologist. Known for research and theories about Iranian influence on Tibetan Buddhism)
Bronislaw Radziszewski ((1838 - 1914) Polish chemist)
Bronislaw Knaster ((1893 - 1990) Polish mathematician)
Bronislaw Malinowski ((1884 - 1942) British anthropologist of Polish origin, founder of functionalism in anthropology and sociology)
Bronislaw Dombrowski ((1885 – 1973) Soviet academician, zoologist, morphologist of Polish origin)
Bronislaw von Pozniak ((1877 - 1953) Austro-German pianist and music teacher. For many years he was the leader of a piano trio, which included different time Other notable musicians also played - in particular, Geza de Cres, Hugo Dechert, Grigory Piatigorsky.)
Bronislaw Schwarze ((1834 - 1904) Polish revolutionary, one of the leaders of the anti-Russian uprising of 1863)
Bronislav Kezhun ((1914 - 1984) Soviet poet, translator)
Bronislav Antilevsky ((1916 - 1946) Soviet military pilot, Hero Soviet Union(1940), deprived of titles and awards in 1950 for participation in the “Vlasov” movement during the Great Patriotic War)
Bronislaw Wroclawski ((born 1951) Polish theater, film, television actor, teacher)
Bronislav Grotto-Slepikovsky (Slepikovsky) ((1860 - 1905) staff captain, commander of the Russian partisan detachment operating in South Sakhalin during the Russo-Japanese War in 1904-1905)
Bronislav Bogatyrevich ((1870 - 1940) Polish military leader, brigadier general of the Polish Army. He was an officer in the Russian army. Organizer and leader of the Grodno self-defense in 1918-1919.)
Bronislaw Wilhelm Peracki ((1895 - 1934) Polish politician, legionnaire, colonel of the Polish Army)
Bronislav Tarashkevich ((1892 - 1938) Belarusian politician, linguist)
Branislav Belic ((born 1932) Serbian politician)
Branislav "Bane" Kerac ((born 1952) Serbian comic book writer)
Branislav "Brana" Crnčević ((born 1933) Serbian writer, poet, playwright)
Branko Copic ((1915 - 1984) Yugoslav writer)
Bronislaw Kostkowski ((1915 - 1942) blessed of the Roman Catholic Church, seminarian, martyr. He is one of the 108 blessed Polish martyrs beatified by Pope John Paul II during his visit to Warsaw on June 13, 1999. He is revered as the patron saint of the city of Slupsk, Poland.)
Bronislaw Piotr Giniatovich Kosciesza Pilsudski ((1866 - 1918) Polish revolutionary leader and ethnographer; brother of Józef Pilsudski and Adam Pilsudski)
Bronislav Malakhovsky ((1867 - 1934) Russian and Soviet engineer, creator of the “C” series steam locomotive (1910), one of the best domestic courier locomotives that exceeded the speed limit of 100 km/h. B.S. Malakhovsky is the creator of many Russian steam locomotives, including the Sormovo version of the four-axle locomotive of the "Izhitsa" series with the superscript "c" (C). Sormovo Izhitsa (1914) turned out to be the most powerful freight locomotive of the series and, at the same time, the most powerful locomotive with the axle formula 0-4 -0. After the revolution, in 1919, Malakhovsky left Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow, becoming the head of the locomotive engineering department of the State Association of Machine-Building Plants. Later he worked in governing organizations locomotive industry, in the Supreme Economic Council, etc. In 1934, he was repressed and executed on false charges.)
Bronislaw Malachowski ((1902 - 1937) famous architect and cartoonist, son of the famous engineer, creator of the C series locomotive Bronislaw Malachowski)
Bronislaw Turonok (Turonak, Turonek) ((1896 - 1938) publicist, cultural figure of the Belarusian national minority in interwar Poland)
Bronislaw Ferdinand Trentowski ((1808 - 1869) major Polish philosopher and teacher of the 19th century. Supporter and propagandist of Polish messianism.)
Bronislaw Kazimierz Przybylski ((1941 - 2011) Polish composer and music teacher. In the 1970s he became a laureate of several Polish composition competitions. Of Przybylski’s works, the most famous are “Mass of Pope John Paul II” (1998), two concertos for accordion and orchestra (and a number of solo pieces for this instrument), orchestral works “In honorem Nicolai Copernici” (1972), “Guernica - in memory of Pablo Picasso” (1974), “Warsaw” (French A Varsovie; 1980), etc.)
Bronislaw Pawlik ((1926 - 2002) Polish theater and film actor)
Bronislaw Radziszewski ((1838 – 1914) Polish chemist)
Bronislaw Roguiski ((1861 - 1921) famous Polish architect)
Bronislaw Zaleski (Zaleski) ((1819/1820 – 1880) pseudonym - Litvin; Polish and Belarusian politician, journalist, publisher, historian and artist)
Bronislaw Jaron ((1905 - 1942) Polish paleobotanist, Doctor of Science)
Bronislav Bernatsky ((born 1944) bishop of the Catholic Odessa-Simferopol diocese with the center (department) in Odessa)
Bronislav Dombrovsky ((1885 - 1973) zoologist, morphologist, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1954), doctor biological sciences(1936), professor (1930), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Kazakh SSR (1945). Founder of the school of morphologists of Kazakhstan.)
Bronislav Tarashkevich ((1892 - 1938) Belarusian social and political figure, linguist)
Bronislav Vinogrodsky ((born 1957) sinologist, translator of fundamental Chinese texts (including “Zhuang Tzu”, “Tao Te Ching”, “Book of Changes”), writer, public figure)
Bronislav Kaminsky ((1899 - 1944) collaborator, chief burgomaster of the Lokot District Self-Government (an autonomous territory in the rear of German troops), creator and leader of the RONA, SS Brigadefuhrer and Major General of the SS troops (1944).)
Bronislav Guzovsky ((1860 - 1914) forestry scientist. Developed methods for artificial and natural regeneration of oak forests. The scientific forestry system developed by B.I. Guzovsky is used to multiply oak forests. The problem of restoring oak forests became the goal of Guzovsky’s life. He made a significant contribution to preservation and enhancement of oak forests in the Chuvash region. Experimental production oak forest crops established by B.I. Guzovsky are a testing ground for scientific research and generalizations of the practice of artificial and natural restoration of oak plantations in the Middle Volga region. They are of great practical value for oak cultivation in the forests not only of the Middle Volga region, but throughout Russia as a whole. B.I. Guzovsky developed methods for natural and artificial regeneration of oak forests in cleared areas in the conditions of the Middle Volga region, identified and described the types of oak plantations of the Ilyinsky forestry, created oak cultures on an area of ​​1150.2 hectares. On his initiative, plantings of larch, western thuja, Siberian cedar, Weymouth pine. The forests planted by B.I. Guzovsky stretch along the Volga from Ilyinka to Cheboksary and are called the Guzovsky oak groves. The oldest giant oak, still growing in Ilyinka, was one of prototypes B. Guzovsky.)
Bronislav Grombchevsky ((1855 - 1926) an outstanding Russian intelligence officer and traveler of Polish origin, military orientalist, major general, studied the countries and territories of Central Asia - the Pamirs, the Guindukush principalities (Hunza, Nagar, Chitral, Wakhan, Kanjut), North -Western Tibet and Kashgaria. Author of military-geographical, historical and ethnographic works. Astrakhan governor.)
Bronislav Zinevich ((1874 - 1922) Russian officer, participant in the First World War and Civil War)
Bronislaw Cech ((1906 - 1944) Polish climber, skier, ski jumper, national team coach, member of the Polish resistance. Member of the Polish Olympic team at Winter Olympics 1928, 1932 and 1936. 24-time Polish champion winter species sports (including winning the Polish championship in ski jumping 4 times: 1928, 1929, 1931, 1934). In 1937-1939 he was the coach of the ski team. During World War II he was a courier for the Polish resistance.)
Bronislaw Maria Komorowski ((born 1952) Polish politician, President of Poland since 2010. Komorowski previously served as Minister of National Defense of Poland, and then Marshal of the Sejm of Poland (2007 - 2010).)
Bronislaw Kwiatkowski ((1950 - 2010) Polish military leader, armor general, operational commander Armed forces Republic of Poland (2007 - 2010))
Bronislav Kukel ((1832 - 1914) graduate of the Main Engineering School and the Military Engineering Academy (1853), official of special assignments at the headquarters of Muravyov (1857-1862), manager of excise taxes in the Kursk province (1862-1884), manager of excise taxes in Tula, Kostroma and Yaroslavl provinces (1884-1901), actual state councilor (1887), privy councilor(1913), Advisor to the Minister of Finance (1901-1914). Descended from the Vilnius nobles.)
Bronislaw Huberman ((1882 - 1947) Polish violin virtuoso of Jewish origin, founder of the Palestinian (later Israeli) Philharmonic Orchestra)
Bronislav Epimakh-Shipilo ((1859 - 1934) cryptonym: B.E.-Sh.; Belarusian literary critic, folklorist, teacher, publisher. Professor of the Imperial Roman Catholic Theological Academy in St. Petersburg.)
Bronislaw Geremek ((1932 - 2008) Polish politician and historian)
Bronislaw Bachko ((born 1924) Polish and French historian, philosopher, translator. Specialist in the study of collective memory, the history of utopian thought, the history of the French Revolution.)
Bronislav Vyatkin (Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Economics, Chairman of the Perm Regional Branch of the Russian Psychological Society; author of more than 300 works in the field of psychology of stress, sports, personality and individuality, training of psychological teaching staff)

In this material you will find information about the meaning of the male name Bronislav, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

Full name - Bronislav

Short name - Armor, Slava

Synonyms for the name - Bonya, Boris, Slavek, Branislav

Origin - Slavic, "glorious in defense"

Zodiac - Virgo

Planet - Mercury

Green color

Animal - Fox

Plant - Basil

Stone - Emerald

The meaning of the Old Church Slavonic name Bronislav is translated as “glorious in defense”, “defender”. It, like many Old Church Slavonic names, is formed from two words “harrow” and “glory”. The emphasis in this name can be on the letter “a” or “i”, there will be no mistake in any case. The pronunciation depends on the area where the guy lives.

A young man with this name is independent, decisive, very active, persistent in achieving goals and quite mobile. He has an agile mind and a quick reaction to what is happening. Bronislav, if necessary, knows how to stand up for himself and his loved ones. The guy is confident in himself, strives to become a leader, and tries to achieve success, sometimes at the expense of others.

For young man Independence and independence are very important. Under someone else's influence, he feels like a bird locked up, and will definitely free himself. The guy loves fun, jokes, loves spending time with friends or in noisy companies.

He has many health problems, especially prone to food poisoning. Seafood is dangerous for his stomach and River fish. But sometimes he can feign attacks of illness; his family knows about this and tries not to pay attention to his whining.

Love named Bronislav

IN love relationships the guy wants to gain the upper hand, to lead in everything. Therefore, he is looking for a calm girl with an angelic character and limitless patience. It will be nice if she is beautiful, well-built and definitely sexy.

Sexuality of the name Bronislav

When choosing a partner, her sexuality is the main aspect. For family relations this is the very first parameter happy life. Bronislav is a delicate and sensual nature. He experiences violent passions and loves sexual foreplay. During such a period, his professional activity increases, he can move mountains and “get the moon from the sky.”

The guy cannot tolerate vulgarity either in actions or in clothing. His chosen one should remember this. By nature, he is unobtrusive, but when it comes to sex, he is unbridled. He is well informed about sexual approaches, a good psychologist and has an excellent understanding of the female soul. He analyzes the actions of his partners, compares them and draws conclusions.

Marriage and family named after Bronislav

A young man can be a reliable spouse, but he is unlikely to be faithful. He is attached to his wife, children, home, but always defends his independence. Does not tolerate pressure, any claims or moralizing.

Bronislaw should be wary bad habits. They are capable of destroying not only his family, but also his health. He is driven by a desire to dominate and excessive ambition. He strives to achieve perfection in everything. But at the beginning life path due to the lack of experience it is difficult to do, but the guy goes to this his whole life. And I must say he becomes an unsurpassed ladies' man. And at this time the wife takes care of the house and children.

Business and career

Bronislav relies on his own strength. He achieves success in personal business, jurisprudence, medicine. It is quite difficult for a guy to work under someone’s leadership, so over time he will move to another job. He does not tolerate any control over himself.

Persistence and perseverance help him achieve high success in the material sphere. He conducts financial affairs with selected partners and relies on his intuition. Until the age of 40, he will have to work hard and overcome obstacles. But having gained experience and earned a name, good luck and prosperity await him.

The meaning of the name Bronislav in character

At a young age, the boy has an independent and energetic character. He is proud, responds even to harmless jokes, and will not forgive anyone for an insult. Easily exceeds the measure of necessary self-defense, sometimes pretending not to notice it. Here he is cunning and does this whenever possible. During his school years, Bronislav has a cocky character and constantly demonstrates his independence and self-confidence. As an adult, he successfully uses all these qualities to achieve his goals.

Teenager Bronislaw

In adolescence, the guy is aggressive, often initiating quarrels and conflicts. Does not like to obey parents, teachers or superiors. Toughly and decisively suppresses attempts to attack his independence and dignity. And often his defense turns into attack.

Sometimes he tries to establish himself at the expense of others and he succeeds very well. At this age, conflicts with law enforcement agencies are not uncommon. Bronislav should find something he likes or go in for sports. In this case, he will not think about stupid things and will not make mistakes. Having matured, he will become more balanced, will be able to easily cope with his ambitions, and with age he will acquire excessive integrity.

Successful people and stars:

Bronislav Kuznetsov - orientalist scientist

Bronislaw von Pozniak - pianist, musicologist

Bronislaw Kezhun - poet

Bronislaw Tarashkevich - politician

Bronislaw Wroclawski - actor

Ideal compatibility: Varvara, Daria, Carolina, Nina, Marina

Unsuccessful compatibility: Veronica, Maria, Tatyana

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