Avdotya is an abbreviated affectionate name. Diminutive and affectionate forms of the name Avdotya. Origin of the name Evdokia

The meaning of the name Avdotya A short form of the name Avdotya. Avdonya, Avdotka, Avdotyushka, Avdokha, Avdosha, Avdulya, Avdusya, Dusya, Dunya, Donya, Dona, Dosha, Soul. Synonyms for the name Avdotya. Ovdotya, Outi, Evdokia. Origin of the name Avdotya The name Avdotya is Russian, Ukrainian, Orthodox, Greek. The name Avdotya is a folk form of the name Evdokia. Translated from Greek means "goodwill". In Ukraine and Belarus, you can often hear the option - Yavdokha (Evdoha). Sometimes the name Avdotya is written and pronounced through "o" - Ovdotya. In Finland, this name was adapted to their language, and it began to sound like Outi (Oute). For the name Avdotya in pairs male name consider the name Evdokim. Description of the meaning of the name - see the name Evdokia. The indicated name days are identical to the name days of the name Evdokia. Avdotya's name day Avdotya celebrates name day on January 11, February 5, February 8, March 1, March 2, March 14, March 20, April 20, May 30, July 20, August 13, August 17, August 18, August 26, August 27, September 24, September 28, November 16, December 23. Famous people with the name Avdotya Evdokia (Avdotya) Meshcherskaya ((1774 - 1837) in monasticism - Evgenia, nee - Tyutcheva; abbess, founder of Boriso-Glebsky Anosin convent) Avdotya Plyushchikha, Avdotya Vesnovka, Avdotya Kaplyuzhnitsa, Avdotya Podmochi Threshold, Avdotya Svistunya, Evdokeya Plyushchikha (the popular name for the day of memory of the Holy Reverend Martyr Evdokia, which Orthodox Church marks March 1/14) Avdotya Strelnikova ((1739 -?) One of the first dancers of Russian ballet. She was considered one of the best soloists of the Russian ballet arranged by Fusano and later Lande, whose student she was. Participated in the ballets Locatelli and Sacco ("Orpheus and Eurydice", "Foxal in London", "Apollo and Daphne"). Since 1748 she was in the service of the Imperial Theaters.) Outi Alanko-Kakhiluoto ((born 1966) Finnish politician) Avdotya (Evdokia) Chernysheva ((1693 - 1747) nee - Rzhevskaya, a general, nicknamed "Avdotya the boy-woman", given to her by Peter I; the countess, one of the mistresses of Peter the Great, according to Vilboa, "had a harmful effect on Peter's health with her disorderly behavior"; mother of the Chernyshev brothers - prominent figures reign of Catherine II) Avdotya Vorobyova ((1768 - 1836) nee - Volkova, in some sources - Yankovskaya; opera artist (soprano)) Avdotya Elagina ((1789 - 1877) nee - Yushkova, by her first marriage - Kireevskaya; mother I.V. and P.V. Kireevsky, the hostess of the famous society literary salon, translator) Avdotya Glinka (Russian poetess, prose writer, translator, wife of F.N. Glinka) Evdokia or Avdotya Golitsyna ((1780 - 1850) nee - Izmailova, known under the nicknames "princesse Nocturne" ("night princess" ) and "princesse Minuit" ("princess of midnight"); princess, one of beautiful women of her time, the hostess of a literary salon. Until 1809, she was the wife of Prince S.M. Golitsyn, the owner of the Kuzminki estate.) Avdotya Mikhailova ((1746 - 1807] actress, opera (soprano) and drama artist, one of the first Russian dramatic actresses; mother of actress E.V. Mikhailova) Veronika Mavrikievna and Avdotya Nikitichna (comic pop duet of actors Vadim Tonkov and Boris Vladimirov, which existed in the USSR from 1971 to 1985) Avdotya Panaeva ((1820 - 1893) Russian writer, memoirist) Avdotya (Dunya) Smirnova ((born 1969 ) screenwriter, TV presenter, film director, author of numerous articles and essays) Read more at

Name, given to man at birth, accompanies him throughout his life. It gives its owner a certain character and destiny. But many names are too long for everyday use, so almost everyone has a short form.

Dunya (full name Evdokia): origin

It has Greek roots. It translates as "favor" or "good fame".

In Rus', the name appeared along with Christianity, it came from Byzantium. It was very popular among ordinary people, had another form - Avdotya. Later it began to be found among the upper class. Nowadays it is gaining popularity again. It has the male form Evdokim, which translates as "enjoying good fame."


Dunya is the name given to an inventive, cunning and unpredictable child. However, in childhood, a girl can also be replaced by such as touchiness and capriciousness.

Sometimes a girl becomes embarrassed about her name. Own full name Dunya generally tries to avoid in childhood. During this period, parents need to help their child solve this problem by instilling self-confidence.

At school, the girl studies well, Dunya has excellent academic performance in all subjects.

Growing up, she becomes very amorous and trusting, she does things at the call of her heart, without thinking about the consequences. Later on some of them will be very sorry.


Growing up, she increasingly introduces herself as Evdokia, using her full name. Dunya remained in childhood.

Of course, it is more suitable for a determined and independent woman. She overcomes life's difficulties with her head held high, she always achieves her goals. Evdokia is able to stand up for herself in any situation.

A woman - the owner of this name from the outside seems impregnable, proud, for her criticism of others is considered unacceptable. However, in her soul she is vulnerable, it is easy to offend her, often she can simply “withdraw into herself”, which causes her great internal suffering.

After a quarrel, he does not admit his mistakes, and will never be the first to put up.

Dunya begins to love her full name with age, realizing that it is rare and unusual.

Usually Evdokia has one friend whom she trusts very much. She is literally jealous of those around her and is very worried about even small quarrels.

Marriage and family

Growing up, Dunya remains as amorous and passionate as in She believes her heart more than her mind. For those around her, she is also Evdokia (full name), Dunya - only for the closest people.

She is more attracted to soft, supple men who are able to surround her with affection and care. She is waiting for harmony in relationships and is often the initiator. Evdokia believes every word of her chosen one, but only as long as she loves.

She expects full return from her betrothed, she is one of those women who need everything or nothing.

Due to the high demands on the future spouse, she marries late, but more often once in a lifetime. She is happily married and loves her children madly.

She attends cultural events with her husband, prefers exhibitions, theaters. She carefully looks after herself, but a good hostess rarely comes out of her.

Thanks to the desire for harmony, calm reigns in Evdokia's family, conflicts in her house are rare.


Dunya prefers to be a housewife, she does not like to work. All financial matters are decided by her husband.

However, if desired, he can still build a career and achieve great success without harming his family, which is very important for Evdokia.

Dunya usually chooses a "female" profession: secretary, teacher, confectioner, hairdresser, salesman, manager.

Name origin Avdotya. Name Avdotya Russian, Ukrainian, Orthodox, Greek.

Synonyms for the name Avdotya. Ovdotya, Outi, Evdokia.

Short form of the name Avdotya. Avdonya, Avdotka, Avdotyushka, Avdokha, Avdosha, Avdulya, Avdusya, Dusya, Dunya.

Name Avdotya- This is a folk form of the name Evdokia. Translated from Greek means "goodwill". In Ukraine and Belarus, you can often hear the option - Yavdokha (Evdoha). Sometimes the name Avdotya write and pronounce through "o" - Ovdotya. In Finland, this name was adapted to their language, and it began to sound like Outi (Oute).

For a name Avdotya the name Evdokim is considered a paired male name.

Description of the meaning of the name - see the name Evdokia.

The indicated name days are identical to the name days of the name Evdokia.

Avdotya's name day

Avdotya celebrates name days on January 11, February 5, February 8, March 1, March 2, March 14, March 20, April 20, May 30, July 20, August 13, August 17, August 18, August 26, August 27, September 24, September 28, November 16, December 23.

Notable people named Avdotya

  • Evdokia (Avdotya) Meshcherskaya ((1774 - 1837) in monasticism - Evgenia, nee - Tyutcheva; abbess, founder of the Boriso-Glebsky Anosin convent)
  • Avdotya Plyushchikha, Avdotya Vesnovka, Avdotya dropper, Avdotya Help Threshold, Avdotya Svistunya, Evdokeya Plyushchikha (the popular name for the day of remembrance of the Holy Venerable Martyr Evdokia, which the Orthodox Church celebrates on March 1/14)
  • Avdotya Strelnikova ((1739 -?) One of the first dancers of Russian ballet. She was considered one of the best soloists of Russian ballet arranged by Fusano and later Lande, whose student she was. Participated in the ballets Locatelli and Sacco ("Orpheus and Eurydice", "Foxal in London ”, “Apollo and Daphne”). Since 1748 she was in the service of the Imperial Theaters.)
  • Outi Alanko-Kahiluoto ((born 1966) Finnish politician)
  • Avdotya(Evdokia) Chernysheva ((1693 - 1747) nee - Rzhevskaya, general's wife, nicknamed "
  • Avdotya boy-woman ”, given to her by Peter I; the Countess, one of the mistresses of Peter the Great, according to Villeboa, "had a harmful effect on Peter's health with her disorderly behavior"; mother of the Chernyshev brothers - prominent figures in the reign of Catherine II)
  • Avdotya Vorobyova ((1768 - 1836) nee - Volkova, in some sources - Yankovskaya; opera artist (soprano))
  • Avdotya Elagina ((1789 - 1877) nee - Yushkova, by her first marriage - Kireevskaya; mother of I.V. and P.V. Kireevsky, hostess of the famous social and literary salon, translator)
  • Avdotya Glinka (Russian poetess, prose writer, translator, wife of F. N. Glinka)
  • Evdokia or Avdotya Golitsyna ((1780 - 1850) nee - Izmailova, known by the nicknames "princesse Nocturne" ("night princess") and "princesse Minuit" ("princess of midnight"); princess, one of the most beautiful women of her time, mistress of a literary salon. Before 1809 - the wife of Prince S. M. Golitsyn, the owner of the Kuzminki estate.)
  • Avdotya Mikhailova ((1746 - 1807] actress, opera (soprano) and drama artist, one of the first Russian dramatic actresses in time; mother of actress E. V. Mikhailova)
  • Veronika Mavrikievna and Avdotya Nikitichna (comic pop duo of actors Vadim Tonkov and Boris Vladimirov, which existed in the USSR from 1971 to 1985)
  • Avdotya Panaeva ((1820 - 1893) Russian writer, memoirist)
  • Avdotya(Dunya) Smirnova ((born 1969) screenwriter, TV presenter, film director, author of numerous articles and essays)

Folk form named after Evdokia. Derived forms: Avdonya, Avdotka, Avdotyushka, Avdokha, Avdosha, Avdulya, Avdusya, Dusya. Famous representatives of Avdotya Smirnov Avdotya Panaeva is a Russian writer. Avdotya Ryazanochka Avdotya Istomina ... Wikipedia

Exist., number of synonyms: 2 evdokia (6) name (1104) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

I Female name. II well. The popular name of the day is August 17 as noticeable for farmers; Avdotya robin. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

J., proper name, folk. form from Evdokia, from the Greek. Εὑδοκία. Abbreviated forms of this name: Russian. Dunya, Ukrainian Seeing from * Ovdottya; see Sobolevsky, Lectures 53 ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Fasmer

Avdotya senognoyki (senognoti). Sib. Rainy weather during haymaking. FSS, 7 ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings

AVDOTYA- (var. to Evdokia; E.F. Lopukhina) And the cursed, Dostoevsky and demoniac City (Petersburg) by Tsar Avdotya went into her fog, (according to the original legend, Lopukhina cursed Petersburg with the words: “To be empty of this place!”) Akhm940 (286) ... Proper name in Russian poetry of the XX century: a dictionary of personal names

Avdotya- Avd otya ... Russian spelling dictionary

Avdotya- Russian female nameDictionary of personal names and patronymics

Avdotya Petrovna Elagina (11 (January 22), 1789 1 (June 13), 1877, Dorpat) nee Yushkova, Kireevskaya by her first marriage. Mother of I. V. and P. V. Kireevsky. The mistress of the famous socio-literary salon. Translator. Biography Avdotya Petrovna ... ... Wikipedia

- (January 11 (January 22), 1789 1 (June 13), 1877, Dorpat) nee Yushkova, Kireevskaya by her first marriage. Mother of I. V. and P. V. Kireevsky. The mistress of the famous socio-literary salon. Translator. Biography Avdotya Petrovna was born in the village of Petrishchevo ... ... Wikipedia


  • Avdotya and Pythagoras, Golman I .. What to do if you love someone else's wife? Or even not so - if your beloved woman unfairly belongs to another? "Humble up," some will say. "Fight," others will say. The young doctor...
  • Avdotya and Pythagoras, Joseph Golman. What to do if you love someone else's wife? Or even worse - if your beloved woman by injustice belongs to another? “Reconcile,” some will say. "Fight," others will say. The young doctor...

(literally from Greek means "favor").

In folk dialects, many names were subjected to significant alterations. So, the name "Evdokia", having undergone changes, sounded in some places as "Evdokeya" or, more rarely, "Avdokya". The most popular was the variant of the name "Avdotya".

name energy

Avdotya is an independent and self-sufficient woman. This is a bright and creative, self-confident personality, subordinating everyone around to his rhythm of life. Avdotya is very purposeful, diligence and extraordinary luck help her achieve her goal.

Characteristics of the name Avdotya

The popular name Avdotya (Dunya, Dusya) correlates with the word "avdot" - this is a bird. And, like a bird, Avdotya's dream flies up. She is idealistic and romantic. He generously gives his love to people. However, this love extends to the whole of humanity rather than to real people.

Avdotya's character is flexible and not very irritable. She is inquisitive and purposeful, prudent and often envious, she thinks through her every step. A sense of justice is strongly developed in her: having caught someone in a lie, she experiences this as a great shock. Avdotya is a very domestic woman, for her there is no more pleasant occupation than to equip her home and take care of someone. She is very a kind person and is able to forgive everyone.

Her mission is to "do good on the whole Earth"... Avdotya's charm and determination attract people who see her as a leader, completely unaware that Avdotya herself easily falls under someone else's influence. But only, having "flyed" high, Avdotya does not allow people alien to her to approach her - she will not tolerate criticism or advice.

The profession of a teacher or an artist is perfect for her - so she will always be in sight and will be able to realize her plans.

It is important for her to always feel on top - in everything! For wellness she just needs to be beautiful and successful. That is why she is so afraid of thoughts of old age or poverty.

Avdotya is very amorous, but also quickly cools down.

Secrets of communication

You should probably not suspect Avdotya of an excessive penchant for logic - she is one of those women who live more with their heart than with their mind. As long as this heart loves, it will believe, but by deceiving it, you will deceive love itself. In general, Avdotya's inherent sincerity, good nature, and in most cases a good sense of humor should be noted.

Diminutive and affectionate forms of the name

Donya (Don), Dosya, Dosha, Avdonya, Avdokha, Avdotya, Avdotyushka, Avdosha, Avdoshka, Dunya, Dunyasha.

Zodiac correspondence of the name: Fish.
Planet: Venus.
Name colors: silver, brown.
Most Favorable Colors: golden orange.
Talisman stone: fire opal, metal: gold.

Avdotya's name day

May 30, July 20 (May 17, July 7)- Evdokia of Moscow, Grand Duchess.
March 14 (1)- Evdokia Iliopolskaya, abbess, martyr.
August 17, September 24 (August 4, September 11)- Evdokia Persian, martyr.

The trace of a name in history

, nee Bryanskaya, was born on July 31 (August 12), 1820 in St. Petersburg in a family of actors of the Alexandrinsky Theater. In 1839, Avdotya married I. I. Panaev, who, unable to part with bachelor habits, made the life of the future writer very difficult.

Panaev was a fanfaron, a gigolo, an incorrigible reveler, a man whose emptiness, as Belinsky lamented, "cannot be measured by any instruments." Having boasted about his beautiful wife to his friends, Ivan Panaev lost interest in her already in the first year of his marriage and rushed for new frivolous skirts. And Avdotya assigned the role of decorating the living room. And he did not seek to protect from the outright harassment of some friends.

Beautiful, smart and courteous Panaeva attracted the attention of many guests of the Panaev's house, including Dostoevsky and Nekrasov. She could not resist the love ardor of the latter, and in 1845 she became his common-law wife.

In 1846, the Panaevs, in the company of Nekrasov, celebrated summer months on his estate in the Kazan province. Here the poet discussed in detail with Panaev the plan for the purchase and joint revival of the Sovremennik magazine. And here he finally became close to his wife.

Rarely did a day go by without a scandal. Nekrasov was pathologically jealous. And as passionate as it is fickle.

Returning to St. Petersburg, the bohemian trinity settled in the same apartment. And began strange life... Ivan Panaev is a husband without a wife, an editor without a magazine (Nekrasov ran all the affairs of a prosperous publication), a cuckold without deceit. And Avdotya is the spouse before God and the people of one, in fact and at the behest of the heart - of the other.

In 1849, Avdotya and Nekrasov were expecting a child and, inspired, wrote the joint novel "Three Sides of the World" for nine months. The son was born weak and died a few hours later. Panaeva was petrified with grief. She urgently needed to put her nerves in order, and she went abroad for treatment.

Separation instantly spurred Nekrasov's feelings. He bombarded Avdotya with the tenderest letters, and, receiving intentionally indifferent answers from her, he suffered terribly. Panaeva returned - with her the idyll returned to their union. For a short time.

In 1851, another joint novel, Dead Lake, was written. And then it got even worse...

Attacks of furious jealousy and crushing passion were replaced by Nekrasov's cold alienation. Overcome by black blues, he could terribly offend, often in the presence of strangers. Panaeva suffered and endured. After all, he is a poet, he has a complex nature. But he loves her, loves her ... Although sometimes he cannot see. And he spins such shameful intrigues that all his friends are ashamed of him and insulting for her.

The heroines of Panaeva's stories ("Careless Word", "Ugly Husband", "Watchmaker's Wife", "Apiary", "Reckless Step", "Romance in the St. Petersburg Half World") are victims of wrong social conditions, unable to resist them, often spiritually distorted by them.

One of the significant works of Panaeva is the novel "Women's Lot" (1862), the plot of which reflected the stages of the life of the writer herself (unsuccessful marriage, moral tests civil marriage) and, in the spirit of Chernyshevsky's ideas, the process of the formation of "new people", devoid of Domostroy's ideas about the place of women in society and the family, free, reasonable and respectful of each other's dignity.

After Panaev's death and a break with Nekrasov, Panaeva married publicist A. F. Golovachev in 1864. A daughter was born, and Avdotya threw herself headlong into her upbringing. Her husband died of tuberculosis in 1877, leaving Panaeva with her young daughter, the future writer E. A. Nagrodskaya (1866-1930), the author of popular books in the early 20th century. "women's novels".

After 15 years of living with Nikolai, she lived for another 15 years outside of his existence. And another 15 years - after his death, dragging out a poor existence and earning a living by literary works. Feeling like a "forgotten author of a past literary era," Panaeva lived on a meager literary income, publishing mainly in Niva and its supplement. Preserving a wide readership until the end of the 20th century, Panaeva's memoirs ("Russian Writers and Artists. 1824-1870") are not without factual inaccuracies and polemical tendentiousness, but they are distinguished by sincerity and entertaining narration, offering valuable material for study. public life Russia in the 1840s-1860s and memorable portraits of many prominent figures of Russian culture.

Other famous namesakes of Avdotya

  • Avdotya Pavlovna Glinka(Golenishcheva-Kutuzova; 1795-1863) - Russian writer, wife of the writer F. Glinka.
  • Avdotya Petrovna Elagina(née Yushkova, in her first marriage Kireevskaya; 1789-1877) - hostess of the literary and philosophical salon in St. Petersburg, translator, niece of V. A. Zhukovsky, owner of a huge literary archive: she corresponded with many Russian writers and scientists.
  • Avdotya Ilyinichna Istomina(1799-1848) - the legendary dancer of the St. Petersburg Ballet, sung by A. S. Pushkin.
  • Avdotya Andreevna Smirnova(b. 1969) - screenwriter, TV presenter, film director, author of numerous articles and essays. Daughter of actress Natalya Rudnaya, director and actor Andrei Smirnov, granddaughter of the famous Soviet writer Sergei Smirnov.
  • Avdotya (Evdokia) Ivanovna Chernysheva(née Rzhevskaya, general's wife, nicknamed "Avdotya the boy-woman" given to her by Peter I; 1693-747) - one of the mistresses of Peter the Great, according to Vilboa, "with her disorderly behavior had a harmful effect on Peter's health"; mother of the Chernyshev brothers - prominent figures in the reign of Catherine II.
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