Lisa Peskova - biography, information, personal life. From Instagram blogger to shipbuilding experts. What path did Liza Peskova go through and why does she have so many haters Personal life of Elizabeth Peskova

The news quite often includes the statements of the daughter of the press secretary Russian President. Also, spectacular photos of Elizaveta Peskova, which she shares on Instagram, get into the media.

Childhood, family and education of Elizabeth Peskova

Father - Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov - Russian statesman, diplomat, translator, deputy head of the presidential administration, press secretary of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

Mother - Ekaterina Peskova(nee Solotsinskaya) - a philologist by education, worked for some time at a school at the Russian embassy in Ankara. Then, together with a friend, she opened the Kale beauty salon. She leads Russian center science and culture in Paris.

Elizabeth has two siblings, Mick and Dani, step-brother Nicholas (from his father's first marriage). Elizabeth also has stepsister Hope from the third marriage of Dmitry Peskov with Tatyana Navka.

In order for Elizabeth to study foreign languages, the Peskovs spared no expense for her training and education. Short biography Elizabeth is full of travel. Lisa Peskova usually spent her holidays in specialized language camps in France and Scotland.

According to the news, Peskova already knows five languages: she is fluent in English and French, fluent in Turkish, Chinese and Arabic. In her years, Peskova managed to study at various educational institutions: a Moscow gymnasium, a boarding school in Normandy, the Ecole des Roches school in Paris, and the Moscow Institute of Asian and African Countries, where her father and grandfather once studied.

Elizaveta Peskova said that she had been living in the French capital for seven years and had no desire to leave. “I, like many of my generation, are a man of the world, a cosmopolitan, and I laugh at the eternal accusations that sound against me when they say that I should live in Russia,” she stressed.

Elizabeth also noted that the only problem she faced when moving to France was the language barrier. “At first it was very difficult for me to get used to boarding life, because I was not communicated with and mocked because of my appearance (I was a plump pimply girl with a big nose, and they called me Pinocchio), and besides, I did not speak any English at all. one language, ”the media quoted the girl.

Relationships in the family

In 2012, Dmitry and Ekaterina Peskov divorced after 20 years life together. Ekaterina Peskova now lives in Paris. She heads the Russian Center for Science and Culture in France. Dmitry Peskov, three years after the divorce, married the Russian figure skater Tatyana Navka.

Liza treats her father's third wife well and is friendly with her daughter from her first marriage Alexandra Zhurina. Peskova said in an interview that she was very upset by the divorce of her parents, and was between two fires, as she loves both her mother and father. “Tatiana did a lot to please me and my little brothers. She gave me a lot different advice, which concerned personal life, never put pressure on me. And she was never like those evil stepmothers from fairy tales, but on the contrary, she is like a friend to me, ”Elizaveta Peskova said in an interview.

Interests and criticism of Elizabeth Peskova

Elizaveta Peskova is a creative person. The girl is fond of poetry, writes poetry herself, draws. Lisa has a dream - to write a book.

In July 2017, Elizaveta Peskova joined the "public platform for supporting patriotic education and youth entrepreneurship in Russia." And although Peskova previously reported that she had no desire to engage in politics, nevertheless social activity drew her in.

Elizaveta Peskova actively leads Instagram, from where the media often draw stories for their news. Interest is caused by both the photos published by the girl and her statements on different topics. Often, Elizabeth's opinions cause controversy in social networks.

The main scandal broke out in August 2015, Lisa's statement that she did not want to live or study in Russia caused a strong reaction. “What I don’t like about Russia is that it’s great to live here only when you live in a wealthy family. Europe is more livable ordinary people. And I really like the mentality of my European peers, their attitude to life. I feel better all the same in the European environment. But if I leave, this does not mean that I do not love Russia, ”Peskova said in an interview.

In 2016, Elizaveta Peskova said that the education system in Russia needs to be changed, because Russian schoolchildren are under constant pressure due to the amount of information they receive, while in Europe “everything is done for a fun, pleasant interesting game».

“Pensioners in our country can be classified as moral invalids. They are no longer needed, they are pumped out of everything that is possible, and immediately sent to the backyards of society. Survive, ”Elizaveta Peskova was indignant at the attitude towards pensioners in Russia.

According to his daughter, Dmitry Peskov moonlighted as a private driver, already working in the Kremlin. “I remember very well the times when our family had no money at all, and mom and dad, after putting me to bed, after work and school, left to“ bomb ”at night,” she said in an interview. Elizabeth Peskova.

Despite living in Paris, Peskova did not stay away from the scandalous renovation in Moscow, which became the main news trend of 2017. On her Instagram, Elizaveta Peskova announced her support for the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow. In her opinion, "the city must be updated, and here one can only admire the mayor's determination to launch such an ambitious program." At the same time, the daughter of the presidential press secretary criticized the expansion of sidewalks in the center of the capital. She noted that "Moscow, with all its desire, cannot become pedestrian, due to the climate and long distances."

“I would not like to discuss Elizabeth. This is my daughter, I communicate with her as a father and daughter, and I don’t think that this concerns anyone. She is an adult woman and can herself participate in the discussions that are currently underway. I don’t want to discuss this with anyone, ”Dmitry Peskov himself commented on his daughter’s words about the renovation.

On Instagram, Peskov's daughter uploads not only her spectacular and sometimes enough candid photos, but also shares joint pictures with his father and brothers. From Elizabeth's Instagram, you can learn about how she spends her leisure time, with whom she communicates, about her travels.

In July 2017, the daughter of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation visited Chechnya and met with the head of the region Ramzan Kadyrov, also on Instagram there was a photo in which Peskova dances a lezginka with Kadyrov. In another photo, the girl was captured in traditional Muslim closed clothing.

“A short photo chronicle of the beginning of my trip to the Chechen Republic. On the first day we visited the "Heart of the Chechen Republic", the Veduchi resort under construction, then the waterfalls in the village of Nikhaloy. The culmination of the evening was a wonderful show football club"Akhmat", and the completion of the lezginka according to tradition. This incredibly beautiful place had a very positive effect on me energetically, ”wrote Peskov’s daughter on Instagram.

The news reported that Peskova was criticized after a visit to a shipyard in the Crimea. A photo of Elizaveta Peskova was posted on Instagram, in which she is wearing a designer dress from the daughter of Ramzan Kadyrov. The contrast of a dress worth several hundred thousand rubles with tired workers in robes was striking.

Elizaveta is no stranger to banter, the daughter of Dmitry Peskov also has a peculiar sense of humor. In the summer of 2017, she wrote a post on Instagram, captioning her photo on the throne in the crown: " The hour of revelation has come. I am Peskova Elizaveta Dmitrievna, daughter of the main billionaire and thief of the country, press secretary of the head of state. This is the first text I write myself. All others are ordered. A whole team of serfs plows, to whom I pay your money for the sake of PR. My diet consists of lobsters sprinkled with macadamia and saffron, littered with albino sturgeon caviar, and Devon crabs. In short, of everything you can't afford, because your slave pocket is my pocket, embroidered with 60 carats of diamonds. I hope you won't have to explain that all the fluid that enters my body is not younger than my age. I sleep on marbled beef sprinkled with eider down. Before each physical effort, I do my favorite procedure - a golden body wrap. The procedure consists in wrapping the body in a pure ingot of gold.". It must be said that not all of her subscribers appreciated Elizabeth's humor.

Personal life of Elizabeth Peskova

About Elizabeth Peskova as the daughter of a famous father, news is constantly reported. In 2016, at the annual Tatler debutante ball in Moscow, Lisa showed up with her businessman boyfriend Yuri Meshcheryakov. There, Elizabeth announced her engagement. However, the young people broke up and, as Starhit reported, Peskova even deleted her photos from Instagram with her ex-boyfriend.

Soon Elizabeth introduced the public to a new young man - Mikhail Sinitsyn, who worked in education, was reported in the news.

In the summer of 2017, she appeared in a photo with a French businessman Louis Wahlberg, owner of Tazer Lighter. Louis and Lisa are believed to be in love. They visited together the Cannes Film Festival and the dinner in honor of the first match of FC Akhmat in Grozny.

Over the past few years, the girl has repeatedly posted on the Web not only gorgeous photos, but also provocative posts, which caused a lot of criticism regarding the girl’s high-ranking father.

Childhood and family

Elizaveta Peskova was born on January 9, 1998 in Moscow. Lisa's father, Dmitry Peskov, met her mother Ekaterina Solotsinskaya when she was still a girl. The ISAA graduate arrived in Ankara, where his father, Sergei Nikolaevich Peskov, worked at the Russian embassy. Catherine's father, diplomat Vladimir Dmitrievich Solotsinsky, worked there.

Dmitry and Ekaterina got married 4 years later, when Peskov terminated his previous marriage with his granddaughter Anastasia Budyonny. Lisa's parents have been married for 20 years. She has brothers Michael and Dani. Mom worked as a cosmetologist, now lives in Paris with her children, does charity work. Dmitry Peskov in 2015 married the Olympic champion in figure skating Tatyana Navka.

Liza Peskova's parents early childhood seriously engaged in the education of their daughter. Particular attention was paid to the study of foreign languages. On summer holidays parents sent Lisa to language camps in Scotland and France. By the age of 19, the girl perfectly mastered English and French, she is studying Turkish, Chinese and Arabic. She graduated from a boarding school in Normandy and as an external student - one of the schools in Moscow. Lisa draws beautifully, writes poetry.

Dmitry Peskov insisted that Liza get higher education in Russia. Having entered and studied for a year at the Institute of Asian and African Studies at Moscow State University, Lisa returned to France and entered the Paris Business School. In parallel with her studies, Elizabeth works as a consultant in one of the fashionable clothing boutiques. He lives with his mother and brothers in an apartment in a prestigious area of ​​Paris.

Daughter of the presidential press secretary

The close attention of the press to the biography of Lisa Peskova is primarily due to the fact that the girl is the daughter of the presidential press secretary Russian Federation. Since 1990, Dmitry Peskov has worked as a secretary of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Turkey. In 2000, when Vladimir Putin was declared acting president of Russia, and then elected president, Dmitry Peskov worked as head of the media department at the press service of the presidential administration.

Later he was appointed Deputy Head of the Presidential Press Service, Deputy Press Secretary of the President of Russia. Also, Dmitry Peskov was a translator from Turkish under Vladimir Putin. In April 2004, Dmitry Peskov was appointed Deputy Press Secretary of the President of Russia. His duties included providing information communication between the presidential administration and the executive branch.

In addition, Dmitry Peskov supervised information projects, presidential press conferences, direct lines. In 2008, Peskov was appointed press secretary of the Prime Minister of Russia. After Vladimir Putin took office as President of the Russian Federation on May 22, 2012, Dmitry Peskov is the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, Vladimir Putin's press secretary.

Elizaveta Peskova, in one of her posts on the Web, mentioned early childhood memories in which the family is in financial distress, and dad is a private driver. The note caused a flurry of criticism and jokes about Lisa and the Peskov family. In the spring of 2016, the girl burst into an article criticizing Russian system education. The girl remembered in a post how she came from France to graduate from a Russian school and pass the exam.

Lisa called the time spent within the walls of the school hell and advised Russian officials to take the European education system as a basis, in which schoolchildren and students are not so loaded with unnecessary information, and teachers give knowledge in the form of a game. The post got a lot of hateful comments. Some advised the girl's parents to "read and flog."

Interest was aroused by the publication of Elizaveta Peskova on the Web, dedicated to the uncomfortable situation in Paris called "Paris is no longer Paris." In the post, the girl noted that, in no way being a racist, she was annoyed by the tolerance of the French authorities towards Muslims. Liza was indignant at the fact that she could not get into any public place, without being searched, while women in hijab are respectfully let through without being touched. Touched by young Peskova and the fact that in the center of Paris you can fall for the bait of scammers.

Personal life

Two years ago, Lisa Peskova announced her engagement to businessman Yuri Meshcheryakov. Lisa's mother Ekaterina even mentioned that she was ready to try on the image of a grandmother. And it is not surprising, because Ekaterina Solotsinskaya herself married Lisa's father when she was only 18 years old.

But the matter never came to the wedding of Lisa and Yuri. The press discusses information about the girl's new novel. According to rumors, the young French businessman Louis Waldberg became the chosen one of Elizabeth. Lisa posted a romantic photo with Louis in August. The couple jointly visited the Crimea this summer and visited Grozny. It is assumed that Louis Waldberg, who is engaged in the production of lighters in France, is going to start a business in Russia, and new bride can help him.

In July 2017, Liza Peskova became an advisor on youth entrepreneurship to the president of the Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism. The association was founded by a businessman. Together with AVANTI, Lisa visited the Sevastopol shipyard Yuzhny.

During a press conference in Crimea, Peskova said that she would promote ideas for the development of youth entrepreneurship in the ship repair industry. According to the young adviser, it is necessary to come up with tactics, “roughly speaking, for PR of legal proceedings, shipbuilding.”

Liza Peskova in the Crimea at the shipyard

And for this, according to Peskova, it is necessary to give young people confidence in the future and prove that work in shipbuilding is prestigious.

“We need to work on innovation, on the modernization of shipyards. And I think that now the main task is PR and information support,” the adviser said.

In August 2017, Liza Peskova stopped working with AVANTI and removed information about the Association from the official website.

Liza Peskova now

In September 2017, Lisa Peskova was at the center of a scandal. Editorial Russian version Forbes magazine entrusted the girl to write articles. According to Irina Mokrousova, deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine, Lisa is a popular person in the youth crowd and can attract new readers. The editors of the magazine had no doubt that Liza would take the task seriously and prepare material on the attitude of young people to business and education.

Forbes published an article by Lisa Peskova “The Illusion of Knowledge. Will new technologies kill traditional education? The article aroused public interest and a lot of conflicting opinions. Criticism hit Lisa with accusations of plagiarism, when it turned out that part of the text in the article of the unfortunate journalist was borrowed from other sources and given out by Lisa as her own thoughts.

On September 17, 2017, Liza Peskova deleted her Instagram account. A representative of the president's press secretary's daughter said that Lisa was busy - the student began a new semester at a business school. Probably, the girl was tired of the persecution that unfolded against her on the Web in connection with the latest scandal.

Lisa communicates well with her stepmother. This spring, Dmitry Peskov, along with his wife Tatyana Navka, found time in a busy work schedule and went to Spain. Together with their parents, Navka's daughter Sasha and Peskov's children, Misha, Denis and Lisa, visited Barcelona.

Elizaveta Peskova (daughter of Dmitry Peskov, the famous Russian politician), or rather her photo, has not left the pages of magazines and newspapers in the last couple of years. She is quite independent, manages almost everything: live in France with her mother, come to visit her father in Moscow and meet a guy here, study at the institute, paint and be fond of fashion. It was this active girl who became the heroine of our article today.

From Lisa's childhood

Peskov's daughter, Elizaveta, was born in 1998, on January 9. Her father is known to us as the press secretary of Vladimir Vladimirovich himself, and her mother is a successful philologist.

Before her parents divorced (in 2012), the girl was a student at a Moscow school, and even then teachers noticed her attraction to painting. She drew well, and her parents were advised to send her to an art school.

When the couple divorced, her mother decided to leave for France, Elizabeth went with her. She also loves her father very much, on any outstanding extra day off, the girl hurries to the plane to fly from the capital of France to the capital of Russia, where her father is already looking forward to her.

Elizabeth about her parents

Peskov's daughter, Elizabeth, whose photos are in this article, says that she loves her parents equally strongly. Mom teaches her all women's tricks, supports her in all endeavors and is best friend with whom you can talk on any topic. My daughter and her mother love to go shopping in Paris, try on various things, and then take pictures in new clothes and post photos on Instagram.

Dad for Elizabeth will always remain the rear, defender and head coach. Elizaveta Peskova says that her father goes in for sports and she likes skiing and skating with him in winter, and in summer just walking in the park, going to the cinema and very rarely going to restaurants. Also, the daughter of Dmitry Peskov, Elizabeth, receives lessons from her father hand-to-hand combat and boxing. She says that every girl should be able to stand up for herself, and she is grateful to her dad for the self-defense skills she has gained.

The girl is not torn between her parents, she manages to visit both of them, without depriving anyone of her attention. She got used to this from the first year of living in Paris and now takes constant flights as a matter of course.

Polyglot Lisa Peskova

WITH early years in addition to painting, Elizaveta Peskova was intensively engaged in the study of foreign languages. Of course, she taught them not out of great love, but at the insistence of her parents, but over time, the girl realized that this was really necessary.

She admits that she loves to travel, and her perfect knowledge of several languages ​​​​and the inclinations in some help her a lot in communicating with people, and she loves to communicate.

Now Elizaveta Peskova is fluent in English and French, improves Arabic, Turkish and Chinese.

Elizabeth says that as a child, her parents made her memorize up to a hundred a day. foreign words and checked in the evening. If she didn't memorize some, they could take the phone away for a whole week, so she tried hard. But she says that her annual visit to the language camps in France and Scotland, where, again, her parents sent her, helped her more.

After Elizaveta Peskova realized that she liked learning languages, she began to watch films without translations. In some, she practically did not understand anything and spent time with a dictionary to catch the meaning of the motion picture.

Elizabeth's education

Elizaveta Peskova studied at the Normandy boarding school, after which she entered the Paris School of Art at the Louvre. The mother insisted that her daughter also receive a standard Russian education, so Lisa went to Moscow and entered the ISAA where her father and grandfather received their education. A year later, the girl realized that she missed her friends in France and Paris itself, and, leaving her studies, returned to her mother.

In Paris, she entered the business school. The girl did not forget about Russia for a minute, especially since during her studies at ISAA she met a guy, and they began to meet.

Lisa's opinion about Russian education

Elizabeth believes that the education system in Russia urgently needs to be changed. She says, comparing with education in other countries, that Russian schools are like hell. She speaks a little rudely, but it is immediately clear that education in Russia is equated with overeating, after which she feels sick.

Elizaveta Peskova believes that all the knowledge of the world that is shoved into the heads of children comes in handy only when passing exams, but in life they are not needed at all and are forgotten a year after graduation.

The girl notes that in no case does she want to offend the Russian education and make it worse than the European one. She says that she is just comparing the severity of training, because she was both there and here. According to Elizabeth, Russian education needs to be corrected, everything superfluous should be removed from the program and attention should be focused on important subjects that will be useful throughout life.

Of course, the majority of Russian students will agree with her, who consistently view her Instagram and put "likes"!

Relationship with younger brothers

Elizaveta Peskova is not the only child of Peskov and Solotsinskaya. She has younger brothers Mika and Denis. The girl loves them immensely, tries to help in learning, instill a love for art and learning foreign languages.

Elizabeth also tries to spend a lot of time with her brothers. She doesn't forget to post joint photos on Instagram, where they hang out or just fool around at home.

Elizabeth on her father's wedding

When the girl was asked why she did not appear at the wedding of her father with figure skater Tatyana Navka, she said that she did not want to be a member of another staged show.

The girl explained that it was not a wedding, but a public disclosure of her relationship and proof of serious intentions.

Tatyana comments on this statement of her stepdaughter by the fact that the girl is simply very emotionally experiencing the new relationship of her dad and is jealous of him. However, Lisa did not agree with her, but did not prove anything.

Further relationship with stepmother

After a while, Lisa and Tatyana began to communicate quite well. Also, Elizaveta Peskova uploads a photo on the network, where she is captured with her daughter Navka Sasha. The girls became friends, but did not become friends - they attend different parties and are interested in different things.

Elizaveta Peskova says that Tatyana has become a close person to her, and she regrets that she had not seen this woman before. She shares in an interview that Tatyana gives her a lot good advice concerning not only personal, but also all life in general. They spend a lot of time together when Lisa comes to visit her father, and even call up when the girl is in Paris with her mother.

Lisa's mother is not against such communication of her daughter. She is glad that the girl has finally grown up, understood her father and figured out her feelings for Tatyana.

Elizabeth about her later life

The girl says that she will never associate herself with politics. She prefers a free life, without barriers. She considers herself creative personality, writes poetry, draws and dreams of writing a novel. This is still in the plans, but now she loves to travel.

Elizaveta Peskova says that she will live only in Europe, she likes Russia, but only as a place to visit. She believes that in Russia you can live happily only if you are a wealthy person. In this regard, she likes Paris more, where everyone can live: romantics, the most ordinary people. She loves France very much and intends to live in it all her life.

From personal life

While studying at ISAA, the girl met a guy named Yuri Meshcheryakov. The young people had an affair, and soon the sympathy grew into true love. They are the same age and perfectly understand each other.

Elizaveta Peskova, daughter of Dmitry Peskov (photo can be seen in our article), is in a hurry to meet in Moscow, and Yuri is looking forward to his girlfriend. When they were only 17 years old, news appeared in the media that Lisa and Yura announced their engagement. Everyone was shocked by this statement and discussed this fact for a long time.

Elizabeth decided to reassure the citizens and said that the wedding was not yet in the plans. They want to wait until the age of 22 and only after that go to the registry office. Yuri fully agrees with the opinion of the bride and confirms her every word.

Lovers prefer to travel, attend parties, parks, attractions. They want to take as much as possible from youth, and only then create a family, have children. They announced their engagement in the heat of the moment, under the influence of emotions, but do not regret it.

Elizaveta Peskova says that she is very happy, because she lives her life according to her own scenario, her parents do not interfere, leaving her the right to make a personal choice. And her parents say that she did not take a single wrong step in her free life, which they gave her, and they are very proud of it.

Elizabeth Peskova was born on January 9, 1998 in Moscow in a family of hereditary Russian diplomats: both her grandfathers, Sergei Peskov(May 24, 1948 - May 27, 2014) and Vladimir Solotsinsky(25 September 1948) worked abroad.

Lisa's father Dmitry Peskov - well-known Russian statesman, member of the International Affairs Council of the Russian Federation, deputy head of the presidential administration of Russia, press secretary of Vladimir Putin (since May 2012).

With the future mother of Elizabeth, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, Peskov met in Ankara, where her father then worked at the embassy. There, after graduating from ISAA, he came Dmitry Peskov. 4 years later, in 1994, 18-year-old Katya and 27-year-old Dmitry, who by that time had already managed to terminate his first marriage, in which he had a son, got married. Ekaterina took her husband's surname and lived in marriage with him for almost 20 years, having given birth to three children: a daughter Lisa and two sons Mika And Dani.

Elizaveta Peskova and foreign languages

Almost from the cradle Elizabeth I started learning foreign languages. By the age of 17 daughter Dmitry Peskov changed several educational institutions, including a boarding school in Normandy, a prestigious school in Paris, the Institute of Asian and African Countries in Moscow. Having left ISAA, where the girl entered at the insistence of her father, in the fall of 2015 she returned to Paris to her mother and younger brothers.

There she entered a business school and began to study marketing, to study oriental languages ​​closely.

Lisa became interested in the latter while studying in Moscow. The daughter of a statesman knows five languages. She speaks fluent English and French, and improves her Turkish, Chinese and Arabic. On the page on Instagram, the girl shared how her parents taught her to cram foreign words every day.

As a cosmopolitan, I have always been very fond of new acquaintances. Now I am grateful to my parents, who at one time contributed to my development in the language field. At the age of 7, they began to force me to learn a certain amount of English and French words per day - from 10 to 100. I took them from foreign books. Then at the end of the day I was checked. If I didn’t teach them or made a mistake, they took away my phone for a week,” the girl wrote.

Lisa spent every summer in language camps, which turned out, according to the heiress Dmitry Peskov, much more effective than studying at her Moscow school.

Every year I was sent for a month in the summer to language camps in Scotland and France, where I began to speak English and French. Having received a base in practice, I began to read and watch films, series and TV only in English, even if at first I didn’t understand half of it. Well, at 12 I was sent to France, to a boarding school in Normandy, where I ended up living. I studied French for two years special courses, and then I was transferred to a full-fledged education in a school. Thanks to traveling and studying at an international school in France, I made a lot of acquaintances and friends from all over the world, - shared Lisa.

In Paris, she became a graduate of the school Ecole des Roches. The teachers, by the way, insisted that Peskova, who draws well, enter the art school at the Louvre, but her father wanted a classical education in Russia for her daughter, so she moved to Moscow and entered ISAA where her grandfather and father once studied. At homeLisa missed her friends in Paris, her mother and brothers, and after studying for a year at a university in the capital, she returned to France and became a studentParis Business School.

But Elizabeth was not going to forget about Russia. She often visits her home. So, in the fall of 2015, Lisa lit up at the Debutante Ball Tatler, having come there accompanied by her 17-year-old boyfriend, a Muscovite Yuri Meshcheryakova and also a French friend Ekaterina Peskova count Jacques von Polier, Grandmothers and grandfathers - Galina Nikolaevna And Vladimir Dmitrievich Solotsinsky. And in In January 2016, Elizabeth celebrated her coming of age in one of the restaurants in Moscow, later writing thanks to her parents on the social network.

Elizabeth Peskov. Opinion about Russian education

In his Instagram in the spring of 2016, the daughter of the Russian press attache, said that the education system in the Russian Federation needs to be changed, sinceobtained during schooling redundant information becomes unnecessary after the exam.

I was preparing for the marketing exam and remembered how I came to Russia (not the USSR) three years ago to pass two years and pass the exam. Honestly, it was hell. I think I'm not the only one who believes that the education system in Russia needs to be changed. (...) Excuse me, do they really think that it is useful to try to shove all the information that exists in this world into themselves, so that after the doomsday they can take and put two fingers in their mouths? Food should be properly distributed throughout the day and use utility in small portions. I perfectly understand that there are supergeniuses whose body quickly digests, but even they don’t need everything that people spend 11 years on, ”the girl said.

In Europe, according to Lisa, teachers, sitting on the table, tell everything as if the students are their grandchildren, and they are grandparents, who are delighted to share their stories! INabout France, the politician's daughter gave an example, students are not used to cheating, unlike Russian students who are "kept under constant pressure."

It is really difficult to perceive and remember all the information in Russian schools and universities. To be honest, I learned more in a year at a French university than in a year at school and at Moscow State University in Russia. Recently, I discussed with my mother that children in Russia are under constant pressure, and in Europe everything is done for a fun, pleasant, interesting game, - Lisa noted.

Peskova Jr. I am sure that it is possible and necessary to resurrect the “dead” education system in Russia, so that generation Z will regain the desire to acquire knowledge.

Many followers did not share Lisa's opinion, and the girl continued her discussion on this topic, noting that she respects a number of her friends who were educated in the Russian Federation, but with the change of society, the education system built in the USSR, she believes, is no longer relevant.

Do not think that I am pushing Europe ahead of Russia. And I went to school in Moscow. I give examples. We can follow them, or we can sometime, considering or not considering them, do better! (...) Of course, it all depends on the person and his desire to gain knowledge, to constantly learn something new. But I believe that educational establishments should at least arouse this desire. And it seems to me that teachers can awaken it first of all.

Elizaveta Peskova and divorce of parents

For divorce, Lisa's mother, Ekaterina Peskova, who moved to France after this event, filed, according to her, due to the infidelity of her husband-politician, who in August 2012 married Olympic champion Tatyana Navka. The couple have a daughter, Nadezhda.

Ekaterina Peskova: “I remember one moment. 2011. I am 35. I am sitting in my house on Rublyovka, three children, an expensive car, my own business, everyone loves and accepts me. I have achieved everything. It has reached. It wasn't handed to me on a silver platter. And I caught myself thinking: “Is this all? So I'm going to sit for the rest of my life?"

After parting with Dmitry Sergeevich, Catherine lived in France according to her own scenario, outside the framework of the Kremlin protocol. And the daughter of the statesman was at that time between two fires and even gave a series of interviews dedicated to the wedding of her father and figure skater Navka, thereby becoming a heroine of the media for the first time.

About what dad had new love, Lisa guessed, but her mother opened her eyes.

From an interview with Elizaveta in August 2015: different places, where we crossed paths with her, and he pretended that the meetings were an accident. Then my mother told me everything. At first I felt very bad. Mom was very worried about the divorce, but she did not lose heart and built her life. It was also difficult for me, as a child, to experience this situation. I love both dad and mom. Here it was, as it were, between two fires.

Meanwhile, the relationship between Tatyana and Lisa cannot be called strained. According to daughter Peskov, she communicates with Navka, who did a lot to please her stepdaughter and her younger brothers.

Tatyana gave me a lot of different advice that related to my personal life, she never put pressure on me, she was not like those evil stepmothers from fairy tales, on the contrary, she is like a friend to me. My father and I are also very warm and friendly relations. If he has free time we spend it together.

Elizabeth, understanding what position her father occupies, does not at all want his position to extend to her. The girl shared this with the press in 2015, noting also that she tries not to discuss political issues with her dad - different views.

I'm still more of a creative person: I write poetry, draw, I dream of writing a novel. (...) I want my future profession associated with a free lifestyle. I know for sure that my life will never be connected with politics.

Speaking about Russia, Lisa admitted that she doesn’t like the fact that in this country it’s great to live only in a wealthy family, but Europe is more suited for the life of ordinary people.

I feel better in a European environment. But if I'm leaving, it doesn't mean that I don't like Russia. I love the whole world, I love to travel and I am grateful that I have this opportunity. In general, I am a very cheerful person and I really want to be useful to people in the future. For example, I would like to do charity work. It is clear that in Russia I have much more opportunities for any of my projects, but I want to live where I grew up and achieve everything myself, and not thanks to Peskov's name.

Career of Elizabeth Peskova

Since 2017, Elizaveta has been a journalist for the Russian version of Forbes magazine. Lisa got the opportunity to publicly express her opinion in a well-known publication at the age of 19. As the first topic for publication, she chose education and its development in the light of modern technologies.

Peskov Dmitry Sergeevich - famous politician, a diplomat who is known not only in the Russian Federation, but also far beyond its borders. Currently, he is the current press secretary and deputy head of the presidential administration.

His whole life is a thorny, difficult and sometimes incomprehensible path for other politicians. Dmitry Peskov always acted in his own way, even when his personal life turned out to be the subject of discussions, discussions and condemnations.

This politician proved that the personal life of a diplomat has nothing to do with his career, because he is also a person and deserves happiness.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Peskov

For those who tirelessly follow the career and personal life of a diplomat and politician, it will be useful to know his height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Peskov - also useful and accessible to everyone information. Does not hide the politician, also, data on how much he weighs.

Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov was born in October 1967, so last year he turned only forty-nine. According to the sign of the Zodiac, a well-known politician and diplomat is a benevolent, logical, enterprising Libra, for whom intuition means a lot.

According to the year of birth, Peskov belongs to the peaceful and slightly insecure Goats. He does not make plans for the future, he just takes it and does his job perfectly well.

Peskov has a height of one meter and seventy-five centimeters, which is only slightly above average. Its weight is only seventy-three kilograms.

Biography of Dmitry Peskov

The biography of Dmitry Peskov is filled with a huge number of well-known and mysterious facts.

The future politician and talented diplomat was born in 1967 in the capital of our Motherland. Little Dima studied at specialized schools at embassies, so the knowledge was an order of magnitude higher than that received by his peers in secondary schools.

Dmitry constantly traveled, and most often in the Arab states. WITH early age the boy was fluent in several languages, including Turkish.

After secondary education was received, the young man did not even have a question about who to become. He wanted to become a specialist in the study of Arab countries. In 1989 he graduated from the ISSA Institute, where he specialized in African and Asian countries, and immediately went to serve in the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In 1990, the guy left the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and took up the post of secretary to the attaché and assistant. For a long time worked at the Turkish embassy, ​​where perfect knowledge of the Turkish language came in handy.

In 1999, fate brought him together with Boris Yeltsin, whose interpreter he spoke at the OSCE summit in the capital of the Turkish state. After this political event, a rapid career Peskov. He was a press secretary in the government, was a member of the commission regulating cinema issues.

In 2012, Dmitry Sergeevich took the high post of personal secretary of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. The head of state was impressed by the way Peskov communicated the position of the entire state to representatives of the countries of the world.

In any, even the most difficult situation Dmitry Peskov defends Russia's position to the point of hoarseness and denies that the country can be involved in any dark deeds or provocation.

Since 2016, the diplomat has been participating in the life of the Russian Federation at the highest political level. It indicates that the country is ready to maintain good neighborly relations with all countries of the world.

According to Dmitry Peskov income statement, the profit for the current period amounted to more than three million rubles. Peskov owns a garage and two houses for 1000 square meters, two land plots. He has four passenger car.

The diplomat is fluent in three foreign languages enjoys tennis and skiing. He is fond of chess and running, attends international sports competitions. Dmitry Sergeevich has a serious illness that periodically gives complications - asthma.

Personal life of Dmitry Peskov

The personal life of Dmitry Peskov is very eventful and incredibly stormy. The politician, unlike his brothers, does not seek to hide the events that take place in his house and family from ordinary people.

Many events in the diplomat's personal life raise questions and condemnation, since Peskov openly spits on public opinion and chooses very interesting women as wives.

Literally everything causes scandals: the organization of a wedding celebration and the outfits of the spouses, a honeymoon and a stunning age difference, wedding gifts and statements from the groom.

Family of Dmitry Peskov

The family of Dmitry Peskov was friendly and famous not only in the USSR, but also in the world. Namely, the spirit of patriotism and mutual assistance that operated in the family helped the future diplomat to fulfill himself and become what he is now.

His father, Sergei Nikolaevich, is a very famous person in political and diplomatic circles. He has been a diplomat since the distant 1987, was an envoy in Palestine, Oman, the Middle East, the Gaza Strip, North Africa. He ended his career in 2013 as Ambassador Extraordinary of Russia to Oman. The thing is that Sergei Nikolayevich died in 2013.

Dmitry took the loss of his father hard, because his authority was very high. The young man followed in the footsteps of his father and even chose Arab countries like him. However, he failed to get into the Arabic department, so he entered the Turkish faculty.

As for the mother, even her name is unknown. Dmitry Peskov for some reason refuses to talk about her and her role in his life. What is the reason for this phenomenon, no one can say for sure. IN various sources it is mentioned that the mother has a nationality far from Russian, so this can cause gossip and gossip.

Children of Dmitry Peskov

The children of Dmitry Peskov do not prevent him from making a brilliant political and diplomatic career. Few people know, but Dmitry Sergeevich - father of many children. He has three sons and two sweet daughters.

Peskov's children were born from different mothers, but they get along well with each other, undoubtedly recognizing the authority of an influential father. Dmitry Sergeevich treats children tenderly and reverently and is not ashamed to take them out into the world and exhibit photographs of offspring, showing how proud he is of them.

It is worth noting that all Peskov's marriages are quite early, so the kids are almost all adults. This allows you to treat them not as children, but as friends and like-minded people.

The son of Dmitry Peskov - Nikolai Choles-Peskov

The son of Dmitry Peskov, Nikolai Choles-Peskov, appeared in his first marriage in 1990. After his parents' marriage broke up, the guy moved to England, where her mother successfully married.

In 2000, the family returned to Russia, and already in 2010, Kolya went to serve in rocket troops. He even took part in the Victory Parade in 2012.

Works as a special correspondent in a television company and creative director of a company organizing sports events and social events. He is interested in hunting, fishing, equestrian and fighting sports.

The sons of Dmitry Peskov - Mikhail and Danny Peskov

The sons of Dmitry Peskov, Mikhail and Danny Peskov, were born in the capital in 2003 and 2007. The second wife of the famous diplomat, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, became their mother. There is no information on the Internet about the older star boy, it is only indicated that the home guy's name is Mika.

The boys live with their mother in France, however, they receive education according to Russian standards. Dmitry Peskov claims that Mikhail will go to university in his homeland, the same fate will await the younger Denny in the future.

The boys are strongly attached to their father, and he responds to them with love and care.

Daughter of Dmitry Peskov - Elizaveta Peskova

The daughter of Dmitry Peskov, Elizaveta Peskova, was born in 1999. Her mother was the second wife of a diplomat. After the separation of Dmitry and Ekaterina, the girl moved with her mother and younger brothers To France. She often visits Russia, where she left her grandmother and father.

Lisa graduated from the prestigious Ecole des Roches school, where she showed excellent skills in painting. At the age of 16, the girl fell in love for the first time, so she left everything and rushed off to Russia for her chosen one. She entered the Moscow State University.

Lisa received a real blow from her father's wedding with Tatyana Navka. She still does not believe that marriage exists and this is not PR. The girl decided to leave Moscow State University and return to her mother in France. She is currently studying at a French university and is getting prestigious profession marketer.

Daughter of Dmitry Peskov - Nadezhda Peskova

The daughter of Dmitry Peskov, Nadezhda Peskova, is the youngest and beloved baby, who was born in 2014. The girl’s mother was the new chosen one of the diplomat, Tatyana Navka, who gave birth to Nadyushka out of wedlock.

There were no photos of little Nadezhda on the network, as the parents protected the baby from prying eyes. However, everything changed when the girl grew up. At the age of two, she has many worries: skating, playing tennis as well as choosing your own wardrobe.

Nadyushka is calm, attentive, assiduous, she is very similar to her mother.

The ex-wife of Dmitry Peskov - Anastasia Budennaya

Ex-wife Dmitry Peskov - Anastasia Budennaya is the granddaughter of the great Soviet commander. The future diplomat met her when the girl worked as an interpreter at the Intourist Hotel. Young people did not meet for long and got married in 1988.

This marriage was not successful and soon ended. Anastasia claims that the reason was her husband's betrayal, and Dmitry is sure that the reason was Anastasia's inability to behave correctly. The quarrels began when the couple moved to Turkey to work at the embassy. Diplomatic etiquette demanded restraint and respect for Muslim traditions from a woman, and she brought noisy companies and sang with a guitar.

After the divorce, she went to the UK, married several times and gave birth to five more children.

The ex-wife of Dmitry Peskov - Ekaterina Solotsinskaya

The ex-wife of Dmitry Peskov - Ekaterina Solotsinskaya - daughter Russian diplomat, which Peskov seduced at the age of fourteen. In 1994, when Katya turned 18, the couple got married.

In the nineties, there was not enough money, so young people had to earn extra money by private cabs at night. The marriage broke up due to the fact that Katerina wanted a quiet family happiness with her husband. Dmitry, on the other hand, was making a career and could not spend evenings at home.

The woman with the kids left Turkey and settled on the Rublevsky highway. She became the co-owner of a beauty salon. In 2012 family happiness gone, and the young people dissolved the marriage. Dmitry Peskov and his wife Ekaterina broke up, and Peskov's betrayal was again named the reason.

Dmitry Peskov's wife - Tatyana Navka

The wife of Dmitry Peskov, Tatyana Navka, appeared in the life of a diplomat in 2014. They met at the birthday party of a mutual friend, started dating, however, the relationship was kept secret.

Tatyana knew that Peskov had four children, and he was married, and the chosen one made inquiries about her. This did not help save the second marriage, and brought closer the birth of an illegitimate daughter, whose father Tatyana flatly refused to talk about. Dmitry Peskov and Tatyana Navka, whose age difference was almost eight years, are happy and loved.

Dmitry Peskov and Tatyana Navka got married and spent their honeymoon in Europe on their own yacht.

Peskov and Navka are opposite to the impossible, however, they were able to create a large and friendly family. All the children of the diplomat, whom Tanya considers family, often visit her.

The photo of Dmitry Peskov before and after plastic surgery is a frank photoshop, since the diplomat has never used the services of plastic surgeons. He does not recognize rejuvenation and considers it something unnatural.

Peskov is so pleased with his appearance that he has not shaved off his mustache for several decades. They became his insignia and feature, for which Dmitry was often reproached and ridiculed. The famous diplomat nevertheless shaved off his mustache when he lost the argument to his daughter Lisa. He not only fulfilled the conditions of the bet, but also posted photos on the Internet.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Peskov

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Peskov is available, like most politicians and celebrities. On official page Wikipedia has reliable information about his personal life and plans for the future. You can also find Interesting Facts about the children and wives of a diplomat.

IN in social networks there are official profiles of a well-known diplomat in which he uploads photos and videos of his working trips. Peskov and his wife Tatyana Navka often share pictures of their little daughter Nadyushka. From Dmitry Peskov's Instagram, you can learn a lot of new and interesting things about his life and work.

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